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Chapter 1: Market Indexes, Financial Time Series and their ...maling/MSBD 5006MSDM5053... ·...

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Chapter 1: Market Indexes, Financial Time Series and their Characteristics What is time series (TS) analysis? Observe the following two data sets: Hang Seng 12877 12850 13023 ··· Index Date 30.8.04 31.8.04 01.9.04 ··· Student’s 130kg 200kg 45kg ··· Weights Students A B C ··· What is the difference between these two data sets? Definition: A time series (TS) is a sequence of random variables labeled by time t. Time series data are observations of TS. 1
  • Chapter 1: Market Indexes, Financial Time

    Series and their Characteristics

    • What is time series (TS) analysis?

    Observe the following two data sets:

    Hang Seng 12877 12850 13023 · · ·IndexDate 30.8.04 31.8.04 01.9.04 · · ·

    Student’s 130kg 200kg 45kg · · ·WeightsStudents A B C · · ·

    What is the difference between these two data


    • Definition:

    A time series (TS) is a sequence of random

    variables labeled by time t.

    Time series data are observations of TS.


  • TSA History

    • Linear TSA: The beginning/babyhood 1927

    • George Udny Yule (1871-1951), a British statis-tician.

    • Eugen Slutsky (1880-1948), a Russian/Sovietmathematical statistician, economist and po-

    litical economist.

    • Herman Ole Andreas Wold ( 1908– 1992)

    • Peter Whittle (1927-) (ARMA model)

  • • Linear TSA in 1970’s

    • George Edward Pelham Box (1919–2013), aBritish statistician (quality control, TSA, de-

    sign of experiments, and Bayesian inference).

    He has been called “one of the great statistical

    minds of the 20th century”.

    • Sir Ronald Aylmer Fisher (1890 –1962)

    • Box & Jenkins (1976) Time Series Analysis:Forecasting and Control

  • • Nonlinear TSA in 1950’s

    • Patrick Alfred Pierce Moran (1917–1988), anAustralian statistician (probability theory, pop-

    ulation and evolutionary genetics).

    • Peter Whittle (1927-, New Zealand), stochas-tic nets, optimal control, time series analysis,

    stochastic optimisation and stochastic dynam-


  • • Nonlinear TSA in 1980’s

    • Howell Tong (1944–, in Hong Kong) (TARmodel).

    • Robert Fry Engle III (1942–) is an Americaneconomist and the winner of the 2003 Nobel

    Memorial Prize.

  • • What is financial time series (FTS)?


    1. Daily log returns of Hang Sang Index .

    2. Monthly log return of exchange rates of


    3. China life daily stock data.

    4. HSBC daily stock data.

  • 0 2000 4000 6000 8000



    00Nasdaq daily closing price

    0 100 200 300 400




    Nasdaq monthly closing price

    Nasdaq daily and monthly closing price from Sep

    1, 1980 to Sep 1, 2016.

  • Special features of FTS

    1. Theory and practice of asset valuation over


    2. Added more uncertainty. For example, FTS

    must deal with the changing business and eco-

    nomic environment and the fact that volatility is

    not directly observed.

  • General objective of the course

    to provide some basic knowledge of financial time

    series data

    to introduce some statistical tools and economet-

    ric models useful for analyzing these series.

    to gain empirical experience in analyzing FTS

    to study methods for assessing market risk

    to analyze high-dimensional asset returns.

  • Special objective of the course

    Past data =⇒TS r.v. Zt=⇒ future of TS.

    (a) E(Zn+l|Z1, · · · , Zn


    (b) P (a ≤ Zn+l ≤ b|Z1, · · · , Zn) for some a < b.

  • 1.1 Asset Returns

    Let Pt be the price of an asset at time t, and

    assume no dividend. One-period simple return or

    simple net return:

    Rt =Pt − Pt−1



    Pt−1− 1.

    Gross return

    1 +Rt =Pt

    Pt−1or Pt = Pt−1(1 +Rt).

    Multi-period simple return or the k−period simplenet return:

    Rt(k) =Pt − Pt−k



    Pt−k− 1.

    Gross return

    1 +Rt(k) =Pt





    × · · · ×Pt−k+1Pt−k

    = (1+Rt)(1 +Rt−1)× · · · × (1 +Rt−k+1)


    (1 +Rt−j).

  • Example: Suppose the daily closing prices of astock are

    Day 1 2 3 4 5Price 37.84 38.49 37.12 37.60 36.30

    1. What is the simple return from day 1 to day 2?

    Ans: R2 =38.49−37.84

    37.84 = 0.017.

    2. What is the simple return from day 1 to day 5?

    Ans: R5(4) =36.30−37.84

    37.84 = −0.041.

    3. Verify that

    1 + R5(4) = (1+R2)(1 +R3)(1 +R4)(1 +R5).

    Time interval is important! Default is one year.

    Annualized (average) return:

    Annualized[Rt(k)] =


    (1 +Rt−j)

    1/k − 1.An approximation:

    Annualized[Rt(k)] ≈1




  • Continuous compounding

    Assume that the interest rate of a bank deposit is

    10% per annum and the initial deposit is $1.00.

    If the bank pays interest m times a year, then the

    interest rate for each payment is 10%/m, and the

    net value of the deposit become





    Illustration of the power of compounding (int. rate

    10% per annum):

    Type m(payment) Int. NetAnnual 1 0.1 $1.10000Semi-Annual 2 0.05 $1.10250Quarterly 4 0.025 $1.10381Monthly 12 0.0083 $1.10471Weekly 52 0.1/52 $1.10506Daily 365 0.1/365 $1.10516Continuously ∞ $1.10517

  • In general, the net asset value A of the continuous

    compounding is

    A = C exp(r × n),

    r is the interest rate per annum, C is the initial

    capital, n is the number of years, and and exp is

    the exponential function.

    Present value:

    C = A exp[−r × n].

  • Continuously compounded (or log) return

    rt = ln(1 +Rt) = lnPt

    Pt−1= pt − pt−1,

    where pt = ln(Pt)

    Multi-period log return:

    rt(k) = ln[1 +Rt(k)]

    = ln[(1 +Rt)(1 +Rt−1)(1 +Rt−k+1)]

    = ln(1 +Rt) + ln(1 +Rt−1)

    + · · ·+ ln(1 +Rt−k+1)= rt + rt−1 + · · ·+ rt−k+1.

    Example (continued). Use the previous daily prices.

    1. What is the log return from day 1 to day 2?

    A: r2 = ln(38.49)− ln(37.84) = 0.017.

    2. What is the log return from day 1 to day 5?

    A: r5(4) = ln(36.3)− ln(37.84) = −0.042.

    3. It is easy to verify r5(4) = r2 + · · ·+ r5.

  • Portfolio return:

    Suppose that we have N assets with the i − thasset price is Pit at time t.

    Then price of Portfolio at (t− 1)time is

    Pp,t−1 =N∑



    and the proportion of the i−asset in the wholePortfolio is

    wi =Pi,t−1Pp,t−1



    wi = 1.

    At time t, the price of Portfolio is

    Pp,t =N∑



    Thus, the simple return of this Portfolio is

    Rpt =Pp,t − Pp,t−1



    Pit − Pit−1Pp,t−1




    Pit − Pit−1Pit−1




  • Example: An investor holds stocks of IBM, Mi-

    crosoft and Citi- Group. Assume that her capital

    allocation is 30%, 30% and 40%. The monthly

    simple returns of these three stocks are 1.42%,

    3.37% and 2.20%, respectively. What is the mean

    simple return of her stock portfolio in percentage?


    E(Rt) = 0.3×1.42+0.3×3.37+0.4×2.20 = 2.32.

    The continuously compounded returns of a port-

    folio do not have the previous convenient property.

    When Rit is small in absolute value, we have

    rp,t ≈N∑



    where rit is the log-return of asset i.

    Dividend payment: let Dt be the dividend payment

    of an asset between dates t − 1 and t and Pt bethe price of the asset at the end of period t.

    Rt =Pt +DtPt−1

    − 1, rt = ln(Pt +Dt)− ln(Pt−1).

  • Excess return: (adjusting for risk)

    Zt = Rt −R0t, zt = rt − r0t,

    where r0t denotes the log return of a reference

    asset (e.g. risk-free interest rate) such as short-

    term U.S. Treasury bill return, etc..


    rt = ln(1 +Rt), Rt = ert − 1.

    If the returns are in percentage, then

    rt = 100×ln(1+Rt

    100), Rt = [exp(rt/100)−1]×100.

    Temporal aggregation of the returns produces

    1 +Rt(k) = (1+Rt)(1 +Rt−1) · · · (1 +Rt−k+1),

    rt(k) = rt + rt−1 + · · ·+ rt−k+1.

    These two relations are important in practice, e.g.

    obtain annual returns from monthly returns.

  • Example: If the monthly log returns of an asset

    are 4.46%, -7.34% and 10.77%, then what is the

    corresponding quarterly log return?

    Answer: (4.46 - 7.34 + 10.77)% = 7.89%.

    Example: If the monthly simple returns of an asset

    are 4.46%, -7.34% and 10.77%, then what is the

    corresponding quarterly simple return?

    Answer: R = (1+0.0446)(1−0.0734)(1+0.1077)−1 = 1.0721− 1 = 0.0721 = 7.21%.

  • 1.2 Distributional properties of returns

    Is rt a data or random variable?

    What is the difference?

    Key: What is the distribution of

    (rt : t = 1, · · · , T )?

    Review of theoretical statistics:

    X is a random variable, {X ≤ x} is an event and

    FX(x) = P ({X ≤ x}) = P (X ≤ x),

    is called its cumulative distribution function (CDF).

    The CDF is nondecreasing (i.e., FX(x1) ≤ FX(x2)if x1 ≤ x2) and satisfies

    FX(−∞) = 0 and FX(∞) = 1.

    f(x) = F ′(x) is called the density function of X.

    FX(x) = P (X ≤ x) =∫ x−∞


  • Example:(Normal Distribution). Let X ∼ N(µ, σ2),

    f(x) =1√2πσ2



    (x− µ)2


    ), −∞ ≤ x ≤ ∞,

    The density function of Normal distribution.

    Quantile: For a given probability p,

    xp = inf{x|FX(x) ≥ p}

    is called the pth quantile of the random variableX. If f(x) exists,

    FX(xp) =∫ xp−∞

    f(x)dx = p and P (X ≥ x1−p) = p.

  • Moments of a random variable X:

    Mean and variance:

    µx = E(X) and σ2x = Var(X) = E(X − µx)2

    Skewness (symmetry) and kurtosis (fat-tails)

    S(x) = E(X − µx)3

    σ3x, K(x) = E

    (X − µx)4


    K(x)− 3: Excess kurtosis.

    The l−th moment and l−th central moment:

    m′l = E(Xl) =

    ∫ ∞−∞


    ml = E[(X − µx)l] =∫ ∞−∞

    (x− µx)lf(x)dx,

  • Why are mean and variance of returns important?

    They are concerned with long-term return and

    risk, respectively.

    Why is symmetry of interest in financial study?

    Symmetry has important implications in holding

    short or long financial positions and in risk man-


    Why is kurtosis important?

    Related to volatility forecasting, efficiency in esti-

    mation and tests, etc.

    High kurtosis implies heavy (or long) tails in dis-


  • Example:(Normal Distribution). Let X ∼ N(µ, σ2),

    f(x) =1√2πσ2



    (x− µ)2


    ), −∞ ≤ x ≤ ∞,

    The density function of Normal distribution.

    E(X) = µ

    Var(X) = σ2

    S(X) = 0

    K(X) = 3

    ml = 0, for l is odd.

  • Example:(Student’s-t distribution).

    Let X follow Students t distribution with v degrees

    of freedom.

    f(x) =Γ(v+12 )√vπΓ(v2)

    (1 +x2


    v+12 ,

    where Γ(t) =∫∞0 x

    t−1e−xds is a gamma function.

    The density function of Student’s t-distribution.

  • Then

    E(X) = 0, v > 1

    Var(X) =v

    v − 1, v > 2

    S(X) = 0, v > 3

    K(X) =6

    v − 4, v > 4.

    • Existence of moments depends on degrees offreedom (df) parameter v.

    • Cauchy = Students-t with 1 df. Only densityexists.

  • Example:(Chi-squared distribution).

    Let X follow Chi-squared distribution with k de-

    grees of freedom.

    f(x) =x(k/2−1)e−x/2

    2k/2Γ(k2), x > 0.

    The density function of Chi-squared distribution.

    E(X) = k, Var(X) = 2k

  • Joint Distribution: The following is a joint dis-tribution function of two variables:X and Y ,

    FX,Y (x, y) = P (X ≤ x, Y ≤ y),where x ∈ R, y ∈ R.

    If the joint probability density function fx,y(x, y) ofX and Y exists, then

    FX,Y (x, y) =∫ x−∞

    ∫ y−∞

    fx,y(w, z)dzdw.

    Marginal Distribution: The marginal distributionof X is given by

    FX(x) = FX,Y (x,∞).Thus, the marginal distribution of X is obtainedby integrating out Y . A similar definition appliesto the marginal distribution of Y .

    Conditional density function is

    fx|y(x) ≡ fx,y(x, y)/fy(y) or

    fx,y(x, y) = fx|y(x)× fy(y)

    X and Y are independent random vectors if andonly if fx|y(x) = fx(x). In this case,

    fx,y(x, y) = fx(x)× fy(y).

  • Estimation:

    Data: {x1, · · · , xT}.

    sample mean:

    µ̂x =1




    sample variance:

    σ̂2x =1

    T − 1


    (xt − µ̂x)2,

    sample skewness:

    Ŝ(x) =1

    (T − 1)σ̂3x


    (xt − µ̂x)3,

    sample kurtosis:

    K̂(x) =1

    (T − 1)σ̂4x


    (xt − µ̂x)4.

  • Random sample: {x1, · · · , xT}.

    µ̂x, σ̂2x, Ŝ(x) and K̂(x) are random.

    If Xi’s are iid N(µ, σ2), we can show that

    Ŝ(x) ∼ N(0,6

    T), K̂(x)− 3 ∼ N(0,



    Some simple tests for normality (for large T ).

    1. Test for H0: symmetry v.s. H1: asymmetry:

    S∗ =Ŝ(x)√6/T

    ∼ N(0,1)

    if normality holds.

    Decision rule: Reject H0 of a symmetric distribu-tion if |S∗| > Zα/2 or p-value is less than α.

    2. Test for

    H0 : K(x) = 3(thick tail) v.s. H1 : K(x) ̸= 3.

    K∗ =K̂(x)− 3√

    24/T∼ N(0,1)

    if normality holds.

    Decision rule: Reject H0 of normal tails if |K∗| >Zα/2 or p-value is less than α

  • 3. A joint test (Jarque-Bera test):

    JB = (K∗)2 + (S∗)2 ∼ χ22,

    if normality holds, where χ22 denotes a chi-squared

    distribution with 2 degrees of freedom.

    H0 : X ∼ N(µ, σ2) v.s.H1 : X ̸∼ N(µ, σ2).

    Decision rule: Reject H0 of normality if JB >

    χ22(α) or p-value is less than α.

  • Goodness-of-Fit Tests in SAS

    Assume r1, · · · , rn are i.i.d with a common dis-tribution function F(x). Order {r1, · · · , rn} fromsmallest to largest as r(1), ..., r(n). The empirical

    distribution function, Fn(x), is defined as

    Fn(x) =1



    I{rt ≤ x} =1



    I{r(i) ≤ x}


    0 if x < r(1)in if r(i) ≤ x < r(i+1), i = 1, · · · , n− 11 if x ≥ r(n).

    Fn(x) is an estimator of F (x) and Fn(x) ≈ F (x).

    PROC UNIVARIATE provides three EDF tests:

    Kolmogorov-Smirnov (D)

    Anderson-Darling (A− sq)

    Cramr-von Mises (W − sq)

    Kolmogorov D Statistic:

    Dn = supx

    |Fn(x)− F (x)|.

  • 2.3 Empirical Properties of Returns

    Data: Nasdaq daily and monthly closing price fromSep 1, 1980 to Sep 1, 2016.

    Descriptive Statistics of Nasdaq daily index withn = 9081

    Mean SD Skewness Kurtosis Minimum MaximumS. return 0.05 1.34 -0.05 8.77 -11.35 14.17Log return 0.04 1.34 -0.26 8.59 -12.04 13.25

    Descriptive Statistics of Nasdaq monthly indexn = 433

    Monthly Mean SD Skewness Kurtosis Minimum MaximumS. return 0.97 6.18 -0.52 2.00 -27.23 21.98Log return 0.77 6.27 -0.89 3.09 -31.79 19.87

    0 2000 4000 6000 8000




    Nasdaq daily simple return

  • 0 2000 4000 6000 8000




    Nasdaq daily log return

    Nasdaq daily and monthly closing price from Sep

    1, 1980 to Sep 1, 2016.

    0 100 200 300 400




    Nasdaq monthly simple return

  • 0 100 200 300 400



    10Nasdaq monthly log return

    Nasdaq daily and monthly closing price from Sep

    1, 1980 to Sep 1, 2016.

    −0.4 −0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4






    S return


    −0.4 −0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4






    Log return


    Comparison of empirical and normal densities for

    monthly simple and log returns of Nasdaq index.
