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Chapter 1 - Ppt

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Page 1: Chapter 1 - Ppt

The Study of Human Development

Chapter 1

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Recurring Issues in Human Development

1.) Nature vs Nurture2.) Continuity vs

Discontinuity3.) Universal vs Context-

Specific Development

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Nature vs Nurture

Nature = – biology & genes have a greater effect

on development

Nurture = – environment has a greater influence on


• What do we know?• What are researchers concerned

with now?

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Continuity vs Discontinuity

• Continuity = – change occurs gradually & smoothly

• Discontinuity = – Change occurs suddenly & abruptly

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Universal vs Context Specific

Universal:• One path of development for all


Context Specific: • Development involves an interaction

of environment

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Biopsychosocial Framework

• Combination of 4 interactive forces1.) Biological Forces• Genetic, Health related

2.) Psychological Forces• Cognitive/perceptual, emotional,


3.) Sociocultural Forces• Societal, cultural, ethnic, interpersonal

4.) Life-Cycle Forces• Identical events, different age groups

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Life Cycle ForcesExample

Pregnant Teen• Biological: lack of

nutrition in diet• Psychological: worried,

anxious, depressed• Sociocultural:

perceived as negative, outcast at school

Pregnant Married 30 yr old

• Biological: Healthy diet, vitamins

• Psychological: Excited, Nervous

• Sociocultural: Supported by family and friends

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Biopsychosocial Framework Summary

• Mutually interactive• Development cannot be understood

by examining in isolation• Encompasses life span yet

appreciates unique aspects of each phase of life

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Developmental Theories

Ch. 1

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What is a theory?

• An organized set of ideas designed to explain behavior & development• Essential for developing predictions

about behavior• Predictions result in research that

helps to support or clarify the theory

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Major Theoretical Perspectives on Human

Development• Psychodynamic– Freud, Erikson

• Learning–Watson, Skinner,


• Cognitive– Piaget, Vygotsky

• Ecological & systems

– Bronfenbrenner, Lawton & Nahemow

• Life span– Baltes

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Psychodynamic Theories

• Development is largely determined by how well people resolve conflicts at different ages

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Sigmund Freud• Founder of psychoanalysis• Believed the mind is organized into

2 main parts1. Conscious 2. Unconscious

• Emphasized unconscious mind on behavior

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Contributions of Freud’s Theory

• Highlighted value of considering unconscious wishes and feelings

• First to show early experiences have profound impact on development

• Stressed the influence of early parent-child relationship on development

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Erik Erikson

• Student of Freud• Psychosocial theory - lifelong theory

(stages from infancy to late-late life)

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Stage AgeBasic Trust vs

Mistrust0-1 yr

Autonomy vs Shame & Doubt

1-3 yrs

Initiative vs Guilt 3-6 yrs

Industry vs Inferiority 6-Adolescence

Identity vs Identity Confusion


Intimacy vs Isolation Young Adulthood

Generativity vs Stagnation

Middle Adulthood

Integrity vs Despair Late Life

Stages of Psychosocial Theory

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Learning Theory

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What is Learning Theory?• Concentrates on how learning

influences behavior• Emphasizes the role of

experience• Stresses the influence of

consequences on behavior• Recognizes that people learn

from watching others

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Behaviorism• Environment shapes behavior• Useless to consider internal mental

states• Theorists:

• Ivan Pavlov• John Watson• B.F. Skinner

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Ivan Pavlov•Classical conditioning -learning occurs through associations between environmental stimulus & naturally occurring stimulus•Example: Pavlov’s Dog

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John Watson•infants’ minds =“blank slates”

(tabula rasa)•Classical conditioning able to

explain all aspects of human psychology

•“Little Albert”•http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xt0ucxOrPQE&feature=player_embedded

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John Watson• Give me a dozen healthy infants, well-

formed, and my own specified world to bring them up in and I'll guarantee to take any one at random and train him to become any type of specialist I might select - doctor, lawyer, artist, merchant-chief and, yes, even beggar-man and thief, regardless of his talents, penchants, tendencies, abilities, vocations and the race of his ancestors”. (Watson, 1924, p. 104)

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B.F. Skinner• Behavior depends on what happens

after the response• Operant Conditioning– The consequences of a behavior

determine whether the behavior is repeated in the future

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Operant Conditioning:Reinforcement

• Reinforcer –• Strengthens the behavior

• Positive reinforcement• Negative reinforcement

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Operant Conditioning:Punishment

• Punishment = • decreases the likelihood of the behavior

• Positive punishment• Negative reinforcement

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Operant Conditioning

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Social Learning Theory• Observational learning, or imitation

– People learn by watching others– Imitation is more likely when the

subject of observation is seen as smart, popular, or talented

– Imitation is more likely when the subject of observation is rewarded for the behavior

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Albert Bandura’s Social Cognitive Theory

• Cognition emphasizes thinking• Based on cognition and experience;

we understand our abilities, developing differing degrees of self-efficacy

• Consequences are insufficient to cause us to repeat behaviors or imitate them

• High self-efficacy is also needed

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Basic Social Learning concepts:

Observational Learning•Bobo Doll experiment:

• http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hHHdovKHDNU&feature=related

•3 basic models of observational learning:

1.A live model 2.Verbal instruction3.Symbolic model

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Basic Social Learning concepts:

Intrinsic Reinforcement•Mental states important to learning•Intrinsic reinforcement - form of internal reward

•Emphasis on internal thoughts & cognitions helps connect learning theories to cognitive developmental theories

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Basic Social Learning concepts:

The Modeling Process•Learning does not necessarily lead to a change in behavior

•Steps involved in observational learning & modeling process:

1.Attention 2.Retention 3.Reproduction 4.Motivation

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Cognitive Developmental Theory

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Cognitive Development Theory

•Stresses development of thought processes

•Three approaches• Piaget: we develop in discrete stages

• Vygotsky: societal expectations of what we should know at different ages and “apprenticeship” experiences shape development

• Information-processing theory: like computers, we become more efficient at processing information as we mature

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Jean Piaget

• Most influential developmental psychologist of the 20th century

• Revolutionized how we think about child development

• Believed early cognitive development based upon actions and later progresses into changes in mental operations

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Piaget’s Theory

• Children gradually learn more about how the world works by little “experiments” in which they test their understanding

• Cognitive development consists of stages in which children’s understanding of their surroundings becomes increasingly complex and accurate

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Piaget’s Theory

• 4 distinct stages in development1. Sensorimotor – Birth to 2 yrs

• The Child interacts with the world through sensation and movement • Develops the ability to hold a mental

representation of objects

2. Preoperational Thoughts – 2 to 6 yrs• Develops the ability to use symbols• Egocentric: understands the world only

from his/her own perspective

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Piaget’s Theory

3.) Concrete Operational Thought (7 years to early adolescence)

• Can use logic and reasoning• Cannot accurately consider the hypothetical

4.) Formal Operational Thought (Adolescence and beyond)

• Thinks abstractly• Deals with the hypothetical concepts

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Support for Piaget’s Theory

• Piaget’s Impact on Education–Many educational programs based that

children should be taught at level they are developmentally prepared

– Instructional strategies have been created from Piaget’s work (i.e. providing supportive environment, utilizing social interactions & peer teaching)

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Criticism for Piaget’s Theory

• Problems with research methods• Problems with formal operations• Underestimates children’s ability

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Information-Processing Theory

• Views humans as information processing systems

• Believes humans process the info they receive rather than merely responding to stimuli

• Compares the mind to a computer

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Information-Processing Theory

• Uses the computer as a model of how thinking develops

• Mental hardware: psychological structures, such as memory capacity

• Mental software: cognitive abilities that process information and help us to interact with the world

• Both improve with development

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Information-Processing Theory

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Vygotsky’s Sociocultural Theory

• Emphasizes sociocultural influences on child development

• Focuses on how adults convey aspects of their culture to children

• Potential for cognitive development depends upon “zone of proximal development”

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Ecological & Systems Approach

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Ecological Theory

• All aspects of human development are interconnected

• No single aspect can adequately explain development

• Need to consider all factors: environmental, family, political, social, etc., and how they interact

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Ecological Theory:

Bronfenbrenner’s Theory

• Urie Bronfenbrenner – developing person is embedded in a series of complex & interactive systems

• Divided the environment into 4 levels1. Microsystem2. Mesosystem3. Exosystem4. Macrosystem

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Lawton & Nahemow’sCompetence-Environmental

Press Theory• Adaptation, or development, depends

upon:– A person’s abilities or “competencies”– Demands the environment (“presses”)

places on the person – Emphasis is on how these factors


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Life-Span Perspective, Selective Optimization

with Compensation, and Life-Course Perspective

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Current Perspectives

• Life-Span Perspective– Many factors influence development;

no one factor adequately explains it…all must be considered

• Selective Optimization with Compensation– Describes choices that determine and

regulate development and aging

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Current Perspectives (Cont)

• The Life-Course Perspective– Examines how different generations

experience and adjust to biological, psychological, and sociocultural forces within the historical time-period of their lives

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Matilda Riley’sLife-Span Perspective

• Emphasizes the need to view the entire life-span to understand a person’s development

• The social, environmental, and historical aspects of one’s life must be considered

• Learning about patterns of development influences society

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Four Features of the Life-span Approach

• Multidirectionality– Development involves both growth &


• Plasticity– One’s capacity is not predetermined

or carved in stone

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Four Features of the Life-span Approach


• Historical Context–Historical time periods must be

considered in examining development

• Multiple Causation– Biological, psychological,

sociocultural, and life-cycle changes must be considered

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Baltes: Selective Optimization With Compensation (SOC)

• Elective Selection–Making choices to reduce involvement

in order to concentrate on another

• Loss-based Selection– Reducing involvement because of lack

of resources or abilities

• Compensation– Finding alternate ways of meeting goals

due to loss of ability or diminished skills

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The Life Course Perspective

• Emphasizes how– personal life-events interact with

historical influences– individual issues integrate with

family issues– earlier life events and the period of

history in which they occurred shaped subsequent events and issues

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Developmental Research

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• 4 Approaches1. Systematic Observation2. Sampling Behavior with Tasks3. Self-Reports4. Physiological Measures

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Systematic Observation

• Naturalistic Observation– Observed as they behave

spontaneously in real life– Strength: Captures behavior in

natural setting–Weakness: Difficult to use with

behaviors that are rare or typically occur in private settings

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Systematic Observation

• Structured Observation– Observed in a created setting that

elicits behavior of interest– Strength: Can be used to study

behaviors that are rare or typically occur in private settings

–Weakness: May be invalid if structured setting distorts the behavior

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Sampling Behavior with Tasks

• Created tasks that sample the behavior of interest

• Strength: Convenient (can be used to study most behaviors)

• Weakness: May be invalid if task does not sample behavior as it naturally occurs

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• People’s answers to questions about the topic of interest

• Written form = questionnaire; oral = interview

• Strength: Convenient• Weakness: May be invalid because

of incorrect answers

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Physiological Measures

• Measuring peoples physiological responses

• Strength: Provide a more direct measure of underlying behavior

• Weakness: Highly specific in what they measure and cannot be applied broadly

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Evaluating Research Methods

• Reliability– Does this method consistently

measure what is being studied?

• Validity– Does this measure provide a true

picture of what is being studied?

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Representational Sampling

• Populations– Broad groups of people in which

researchers may be interested

• Sample– A subset of the population chosen to

represent the population

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Designs for Research

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Research Designs:Correlational Studies

• Measures relationship between variables as they are observed naturally in the world

• Provides an index called the correlation coefficient (“r”) which indicates the strength of the relationship between variables

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Research Designs:Correlational Studies

• Correlation Coefficient• Ranges from -1.0 to 1.0• Sign indicates direction of the

relationship• Size indicates the strength of the


• Correlation does not prove causation

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Research Designs:Correlational Studies

•Strengths:•Behavior is measured as it occurs naturally

•Weaknesses:•Cannot determine cause & effect

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Research Designs:Experimental Studies

• Studies the effect of one variable on another

• Studies possible “cause and effect” relationship

• Usually conducted in laboratory-like settings

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Research Designs:Experimental Studies

• Factors• Variables:

– An object, event, idea, feeling, time period, or any other type of category you are trying to measure

– 2 Types1.Independent variable

» The factor being manipulated (i.e. listening to music vs no music)

2.Dependent variable» The behavior that is studied for possible

change (i.e. test scores)

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Research Designs:Experimental Studies

• Random Assignment– Each person has an equal chance of

being assigned to each condition• Conditions

1.Experimental Condition - independent variable present

2.Control condition - independent variable absent

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Research Designs:Experimental Studies

• Strengths:– Control of variables; can conclude

cause and effects• Weaknesses:

– Work is often lab based- can be artificial

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Qualitative vs. QuantitativeInclude focus groups, in-depth interviews, & reviews


More subjective More objective

Text based Number based

More in depth info on few cases

Less in depth but across large number of cases

Less generalizable More generalizable

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Designs for Studying Development

• Longitudinal Studies• Observes or tests one group of individuals

over a long period• Microgenetic study

• Strengths:• Charts individual’s development over time

• Weaknesses:• Expensive• High drop out rate• Become “Test-wise”

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Designs for Studying Development

• Cross-Sectional Studies• Observes or tests groups of different ages

• Issues:• Cohort effects• Example: Ability to use web based


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Designs for Studying Development

• Ability to use web based information• Year studied: 2005• Age of subjects:

• 1985 - 20 yrs • 1965 - 40 yrs• 1945 - 60 yrs• 1925 - 80 yrs

• Cohort effect or development effect?

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Designs for Studying Development

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Designs for Studying Development:

Cross Sectional Studies

• Strengths• Convenient• Solves problems with longitudinal studies

• Weaknesses:• Can’t study stability of behavior• Cohort effects complicate interpretation

of differences between groups

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Designs for Studying Development

• Sequential Studies• Combination of cross-sectional &

longitudinal designs

• Strengths:• Allows for flexibility to collect info in

several ways• Avoid cohort effects

• Weaknesses• Very expensive & time consuming

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Integrating Findings from Different Studies

• Meta-Analysis• Analysis of many studies to estimate

relations between variables• Allows scientists to verify findings across

many studies

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Conducting Research Ethically

• Minimize and warn of any risks to participants

• “Informed Consent”• Avoid deception• Individual results or data must be kept

anonymous or confidential• Institutional Review Board (IRB)

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Communicating Research Results

• Research results are published in scientific journals

• To be published in journals, research results must be useful, well-done, & original

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Applying Research ResultsSocial Policy

• Driving age• Stem cell research• Adoption policies
