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Chapter 1.0

Date post: 20-May-2015
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Ahh, what’s that I smell? A new challenge for me! Meet our founder, Chay Bitsy. He’s a Popularity Sim, turned on by blonde and red hair. His turn MY OWBC
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Ahh, what’s that I smell? A new challenge for me!

Meet our founder, Chay Bitsy. He’s a Popularity Sim, turned on by blonde and red hair. His turn off is stink.


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I really like this string thing!That would be a jumprope.“OH that’s why it makes so much sense to JUMP when the ROPE is underneath me!”You’re not exactly a genius yet, are you…

Well, Chay has a LTW to reach the top of the Athletic Career…easy enough!I really want to do while he is in adult hood, like before he’s an elder

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And here we find the simple, box-y starter home for OWBC founders and legacy founders alike! Shall we take a tour of this small but cozy one bedroom, one bathroom house?

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“Here’s my kitchen! Where I’ll be makin’ some grilled cheese for the rest of my life, and so will the descendants after me!”Yumm..I really do enjoy grilled cheese.“Who doesn’t?!”I kind of think you and your descendants won’t after too long…

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“Here’s my bedroom, for sleepovers and stuff!”And Woohoo.“Of course! That too! And then my bathroom for showering and stuff…”Exciting….

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Time to start studying cooking, so you can make yourself food for the next week! “Why do I have flamingos again? They’re so distracting! And pink!”Well, I think they’re cute…and it’s part of the challenge. You also have a green gnome.“SQUEEEE~”

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Some random townie came and read through our newspaper! This is when you need a guard dog, Chay!“Don’t worry, Maddie, we’ll have dogs soon enough! That’s another bonus points you want!”Yeah, yeah…

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Time to get cookin’! Nomnomnom.“Nomnomnom”Yes…I don’t think I really actually planned on this colour scheme matching your food…“Well, oh well! I LOVE it.”

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“My job wasn’t in here. *sulk*”

It’ll be in there eventually! Don’t worry.

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And the next few days…he spent it trying to find a wife.He failed, epicly.Even when he gave this lady $420.That’s a lot of simoleans.A WHOLE lot of simoleans.

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This was the greatest thing that came out of it. She gave him a TV that was worth like, $9000 or something? I kept it in his inventory for awhile, and forgot about it until WAAAY later.“cha-ching! She’s probably rich, let’s marry her in!” I really don’t want to She’s not pretty, and she’s brunette…I like your ginger locks.

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HAHAHA This made me LOL IRLLOL ACRONYMS LOL WUTBut anyways, CAPTION CONTEST YEY. I can’t think of anything clean enough for words. It’s all just in my*Imagination.*

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Nomnomnom?“I’m getting stomach aches…”From what“All this…grilled cheese.”You’ve only eaten it like, 4 times.“*stomach growls* Seeeee”Nope.

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LOLwut?!“Oh, that’s Alabama.”Charming.“He’s a stray, don’t worry!” WHY IS HE INSIDE“He’s cute!! SQUEEEE~”

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Even without a job, Chay’s still makin money! You would have made a good Fortune Sim, Chay.“Ehh friends are my TRUE calling! I already have like, 3!”I have no clue how that many people actually enjoy you.“IKR. It’s SO awesome!”

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I wantz werewulf“I’m sure.”Get onez nao kthx“Not with THAT grammar!”Chay, won’t you please become a werewolf and make your lovely creator oh-so happy?“Can’t one of my descendants?”SFAFDAf38491aA@!#!@ …..Fine.

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I forgot why he was crying, but it must have been a good reason.“SHE KEEPS JIPPING ME WITH MY DATES”I know, I noticed our money amount going down, and the girls getting uglier.

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“I’ll just buy this potion, and hope it works on SOMONE.”

You’ll find her, don’t worry! She’ll be cute too..Promise!I truly enjoy Chay as a Sim, I usually get bored but he’s pretty exciting :D

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…and then he met HERToday is a good day, isn’t it, Chay?“Oh yeah, she was just like heyyy and I was like LOLhey”Beautiful AND inspirational.

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Well, you’d think this was after awhile, but nahhh…it was the same day.She isn’t moved in yet, either. She spent the night

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OH STATS LOLMichelle TseRed hair, 3rd skin, Green Eyes

(Chay has 1st or 2nd skin, and blue eyes)

She’s a Fortune Sim with a LTW of being a Business Tycoon. I forget her ## stats.Actually, I didn’t look LOL?! That’s funny right?

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Here’s our lovely new home, just a little bit bigger than before, with two extra bedrooms for children.“I don’t like it.” Hush, Michelle.“ I LOVE IT SQUEEE!”Thanks Chay! You brighten my day with your happy rays!OHH rhyming words and stuff!

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So now she’s officially pregnant with heir contestant #1! PRAY FOR CUTENESS?!!!

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WOW. The end.

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“Honey, I came home from work and my feet hurt. Rub them please?”“KK ONE SEC”LOL Sims. So oblivious. Michelle handeled it, obviously, so you know, that’s good!

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C:“You handeled my feet so delicately…”M:“I get a ring for that?”“Uh…no, I want you to marry me.”“oh! That makes SO much more sense. Of course I will!”Oh, you lovebirds!

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Oh yeah, there’s our first dog. Suzi, I think.I love the Pets EP, it’s like, useless, but SO CUTE.“I know right! I love Suzi. My first baby…awww”……Sure

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Oh, this is when I realized I had that TV in Chay’s inventory. LOL oh well.

“hehehe, can’t pay ME?! I’ll just be taking this EXPENSIVE REFRIGERATOR.”

Enjoy it! It’s probably near empty anyways, making so many grilled cheeses around here…

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LABORRRRR“Why does it hurt so bad!”Well, I don’t really want to give a Sex Education lesson right now, so let’s just say something big, is coming out of something small.“*Screaming*”

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Meet Benny Bitsy! Love it! He’s basically a duplicate in genes of his mother, except Red hair from both parents.I like him, but I really wanted to see Chay’s eye colour.“Chay will still love him.”Well, maybe. He’s a popularity sim. They don’t roll any wants to interact with their child “Neither do I…”


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And then we got this little guy, Sir!So we could mate him and Suzi through out the legacy to continue our cute little blood line.They’re both small dogs, because I personally like small dogs.“Who’s a cute little puppy! Who is!”“ARF ARF”

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Michelle is a pretty good parent..“Thank you ”She’ll go by herself to change the kid’s diaper, which is good because I hate seeing the little baby face with yellow background.“Oh, for sure!”She’s also pregnant again…YAY.

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Time for Benny’s birthday! PRAY For cuteness

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I guess I lost any close ups of him, ohhh well.He looks just like his mother. Pretty much a duplicate little boy.“So cute SQUEE~”I really like this picture :D

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LABORRRRBut with this time, Chay is home!!

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So here’s Oliver, with daddy’s blue eyes!“I am very proud of Chay and I.”Why? You’re the one who went through the intensely painful part of it!“….True”

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So with little ones around, Michelle is calling in sick! AND, it worked!“I just, am all covered in spots and *cough hack cough cough* I just need some time!”Boss:”Wow! You sure don’t sound healthy! Take the day off and get some rest.”

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OK, so I lost A LOT of pictures…sorry But this is baby Olivia growing up, she’s our only girl, with the same genes as big brother Oliver. “I love my precious baby girl.”Oh, she’s also a Daddy’s girl, but you know, whatever works.“LOL she looks just like me LOL”Squee…?

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I think she’s my favorite too…Oliver has weird cheekbones, from his mother.Where as baby Olivia just looks awesome.“I’m likin the tux, LOLwut”Chay quit it

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I guess I lost more pictures than I thought…Well, Suzi and Sir grew up and they had puppies. One brown one, one white one.Named Fenway, and Hunter. I plan to keep Fenway, and give Hunter to one of the spares.“I wuv doggy. He favorite.”Well, Olivia, you’re MY favorite!”

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There’s Oliver and Benny in the background as kids, I guess I missed birthdays too You’ll see em as teens, IT’S FINE!!Anyways, Finally Chay called in sick, it was seriously time for Michelle to go to work.“I am almost a hall of famer! You HAVE to let me stay home!”Boss: “Are you sick?”“No, but I have kids at home.”BOSS: “OK, since you were honest.”

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More proof of grilled cheese eatin.I just typed gold cheese What…“It tastes like gold now. GROSS”That doesn’t make a lot of sense, Chay.“Yah well, I’m tired of eating it. Can’t I have some geletin or something? Chef salad!?”No

Gosh…I can’t believe I lost so many pictures *still sulking*

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And the little puppies grew up.ISN’T THE ONE ON THE LEFT SO CUTE!?Fenway hearts love giggles yay puppyAnd then Hunter, is ugly, I don’t like him. He’s goin with a spare!

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M:”YOU CHEATING YOU!! JLKFJA;LJFRAWWWR FIRE BREATH RAAWWR”C: “No! Michelle! STOP LEMME EXPLAIN *sob*”OK, LET me explain! Jenny or whatever her name is, in the pink, is an old crush of Chay’s from before him and Michelle got married.He invited her over because he needed more friends(Jenny was only a crush, not a friend ATM) And after they became friends I sent Michelle to help Benny with homework, WHEN JENNY, THE HOMEWRECKING LLAMAFACE decided to HOLD

HANDS with Chay!! A MARRIED MAN!So now I have to fix this, and that sucks. C:”LO-…no, this is a crying moment.”Benny:”++++++++SADFACE++++++”

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So after a few days, it’s a double birthday. Michelle is still furious with Chay, but best friends again and loving eachother. First to grow up is my favorite, Olivia.

“Imma eat cake!?”C:”No, honey….only if it were a grilled cheese cake.”

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And then Benny grew up, but nobody really cared because he looked like his momWho, is pretty, but not as beautiful as Olivia.LOLthe end, as Chay would say.

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Our first teenager, and I’ll admit, he’s nice lookin!“So I could be heir?!”I wouldn’t be sad if you were heir, if that’s what you mean.“YAAY”He rolled Fortune, and his LTW is to earn $100,000. His turn ons are Red hair and Mechanical, and is turned off by Make up.“I like a girl/guy all NATURAL!” …okay

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Olivia rolled the want to teach Hunter how to play dead.In the dog house is Sir, the daddy dog.“Seeee, you just do this? Lay on the ground, and close your eyes!”

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I like watching my sims sleep, they’re SO CUTE.

Creepy, HAHAHAHA. No.

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Uh…we have a fire alarm?Heh. Heh. Heh.

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And then, I completed the impossible, and he achieved his LTW 1 day before he got old and wrinkly.“Thanks to those chance cards..”Yeah, I think I got every single one of Chay’s chance cards right, except maybe one, that made us pay 15 grand..but we only had like 2grand, so LUCKY US.“LOLYAAY”Now go relax Chay, you deserve it, you! Loveandhappinessandpermaplat forevarrrrr

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Time for our middle child to grow up, I don’t care though LOLjayKAYYYY YES I DO!“No you don’t.”Hush, Michelle. Watch your kid.

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He got a huge makeover lol.He grew up with Chay’s hair, and I just could NOT have that.“So dad, do you think I’ll be able to make it as a legacy heir?”“Well, creator doesn’t like you that much…you’re a romance sim…and you’re cheeks are fug, so yeah, you have a chance.”What a jerk!!“Thanks dad!! *high five across the table.*”

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So one of the mini-challenges I want to do is Family Scrapbook,I already have paintings of Chay and Michelle, I just need Chay to write his novel.It’s got a nice storyline too, Chay shall you explain?“well, it all started out with nothing, then one lone man became very athletic and earned a lot of money, and now he has lifelong happiness…Because of his FAMILY. And because he’s perma platinum.”Good enough :D

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And he grew up, all by himself..outside…near a gnome.WHICH WAS STOLEN ONCE.But Michelle retrieved it back. I was like “nooooo” when it was stolenAnd ‘YAAAAAY’ when it came back. I WANT those bonus points.“I’m old.”Yeah, but you’re still cute :D?“SQUEEEE~”

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It’s finally time for my little girl to grow up.M: “Shouldn’t I be saying that?”Probably. “Be cute, sweetie!”“I will be, thanks mom!”

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HUBBA HUBBA.“I’m hawt.”I mean, you’re definitely MY favorite.Anyways, she’s a Pleasure Sim, and her LTW wouldn’t show up…but oh well.

TIME FOR A HEIR POLL :DWill it be Olivia? The youngest?

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Benny, the still cute, and oldest?

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Or Oliver? The middle and awkward looking child?ITS UP TO YOU READERS :D

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As a side note….my next chapters will be much more characterized…I lost so many pictures that none of the kids really got attitudes, but don’t worry, they will when they’re in college next chapter and the heir is chosen and such

Thank you for reading,Maddie(Mad Sammich)
