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Chapter 11 Lecture: Fading

Date post: 13-Aug-2015
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Changing the Stimulus Control of a Behavior with Fading
  1. 1. Changing the Stimulus Control of a Behavior with Fading
  2. 2. Prompts Prompts are provided to increase the likelihood that a student will provide a desired response Instructor-Behavior Prompts Environment Prompts Stimulus Prompts
  3. 3. Response Prompting Prompt Delay Sample: /a/ Teacher: What sound?... aaa Learner: aaa
  4. 4. Stimulus Prompting Within Stimulus Prompting V USkate
  5. 5. Stimulus Prompting Extra Stimulus Prompting V USkate
  6. 6. Fading Gradual change over successive trials of a stimulus that controls a response so that the response eventually occurs to a partially changed or completely new stimulus Process of slowly removing prompts after behavior is established
  7. 7. Stimulus Fading Skate Skate Skate Skate
  8. 8. Stimulus Shaping Type of Fading
  9. 9. Example of Prompting and Fading Visual Prompt https://www.youtube.com/watch?v =IwaqAkwbd_w
  10. 10. Can you think of any real life examples when prompts were provided then faded? Riding a Bike Training wheels Holding the seat and running with the individual holding the seat at the beginning not holding the seat
  11. 11. Errorless Learning maximal support initially to ensure success systematic and gradual decrease of prompts Establish stimulus Discrimination so that no errors occur
  12. 12. Errorless Transfer of Stimulus Control Useful in situation in which a stimulus exerts strong control of a response to be taught to occur to some other stimulus Advantages over trial and error procedures: 1. Errors consume time 2. If error occurs, it tends to occur many times, even though it is being extinguished 3. Nonreinforcement of errors (extinguishing of errors) produces emotional side effects
  13. 13. Dimensions of Stimuli for Fading What do we mean when we say Dimensions of a stimuli?
  14. 14. Dimensions of Stimuli for Fading Fading occurs along dimensions of stimuli Dimension any characteristic that can be measured on some continuum Fading can occur across specific stimulus dimensions and across changes in general situation or setting Ex: physical structure of room; loudness; number of other people present; physical to gestural
  15. 15. Factors Influencing the Effectiveness of Fading 1. Choosing the final desired stimulus (FDS) Stimulus we want to evoke or produce the behavior at the end of the fading procedure Important to select FDS in whose presence responding will be maintained in natural environment
  16. 16. Factors Influencing the Effectiveness of Fading 2. Choosing the starting stimulus prompt Stimulus that reliably evokes the desired behavior Teacher behavior as prompts Environmental alterations as prompts Extra-stimulus vs within-stimulus prompts
  17. 17. Factors Influencing the Effectiveness of Fading 3. Choosing the fading steps Should be chosen carefully Need to monitor performance to determine the speed of fading If student begins making errors, prompts may have been faded too quickly or with too few steps May need to backtrack
  18. 18. Guidelines for Effective Application of Fading 1. Choose final desired stimulus 2. Set an appropriate reinforcer 3. Choose the starting stimulus and fading steps 4. Put plan into effect
  19. 19. Please email me if you have any questions Reminder: You still have Quiz on Chapters 8 and 9 on Thursday the 19th (this will be proctored in class) See you all next week!
