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Chapter 12 The Labour Union and the Supervisor Supervision: Concepts and Practices of Management,...

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chapter 12 The Labour Union and the Supervisor Supervision: Concepts and Practices of Management, Second Canadian Edition Hilgert, Leonard, Shemko, and Docherty © 2005 by Nelson, a division of Thomson Canada Limited
Page 1: Chapter 12 The Labour Union and the Supervisor Supervision: Concepts and Practices of Management, Second Canadian Edition Hilgert, Leonard, Shemko, and.


12The Labour Union and the Supervisor


Concepts and Practices

of Management,Second Canadian Edition

Hilgert, Leonard,

Shemko, and Docherty

© 2005 by Nelson, a division of Thomson Canada Limited

Page 2: Chapter 12 The Labour Union and the Supervisor Supervision: Concepts and Practices of Management, Second Canadian Edition Hilgert, Leonard, Shemko, and.


Learning Objectives

1. Explain why and how labour unions continue to affect organizations and the supervisory position.

2. Identify aspects of good management that are likely to deter a union organizer’s appeal.

3. Outline procedures for supervisors to follow if confronted with a union-organizing effort.

Page 3: Chapter 12 The Labour Union and the Supervisor Supervision: Concepts and Practices of Management, Second Canadian Edition Hilgert, Leonard, Shemko, and.


Learning Objectives4. Discuss the importance of good

union-management relationships and the supervisor’s key role in maintaining those relationships.

5. Discuss the limited but important role of the supervisor in negotiating the labour agreement.

6. Discuss the major role of the supervisor in the interpretation and application of the labour agreement at the departmental level.

Page 4: Chapter 12 The Labour Union and the Supervisor Supervision: Concepts and Practices of Management, Second Canadian Edition Hilgert, Leonard, Shemko, and.


Learning Objectives

7. Describe the nature and importance of a good relationship between a supervisor and the union shop steward.

Page 5: Chapter 12 The Labour Union and the Supervisor Supervision: Concepts and Practices of Management, Second Canadian Edition Hilgert, Leonard, Shemko, and.


Labour Unions

Legally recognized organizations that exist for the purpose of representing a group or “bargaining unit” of employees and that negotiates and administers a labour agreement with an employer.

Page 6: Chapter 12 The Labour Union and the Supervisor Supervision: Concepts and Practices of Management, Second Canadian Edition Hilgert, Leonard, Shemko, and.


Labour Agreement

The negotiated document between union and employer that covers terms and conditions of employment for represented employees.

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The Canadian Labour Congress(CLC)

• Is the dominant federation of unions federally and provincially

• Is an umbrella organization to which the majority of unions in Canada belong

• Plays a significant role in political, legislative, and other areas

Page 8: Chapter 12 The Labour Union and the Supervisor Supervision: Concepts and Practices of Management, Second Canadian Edition Hilgert, Leonard, Shemko, and.


Labour Unions

“Labour unions don’t just happen; they’re caused. And it’s the management, not the unions, that cause them!”

Page 9: Chapter 12 The Labour Union and the Supervisor Supervision: Concepts and Practices of Management, Second Canadian Edition Hilgert, Leonard, Shemko, and.


Union Avoidance1. Good, comparable wages and benefits2. Satisfactory personal facilities3. Stable employment pattern4. Good communication from supervisor5. Training and opportunities for

advancement6. Participative approach to

management7. Fair, formal complaint procedure

Page 10: Chapter 12 The Labour Union and the Supervisor Supervision: Concepts and Practices of Management, Second Canadian Edition Hilgert, Leonard, Shemko, and.


Why Unions?

1. Higher wages

2. Better benefits

3. Security

4. Control over job

5. Fairer settlement of disputes

6. Sense of identity

Page 11: Chapter 12 The Labour Union and the Supervisor Supervision: Concepts and Practices of Management, Second Canadian Edition Hilgert, Leonard, Shemko, and.


Union Security Clause

The part of the collective agreement that describes whether employees must belong to the union in order to maintain their employment

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Union Shop

A union shop provision in a labour agreement requires an employee to join the union as a condition of employment after a certain period, usually 30 days.

Page 13: Chapter 12 The Labour Union and the Supervisor Supervision: Concepts and Practices of Management, Second Canadian Edition Hilgert, Leonard, Shemko, and.


Closed Shop

A labour agreement provision that specifies that only people who are already union members will be eligible for employment

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Supervisory Responses to Union Organizing Efforts

1. Don’t question employees about union activities.

2. Make no threats or promises.3. Respond neutrally when asked for an

opinion.4. Don’t look at union-authorization cards.5. If organizing activities interfere with

normal work, they may be prohibited in work areas during work hours.

Page 15: Chapter 12 The Labour Union and the Supervisor Supervision: Concepts and Practices of Management, Second Canadian Edition Hilgert, Leonard, Shemko, and.


The Supervisor’s Role

1. Critical link between management and the union

2. Limited role in negotiating the labour agreement

3. Major role in applying the terms of the agreement daily

Page 16: Chapter 12 The Labour Union and the Supervisor Supervision: Concepts and Practices of Management, Second Canadian Edition Hilgert, Leonard, Shemko, and.


Labour Agreement Negotiations

1. The process of discussion and compromise among representatives from labour and management leading to agreements governing wages, hours, and working conditions for union employees.

2. Supervisors should be prepared to provide relevant input to negotiations.

Page 17: Chapter 12 The Labour Union and the Supervisor Supervision: Concepts and Practices of Management, Second Canadian Edition Hilgert, Leonard, Shemko, and.


Labour Agreements

• Wages

• Benefits

• Working conditions

• Hours of work

• Overtime

• Holidays

• Vacations

• Leaves of absence

• Seniority

• Grievances

Page 18: Chapter 12 The Labour Union and the Supervisor Supervision: Concepts and Practices of Management, Second Canadian Edition Hilgert, Leonard, Shemko, and.


Complying with Labour Agreements

1. Know the provisions of the agreement.

2. Follow the provisions of the agreement.

3. Meet with higher-level managers or HR to review the contents of the agreement and ask questions.

4. Perform managerial duties within the framework of the labour agreement.

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• Grievance—a complaint that has been formally presented by the union to management and alleges a violation of the labour agreement

• Arbitrator—person selected by the union and management to render a final and binding decision concerning a grievance

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• Arbitration board—three-piece board with a company nominee, a union nominee, and a mutually agreed-upon chairperson to render a final and binding decision concerning a grievance

Page 21: Chapter 12 The Labour Union and the Supervisor Supervision: Concepts and Practices of Management, Second Canadian Edition Hilgert, Leonard, Shemko, and.


Shop Steward

• Full-time employee who is elected or appointed to represent employees at the departmental level, particularly in processing grievances

Supervisors will probably have most of their union contact with the union shop steward.

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Shop Steward

1. Remember the shop steward learns quickly what employees are thinking.

2. Be ready to justify any actions or otherwise resolve grievances when decisions or actions are challenged.

3. Develop a sound relationship. The shop steward can keep you alert and force you to be a better manager.

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Union Business Representative

• Paid official of the local or national union who may be involved in grievance processing
