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Chapter 15 Section 1 Greek Mythology and Religion.

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Section 1 Greek Mythology and Religion
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  • Chapter 15 Section 1 Greek Mythology and Religion
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  • Anticipatory Set How are we united as a country? Laws Belief in freedom Diversity Greeks never became unified to one state. They lived apart from each other in city states and colonies The Greeks became united by their Language Religion And traditional stories
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  • Standards S.S. 6.4.4 Explain the significance of Greek mythology to the everyday life of people in the region and how Greek literature continues to permeate our literature and language today, drawing from Greek mythology and epics, such as Homers Iliad and The Odyssey, and from Aesops Fables. E-LA Reading 6.1.2 Identify and interpret figurative language and words with multiple meanings.
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  • Objective Students will learn about the gods of ancient Greece, as well as the significance of mythology and Homers epics in Greek life.
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  • Language of the Discipline Deity Muse Mythology Homer Odysseus Oracle
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  • Greek Religious Beliefs (Input) The Greeks were polytheists who believed in many gods, or deities A deity is a being with supernatural powers Greeks believed that gods and spirits were at work all around them Unlike the gods we have seen in Egypt or India, Greek deities looked like ordinary people They did not take on the form of animals They did not have extra body parts Most looked like attractive, athletic men or women
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  • The Gods of Mount Olympus (Input) The Greeks believed their gods lived on Mount Olympus in northern Greece Zeus was the supreme ruler of the gods and lord of the sky and god of rain His main weapon is a thunderbolt This was used for those who displeased him Hera, the wife of Zeus, protected married women and their households Zeus had two brothers Poseidon (god of the sea) was quarrelsome when he was angry and could make the earth shake and seas churn
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  • The Gods of Mount Olympus (Input) Hades ruled the underworld. He was greedy and was always looking for dead people to add to his domain Other major gods Apollo- god of the arts, prophecy, and healing Ares- the god of war Artemis- god of the woods and hunting Aphrodite- goddess of love and beauty Demeter- god of farming and harvest Eros- god of love Athena was the favorite deity of many Greeks According to the myth she gave the Greeks the olive tree She was the guardian of the city of Athens a a patron of crafts (weaving and pottery)
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  • The Gods of Mount Olympus (Input) She helped in times of war She was fierce and brave in battle She fought to protect the Greeks from outside enemies Minor gods included Muses, a group of nine sisters Gods inspired many poets, historians, scientists, and musicians. Today the word muse is often used to refer to the inspiration for a creative artist Museum originally meant the place of the Muses
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  • Greek Mythology (Input) The Greeks based most of their religious belief on their mythology Mythology is the collection of stories that people tell about their history and their gods Greeks used mythology to answer questions about the world around them Myths explained changing seasons, trouble in the world, and human behavior. It also included stories about heroes
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  • Greek Mythology (Input) Hercules Famous for amazing strength and courage He was only half human His mother was human and his father was Zeus Zeus did not protect Hercules from suffering Hera casted a spell on Hercules that drove him mad and made him kill his beloved wife and sons gods behaved like ordinary people They fell in love They married They had children They celebrated They played tricks They grew jealous and angry
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  • Homers Epics (Input) Two epic poems provided another source of Greek religious beliefs The Iliad and the Odyssey told stories of ancient times gods took a part in human affairs They were the work of the poet Homer who lived in the eighth century B.C. His stories may have been based on real events. Earlier stories had stated that the Trojan war began with a quarrel among Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite over who was the most beautiful During the war, some gods sided with the Greeks, others with the Trojans
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  • Homers Epics (Input) After the war, different gods often influenced the fate of Odysseus and his companions Homers epics reflected the Greeks belief that the gods controlled much of their loves They also portrayed human characters such as Odysseus as a crafty and intelligent
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  • Religion in Everyday Life (Input) Greek myths and Homers epics shaped the Greeks identify They saw little separation between the gods and their own Public and private religious rituals were part of everyday life Families had household shrines Public meetings began with prayers and animal sacrifices Women participated in these ceremonies even thought they could not participate in government Each city-state built temples to their favorite deity (sacrifices and asking favors happened)
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  • Festivals and Games (Input) Greeks honored the gods with festivals and games Poets and musicians competed to offer the best songs Contests were a feature of religious rituals Athletes dedicated their skill and strength to the gods Boxing Wrestling Running Throwing the javelin and discus Chariot and horse races
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  • Festivals and Games (Input) Leading competitions brought together athletes from many city-states City-states at war would stop fighting Most of the competitions honored Zeus and the games took place every 4 years at Olympia A huge gold ivory statue or Zeus stood at the site Winners were given a wreath of leaves and became heroes Often wealthy aristocrats supported these athletes Cities awarded valuable gifts and free meals for life
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  • Sacred Places (Input) Many people believed that the gods lived in Greece and therefore the landscape was sacred Groves of trees, springs, and other places were thought to be the home to various gods and spirits The Muses had many favorite mountains A great temple to Apollo stood at Delphi, a religious center on Mount Parnassus. They believed that a priestess names Delphic lived there An oracle is a person who predicts what will happen in the future
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  • Sacred Places (Input) People traveled to Delphi to ask the priestess questions of the future The oracle was famous for answering in puzzling statements that could be interpreted several ways Tourists today no longer go to look for an oracle The Greek religion died but the myths are still rad today and still hold peoples interest
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  • Check for Understanding Please determine the BEST answer for the following question. Please write your answer on your white boards and wait for the teachers signal. On the teachers signal, hold up your white boards.
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  • Checking for Understanding #1 Fill in the blank _______________ is the collection of stories that people tell about their history and their gods. Mythology
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  • Checking for Understanding #2 Answer the following question. How did the Greeks honor the gods publically? Festivals and Games
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  • Checking for Understanding #3 Answer the following question. What helped shape the Greeks identity or their idea of what it meant to be Greek? Homers epics
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  • Guided Practice/Independent Practice Guided Practice Complete questions 1 - 3 on the reading comprehension worksheet. Raise your hand and wait to get stamped. If you received an R go to the back table with Ms. Graham. Independent Practice Once you have been stamped moved to independent practice and complete numbers 4 and 5 on the reading comprehension worksheet. Homework Note-taking guide on the reverse side.
