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Chapter 16: Future Climate Part 3—Economics and energy policy.

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Chapter 16: Future Climate Part 3—Economics and energy policy
Page 1: Chapter 16: Future Climate Part 3—Economics and energy policy.

Chapter 16:Future Climate

Part 3—Economicsand energy policy

Page 2: Chapter 16: Future Climate Part 3—Economics and energy policy.

• Reminder (point also made in An Inconvenient Truth):

Stabilizing atmospheric CO2 is extremely difficult! It requires huge cuts in emissions

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Target goals for atmospheric CO2 and associated emission scenarios

The Earth System (2010), Fig. 16-8

• We need to cut CO2 emissions in half (3 Gt C/yr) just to limit ourselves to 750 ppmv of CO2

• Stabilizing at today’s CO2 level would require negative emissions, i.e., net

CO2 uptake


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Cost-Benefit Analysis

• When evaluating whether or not a particular project, e.g. building a dam, makes sense economically, economists often employ cost-benefit analysis– Evaluate the economic costs of the project– Weigh these against the economic benefits

• This same type of analysis can be applied to global warming

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The “DICE” Model

• DICE model = Dynamic Integrated Climate-Economy model– Developed by William Nordhaus at Yale

University– Weighs the projected economic damages

from global warming against the costs of mitigation

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(spending power)

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DICE model results

W. D. Nordhaus, Science 258, 1315, 1992


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• The discount rate, , is a key factor• Nordhaus assumes a discount rate of 3%/yr

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• Recently, the issue of discounting, and of global warming policy in general, has been revisited in a British study called the Stern Review– These authors recommended using much

lower discount rates– Consequently, they suggested that we

should cut back much more sharply on CO2 emissions

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Projected CO2 emissions and concentrations for different strategies

The Challenge of Global Warming: Economic Models and Environmental Policy,William Nordhaus, July 24, 2007

(See Figures 16-12 and 16-13 in The Earth System, ed. 3)

Carbon emissions CO2 concentrations

Businessas usual






Businessas usual

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Practical carbon policy implications

Nordhaus• $30/ton of carbon,

rising to $200/ton in 200 yrs. The initial tax is equivalent to– 9¢/gal on gas– 1¢/kWh on electricity

(~10% of current price)

• Stern– $100/ton initially, rising

to $950/ton in 100 yrs

Optimal carbon tax

The Challenge of Global Warming: Economic Models and Environmental Policy,William Nordhaus, July, 2007



(Fig. 16-12a in The Earth System, ed. 3)

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• Moral of this story:

How one decides to discount future costs and damages is very important to the decision making process. Considerations of intergenerational equity suggest that the discount rate should be low

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Strategies for coping with global warming

• Reduce greenhouse gas emissions, especially CO2

– Energy conservation can help– Requires development of alternative energy

sources (solar, wind, nuclear, geothermal, etc.)

• Scrub the CO2 out of the atmosphere, or out of smokestack emissions, and bury it somewhere (carbon sequestration)

• Direct geoengineering of the climate

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Energy-efficient cars

Toyota Prius• Should we pass regulations, e.g., the CAFÉ (Corporate Automobile Fleet Efficiency) standards, requiring cars to get better gas mileage?• Alternatively, should we impose a stiff gas tax, or better yet, a carbon tax, to encourage car buyers to purchase fuel-efficient vehicles?

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Wind power

T. Boone Pickens

Wind is one form of alternative,and renewable, energy for producing electricity

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Ground-based solar power plant


Two distinctly different types of plants:1) Photovoltaic2) Solar thermal power

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High-voltage direct current (HVDC)

• For either wind or solar power, the best sources of power are often located far from where the power is needed

• HVDC is the best way to transmit power over long distances– Losses: ~3%/1000 km

• Hence, transmission from Arizona to New York (~2000 mi. or 3000 km) would involve losses of only ~10%

Long distance HVDC lines carrying hydroelectricity from Canada's Nelson river to this station where it is converted to AC for use in Winnipeg's local grid [Image and caption from Wikipedia]

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“War of Currents” (late 1880’s)

Thomas Edison favored a systemdesigned around direct current



George Westinghouse and Nikola Teslafavored a system based on alternatingcurrent. They obviously won..

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Existing and planned HVDC links

Xiangjiaba Dam to Shanghai(2000 km, in operation)

Amazonas region to Sao Paulo(2500 km, starting in 2015)

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Satellite solar power

Image from Wikipedia

• Satellites could be placed in geosynchronous orbit• One might also be able to do this from the Moon (David Criswell, University of Houston)

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Nuclear power plant

• Nuclear power is a known, but potentially dangerous means of producing electricity

• Waste disposal is an issue, if not a problem

• Reserves of fissionable 235U are limited need breeder reactors if you want this to last a long time. (Breeders convert 238U to fissionable 239Pu, i.e., plutonium)

The Susquehanna Steam Electric Station (image from Wikipedia)

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Nuclear accidents

• Public acceptance of nuclear power is a big issue

• Accidents like those at Chernobyl (Ukraine), Three-Mile Island (Pennsylvania), and Fukushima (Japan) do little to increase confidence

• Are the dangers acceptable, or, alternatively, can they be minimized?

Satellite image on 16 March of the four damaged reactor buildings at Fukushima,Japan[Image from Wikipedia]

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Nuclear waste disposal

• Disposing of nuclear waste is also a huge issue

• Currently, all of our spent nuclear fuel is stored on-site at power plants in ponds

• Opening of the nuclear waste repository at Yucca Mountain, Nevada, ~100 mi. north of Las Vegas, has been postponed indefinitely– Funding was terminated in

2009 by the Obama administration, for political (not technical) reasons

Picture of Yucca Mountain[From Wikipedia]

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Carbon sequestration

• Klaus Lackner at Columbia University is a pioneer in this field

• One strategy: React coal with steam and produce hydrogen

CH2O + H2O CO2 + 2 H2

Then sequester the CO2 in deep underground aquifers, the deep ocean, or possibly in subglacial Antarctic lakes

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Subglacial lakes

• Lake type--subglacial rift lake

• Max length--250 km• Max width--50 km• Surface area--15,690

km²• Average depth--344 m• Max depth--1,000 m• Water volume--5,400

km³• Residence time

(of lake water)--1,000,000 yrs

Lake Vostok circled in redImage and information from Wikipedia

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Diagram of Lake Vostok


• Liquified CO2 would be pumped down into the lake • CO2 would form a clathrate, which would remain stable as long as the ice remained above it

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Possible subglacial lake system


• Lake Vostok is one of as many as 50 subglacial lakes lying beneath the Antarctic ice cap• Lake Vostok alone has the volume of Lake Michigan

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Geoengineering solutions

• Alternatively, we may wish to forget about the CO2 and simply try to compensate for the expected climate change– Need to worry about ocean pH!

• Different ideas for doing this

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Stratospheric aerosol injection

• One geoengineering strategy is to intentionally inject sulfate aerosols into the stratosphere, mimicking a large volcanic eruption

• But, the resulting uneven distribution of particles could result in massive weather disruption

Mt. Pinatubo, Philippines, 1991

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Seawater spray solution


• Fleets of seawater sprayers could create additional tropospheric aerosol particles that could cool the Earth by increasing its albedo

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The solar shield: Lagrange points in the Earth-Sun system

• It is theoretically possible to build a solar shield at the (unstable) L1 Lagrange point. (One has to actively adjust its position because this is an unstable saddle point in the gravitational potential field.)

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The solar shield

• Rather than building a single large mirror, it is more practical to fly about one trillion smaller (2-ft. diameter) lenses (Roger Angel, PNAS, 2006)

• Technically, this is called a Fresnel lens

• Offsetting one CO2 doubling would require deflecting about 2% of the incident sunlight

uanews.org (Univ. of Arizona)

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• In my opinion, none of the geoengineering solutions are advisable, although we may need to resort to them if other measures fail

• Energy conservation and renewable energy sources (including biomass fuels) must be part of the solution

• Nuclear energy should not be ruled out as an option

• The best way to make all this happen is to impose a gradually increasing tax on CO2 emissions, i.e. a carbon tax

Your professor’s opinions

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Take-home lessons from this class

• We need to preserve our environment, as Earth is the only habitable planet that we know of

• Global warming is a real problem with which we will someday have to deal—and the sooner, the better!

• There may well be other Earth-like planets around other stars. Looking for them, and looking for signs of life on them, is a scientific endeavor that is well worth undertaking
