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Chapter 16 The Genitourinary System The kidney is essential in maintaining water, salt, and...

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Chapter 16 The Genitourinary System The kidney is essential in maintaining water, salt, and electrolyte balance and is an endocrine gland that secretes at least three hormones. The kidney helps control blood pressure and is especially susceptible to damage if blood pressure is too high or too low. Physiologic Concepts Renal Blood Flow The kidneys receive approximately 1 L of blood per minute,one-fifth of the cardiac output. This high rate of blood flow is for allowing the kidney to adjust the blood composition continually. By adjusting the blood composition, the kidney is able to maintain blood volume; ensure sodium, chloride, potassium, calcium, phosphate, and pH balance; and eliminate products of metabolism such as urea and creatinine.
Page 1: Chapter 16 The Genitourinary System The kidney is essential in maintaining water, salt, and electrolyte balance and is an endocrine gland that secretes.

Chapter 16 The Genitourinary System

The kidney is essential in maintaining water, salt, and electrolyte balance and is an endocrine gland that secretes at least three hormones. The kidney helps control blood pressure and is especially susceptible to damage if blood pressure is too high or too low.

Physiologic Concepts Renal Blood Flow The kidneys receive approximately 1 L of blood per

minute,one-fifth of the cardiac output. This high rate of blood flow is for allowing the kidney to adjust the blood composition continually. By adjusting the blood composition, the kidney is able to maintain blood volume; ensure sodium, chloride, potassium, calcium, phosphate, and pH balance; and eliminate products of metabolism such as urea and creatinine.

Page 2: Chapter 16 The Genitourinary System The kidney is essential in maintaining water, salt, and electrolyte balance and is an endocrine gland that secretes.

Glomerular Filtration• The process of filtration across the glomerulus is

similar to that which occurs across all capillaries but the glomerular capillaries have increased permeability to small solutes and water. Also, unlike other capillaries, the forces favoring filtration of plasma across the glomerular capillary into Bowman's space are greater than the forces favoring reabsorption of fluid back into the capillary. Therefore, net filtration of fluid into Bowman's space occurs. This fluid then diffuses into Bowman's capsule and begins its journey through the rest of the nephron.

Page 3: Chapter 16 The Genitourinary System The kidney is essential in maintaining water, salt, and electrolyte balance and is an endocrine gland that secretes.

Renal Reabsorption• Reabsorption is the second process by which the kidney

determines the concentration of a substance filtered from the plasma. Reabsorption refers to the active (requiring energy and always being mediated by a carrier) or the passive (no energy required) movement of a substance filtered at the glomerulus back into the peritubular capillaries. Reabsorption may be total (e.g., glucose) or partial (e.g., sodium, urea, chloride, and water).

Renal Endocrine Function1-The kidney functions as an endocrine organ, not only with the

production and release of renin but also with the production and release of two other hormones: 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3, important for bone mineralization; and erythropoietin, required for red blood cell production.

Page 4: Chapter 16 The Genitourinary System The kidney is essential in maintaining water, salt, and electrolyte balance and is an endocrine gland that secretes.

2 -1,25-Dihydroxyvitamin D3

The kidney acts in conjunction with the liver to produce an active form of vitamin D, called 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3, from an inactive precursor consumed in the diet. The inactive form of vitamin D can also be produced in a reaction catalyzed by sunlight on a precursor present in the skin. Vitamin D is essential for maintenance of plasma calcium levels required for bone formation. The active form of vitamin D acts as a hormone by circulating in the blood and stimulating absorption of calcium and, to a lesser extent, phosphate across the small intestine and across the kidney tubules. Vitamin D also stimulates bone resorption (breakdown). Bone resorption releases calcium, and thus plasma calcium is increased by this mechanism as well.

Page 5: Chapter 16 The Genitourinary System The kidney is essential in maintaining water, salt, and electrolyte balance and is an endocrine gland that secretes.

• Parathyroid hormone is the stimulus for the kidney to play its role in activating vitamin D3. Parathyroid hormone is released from the parathyroid gland in response to decreased plasma calcium. This is an example of a negative feedback cycle: decreased plasma calcium leads to increased parathyroid hormone, which leads to increased renal activation of vitamin D3.

• Activation of vitamin D3 increases gut and kidney absorption of calcium, increasing plasma calcium and removing the stimulus for parathyroid release. Parathyroid hormone also directly stimulates bone resorption to release calcium into the plasma when necessary. Individuals who have renal disease frequently develop brittle, easily broken bones as a result of too little active vitamin D3.

Page 6: Chapter 16 The Genitourinary System The kidney is essential in maintaining water, salt, and electrolyte balance and is an endocrine gland that secretes.

3- Erythropoietin• The hormone that stimulates the bone marrow to

increase the production of erythrocytes (red blood cells) is called erythropoietin. The cells of the kidney responsible for synthesizing and releasing erythropoietin respond to renal hypoxia. Individuals who have renal disease frequently demonstrate chronic and debilitating anemia.

Page 7: Chapter 16 The Genitourinary System The kidney is essential in maintaining water, salt, and electrolyte balance and is an endocrine gland that secretes.

Micturition• Micturition is the process of urination, which is the elimination of

urine from the body. Micturition occurs when the internal and the external urethral sphincters at the base of the bladder are relaxed.

The bladder is composed of smooth muscle (the detrusor muscle), innervated by sensory neurons that respond to stretch, and parasympathetic fibers that travel from the sacral area to the bladder. An area of smooth muscle at the base of the bladder (the internal sphincter) is also innervated by parasympathetic nerves. An external sphincter composed of skeletal muscle is just below the internal sphincter and at the top of the urethra. When urine accumulates, stretch of the bladder is sensed by afferent fibers that send the information to the spinal cord. Parasympathetic nerves to the bladder are activated, causing contraction of the smooth muscle and opening of the internal sphincter. At the same time, the motor neurons going to the external sphincter are inhibited and the external sphincter is relaxed, causing micturition to occur.

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•Micturition, however, can be voluntarily inhibited. This is possible because at the same time that the afferent nerves are conveying information on bladder stretch to the spinal cord, they are also sending information up the cord to the brainstem and cortex, allowing one to be conscious of the need to void. Descending neurons from the brain can inhibit or stimulate the spinal reflex to void. These descending pathways inhibit urination by causing contraction of the skeletal muscles of the pelvis as well as the external sphincter. Descending pathways also block the firing of parasympathetic nerves to the internal sphincter. For urination to be facilitated, skeletal muscles can be voluntarily relaxed. Voluntary control over micturition becomes functional in children by or before the time they become 3 or 4 years of age. However, it may become interrupted at any time by central nervous system disease or injury or from spinal cord trauma.

Page 9: Chapter 16 The Genitourinary System The kidney is essential in maintaining water, salt, and electrolyte balance and is an endocrine gland that secretes.

Tests of Renal Function• Blood Urea Nitrogen Urea is a nitrogenous waste product of protein and amino

acid metabolism. One important job of the kidney is to eliminate this potentially toxic substance from the body. With declining renal function, blood urea nitrogen (BUN) levels increase. Measuring BUN therefore provides an indication of kidney health.

•BUN, however, is not only determined by renal function. It can also be affected by circumstances not associated with the kidney, such as increased or decreased dietary protein intake, or any unusual cause of an increased protein breakdown, such as a muscle injury. Likewise, liver disease may decrease BUN, because the liver is necessary to convert ammonia to urea

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• .Because BUN levels are affected by these other factors, BUN level alone may be an indiscriminate indicator of renal disease. Therefore, often the ratio of BUN to serum creatinine is reported as well. Normally BUN and creatinine co-vary, keeping this ratio at approximately 10:1. If BUN is affected by other than renal factors, however, this ratio may change. Ratios greater than 15:1 suggest a non-renal cause of urea elevation. Ratios less than 10:1 occur with liver disease

Page 11: Chapter 16 The Genitourinary System The kidney is essential in maintaining water, salt, and electrolyte balance and is an endocrine gland that secretes.

Serum Creatinine Creatinine is a product of muscle breakdown. Creatinine

is excreted by the kidney through a combination of filtration and secretion. The concentration of creatinine in the plasma remains nearly constant from day to day. It varies slightly from approximately 0.7 mg/100 mL of blood in a small woman to 1.5 mg/l00 mL in a muscular man. Levels greater than these suggest the kidney is not clearing creatinine and indicate renal disease. Serum creatinine is very indicative of renal function. As a rough guide, a doubling of serum creatinine levels indicates a 50% reduction in renal function. Likewise, a tripling of normal creatinine levels indicates a 75% reduction in renal function.

Page 12: Chapter 16 The Genitourinary System The kidney is essential in maintaining water, salt, and electrolyte balance and is an endocrine gland that secretes.

Urinalysis A urine sample may be easily obtained and evaluated

for the presence of red blood cells, protein, glucose, and leukocytes, all of which are normally minimal to absent in the urine. Urine casts, which occur in the presence of high amounts of urine protein, may also be observed under some conditions of renal disease or injury. Urine osmolality (specific gravity) is measurable and should range between 1.015 and 1.025. Dehydration causes increased urine osmolality as more water is reabsorbed back into the peritubular capillaries. Overhydration results in decreased urine osmolality.

Page 13: Chapter 16 The Genitourinary System The kidney is essential in maintaining water, salt, and electrolyte balance and is an endocrine gland that secretes.

Cystoscopy Cystoscopy is the process in which a lighted scope

(cystoscope) is inserted up the urethra into the bladder. Bladder lesions, stones, and biopsy samples may be taken.

Voiding Cystourethrography Voiding cystourethrography involves bladder

catheterization and infusion of a radioactive dye to study the shape and size of the bladder. It can be used to detect and grade the degree of vesicoureteral reflux. If used inappropriately, cystourethrography may spread an unresolved bladder infection into the ureters or kidney.

Page 14: Chapter 16 The Genitourinary System The kidney is essential in maintaining water, salt, and electrolyte balance and is an endocrine gland that secretes.

Intravenous Urography Intravenous urography is a technique in which a

radiologic dye is injected intravenously, and x-ray films are taken sequentially as the dye filters through the kidney. Obstructions to flow in the glomeruli or tubules, vesicoureteral reflux, and stones may be visualized. A drawback to the use of this technique is the finding that some individuals are allergic to the dye and may suffer an anaphylactic reaction. High doses of radiation are involved.

Page 15: Chapter 16 The Genitourinary System The kidney is essential in maintaining water, salt, and electrolyte balance and is an endocrine gland that secretes.

Renal Ultrasound Renal ultrasound uses the reflection of sound waves

to identify renal abnormalities, including structural abnormalities, kidney stones, tumors, and other masses. Because it is non-invasive and does not involve radiation exposure, this technique is frequently used to evaluate renal function in children who have had a urinary tract infection. It does not, however, offer sufficient detail to evaluate vesicoureteral reflux, renal scarring, or inflammation.

Page 16: Chapter 16 The Genitourinary System The kidney is essential in maintaining water, salt, and electrolyte balance and is an endocrine gland that secretes.

Pathophysiologic ConceptsAlterations in Glomerular FiltrationGlomerular filtration depends upon the summation of forces favoring filtration of plasma out of the glomerulus and forces favoring reabsorption of filtrate into the glomerulus. Anything that affects the forces of filtration or the forces of reabsorption affects net glomerular filtration. Forces favoring filtration are capillary pressure and interstitial fluid colloid osmotic pressure. Forces favoring reabsorption are interstitial fluid pressure and plasma colloid osmotic pressure

Page 17: Chapter 16 The Genitourinary System The kidney is essential in maintaining water, salt, and electrolyte balance and is an endocrine gland that secretes.

Tubular ObstructionOne cause of increased interstitial fluid pressure is

tubular obstruction. Obstruction present in the nephron causes fluid to back up into Bowman's capsule and the interstitial space. Unrelieved tubular obstruction can collapse the nephrons and capillaries and can lead to irreversible damage, especially to the renal papillae, which are the final site for urine concentration. Causes of obstruction include renal calculi (stones) and scarring from repeated kidney infections.

Page 18: Chapter 16 The Genitourinary System The kidney is essential in maintaining water, salt, and electrolyte balance and is an endocrine gland that secretes.

AzotemiaAzotemia refers to abnormal elevation of nitrogenous waste products in

the blood such as urea, uric acid, and creatinine. Azotemia indicates a decrease in GFR, occurring either acutely or with chronic renal failure. Azotemia is an early sign of renal damage.

UremiaUremia is not a single event, but rather a syndrome (a constellation of

symptoms) that develops in an individual who has end-stage renal disease. Because the kidney is pivotal in maintaining water, acid-base, and electrolyte balance and in removing toxic waste products, the symptoms of uremia are widespread and affect all the organs and tissues of the body. Common symptoms include fatigue, anorexia, nausea, vomiting, and lethargy. Intractable itching (pruritus) may occur. Hypertension, osteodystrophy, and uremic encephalopathy develop as well, with central nervous system changes, including confusion and psychosis, characterizing end stages.

Page 19: Chapter 16 The Genitourinary System The kidney is essential in maintaining water, salt, and electrolyte balance and is an endocrine gland that secretes.

Nephrotic SyndromeNephrotic syndrome is the loss of 3.5 g or more of

protein in the urine per day. Under normal circumstances, virtually no protein is lost in the urine. Nephrotic syndrome usually indicates severe glomerular damage. Diabetic nephropathy is the most common cause of nephrotic syndrome. Clinical manifestations may include increased susceptibility to infections (caused by hypoimmunoglobulins) and generalized edema, called anasarca.

Page 20: Chapter 16 The Genitourinary System The kidney is essential in maintaining water, salt, and electrolyte balance and is an endocrine gland that secretes.

AnasarcaDefined as a generalized edema in individuals

suffering from hypoalbuminemia as a result of nephrotic syndrome or other conditions, anasarca is caused by a systemic decrease in capillary osmotic pressure. With a decrease in this major force favoring reabsorption of interstitial fluid back into the capillaries, edema of the interstitial space throughout the body occurs. The edema is usually soft and pitting and occurs early in the periorbital (surrounding the eye) regions, the ankles, and the feet.

Page 21: Chapter 16 The Genitourinary System The kidney is essential in maintaining water, salt, and electrolyte balance and is an endocrine gland that secretes.

Renal Osteodystrophy Demineralization of bone occurring with renal

disease is known as renal osteodystrophy. Renal osteodystrophy has many causes, including decreased renal activation of vitamin D3, leading to decreased calcium absorption across the gut, and subsequent reduced serum calcium levels. Decreased serum calcium levels also stimulate parathyroid hormone release. An elevated bone breakdown contributes to easy bone fracturing.

Page 22: Chapter 16 The Genitourinary System The kidney is essential in maintaining water, salt, and electrolyte balance and is an endocrine gland that secretes.

Metabolic Acidosis/Renal Acidosis• Metabolic acidosis is a decrease in plasma pH not

caused by a respiratory disorder. Chronic renal disease results in metabolic acidosis as a result of reduced H+ excretion and altered bicarbonate reabsorption. The result is increased plasma H+ and lowered pH.

• The respiratory system is stimulated by the increase in hydrogen. Tachypnea (increased respiratory rate) occurs in an attempt to blow off the excess hydrogen as carbon dioxide. The respiratory response to renal acidosis is called respiratory compensation.

Page 23: Chapter 16 The Genitourinary System The kidney is essential in maintaining water, salt, and electrolyte balance and is an endocrine gland that secretes.

Uremic EncephalopathyUremic encephalopathy refers to neurologic changes

seen in severe renal disease. Symptoms include fatigue, drowsiness, lethargy, seizures, muscle twitching, peripheral neuropathy (pain in the legs and feet), decreases in memory, and coma. Uremic encephalopathy appears to be caused by accumulation of toxins, alterations in potassium balance, and decreased pH.

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Renal DialysisThe process of adjusting blood levels of water and

electrolytes in a person who has poor or non-functioning kidneys is called renal dialysis. In this procedure, blood is directed past an artificial medium containing water and electrolytes in predetermined concentrations. The artificial medium is the dialyzing fluid. By simple diffusion across a selectively permeable membrane, water and electrolytes in the blood move down their individual concentration gradients into or out of the dialyzing solution.There are two types of dialysis:

Page 25: Chapter 16 The Genitourinary System The kidney is essential in maintaining water, salt, and electrolyte balance and is an endocrine gland that secretes.

Hemodialysis Dialysis is performed outside the body. Blood is

passed from the body, through an arterial catheter, into a large machine. Two chambers separated by a semipermeable membrane are inside the machine. Blood is delivered to one chamber, dialyzing fluid is placed in the other, and diffusion is allowed to occur.

It takes about 3 to 5 hours and is required approximately three times per week. Hemodialysis contributes to problems of anemia because some red blood cells are destroyed in the process. Infection is also a risk.

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Peritoneal Dialysis The individual's own peritoneal membrane is used as

a natural, semipermeable barrier. Prepared solution (approximately 2 L) is delivered into the peritoneal cavity. The solution is allowed to remain in the peritoneal cavity for a predetermined amount of time (usually between 4 and 6 hours). During this time, water and electrolytes diffuse back and forth between the circulating blood. The person can usually continue activity while the exchange takes place.

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Kidney TransplantationKidney transplantation involves placement of a donor kidney

into the abdominal cavity of an individual suffering from end-stage renal disease. Transplanted kidneys can come from living or dead donors. The more similar the antigenic properties of the donated kidney are to the patient, the more likely the transplantation will be successful. With appropriate follow-up, approximately 94% of kidneys transplanted from cadavers and 98% from living donors function well after surgery. Long-term graft survival (10 years) is similar for both (approximately 78% for grafts from living donors versus 76% for grafts from cadavers).

Individuals receiving kidney donation must remain on a variety of immunosuppressant medications for life to prevent organ rejection. I

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Conditions of Disease or InjuryHypospadiasHypospadias is a congenital defect in males , the

opening of the urethra is on the ventral side. This condition may be slight or extreme. Some infants demonstrate the urethral meatus (opening) in the scrotal or perineal area. Ejaculatory dysfunction in the adult male may occur.

TreatmentSurgical correction may be necessary, preferably

before the child is 1 or 2 years old. Circumcision should be avoided in the newborn so that the foreskin may later be used for repair.

Page 29: Chapter 16 The Genitourinary System The kidney is essential in maintaining water, salt, and electrolyte balance and is an endocrine gland that secretes.

Renal agenesis• Failure of the kidneys to develop during

gestation ,may be unilateral or bilateral. Bilateral agenesis is incompatible with life.

• Unilateral agenesis results in hypertrophy of the remaining kidney as it adapts to compensate functionally for the absent kidney.

Clinical ManifestationsWith unilateral renal agenesis, no symptoms are apparent if the remaining kidney is healthy. The remaining kidney may compensate and grow almost twice as big as otherwise expected. If the remaining kidney functions poorly, however, various disease manifestations may be present.

Page 30: Chapter 16 The Genitourinary System The kidney is essential in maintaining water, salt, and electrolyte balance and is an endocrine gland that secretes.

Diagnostic Tools• Prenatal ultrasound can often detect renal

agenesis.• After birth, computerized axial tomography

(CAT) scan or renal ultrasound is used to diagnose the condition.

Treatment• No treatment is required for unilateral agenesis

if the remaining kidney is healthy.• If structural or functional defects are present in

the remaining kidney, surgery may be required.

Page 31: Chapter 16 The Genitourinary System The kidney is essential in maintaining water, salt, and electrolyte balance and is an endocrine gland that secretes.

Renal CalculiRenal calculi refer to stones that occur anywhere in

the urinary tract. Calculi are most commonly made up of calcium crystals. Renal calculi can be caused by either increased urine pH (e.g., calcium carbonate stones) or decreased urine pH (e.g., uric acid stones).

Anything that obstructs urine flow, leading to urine stasis anywhere in the urinary tract, increases the likelihood of stone formation.

Page 32: Chapter 16 The Genitourinary System The kidney is essential in maintaining water, salt, and electrolyte balance and is an endocrine gland that secretes.

Clinical Manifestations• Pain is often colicky (rhythmic), especially if

the stone is in the ureter or below. The pain may be intense. The location of pain depends on the site of the stone.

• A stone in the kidney itself may be asymptomatic unless it causes obstruction or an infection develops.

• Hematuria, caused by irritation and injury of the renal structures, is common with calculi.

• Decreased urine output results if obstruction to flow occurs.

Page 33: Chapter 16 The Genitourinary System The kidney is essential in maintaining water, salt, and electrolyte balance and is an endocrine gland that secretes.

Diagnostic ToolsRadiograph, ultrasound, or intravenous urography may

locate a stone.Complications• Urinary obstruction can lead to hydroureter, that is,

abnormal distension of ureter with urine. Unrelieved hydroureter can lead to hydronephritis, swelling of the renal pelvis and collecting-duct system. leading to electrolyte and fluid imbalance.

• Obstruction causes increased interstitial hydrostatic pressure and can lead to a decrease in GFR. Renal failure may develop if both kidneys are involved.

• The chance of a bacterial infection increases.• Renal cancer may develop from repeated inflammation

and injury.

Page 34: Chapter 16 The Genitourinary System The kidney is essential in maintaining water, salt, and electrolyte balance and is an endocrine gland that secretes.

Treatment• High fluid intake in individuals prone to calculi may

prevent their formation.• Increased fluid intake increases urine flow and helps

wash out the stone. • Appropriate alteration of urine pH may encourage

stone breakdown.• Lithotripsy (shock wave therapy) or laser therapy

may be used to break apart the stone.• Surgery may be necessary to remove a large stone

or to place a diversion tube around the stone to relieve obstruction.

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Urinary Tract InfectionA urinary tract infection is an infection anywhere in

the urinary tract, including the kidney itself. Most urinary tract infections are bacterial in origin,

but fungi and viruses also may be implicated. The most common bacterial infection is by

Escherichia coli, a fecal contaminant commonly found in the anal area.

• Urinary tract infections are especially common in girls and women. One cause is the shorter urethra in the female, which allows the contaminating bacteria to gain access more easily to the bladder.

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• Individuals who have diabetes also are at risk of frequent urinary tract infections because of the high glucose content of the urine and poor immune function.

• Persons who have a spinal cord injury or anyone using a urinary catheter to void are at increased risk of infection.

Types of Urinary Tract Infections• Urinary tract infections may be divided into cystitis

and pyelonephritis. Cystitis is an infection of the bladder, the most common site for an infection. Pyelonephritis is an infection of the kidney itself and can be either acute or chronic.

Page 37: Chapter 16 The Genitourinary System The kidney is essential in maintaining water, salt, and electrolyte balance and is an endocrine gland that secretes.

• Acute pyelonephritis usually occurs as a result of an ascending bladder infection. It may also occur as a result of a blood-borne infection. Infections may be in both or in one kidney.

• Chronic pyelonephritis may result from repeated infections and is usually found in individuals who have frequent calculi, other obstructions, or vesicoureteral reflux.With chronic pyelonephritis, extensive scarring and obstruction of the tubules result. The ability of the kidneys to concentrate urine decreases as tubules are lost. The glomeruli are usually unaffected. Chronic renal failure may develop.

Page 38: Chapter 16 The Genitourinary System The kidney is essential in maintaining water, salt, and electrolyte balance and is an endocrine gland that secretes.

Clinical ManifestationsCystitis typically presents with dysuria (pain on

urination), increased frequency of urination, and a sense of urgency to urinate.

• Lower back or suprapubic pain may occur, especially with pyleonephritis.

• Fever accompanied by blood in the urine in severe cases.

• Symptoms of infection in infants or young children may be non-specific and include irritability, fever, lack of appetite, vomiting, and very strong-smelling diapers.

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Acute pyelonephritis typically presents with• Fever.• Chills.• Flank pain.• Dysuria.Chronic pyelonephritis may have manifestations

similar to acute pyelonephritis. However, it can also include hypertension and may eventually lead to signs of renal failure.

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Diagnostic Tools• Urine culture and sensitivity of the microorganism

allow for identification and treatment.• White blood cells will be present in the urine with

infection anywhere. White cell casts present in the urine suggest pyleonephritis rather than cystitis, since they indicate that white cells have been lysed in the tubules.

Complications• Renal or perirenal abscess formation may occur.• Renal failure may develop after repeated infections

if both kidneys are involved.

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• Treatment• Women and girls in particular should be encouraged to

drink fluids frequently.• Girls should be taught at a young age to wipe from front

to back after urination to avoid contamination of the urethral opening with fecal bacteria.

• Women should be encouraged to urinate after sexual intercourse to wash out ascending microorganisms.

• Antibiotic therapy with to repeat urinalysis during or after drug therapy is required.

• If chronic pyelonephritis is caused by an obstruction or reflux, surgical treatment specific to relieve these problems is necessary.

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GlomerulonephritisGlomerulonephritis is an inflammation of the

glomerulus. Types of glomerulonephritis include :I-Acute Glomerulonephritis occurs as a result of deposition of antibody-antigen

complexes in the glomerular capillaries. Complexes usually develop 7 to 10 days after a pharyngeal or skin streptococcal infection (poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis) but may follow any infection. An inflammatory reaction is initiated in the glomerulus after deposition of antibody-antigen complexes.

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It usually resolves with specific antibiotic therapy, especially in children.

II-Rapidly Progressive Glomerulonephritis Is an inflammation of the glomeruli that occurs so

rapidly that there is a 50% decrease in GFR within 3 months of disease onset. Rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis can occur from a worsening of acute glomerulonephritis, from an autoimmune disease, or may be idiopathic (unknown) in origin.

Page 44: Chapter 16 The Genitourinary System The kidney is essential in maintaining water, salt, and electrolyte balance and is an endocrine gland that secretes.

III-Chronic GlomerulonephritisIs the long-term inflammation of the glomerular

cells. It may occur as a result of unresolved acute glomerulonephritis, or it might develop spontaneously. It commonly occurs after years of subclinical glomerular injury and inflammation, associated with only slight hematuria and proteinuria.

Clinical Manifestations All types of glomerulonephritis are associated with:• Decreased urine volume.• Blood in the urine (brownish-colored urine).• Fluid retention.

Page 45: Chapter 16 The Genitourinary System The kidney is essential in maintaining water, salt, and electrolyte balance and is an endocrine gland that secretes.

Diagnostic Tools• Hematuria as measured by urinalysis.• Red blood cell casts in the urine.• Proteinuria greater than 3 to 5 g/day.• Decreased GFR as measured by creatinine

clearance.• In poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis,

antistreptococcal enzymes, such as antistreptolysin-O and antistreptokinase, will be present.

Complications• Renal failure may develop.

Page 46: Chapter 16 The Genitourinary System The kidney is essential in maintaining water, salt, and electrolyte balance and is an endocrine gland that secretes.

Treatment• If the condition develops following acute

poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis, antibiotic therapy is required.

• Autoimmune destruction of the glomeruli may be treated with corticosteroids for immunosuppression.

• Anticoagulants to decrease fibrin deposits and scarring can be used in rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis.

• Strict glucose control in diabetics has been shown to slow or reverse the progression of glomerulonephritis.

Page 47: Chapter 16 The Genitourinary System The kidney is essential in maintaining water, salt, and electrolyte balance and is an endocrine gland that secretes.

Renal FailureRenal failure is the loss of function in both kidneys. The stages of kidney disease are as follows:• Stage 1: abnormalities in blood or urine tests with

normal or near-normal glomerular filtration rate . Stage 2: Glomerular filtration rate approximately 50% of normal, with evidence of kidney damage.

• Stage 3: Glomerular filtration rate between 25 to 50% of normal.

• Stage 4: Glomerular filtration rate between 12 to 24% of normal, .

• Stage 5: End-stage renal failure; glomerular filtration rate of less than 12% of normal

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• Renal failure also is categorized as acute or chronic renal failure

Acute Renal Failure Causes of acute renal failure have been separated

into three general categories: prerenal, intrarenal, and postrenal.

• Prerenal failure occurs as a result of conditions unrelated to the kidney but that damage the kidney by affecting renal blood flow. Causes of prerenal failure include myocardial infarct, an anaphylactic reaction, severe blood loss or volume depletion, a burn, or sepsis (a blood-borne infection).

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• Intrarenal failure ,result from primary damage to kidney tissue itself. It has many causes, including glomerulonephritis and acute pyelonephritis, .

• Postrenal failure result from conditions that affect the flow of urine out of the kidneys and includes injury to or disease of the ureters , bladder, or urethra. The usual cause of postrenal failure is obstruction.

Clinical Manifestations• Oliguria results from decreased GFR.

Page 50: Chapter 16 The Genitourinary System The kidney is essential in maintaining water, salt, and electrolyte balance and is an endocrine gland that secretes.

Diagnostic Tools• Azotemia (increased nitrogenous compounds in the

blood).• elevated BUN and creatinine.• hyperkalemia (increased potassium in the blood)

and acidosis are common.Complications• Fluid retention may lead to edema, congestive heart

failure, or water intoxication.• Alterations in electrolytes and pH may cause uremic

encephalopathy.• If the hyperkalemia is severe ( 6.5 mEq/L),

dysrhythmia and muscle weakness may occur.

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Treatment- Prevention of acute renal failure is essential. - Individuals experiencing shock should be quickly treated with

fluid replacement to support blood pressure. - Prevention of oliguria . Chronic Renal Failure Is the progressive destruction of renal structure. Clinical Manifestations• In stage 1 renal failure, no symptoms may be apparent.• As disease progresses, reduced production of erythropoietin

causes chronic fatigue, and early signs of tissue hypoxia .• As disease progresses, polyuria (increased urine output)

occurs as the kidneys are unable to concentrate the urine.• During the final stages of renal failure, urine output decreases

because of low GFR.

Page 52: Chapter 16 The Genitourinary System The kidney is essential in maintaining water, salt, and electrolyte balance and is an endocrine gland that secretes.

Diagnostic Tools• Radiographs or ultrasound .• Serum BUN, creatinine, and GFR will be abnormal.• Hematocrit and hemoglobin are reduced.• Plasma pH is low.• An elevated respiratory rate indicates respiratory

compensation for metabolic acidosis.Complications• With progression of renal failure, volume overload,

electrolyte imbalance, metabolic acidosis, azotemia, and uremia occur.

• In stage 5 renal failure (end-stage disease), severe azotemia and uremia are present. Metabolic acidosis worsens, which significantly stimulates respiratory rate.

Page 53: Chapter 16 The Genitourinary System The kidney is essential in maintaining water, salt, and electrolyte balance and is an endocrine gland that secretes.

• Hypertension, anemia, hyperkalemia, uremic encephalopathy, and pruritus (itching) are common complications.

• Decreased production of erythropoietin may lead to anemia .

• Congestive heart failure may develop.• Without treatment, coma and death result.Treatment• Prevention of renal failure is the most important

goal. Prevention includes lifestyle changes and drugs when necessary to control hypertension, good glycemic control in diabetics, and the avoidance of nephrotoxic drugs whenever possible.

Page 54: Chapter 16 The Genitourinary System The kidney is essential in maintaining water, salt, and electrolyte balance and is an endocrine gland that secretes.

Childhood Kidney Cancer: Wilms' Tumor Wilms' tumor is a cancer of the kidney that typically

develops in children younger than 4 years of age. It can grow to a large size. It may be encapsulated (contained

within the capsule of the kidney).-Encapsulation is associated with a favorable prognosis,

whereas spread of the tumor outside of the abdominal area to the lungs is associated with a poorer outcome.

-Overall, prognosis is good, with an approximately 90% survival rate.

Clinical Manifestations• A large abdominal mass may be noted by parents or a

health-care provider.• Vomiting, abdominal pain, and hematuria may be present.

Page 55: Chapter 16 The Genitourinary System The kidney is essential in maintaining water, salt, and electrolyte balance and is an endocrine gland that secretes.

Diagnostic Tools• A careful history can raise suspicion of Wilms'

tumor.• Physical examination may identify the mass.• CT scan or ultrasound may confirm the

diagnosis.Treatment• Chemotherapy and surgery are used

aggressively to destroy the tumor.

Page 56: Chapter 16 The Genitourinary System The kidney is essential in maintaining water, salt, and electrolyte balance and is an endocrine gland that secretes.

Adult kidney cancer• This cancer is especially common in the sixth or

seventh decade of life, and is more common in males than in females.

• Risk factors include repeated kidney stone irritation, smoking, and obesity.

• Symptoms include hematuria and the presence of a flank mass.

• Treatment and outcomes depend on staging, with outcomes ranging from 85% survival for stage I tumors to less than 10% survival for stage IV tumors.

Page 57: Chapter 16 The Genitourinary System The kidney is essential in maintaining water, salt, and electrolyte balance and is an endocrine gland that secretes.

Clinical Manifestations• Hematuria is the most common manifestation.

It may be frankly visible or may be microscopic and sporadic.

• A flank mass may be palpable. Flank pain may be present as well.

• Polycythemia may be present, reflecting alteration in the renal control of hematopoiesis.

• Fever may accompany the cancer.

Page 58: Chapter 16 The Genitourinary System The kidney is essential in maintaining water, salt, and electrolyte balance and is an endocrine gland that secretes.

Diagnostic Tools• CT scanning .• Ultrasound, renal angiography, and MRI may

confirm the diagnosis.• Complications• Metastasis to the lungs or elsewhere may precede

diagnosis.Treatment• Surgery.• Chemotherapy and immunotherapy may be used as

