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Chapter 2: Knowledge [Exponential Future]

Date post: 22-Jan-2018
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Thro Action & Devotion

Through Knowledge

Through Epiphany



2the knowledge

वासांिस जीणार्िन यथा िवहाय

नवािन गृह्णाित नरोऽपरािण।

तथा शरीरािण िवहाय जीणार्

न्यन्यािन संयाित नवािन देही।।2.22।।

Knowledge of the Laws of Governance of the world: As a person puts on new garments,

giving up old ones, similarly, the soul accepts new material bodies, giving up the old and

useless ones.

The Knowledge: #economicclusters deliver @expfuture growth? #ॐ http://bit.ly/1HZ7Oey #MichaelPorter

The Knowledge: #India 500mm #internet users @expfuture #ॐhttp://bit.ly/1QOGJws


The Knowledge: #Platform for @expfuture #ProfitableGrowth #ॐhttp://bit.ly/214op6Y

The Knowledge: “It’s all about open platforms; open systems based on open sources.” @expfuture @balaiyer #ॐ http://bit.ly/1NtpV91

The Knowledge: #Partner with #Digital friendly for @expfuture #ॐ

The Knowledge: Woo your biggest fans (because they’re absolutely worth it)http://for.tn/1j8VIU9

The Knowledge: Cities of tomorrow will be described by different nos and different kind of inhabitants http://bit.ly/1PP6NXo

The Knowledge:From days of having room sized multi million $ computers, we are down to getting matchbox sized computers free with a magazine! http://bit.ly/1QIK2pU

The Knowledge: Ubiquity in connectivity is already here! http://bit.ly/1MUe09c

The Knowledge: Platform strategy wins! Ecosystem of friends and foes = platformhttp://bit.ly/1k4cTnB

The Knowledge: Internet and computing -> Inexpensive Innovation -> Rise of Unicorns http://for.tn/15vwj0v

The Knowledge: Toyota unveils “Smartphone on wheels” concept carhttp://read.bi/1PYZpKR

The Knowledge: CIty as a platform! http://www.cityasplatform.org/
