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Chapter 3 Graphing Behavior and Measuring...

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Chapter 3 Graphing Behavior and Measuring Change Chapter Outline Components of a Graph Y-axis and X-axis 2. Make up hypothetical research scenarios and ask the students how they would apply the different research designs to the scenarios. For example, “Suppose you have two preschool students who engage in disruptive behavior in the classroom and you want to evaluate an intervention to decrease the disruptive behavior. Describe how you would use a multiple baseline across subjects design to evaluate the intervention in this scenario.” Answers to Practice Test Questions 23

Chapt er 3Graphin g Behavi or and Meas urin g

Chang e

Chapt er Outlin e

Compon e n t s of a GraphY-axis and X-axisAxis LabelsAxis NumbersData PointsPhase LinesPhase Labels

Graphing Behavioral DataGraphing Data from Different Recording Procedur e sResearch Design

A-B DesignA-B-A-B DesignMultiple Baseline Design

Across Subject sAcross BehaviorsAcross Settings

Alternating- Treat m e n t s DesignChanging Criterion Design

Chapter Summ a ryKey TermsPractice TestApplicationsMisapplicationsChapter 3, Quiz 1Chapter 3, Quiz 2,Chapter 3, Quiz 3

Idea s for Clas s Activi ti e s1. Make up a set of data with observa tions for a targe t behavior in baseline and treat m e n t conditions, provide the data set to the stude n t s , and have the studen t s compos e a graph of the data. You can make the data set simple to reflect an A-B design or more complex to reflect an A-B-A-B or multiple baseline design. Ask the stude n t s what design is illustrat e d in their graph.

2. Make up hypoth e tical rese arch scenarios and ask the studen t s how they would apply the different rese arch designs to the scen arios . For exam ple , “Suppos e you have two preschool stude n t s who enga g e in disruptive behavior in the classroo m and you want to evaluat e an interven tion to decre a s e the disruptive behavior. Describe how you would use a multiple baseline across subject s design to evalua t e the intervention in this scenario.”

Answ er s to Practic e Tes t Que s t i o n s


1. A graph is used to docum e n t wheth er a behavior has change d when a behavior modification proced ur e is implem e n t e d . The graph makes it easier to comp ar e the levels of the behavior before, during, and after trea t m e n t becau s e the levels are visually prese n t e d for comp arison .2. The two variables illustrat e d in a behavior modification graph are time and behavior .

3. The Y axis, or ordinat e , is the vertical axis of the graph. The X axis, or absciss a, is the horizontal axis of the graph. The two axes come togeth e r at the bottom left of the page .

4. The level of behavior is indicat e d on the Y axis. Time is indicat e d on the X axis.

5. A phas e is a period of time in which the sam e trea t m e n t (or no trea t m e n t ) is in effect.

6. Data points are not connec t e d across phas e lines so that differenc e s in the level of the behavior in different phas e s can be seen more easily.

7. Your graph should include: (1) the X axis and the Y axis; (2) the label for the X axis and Y axis; (3) the numb er s on the Y axis and the X axis; (4) data points; (5) phas e line(s); and (6) phas e labels.

8. The label for the Y axis of a graph base d on interval recording will be the “percen t a g e of intervals” in which the target behavior occurred .

9. The A-B design is the simples t type of design used in behavior modification, having just two phas e s : baseline and trea t m e n t . A = baseline; B = trea t m e n t .

10. In the A-B-A-B revers al design, baseline and treat m e n t phas e s are implem e n t e d twice. After the first trea t m e n t phas e , the resea rc h e r remove s the treat m e n t and revers e s back to baseline. This second baseline is then followed by replication of the trea t m e n t . See Figure 3.11 for an exam ple of an A-B-A-B reversal design.

11. A multiple baseline design is a rese arch design in which a trea t m e n t is evaluat e d as it is applied seque n t i ally to two or more subject s , two or more behaviors, or in two or more settings. There are three types of multiple baseline designs. (1) In a multiple baseline across subjec t s , there is a baseline and a treat m e n t phas e for the sam e targe t behavior of two or more different subject s (Figure 3.12). (2) In a multiple baseline across behaviors , there is a baseline and trea t m e n t phas e for two or more different behaviors of the sam e subject (Figure 3.13). (3) In a multiple baseline across settings , there is a baseline and trea t m e n t phas e for two or more settings in which the sam e behavior of the sam e subject is mea s ur e d (Figure 3.14).

12. An extran e o u s variable is any variable that is not being meas ur e d or manipula t e d as part of trea t m e n t . By withdrawing and then re- implem e n t ing treat m e n t , it is possible to demon s t r a t e that behavior change coincides with the application of trea t m e n t . This being the case, it is reason a ble to conclud e that behavior chang e is the result of trea t m e n t rather than some extran e o u s variable.

13. When trea t m e n t is implem e n t e d at different times or after a different numb er of baseline data points in a multiple baseline design, we say that treat m e n t is “stagg e r e d” over time.

14. In an alterna ting treat m e n t s design (ATD) the baseline and treat m e n t conditions (or


two treat m e n t conditions) are conduct e d in rapid succession and compar e d to each other (see Figure 3.15).

15. To judge the effectiven e s s of trea t m e n t in an ATD, the level of the behavior in the two conditions (baseline and treat m e n t or two different treat m e n t s ) are comp ar e d within the sam e time period.

16. A changing criterion design typically includes a baseline and trea t m e n t phas e , with seque n t i al perform a n c e criteria specified within the treat m e n t phas e (see Figure 3.16).


17. The effectiven e s s of trea t m e n t in a changing criterion design is deter min e d by wheth er the subject’s behavior or perform a n c e chang e s to meet the changing perform a n c e criteria.

18. A functional relationship betwe e n a behavior modification proced ur e and a targe t behavior exists when the target behavior chang e s as a function of the proced ur e (the procedur e caus es the behavior to chang e). You deter min e that a functional relationship exists when the targe t behavior change s if and only if the proced ur e is implem e n t e d and the process is repe a t e d one or more times.

Answers to Applications

2. See Figure 3.18.

3. See Figure 3.19.

Answers to Misapplications

1. The problem with the A-B-A-B design in this example is that, if Ace Consultants reverse the intervention and remove the incentive system, the workers may slow down their work rate and the company may lose money again. This would be damaging to the company and thus the use of the A-B-A-B design in this case would be inappropriate. It would be better to simply keep the incentive system in place and measure the workers' behavior over a long period of time so as to determine whether the productivity stays at the high level. The company is more interested in the change in the workers' productivity than in proving that the incentive system caused the change.

2. The problem in this example is that Alice is plotting the running distance on her graph only once a week. In a self-management program, the individual should monitor the target behavior and plot the behavior on the graph on a daily basis. The individual is less likely to forget if plotting the behavior is a daily routine. In addition, once the intervention is implemented, daily plotting of the target behavior will function as a daily reminder to engage in the behavior.

3. The mistake that Dr. Pete made was to implement treatment for all three target behaviors at the same time. In a multiple-baseline-across-behaviors design, the intervention with each of the individual's target behaviors is staggered over time. In this case, Dr. Pete should implement the intervention with one behavior (for example, initiating conversations) while the other two are still in baseline. Then, after the first behavior improves, he should implement treatment with the second behavior (for example, answering questions) while the third behavior is still in baseline. When the second behavior changes as a result of the intervention, he should implement the intervention with the third behavior (smiling), to produce a change in that behavior also.

Answ er s to Quizze s

Quiz 11. graph 2. Y 3. X 4. baseline, trea t m e n t 5. treat m e n t is not replicat e d 6. A-B-A-B design 7. set tings 8. changing criterion design 9. subject s 10. behaviors

Quiz 21. the level of behavior 2. the units of time baseline, trea t m e n t 4. functional relationship 5. A-B-A-B reversal 6. stagger e d 7. alterna ting treat m e n t s 8. behaviors 9. set tings 10. A-B

Quiz 31. behavior 2. days, cans of soda 3. A-B design 4. functional relationship 5. is not 6. A-B-A-B reversal 7. A-B-A-B reversal 8. multiple baseline across behaviors 9. multiple baseline across settings 10. multiple baseline across subject s


Test Que s t i o n s

1. In behavior modification, the main way to document behavior change is through the use of a(n):

a) graphb) questionnaire c) interviewd) statistical analysis


2. The two variables represented on a graph are:a) the independent and dependent variablesb) time and behaviorc) the extraneous and controlling variablesd) frequency and outcome


3. A data point on a graph tells you:a) when the behavior was recordedb) the level of behaviorc) what is causing the behaviord) A and B


4. The horizontal axis in a graph is used to record:a) behaviorb) timec) changed) duration


5. The level of the target behavior is recorded on the:a) horizontal axisb) vertical axis c) x-axisd) abscissa


6. There are ________ components necessary for a graph to be complete.a) fourb) sixc) eightd) ten


7. On a graph ___________ is indicated on the Y axis and ________________ is indicated on


the X axis.a) time, behaviorb) behavior, timec) frequency, durationd) time, treatment


8. Which of the following is NOT necessary for a graph to be complete?a) phase linesb) data pointsc) x-axis and y-axisd) behavior change


9. A vertical line on a graph indicating a change in treatment is called a:a) baselineb) time linec) phase lined) treatment line


10. Which dimension(s) of behavior can be graphed?a) frequencyb) durationc) intensityd) all of these


11. In behavior modification, a research design is used to:a) determine if the treatment changed the behaviorb) control the target behaviorc) make it easier to change the behavior d) A and B


12. Billy has trouble sitting still in class, so his teacher implements a program in which she praises Billy for staying in his seat. Billy’s sitting behavior increases, and the teacher concludes her praise was responsible. The teacher does not realize Billy has started taking medication that causes fatigue. The medication would be an example of a(n) __________ variable.

a) independentb) extraneousc) dependentd) behavioral


13. An A-B design does not demonstrate a functional relationship between the treatment and the


target behavior because there is no:a) change in the target behaviorb) statistical test of significancec) replicationd) validation



14. A researcher demonstrates that receiving gold stickers for completing math problems increases the number of problems that a student finishes. The researcher has demonstrated a _____________ relationship between receiving gold stickers and completing math problems.

a) correlationalb) functionalc) perfectd) two-way


15. In behavior modification, a research design involves:a) estimationb) treatment implementationc) replication d) B and C


16. Which of the following is NOT characteristic of an A-B design?a) it is used to compare baseline and treatmentb) it is used in applied settingsc) it demonstrates a functional relationshipd) it is the simplest type of design


17. A teacher records the biting behavior of a child before and after treatment is implemented. This is an example of a(n) ____________ design.

a) A-B-A-Bb) A-Bc) Multiple-baselined) Alternating treatments


18. Which research design is referred to as a reversal design?a) A-Bb) A-B-A-Bc) Multiple-baselined) Changing-criterion


19. In an A-B-A-B design, B refers to ______________ and A refers to _________________.a) baseline; assessmentb) baseline; treatmentc) treatment; baselined) dependent variable; independent variable


20. What should be taken into account before using an A-B-A-B design?


a) Is it ethical to remove treatment?b) Can treatment be removed?c) Will the level of behavior reverse?d) all of these


21. Which of the following is a type of multiple-baseline design?a) across-subjectsb) across- staffc) across-timed) all of these


22. A researcher records the hair pulling behavior of three different children in a classroom and implements treatment at a different time for each child. The researcher is using a(n) _____________ design.

a) multiple-baseline-across-behaviors b) multiple-baseline-across-subjectsc) alternating-treatmentsd) changing-criterion


23. A researcher is interested in measuring the hitting and screaming behaviors of a child, treating the hitting first, and treating the screaming later. To do this, the researcher would use a(n) ____________ design.

a) multiple-baseline-across-settingsb) multiple-baseline-across-behaviorsc) A-B-A-Bd) alternating treatments


24. A researcher records a child’s crying behavior when the child is at school and when the child is at home and provides treatment at school then at home. The researcher is using a(n) _____________ design.

a) A-B-A-Bb) multiple-baseline-across-settingsc) changing-criteriond) multiple-baseline-across-behaviors


25. A critical feature of multiple-baseline designs is that:a) baselines differ in lengthb) treatment is staggered over time c) A and Bd) none of these



26. In a(n) _____________ research design, baseline and treatment conditions are conducted in rapid succession and compared to each other.

a) A-B-A-Bb) multiple-baselinec) changing-criteriond) alternating-treatments


27. The research design in which there are increasing (or decreasing) goal levels for the target behavior is referred to as a(n) ____________ design.

a) alternating-treatmentsb) changing-criterionc) multiple-baselined) A-B-A-B


28. Which research design does NOT control for the effect of confounding variables?a) A-Bb) A-B-A-Bc) changing-criteriond) multiple-baseline


29. To deter min e whether a new drug decrea s e s self- injurious behavior, the research er meas ur e s self- injurious behavior while giving a subject the drug on even number e d days and giving a placebo on odd numb er e d days for two weeks. This is an example of a(n) ____________________ design.

a) multiple baseline across set tingsb) changing criterionc) multiple baseline across behaviorsd) alterna t ing trea t m e n t s


30. To deter mine whether a new drug decrea s e s self- injurious behavior, the research er meas ur e s the self- injurious behavior of 3 children, and then gives the drug to the first child after one week. After two weeks of baseline, the second child gets the drug and after 3 weeks of baseline, the third child gets the drug. This is an example of a(n)___________ design.

a) multiple baseline across subjectsb) changing criterionc) multiple baseline across behaviorsd) alterna t ing trea t m e n t s


1. A ________ is a visual repres e n t a t ion of the occurrence of a behavior over time.

ANS: graph

2. On a graph in behavior modification, the _____ axis shows the level of the behavior.


3. On a graph in behavior modification, the _____ axis shows the units of time.



4. In an A-B design, A= _________ and B= __________.

ANS: baseline; treatment

5. In a multiple baseline across subjects design, there is a baseline and trea t m e n t phase for __________ behavior(s) of __________ subject(s) .

ANS: one; two or more


6. In a multiple baseline across behaviors design, there is a baseline and trea t m e n t phase for __________ behavior(s) of __________ subject(s) .

ANS: two or more; one

7. In a multiple baseline across settings design, there is a baseline and trea t m e n t phase for ________ behavior(s) of _________ subject(s) in __________ setting(s).

ANS: one; one; two or more

8. In a __________________ research design, baseline and trea t m e n t sessions occur in rapid succession.

ANS: alternating treatment

9. In a(n) __________________ research design, there is a baseline phas e followed by a trea t m e n t phas e and then another baseline and trea t m e n t phas e .


10. In a(n) ___________________ research design, there is a baseline and a trea t m e n t phase and, in the trea t m e n t phase , there are different criterion levels for the behavior.

ANS: changing criterion

1. T F The units of behavior are labeled on the Y axis of a graph.


2. T F Data points should be connec t e d across phas e lines.


3. T F A-B designs are frequen tly used in behavior modification research .


4. T F In the A-B-A-B revers al design, baseline and trea t m e n t are impleme n t e d twice for one behavior of one subject .


5. T F Phase labels on a graph are typically put below the X axis.


6. T F In a multiple baseline across behaviors design, trea t m e n t is first impleme n t e d for one behavior of the subject and is then impleme n t e d later for a second behavior of the same subject.


7. T F A functional relationship betwe e n the trea t m e n t and the behavior


is demons t r a t e d in a multiple baseline across subjects design when the behavior of each subject chang es only after the trea t m e n t is impleme n t e d for that subject.


8. T F In an alterna ting trea t m e n t s design, the baseline is impleme n t e d for a long period of time and then the trea t m e n t is impleme n t e d for a long period of time.


9. T F Each data point on a graph shows you the level of the behavior at a particular point in time.


10. T F When you demons tr a t e that a behavior modification procedure caused a behavior to chang e, you are demons t r a t ing a functional relationship.


1. Prior to trea t m e n t , Jenny smoked the following number of cigare t t e s on consecu tive days; 15, 15, 16, 14, 20, 15, 16, 17, 14, 20. After trea t m e n t , Jenny smokes the following number of cigare t t e s on consecu tive days; 10, 10, 8, 8, 6, 5, 4, 2, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0. Draw the graph that shows the frequency of Jenny’s cigare t t e smoking before and after trea t m e n t . Be sure to include all of the essen tial compon e n t s of a comple t e graph.

ANS: See Figure 3.10 for an example of an A-B design.

2. Does the A-B design demons t r a t e a functional relationship? Why or why not?

ANS: No. You determine that a functional relationship exists when the target behavior changes if and only if the procedure is implemented and the process is repeated one or more times. There is no replication in an AB design.

3. Draw an example of a graph of an A-B-A-B reversal design.

ANS: See Figure 3.11 for an example of an A-B-A-B reversal design.

4. What does it mean to say that trea t m e n t is stagg er e d in a multiple baseline design?

ANS: When treatment is implemented at different times in a multiple-baseline design, we say that treatment is “staggered” over time.

5. Dr. Allen evalua t e d the effects of the drug, Ritalin, on the aggres sive behavior of a 6-year- old boy using an alterna ting trea t m e n t s design. He meas ur e d the number of aggressive behaviors (hits) each day. He alterna t e d days in which the drug was given with days in which the drug


was not given. The drug was given on even number e d days and the drug was not given on odd number e d days. The results were as follows.

Days 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11


# of Hits

12 5 15 6 13 2 11 4 15 3 12


Draw the alterna ting trea t m e n t s design graph of thes e results .

ANS: See Figure 3.15 for an alternating treatments design.

