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Chapter - 3 the Basic Wardrove -I

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  • 7/28/2019 Chapter - 3 the Basic Wardrove -I


    CHAPTER - 3


  • 7/28/2019 Chapter - 3 the Basic Wardrove -I


  • 7/28/2019 Chapter - 3 the Basic Wardrove -I


    3.Dress for others, as well as for your own image .

    -No one wants to fade into the woodwork; it is nicesometimes to lead the pack, and quite naturally youwant your clothing to communicate that youbelong. Your goal is a wardrobe of clothes that

    are right for your body , your personality, yourenvironment and the specific occasion.

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    **The first step in learning who you reallyare is to take a good look at yourself and whatyou do. Decide in which general categoryof style you feel most comfortable. Whether itssporty, tailored, romantic, or sophisticated, always

    remember that your choice is not static and doesnot forbid crossing over for varietyand experimentation. In creating your own personalstyle, ask yourself the following questions:

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    Has my body size, weight, height, proportion changed?

    Has my lifestyle changed?Has my attitude changed?

    Have my friends, school, or workplace changed?

    What amount of time do I have to devote to the upkeep of my wardrobe?

    What are my monetary limitations?What impressions do I want to make?

    Do I want to make any changes in my current style?

    How can I express my adaptation of the seasonstrends without sacrificing my fashion statement?

    Is there a role, or roles, I would enjoy acting out throughdressing as I seek to discover varied facets of my nature?

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    First Impression

    -the instant judgment people form when they meetyou (on a subconscious level)-on a visual level andcrystallizes even before you open your mouth-ninetypercent of which is composed of your clothing, andthe rest is formed when you utter your firstsentence, How is your first impression formed? Thefollowing are the factors that help the viewer formthe first impression:

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    1.Economic level

    -Is he rich or poor?

    -Is he working or unemployed?

    2.Educational level

    -Is he a high school or college graduate?

    -Is he an attorney or a doctor?3.Social position

    Does he live in one of the villages?

    Does he belong to the upper socio-economic level or the lower level?

    4.Level of sophistication

    -Is he the party-hopping type, the social register type?

    -Is he the provinciano type?

    5.Family background-What is his social, educational, and economic heritage?

    -What is the position of the family in the community?

    -Are they known by their family names or not?


    -Is he successful?

    -Does he have a car, a house and lot?

    -Is he important in his company?-Is he known by his business associates and peers?

    7.Moral character

    -Does he look honest?

    -Is he the type who will put one over others?

    -Will he cheat me?

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    1. Clean up your closet

    2. Know your figure

    3. Shop wisely and wellShopping Traps to Avoid :

    1.Think twice before shopping with a friend.

    A friend is a distraction and may keep you fromfocusing on what you came for.

    2.A friends taste and aims may be different fromyours.

    3.A friend may choose clothes which he/she would choose for himself/herself, but not appropriate foryou.

    4.Avoid shopping out of loneliness.Bake a cake or take up some sport instead. Shoppingfor the wrong reasons bring out wrong results

    5.Dont shop for bargains. Dont judge a merchandise byits price tag.

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    COLORS =

    -The first principle in decorating yourself is understandingnot only what colors are right for you, but which shadesyou should wear.

    Your Color Spectrum=

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    1.Primary Colors

    A. Red B. Blue C. Yellow

    2.Secondary Colors

    A. Green B. Violet C. Orange

    3.Tertiary Colors

    A. Blue-Violet B. Violet-Red C. Red-Orange D. Yellow-Green E. Orange-Yellow F. Blue-Green

    Types of Color Combinations :

    1.Monochromatic -This color combination results in the useof same color, but different shades. An example of this isbrown, light brown, and beige.

    2.Complementary -This results in the use of two colors,opposite each other in the color wheel. Examples are redand green, blue and yellow, etc.

    3.Analogous -This combination uses two colors beside oradjacent to each other in the color wheel. Examples areblue and green, green and blue green, etc.

    4.Triadic -This combination is made up of three colors thatform an equidistant triangle on the color wheel. These arepurple, green and orange; red, blue , yellow; etc

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    Your Best Colors :

    1.Beige = Your best beige is the color of your skin. Match itexactly.

    2.Brown = Your best brown is your hair color.

    3.Gray = If you have reached the gray-hair stage of your life,your best gray is the color of your gray hair. Avoid ray that looksmuddy or dull when placed next to your skin.4.White or Off-Whites = Your best white should notbe whiter or brighter than your teeth. People with brown-beige skinlook good in brownish off-whites. Almost everyone should avoidgrayish whites.

    5.Red = Your best shade of red is your bodys natural bloodcolor. It is the color you turn when you blush or flush. You can seeit on the palms of your hands, and the inside of your lower lip.

    6.Blue = If blue is your eye color, match it. If it isnt in youreyes, it is a complementary color for you.

    7.Green = Just like blue, the green of your eye color is your bestgreen. The best green is one with a clear tone or closest to a jadeor emerald green. Yellow-greens are harder to wear.

    8.Yellow = Most people have yellow in their eyes. The best yellowto use is one that is not too bright for your coloring. The hardestto use are lemon yellow and mustard gold.

    9.Black =Some look good in pure black. Others, the best shadewould be a brown black or blue black. If your hair is black, blackwill be a very effective color for you.

    10.Navy = Navy can be nautical blue, bright navy, or royalnavy.Your best navy color is determined by noting what it does toyour skin tone. If it dull sit, avoid it.

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    Meanings of the Different Colors :

    1.RED = Red is the color of fire and blood, so it isassociated with energy, war, danger, strength, power,determination as well as passion, desire, and love.

    Shades of Red:

    A .Light Red represents joy, sexuality, passion,sensitivity, and love.

    B .Pink signifies romance, love and friendship;denotes feminine qualities and passiveness .

    C .Dark Red associated with vigor, will-power, rage, anger, leadership, courage, longingmalice and wrath.

    D .Brown suggests stability and denotes masculinequalities.

    E .Reddish Brown associated with harvest and fall.

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    2.ORANGE =Orange combines the energy of red and thehappiness of yellow. It is associated with joy, sunshine,and the tropics. To the human eye, orange is a very hotcolor, so it gives the sensation of heat. Orange increasesoxygen supply to the brain, produces an invigoratingeffect, and stimulates mental activity.

    Shades of Orange:

    A .Dark Orange can mean deceit and distrust

    B .Red Orange corresponds to desire, sexual

    passion, pleasure, domination, aggression, and thirst foraction

    C .Gold evokes the feeling of prestige; it meansillumination, wisdom, and wealth; often symbolizes highquality

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    3.YELLOW = Yellow is the color of sunshine. It is associated

    with joy, happiness,intellect, and energy. Yellow produces a warming effect, cheerfulness, stimulates mental activity, and generates muscleenergy. Yellow isoften associated with food. Bright, pure yellow is an attentiongetter, which is the reason why taxicabs are painted thiscolor.

    Shades of Yellow:

    A .Light Yellow associated with intellect, freshness, andjoy.

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    4.GREEN = Green is the color of nature. It symbolizesgrowth, harmony, freshness, and fertility. Green hasstrong emotional correspondence with safety. Dark green isalso commonly associated with money. Green has greathealing powers.

    Shades of Green:

    A .Dark Green associated with ambition, green, andjealousy

    B .Yellow Green can indicate sickness, cowardice,

    discord, and jealousyC .Aqua is associated with emotional healing andprotection

    D .Olive Green is the traditional color of peace

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    5.BLUE =Blue is the color of the sky and the sea. Itis associated with depth and stability. It symbolizestrust, loyalty, wisdom, confidence, intelligence,faith, truth, and heaven. Blue is considered

    beneficial to the mind and body.

    Shades of Blue:

    A .Light Blue associated with health, healing, tranquility,

    understanding, and softnessB .Dark Blue represents knowledge, power, integrity, andseriousness

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    6.PURPLE =Purple combines the stability of blue andthe energy of red. Purple is associated with

    royalty. It symbolizes power, nobility, luxury, andambition. It conveys wealth and extravagance. Purpleis associated with wisdom, dignity, independence,creativity, mystery, and magic.

    Shades of Purple:A .Light Purple evokes romantic and nostalgicfeelings; good choice for a feminine design

    B Dark Purple evokes gloom and sad feelings; cancause frustration

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    Investing in Your Wardrobe:

    1.Know yourself2.Know your resources3.Know your body

    4.Know about the cost per wear

    Factors Affecting Choice of Colors:

    1.Color of skin, eyes, and hair=The Filipinos kayumanggi complexion looks best in shades of

    coral, orange-reds, browns, greenish-blues. If you have a rosycomplexion, you will look well in shades of red and orangetones. Beige with touches of brown is flattering for you.2.Personality= Your personality is an important factor in the choice ofcolors. The colors should make you feel right. A right, reddress may disturb you if you are shy and retiring. Ai you are adynamic person, a delicate pastel may not look right on you.

    3.Occasion=Office clothes should not be as bright as your sportsclothes. Evening clothes should be more dramatic than daytimeclothes. As a whole, office clothes should be moreconservative, more subdued than clothes for social occasions.

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    WOMENS FASHIONSKIRTS =Skirts are a working womans chief means ofmultiplying her wardrobe. She should have at leastone straight style, with a split or pleat.

    The A-Line Skirt

    -This style is small and slim at the waist and hugsperfectly around your waist and hips and graduates to afuller bottom, just like the letter A. The length is knee-level or just below it. This style is perfect for women thathave big hips and thighs. The A shape of the skirt doesntallow the fabric to cling to the part you want to conceal

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    * The Pencil Skirt -This style can be used by every body typebut this will look best on women who have a curvy figurebecause the slightly tape red bottom shows off thecurve. Just consider the length; it should be knee-level orabove the knees. This style works for both a long and short

    waist.*Tube Skirt =It is of a similar fit and style as that of a pencilskirt, but its longer in length. The length stops at theankle. This style is good for women with curves and for womenwith a wider top and smaller bottom.

    *Asymmetrical Skirt= This style has an uneven hemline which is

    usuallylonger on the other side. It creates a line and a curve bydrawing the angles of the body. This style conceals part ofyour legs, which is good for women who have heavy thighs.This skirt should fit you right; not too tight and not too loose.

    *Column Skirt = This style is good in lengthening the body lineso this will look best if you are tall and leggy. Women with arounded figure and narrower hips can use this style. It alsoconceals big ankles and calves because the length stops at theankle or just below it


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    BLOUSES = Blouses are a great wardrobestaple to have whatever your lifestyle or lineof work. They can upgrade casual pieces, addpolish to more formal attire, and can be wornin a variety of ways. So invest in a few classic

    blouses. Your wardrobe will be the better forit. Only a few basic colors are needed to havea variety of uses.

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    *Classic Blouse = The classic v-neck blouse is themost versatile and is generally flattering to all bodytypes.

    *Surplice=Another popular style, the surplice wrap is

    figure-friendly to all but the thinnest and least-endowed.

    *Ruffled= blouses typically offer ruffles around theneck, along the buttons, or at the sleeves.

    *Shell =A basic shell is a like a dressy t-shirt with its simple, utilitarian shape.

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    The Column/Sheath Dress

    =Form fitting dresses that are generally solid colorsor one pattern with little or no embellishments. They

    can be any length, but typically hit at the thigh orknee.

    The Wrap Dress

    =Wrap dress is a dress that wraps aroundthe body and ties at the side.

    The Maxi Dress= The Maxi dress is a long flowing dress with anempire waistline. These dresses have becomeextremely popular lately. They are comfortable andvery feminine.

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    EVENING WEAR=Different styles and classifications of

    evening wear suit a wide range of events, budgets

    and locales. A semiformal wedding requires adifferent type of clothing than the Met CostumeInstitute Gala, while cocktail dressing encompassesyet another set of rules.
