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Chapter 4 Educational Strategic Plan

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Northwestern Lehigh School District
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Page 1 Northwestern Lehigh SD - Chapter 4 Educational Strategic Plan Pennsylvania Department of Education COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION 333 MARKET STREET HARRISBURG, PA 17126-0333 Chapter 4 Educational Strategic Plan Monday, May 07, 2007 Entity: Northwestern Lehigh SD Address: 6493 Route 309 New Tripoli, PA 18066-2038 Phone: (610) 298-8661 Contact Name: Susanne Meixsell
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Northwestern Lehigh SD - Chapter 4 Educational Strategic Plan

Pennsylvania Department of Education



Chapter 4 Educational Strategic Plan Monday, May 07, 2007

Entity: Northwestern Lehigh SD Address: 6493 Route 309

New Tripoli, PA 18066-2038 Phone: (610) 298-8661

Contact Name: Susanne Meixsell

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Organization Description The Northwestern Lehigh School District comprises 1/3 of Lehigh County which equates to approximately 107 square miles. The District is primarily rural with many farms still in operation. As farmland is slowly being converted to housing developments, families moving into the District tend to be upper-middle class professionals who make daily commutes to work in neighboring cities, anywhere from thirty minutes to two hours away from home. The District is becoming a mix of stakeholders with differing expectations for our students. The District includes one high school, one middle school, and two elementary buildings with a total enrollment of 2399 students. We have participated in the Lehigh Valley Career Pathways Consortium since 1998. All students, K-12, are involved in a career guidance program. By eighth grade, students have selected a career cluster - Arts and Humanities; Business/Communication Technology; Engineering/Industrial Technology; or Health Sciences/Human Services and either the Traditional or Technical pathway within the cluster. Two required courses, Futures I and II, were added in 2001 and 2004 respectively, for all ninth and eleventh grade students. These high school courses, designed to support the Career Pathways program, meet the Pennsylvania Academic standards for Family and Consumer Science, Technology, and Career Education and Work. The District has offered dual enrollment opportunities since Spring 2000, with over 550 successfully completed college courses since that time. Courses delivered through distance learning, dual enrollment, both on our campus and at local colleges and universities, and Independent Study has allowed our students to pursue their career goals in elective courses that a school of our size could otherwise not offer. Our 2004 AYP has been met with a 96.32% graduation rate, 98% participation in both Math and Reading, and 64.9% in Math and 76.2% in Reading meeting proficient/advanced status. PSSA scores have increased in each of the past three years. In 11th grade Math, the number of students scoring in the proficient/advanced range in 2002 was 55%, increased to 58.5% in 2003 and 64.9% in 2004. In 11th grade Reading, proficient/advanced scores were 67.2% in 2002, 67.8% in 2003, and 76.2% in 2004. Writing scores show a similar pattern, with 67% in 2002, 79.3% in 2003, and 85.7% in 2004 of students scoring in the proficient/advanced range. 77% of the graduating class of 2004 continued in further education/vocation/military training with 8% going directly to work. The remaining 15% graduated with undecided plans for their future. The strengths of our students and community are:

• consistent improvement in test scores

• students who are engaged and interested in their school experiences

• a variety of educational opportunities being utilized including dual-enrollment,

on-line recovery courses, career and technical education, independent study

• required courses to meet Career Education and Work standards

• participation in Lehigh County Pathways, High Schools that Work, and other

career focused activities

• partnerships with higher education and business groups

• a supportive, involved, and educationally-minded community

Our needs include:

• improved academic proficiency as demonstrated in the PSSA and Terra Nova

exam scores in Reading and Math

• improved proficiency on college placement exams and lowered percentages of

students requiring remedial college coursework

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• more opportunities for personalized career counseling and courses to support

career goals (including dual-enrollment)

• more access to technology

• more opportunities for 21st century learning

• more opportunities for career-based learning such as job-shadowing and


• a greater understanding of our changing technology-infused global society and

the role each plays to contribute as an informed citizen

Core Purpose Mission Our mission is to engage students, employees, and the community in a partnership to achieve excellence through learning! Northwestern Lehigh.....Excellence through learning!

Vision A look at the Northwestern Lehigh School District in 2012! The Northwestern Lehigh School District is a place where learning is highly valued not only for students, but also for employees and community members. Students here are filled with Tiger Pride and are highly motivated learners spurred by rigorous curriculum that is aligned to the PA Academic Standards and Assessment Anchors taught by highly qualified, caring, and well-trained teachers. Our educational programs have evolved to prepare all students to live, work, and learn in a world driven by informational technologies. Our graduates communicate their appreciation for the rich content knowledge, development of their thinking and personal skills to successfully navigate the world around them. The key to our success has been continual learning about the best instructional practices and technologies, to examine the essential learning questions facing our students, and to couple our learning with our commitment and passion for each students success as a learner and as a person. Our school day allows for flexible learning opportunities for all our students. Technology has allowed us to expand the walls of Northwestern Lehigh to encompass the world. Teachers are communicating regularly around professional development topics, communicating with parents about the progress of their child, and reflecting on curriculum and essential questions all via the Internet and our web-based curriculum database. All this happens from home or school! Our students have multiple opportunities to participate in extracurricular activities that enhance their social, mental, and physical being. These activities are led by qualified and caring adults who bring integrity and positive attitudes to the programs which help instill a strong sense of Tiger Pride and commitment to the Northwestern Lehigh family community. District employees are highly engaged in carrying out the mission, vision, and shared values of the District. A sense of pride, mutual respect, accomplishment, and a strong work ethic are tangible amongst employee groups who are all focused on moving the District forward. Visitors to the District comment on the positive customer service, friendly environment, positive attitudes, and clear communication coming from the District. Our buildings are safe, clean, and well-

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maintained. Students, employees, and visitors feel welcome in our facilities because they are conducive to learning and our shared values. Residents of the Northwestern Lehigh School District are frequently engaged in District activities. Local, regional, and global businesses work collaboratively with the District providing learning and social opportunities that are of mutual benefit to the students and community. Parents are proud to send their children to the District and are often in our school buildings. 2012 is a year that proves there has been a shared commitment by all stakeholders promoting our mission to engage students, employees, and the community in a partnership to achieve excellence through learning!

Shared Values We believe&...

• learning is a lifelong process and schooling provides the foundation.

• all students want and deserve the opportunity to learn.

• effective communication is essential for a quality school system.

• schools can provide for intellectual, physical, social, ethical, aesthetic, and

emotional development of all children.

• students learn best from highly qualified, caring, and well-trained educators.

• meaningful education can also happen outside the school environment.

• the utilization of technology will enhance our ability to be an effective learning


• parents, teachers, and students share the responsibility to enhance the learning


• schools provide a safe learning environment that offers security, understanding,

respect, and direction from caring adults.

• all students can develop the following life skills to thrive in a period of rapid

change: communication, problem solving, higher level thinking, collaboration,

information management, and use of technology.

• through the promotion of high expectations students are more likely to achieve

their individual full potential.

• in the inherent worth of every individual and the importance of affirming and

supporting that worth in others.

• all students have diverse backgrounds, abilities, interests, and needs and can be

treated as individual learners without sacrificing the outcome of the majority.

• students can become responsible, contributing members of the global community

through their education.

• our employees all make strong contributions to the Districts operational efficiency

through a positive attitude, focused efforts, and creative solutions.

• parental involvement in the educational process is key to a childs success in


• our community is an essential component of achieving our mission.

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Goals Goal #1 Academic Proficiency As measured by the PSSA, PASA, and/or District assessments 85% of District students will be proficient in core subject areas (reading, math, science, and social studies) leading to successful academic transitions from elementary to middle to high school and beyond. A. Curriculum Review Process District instructional and administrative staff will revise and implement a new curriculum process. 1. Subject Area Integration The new curriculum process will reflect subject area integration. 2. Curriculum Mapping The new curriculum process will be based on curriculum mapping and the utilization of curriculum mapping database software as a curriculum analysis tool. 3. Annual Review of Curriculum The new curriculum process will provide for an annual review of all core curricular areas. B. Align Curriculum to Academic Standards and Anchors - District instructional staff will align all planned courses to the PA Academic Standards and Assessment Anchors. 1. Curriculum Alignment District instructional staff will work to align all curriculum to the PA Academic Standards and Assessment Anchors. 2. Curriculum Mapping Training All District instructional and administrative staff will be trained on how to develop curriculum maps as well as how to utilize curriculum mapping database software. 3. Standards and Anchor Training Instructional and administrative staff will be trained on the use of the PA Academic Standards and Assessment Anchors 4. Subject Integration District instructional staff will learn how to integrate multiple subject areas into instructional objectives to show students the relationship between subject areas and the application to real world examples. C. Benchmark Assessments District instructional staff will develop benchmark assessments in core subject areas aligned to the PA Academic Standards and Assessment Anchors. 1. Training Core instructional staff will be trained on writing valid, reliable benchmark assessments. 2. Web-Based Assessments Core instructional staff will utilize web-based assessment tools to create and administer benchmark assessments so instructional data can be instantly accessed. 3. Assessment Analysis Core instructional staff will use benchmark assessment data within the datawarehouse for analysis against other variables such as PSSA data, grades, and classroom assessments to plan appropriate instruction and make curricular decisions.

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D. Use of Datawarehouse All District instructional and administrative staff will utilize the datawarehouse for comprehensive analysis of academic performance data. 1. Training All instructional and administrative staff will be trained on use of the datawarehouse. 2. Performance Review Building principals and core instructional staff will review student academic performance on a quarterly basis to assist in determining progress towards core academic proficiency. E. Parent Communication of Academic Performance All District instructional staff will utilize the parent web-portal to communicate academic performance data on a regular basis to parents. 1. Training All instructional and administrative staff will be trained on the use of web-portal as a communication tool with parents. 2. Parent Information All parents will receive information regarding how to use the web-portal to access their childs attendance and academic performance data. 3. Monitoring and Analysis Building principals and instructional staff will monitor the use of the web-portal and gather feedback from parents as necessary to analyze effectiveness of the web-portal as a communication tool. Goal #2 Technology Utilization for Academic Proficiency, Communications, and Management. All students and employees will utilize technology as a means to achieve academic proficiency and increase operational efficiencies. A. Academic Proficiency All students and teachers will use technology as a means to achieve academic proficiency. 1. Access - Provide access to technology in all learning spaces. 2. Integration - Integrate the use of technology into all curriculum. 3. Progress Monitoring - Provide students, staff, and parents with the tools to electronically monitor student academic progress. 4. Web-Based Academic Support - Provide web-based academic support for students through teacher web-pages and course development software. 5. Electronic Course Offerings - Provide courses via technology, i.e. distance learning or on-line courses. B. Communications Technology will be utilized to improve communications and increase access to information for and between the District, parents, and the community. 1. Software Tools such as the District web-page, email, and EdConnect will be used to

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increase access and speed of information. C. Administration and Management Technology will be used to improve efficiency, decision-making, data analysis, and resources allocation. 1. Datawarehouse The datawarehouse will be utilized to integrate data points throughout the District for planning purposes. Goal #3 High School Graduation Plan All students will graduate from high school with an articulated plan for life-long learning and career development. A. Web-Based Career Portfolio - Use web-based software including Career Cruising and Connected Ed to build career and graduation plan portfolio.

B. 9th Grade Academy - Institute 9th grade academy designed to focus on career pathways, clusters, and academic proficiency in all core subjects. C. Senior Project - Revise the senior project to align with the students choice of pathway and cluster to integrate with the graduation plan portfolio. D. Career-Based Instruction - Integrate career-based and real world instructional applications into all high school courses.

Academic Standards All District curriculum will reflect alignment and integration with the PA Academic Standards and Assessment Anchors. Objectives, instructional tools, and assessments will be aligned to the PA Standards and Assessment Anchors. The academic standards of the Northwestern Lehigh School District are the PA Academic Standards and Assessment Anchors. Reading, Writing, Speaking, Listening Reading- The application of phonemic awareness, phonics and word study, vocabulary, fluency, and text comprehension in reading critically across subject areas; the interpretation and analysis of literary expression with analysis of the origins and structures of the English language; and learning how to search a variety of texts to conduct research. Writing - Narrative, informational, and persuasive formal writing for an audience, including spelling and editing skills; and informal writing to capture and organize information for individual use. Speaking and Listening: Participation in conversation and formal speaking presentation Mathematics

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The understanding of fundamental ideas and the development of proficient mathematical skills in numbers, computation, measurement, statistics and data analysis, probability and predictions, algebra and functions, geometry, trigonometry and concepts of calculus. Using this content, students will learn to think, reason, and communicate mathematically. Science and Technology Study of the natural world and facts, principles, theories and laws in the areas of biology, chemistry, physics, and earth sciences. Technology is the application of science to enable societal development including food and fiber production, manufacturing, building, transportation, and communication. Science and technology share the use of senses, science processes, inquiry, investigation, analysis, and problem solving strategies. Environment and Ecology Understanding the components of ecological systems and their interrelationships with social systems and technologies. These components incorporate the disciplines of resource management, agricultural diversity, government, and the impact of human actions on natural systems. This interaction leads to the study of watersheds, threatened and endangered species, pest management, and the development of laws and regulations. Social Studies History - Study of the record of human experience including important events; interactions of culture, race, and ideas; the nature of prejudice; change and continuity in political systems; effects of technology; importance of global-international perspectives; and the integration of geography, economics, and civics studies on major developments in the history of the Commonwealth, the United States, and the world. Geography - Study of relationships among people, places, and environments, of geographic tools and methods, characteristics of place, concept of region and physical processes. Civics and Government - Study of United States constitutional democracy, its values and principles, study of the Constitution of the Commonwealth and government including the study of principles, operations, and documents of government, the rights and responsibilities of citizenship, how governments work and international relations. Economics - Study of how individuals and societies choose to use resources to produce, distribute, and consume goods and services. Knowledge of how economies work, economic reasoning and basic economic concepts, economic decision making, economic systems, the Commonwealth and the United States economy and international trade. Arts and Humanities Study of dance, theater, music, visual arts, language and literature including forms of expression, historical and cultural context, critical and aesthetic judgment and production, performance or exhibition of work. Career Education and Work Understanding career options in relationship to individual interests, aptitudes, and skills including the relationship between changes in society, technology, government, and economy and their effect on individuals and careers. Development of knowledge and skills in job-seeking and job-retaining skills and, for students completing vocational-technical programs, the skills to succeed in the occupation for which they are prepared. Health, Safety, and Physical Education Study of concepts and skills which affect personal, family, and community health and safety,

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nutrition, physical fitness, movement concepts and strategies, safety in physical activity settings, and leadership and cooperation in physical activities. Family and Consumer Science Understanding the role of consumers as a foundation for managing available resources to provide for personal and family needs and to provide basic knowledge of child health and child care skills. World Language Ability to communicate in a language other than English, including the ability to understand and interpret written and spoken language on a variety of topics and to develop knowledge and understanding of other cultures. The development and revision of the Districts planned instruction as defined in Chapter 4 shall be used to attain the PA academic standards, Assessment Anchors, and high school graduation requirements. The resulting planned instruction will provide learning opportunities at least as rigorous as those currently taught and will be available to all students. A curriculum development process has been instituted in the District to facilitate continuous curriculum review, analysis, development, coordination, and articulations. This process incorporates a curriculum council comprised of a representative cross-section of the school community that meets on a scheduled basis for the purpose of reviewing and analyzing curriculum by major subject areas. The process used by Northwestern Lehigh School District includes four (4) steps. (1) Preparation (2) Planning (3) Focus (4) Implementation/Evaluation Following a year of gathering and reviewing pertinent information and research, an analysis of these findings and current offerings are undertaken by the Curriculum Council. The Council analysis is the second year of a four year process that develops recommendations for improvement or further study. The third year involves the formation of Task Force groups to recommend plans to address identified needs. The fourth, and perhaps subsequent years, are designated for implementation of Board approved Task Force outcomes. Post secondary representation and/or input is included relevant to the issues that are being reviewed. This curriculum development model affords effective coordination and articulation of the curriculum across grades, goal areas, and levels (K-12.) This model is currently under review as a goal of our Strategic Plan.

Graduation Requirements In order to graduate from the Northwestern Lehigh High School students must successfully complete areas I, II, III, and IV as presented in the table below.

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Area I - Course Completion All students must successfully complete the following pattern of courses. Course Area Number of Courses Language Arts 4 Mathematics 4 Science 4 Social Studies 4 Wellness 2 Fitness 2

Area II - Student Project All students must successfully complete, as defined by the assessment criteria, a student project by the end of their senior year. Each student is required to complete an educational project related to the student's area of interest and connected to the student's academic pathway. The project is defined as a process that focuses on synthesis, analysis, and evaluation. The project is a process that begins in 9th with the identification and introductory stages of the research process. By 12th grade students are required to submit a completed project summarizing their conclusions and project steps between 9th and 12th grades. Area III - Successful Achievement of PA Academic Standards Each student must successfully master the PA Academic Standards and Assessment Anchors. Area IV - Academic Experience Students will select from one of the following to complete the fourth required area for graduation.

1. Job Shadowing

2. Internship

3. College or dual Enrollment Course

4. Distance Learning Course

5. Interactive Technology Course

Strategic Planning Process The purpose of the Strategic Plan is to set and achieve specific goals in order to continue transforming the organization to provide the highest quality learning opportunities for our students as well as strive for an environment in which all employees can be successful. Critical to the planning process is facilitating a shared purpose or alignment. Alignment is the process of reaching mutual understanding about common goals. It gives shared meaning to the work of the School District, thereby enabling successful accomplishment of the goals of the organization. The steps of the process are to review our mission statement, develop a vision for the future of the District, define our values, and set measurable goals to achieve the mission, vision, and practice the values.

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The final product will be a roadmap of the next six (6) years for Northwestern Lehigh. Since the PA Department of Education has now developed an electronic strategic planning tool, we will have much greater flexibility in revising our plan based on future needs as well as truly maintaining our plan as a living document which guides our work. The process includes the utilization of a Steering Committee made up up Board members, administration, teachers, parent, students, and community members. The Steering Committee serves the purpose of guiding the entire Strategic Plan to insure all pieces are in alignment with the mission, vision, and shared values of the District. The Steering Committee will serve in an advisory capacity to review the recommendations from the subcommittees and district administration. Strategic Planning Structure 1. Steering Committee (Administration, Managers, Board Representatives, Parents, Students, and Staff) 2. Internal Coordinators (John Gould, Susanne Meixsell, and Cathy Groller from CLIU #21) 3. Five Sub Committees: Chapter 4 Curriculum, which includes Deparment chairs and Curriculum contacts (LeAnn Stitzel & Brad Hart - co-chairs) Staff Induction, which includes Induction Council members (Luann Matika & Ken Fisher - co-chairs) Professional Development, which includes Act 48 Committee members (Kathleen Kelley & Renee Cartier - co-chairs) Special Education, which includes Special Education Task Force members (Ed McLaughlin & Laurie Hoppes - co-chairs) Educational Technologies, which includes Technology Council members (Leah Christman & Dennis Nemes - co-chairs) Timeline: Complete Date Action Person(s) Responsible yes January 24, 2006- 10am Review Strategic Planning Process Administrative Team yes January 25- Feb. 3, 2006 Individual Meetings with Co-chairs Susanne Meixsell and co-chairs yes February 7, 2006 - 10am Internal Coordination Meeting John Gould and Susanne Meixsell yes February 16, 2006- 4pm-6pm Kick-Off Steering Committee Mtg. Susanne Meixsell yes February 28, 2006- 4pm-6pm Sub-Committee meetings Committee Co-chairs and Sub- Committee members yes March 7, 2006 - 10am Internal Coordination Meeting John Gould and Susanne Meixsell yes March 20, 2006- 4pm-6pm Sub-Committee meetings Committee Co-chairs and Sub-

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Committee members yes April 4, 2006 - 10am Internal Coordination Meeting John Gould and Susanne Meixsell yes April 10, 2006 - 4pm-6pm Sub-Committee meetings Committee Co-chairs and Sub- Committee members yes May 2, 2006 - 10am Internal Coordination Meeting John Gould and Susanne Meixsell yes May 8, 2006 - 4pm-6pm Sub-Committee meetings Committee Co-chairs and Sub- Committee members yes June 21, 2006 - 5pm Steering Committee Dinner Meeting John Gould, Susanne Meixsell, and Committee Co-chairs yes August 1, 2006 - 10am Internal Coordinator Meeting John Gould and Susanne Meixsell yes August 21, 2006 Vision Development- First Staff Day John Gould, Susanne Meixsell, and Committee Co-chairs yes September 13, 2006 Steering Committee Dinner Meeting John Gould and Susanne Meixsell October/November 2006 Share plan with all district staff and John Gould, Susanne Meixsell, and community Committee Co-chairs

Strategic Planning Committee Name Affiliation Membership Category Appointed By Alicia Anzivine Student Student High School Principal Brad Hart Northwestern

Elementary Building Principal Superintendent

Cheryl Deutsch Parent Parent High School Principal Darryl Schaffer School Board Member Board Member Board President Debra Keba Parent Parent High School Principal Dennis Nemes Northwestern Lehigh

High School Building Principal Superintendent

Donna Shay Weisenberg Elementary Elementary School Teacher

Elementary Principal

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Drew Goss Parent Parent High School Principal Edward McLaughlin Central Office Special Education

Representative Assistant Superintendent

Ethan Goss Student Student High School Principal Fred Brazina Parent Community

Representative Assistant Superintendent

Greg Mikols Parent Parent Middle School Principal Jackie Billy Northwestern

Elementary Special Education Representative

Elementary Principal

Jayson Boushell Parent Parent Elementary Principal Jenne Harlin Northwestern Lehigh

High School Secondary School Teacher

High School Principal

Jeremy Smoyer Northwestern Lehigh High School

Secondary School Teacher

High School Principal

Joell Vennera Parent Parent Elementary Principal John Gould Central Office School Central Office

Administrator Superintendent

Judy Henry Parent Parent High School Principal Justine Bachman Weisenberg Elementary Parent High School Principal Kathleen Kelley Northwestern Lehigh

Middle School Building Principal Superintendent

Kathy Fiedler Northwestern Lehigh Middle School

Middle School Teacher Middle School Principal

Kenneth Fisher Northwestern Lehigh High School

Building Principal High School Principal

Kristin Stuby Parent Parent Middle School Principal Laurie Hoppes Northwestern Lehigh

Middle School Building Principal Middle School Principal

Leah Christman Central Office School Central Office Administrator

Assistant Superintendent

LeAnn Stitzel Northwestern Lehigh High School

Building Principal High School Principal

Logan Keba Student Student High School Principal Luann Matika Central Office School Central Office

Administrator Superintendent

Lynne Walters Parent Parent Elementary Principal Mark Richman School Board Member Board Member Board President Michael Krause Northwestern Lehigh

Middle School Middle School Teacher Middle School Principal

Michael Sylvester Weisenberg Elementary Elementary School Teacher

Elementary Principal

Patty Jo Anzivine Parent Parent High School Principal Renee Cartier Weisenberg Elementary Building Principal Superintendent Robert Billig Northwestern Lehigh

Middle School Middle School Teacher Middle School Principal

Sally Schoffstall School Board Member Board Member Board President Scott Stuby Student Student High School Principal Shannon Kistler Northwestern Lehigh

Middle School Technology Representative

Middle School Principal

Susanne Meixsell Central Office School Central Office Administrator


Anne Bender Northwestern Lehigh High School

Secondary School Teacher

High School Principal

Anita Yurko Northwestern Lehigh High School

Secondary School Teacher

High School Principal

Anna Gilgoff Northwestern Lehigh Secondary School High School Principal

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High School Teacher Steve Weiss Northwestern Lehigh

High School Secondary School Teacher

High School Principal

John Schmoyer Northwestern Lehigh High School

Secondary School Teacher

High School Principal

Terri Lundberg Northwestern Lehigh High School

Secondary School Teacher

High School Principal

Cathy McCullough Northwestern Lehigh High School

Secondary School Teacher

High School Principal

Larry Talotta Weisenberg Elementary Elementary School Teacher

Elementary Principal

Ruth Richman Northwestern Lehigh Middle School

Middle School Teacher Middle School Principal

Trudie Dellicker Northwestern Elementary

Elementary School Teacher

Elementary Principal

Johanna Reisteter Weisenberg Elementary Elementary School Teacher

Elementary Principal

John Hough Northwestern Lehigh Middle School

Middle School Teacher Middle School Principal

Kristine Dangello Northwestern Elementary

Elementary School Teacher

Elementary Principal

Roxanne Davis Weisenberg Elementary Elementary School Teacher

Elementary Principal

Mollie Deans Northwestern Lehigh Middle School

Middle School Teacher Middle School Principal

Alice Nass-Yepsen Northwestern Elementary

Elementary School Teacher

Elementary Principal

Marsha Johnston Northwestern Elementary

Elementary School Teacher

Elementary Principal

Amy Kelly Northwestern Lehigh Middle School

Middle School Teacher Middle School Principal

Cathy Venusto Parent Parent High School Principal Tari Carnahan Northwestern Lehigh

High School Secondary School Teacher

High School Principal

Jillian Gasper Northwestern Lehigh Middle School

Middle School Teacher Middle School Principal

Patricia Brinley Northwestern Elementary

Elementary School Teacher

Elementary Principal

Brenda Wertman Northwestern Lehigh High School

Secondary School Teacher

High School Principal

Rebecca Fritzinger Northwestern Lehigh High School

Secondary School Teacher

High School Principal

Helen McCauley Northwestern Elementary

Education Specialist Elementary Principal

Elisabeth Gates Northwestern Lehigh Middle School

Middle School Teacher Middle School Principal

Marci Piescienski Parent Parent Elementary Principal Andrea Foucek Northwestern Lehigh

High School Education Specialist Director of Special

Education Christina Thrash Northwestern Lehigh

High School Secondary School Teacher

High School Principal

Deborah Bleam Parent Parent High School Principal Patrice Tritt Northwestern Lehigh

Middle School Middle School Teacher Middle School Principal

Kimberly Erkinger Northwestern Lehigh High School

Secondary School Teacher

High School Principal

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Regina Mohr Northwestern Lehigh Middle School

Middle School Teacher Middle School Principal

Karen Rex Northwestern Elementary

Elementary School Teacher

Elementary Principal

Angela Graver Northwestern Lehigh High School

Secondary School Teacher

High School Principal

Tara McKeon Northwestern Lehigh Middle School

Middle School Teacher Middle School Principal

Mary Knolle Weisenberg Elementary Elementary School Teacher

Elementary Principal

Jean Machamer Northwestern Elementary

Elementary School Teacher

Elemenatary Principal

Pam Tonkay Northwestern Lehigh High School

Secondary School Teacher

High School Principal

Mark Scott Central Office Special Education Representative

Director of Special Education

Marisa Bartholomew Northwestern Elementary

Elementary School Teacher

Elementary Principal

Pam Lach Parent Parent High School Principal Georgine Gilligan Weisenberg Elementary Elementary School

Teacher Elemenatary Principal

Gary Gaenzle Community Member Community Representative

High School Principal

Paul Mazzucco Parent Parent High School Principal Ray Hoving Parent Community

Representative High School Principal

Nancy Huber Parent Business Representative High School Principal David Suter Parent Business Representative High School Principal Gary Phillips Northwestern Lehigh

High School Secondary School Teacher

High School Principal

Pam Miers Weisenberg Elementary Elementary School Teacher

Elementary Principal

Goals, Strategies and Activities

Measurable Annual Improvement Targets On an annual basis PSSA data as well as District assessment data is analyzed using the District's datawarehouse. All teachers and administrators have access to the datawarehouse and can utilize the data for overall curricular improvement or to drill down to develop specific learning goals for individual students. Each year, a general overview of District student achievement data occurs at faculty meetings at each level as well as at Board meetings and an annual State of the District community address. Building level data teams focus on key building goals and each department and grade level is responsible for analyzing student achievement, assessment, and curriculum data to plan for continued improvements. The following are the District's measurable annual improvement targets: By the year 2012, all Northwestern Lehigh elementary students will demonstrate increased academic proficiency in reading, writing, math, and science skills as evidenced by the following measures:

• Improve grades 3 and 4 PSSA scores in reading by 3% per year in order to arrive

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at 94% proficiency by 2012.

• Maintain grade 3 PSSA scores in math at 100% and 97% respectively for both

elementary schools.

• Improve grade 4 PSSA scores in math by 1% per year in order to arrive at 94%

proficient by 2012.

• Increase the academic proficiency in reading and math of the elementary special

education students by 5% per year in order to arrive at 75% by 2012.

• Meet Adequate Yearly Progress targets in science based on the science PSSA

scores for the general population.

By the year 2012, all Northwestern Lehigh middle school students will

demonstrate increased academic proficiency in reading, writing, math, and

science skills as evidenced by the following meausres:

• Improve grades 5 - 8 PSSA scores in reading by 4% per year in order to arrive at

95% proficiency by 2012.

• Improve grades 5 - 8 PSSA scores in math by 4% per year in order to arrive at

91% proficiency by 2012.

• Improve grade 5 PSSA scores in writing by 12% per year in order to arrive at

86% proficiency by 2012.

• Improve grade 8 PSSA scores in writing by 10% per year in order to arrive at

90% proficiency by 2012.

• Increase the academic proficiency in reading, writing, and math of the middle

school special education students by 8% per year in order to arrive at 75% by


• Meet Adequate Yearly Progress targets in science based on the science PSSA

scores for the general population.

By the year 2012, all Northwestern Lehigh high school students will

demonstrate increased academic proficieny in reading, writing, math, and

science skills as evidenced by the following measures:

• Improve grade 11 PSSA scores in reading by 3% per year in order to arrive at

94% proficiency by 2012.

• Improve grade 11 PSSA scores in math by 5% per year in order to arrive at 92%

proficiency by 2012.

• Improve grade 11 PSSA scores in writing by 1% per year in order to arrive at

94% proficiency by 2012.

• Increase the academic proficiency in reading, writing, and math of the high

school special education students by 10% per year in order to arrive at 75% by


• Meet Adequate Yearly Progress targets in science based on the science PSSA

scores for the general population.

Curriculum, Instruction and Instructional Materials The Northwestern Lehigh School District has aligned all curriculum to the Pennsylvania Standards and Assessment Anchors as listed in Chapter 4. As we revise the curriculum cycle as a component of our Strategic Plan, we will review curricular goals more frequently to reflect District achievement data and revisions to the Assessment Anchors over the next six years.

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Instruction is designed to insure students learn the content and skills articulated in the curriculum aligned to the Standards and Anchors. Instructional strategies are differentiated to insure the learning needs of individual students are addressed in order to meet the Standards and Anchors at each grade level. Teachers list the standards they are teaching in their lesson plans and make these clear to the students. Administrators observe classroom instruction to insure the students are learning the required skills and teaching staff have the appropriate supports in place to accomplish the learning outcomes with their students. Teachers across the District meet by grade level and department to discuss their curriculum, design similar assessments, and plan their instruction. Instructional time is 45 - 80 minutes per subject per day. However, each building schedule permits flexibility for teams of teachers to reorganize their time allotment to insure students are learning the Standards and Anchors with proficiency. All instructional materials are selected through a rigorous process. This process includes an analysis of the instructional materials against District curriculum, the Standards and Anchors, as well as factors such a readability, flexibility, scope of support materials, applicability for gifted, ESL, special education students, technology integration, and connections to instructional strategies that are scientifically researched to be effective. This process includes District administration and teachers. Textbooks and instructional materials are identical by grade level or course across the District. Funding resources are provided through the District budget, federal programs, state funds, and grants that the District has been successful in obtaining.

Assessments and Public Reporting The Northwestern Lehigh School District is working towards a more comprehensive assessment plan. While the annual PSSA data is extremely helpful, the District is also working towards alignment and consistency in all classroom assessment to the PA Standards and Assessment Anchors. The goal is also to develop benchmark assessments three times a year in grades 2-11 in math, language arts, and grades 3-11 in science, and social studies. Currently, quarterly benchmark assessments exist in grades 3-8 in math, but this will be expanded to include grades 2, 9, 10, and 11 as well as language arts, science, and social studies. The District is investigating the use of the ForeSight Assessments to accomplish this goal. The benchmark assessments will be in place for math and language arts in grades 2 - 11 by the end of the 2007-2008 school year with benchmark assessments in place for science and social studies in grades 3-11 by the end of the 2009-2010 school year. Using technology to take the benchmark assessment will enable the teaching staff to have immediate access to the results which will be added to the District's datawarehouse so instant instructional decisions can be made to continuously monitor student performance and develop strategies for increased achievement. Current District Assessments Include: Elementary Level DIBELS DRA Multiple Literacy Rubrics and Checklists Phonemic Awareness Scales Retellings Running Records Literacy and Numeracy Inventories Benchmark Math Tests Chapter and Unit Tests Performance Assessments Middle Level DRA

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Chapter and Unit Tests Benchmark Math Tests Performance Assessments Rubrics and Checklists Literacy and Numeracy Inventories Lab reports Writing Portfolios and Rubrics Projects Oral presentations integrated with technology High School Level Chapter and Unit Tests Mid-term and Final Exams Writing Portfolios Performance Assessments Projects Lab Reports Oral presentations integrated with technology In addition, daily quizzes using the Classroom Performance Units are frequently used by teaching staff to collect instant feedback on student learning. Staff also take anecdotal notes on student progress and use student mini-conferences to empower students to understand their own learning progress. Homework is widely used for students to practice and reinforce daily skill development.

Targeted Assistance For Struggling Students The Northwestern Lehigh School District uses a datawarehouse by OnHands Schools. All District administrators and teachers have access to the datawarehouse and are actively learning how to use it to analyze student progress and then make instructional decisions to increase student achievement by differentiating instructional strategies. The datawarehouse contains multiple variables of student achievement as well as student demographic data. At the elementary level, the District currently uses the assistance of reading specialists and remedial assistants to work in the classroom as well as in small pullout groups to support the literacy and numeracy needs of struggling students. Currently, the District is exploring a Response to Intervention model that will provide an even greater degree of support for struggling readers at the elementary level. A core team of reading specialists, building principals, one psychologist, and District administration have started to attend trainings on RTI and will continue to attend training while also designing an RTI program in the District to be in place for the 2008-2009 school year. Our elementary PSSA scores have showed a steady increase over time so we feel as though we have been very successful in our interventions with our struggling students while maintaining the performance of all our elementary students. At the middle level, the District uses the assistance of remedial assistants to work in the classroom as well as in small pullout groups to support the literacy and numeracy needs of struggling students. The Middle School also just made a comprehensive schedule and staffing change to put true teams of teachers in place to support the needs of middle level learners. With the new schedule and additional staff, teachers are able to meet daily to look at student achievement data, work with the Instructional Support teacher as well as the Student Assistance Program team. The High School is involved in the Project 720 Grant to design a 9th grade academy to insure that all ninth graders are meeting with academic proficiency and are working towards a career plan. The High School is also using the Classrooms for the Future Grant to implement a completely integrated approach to using technology to deliver the curriculum as well as a content

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resource and a metacognitive processing tool.

Support for Struggling Schools All of our schools and our District have made AYP. In 2002-2003 our District received a a warning for our subgroups of special education students not making AYP at our Middle School. In 2003-2004 and 2004-2005 we did make AYP for the subgroup of special education students at our Middle School. During the 2003-2004 and 2004-2005 school year we implemented more intensive remedial support for our Middle Level special education students to increase their achievement with the PA Standards and Assessment Anchors. In the 2005-2006 school year we again did not make AYP for the subgroup of special education students at the Middle School. Providing stronger academic services to our special education students at our Middle School was one of the many reasons for making the comprehensive schedule and staffing change at the Middle School. The new schedule permits our special education teachers to work more closely with the regular education teachers and to provide more targeted assistance to our special education students.

Qualified, Effective Teachers and Capable Instructional Leaders The Northwestern Lehigh School District is completely committed to providing our students with qualified, state certified, professional educators to insure our students learning the PA Standards and Assessment Anchors in an environment that is welcoming and supportive that meets our Mission and Vision for the District. Among our instructional staff, 42% have earned a Master's Degree or beyond and 38% have more than a Bachelor's Degree, while the remaining 20% have a Bachelor's Degree. Among the team of twelve educational administrators, two have doctoral degrees while five are pursuing doctoral degrees. The remaining all have beyond a Master's Degree. The Northwestern Lehigh School District is made up of four buildings. There are two K-4 elementary schools, one 5-8 middle school, and one 9-12 high school. The following list of educational and operational personnel serves the needs of the students in these four buildings: 1 Superintendent 1 Assistant Superintendent 1 Director of Special Education 1 Director of Human Resources 1 Business Administrator 1 Assistant Business Administrator 1 Coordinator of Data and Technology 2 Hardware and Network Technicians 4 Building Principals 2 Assistant Principals 3 High School Guidance Counselors 2 Middle School Guidance Counselors 2 Elementary School Guidance Counselors 2 registered nurses with school certification 2 nursing aides that are registered nurses 4 school librarians 4 Reading Specialists 1 ESL teacher 3 Gifted teachers 2 psychologists 1 Therapeutic Case Manager 2 Behavioral Specialists 19 Learning Support teachers

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3 Instructional support Teachers 2 Emotional Support teachers 2 Life Skills teachers 2.4 Speech and Language teachers 4 Art teachers 6 Music Teachers 4 Librarians 9 Health & Physical Education teachers 4 World Language Teachers 3 Family & Consumer Science Teachers 4.5 Business Education Teachers 1.5 Technology Education Teachers 8 Social Studies Teachers 8 Math Teachers 6 Language Arts Teachers 8 Science Teachers 33 Middle Level Teachers 38 Elementary Teachers

Parent and Community Participation The Northwestern Lehigh School District is very fortunate to have a high rate of parent and community involvement. The community is extremely supportive of the School District as well as the School Board. Parents, community members, and businesses participate in the following ways: Parent teacher organizations in K-8

School holiday activities

Parent chaperones on fieldtrips

Classroom Volunteers

Booster Groups

Safety Education Week

Classroom Tutors

Fall Festivals

Sporting Events

Parent teacher conferences K-12

Back to School Nights

Open House

Chorus and Band Programs

Artist in Residence Programs K-8

Arts Shows K-12

Northwestern Lehigh Educational Foundation

Co-curricular and extracurricular activities

Child Study, SAP, and IST Teams

Title I Parent Meetings

ESL Parent Meetings

Gifted Task Force

All Curriculum Task Forces

Parent Advisory Council

Strategic Planning Committees

Work Study Partnerships with local businesses

Educational Improvement Tax Credit Program

Professional Development Council

Rotary Club

Scholarship Programs

Theater Performances

Coaching and Advisorships

Classroom Career Speakers

NWL Rural Preservation Association

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PA Farm Bureau

Parent Feedback Groups

Respondents to Surveys

Pre-Kindergarten Transition No Pre-K Offered

Utilization of Resources and Coordination of Services Service or Resource Comment or Reflection School Libraries Everyone of our four schools has a library. In

grades K-8 library classes are held for students by 3 certified school librarians. In the high shcool a certified librarian offers 9th grade orientation classes to the library. The high school librarian is available throughout the day to assit students and staff in using the reference materials. The libraries contain volumes of fiction, non-fiction, periodicals, reference materials, computers, on-line reference materials, and audio-visual equipment available for use by teachers, administrators, staff, and students.

Title I Funds A federally funded program that provides reading remediation and intervention services to students in grades K-3 in the District.

Carbon Lehigh IU #21 CLIU #21 provides training opportunities, instructional materials support, literacy and numeracy planning and implementation support as well as a great deal of technology support to assist the District with many facets of the curriculum and educational program.

Lehigh Career Technical Institute LCTI provides full and half day programs for District studnets in grades 9-12. The LCTI programs coordinate with our career guidance and electronic career portfolio process.

Lehigh Carbon Community College Our students take course for dual enrollment and straigt college credit through LCCC. We also utlize training and curriuclum coordination services from LCCC.

Safety Security Services CLIU #21 coordinates a regional Safety and Security Task Force as well as training to assist Districts in crisis preparedness and crisis intervention services.

Children Youth Services of Lehigh County County agency to assist District with keeping students safe in school and at home.

Emergency Medical Services Lehigh Valley Hospital St. Luke's Hospital Local Fire and Ambulance Services

Pennsylvania State Police There is no local police force so the PA State Police provide assistance to the District in coordinating the Memorandum of Understanding as well as keeping students safe in school and at home.

CPR/AED Certification Our nurses, physical education teachers, administrators, coaches, and other teachers have

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CPR/AED certification. Student Assistance Program Both the Middle and High Schools have Studnet

Assistance Teams comprised of guidance counselors, building principals, school psychologists, and teachers. These teams are SAP trained and provide weekly supprot services to studetns and families.

Children Youth Services of Lehigh County County agency to assist SAP Teams, building principals, and staff in keeping students safe in school and at home.

Behavioral and Psychological Support The District employs two full-time psychologists as well as two behavior support interventionins for the middle and high school. A therapeutic case manager also support the needs of studnets in crisis at both the middle and high schools.

Instructional Support Services Students in grades K-8 benefit from 3 full-time Instructional Support teachers and teams that assist parents, students, and teachers by increasing academic achievement.

Lehigh County Drug Alcohol Services County agency to assist District with drug and alcohol assessment, intervention, counseling, and training support services.

Learning Support Emotional Support Life Skills Support

The District maintains learning support classrooms for all levels, emotional support classrooms at the middle and high school, and life skills support classrooms at the elementary and middle level.

Speech Services The District employs two full-time and one part-time speech therapist to meet student needs in K-12.

Occupational Therpay Physical Therapy These are contracted services through the Carbon Lehigh IU #21.

Lehigh Learning and Adjustment Center Behavioral support services and emotional support placements for students who are in need of additional emotional, behavioral, and therapeutic support.

Signatures Date Submitted to PDE ____________________________ School District/AVTS/Charter School Name: ____________________________________________ Address: __________________________________________ __________________________________________________ _________________________ Zip Code: ________________ IU#: ___________ Chief School Administrator:___________________________________________ Telephone (aread code):___________ # ___________________

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We affirm that this strategic plan was developed in accordance with State Board of Education Chapter 4 Regulations. We also affirm that the contents are true and correct and that the plan was placed for public inspection in the school district/AVTS/Charter School offices and in the nearest public library until the next regularly scheduled meeting of the board or a minimum or 28 days whichever comes first. __________________________________________ ____________________ Signature Date School Board Secretary __________________________________________ ____________________ Signature Date School Board President __________________________________________ ____________________ Signature Date Chief School Administrator
