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Chapter 4 lecture 1 untouched

Date post: 04-Dec-2014
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Ok so this is my 11th PPT of the series dedicated to the Human Anatomy. The humor is mine. So just change it to fit your needs. Hope this helps.
Chapter 4 Chapter 4 Skin and Body Membranes Skin and Body Membranes Disclaimer: Included in this presentation are pictures you will not find in your book, make note of the information and move on. Working smarter is not working harder.
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Chapter 4 Chapter 4 Skin and Body MembranesSkin and Body Membranes

Disclaimer: Included in this presentation are pictures you will not find in your book, make note of the information and move on.

Working smarter is not working harder.

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Something's you didn’t know Something's you didn’t know

• About 32 million bacteria call every inch of your skin home. Germaphobes don’t need to worry however, as

a majority of these are entirely harmless and some are even helpful in maintaining a healthy body.

Information check…

Are you writing this down?

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Something's you didn’t know Something's you didn’t know

• Humans shed and regrow outer skin cells about every 27 days. Skin protects your delicate internal organs from

the elements and as such, dries and flakes off completely about once a month so that it can maintain its strength.

Are you writing this down?

Cause you shouldn’t be.

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Something's you didn’t know Something's you didn’t know

• Humans shed about 600,000 particles of skin every hour. You may not think much about losing skin if

yours isn’t dry or flaky or peeling from a sunburn, but your skin is constantly renewing itself and shedding dead cells.

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Cause you shouldn’t be.

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Something's you didn’t know Something's you didn’t know

• Human lips have a reddish color because of the great concentration of tiny capillaries just below the skin. The blood in these capillaries is normally

highly oxygenated and therefore quite red.

Are you writing this down?

Cause you shouldn’tshouldn’t be.

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Something's you didn’t know Something's you didn’t know

• Your body gives off enough heat in 30 minutes to bring half a gallon of water to a boil. Ever seen the Matrix? Well the “Machines”

were right!

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Something's you didn’t know Something's you didn’t know

• Tears and mucus contain an enzyme (lysozyme) that breaks down the cell wall of many bacteria. • This is to your advantage, as the mucus that

lines your nose and throat, as well as the tears that wet your eyes are helping to prevent bacteria from infecting those areas and making you sick.

Are you writing this down?


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On with the ShowOn with the Show

Wake UP!!! The Matrix has YOU!!!!

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Classification of Membranes Classification of Membranes

• Serous Membranes • Cutaneous Membranes

• Mucous Membranes

3 types of Epithelial Membranes

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Epithelial Membranes: Serous Epithelial Membranes: Serous Comes in 2’s layers

Inside & Outside What’s in-between is called: Serous Fluid

A clear fluid that if they could replicate manufacture would replace & change the face of all lubrication on the planet.

It’s awesome

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Epithelial Membranes: Serous Epithelial Membranes: Serous

What surrounds the LungsLungs is called: The PleuraThe Pleura

Inside = Visceral Pleura

Outside = Parietal Pleura

What’s in between the two layers?

Serous Serous FluidFluid

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Epithelial Membranes: Serous Epithelial Membranes: Serous Peritoneum:Peritoneum: the sac covering the internal organs in the abdominal cavity

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Epithelial Membranes: Serous Epithelial Membranes: Serous What it really looks like…


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Epithelial Membranes: Serous Epithelial Membranes: Serous

The bag that surrounds, surrounds, protects and lubricatesprotects and lubricates the heart. Inside = EpicardiumEpicardiumOutside = Parietal Parietal PericardiumPericardium

The Pericardium The Pericardium


From what?!?!

I’m soo glad you asked!!!I’m soo glad you asked!!!

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Epithelial Membranes: Serous Epithelial Membranes: Serous

Imagine the frictionfriction created by this action over over and over and over and and over and over and over and over….over and over….you get the idea.

So we need the Serous Serous Fluid = Pericardial fluid Fluid = Pericardial fluid to do its job. to do its job.

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Epithelial Membranes: Serous Epithelial Membranes: Serous

Here we see how the Heart and the Lungs articulate and are found in the body.

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Epithelial Membranes: Mucous Epithelial Membranes: Mucous Mucous membranes:Mucous membranes: line all cavities open to the outside or hollow organs.


Respiratory tract:Respiratory tract: Nose, Mouth, Esophagus and lungs.

Digestive tractDigestive tract

Urinary tractUrinary tract

Reproductive Tract Reproductive Tract I know…that’s HOT!

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Epithelial Membranes: Mucous Epithelial Membranes: Mucous Mucous membranes: Mucous membranes:

Are considered “wet” due to the mucosae they contain.

Ever cough up a fur-ball?

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Epithelial Membranes: Epithelial Membranes: Cutaneous Cutaneous

The Skin!!!

The Integumentary System

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Epithelial MembranesEpithelial MembranesSo what did we cover?

Epithelial Membranes: 3 typesEpithelial Membranes: 3 types

Serous:Serous: Pericardium (Heart), Pleura (Lungs) & Peritoneum (Abdominal Cavity)

Mucous:Mucous: Respiratory, Digestive, Reproductive & Urinary tracts

Cutaneous:Cutaneous: Skin and other wonders yet to be discovered

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The Integumentary system and all its wonders
