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Chapter 5 Gases A Gas- Uniformly fills any container Mixes completely with any other gas Can easily...

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Chapter 5 Gases A Gas- • Uniformly fills any container • Mixes completely with any other gas • Can easily be compressed • Exerts pressure on its surroundings
Page 1: Chapter 5 Gases A Gas- Uniformly fills any container Mixes completely with any other gas Can easily be compressed Exerts pressure on its surroundings.

Chapter 5Gases

A Gas-

• Uniformly fills any container

• Mixes completely with any other gas

• Can easily be compressed

• Exerts pressure on its surroundings

Page 2: Chapter 5 Gases A Gas- Uniformly fills any container Mixes completely with any other gas Can easily be compressed Exerts pressure on its surroundings.

The properties of a gas depends upon four variables-

• Pressure (P)

– Is equal to force/unit area

– Measured by a barometer

– SI unit = Newtons/meter2 = 1 Pascal (Pa)

– 1 standard atmosphere = 101,325 Pa

– 1 atm = 760 mm Hg = 760 torr

• Volume (V) of the gas = volume of the container

• Temperature (T) – measured in Kelvin

• Number of moles (n)

Page 3: Chapter 5 Gases A Gas- Uniformly fills any container Mixes completely with any other gas Can easily be compressed Exerts pressure on its surroundings.

A Torricellian Barometer

Page 4: Chapter 5 Gases A Gas- Uniformly fills any container Mixes completely with any other gas Can easily be compressed Exerts pressure on its surroundings.

A Simple Manometer

Page 5: Chapter 5 Gases A Gas- Uniformly fills any container Mixes completely with any other gas Can easily be compressed Exerts pressure on its surroundings.

The Gas Laws

• Boyle’s Law: At constant temperature, the volume of a gas is inversely proportional to the pressure

V 1/P V = k x 1/P PV = k (where k is constant)

P1V1 = P2V2 = constant (k) = PV (1 and 2 represents two states)

Pressure x Volume = constant (T = constant)

(Holds precisely only at very low pressures)

Page 6: Chapter 5 Gases A Gas- Uniformly fills any container Mixes completely with any other gas Can easily be compressed Exerts pressure on its surroundings.

A J-Tube Similar to the One Used by Boyle

Page 7: Chapter 5 Gases A Gas- Uniformly fills any container Mixes completely with any other gas Can easily be compressed Exerts pressure on its surroundings.

Plotting Data for Boyle’s Law

Page 8: Chapter 5 Gases A Gas- Uniformly fills any container Mixes completely with any other gas Can easily be compressed Exerts pressure on its surroundings.

Example: A sample of CO2 gas is placed in a 125 mL flask where it has a pressure of 67.5 mm Hg. What pressure will it has when it is transferred to a 500 mL flask at the same temperature?

P1 = 67.5 mm Hg P2 = ?

V1 = 125 mL V2 = 500 mL

P1V 1 = P2V2

P2 = (P1V 1 )/V2

= (67.5 mm Hg x 125 mL)/500 mL

= 16.9 mm Hg

Page 9: Chapter 5 Gases A Gas- Uniformly fills any container Mixes completely with any other gas Can easily be compressed Exerts pressure on its surroundings.

Charle’s Law: At constant pressure (P), the volume of a gas is directly proportional to temperature of the gas and extrapolates to zero at zero Kelvin.

V T V = bT


b = proportionality constant

T = Kelvin temperature,

V/T = b V1/T1 = V2/T2 = b

Page 10: Chapter 5 Gases A Gas- Uniformly fills any container Mixes completely with any other gas Can easily be compressed Exerts pressure on its surroundings.

Plots of V Versus T (ºC) for Several Gases

Page 11: Chapter 5 Gases A Gas- Uniformly fills any container Mixes completely with any other gas Can easily be compressed Exerts pressure on its surroundings.

Example: A sample of gas at 15oC and 1 atm has a volume of 2.58 L. What volume will this gas occupy at 38oC and 1 atm?

T1 = 15oC + 273 = 288 K, V1 = 2.58 L ,

T2 = 38oC + 273 = 311 K, V2 =?

V1/T1 = V2/T2

Solving for V2 = V1 T2 / T1

= (2.58 L x 311 K)/288 K

= 2.79 L

Page 12: Chapter 5 Gases A Gas- Uniformly fills any container Mixes completely with any other gas Can easily be compressed Exerts pressure on its surroundings.

• Avogadro’s Law: Equal volume of gases at the same temperature and pressure contain the same number of particles. At constant temperature and pressure, the volume is directly proportional to the number of moles of gas (at low pressures).V = anWhere, V = the volume of the gas, n = the number of moles of gas particle, and a = proportionality constant

V1/n1 = V2/n2 = a = constantAt constant temperature and pressure, the volume of a gas is directly proportional to the number of moles of gas.

Page 13: Chapter 5 Gases A Gas- Uniformly fills any container Mixes completely with any other gas Can easily be compressed Exerts pressure on its surroundings.

Balloons Holding 1.0 L of Gas at 25º C and 1 atm

Page 14: Chapter 5 Gases A Gas- Uniformly fills any container Mixes completely with any other gas Can easily be compressed Exerts pressure on its surroundings.

Example: 12.2 L sample containing 0.50 mol oxygen gas at a pressure of 1 atm and a temperature of 25oC. If all this O2 were converted to ozone at the same temp. and pressure, what would be the volume of ozone?

3O2 2O3(g)

0.50 mol O2 x (2 mol O3 )/(3 mol O2 ) = 0.33 mol O3

V1= 12.2 L, V2 = ?

n1 = 0.50 mol, n2 = 0.33 mol

V1/n1 = V2/n2

Solving for V2 = V1n2 / n1

= (12.2 L x 0.33 mol)/(0.50 mol) = 8.1 L

Page 15: Chapter 5 Gases A Gas- Uniformly fills any container Mixes completely with any other gas Can easily be compressed Exerts pressure on its surroundings.

The Ideal Gas Law: (An equation of state for a gas)Boyle’s law: V = k/P (at constant T and n)Charles law: V = bT (at constant P and n)Avogadro’s law: V = an (at constant T and P)The volume of gas depends on pressure, temperature, and number of moles of gas present, can be combined as follows:V = R(Tn/P); where, R = combined proportionality constant known as universal gas constant.PV = nRT (Holds closely at P < 1 atm)P = Pressure in atm V = Volume in litersn = number of moles T = Temperature in KelvinsR = Universal gas constant = 0.08206 L.atm K-1 mol-1

Page 16: Chapter 5 Gases A Gas- Uniformly fills any container Mixes completely with any other gas Can easily be compressed Exerts pressure on its surroundings.

Example: Nitrogen gas in an air bag at 850 mm Hg and 25oC has a volume of 3.5 x 104 mL. How many moles of gas are in there?

P = 850 mm Hg x 1 atm / 760 mm Hg = 1.118 atm

T = 25oC + 273 = 298 K

V = 3.5 x 104 mL x 1L / 1000 mL = 35 L

PV = nRT

n = PV/RT

=(1.118 atm x 35 L)/(0.0821 L.Atm K-1mol-1 x 298K) = 1.6 moles N2

Page 17: Chapter 5 Gases A Gas- Uniformly fills any container Mixes completely with any other gas Can easily be compressed Exerts pressure on its surroundings.

Example: A gas containing 0.35 mol argon at a temperature of 13oC and a pressure of 568 torr is heated to 56oC and pressure of 897 torr. Calculate the change in volume that occurs.

P1 = 568 torr x 1 atm/760 torr P2 = 897 torr x 1 atm/760 torr = 0.747 atm = 1.18 atm

V1 = ? V2 = ?

T1 = 13oC + 273 = 286 K T2 = 56oC + 273 = 329 K

n1 = 0.35 mol n2 = 0.35 mol

P1V1 = n1RT1 P1V1 = n1RT1

V1 = n1RT1 /P1 = (0.35 mol x 0.08206 L.atm.mol-1.K-1 x 286K) / (0.747 atm) = 11 L

V2 = n2RT2 /P2 = (0.35 mol x 0.08206 L.atm.mol-1.K-1 x 329K) / (1.18 atm) = 8.0 L

V = V2 - V1 = 8.00 L – 11.0 L = -3 L (Volume decreases)

Page 18: Chapter 5 Gases A Gas- Uniformly fills any container Mixes completely with any other gas Can easily be compressed Exerts pressure on its surroundings.

Gas Stoichiometry

The conditions 0oC and 1 atm called Standard Temperature and Pressure (STP)Suppose we have 1 mol of an ideal gas at 0oC and 1 atm, the volume of the gas is given by ideal gas law,V = nRT / P = (1 mol x 0.08206 L.atm.mol-1.K-1 x

273K) / (1 atm) = 22.42 L Molar Volume of an ideal gas at STP

Page 19: Chapter 5 Gases A Gas- Uniformly fills any container Mixes completely with any other gas Can easily be compressed Exerts pressure on its surroundings.

A Mole of Any Gas Occupies a Volume of Approximately 22.4 L at STP

Page 20: Chapter 5 Gases A Gas- Uniformly fills any container Mixes completely with any other gas Can easily be compressed Exerts pressure on its surroundings.

Example: A sample of N2 gas has a volume of 1.75 L at STP. How many moles of N2 are present?

1.75 L N2 x (1 mol N2)/22.42 L N2 = 7.81 x 10-2 mol N2


PV = nRT

n = PV/RT = (1 atm x 1.75 L)/(0.08206 L.atm.mol-1.K-1 x 273 K)

= 7.81 x 10-2 mol N2

Page 21: Chapter 5 Gases A Gas- Uniformly fills any container Mixes completely with any other gas Can easily be compressed Exerts pressure on its surroundings.

Molar MassBy using ideal gas law we can calculate the molar mass (molecular weight) of a gas from its measured density. PV = nRTn = grams of gas/molar mass = m/molar massPV = (m/molar mass)RT P = mRT/V(molar mass)m/V is the gas density “d” in units of grams per liter,Thus, P = dRT/molar massmolar mass = dRT/PIf density of a gas at a given temperature and pressure is known, its molar mass can be calculated.

Page 22: Chapter 5 Gases A Gas- Uniformly fills any container Mixes completely with any other gas Can easily be compressed Exerts pressure on its surroundings.

Example: The density of a gas was measured at 1.50 atm and 27oC and found to be 1.95 g/L. Calculate the molar mass of the gas.

P = 1.50 atm

T = 27oC + 273 = 300K

d = 1.95 g/L

Molar mass = dRT/P


= 32.0 g/mol

1 9 5 0 0 8 2 0 6 3 0 0

1 5 0

. ...



L atmK mol



Page 23: Chapter 5 Gases A Gas- Uniformly fills any container Mixes completely with any other gas Can easily be compressed Exerts pressure on its surroundings.

Dalton’s Law of Partial Pressures• For a mixture of gases in a container, the total pressure

exerted is the sum of the pressure that each gas would exert if it were alone.

Ptotal = P1+ P2 + P3 + --- (P1, P2 , P3 --- represent partial P)

Partial pressure of each gas can be calculated from ideal gas law,

P1 = n1RT/V, P2 = n2RT/V, P3 = n3RT/V

Ptotal = P1+ P2 + P3 + ---- = n1RT/V + n2RT/V + n3RT/V

= (n1+n2+n3+---)RT/V = ntotal (RT/V)

• For a mixture of ideal gas, the total number of moles of particles is important, not the identity or composition of the involved gas.

Page 24: Chapter 5 Gases A Gas- Uniformly fills any container Mixes completely with any other gas Can easily be compressed Exerts pressure on its surroundings.

Partial Pressure of Each Gas in a Mixture

Page 25: Chapter 5 Gases A Gas- Uniformly fills any container Mixes completely with any other gas Can easily be compressed Exerts pressure on its surroundings.

Partial Pressure

Example: 46 L He at 25oC and 1.0 atm and 12 L O2 at 25oC and 1.0 atm were pumped into a tank with a volume of 5.0 L. Calculate the partial pressure of each gas and the total pressure in the tank at 25oC.PV = nRTn = PV/RT

1.0 atm x 46 L 0.08206 L.atm.mol-1.K-1 x (25+273) K

1.0 atm x 12 L 0.08206 L.atm.mol-1.K-1 x 298K

nH e 1 9. mol

n o 2 0 4 9. mol

Page 26: Chapter 5 Gases A Gas- Uniformly fills any container Mixes completely with any other gas Can easily be compressed Exerts pressure on its surroundings.

…Partial Pressure (example) continued…

Again, PV = nRT P = nRT /V

1.9 mol x 0.08206 L.atm.mol-1.K-1 x 298K

5.0 L

0.49 mol x 0.08206 L.atm.mol-1.K-1 x 298K

5.0 L

Ptotal = PHe + PO2 = (9.3 + 2.4) atm = 11.7 atm

P H e

P O 2

9 3. a tm

2 4. a tm

Page 27: Chapter 5 Gases A Gas- Uniformly fills any container Mixes completely with any other gas Can easily be compressed Exerts pressure on its surroundings.

Mole Fraction

• The ratio of the number of moles of a given component in a mixture to the total number of moles in the mixture.

Mole fraction = 1

n = P(V/RT) [# of moles proportion to pressure]




n n nTo ta l

1 1

1 2 3 . . . .

n PV

RT1 1

n P


RT2 2

Page 28: Chapter 5 Gases A Gas- Uniformly fills any container Mixes completely with any other gas Can easily be compressed Exerts pressure on its surroundings.

…Mole Fraction continued…


1 1 x PTotal

2 2 x PTotal










Tota l

To ta l



1 2 3


1 2 3


1 2 3


( / )

( / ) ( / ) ( / ) . . .

( / )

( / )( . . . )

. . .





Tota l To ta l

1 11





Tota l To ta l

2 22

Page 29: Chapter 5 Gases A Gas- Uniformly fills any container Mixes completely with any other gas Can easily be compressed Exerts pressure on its surroundings.

Example: The partial pressure of oxygen was observed to be 156 torr in air with a total atomospheric pressure of 743 torr. Calculate the mole fraction of O2 present.

Mole fraction of O2,

O2 = PO2/PTotal = 156 torr/743 torr = 0.210

Page 30: Chapter 5 Gases A Gas- Uniformly fills any container Mixes completely with any other gas Can easily be compressed Exerts pressure on its surroundings.

Example: The mole fraction of N2 in the air is 0.7808. Calculate the partial pressure of N2 in air when the atomospheric pressure is 760 torr.

The partial pressure of N2,

PN2 = N2 x PTotal = 0.7808 x 760 torr

= 593 torr

Page 31: Chapter 5 Gases A Gas- Uniformly fills any container Mixes completely with any other gas Can easily be compressed Exerts pressure on its surroundings.

The Kinetic Molecular Theory of Gases

• Postulates for an Ideal Gas:

1. The particles are so small that the volume of the particles can be assumed to be negligible (zero).

2. The particles are in constant motion. The collision of the particles with the walls of the container are the cause of the pressure exerted by the gas.

3. The particles are assumed to exert no forces on each other, they are assumed neither to attract nor to repel each other.

4. The average kinetic energy of a collection of gas particles is assumed to be directly proportional to the Kelvin temperature of the gas.

Page 32: Chapter 5 Gases A Gas- Uniformly fills any container Mixes completely with any other gas Can easily be compressed Exerts pressure on its surroundings.

The Effects of Decreasing the Volume of a Sample of Gas at Constant Temperature

Page 33: Chapter 5 Gases A Gas- Uniformly fills any container Mixes completely with any other gas Can easily be compressed Exerts pressure on its surroundings.

The Effects of Increasing the Temperature of a Sample of Gas at Constant Volume

Page 34: Chapter 5 Gases A Gas- Uniformly fills any container Mixes completely with any other gas Can easily be compressed Exerts pressure on its surroundings.

The Effects of Increasing the Temperature of a Sample of Gas at Constant Pressure

Page 35: Chapter 5 Gases A Gas- Uniformly fills any container Mixes completely with any other gas Can easily be compressed Exerts pressure on its surroundings.

The Effects of Increasing the Number of Moles of Gas Particles at Constant Temperature and Pressure

Page 36: Chapter 5 Gases A Gas- Uniformly fills any container Mixes completely with any other gas Can easily be compressed Exerts pressure on its surroundings.

Effusion And Diffusion

• Effusion: Flow of gas particles through tiny pores or pinholes due to pressure differences. Describes the passage of gas into an evacuated chamber.

• Diffusion: Movement of gas particles through space, from a region of high concentration to one of low concentration. Describes the mixing of gases. The rate of diffusion is the rate of gas mixing.

Page 37: Chapter 5 Gases A Gas- Uniformly fills any container Mixes completely with any other gas Can easily be compressed Exerts pressure on its surroundings.

Graham’s law of effusion: The rate of effusion of a gas is inversely proportional to the square root of the mass of its particle. Relative rates of effusion of two gases at the same temperature and pressure are given by the inverse ratio of the square roots of the masses of the gas particle:Rate of effusion for gas 1 Rate of effusion for gas 2

M1 and M2 represents the molar masses of the gases.Diffusion:Distance traveled by gas 1Distance traveled by gas 2









Page 38: Chapter 5 Gases A Gas- Uniformly fills any container Mixes completely with any other gas Can easily be compressed Exerts pressure on its surroundings.

The Effusion of a Gas into an Evacuated Chamber

Page 39: Chapter 5 Gases A Gas- Uniformly fills any container Mixes completely with any other gas Can easily be compressed Exerts pressure on its surroundings.

HCI(g) and NH3(g) Meet in a Tube

Page 40: Chapter 5 Gases A Gas- Uniformly fills any container Mixes completely with any other gas Can easily be compressed Exerts pressure on its surroundings.

Real Gases

• An ideal gas is a hypothetical concept. No gas exactly follows the ideal gas law. Real gas typically exhibit behavior that is closest to ideal behavior at low pressure and high temperature. Must correct ideal gas behavior when at high pressure (smaller volume) and low temperature (attractive forces become important)

Rearrangement gives vander Waals equation:


V nban



P an

VV nb nRTobs


Page 41: Chapter 5 Gases A Gas- Uniformly fills any container Mixes completely with any other gas Can easily be compressed Exerts pressure on its surroundings.

Plots of PV/nRT Versus P for Several Gases (200 K)

Page 42: Chapter 5 Gases A Gas- Uniformly fills any container Mixes completely with any other gas Can easily be compressed Exerts pressure on its surroundings.

Plots of PV/nRT Versus P for Nitrogen Gas at Three Temperatures

Page 43: Chapter 5 Gases A Gas- Uniformly fills any container Mixes completely with any other gas Can easily be compressed Exerts pressure on its surroundings.

Chemistry in the Atmosphere

• The principal components are N2 and O2. Other important gases are H2O, CO2, Ar, Ne, He, CH4, Kr, H2, NO, Xe etc.

• Because of gravitational effects, the composition of the earth’s atmosphere is not constant.

• Heavier molecules tend to be near the earth’s surface and light molecules tend to migrate to higher altitudes.

• Troposphere is the lowest layer of the atmosphere.

Page 44: Chapter 5 Gases A Gas- Uniformly fills any container Mixes completely with any other gas Can easily be compressed Exerts pressure on its surroundings.

…Chemistry in the Atmosphere continued…

• Ozone in the upper atmosphere helps prevent high energy ultraviolet radiation from penetrating to the earth.

• Two main sources of pollution are– transportation and the production of electricity.

• The combustion of petroleum produces CO, CO2, NO, and NO2, along with unburned molecules from petroleum.

Page 45: Chapter 5 Gases A Gas- Uniformly fills any container Mixes completely with any other gas Can easily be compressed Exerts pressure on its surroundings.

Reactions Occurring in the Atmosphere

NO2(g) NO(g) + O(g)

O(g) + O2(g) O3(g)

O3 Light O2* + O*

O* + H2O 2OH


S(in coal) + O2(g) SO2(g)

2SO2(g ) + O2(g) 2SO3(g )

SO3(g ) + H2O(l) H2SO4(aq) [corrosive]

acid rain


Page 46: Chapter 5 Gases A Gas- Uniformly fills any container Mixes completely with any other gas Can easily be compressed Exerts pressure on its surroundings.


• Gas properties depends on four variables – pressure, volume, temperature, and amount of gas.

• Boyle’s law: PV = constant• Charle’s law: V/T = constant• Avogadro’s law: V/n = constant• Ideal gas law: PV = nRT• Molar mass = dRT/P

• Dalton’s law of partial pressures:

Ptotal = P1+ P2 + P3 + ---

Page 47: Chapter 5 Gases A Gas- Uniformly fills any container Mixes completely with any other gas Can easily be compressed Exerts pressure on its surroundings.

…Summary continued…

• Mole fraction: 1 = n1/ntotal = P1/Ptotal

• Kinetic molecular theory of gasses: Postulates

• Grahams law of effusion:

Rate of effusion for gas 1

Rate of effusion for gas 2

• Chemistry in atmosphere




