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Chapter 5 : Integrity And Security Domain Constraints Referential Integrity Security Triggers ...

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Chapter 5 : Integrity And Security Domain Constraints Referential Integrity Security Triggers Authorization Authorization in SQL Views Assertions
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Chapter 5 : Integrity And Security Domain Constraints

Referential Integrity Security Triggers Authorization Authorization in SQL Views Assertions

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TriggersA trigger is a statement that is executed automatically by the system as a side effect of a modification to the database. Triggers are fired implicitly and not called by user like procedure and function

To design a trigger mechanism, we must: Specify the conditions under which the

trigger is to be executed Specify the actions to be taken when the

trigger executes

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Use of Database Triggers To access table during regular

business hours or on predetermined weekdays

To keep track of modification of data along with the user name, the operation performed and the time when the operation was performed

To prevent invalid transaction Enforces complex security


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Database Triggers Vs Procedures Triggers do not accept parameters

whereas procedures can have parameters

Triggers are executed (fired) automatically upon modification of the table or it’s data whereas to execute a procedure it has to be explicitly called by the user

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How To apply Database TriggersA trigger has three parts

A triggering event or statement – An SQL statement that causes a trigger to be fired. It can be insert, update or delete statement for a specific table

A trigger restriction – It specifies a Boolean expression that must be TRUE for the trigger to fire. It conditionally controls the execution of trigger. Specified using WHEN clause

Trigger Action – PL/SQL block to be executed when triggering statement is encountered and trigger restriction evaluates to TRUE

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Types of Triggers Row Triggers – A row trigger is fired

each time a row in the table is affected by triggering statement. If the triggering statement affects no rows, the trigger is not executed at all

Statement Triggers – A statement trigger is fired once on behalf of the triggering statement, independent of number of rows affected by the triggering statement

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Before Vs After TriggersWhen defining a trigger it is necessary to

specify the trigger timing i. e. when trigger action is to be executed in relation to the triggering Statement. Before and After apply to both row and statement trigger Before Triggers – Trigger action is executed

before triggering statement After Triggers – Trigger action is executed

after triggering statement

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Creating A TriggerCREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER [ schema. ] < trigger_name >

{ BEFORE, AFTER }{ DELETE, INSERT, UPDATE [ OF column1, . . . ]ON [schema.] < table_name >[ REFERENCING { OLD AS old, NEW AS new} ][ FOR EACH ROW [ WHEN condition ] ]

DECLARE<variable declarations>;<constant declarations>;

BEGIN< PL/SQL sub-program body >;

Exception< exception PL/SQL block >;


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Trigger ExampleCREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER t_Audit_trail


DECLAREoper varchar2(8);

BEGINIf updating then

oper :=‘Update’end if;If deleting then

oper :=‘Delete’end if;insert into audit_cust values

(:OLD.custno, :OLD.fname, :OLD.lname, :OLD.address, oper, user, sysdate);


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Security ManagementGranting And Revoking PermissionsThe permissions or rights that allow user to use some of or all of resources on the server are called Privileges Granting of Privileges - Objects that are

created by a user are owned and controlled by that user. If a user want to access any of the objects belonging to another user, the owner of the object will have to give permissions for such access

Revoking of Privileges – Privileges once given can be taken back by the owner of the object

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Granting PrivilegesGRANT statement provides various types of access to database objects such as tables, views, sequences and so on. A user can grant all or only specific object privileges

GRANT <object_privileges>ON <object_name>To <user_name>[WITH GRANT OPTION];

WITH GRANT OPTION – Allows the grantee to in turn grant object privileges to other users

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Object Privileges ALTER – Allows grantee to change the table

definition with the ALTER TABLE command DELETE – Allows grantee to remove records

from the table with DELETE command INDEX – Allows grantee to create an index on

the table with the CREATE INDEX command INSERT – Allows grantee to add records to the

table with the INSERT command SELECT – Allows grantee to query the table

with SELETE command UPDATE – Allows grantee to modify the records

in the table with the UPDATE command

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Granting Privileges All permissions to secompa user on employee object

GRANT ALL ON employee TO secompa

Give secompb user permission to only view and modify the records in the table client_master

GRANT SELECT, UPDATE ON client_master TO secompb

Give secompa user all data manipulation permissions on table salesman_master along with grant permission on the same table to other users

GRANT ALL ON salesman_master TO secompa


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Revoking PrivilegesREVOKE statement is used to deny the grant given on an object

REVOKE <object_privileges>ON <object_name>FROM <user_name>

REVOKE is used to revoke object privileges that the user previously granted directly to the grantee

REVOKE is not used to revoke the privileges granted through the operating system

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Revoking Privileges Take back all permissions on employee object

from secompa user REVOKE ALL ON employee FROM


Take back view and modify permission from secompb user on table client_master

REVOKE SELECT, UPDATE ON client_master FROM secompb

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Effective way to meet security requirement Virtual relation / table A view is mapped to a SELECT statement.

A table on which a view is based is described in the FROM clause and known as BASE TABLE / RELATION

SELECT clause consist of sub-set of columns from BASE table / relation

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DMBS stores definition about a VIEW in the system catalog, Data Dictionary

VIEW holds no data at all until a call to view is made

DBMS treats VIEW like a BASE table / relation

VIEW can be queried same as BASE table

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READ ONLY VIEWVIEW used only for looking at table data i. e retrieval

of data (SELECT) not for manipulation of data (INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE)

UPDATABLE VIEWVIEW used for data retrieval as well as INSERT,


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Why VIEWs Are Created / Benefits Data Security To keep data redundancy to the minimum

possible. It reduces redundant data on the HDD to a very large extent

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VIEW - Limitations / drawbacks VIEWs will run slower than QUERY

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Creating VIEW

Syntax : CREATE VIEW <view_name> AS

SELECT A1, A2, …, AnFROM <table_name>WHERE PGROUP BY <group criteria>HAVING P

Note : ORDER BY clause can not be used while creating VIEWs

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Querying VIEWs

Syntax :

SELECT A1, A2, …, Ak

FROM <view_name>


GROUP BY <group_criteria>


ORDER BY A1, A2, …, Ak

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Where ,

A1, A2, …, Ak are attributes of a relation / table

P predicate

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Updatable Views

For a view to be updatable, it should meet following criteria Views must be defined from single table To INSERT records using VIEWs, all the

PRIMARY KEY & NOT NULL columns must be included in the view definition

UPDATE & DELETE records can be done using Views even if the all PRIMARY KEY and NOT NULL columns are excluded from view definition

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Restrictions on Updatable Views VIEW definition must not include

Aggregate functions DISTINCT, GROUP BY or HAVING Clause Sub-queries Constants, String or Value expressions like

SELL_PRICE * 0.15 UNION, INTERSECT or MINUS clause If a view is defined from another view, the second

view should be updatable

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Destroying a VIEW

DROP VIEW command is used to remove a VIEW from database

Syntax :

DROP VIEW <view_name>

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Assertions An assertion is a predicate expressing a

condition that we wish the database always to satisfy

An assertion in SQL takes the formcreate assertion <assertion-name>

check <predicate> When an assertion is made, the system

tests it for validity, and tests it again on every update that may violate the assertion This testing may introduce a significant

amount of overhead; hence assertions should be used with great care

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The sum of all loan amounts for each branch must be less than the sum of all account balances at the branch.

create assertion sum-constraint check (not exists (select * from branch

where (select sum(amount) from loan where loan.branch-name = branch.branch-name)

>= (select sum(amount) from account where

loan.branch-name =


