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Chapter-6 Tools Pmrs

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  • 7/28/2019 Chapter-6 Tools Pmrs





  • 7/28/2019 Chapter-6 Tools Pmrs


    Objectives of the Chapter

    Tools for Appraising Performance

    Traditional Performance Appraisal Methods

    Purposes of Traditional PerformanceAppraisals

    Modern and Developmental Performance

    Appraisal Methods

  • 7/28/2019 Chapter-6 Tools Pmrs


    There are two prevalent approaches to

    Performance Management

    Traditional Approach

    Modern Approach

    Tools for Appraising Performance

  • 7/28/2019 Chapter-6 Tools Pmrs


    Traditional Performance Appraisal


    It is based on the evaluation of character of an

    employee. The system may list some personal

    traits such as ability to get along with people,judgments, initiative, leadership etc.

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    Purposes of Traditional

    Performance Appraisals

    Performance appraisal for evaluation using thetraditional approach has served the followingpurposes:

    To make promotion, separation, and transferdecisions.

    To provide feedback to the employee regardinghow the organization viewed the employees

    performance. To conduct evaluations of relative contributions

    made by individuals and entire departments inachieving higher level organization goals.

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    To develop criteria for evaluating theeffectiveness of selection and placementdecisions, including the relevance of the

    information used in the decisions within theorganization.

    To make reward decisions, including meritincreases, promotions, and other rewards .

    Purposes of Traditional

    Performance Appraisals contd

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    To ascertain and diagnose training anddevelopment decisions.

    To develop criteria for evaluating the success

    of training and development decisions. To collect information upon work schedulingplans, budgeting and human resourcesplanning.

    Purposes of Traditional

    Performance Appraisals contd

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    Traditional Methods

    Graphic Rating Scales

    Confidential Reports

    Straight Ranking Method

    Paired Comparison Method

    Force Distribution Methods

    Grading System

    Check List Method Critical Incident Method

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    Graphic Rating Scales


    The graphic rating scale is the simplest andmost popular method for appraisingemployees performance.

    A rating scale lists traits and a range ofperformance values for each trait.

    Two types of rating scales

    a. Continuous

    b. Discontinuous

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    Confidential Reports

    It differs from department to department.

    The report is written for a unit of one year and

    relates to the performance, ability andcharacter of the employee during the

    particular year.

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    Straight Ranking Method

    Every employee is judged as a whole without

    distinguishing the rates from the employees


    A list is then prepared for ranking the workers

    in order of their performance on the job so that

    excellent employees will be highly rewarded

    and the poor performers will be counseled.

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    Paired Comparisons Method

    Every employee is compared trait wise and

    with other persons, one at a time.

    The number of times a person is compared

    with others is scored on a paper.

    These numbers help in yielding rank order of


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    Forced Distribution Method

    The employees are divided into 5 categories

    i.e. Outstanding, above average, average,

    below average and poor.

    The main idea in this system is to spread

    rating in the number of grades.

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    Grading System

    It contain features like analytical ability,

    cooperativeness, dependability, job

    knowledge, etc. are selected for evaluation.

    The grades may be rated as :A-Outstanding;

    B-Very Good; C-Satisfactory; D-Average; E-

    Below Average, etc.

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    Checklist Method

    A list of statement that describes the

    characteristics and performance of employees

    on the job.

    Simple Checklist

    Weighted Checklist

    Forced Choice Checklist

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    Critical Incident Method

    To measure employees performance in termsof certain events and incidents that occur inthe course of employment.

    The assumption in this method is that theperformance of the employee on thehappening of critical incidents determines hisfailure or success.

    The supervisor keeps a record of criticalincidents at different times and then rates himon this basis.

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    Critical incident method provides an objectivebasis for conducting a thorough discussion ofan employees performance.

    The evaluation, under this method, is basedon actual job behavior.

    This method also avoids recency bias, asraters record ratings throughout the rating

    period. This method can increase the chances that

    the subordinates will improve because theylearn precisely what is expected of them.

    Advantages of Critical Incident


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    Negative incidents are, generally, morenoticeable than the positive ones.

    The supervisor may not record an incident

    immediately and forget it later on. It may also be very difficult for a supervisor to

    decide whether an incident is critical or not.

    Very close supervision may result, which may

    not be to the liking of the employees.

    Disadvantages of Critical Incident


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    Free Essay Appraisal Methods

    Under free essay method, the supervisor

    writes a report about the employee which is

    based on his assessment.

    The supervisor continuously observes the

    subordinates and writes his assessment in the


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  • 7/28/2019 Chapter-6 Tools Pmrs


    Group Appraisals

    Employees are rated by an appraisalgroup,consisting of their supervisor, and three orfour other persons who have some knowledge oftheir performance.

    The supervisor explains to the group the natureof his subordinates duties.

    The group then discusses the standards of

    performance for that job, the actual performanceof the employee and the causes of their particularlevel of performance and offers suggestions forfuture improvements, if any.

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    Flaws in the Traditional Approach

    to Performance Appraisal

    The flaws are:

    Organizational performance appraisal istypically primarily concerned with the past

    rather than being forward looking through theuse of setting objectives or goals.

    Performance appraisal is usually tied to theemployees salary review. Dealing with salarygenerally overwhelms and blocks creative,meaningful, or comprehensive considerationof performance goals.

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    Modern and Developmental

    Performance Appraisal Methods

    It is concerned with the use of performance

    appraisal as a contributor to employee

    motivation, development, and human resource


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    Purpose of Performance Appraisal

    To provide employees the opportunity to

    formally indicate the direction and level of the

    employees ambition.

    To show organizational interest in employees

    development, which was cited to help the

    enterprise retain ambitious, capable employees

    instead of losing the employees to competitors.

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    To provide a structure for communication

    between employees and management to helpclarify expectations of the employee by

    management and the employee.

    To provide satisfaction and encouragement to

    the employee who has been trying to perform well.

    Purpose of Performance Appraisalcontd..

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    HR Scorecard

    It allots the four dimension rating to assess

    the progress level of human resources in an


    HR system maturity,

    HR competencies of the organization,

    HR culture of the organization, and

    HR linkage to business goals.

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    HR Systems Maturity

    The HR systems maturity assesses the extent

    to which various HR subsystems and tools are

    well designed and are being implemented.

    There are seven factors that need to be takeninto account

    The system should be appropriate and

    relevant to business goals. They should focus on current and future

    needs of the corporation.

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    HR systems maturity contd.

    The HRD strategies and systems should flow

    from the corporate strategies.

    The systems should be well designed and

    should have structural maturity.

    They should be implemented well

    The subsystem should have internal synergy

    They should be adequate and take care of theHRD requirements of the organizations.

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    HR Competencies of the


    The competencies include knowledge,

    attitudes, values and skills.

    The nature of competencies are listed on thebasis of HRD audit.

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    HR Culture of the Organization



    Trust and

    trustworthiness Authenticity





    Learning cultureListening

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    HR Linkage to Goals

    The HRD efforts like tools, processes, culture

    are driven to achieve business goals. The goals


    Profitability, Internal operational efficiencies,

    Internal customer satisfaction,

    External customer satisfaction,

  • 7/28/2019 Chapter-6 Tools Pmrs


    Employee motivation and commitment,

    Cost-effectiveness and cost-

    consciousness among employees, Quality orientation , and

    Technology adoption

    HR Linkage to Goals contd..

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    HR Accounting

    Under this method, performance is judged in

    terms of cost and contributions of employees.

    Cost consists of expenditure on humanresource planning, recruitment, selection,

    induction, training, compensation etc.

    Contribution consists of money value of labour


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    Competency Mapping

    It involves the determination of the extent to

    which the various competencies related to a

    job are possessed by the person.

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    Assessment and Development


    It can be used as a tool for competence


    It is for powerful tool for assessing the

    potential of employees.

    It is aimed at selecting individuals based on

    set criteria and makes use of situational

    exercises and simulations.

  • 7/28/2019 Chapter-6 Tools Pmrs


    360 Degree Performance Appraisal

    Systematic collection of performance data on

    an individual or group derived from a number

    of stake holders on their performance.

    -WARD It is also known as multi-source assessment

    or multirater feedback.

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    Model of 360 Degree Feedback





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    Development and Implementation

    According to T V Rao, the following steps

    should be followed to develop and

    implement to define objectives.

    To decide on recipients

    To decide the giver of feedback

    To decide the areas of work and behavior To decide the method of data collection

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    To decide the data analysis and presentation

    To plan an initial implementationprogram.

    To analyze the outcome of the pilot scheme.

    To plan and implement full program.

    To monitor and evaluate the program.

    Development and Implementation


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    540 Degree Feedbacks

    The range of feedback on the performance of an

    employee generated from the stakeholders,

    superiors, subordinates, peers, internal andexternal customers, clients or suppliers is

    known as 540 degree feedback or appraisal.

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    Management by Objectives

    It needs the managers to set a specific

    measurable goal for each employee and then

    periodically discuss the progress towards

    these goals.

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    Process of MBO

    1. Set the organizations goals

    2. Set departmental goals

    3. Discuss departmental goals

    4. Define expected results

    5. Performance reviews

    6. Provide feedback

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    Advantages of MBO

    It leads to greater satisfaction, greater

    agreement, greater comfort and less tension.

    This approach is considerably superior to the

    traditional approach of performance appraisal.

    It emphasize training and development of


    It also has a built in device of self-appraisal bythe subordinates.

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    Limitationsof MBO

    This method can be used only when goal settingis possible by the subordinates.

    It involves considerable time, energy andexpenditure.

    This approach mainly emphasizes counseling,training and development.

    This approach is appropriates for the appraisalof executives and supervisory personnel who

    can understand it. Setting objectives with the subordinates

    sometimes turns to a tug of war.

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    Behaviorally Anchored Rating


    Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scales mingles the

    benefit of critical incidents and graphical rating

    scale by anchoring a scale with specificbehavioral examples of good or poor


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    Stages of BARS

    Create Critical Incidents,

    Develop Performance Dimensions,

    Renovation of Incidents,

    Measure the Incidents,

    Develop final mechanism.

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    Advantages of BARS

    It help to clarify what is meant by extremely

    good performance, average performance and

    so forth.

    It is more useful in providing feedback toappraise than simply informing them of their

    performance rating.

    The technique is not biased by the experienceand evaluation of the rater.

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    Disadvantages of BARS

    It is a time consuming and expensive method.

    It is more activity oriented than result oriented.

    Several appraisal forms are required toaccommodate different types of job in the


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    Summary of the Chapter

    Tools for Appraising Performance

    Traditional Performance Appraisal Methods

    Purposes of Traditional PerformanceAppraisals

    Modern and Developmental Performance

    Appraisal Methods
