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Chapter 7.3: Journey's End

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  • 8/9/2019 Chapter 7.3: Journey's End


  • 8/9/2019 Chapter 7.3: Journey's End


    Previously, in The Absolutely Crazy Matriarchy:

    Despite the largeness of the crowd that had congregated in her living room (whichhad expanded to include the mailman and the paper delivery girl) Suze managed to

    block everything out and concentrate on the task at hand.

    After some screeching and cursing of men in general, she delivered a healthy baby


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    Faceless pretender dims a light

    Legacy continues bright

    Prophecy that no-one hearsEvent that every family fears

    The empty heart, the dying day

    One who bleeds shall fade away.

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    Im in love with your sister. Deeply, ridiculously in love. People who are really in

    love like that just dont hurt each other.

    Adam nodded. Lindsays been hurt before. I just wanted to be sure.

    Id rather cut off my painting arm than hurt Lindsay. Shes well, if I believed in

    soul mates, shed be mine.

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    Suze picked up the phone. Suze Chandler speaking.

    Hello? There was a strange crackly noise over the line, like someone breathing.

    Abruptly, there was a click and the line went dead.

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    And now we return you to your regularly scheduled broadcast.

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    Morning found Lindsay Chandler waking up in a strange bed.

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    It took her a few minutes to remember that she was back at home, in her mothers

    old room rather than her own.

    Suze had obviously decided to do the decorating rather than trust Rin with the task,

    because there were not enough clashing colours and the furniture all matched.

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    It was a far cry from the small room and murphy bed shed shared with Zack, but it

    was home now.

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    Lindsay dressed in a pair of overalls shed found second-hand the previous day, and

    was about to start on a new canvas when she remembered shed promised to watch

    Rissa while her mother was at work.


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    Resigned, she crossed to the nursery and woke Rissa gently. Morning, Rissy Bear.

    Breakfast time, then maybe we can work on that limited vocabulary of yours.

    Rissa grumbled and rolled over, trying to go back to sleep.

    Heh. Not a morning person, either? I think I like you.

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    Okay, Rissy. Lesson The First: How To Pronounce Your Big Sisters Name Correctly.

    Can you say Lind-zee?

    Rissa scrunched up her face. Lin-zeee.

    You left out the duh. Lin-d-zee.


    And were back where we started.

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    Lindsay sighed. Guess Lindy is close enough. How about Adam?

    Ad-dumm.This made Lindsay snicker. I really need to let you loose on him when he gets back

    from Outer Simsylvania or wherever he wandered off to.

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    Lindsay was not the only one to pitch in with Rissas education.

    Up you get, Rissy. Just think, once youve gotten this walking thing under controlits only a matter of time before you can reach the cookie jar.

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    Rissa did tire of learning her skills eventually, so as the sun started setting, Lindsay

    took her outside just to play for a few hours.

    She was really getting the hang of this parenting thing, she thought cheerfully as she

    played peek-a-boo with Rissa for the thousandth time.

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    Just as Suze walked in the door, the phone rang.

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    The line crackled, then someone whispered Susannah? before hanging up.Suze stared at the phone. Only one person ever called her Susannah.

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    Night fell.

    You going to bed, Gramma Rin? Its nearly midnight.No, Im not really tired yet. Ill stay up and keep an eye on Rissa in case she tries

    crawling out of the crib in the middle of the night again.

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    Are you sure? Because I could keep watch if you wanted to get some sleep

    Im okay, Lindsay-Lou. You go hit the sack.Lindsay smiled brilliantly at her grandmother. Love you, Gramma.

    I love you too, Linds. Now go sleep.

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    Rin stood up once Lindsay had gone upstairs. You can come out now. Theyre all in


    A hooded figure materialised behind her.


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    Death raised his scythe.

    YOURMORTALLIFEISATANEND, CORINNA CHANDLER. YOUMUSTCOMEWITHMENOW.You do know that the pink lei makes the whole bones and scythe thing look kinda

    silly, right? asked Rin.

    Death made an odd noise like a sigh, proof that there was no-one, anthropomorphic

    personification or not, that Rin could not frustrate.

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    I hope this is alcoholic.


    Sweet. Are there attractive cabana boys in the afterlife? Because I dont want to get


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    Death put a bony hand on Rins rapidly fading back. THEREAREMANYYOUNGMALESIN


    Hot damn! Im there! Rin stepped forward eagerly and faded from sight.

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    This may be the last thing that I write for long

    Can you hear me smiling when I sing this song?

    For you and only you

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    As I leave will you be someone to say goodbye?

    As I leave will you be someone to wipe your eye?

    My foot is out the door and you cant stop me now

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    As I go remember all the simple things you know

    My mind is just a crutch and I still hope

    That you will miss me when Im goneThis is the last song

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    Somehow I knew that it would be this way

    Somehow I knew that it would slowly fade

    Now I am goneJust try and stop me now

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    Will you need me now?

    Youll find a way somehow

    You wanted toI want it too

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    As I go remember all the simple things you know

    My mind is just a crutch and I still hope

    That you will miss me when Im goneThis is the last song

    Lyrics from The Last Song by The All-American Rejects

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    Corinna Susan Chandler

    Children: Justin Chandler (deceased), Susannah Chandler, James Chandler

    Grandchildren: Lindsay Chandler, Adam Chandler, Clarissa Chandler, Eva Saunders

    Rin, you were awesome. Whatever I threw at you, you bounced back and continued to

    be the best damn Sim Ive ever written or played. Heres hoping you have an fabulous

    time with all the attractive cabana boys in the Sim afterlife.

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    She was wrong.

    Damn it, Mum! Its not like you to sneak out without a bang! she sobbed, tears

    coursing down her face as she stood in front of Rins urn.

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    Lindy? Where Gamma Win? asked Clarissa that afternoon.

    Lindsay bit her lip. Gramma Rin shes gone. Youll understand better some day,

    but youre a bit young to get it just yet.

    She comin back?

    Probably not, Rissy Bear.

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    She hugged Rissa. Wherever Gramma Rin is now, she still loves you and she misses

    you. And shes happy for us, because were still here.

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    At least I know what that prophecy meant, said Lindsay offhandedly at breakfast.

    The what?

    Oh shoot. I guess I didnt tell you, said Lindsay guiltily.

    You made an honest-to-Boolprop prophecy and you didnt tell your own mother?


    I had other things on my mind! Like the fact that I was freaking out my boyfriend at

    the time!

    Is it always boys with you?

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    Im only joking, Lindsay. But I do wish youd told me. What was it about?

    Lindsay snorted. Oh, if only prophecies were clear-cut enough that we could

    immediately ascertain their meanings. It was a sort of poem-y thing. Uh Faceless

    pretender dims a light/Legacy continues bright/Prophecy that no-one hears/Event

    that every family fears/The empty heart, the dying day/One who bleeds shall fade


    Suze blinked. And you think you know what this means?

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    Well, yeah. Didnt we just live through an event that every family fears? We just

    lost Gramma Rin.

    Suze nodded slowly. Youre right.

    And the faceless pretender well, Death doesnt really have a face. Its just


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    So the prophecy is saying that even though Mothers gone, the Legacys going to go


    I think so. There are a few pieces that dont fit, like the unheard prophecy andsomething else I said about Adam being missing, but I think that that just refers to

    Adam not being here when Gramma died.

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    It sounds a bit strange that youd predict something like that, though. I mean, why

    wouldnt the Legacy go well after Mother dies? Sure, well miss her, but

    Lindsay smirked. Prophecies usually make sense?

    Not if you believe the movies.

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    Life went on as usual, even though Rin had left a gaping hole in their lives.

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    The art gallery was as profitable as ever. Suze found herself bribed into manning the

    cash register while Lindsay ran around restocking the pottery displays and convincing

    unimpressed customers to buy, buy, buy.

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    Lindsay found a day job drawing cartoons for the local newspaper, which she mostly

    took for fun since the gallery was providing her with a tidy income.

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    Parker was a regular fixture in the house, coming over every other day for meals and

    to see his daughter.

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    Lindsay was pleased to see that Parker was as close to being Alejandros polar

    opposite as was possible. He spent as much time with Rissa as he could, trying to

    avoid being an absent father at all costs.

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    He even started to become somewhat of a father figure to Lindsay, filling the gap left

    by Alejandros absence. Things were going just fine.

    That, of course, meant that something had to go wrong.

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    Cmon, Rissy Bear. Wanna come outside and play? It rained last night, so theres

    plenty of puddles for you to get yourself dirty in.

    Rissa reached eagerly for Lindsay. Puggles!

    Yeah, I thought so. Up we go.

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    Rissa giggled as she splashed around in the puddle shed gravitated towards on the

    front lawn. Lindsay smiled. Rissa looked like she was having a lot of fun.

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    Something red caught Lindsays eye. She looked up, and saw a familiar man in red

    walking too casually towards the house.

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    Alejandro? she called, surprised. Shed only met her father a handful of times, but

    she was sure it was him.

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    Alejandro spotted her, and a look of panic crossed his face.

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    Hey, wait!

    Alejandro ignored Lindsays yell and bolted before she could catch up to him.

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    Right, then. Thats not good. Lindsay picked Rissa up. Thats enough puggles for


    Who were dat? asked Rissa curiously.

    Nobody I know, said Lindsay truthfully.

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    After putting Clarissa in her crib for her afternoon nap, Lindsay sought out Suze.

    Mum, I was out in the front yard today playing with Rissa, and I swear I saw Dad. I

    mean, Im pretty sure it was him. I havent exactly seen him since I was little sincehes such a gigantic ass


    HOLE, but he kinda looked like Adam, continued Lindsay, as if Suze hadnt spoken.

    Yknow, if Adam was a floppy-haired deadbeat idiot. And when I called out to him,

    he bolted.

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    Maybe it wasnt him, then, said Suze, but she looked suspiciously distressed.

    I can see from your face that you think its him. Why would he be here? Doesnt he

    live downtown in some crappy trailer nowadays?

    I dont know, but Ive been seeing him around a bit lately.

    And you were planning on telling me about this when?

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    I was going to, really, but then Mother died and, well it didnt seem important. But

    Ive been seeing him walk past the house a lot, and Ive been getting strange phone

    calls that I think are from him.Tell Fire about it, Lindsay said promptly.

    Im not making a mountain out of this, Lindsay. He broke up with me, remember?

    So youre just going to wait until something bad happens, are you?

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    A concerned woof from floor level interrupted.

    I need to go walk Maia, said Suze.

    This conversation isnt over, Mum, said Lindsay.

    I know, I just can we do this later? I cant think straight now.

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    Im getting worried about Mum, Gramma. Shes still blind where Alejandros

    concerned. Youre not here to smack her over the head and tell her to stop being

    wishy-washy about someone who might or might not be stalking her, and she wontlisten to me when I try. Lindsay sighed. You never really mentioned how hard being

    heir was, so I figured itd be easy. Guess it was one of those hundred things you just

    took in your stride.

    The smooth marble headstone did not reply. Lindsay knew it wouldnt, but that

    didnt stop her from wishing that it would.

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    The next day, Parker arrived to take Suze out to a new bar and coffee house


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    The atmosphere was pleasant enough, and the coffee was nice, but Suze spotted

    something that made the afternoon go straight downhill.

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    Uh, Parker. Dont turn around. I think my ex is at the bar.

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    Parker scowled. The son of a bitch whos been emotionally abusing you since you

    left college? He moved as if to get up.

    Parker, no. Just let it be. He lives around here, so its probably a coincidence.

    I dont believe in coincidence when it comes to my girlfriends exes. Especially not

    the crazy ones.

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    But as Parker got out of his seat, Alejandro walked out of the bar, a little too


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    See? Its okay.

    Parker shook his head. Youre too willing to ignore the worst in people, Suze. Has he

    been stalking you?

    Yes. No. I dont know. Maybe?

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    She hugged Parker. If Alejandro thinks that hes going to get back together with me

    by stalking me, hes dead wrong. Besides, I love you, not him. He lost his chance.

    Parker hugged her back, but the worry and anger never left his eyes.

    Come on. I need to do some grocery shopping before we head back, said Suze.

    Were out of milk again, and Lindsay says she wants orange juice.

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    Hmm. Parker, could you go get me some mince? I think Ill make spaghetti for us


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    Parker smiled. Sure. Sounds good. He wandered over to the meat section.

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    Suze stayed and contemplated the bagged apples. Maybe she could make an apple

    pie, too?

    Her musings were interrupted by footsteps and a familiar voice behind her.

    Susannah. At last, we can talk.

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    Suze turned around and switched straight to furious mode.

    Oh, so the best way you could think of to talk with me was to stalk me. What the

    hell is wrong with you?

    Alejandro scowled. I have been trying to talk myself into talking to you! I was wrong

    to treat you the way I did, Susannah. I want us to be together again.

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    Youre too late, Alejandro. Ive moved on. I have a wonderful man in my life who

    has shown me just how badly you treated me, and we have a beautiful daughter

    together. You lost out.Dont be foolish! You truly love me, Susannah. Or was our time together a lie?

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    It wasnt a lie, but its not going to happen again. People change, Alejandro. Ive

    changed. I dont love you any more.

    You do, Susannah.

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    He moved to hug her.

    Get the HELL away from me! yelled Suze. Have you gone completely crazy? You

    cant decide peoples feelings for them!

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    And if Im not mistaken, that sounds like my boyfriend coming to kick your pathetic

    ass into next week. Ive been in denial too long, Alejandro. Im not going to stop


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    Parker was indeed running up behind them.

    Get the hell away from my girlfriend, you creep! I dont care if youre delusional or

    not, shes not yours any more, so get the hell out before I throwyou out. A window.THAT IS CLOSED.

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    Alejandro didnt have much choice after that but to bolt for the doors.

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    Parker hugged Suze. You okay?

    Course I am. I had my blond knight to come save me. She sighed into Parkers

    shoulder. Hes not going to stop with that, is he?

    No, he isnt. But we can fix that. He frowned. Youre shaking. Come on, lets go

    home. Forget the groceries for now.

    Suze nodded. Lets go.

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    They walked back home, hand in hand.

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    When they got to the front porch, Suze squinted through the glass door and sighed.

    Why does my daughter feel the need to run my life?


    If thats not our resident Simself in there, Im a sasquatch.

    I did notice you need a haircut, quipped Parker. Suze shot him a death glare and

    stalked inside.

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    Nice to see you informed Fire anyway, Lindsay, said Suze coolly.

    Lindsay arched an eyebrow. Thanks for your faith in me, Mum. I was talking to Fire

    about the prophecy, actually, but since shes here you might as well talk about theAlejandro thing.

    Parker nodded. Especially after what just happened.

    Fire looked curious. Is anyone going to tell me whats going on?

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    Its kind of a long story.

    No its not. Alejandros been stalking Mum, interrupted Lindsay.

    And he attacked her in the supermarket this afternoon, added Parker.

    Suze glowered. Do you two mind?

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    Fire looked concerned. How long has this been happening for?

    A while. Hes been calling me and walking past the house ever since Lindsay


    Hm. I cant ignore this sort of thing. Ill have to have words with him.

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    Fire got up off the couch. Ill make sure he leaves you guys alone.

    Dont do anything rash, Fire, said Suze worriedly. Hes theres something not

    right in his head. I dont think hes dangerous, just delusional.

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    I wont do anything stupid, said Fire. Ive done enough stupid things for three


    Lindsay looked up at Fire. What about what I said about the prophecy?

    If youre right, its nothing we need to worry about just yet. I can try analysing it

    with the others, but this seems more important.

    Lindsay nodded. I agree. I just wanted to let you know.

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    Thanks, Fire. I just It was stupid of me not to say anything, said Suze.

    You were confused. And you still feel something for him, even if you dont love

    him. Its understandable. Fire patted Suze on the back. You dont have to be strongall the time.
