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Chapter Eight Notebook Readings

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Pre-1890 Early Western European Settlements 1865-1914 Eastern Immigration and Urbanization 1865-1914 The Triumph of Industry 1890-1920 The Progressive Era 1890-1917 An Emerging World Power 1914-1920 World War I and Beyond 1919-1929 The Twenties 1928-1932 The Great Depression 1932-1941 The New Deal 1931-1942 The Coming War 1941-1945 World War II 1945-1960 The Cold War 1945-1960 Postwar Confidence and Anxiety Chapter 8: 1890-1920 The Progressive Era Section 1: “The Drive for Reform” Reporting Standard : Historical Knowledge Priority Standard : Analyze ideas critical to the understanding of history, including, but not limited to… progressivism… Learning Target (s) – I can… analyze the role journalists played in the Progressive Movement and explain what Progressives achieved through political reform. evaluate the tactics women used to force passage of the Nineteen Amendment. Reporting Standard : Social Science Analysis Priority Standard : Examine and evaluate the origins of fundamental political debates and how conflict, compromise, and cooperation have shaped national unity and diversity in world, U.S., and Oregon history. Learning Target (s) – I can… examine the strategies used by members of other minority groups to defend their rights.
Page 1: Chapter Eight Notebook Readings

Pre-1890 Early Western European Settlements

1865-1914 Eastern Immigration and Urbanization

1865-1914 The Triumph of Industry

1890-1920 The Progressive Era

1890-1917 An Emerging World Power

1914-1920 World War I and Beyond

1919-1929 The Twenties

1928-1932 The Great Depression

1932-1941 The New Deal

1931-1942 The Coming War

1941-1945 World War II

1945-1960 The Cold War

1945-1960 Postwar Confidence and Anxiety

1945-1975 The Civil Rights Movement

1960-1968 The Kennedy and Johnson Years

1954-1975 The Vietnam Era

Chapter 8: 1890-1920 The Progressive EraSection 1: “The Drive for Reform”

Reporting Standard: Historical KnowledgePriority Standard: Analyze ideas critical to the understanding of history, including, but not limited to…progressivism…Learning Target(s) – I can… analyze the role journalists played in the Progressive Movement

and explain what Progressives achieved through political reform.

evaluate the tactics women used to force passage of the Nineteen Amendment.

Reporting Standard: Social Science AnalysisPriority Standard: Examine and evaluate the origins of fundamental political debates and how conflict, compromise, and cooperation have shaped national unity and diversity in world, U.S., and Oregon history. Learning Target(s) – I can… examine the strategies used by members of other minority

groups to defend their rights. analyze how President Theodore Roosevelt changed the

government’s role in the economy and compare and contrast his administrative policies with Presidents Taft and Wilson.

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1. What did citizens involved in this new social movement called Progressivism believe?

5. What was the Social Gospel and what did Protestant followers push the federal government to do?

2. What groups comprised or made up the Progressive Movement which emerged in the 1890s?

6. Who was John Dewey and why was he critical of American schools?

3. What were Political Machines and why did Progressive target them specifically to get rid of them?

7. What was the ultimate success of the progressive cause as a result of the horrible tragic events of the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire?

4. Who coined the term Muckraker. Where did he get the term? And what does muckraker as a Progressive term signify?

8. Why do you think that the progressives, specifically the muckrakers, were so effective in bringing about reform?

CHAPTER 8: Section 1 – “The Drive to Reform”

Progressives believed that new ideas and honest, efficient government could bring about social justice.

The Progressives were made up of political parties, social classes, ethnic groups, and religions. They came mostly from the middle class but were joined by industrial workers; also, a few wealthy Americans joined for the good of society.

Political Machines were corrupt organizations ran by city officials of Bosses, that used bribery and violence to influence voters. They kept public money for themselves.

Theodore Roosevelt used the term to describe people that liked to see the ugliest side of things all the time. It is a tool used to clean animal stable. The progressive Muckrakers were investigative journalists and writers that exposed social problems, corrupt government…

The Social Gospel is a blend of German Socialism and American Progressivism that relies on Christianity. They wanted to end child labor and shorten the work week.

John Dewey was one of America’s foremost educators and education philosophers. He felt that American schools focused too much on memorization and less creativity. He wanted new subjects in schools: history, geography, cooking and carpentry.

The government forced businesses to establish worker’s compensation laws.

The Progressive were so effective in bringing about social, political and economic reform, especially the muckrakers, because they were able to distribute their message through the use of sensational journalism and hundreds of millions of Americans were able to read and hear about their stories in newspapers, books and magazines.

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What areas did Progressives think were in need of greatest reform?

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1. How would voting help women change the conditions in which they lived, worked, and tried to raise their families?

5. What was the significance of the Supreme Court case Muller v. Oregon (1903)?

2. What were some traditional roles for women, historically, especially when it comes to their obligations as wives and mothers.

6. Briefly describe the efforts of Florence Kelley and the formation of the National Consumers League (NCL).

3. How were women able to achieve their goals of expanding their roles in the community?

7. Briefly describe the efforts of Florence Kelley and the Women’s Trade Union League (WTUL).

4. What were some hardships faced by working woman at the turn-of-the-century?

8. Who was Margaret Sanger and why was she so controversial as a Progressive thinker?

CHAPTER 8: Section 2 – “Women Make Progress”

Voting would make an incredible difference in the lives of women. No longer would they be controlled and dominated by the men in their lives. They could vote for individuals and for laws that supported their interests and views especially, social issues involving, working and living conditions.

Traditionally, women raised children, cooked meals, cleaned homes, and cared for family members.

Women expanded their roles in the community mainly through education. Armed with education and modern ideas they tackled social problems and through many organizations lead social reform.

Women working outside of the home faced difficult jobs, long hours, dangerous conditions. They had to give their wages to their husbands, fathers or brothers. They had no education, no political rights, and were cheated and bullied, exploited.

The case capped women working hours to ten hours in that working longer harmed women and their families. Ironically, it led to women being paid less for the same job.

Florence Kelley believed that women were hurt by unfair prices of goods they had to buy for their homes. The League gave special labels to goods and encouraged women to buy them and it encourage the government to increase inspections.

Florence Kelley used the WTUL to improve the working conditions of female factory workers. It was ran by women of both the upper class and the working class. They pushed the government to set minimum wage, eight hr. work day, a strike fund.

Sanger believed that women’s lives would improve if they had fewer children. She was 1 od 11. She opened the first birth control clinic. Jailed several times for it.

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How did women of the Progressive Era make progress and win the right to vote?

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1. Early on, what was an inherent contradiction within the Progressive leadership when it came to treatment of minorities?

5. Who was Booker T. Washington and what were his views on responding to discrimination? What organization was he a main proponent of?

2. How did Americanization of immigrants lead Progressive towards the policy of temperance and the outlawing of liquor?

6. Who was W.E.B. Dubois and what were his views on responding to discrimination? What organization was he a main proponent of?

3. How did whites use scientific theories against minorities? What did they stop minorities from doing in the South?

7. What groups would form the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP). What was its purpose?

4. What did the Supreme Court case Plessy v. Ferguson (1896) – page 185 – allow states across the country to pass?

8. What League formed in 1913 in order to curb and prohibit physical and verbal attacks, even false attacks against someone for prejudice or discriminatory purposes especially for being of a different religious group or as a member of a different ethnic group?

CHAPTER 8: Section 3 – “The Struggle Against Discrimination”

The Progressives were mainly WASPs. They were indifferent to minority causes if not hostile to them. They wanted America to follow white, middle-class ways of life.

Many Progressives desired to Americanize immigrants (make them loyal and moral) who had come from countries with consumption of alcohol as a norm. Progressives saw this as a moral fault.

Whites used scientific theories that claimed minorities were less intelligent than whites. Southern progressives used these theories to justify laws that kept blacks from voting.

States began to enforce segregation laws keeping whites and blacks separate in schools, communities, work, housing,

Washington felt that blacks should avoid confrontation with whites. He advocated for blacks to get skilled and earn equality over time.

Dubois believed in confrontation and agitation. He felt blacks should get an education and demand equality and employment.

The NAACP formed in 1909 and was comprised of white and black leaders. It wanted to reform black causus including education, employment, civil rights, voting and equality in general…decent housing and professional careers

The Anti-Defamation League

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What steps did minorities take to combat social problems and discrimination?

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1. In general, how did Theodore (Teddy) Roosevelt change the Presidency of the United States?

5. What impact did Roosevelt’s actions have on the government’s role in regulating the Food and Drug Industries? What was the significance the Meat Inspection Act and the Pure Food and Drug Act (FDA)?

2. How was Theodore Roosevelt chosen to be President William McKinley’s running-mate as vice-president?

6. Who was John Muir and what were his views on the environment? Compare and contrast Muir’s views with Gifford Pinchot?

3. What did Roosevelt want his Square Deal program to achieve?

7. What Law did Congress pass in 1902 to establish governmental right to decide where and how water would be distributed? What did the government determine to build and maintain to enforce such control over the nation’s water supply?

4. How did President Roosevelt intervene in the Coal Mine Strike of 1902? What was the result?

8. How did William Howard Taft’s policies compare with Theodore Roosevelt’s? Why did Roosevelt and Taft part ways?

CHAPTER 8: Section 4 – “Roosevelt’s Square Deal”

As a charismatic figure, Teddy was a real Progressive that wanted to change America and make it more equal for everyone. He took on big business and corruption. He strengthened the presidency and ushered the office into the modern era.

TR was chosen by Republican leaders and big business interests to get him out of New York and the Governor’s office there because his Progressive Reforms were hurting their business.

Teddy Roosevelt wanted his Square Deal program to achieve a lot of things mainly to keep wealthy and powerful businessmen and corporations from taking advantage and ruining the small business owners and the poor.

Teddy threatened the owners with federal troops to run the mines. He forced the owners to come to the table and ultimately give in to the worker’s demands with a small pay raise and a nine-hour work day.

Both acts led to the formation of the Food and Drug administration that allows the government to monitor and regulate the production and distribution of food and drugs into American society and make them safe.

John Muir believed that wild areas should be totally preserved, untouched. Pinchot believed in “rational use” and that the government should maintain wild reserves for public use to the benefit for all citizens.

The National Reclamation Act… to build dams and create reservoirs, to generate power and direct water flow.

The Taft Administration busted many more trusts, including Standard Oil. But Taft began to give up on Teddy’s conservationist policy that angered Teddy greatly.

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What did President Roosevelt think government should do for citizens?

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1. How did Democratic candidate, Woodrow Wilson, effectively win the Presidency in the Election of 1912?

5. Briefly describe the events of the Ludlow Massacre 1913-1914.

2. What was the name of the Wilson’s Administrative policy that would put more strict governmental control on American businesses and corporations?

6. What three Progressive ideas, converted to law, allowed for more voter participation, and voters’ influence, at a local level?

3. What kinds of regulations did the Wilson Administration focus on? How did the Sixteenth Amendment, the Federal Reserve Act and finally the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) impact America?

7. Who was the last Progressive President during the Progressive Era?

4. How did the Clayton Antitrust Act differ from any other labor law in the United States?

8. What are some problems that still plague American society that were attacked by the Progressives for which they attempted to solve and fix for future generations but call for our active participation, even vigilance, today?

CHAPTER 8: Section 5 – “Wilson’s New Freedom”

Wilson became President in 1912 because of a major split in the Republican Party between Teddy Roosevelt and William Howard Taft.

New Freedom

They all regulated the American economy and the U. S. financial and banking system.

The Clayton Antitrust Act made it clear that labor unions were not trusts and allowed for Workman’s Compensation laws.

The miners in Colorado wanted to form a union for safer conditions, and higher pay. The owners evicted the workers from their homes (a company town) when they settled in a tent community the National Guard was called in and fired on them, killing 26 men, women and children. FAILED UNION

The initiative, the referendum, and the recall

Woodrow Wilson

Corrupt governmental officials, dishonest sellers (fraudulent businesses), unfair employment practices, problems in schools, cities, the environment, public health – through the people, government can take action and help fix these problems and more!

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What steps did Wilson take to increase the government’s role in the economy?

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Living conditions Working conditions children Immigrants gain access to

child care and English classes

Municipal governments are pressured to improve sanitation and tenement safety

Minority groups organize to fight discrimination

Immigrants Americanize

Laws regulate safety of foods and medicine

City and state laws improve workplace safety

Worker’s Compensation Laws provide a safety net to workers injured at the workplace

Laws limit workday hours (for women)

Adoption of minimum wage laws

Strike funds form to help workers demand safe working conditions

Minority job seekers gain access to more and more jobs – equal hiring practices

State and Federal laws ban child labor, Supreme Court overturns ban (child labor does not end until the Great Depression of the 1930s)

Compulsory-education laws require children to attend school

Poor children gain access to nursery schools and kindergartens

What were some lasting effects of Social Progressivism?
