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chapter four final version 300403 - bio.bris.ac.ukrunning ceiling fan heaters overnight. 4.3.2....

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  • four: effect of ultraviolet on quail


    4. Effect of supplementary ultraviolet lighting on behaviour, morphology and corticosterone of

    Japanese quail chicks

    4.1. Summary

    Most birds have visual sensitivity to ultraviolet (UV) wavelengths, and this sensitivity

    appears to play a role in their colour vision. Several species have been found to use

    UV cues in visually mediated behaviour, such as intraspecific signalling and foraging.

    Artificial lighting is generally designed for human vision and is normally deficient in UV wavelengths. Hence there may be welfare implications for captive birds kept

    under such lighting. I investigated whether the absence of UV wavelengths during

    rearing adversely affects the welfare of Japanese quail, Coturnix coturnix japonica. I

    also investigated the short-term effect of switching from UV containing to UV

    deficient light, and vice versa. Stress was assessed by monitoring behaviour, body

    mass, tarsus and feather length, fluctuating asymmetry and plasma corticosterone

    levels. I did not detect any difference in any of these variables between birds reared

    either with or without UV, and the levels of plasma corticosterone in birds of both

    groups were so low as to be barely detectable. I conclude that rearing quail in an

    absence of UV does not appear to have a significant impact on their welfare, as

    measured using these indicators.

    4.2. Introduction

    Many species of bird are kept under artificial lighting, which typically emits mostly

    medium to long wavelengths and has minimal ultraviolet (UV) emission (see review,

    Lewis and Morris 1998). Birds utilise the human-visible spectrum and, in addition, all

  • four: effect of ultraviolet on quail


    diurnal species studied to date have been found to perceive the near UV (UVA, 315 -

    400 nm; Bowmaker et al. 1997; Cuthill et al. 2000a,b; Hart 2001). Birds use UV cues

    in a range of ecologically relevant tasks, such as mate choice and foraging (see

    reviews: Bennett and Cuthill 1994; Cuthill et al. 2000a,b), and UV sensitivity forms

    part of their colour vision system (Osorio et al. 1999b; Chapter 2, published as Smith

    et al. 2002). Consequently, it has been suggested that housing birds under standard,

    UV deficient artificial lighting may impair their welfare (Moinard and Sherwin 1999;

    Sherwin and Devereux 1999; Maddocks et al. 2001b, 2002c). Poultry are known to

    have a single cone type maximally sensitive to violet, that confers UV sensitivity

    (Wortel et al. 1987; Hart et al. 1999; Prescott and Wathes 1999a) and which is

    involved in the perception of colour (Osorio et al. 1999b; Chapter 2). Therefore, a lack

    of UV in the illuminant is likely to affect normal colour vision.

    Although much has been discovered about how birds use UV cues (reviewed by

    Cuthill et al. 2000a,b; Church et al. in press), there has been relatively little research

    into general environmental preferences or how the absence of UV may affect welfare

    in poultry. Many features of poultry houses have variability in UV reflections that

    could potentially provide useful visual information, such as the quality of feed and

    various substrates (Prescott and Wathes 1999b). Parts of the plumage of certain breeds

    also reflect UV (Prescott and Wathes 1999b; Sherwin and Devereux 1999), which

    provides UV cues that may be used in mate choice decisions (Jones and Prescott 2000;

    Jones et al. 2001) or to assess the status of other birds. Turkeys, Meleagris gallopavo,

    were found to prefer artificial lighting with supplementary UV (Moinard and Sherwin

    1999). Also, a lack of environmental enrichment, including UV cues, has been

    associated with an increase in welfare-reducing behaviour such as feather pecking in

    this species (Sherwin and Devereux 1999). Feather pecking is thought to be an

    aberrant, redirected form of substrate pecking rather than an aggressive behaviour

    (Huber-Eicher and Wechsler 1997) that may be induced by loss of UV cues on the

    substrate. Lack of UV cues may also lead to increased aggression if such cues are used

    for individual recognition or signal social status (Sherwin et al. 1999; Maddocks et al.


  • four: effect of ultraviolet on quail


    As addition of supplementary UV light is likely to increase the perceived brightness of

    the illumination as well as changing the spectral composition of the light, the apparent

    welfare benefit of supplemental UV may result purely from a preference for brighter

    lighting conditions (Greenwood et al. 2002; Chapter 3). This is noteworthy, as turkeys

    have been shown to have a preference for higher light intensities (Sherwin 1998). It is

    difficult to control precisely for perceived changes in brightness when manipulating

    the spectral composition of a light source, as it is not known how avian visual systems

    weight information from UV and other cones in the perception of brightness.

    However, in the absence of such knowledge, equalising the overall quantal flux to

    attempt to equalise perceived brightness between the UV+ and UV- environments is a

    logical control. Maddocks et al. (2001b) found that domestic chicks, Gallus gallus

    domesticus, kept in UV deficient (UV-) conditions, had significantly higher basal

    plasma corticosterone levels and showed a non-significant trend to be less exploratory

    than their counterparts kept in UV containing (UV+) conditions when quantal flux was

    similar across both conditions. Corticosterone is the major ‘stress’ hormone in birds,

    which mediates short-term behavioural and physiological change to cope with adverse

    environmental events (Wingfield 1994) and other environmental events that require

    increased metabolic output (Reul et al. 2001). As prolonged high levels of

    corticosterone are thought to be harmful (Wingfield 1994) and may reduce

    performance in terms of commercial productivity (Beuving et al. 1989), this suggests

    that provision of ‘full spectrum’ lighting may benefit poultry.

    I report on an experiment similar to that which Maddocks et al. (2001b) carried out

    using domestic chicks, in which Japanese quail, Coturnix coturnix japonica, were

    reared under either UV+ or UV- conditions balanced for quantal flux. I assessed

    welfare using a variety of indicator variables, namely behaviour, mass gain, size,

    fluctuating asymmetry (FA) and plasma corticosterone. FA is the random deviation

    from perfect bilateral symmetry in morphological traits, and is thought to increase

    under conditions of developmental stress (Møller and Swaddle 1997). The degree of

    FA in chickens has been shown to increase under certain lighting regimes, and is

    positively correlated with tonic immobility and the difficulty the birds had in walking,

    suggesting it is useful as a welfare indicator (Møller et al. 1999). Corticosterone can

  • four: effect of ultraviolet on quail


    be assessed by its basal level and rise in response to capture, handling and restraint

    (see Wingfield 1994; Wingfield et al. 1995).

    I predicted that even if UV does not have major welfare implications in the long term,

    a change of lighting conditions might induce stress in the short term. I therefore also

    investigated the short-term stress effects of switching the lighting from UV- to UV+,

    and vice versa, by monitoring changes in behaviour and plasma corticosterone levels.

    4.3. Materials and methods

    4.3.1. Animals

    Quail chicks were reared under either UV containing (UV+) or UV deficient (UV-)

    light from the age of one day until they were three weeks old. The lighting treatment

    in half of the pens within each treatment was switched when the birds were 19 days

    old to assess the short-term response to a change in lighting conditions. The lighting in

    the other half of the pens remained unchanged. The stress response to rearing under

    each lighting condition prior to the light environment change on the evening of day 18

    was assessed by measures of mass gain, tarsus and primary feather length, fluctuating

    asymmetry (FA), behaviour and plasma corticosterone levels. The immediate short-

    term response to a change in lighting after day 19 was assessed using behaviour and

    corticosterone levels.

    96 one day old quail chicks (obtained from Fayre Game, Liverpool) were randomly

    allocated to sixteen pens (each 1.2 x 0.85 m and 2 m high, six chicks per pen). Each pen was light-proofed using hardboard and black cloth. The University of Bristol

    veterinary officer advised that initially the young chicks should be maintained at

    31±5°C and the temperature gradually reduced by about 1°C/day to 19±5°C. A heat

    lamp (250 W, Pandorel radiant heat brooder, Bellsouth PTY Ltd, Australia) was

  • four: effect of ultraviolet on quail


    provided in each pen, the loss of heat from the lights at night was compensated for by

    running ceiling fan heaters overnight.

    4.3.2. Treatments

    Eight of the pens were assigned to have UV+ lighting and eight were assigned UV-

    lighting. The treatment received by each pen was counterbalanced for position within

    the building. In each pen there was a standard fluorescent lamp (General Electric,

    U.K.) and a 0.6 m, 18 W, UV blue/black lamp (Sylvania Lighting International

    Lisarow, NSW, Australia), both of which were fitted to 240 V, 100 Hz ballasts (Ring

    lighting, Leeds, U.K.). The lights were horizontally mounted on the wall at a height of

    1.2 m above the floor. The light sources were identical in both treatments except that

    UV blocking filters (Lee 226 UV blocking filter, Lee filters, Andover, U.K.; see Fig.

    4.1. for transmission spectra) were placed over both of the lights in the UV- pens to

    render the lighting conditions UV deficient. The design of the experiment was similar

    to that of Maddocks et al. (2001b), except that for the visible-spectrum illumination

    fluorescent lamps were used to illuminate the pens, whereas Maddocks et al. (2001b)

    used halogen lamps (both studies used the same model of black-light and UV-filter).

    Figure 4.1. Transmission spectra of the flexible Lee 226 UV blocking filter that was

    used to remove UV from the ambient light by covering the light sources.







    300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700wavelength (nm)




  • four: effect of ultraviolet on quail


    I aimed to vary spectral composition but not overall light intensity between light

    treatments. Removing UV wavelengths in the UV- pens would also decrease the

    overall light intensity. I used an Ocean Optics SD1000 spectroradiometer with a

    cosine-corrected detector to quantify the average reduction in quantal flux over the

    avian-visible spectrum (approximately 320 – 700 nm) that occurred when a UV

    blocking filter was placed over the lights in a pen. Calculations showed that this

    created an average decrease of 15% in quantal flux. I therefore partially covered the

    lamps in the UV+ condition with strips of black cloth so that the overall avian visible

    quantal flux was also reduced by around 15%. This ensured that the only significant difference between treatments was in spectral composition (see Fig. 4.2.).

    Figure 4.2. Mean irradiance (quantal flux) in the UV+ and UV- pens. Standard errors

    are plotted in one direction only (upwards for UV+ and downwards for UV-). It is

    hard to discern the difference between the two treatments except between 300-400 nm,

    where the UV+ pens have higher irradiance.







    300 400 500 600 700Wavelength (nm)










  • four: effect of ultraviolet on quail


    The total quantal flux integrated over the avian visible spectrum (320-700 nm) did not

    differ between treatments (repeated-measures ANOVA on log-transformed quantal

    flux: F1,6=1.27, P=0.304). The variation in total irradiance within pens of the same

    treatment was greater than the variation in total irradiance between pens within

    treatments and both greatly exceeded the between-treatment variance (76%, 21% and

    3% respectively, of the total variance as determined by fully nested ANOVA). The

    chicks could therefore vary the light intensity they experienced by moving around the

    pen, but were however always exposed to the appropriate spectral composition of

    light. The quantal flux in the UV waveband (320-400 nm) was significantly higher in

    the UV+ than UV- pens (repeated measures ANOVA on log (x+1) transformed

    values: F1,6=829.7, P

  • four: effect of ultraviolet on quail


    4.3.3. Morphology

    All of the quail were weighed on day 2 and again on day 16 prior to the light

    environment change. The rate of weight gain in the two lighting conditions was

    compared using paired t-tests on Minitab (Minitab 1998). On day 18 the left and right

    tarsi of 40 birds, and the longest (fifth) primary on the left and right wings of 93 birds,

    were measured to ascertain the degree of FA (see Svensson 1992 for measurement

    techniques). Each tarsus and wing was measured five times. The degree of FA of birds

    reared in UV+ and UV- was analysed using the methods advocated by Palmer and

    Strobeck (2003). This involved testing for directional asymmetry, normality of the

    signed asymmetry values and, using mixed-model ANOVA, testing whether FA

    significantly exceeded measurement error. Only primary length passed all criteria for

    FA and so the variance of signed wing asymmetries in each treatment was adjusted for

    measurement error (‘FA index 10’ in Palmer and Strobeck 2003), and compared with

    an F-test. In addition, the mean tarsus and wing lengths were calculated for each bird.

    Tarsus and wing size for birds reared in UV+ and UV- were compared using two

    sample t-tests (Minitab, 1998).

    4.3.4. Behaviour

    On days 3, 6, 9 and 14, one bird from each pen was observed for a 20 min period, with

    a different bird being the focal animal on each of these days. Focal animals were

    selected from within the pen randomly, with the constraint that no animal could be a

    focal animal twice. In each observation session, two pens were observed

    simultaneously by two different observers (myself and Verity J. Greenwood). Having

    two observers enabled a bird in each UV+ pen to be observed simultaneously to a bird

    in a UV- pen. I counterbalanced the order in which the pens were observed, and also

    which observer was assigned to watch each treatment. Focal birds were also observed

    on day 19 immediately after the lighting condition had been switched in half of the

  • four: effect of ultraviolet on quail


    pens on the previous night. We made observations from hides outside the pens and

    recorded the frequencies of 15 measures of behaviour (see Table 4.1.).

    Table 4.1. Description of all observed behaviours.

    Behaviour Description


    Rest/sleep Legs folded under body with body resting on substrate

    Walk/run Actively moving around the pen with body in contact with


    Leap Moving around pen out of contact with ground and flapping


    Stasis Mean duration of time spent in each quadrant of the pen, thus

    negatively related to overall activity

    Feed Frequency of pecks directed at food in the feeder

    Drink Frequency of 1 sec intervals in which bird spends drinking

    Peck Pecking directed at anything other than food, water or


    Scratch Raking claws through substrate using vigorous leg movements

    Preen Running beak through feathers

    Dust bathing Flapping wings in substrate whilst sitting, partially burying

    body in substrate

    Stretching Either wing or leg extended away from body as far as possible

    Chirping Audible vocalisation

    Head shaking Shaking of head from side to side

    Aggressive pecking Rapid pecks directed at other birds

    Attacked Receipt of aggressive pecks, often causing bird to run away or

    cower in submission

  • four: effect of ultraviolet on quail


    The data for chirping and dust bathing were omitted from subsequent analysis as these

    behaviours were infrequent. The raw data were transformed (log x+1) to linearise the

    relationship between variables and then reduced using Principal Component Analysis

    (PCA; Chatfield and Collins, 1995) prior to further analysis. This reduced 13 original

    variables into five orthogonal variables, the principal components (PCs), each of

    which was derived from reduction of the pooled observational data for the whole

    experiment. Each PC is a mathematical transformation of the raw data consisting of a

    weighted linear sum of the original data (Chatfield and Collins 1995). The raw data

    are transformed by multiplying by PC coefficients (weights), which can be either

    positive or negative. The resulting PC scores for each extracted PC were then analysed

    using repeated-measures ANOVA or GLM on Minitab (Minitab 1998). ‘Pen’ was the

    unit of analysis as the birds within a group are not independent. Therefore, although

    different birds were observed from each pen on different days, the data were treated as

    repeated measures. The data from the periods before and after the light environment

    change were analysed separately, with the additional factors ‘day’ (1 to 4) and

    day*treatment in the pre-change analyses. The post-change data was analysed with

    respect to the four conditions: UV+ changing to UV-, UV- changing to UV+, and

    UV+ or UV- unchanged, using non-parametric statistics where residuals could not be


    4.3.5. Blood Sampling and Ethical Note

    Whenever the effects of a potential stressor are investigated, there is inevitably a

    moral concern that one may be applying a stressful and deleterious treatment.

    However, in this case the stressor was UV deficient lighting, a treatment that is

    applied to the vast majority of captive birds kept under artificial light. Blood sampling

    was the only experience within this experiment that was not a normal event in bird

    husbandry. I chose to use blood sampling because short-term changes in hormone

    levels cannot be monitored by the non-invasive method of faecal sampling.

  • four: effect of ultraviolet on quail


    My blood sampling programme was designed to minimise the stress on any individual

    bird, and blood samples were not taken from any bird more than once. Repeated blood

    sampling may not have any deleterious effect on welfare. However, I also wished to

    avoid confounding the effects of time and experience of handling on corticosterone

    levels. On days 15 and 20 I took blood samples from two birds in each pen to obtain,

    from the first, a measure of basal plasma corticosterone, and from the second, the level

    of corticosterone 30 minutes post capture. I worked with a second experimenter,

    Verity J. Greenwood, so that both of the birds could be caught and sampled

    simultaneously in a design balanced for both treatment and sampler. We took a single

    blood sample from the bird that had been the focal bird of the previous day’s

    observation less than 1 min from the time of capture to obtain a basal level of

    corticosterone. We then took a blood sample from the other bird at 30 min post

    capture to gain a measurement of the rise in corticosterone in response to capture and

    restraint. Birds that were blood sampled after 30 min were moved from their pen to a

    procedure room and kept alone in cardboard boxes for 30 min. We sampled UV+ and

    UV- pens alternately, ensuring that at any time-point we avoided sampling birds from

    a pen adjacent to that which had just been disturbed. We did not notice any change in

    behaviour of the birds in pens awaiting sampling.

    We took a blood sample (0.1 ml) from each bird by puncture of the alar vein. We used

    a 25 gauge needle to prick the vein and collected a drop of blood using a heparinized

    capillary tube. The blood samples were centrifuged and the plasma stored in labelled

    vials at -20 °C. Birds were inspected and returned to their pens after the procedure.

    I monitored the birds regularly, and on day 14 removed two UV- pens from the

    experiment as some birds in these pens were starting to consistently feather-peck the

    other birds. I removed and separately housed these animals for the sake of the birds’

    welfare. This reduced the number of UV- pens in the experiment from 8 to 6 at this

    stage. Following the experiments, all the birds were inspected by the University of

    Bristol veterinary officer, and re-homed.

  • four: effect of ultraviolet on quail


    4.3.6. Radioimmunoassay

    Corticosterone concentrations in the blood samples were obtained by

    radioimmunoassay using a similar procedure to that described by Wingfield et al. (1992). The principles of this technique are explained in the Appendix to this thesis.

    Plasma samples (20 µl aliquots) were extracted in diethyl ether after adding 2000 cpm of tritiated corticosterone ([1,2,6,7-3H]-corticosterone label, Amersham, U.K.) so that

    the recovery efficiency of the extraction could be estimated. These evaporated extracts

    were reconstituted in 550 µl of assay diluent, 100 µl aliquots of which were

    subsequently added to 750 µl scintillant (UltimaGold, Packard, Groningen, The

    Netherlands). These were counted in a scintillation counter to calculate percent

    recovery. Duplicate 200 µl aliquots of each extract (each containing 7.3 µl of extracted

    plasma) were assayed using an anticorticosterone antiserum code B21-42 (Endocrine

    Sciences, Tarzana, California, U.S.A.) and [1,2,6,7-3H]-corticosterone label

    (Amersham, U.K.). Corticosterone concentrations were corrected for recovery

    efficiency (percentage recoveries varied between 70 and 87%) and expressed in ng/ml.

    The assay was run with a bound:free ratio of 0.64, 50% binding was 1.03 ng/ml and

    the detection limit (for 7.3 µl aliquots of extracted plasma) was 0.95 ng/ml. Plasma

    corticosterone levels from before and after the light environment change on day 18

    were analysed separately using non-parametric statistics.

    4.4. Results

    4.4.1. Morphology

    There was no significant effect of rearing in UV+ or UV- on mass gain (defined as

    mass at 16 minus mass at day 2, t95=0.96, P=0.337), size as measured by tarsus length

    (t37=1.80, P=0.081) or the length of the fifth primary (t89 =1.64, P=0.104, see Table

    4.2. for means). The non-significant trend for tarsi was for the mean length to be

    2.65% greater under UV+ conditions. Following the approach of Palmer and Strobeck

  • four: effect of ultraviolet on quail


    (2003), I investigated whether the degree of fluctuating asymmetry (FA) in tarsus and

    wing lengths differed between treatments, using mixed model ANOVA on Minitab

    (Minitab 1998). I first investigated whether the degree of measurement error exceeded

    the degree of FA in each trait, by treating individual bird as a random effect and ‘side’

    (left or right side of measured trait) as a fixed effect in the analysis. A significant

    bird*side interaction would show that there was variance in the data beyond that due

    to measurement error, which would indicate the presence of genuine FA. I found that

    for my tarsus measurements, the bird*side interaction was not significant

    (F39,320=1.30, P=0.115), which showed that if genuine FA was present, it was

    obscured by measurement error. However, there was a significant bird*side interaction

    for the wing length data (F92,744=2.41, P

  • four: effect of ultraviolet on quail


    Table 4.2. There was no effect of rearing with UV on mass gain (mass at day 16

    minus mass at day 2), or the length of the wing and the tarsus. Values shown are X ±



    Trait UV+ reared UV- reared


    Mass gain (g) 73.06±1.23 71.43±1.13

    Length of tarsus (mm) 31.34±0.31 30.53±0.34

    Length of 5th primary (mm) 97.37±0.44 96.28±0.50


    Table 4.3. Coefficients relating the first five principal components to the (log-

    transformed) original behavioural variables.

    Behaviour PC1 PC2 PC3 PC4 PC5


    Rest/sleep -0.297 0.236 -0.278 -0.222 -0.222

    Walk/run 0.456 0.285 -0.113 0.134 -0.076

    Leap 0.111 0.112 0.555 -0.044 -0.159

    Stasis -0.494 -0.074 -0.123 0.211 0.012

    Feed 0.147 -0.108 0.398 0.382 -0.225

    Drink 0.279 -0.107 0.177 -0.351 0.456

    Peck 0.384 0.028 -0.307 -0.174 0.119

    Scratch 0.290 -0.296 -0.119 0.236 0.261

    Preen 0.243 -0.155 -0.122 -0.432 -0.488

    Stretching 0.045 -0.495 -0.283 -0.012 -0.000

    Head shaking -0.140 -0.311 0.433 -0.319 0.382

    Aggressive pecking 0.189 0.105 -0.038 0.459 0.417

    Attacked 0.014 0.597 0.070 -0.179 0.143

    Numbers in bold show the three highest values for each PC, which correspond to the behaviours that

    influence that PC most strongly.

  • four: effect of ultraviolet on quail


    Figure 4.3. PC1 and PC4 are summary descriptors of various behaviours (derived

    from PCA; see Table 4.3.). (a) There was a non-significant trend for mean PC1 scores

    to be higher in UV- than UV+, and PC1 scores increased over subsequent observation

    sessions. (b) Mean PC4 scores decreased over subsequent observation sessions, but

    did not differ between treatments. Vertical bars show SEs.

    Analysis of the first 5 PCs showed that rearing condition with respect to UV had no

    significant effect on PC2, PC3, PC4 or PC5 before the light environment change (main

    effect of treatment: PC2: F1,14=0.07, P=0.790; PC3: F1,14=0.84, P=0.375; PC4:

    F1,14=0.88, P=0.363; PC5: F1,14=0.40, P=0.538). However, the first PC showed a non-

    significant trend to be higher in UV- conditions during this period (F1,14=3.89,







    3 6 9 14Day













    3 6 9 14






  • four: effect of ultraviolet on quail


    P=0.069, see Fig. 4.3a). PC1 is positively associated with walking, running and

    pecking at the ground, and negatively associated with staying in the same area of the

    pen (see Table 4.3.). Birds in UV- therefore tended to move more often between

    different areas of the pen, and tended to walk and run more, and to peck at the ground

    more frequently than birds in UV+ (see Fig. 4.3a). I must be very cautious in

    considering this trend, because if I set the experiment-wise significance level at 0.05, I

    should only accept any of these five tests as significant if P < 0.010. There was no

    significant short-term effect on behaviour resulting from a change in light environment

    (GLM on the change between days 14 and 19, i.e. before and after the lighting

    changed: PC1: F3,10=2.06, P=0.169; PC2: F3,10=0.56, P=0.651; PC3: F3,10=0.59,

    P=0.636; PC4: F3,10=0.63, P =0.612; PC5: F3,10=0.03, P=0.993).

    As it has been suggested that lack of UV may promote feather-pecking due to loss of

    ultraviolet cues in the plumage (Sherwin and Devereux 1999; Maddocks et al. 2001b)

    I also separately analysed the number of pecks made by birds in each treatment

    towards other birds, as well as the number of pecks they received from others. These

    behaviours were quite rare (means of 1.87 and 3.19 occurrences/hour, respectively),

    and occurred at similar rates in both treatments, both before and after the light

    environment change occurred on day 18 (repeated measures ANOVA on log (1+x)

    transformed values; pre-light change: pecks given, F3,14=0.87, P=0.367; pecks

    received, F3,14=0.00, P=0.993; post light change: pecks given, Kruskal-Wallis test:

    H3=1.29, P =0.731; pecks received, H3=3.77, P =0.287). However, it is notable that I

    had to remove two of the eight UV- pens from the experiment on day 18 for welfare

    reasons, as some birds in them had started to feather-peck each other. The removal of

    these two pens from the experiment will have affected the results post-light

    environment change but, even if I include these pens with a fictitious maximal level of

    pecking, treatment differences are far from significant (P>0.337 for pecks given and

    received). This phenomenon was not completely exclusive to UV- pens, as feather

    pecking was starting to occur by day 21 in a UV+ pen as well, at which point the

    experiment had ended.

  • four: effect of ultraviolet on quail


    Although there was no significant effect of treatment, behaviour did change

    significantly with observation day prior to the light environment change. There was a

    significant change in PC1 and PC4 over time (PC1: F3,42=5.30, P=0.003; PC2:

    F3,42=1.21, P=0.318; PC3: F3,42=0.75, P=0.527; PC4: F3,42=5.11, P=0.004; PC5:

    F3,42=1.26, P=0.300), with PC1 scores increasing and PC4 scores decreasing over time

    (see Figs 4.3a and 4.3b, respectively). PC1 is mostly positively associated with

    walking or running, pecking the ground, and moving between different areas of the

    pen (see Table 4.3.). Amount of time spent performing these activities increased over

    time. PC4 is mostly positively associated with drinking and pecking other birds, but

    negatively correlated with preening (see Table 4.3.). Amount of time spent drinking

    and pecking others decreased, whilst preening increased over subsequent observation

    sessions. None of the time*treatment interactions were significant (PC1: F3,42=0.66,

    P=0.581; PC2: F3,42=0.63, P=0.597; PC3: F3,42=0.80, P=0.503; PC4: F3,42=0.69, P

    =0.563; PC5: F3,42=2.57, P=0.067), the marginal effect for PC5 showing no obvious

    pattern across time.

    4.4.3. Plasma Corticosterone

    Data for blood samples taken before and after the light environment change were

    analysed. Birds that had basal corticosterone levels that were so low that they were

    beneath the assay detection limit were assigned the minimum detectable corticosterone

    level (0.95 ng/ml) to enable further analysis. Many birds, particularly those sampled

    immediately, had corticosterone levels below the assay detection limit and therefore

    had to be assigned identical values (see Table 4.4.).

  • four: effect of ultraviolet on quail


    Table 4.4. Corticosterone concentrations (median (LQ, UQ) ng/ml) before the light

    environment change for birds sampled at 1 and 30 minutes post capture.

    Time UV+ UV-

    Basal 0.95 (0.95, 0.95) 0.95 (0.95,0.95)

    30 min 0.96 (0.95, 2.34) 1.01 (0.95, 2.34)

    The minimum concentration detectable by the assay was 0.95 ng/ml.

    At day 15, before the light environment change, in qualitative terms if not in

    magnitude, quail chicks showed a typical corticosterone response to the capture-

    handling-restraint procedure. Birds being sampled immediately post capture had a

    lower level of corticosterone than those sampled 30 min post capture (Wilcoxon

    matched-pairs signed-ranks test; T=45.0, Ntest=9, P=0.009), although the rise was not

    great. There was clearly no measurable treatment effect on basal corticosterone levels,

    as all basal corticosterone levels were below the assay detection limit, with the

    exception of one bird reared in UV-. There was no effect of lighting condition on

    corticosterone levels taken 30 min post capture (Mann Whitney U test: W=69.0, N=8,

    8, P=0.956).

    At day 20, after the light environment change, corticosterone levels were even lower

    than at day 15. All birds had basal corticosterone below the detectable limit and only

    four had supra-limit levels after capture and restraint (two from pens switched from

    UV+ to UV-, one from a pen switched from UV- to UV+ and one from an unchanged

    UV+ pen). This precluded statistical analysis, but no trends were apparent.

  • four: effect of ultraviolet on quail


    4.5. Discussion

    Rearing quail chicks with or without ultraviolet (UV) wavelengths had no significant

    effect on any of my chosen morphological, behavioural or physiological indicators of

    stress. Quail reared in UV- conditions achieved similar body mass and size (as

    measured by wing and tarsus lengths) to their counterparts reared in UV+. Although

    Møller et al. (1999) found that certain lighting regimes are associated with increased

    levels of fluctuating asymmetry (FA) in bilateral traits in chickens, I found no effect of

    rearing without UV on FA in quail. Behaviour was not affected by treatment, although

    behaviour varied significantly with day of observation. Chicks became increasingly

    active and spent more time pecking at the ground and preening over subsequent

    observation sessions, and correspondingly spent less time pecking at other birds, and

    drinking (see Figure 4.3a,b in conjunction with Table 4.3.). These changes may be an

    effect of age, or increased familiarity with the rearing environment, including perhaps

    the presence of humans.

    As plasma concentrations of corticosterone are known to increase in wild birds in

    response to stress (Wingfield et al. 1995), I predicted that elevated levels would occur

    in UV- conditions if such conditions are deleterious. However, although birds showed

    the typical pattern of hormonal response to capture stress (higher levels 30 min post-

    capture as compared to basal levels), corticosterone levels did not differ significantly

    between treatments. Indeed, basal levels were at the lower detection limit for all

    except one bird, across both treatments. Neither was there any measurable significant

    difference in behaviour or corticosterone levels in response to a change in lighting

    conditions from UV+ to UV-, or vice versa. However, the hormonal response to

    capture and restraint (corticosterone concentration at 30 min post-capture) showed a

    non-significant trend to decline over the experiment. This decline mirrors the pattern

    of results found by Maddocks et al. (2001b), and again this may be due to age-related

    change or to experience of humans (Jones and Waddington 1992). It was not due to

    familiarity with blood-sampling, as different birds were sampled at each time point.

  • four: effect of ultraviolet on quail


    Any treatment differences in corticosterone concentration may have been obscured by

    the fact that many of the samples had corticosterone levels so low as to be

    undetectable by my assay. These were instead assigned the lowest level of

    corticosterone that the assay could detect, which reduced the power of my statistical

    analysis. Whilst it might be argued that treatment differences might have been

    detected by using a more sensitive radioimmunoassay procedure, I followed the same

    procedure as that used by Maddocks et al. (2001b), who obtained measurable

    corticosterone levels from chickens. It appears that these quail simply had much lower

    corticosterone levels than chickens (ca. 10% lower) when housed and treated under

    similar conditions. Consequently, even though not all samples could be assigned

    precise levels of corticosterone, it is clear that rearing in, or switching to, UV-

    conditions does not cause even minor rises in the levels of plasma corticosterone in


    Maddocks et al. (2001b) reared chickens under UV+ and UV- conditions in an

    experiment of similar design, and found a non-significant trend (P=0.054) for more

    exploratory behaviour and environmental pecking in UV+ conditions. In contrast, I

    found that there was a non-significant trend (P=0.069) for quail chicks to peck, walk,

    run and alter their location within the pen less in UV+ conditions (see Fig 4.3a in

    conjunction with Table 4.3.). However, the trend towards my UV- environment being

    more attractive for pecking is at odds with Maddocks et al.’s (2001b) suggestion that

    UV- environments may make birds more wary of pecking the environment because of

    a loss of visual cues. There are three potential explanations for these apparently

    conflicting results. First, it is possible that the apparently different effects of UV on

    behaviour observed here and in Maddocks et al. (2001b) are not biologically

    significant. After all, although the trends are opposite, they were not significant in

    either study. However, a second possibility is that different species may have differing

    levels of need for UV cues. Chickens are known to have UV reflecting plumage

    (Prescott and Wathes 1999b; Sherwin and Devereux 1999), to prefer to preen under

    daylight (Nuboer 1993) and to use UV in mate choice (Jones and Prescott 2000; Jones

    et al. 2001), and hence may find UV+ conditions beneficial. No comparable

    information exists for quail. However, as quail can discriminate UV cues from the rest

  • four: effect of ultraviolet on quail


    of the spectrum and use UV cues when foraging (Chapter 2, published as Smith et al.

    2002), it seems likely that quail would utilise UV sensitivity in a similar manner to

    chickens. Third, the type of light sources I used differed from that of Maddocks et al.

    (2001b). I manipulated the spectral distribution of fluorescent lamps plus black-lights,

    whereas Maddocks et al. (2001b) manipulated the spectral distribution of incandescent

    halogen lamps plus black-lights. Poultry are known to prefer fluorescent to

    incandescent light sources (Widowski et al. 1992), perhaps because the spectral

    distribution of fluorescent lamps more closely resembles daylight than that of

    incandescent lamps (Lewis and Morris 1998). My light sources would have been

    richer in short wavelengths of the ‘blue’ waveband than those of Maddocks et al.

    (compare Fig. 4.2 with Fig. 1 of Maddocks et al. 2001b), and consequently my

    supplemental UV light may have had a less dramatic effect on the availability of

    visual cues in the shorter wavelengths, especially as the violet-sensitive cone of

    poultry would be stimulated by these short blue wavelengths. This may also explain

    why Maddocks et al. (2001b) found basal corticosterone levels elevated in conjunction

    with UV- conditions in chickens, whilst I found no such effect in quail.

    Although I found no measurable short-term response in behaviour or corticosterone in

    response to a change from UV+ to UV- conditions, or vice versa, interpretation of

    these results is problematic. Two of the eight UV- pens were removed from the

    experiment before the light environment change occurred, as the birds within them had

    started to feather-peck each other. This reduced the sample size in the UV- treatment,

    and also excluded the two pens within that treatment in which welfare was presumably

    poorest. There is evidence that turkey poults receive less feather pecking in

    environments enriched by various materials and supplementary UV lighting (Sherwin

    et al. 1999). Hence, it is plausible that the development of feather pecking in these

    pens was promoted by the absence of UV. However, as feather pecking had also

    developed in a UV+ pen by the end of the experiment, and as the sample size of pens

    was low (eight per treatment), it is difficult to tell whether or not the feather pecking in

    the two UV- pens was triggered by a lack of UV cues.

  • four: effect of ultraviolet on quail


    In general my results are not consistent with previous work suggesting that UV+

    conditions are beneficial for poultry (Moinard and Sherwin 1999; Sherwin et al. 1999;

    Lewis et al. 2000; Maddocks et al. 2001b). I found that behaviour changed and the

    corticosterone response to capture and restraint decreased as the birds grew older. The

    lack of rise of corticosterone in response to handling by the time the quail had reached

    three weeks old indicates that procedures such as blood sampling may not be stressful

    for this species.

    Although I found no measurable effect of UV on the morphology, behaviour or

    plasma corticosterone of quail, it should be noted that the welfare benefits of

    providing supplemental UV light might vary with species and context. Species, such

    as Galliformes, with violet-sensitive cones, which are stimulated by short blue

    wavelengths as well as UV, may be less vulnerable to any deleterious effect of UV-

    conditions than species, such as passerines and parrots, whose UV sensitivity is

    conferred by cones that are maximally sensitive to UV (see Hart 2001, for details on

    species differences). Also, supplemental UV light may be of greater importance in

    conjunction with incandescent lamps which have long-wavelength dominated

    emission spectra, than with fluorescent lamps which are richer in short wavelengths.
