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CHAPTER ONE - Bible Methodist...THE GOSPEL of ST. LUKE Study Questions Property of Appalachian Youth...

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THE GOSPEL of ST. LUKE Study Questions Property of Appalachian Youth Ministries Tuesday Quiz Material (Chapters 1-8) CHAPTER ONE 1. QUESTION: For what reason did Luke write to Theophilus? ANSWER: So that Theophilus might know the certainty of those things wherein he had been instructed (1:4) 2. QUESTION: Of what course of priesthood was Zacharias a member? ANSWER: Of the course of Abia (1:5) 3. QUESTION: According to Luke 1:6, describe the lifestyle of Zacharias and Elisabeth. ANSWER: They were both righteous before God, walking in all the commandments and ordinances of the Lord, blameless. (1:6) 4. QUESTION: How did Zacharias react to the appearance of the angel of the Lord? ANSWER: He was troubled, and fear fell upon him. (1:12) 5. QUESTION: When would John the Baptist be filled with the Holy Ghost? ANSWER: When he was still in his mother’s womb (1:15) 6. QUESTION: According to Luke 1:17, what was the chief responsibility of John the Baptist? ANSWER: To make ready a people prepared for the Lord (1:17) 7. QUESTION: Why was Zacharias made dumb until these things were fulfilled? ANSWER: Because he did not believe Gabriel’s words (1:20) 8. QUESTION: Why did the people outside the temple perceive that Zacharias had seen a vision? ANSWER: Because he beckoned unto them and remained speechless (1:22) 9. QUESTION: In what month did Gabriel visit Nazareth? ANSWER: The sixth month (1:26) 10. QUESTION: Quote Gabriel’s salutation to Mary. ANSWER: “Hail, thou that art highly favored, the Lord is with thee: blessed art thou among women.” (1:28) 11. QUESTION: Finish the quote and give the reference. “And, behold, thou shalt conceive in thy womb, and bring forth a Son,...” ANSWER: “...and shalt call His name JESUS. He shall be great, and shall be called the Son of the Highest: and the Lord God shall give unto Him the throne of His father David.” Luke 1:31-32 12. QUESTION: According to Luke 1:35, how was Mary to conceive the Christ? ANSWER: The Holy Ghost would come upon her and the power of the Highest would overshadow her. (1:35) 13. QUESTION: Quote Luke 1:37.
Page 1: CHAPTER ONE - Bible Methodist...THE GOSPEL of ST. LUKE Study Questions Property of Appalachian Youth Ministries Tuesday Quiz Material (Chapters 1-8) CHAPTER ONE 1. QUESTION: For what

THE GOSPEL of ST. LUKE Study Questions

Property of Appalachian Youth Ministries

Tuesday Quiz Material (Chapters 1-8)


1. QUESTION: For what reason did Luke write to Theophilus? ANSWER: So that Theophilus might know the certainty of those things

wherein he had been instructed (1:4)

2. QUESTION: Of what course of priesthood was Zacharias a member? ANSWER: Of the course of Abia (1:5)

3. QUESTION: According to Luke 1:6, describe the lifestyle of Zacharias and Elisabeth.

ANSWER: They were both righteous before God, walking in all the commandments and ordinances of the Lord, blameless. (1:6)

4. QUESTION: How did Zacharias react to the appearance of the angel of the Lord?

ANSWER: He was troubled, and fear fell upon him. (1:12)

5. QUESTION: When would John the Baptist be filled with the Holy Ghost? ANSWER: When he was still in his mother’s womb (1:15)

6. QUESTION: According to Luke 1:17, what was the chief responsibility of John the Baptist?

ANSWER: To make ready a people prepared for the Lord (1:17)

7. QUESTION: Why was Zacharias made dumb until these things were fulfilled? ANSWER: Because he did not believe Gabriel’s words (1:20)

8. QUESTION: Why did the people outside the temple perceive that Zacharias had seen a vision?

ANSWER: Because he beckoned unto them and remained speechless (1:22)

9. QUESTION: In what month did Gabriel visit Nazareth? ANSWER: The sixth month (1:26)

10. QUESTION: Quote Gabriel’s salutation to Mary. ANSWER: “Hail, thou that art highly favored, the Lord is with thee: blessed

art thou among women.” (1:28)

11. QUESTION: Finish the quote and give the reference. “And, behold, thou shalt conceive in thy womb, and bring forth a Son,...”

ANSWER: “...and shalt call His name JESUS. He shall be great, and shall be called the Son of the Highest: and the Lord God shall give unto Him the throne of His father David.” Luke 1:31-32

12. QUESTION: According to Luke 1:35, how was Mary to conceive the Christ? ANSWER: The Holy Ghost would come upon her and the power of the

Highest would overshadow her. (1:35)

13. QUESTION: Quote Luke 1:37.

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ANSWER: “For with God nothing shall be impossible.” (1:37)

14. QUESTION: What two things happened to Elisabeth when she heard Mary’s salutation?

ANSWER: A. The babe (John) leaped in her womb B. She was filled with the Holy Ghost (1:41)

15. QUESTION: In whom did Mary’s spirit rejoice? ANSWER: God her Savior (1:47)

(1) 16. QUESTION: How long is the mercy of the Lord upon them that fear Him? ANSWER: From generation to generation (1:50) 17. QUESTION: According to Luke 1:53, contrast the way God deals with the

“hungry” and the “rich.” ANSWER: A. He fills the hungry with good things. B. The rich He sends away empty. (1:53)

18. QUESTION: (Two-part Question) How long did Mary stay with her cousin Elisabeth, and where did she go after this visit?

ANSWER: A. About three months B. She returned to her own house. (1:56)

19. QUESTION: When did Zacharias and Elisabeth name their child? ANSWER: On the eighth day after his birth (1:59)

20. QUESTION: What did the friends and relatives of Elisabeth insist she name her son and why?

ANSWER: They wanted to name him Zacharias after his father. (1:59)

21. QUESTION: What happened to Zacharias after he wrote that his son’s name would be John?

ANSWER: His mouth was opened and his tongue loosed, and he spake and praised God. (1:64)

22. QUESTION: Finish this statement about John the Baptist found in Luke 1:66, “And the hand of the Lord...”

ANSWER: “...was with him.” (1:66)

23. QUESTION: Where was John the Baptist until he was showed unto Israel? ANSWER: In the desert (1:80)


1. QUESTION: Who was the governor of Syria when Caesar Augustus taxed all the world?

ANSWER: Cyrenius (2:2)

2. QUESTION: Why was Joseph compelled to go to Bethlehem to be taxed? ANSWER: Because he was of the house and lineage of David (2:4)

3. QUESTION: Quote Luke 2:7. ANSWER: “And she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped Him in

swaddling clothes, and laid Him in a manger; because there was no room for them in the inn.” (2:7)

4. QUESTION: Where were the shepherds when they saw a heavenly host of

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angels? ANSWER: Abiding in the field (2:8)

5. QUESTION: Finish this quote and give the reference. “For unto you is born...” ANSWER: “...this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord.”

Luke 2:11

6. QUESTION: Quote the words of the song sang by the angel choir. ANSWER: “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will

toward men.” (2:14)

7. QUESTION: Why did the shepherds decide to go to Bethlehem? ANSWER: To see the thing which had come to pass (2:15)

8. QUESTION: How did Mary react to the events that occurred on the night of her child’s birth?

ANSWER: She kept them all and pondered them in her heart. (2:19)

9. QUESTION: Why was Jesus brought to Jerusalem on the eighth day of His life?

ANSWER: To be presented to the Lord (2:22)

10. QUESTION: Give the three-part description of Simeon found in Luke 2:25. ANSWER: A. Just and devout

B. Waiting for the consolation of Israel

C. The Holy Ghost was upon him (2:25) (2)

11. QUESTION: What did the Holy Ghost reveal to Simeon? ANSWER: That he should not see death before he had seen the Lord’s

Christ (2:26)

12. QUESTION: Fill in the blanks. “A light to lighten the ________________, and the _______________ of thy people Israel.”

ANSWER: A. Gentiles B. Glory (2:32)

13. QUESTION: What did Simeon prophesy concerning Mary’s suffering over her child?

ANSWER: “A sword shall pierce through thy own soul also.” (2:35)

14. QUESTION: Give the lineage of the prophetess Anna. ANSWER: The daughter of Phanuel, of the tribe of Aser (2:36)

15. QUESTION: What did Anna do every night and day in the temple? ANSWER: Served God with fastings and prayers (2:37)

16. QUESTION: For which Jewish feast did the parents of Jesus go to Jerusalem every year?

ANSWER: The Feast of the Passover (2:41)

17. QUESTION: According to Luke 2:42, how old was Jesus when He was taken to Jerusalem after the custom of the feast?

ANSWER: Twelve years old (2:42)

18. QUESTION: Why did Joseph and Mary not look for Jesus until the end of the first day’s journey toward home?

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ANSWER: Because they supposed He was in the company (2:44)

19. QUESTION: How long did it take for Joseph and Mary to locate their son? ANSWER: Three days (2:46)

20. QUESTION: (Two-part Question) Where did Joseph and Mary find their son and what was He doing there?

ANSWER: A. He was sitting in the temple, midst of the doctors.

B. He was both hearing them and asking them questions. (2:46)

21 QUESTION: How did Jesus’ understanding and answers affect the doctors of the law?

ANSWER: All that heard Him were astonished at His understanding and answers. (2:47)

22. QUESTION: Finish this quote. “How is it that ye sought me...? ANSWER: “...wist ye not that I must be about my Father’s

business?” (2:49)

23. QUESTION: Quote Luke 2:52. ANSWER: “And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favor with

God and man.” (2:52)


1. QUESTION: John began to minister in the fifteenth year of which Roman emperor?

ANSWER: Tiberius Caesar (3:1)

2. QUESTION: Give the names of the two high priests when John began to minister.

ANSWER: Annas and Caiaphas (3:2)

3. QUESTION: According to Luke 3:3, what did John preach? ANSWER: The baptism of repentance for the remission of sins (3:3)

4. QUESTION: Luke 3:4 quotes the prophet Esaias (Isaiah) and prophesies the coming of John the Baptist. Recite this prophecy (as given in Luke 3:4) and give its Old Testament reference.

ANSWER: “The voice of one crying in the wilderness, ‘Prepare ye the way of the Lord make His paths straight.’” Isaiah 40:3 (3:4)

(3) 5. QUESTION: Quote Luke 3:5. ANSWER: “Every valley shall be filled, and every mountain and hill shall be

brought low; and the crooked shall be made straight, and the rough ways shall be made smooth.” (3:5)

6. QUESTION: According to Isaiah’s prophecy, quoted in Luke 3:6, what would all flesh see?

ANSWER: The salvation of God (3:6)

7. QUESTION: What did John the Baptist call those who came out to see and hear him?

ANSWER: A generation of vipers (3:7)

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8. QUESTION: Of what is God able to raise up children unto Abraham? ANSWER: Stones (3:8)

9. QUESTION: What is done to the tree which does not bear good fruit? ANSWER: It is hewn down and cast into the fire. (3:9)

10. QUESTION: What did John instruct his listeners to do if they had two coats or extra meat?

ANSWER: Let him impart to him that hath none (3:11)

11. QUESTION: When the publicans came to be baptized, what did they ask? ANSWER: “Master, what shall we do?” (3:12)

12. QUESTION: To what group of people did John say, “Exact no more than that which is appointed you”?

ANSWER: The publicans (3:12-13)

13. QUESTION: Besides the publicans, what group of people came to John asking what they should do?

ANSWER: The soldiers (3:14)

14. QUESTION: What three instructions did John give the soldiers in response to their question: “And what shall we do?”

ANSWER: A. Do violence to no man B. Neither accuse any falsely

C. Be content with your wages (3:14)

15. QUESTION: What did the people muse in their hearts concerning John the Baptist?

ANSWER: Whether he were the Christ or not (3:15)

16. QUESTION: (Two-part Question) With what did John baptize, and with what would the One coming after John baptize?

ANSWER: A. Water B. The Holy Ghost and fire (3:16)

17. QUESTION: The One coming after John would gather His wheat into what? ANSWER: His garner (3:17)

18. QUESTION: According to Luke 3:17, the chaff would be burned with what? ANSWER: Unquenchable fire (3:17)

19. QUESTION: (Two-part Question) What man was reproved by John the Baptist and because of whom?

ANSWER: A. Herod the tetrarch B. Herodias the wife of his brother Philip (3:19)

20. QUESTION: What did Herod do because of John’s reproof? ANSWER: He shut him up in prison. (3:19-20)

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21. QUESTION: When was Jesus baptized? ANSWER: When all the people were baptized (3:21)

22. QUESTION: Quote the voice which came from heaven as Jesus was being baptized.

ANSWER: “Thou art my beloved Son; in Thee I am well pleased.” (3:22)

(4) 23. QUESTION: What was the age of Jesus at the time of His baptism? ANSWER: About thirty years of age (3:23)


1. QUESTION: Where was Jesus led by the Spirit? ANSWER: Into the wilderness (4:1)

2. QUESTION: How many days was Jesus tempted by the devil? ANSWER: 40 days (4:2)

3. QUESTION: What did the devil offer to give to Jesus if He would fall down and worship him?

ANSWER: All the power and glory of all the kingdoms of the world (4:5-7)

4. QUESTION: Quote Christ’s response to Satan’s temptation to worship him. ANSWER: “Get thee behind me, Satan: for it is written, ‘Thou shalt worship

the Lord thy God, and Him only shalt thou serve.’” (4:8)

5. QUESTION: In Luke 4:9, Satan tempted Jesus to cast Himself down from a pinnacle of the temple. In doing so Satan quoted Scripture. Quote this Scripture and give its Old Testament reference.

ANSWER: “He shall give His angels charge over thee, to keep thee: and in their hands they shall bear thee up, lest at any time thou dash thy foot against a stone.” Psalm 91:11-12 (4:10-11)

6. QUESTION: Finish the quote. “Thou shalt not tempt...” ANSWER: “...the Lord thy God.” (4:12)

7. QUESTION: After the devil had ended all the temptation, he departed from Christ for how long?

ANSWER: For a season (4:13)

8. QUESTION: What was Christ’s Sabbath day custom? ANSWER: He went into the synagogue and stood up to read. (4:16)

9. QUESTION: According to Luke 4:18-19, give four of the six things the Spirit of the Lord anointed Christ to do.

ANSWER: A. Preach the gospel to the poor B. Heal the brokenhearted C. Preach deliverance to the captives D. Recover the sight of the blind E. Set at liberty them that are bruised F. Preach the acceptable year of the LORD


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10. QUESTION: When Christ closed the book of the prophet Esaias, what did the people in the synagogue do?

ANSWER: They all fastened their eyes on Him. (4:20)

11. QUESTION: When Christ spoke in the synagogue of Nazareth, the people wondered at His gracious words. What did they ask among themselves?

ANSWER: “Is not this Joseph’s son?” (4:22)

12. QUESTION: Where is a prophet not accepted? ANSWER: In his own country (4:24)

13. QUESTION: During the days of Elias (Elijah), how long was the heaven shut up?

ANSWER: Three years and six months (4:25)

14. QUESTION: (Two-part Question) In spite of all the lepers in Israel during the days of Eliseus (Elisha), who was cleansed and what was his nationality?

ANSWER: A. Naaman B. Syrian (4:27)

(5) 15. QUESTION: How did Christ escape death at the hands of His hometown

people? ANSWER: He passed through the midst of them and went on His way.


16. QUESTION: Why were the people of Capernaum astonished at Christ’s doctrine?

ANSWER: His word was with power. (4:32)

17. QUESTION: Who cried out, “Let us alone; what have we to do with Thee, Thou Jesus of Nazareth”?

ANSWER: A man which had a spirit of an unclean devil (4:33-34)

18. QUESTION: When Jesus commanded the unclean devil to come out of the man of Capernaum, how did the devil respond?

ANSWER: He threw the man in the midst, came out of him, and hurt him not. (4:35)

19. QUESTION: According to Luke 4:37, where did the fame of Christ spread? ANSWER: Into every place of the country round about (4:37)

20. QUESTION: According to Luke 4:40, when the sun was setting, what did Christ do when the sick were brought to Him?

ANSWER: He laid His hands on every one of them and healed them. (4:40)

21. QUESTION: Why did Christ forbid the devils from speaking as He cast them out of the people?

ANSWER: Because they knew that He was Christ (4:41)

22. QUESTION: After leaving Capernaum, where did Christ go? ANSWER: Into a desert place (4:42)

23. QUESTION: Why did Christ insist that He must depart from Capernaum?

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ANSWER: Because he was sent to preach the kingdom to other cities also (4:43)


1. QUESTION: As the people pressed upon Christ in Luke 5:1, where was He standing?

ANSWER: By the lake of Gennesaret (5:1)

2. QUESTION: Who owned the ship Christ taught from? ANSWER: Simon (5:3)

3. QUESTION: Why did Simon hesitate to let down his nets? ANSWER: They had fished all night and had taken nothing. (5:5)

4. QUESTION: What happened when Simon let down the nets in obedience to the command of Christ?

ANSWER: They inclosed a great multitude of fish and their net broke. (5:6)

5. QUESTION: In reaction to the miracle of the draught of fishes, what did Simon Peter say to Christ?

ANSWER: “Depart from me; for I am a sinful man, O Lord.” (5:8)

6. QUESTION: Give the names of the two other disciples of Christ which were partners with Simon Peter.

ANSWER: James and John, the sons of Zebedee (5:10)

7. QUESTION: Complete this quote of Jesus which is found in Luke 5:10. “Fear not; from henceforth...”

ANSWER: “...thou shalt catch men.” (5:10)

8. QUESTION: What did Peter, James, and John do when they had brought their ships to land following the miracle of the draught of fishes?

ANSWER: They forsook all and followed Christ. (5:11)

9. QUESTION: Who said, “Lord, if Thou wilt, Thou canst make me clean”? ANSWER: A man full of leprosy (5:12)

(6) 10. QUESTION: After healing the man who was full of leprosy, what did Jesus

forbid the man from doing? ANSWER: He was to tell no one about the miracle. (5:14)

11. QUESTION: According to Luke 5:17, on a certain day as Jesus was teaching, the Pharisees and doctors of the law were sitting by. What was significant about the power of the Lord which was in the place?

ANSWER: The power of the LORD was present to heal them. (5:17)

12. QUESTION: Describe how the friends of the man with a palsy went about getting him before Jesus.

ANSWER: They went upon the housetop and let him down on his couch, through the tiling into the midst before Jesus. (5:19)

13. QUESTION: After Christ had forgiven the sins of the man with a palsy, what did the Pharisees begin to accuse Him of?

ANSWER: Speaking blasphemies (5:21)

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14. QUESTION: How did Christ prove His power to forgive sins? ANSWER: By healing the man with a palsy (5:24)

15. QUESTION: After the man taken with a palsy was healed, what four things did he do?

ANSWER: A. He rose up before them. B. He took up his couch.

C. He departed to his own house. D. He glorified God. (5:25)

16. QUESTION: (Three-part Question) What was Levi’s occupation? What was he doing when Christ first met him? What did Jesus say to him on this occasion?

ANSWER: A. He was a publican (tax

collector) B. He was sitting at the receipt of custom

C. “Follow Me.” (5:27)

17. QUESTION: When Jesus sat, eating and drinking at Levi’s feast, what did the scribes and Pharisees murmur against His disciples?

ANSWER: “Why do ye eat and drink with publicans and sinners?” (5:30)

18. QUESTION: According to the words of Jesus, who does not need a physician?

ANSWER: They that are whole (5:31)

19. QUESTION: (Fill in the Blanks) “I came not to call the _____________, but _____________ to repentance.”

ANSWER: A. Righteous B. Sinners (5:32)

20. QUESTION: According to Luke 5:33, whose disciples fasted? ANSWER: The disciples of John (5:33)

21. QUESTION: When did Jesus promise that His followers would begin to fast? ANSWER: When the bridegroom was taken away from them (5:35)

22. QUESTION: Why will a man not put new wine in old bottles? ANSWER: The new wine will burst the old bottles and be spilled, and the

bottles shall perish. (5:37)

23. QUESTION: What happens when new wine is put in new bottles? ANSWER: The wine and bottles are both preserved. (5:38)

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1. QUESTION: According to Luke 6:2, of what did the Pharisees accuse Jesus’ disciples?

ANSWER: Doing that which is unlawful on the Sabbath days (6:2)

2. QUESTION: To whom did Jesus refer when He spoke of the individual who wrongfully partook of the holy shewbread?

ANSWER: David (6:3-4) (7)

3. QUESTION: Why did the scribes and Pharisees watch Jesus to see whether or not He would heal on the Sabbath?

ANSWER: That they might find an accusation against Him (6:7)

4. QUESTION: Before healing the man with a withered hand, what question did Jesus ask of the scribes and Pharisees?

ANSWER: “Is it lawful on the Sabbath days to do good, or to do evil; to save life, or to destroy it?” (6:9)

5. QUESTION: How did Jesus go about healing the man with the withered hand?

ANSWER: He told the man to stretch forth his hand and it was restored whole. (6:10)

6. QUESTION: According to Luke 6:13, what did Jesus do after He had continued all night in prayer to God?

ANSWER: He chose twelve of his disciples and named them apostles. (6:13)

7. QUESTION: According to Luke 6, give the names of the twelve apostles which Jesus chose.

ANSWER: A. Simon Peter B. Andrew C. James

D. John E. Philip F. Bartholomew

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G. Matthew H. Thomas I. James the son of Alphaeus

J. Simon called Zelotes K. Judas the brother of James

L. Judas Iscariot (6:14-16)

8. QUESTION: Why did the multitude seek to touch Jesus? ANSWER: Because virtue went out of Him (6:19)

9. QUESTION: Finish this quote found in Luke 6:21. “Blessed are ye that weep now:...”

ANSWER: “...for ye shall laugh.” (6:21)

10. QUESTION: According to Luke 6:22, we are blessed when men shall hate us and separate us from what?

ANSWER: Their company (6:22)

11. QUESTION: For what reason did Jesus say, “Woe unto you that are rich”? ANSWER: Because that individual has received his consolation (6:24)

12. QUESTION: We are to bless them that curse us and pray for them which do what to us?

ANSWER: Despitefully use us (6:28)

13. QUESTION: When someone asks for our cloak, what are we also to offer? ANSWER: Our coat (6:29)

14. QUESTION: Who will sinners love? ANSWER: Those that love them (6:32)

15. QUESTION: By what name will we be called if we do good and lend without hoping for anything in return?

ANSWER: The children of the Highest (6:35)

16. QUESTION: According to the teachings of Christ, how are we to be merciful? ANSWER: As our Father also is merciful (6:36)

17. QUESTION: What will happen when the blind leads the blind? ANSWER: They will both fall into the ditch (6:39)

18. QUESTION: (Fill in the Blanks) “The ________________ is not above his master: but every one that is _______________ shall be as his master.”


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Disciple B. Perfect (6:40)

19. QUESTION: A good tree does not bring forth what? ANSWER: Corrupt fruit (6:43)

(8) 20. QUESTION: (Fill in the Blanks) We cannot gather figs from __________ or

grapes from a __________ __________. ANSWER: A.

Thorns B. Bramble bush (6:44)

21. QUESTION: From whence does the mouth speak? ANSWER: Of the abundance of the heart (6:45)

22. QUESTION: Everyone that hears and does the sayings of Christ is like a man who did what three things?

ANSWER: A. Built a house B. Dug (digged) deep

C. Laid the foundation on a rock (6:48)

23. QUESTION: What happened to the house which was built upon the earth, without a foundation?

ANSWER: It fell, and the ruin of it was great. (6:49)


1. QUESTION: The centurion of Luke chapter seven sent the elders of the Jews to Jesus for what purpose?

ANSWER: To beseech Him to come and heal his servant (7:3)

2. QUESTION: For what two reasons did the elders of the Jews say the centurion was worthy to have Jesus heal his servant?

ANSWER: A. He loved their nation. B. He had built them a synagogue. (7:5)

3. QUESTION: Why did the centurion send the elders of the Jews rather than approach Christ himself?

ANSWER: He did not consider himself worthy to come to Jesus. (7:7)

4. QUESTION: What did Jesus say as He marveled at the centurion? ANSWER: “I have not found so great faith, no, not in Israel.” (7:9)

5. QUESTION: In what city did Jesus and His disciples find a widow who was burying her dead son?

ANSWER: Nain (7:11)

6. QUESTION: When the LORD saw the woman whose son was being buried, what did He say to her?

ANSWER: “Weep not.” (7:13)

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7. QUESTION: After Christ spoke the words, “Young man, I say unto thee, Arise,” what did the young man do?

ANSWER: A. He sat up. B. He began to speak. (7:15)

8. QUESTION: What two things did the people say while they glorified God for the raising of the widow’s son at Nain?

ANSWER: A. A great prophet is risen among us. B. God hath visited His people. (7:16)

9. QUESTION: According to Luke 7:18, what man was told of the great things Christ was doing?

ANSWER: John the Baptist (7:18 and 20)

10. QUESTION: What did Christ say concerning the individual who is not offended by Him?

ANSWER: “Blessed is he.” (7:23)

11. QUESTION: When did Jesus begin to speak to the people concerning John the Baptist?

ANSWER: When the messengers of John were departed (7:24)

12. QUESTION: According to Luke 7:28, he who is the least in the kingdom of God is greater than whom?

ANSWER: John the Baptist (7:28)

13 QUESTION: When Jesus spoke highly of John the Baptist, what did the publicans and the people which heard Him do?

ANSWER: They justified God (7:29)

(9) 14. QUESTION: Jesus likened his generation to children sitting in the

marketplace calling to one another. In your own words give the scene Jesus described. (All parts must be included but need not be word perfect.)

ANSWER: Children calling to one another saying, “We have piped unto you, and ye have not danced; we have mourned to you, and ye have not wept.” (7:32)

15. QUESTION: According to Jesus what had the people said about John the Baptist?

ANSWER: He hath a devil. (7:33)

16. QUESTION: When Christ came eating and drinking, what three things did the people call Him?

ANSWER: A. A gluttonous man B. A winebibber

C. A friend of publicans and sinners (7:34)

17. QUESTION: What kind of box did the woman, which was a sinner of the city,

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bring for Christ? ANSWER: An alabaster box of ointment (7:37)

18. QUESTION: (Two-part Question) With what did the woman of the city wash the feet of Jesus, and with what did she dry them?

ANSWER: A. She washed them with tears. B. She dried them with the hairs of her head. (7:38)

19. QUESTION: A creditor forgave two debtors. One, he forgave a debt of five hundred pence. The other, he forgave a debt of fifty pence. Which of them loved the creditor the most?

ANSWER: The one who was forgiven the most (7:43)

20. QUESTION: What common courtesy had Simon the Pharisee failed to do, as Jesus entered his house, that prompted the woman to wash Jesus’ feet with her tears?

ANSWER: Simon gave Jesus no water for His feet. (7:44)

21. QUESTION: Simon did not anoint Christ’s head with ointment. What did the woman do?

ANSWER: She anointed his feet with ointment. (7:46)

22. QUESTION: How does Christ describe the number of sins of the woman of the city? ANSWER: Her sins, which were many (7:47)

23. QUESTION: The individual who is forgiven little will love how much? ANSWER: Little (7:47)


1. QUESTION: What miracle did Jesus perform in the life of Mary Magdalene? ANSWER: He cast seven devils out of her. (8:2)

2. QUESTION: What did Mary Magdalene, Joanna, Susanna, and many others do for Jesus?

ANSWER: They ministered unto Him of their substance. (8:2-3)

3. QUESTION: What four types of soil were mentioned in the parable of the sower of the seed?

ANSWER: A. Wayside soil B. Rocky soil

C. Thorny ground D. Good ground (8:5-8)

4. QUESTION: According to Christ’s personal interpretation of the parable of the sower of the seed, what does the seed represent?

ANSWER: The Word of God (8:11)

5. QUESTION: In the time of temptation, what happens to the those who receive the Word of God as if on rocky ground?

ANSWER: They fall away. (8:13)

6. QUESTION: Jesus said, No man, when he lighteth a candle, covereth it with

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what item? ANSWER: A vessel (8:16)

(10) 7. QUESTION: (Fill in the Blanks) “For nothing is secret, that shall not be

__________ __________; neither any thing hid, that shall not be __________ __________ __________ __________.”

ANSWER: A. Made manifest B. Known and come abroad (8:17)

8. QUESTION: (Fill in the Blanks) We must take heed how we hear for whosoever hath, to him it shall be __________; and whosoever hath not, from him shall be__________ even that which he seemeth to have.

ANSWER: A. Given B. Taken (8:18)

9. QUESTION: Give the two elements of nature Christ rebuked during the storm on the lake.

ANSWER: A. The wind B. The raging of the water (8:24)

10. QUESTION: What question did Christ ask His disciples after He had calmed the raging sea?

ANSWER: “Where is your faith?” (8:25)

11. QUESTION: How did the demon-possessed man of Gadara address Jesus? ANSWER: Jesus, Thou Son of God most high (8:28)

12. QUESTION: Why did the demon-possessed man call himself Legion? ANSWER: Because many devils were entered into him (8:30)

13. QUESTION: What happened when the devils entered into the herd of swine? ANSWER: The herd ran violently down a steep place into the lake and were

choked. (8:33)

14. QUESTION: Give the condition of the man called Legion when the people of the country found him with Jesus.

ANSWER: He was clothed and in his right mind. (8:35)

15. QUESTION: When Jesus returned to the country of the Gadarenes, He was received gladly. Why were the people changed in their reaction toward Him?

ANSWER: Because the man out of whom Jesus had cast the demons had told of the great things that Jesus had done unto him (8:39-40)

16. QUESTION: Give the name of the ruler of the synagogue that fell down at Jesus’ feet and asked Jesus to come to his house.

ANSWER: Jairus (8:41)

17. QUESTION: What did the woman with the issue of blood do in order to be healed?

ANSWER: She touched the border of Christ’s garment. (8:44)

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18. QUESTION: How did Jesus know that someone had touched Him and been healed?

ANSWER: He perceived that virtue had gone out of Him. (8:46)

19. QUESTION: Quote the words of Jesus to the woman with the issue of blood when she confessed to touching the border of His garment.

ANSWER: “Daughter, be of good comfort: thy faith hath made thee whole; go in peace.” (8:48)

20. QUESTION: What message came while Jesus was healing the woman with the issue of blood?

ANSWER: The daughter of Jairus was dead. (8:49)

21. QUESTION: What five people were permitted to enter Jairus’ house with Jesus?

ANSWER: A. Peter B. James C. John D. Jairus E. The mother of the maiden (8:51)

22. QUESTION: What was the response of the people to Jesus’ statement: “Weep not; she is not dead, but sleepeth”?

ANSWER: They laughed Him to scorn. (8:53)

23. QUESTION: After raising Jairus’ daughter from the dead, what did Jesus command to be done for her?

ANSWER: That she be given meat (8:55)

THE GOSPEL of ST. LUKE Study Questions

Property of Appalachian Youth Ministries

Wednesday Quiz Material (Chapters 9-16)


1. QUESTION: When Christ sent out His disciples, what things were they to take along for their journey?

ANSWER: They were to take nothing. (9:3)

2. QUESTION: How were the disciples to testify against those who would not receive them?

ANSWER: They were to shake the dust off their feet. (9:5)

3. QUESTION: Why was Herod the tetrarch perplexed when he heard about all the things done by Jesus?

ANSWER: Because some said John the Baptist was risen from the dead (9:7)

4. QUESTION: What Old Testament prophet did some speculate Christ could be?

ANSWER: Elias (9:8)

5. QUESTION: When His disciples asked Jesus to send the crowds home for lodging and victuals, what did Christ tell His disciples to do?

ANSWER: “Give ye them to eat.” (9:13)

6. QUESTION: According to Luke 9:17, after the great crowd of people had been

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fed and were full, how much food was left over? ANSWER: Twelve baskets (9:17)

7. QUESTION: Quote Peter’s response to Christ’s question: “But whom say ye that I am?”

ANSWER: “The Christ of God” (9:20)

8. QUESTION: Finish this quote and give the reference. “If any man will come after me,...”

ANSWER: “...let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me.” Luke 9:23

9. QUESTION: There is no advantage if a man gain the whole world but does what?

ANSWER: Loses himself or becomes a castaway (9:25)

10. QUESTION: When the Son of man comes in His own glory, of whom will He be ashamed?

ANSWER: Whosoever shall be ashamed of Him (9:26)

11. QUESTION: According to Luke 9:29, what happened to Christ as he prayed on the mountain?

ANSWER: A. His countenance was altered. B. His raiment was white and glistening. (9:29)

12. QUESTION: What two men appeared with Jesus during His transfiguration? ANSWER: A. Moses

B. Elias (9:30)

13. QUESTION: What came out of the cloud that overshadowed the transfiguration scene?

ANSWER: A voice saying, “This is my beloved Son: hear Him.” (9:35)

(12) 14. QUESTION: Who met Jesus when He and His three disciples came down

from the Mount of Transfiguration? ANSWER: Much people (9:37)

15. QUESTION: What had Jesus’ disciples failed to do for the man whose son was vexed with a spirit?

ANSWER: They had not been able to cast out the spirit. (9:40)

16. QUESTION: Because His disciples were not able to cast the evil spirit from the boy, Jesus said they were what kind of generation?

ANSWER: Faithless and perverse (9:41)

17. QUESTION: According to Luke 9:46, what argument (reasoning) arose among the disciples?

ANSWER: Which of them should be the greatest (9:46)

18. QUESTION: When John saw one casting out devils in Christ’s name, he forbade him from doing so. Why did John do this?

ANSWER: Because the individual was not following in their group (9:49)

19. QUESTION: How did Jesus respond when He heard that John had forbidden

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one to cast out devils in His name? ANSWER: Forbid him not: for he that is not against us is for us. (9:50)

20. QUESTION: What did James and John want to do to those who refused to receive Jesus in the Samaritan village?

ANSWER: Command fire to come down from heaven and consume them (9:54)

21. QUESTION: (Fill in the Blanks) “The Son of man is not come to __________ men’s lives, but to __________ them.”

ANSWER: A. Destroy B. Save (9:56)

22. QUESTION: Christ said to one man, “Follow Me.” How did the man respond? ANSWER: Lord, suffer me first to go and bury my father. (9:59)

23. QUESTION: Quote the words of Jesus given in Luke 9:62. ANSWER: “No man, having put his hand to the plough, and looking back, is

fit for the kingdom of God.” (9:62)


1. QUESTION: Quote the words of Jesus found in Luke 10:2. ANSWER: “The harvest truly is great, but the laborers are few: pray ye

therefore the Lord of the harvest, that He would send forth laborers into His harvest.” (10:2)

2. QUESTION: When Jesus sent out the seventy, He sent them out as lambs among what?

ANSWER: Wolves (10:3)

3. QUESTION: The seventy, sent out by twos, were instructed to say what when they entered each house?

ANSWER: “Peace be to this house.” (10:5)

4. QUESTION: Of what is the laborer worthy? ANSWER: His hire (10:7)

(13) 5. QUESTION: What were the seventy to eat when they entered into each city? ANSWER: Such things as were set before them (10:8)

6. QUESTION: According to Luke 10:12, Jesus said it would be more tolerable in that day for Sodom than it would for what city?

ANSWER: The city that rejected the seventy sent out by Christ (10:10-12)

7. QUESTION: In Luke 10:13, Christ pronounced a woe on two cities. Give the names of these cities. ANSWER: A.

Chorazin B. Bethsaida (10:13)

8. QUESTION: What did Christ predict concerning Capernaum? ANSWER: It would be thrust down to hell. (10:15)

9. QUESTION: According to Luke 10:18, how had Christ seen Satan? ANSWER: As lightning falling from heaven (10:18)

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10. QUESTION: We are not to rejoice because spirits are subject unto us but for what more important reason?

ANSWER: Because our names are written in heaven (10:20)

11. QUESTION: Why does God hide things from the wise and prudent and reveal them unto babes?

ANSWER: It seems good in His sight. (10:21)

12. QUESTION: Who had desired to see and hear the things which the disciples had the opportunity to see and hear?

ANSWER: Many prophets and kings (10:24)

13. QUESTION: According to Luke 10:25, who stood and tempted Jesus? ANSWER: A certain lawyer (10:25)

14. QUESTION: What did the certain lawyer ask as he stood to tempt Jesus? ANSWER: “Master, what shall I do to inherit eternal life?” (10:25)

15. QUESTION: Why did the lawyer ask the question, “And who is my neighbor?” ANSWER: He was trying to justify himself. (10:29)

16. QUESTION: What three things did the thieves do to the man who went down from Jerusalem to Jericho?

ANSWER: A. They stripped him of his raiment. B. They wounded him.

C. They left him half dead. (10:30)

17. QUESTION: According to the story of the “Good Samaritan,” what three men came along and saw the wounded man?

ANSWER: A. A priest B. A Levite C. A Samaritan (10:31-33)

18. QUESTION: When the priest and the Levite saw the wounded man what did they do?

ANSWER: They passed by on the other side. (10:31-32)

19. QUESTION: What did the Samaritan pour into the wounds of the dying man? ANSWER: Oil and wine (10:34)

(14) 20. QUESTION: Which man was a neighbor to the man who fell among thieves? ANSWER: He that showed mercy on him. (10:37)

21. QUESTION: (Two-part Question) Martha had a sister called Mary. Where did Mary sit, and what did she do there?

ANSWER: A. She sat at Jesus’ feet. B. She heard His word. (10:39)

22. QUESTION: Where was Martha while her sister sat at Jesus’ feet listening to Him teach?

ANSWER: She was cumbered about much serving. (10:40)

23. QUESTION: What did Martha want the Lord to tell Mary to do? ANSWER: To help her serve (10:40)

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1. QUESTION: Christ’s disciples desired that He teach them to pray. What other man taught his disciples to pray?

ANSWER: John (11:1)

2. QUESTION: Complete this phrase from the Lord’s Prayer and give its reference. “And forgive us our sins; for we also...”

ANSWER: “...forgive every one that is indebted to us.” Luke 11:4

3. QUESTION: According to the parable of Jesus, the friend that came at midnight asked for what?

ANSWER: To be lent three loaves (11:5)

4. QUESTION: Why will the man arise at midnight and give three loaves to his friend?

ANSWER: Because of the importunity of the man (11:8)

5. QUESTION: (Fill in the Blanks) “For every one that __________ receiveth; and he that __________ findeth; and to him that __________ it shall be opened.”

ANSWER: A. Asketh B. Seeketh C. Knocketh (11:10)

6. QUESTION: Jesus taught that if a son asks for an egg, a father will not offer what instead?

ANSWER: A scorpion (11:12)

7. QUESTION: (Two-part Question) Some of the people accused Christ of casting out devils through whom? Who was this person?

ANSWER: A. Beelzebub B. The chief of the devils (11:15)

8. QUESTION: Quote the words of Christ in Luke 11:17. ANSWER: “Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation;

and a house divided against a house falleth.” (11:17)

9. QUESTION: What happens when a strong man armed keeps his palace? ANSWER: His goods are in peace. (11:21)

10. QUESTION: Finish this statement. “He that is not with Me...” ANSWER: “...is against Me.” (11:23)

11. QUESTION: When an evil spirit returns into a man, what does he bring along with him?

ANSWER: Seven other spirits more wicked than himself (11:26) (15)

12. QUESTION: What is the condition of a man into which an evil spirit has returned, bringing with him seven more evil spirits?

ANSWER: Worse than his first state (11:26)

13. QUESTION: How did Christ compare Himself to the sign of Jonas the prophet?

ANSWER: “As Jonas was a sign unto the Ninevites, so shall also the Son of man be to this generation.” (11:30)

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14. QUESTION: According to Christ, who would rise up and condemn His generation?

ANSWER: The queen of the south (11:31)

15. QUESTION: We are to take heed that the light in us be not what? ANSWER: Darkness (11:35)

16. QUESTION: According to Luke 11:37, a certain Pharisee asked Jesus to do what?

ANSWER: To dine with him (11:37)

17. QUESTION: What did Christ have to say concerning what was on the inside of the Pharisees?

ANSWER: Their inward parts were full of ravening and wickedness. (11:39)

18. QUESTION: What three things did Jesus say the Pharisees tithed? ANSWER: A. Mint

B. Rue C. All manner of herbs (11:42)

19. QUESTION: What did the Pharisees love? ANSWER: A. The uppermost seats in the synagogues B. Greetings in the markets (11:43)

20. QUESTION: What did the lawyers lay on men? ANSWER: Burdens grievous to be borne (11:46)

21. QUESTION: According to Christ, their fathers killed the prophets, and the lawyers did what?

ANSWER: Built their sepulchers (11:48)

22. QUESTION: What had the lawyers taken away? ANSWER: The key of knowledge (11:52)

23. QUESTION: The Pharisees and scribes began to lay wait for Jesus for what reason?

ANSWER: They sought to catch something out of His mouth that they might accuse Him. (11:54)


1. QUESTION: What is the leaven of the Pharisees? ANSWER: Hypocrisy (12:1)

2. QUESTION: We are to fear Him, which after He hath killed, hath power to do what?

ANSWER: To cast into hell (12:5)

3. QUESTION: According to Luke 12:7, what does Jesus say about the very hairs of our head?

ANSWER: They are all numbered. (12:7)

(16) 4. QUESTION: (Fill in the Blanks) “And whosoever shall speak a word against

the __________ ______ ___________, it shall be forgiven him: but unto him that __________ against the Holy Ghost it shall not be forgiven.”

ANSWER: a. Son of

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man B. Blasphemeth (12:10)

5. QUESTION: Who will teach us what to say when we are brought unto the magistrates and powers?

ANSWER: The Holy Ghost (12:12)

6. QUESTION: Finish this quote. “Take heed, and beware of covetousness:...” ANSWER: “...for a man’s life consisteth not in the abundance of the things

which he possesseth.” (12:15)

7. QUESTION: How did the rich fool propose to take his ease? ANSWER: By eating, drinking and being merry (12:19)

8. QUESTION: On the night that God condemned the rich fool, what did He require of him?

ANSWER: His soul (12:20)

9. QUESTION: (Fill in the Blanks) “The life is more than __________, and the body is more than __________.”

ANSWER: A. Meat B. Raiment (12:23)

10. QUESTION: Jesus tells us to consider what kind of fowls: which neither sow nor reap?

ANSWER: The ravens (12:24)

11. QUESTION: What king was not arrayed like the lilies? ANSWER: Solomon (12:27)

12. QUESTION: Quote Luke 12:31. ANSWER: “But rather seek ye the kingdom of God; and all these things

shall be added unto you.” (12:31)

13. QUESTION: It is our Father’s good pleasure to do what? ANSWER: To give us the kingdom (12:32)

14. QUESTION: Where will a person’s heart be found? ANSWER: Where his treasure is (12:34)

15. QUESTION: (Fill in the Blanks) We are to let our loins be __________ __________ and our lights __________.

ANSWER: A. Girded about B. Burning (12:35)

16. QUESTION: Finish this quote. “Blessed are those servants, whom the lord...” ANSWER: “...when he cometh shall find watching.” (12:37)

17. QUESTION: Quote Luke 12:40. ANSWER: “Be ye therefore ready also: for the Son of man cometh at an

hour when ye think not.” (12:40)

18. QUESTION: According to Luke 12:42, who will receive their portion of meat in due season?

ANSWER: The faithful and wise steward (12:42)

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(17) 19. QUESTION: What will the lord do for the steward who is faithful and wise? ANSWER: He will make him ruler over all that he hath. (12:42 and 44)

20. QUESTION: What will happen to the servant which knew his lord’s will and did not do it?

ANSWER: He will be beaten with many stripes. (12:47)

21. QUESTION: According to Luke 12:54, what do men say when they see a cloud rise out of the west?

ANSWER: “There cometh a shower.” (12:54)

22. QUESTION: Christ said that you can discern the face of the sky and of the earth; but how is that ye do not discern what?

ANSWER: This time (12:56) 23. QUESTION: The hypocrites Christ spoke about were not able to judge what? ANSWER: What is right (12:57)


1. QUESTION: What was significant about the Galileans mentioned in Luke 13:1?

ANSWER: Pilate had mingled their blood with their sacrifices. (13:1)

2. QUESTION: According to Luke 13:3, what will happen to the individual who fails to repent?

ANSWER: He will perish. (13:3)

3. QUESTION: Upon how many people did the tower in Siloam fall? ANSWER: Eighteen (13:4)

4. QUESTION: What did the man who had planted a fig tree in his vineyard find on his tree?

ANSWER: No fruit (13:6)

5. QUESTION: How long did the man who planted a fig tree in his vineyard wait before deciding to cut it down?

ANSWER: Three years (13:7)

6. QUESTION: What three things did the dresser of the vineyard want to do before he cut the tree down?

ANSWER: A. Let it alone that year B. Dig around it

C. Dung it (13:8)

7. QUESTION: On what occasion did Jesus heal the woman which had a spirit of infirmity for eighteen years?

ANSWER: When He was teaching in one of the synagogues on the Sabbath (13:10-11)

8. QUESTION: The woman with a spirit of infirmity was bowed together. What could she not do for herself?

ANSWER: She could not lift herself up. (13:11)

9. QUESTION: Finish this statement of Jesus. “Woman, thou art loosed...”

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ANSWER: “...from thine infirmity.” (13:12)

(18) 10. QUESTION: Who was indignant because Jesus healed a woman which had a

spirit of infirmity? ANSWER: The ruler of the synagogue (13:14)

11. QUESTION: Who did Jesus say had bound the woman with a spirit of infirmity?

ANSWER: Satan (13:16)

12. QUESTION: What happened when Christ’s adversaries were ashamed? ANSWER: All the people rejoiced for all the glorious things that were done

by Christ. (13:17)

13. QUESTION: What happened to the mustard seed which a man took and cast into his garden?

ANSWER: It grew into a great tree. (13:19)

14. QUESTION: What did the woman in Christ’s parable hide in three measures of meal?

ANSWER: Leaven (13:21) 15. QUESTION: According to Luke 13:22, Christ went through the cities and

villages teaching. Where does it say He was headed? ANSWER: He was journeying toward Jerusalem. (13:22)

16. QUESTION: Where are we to strive to enter in? ANSWER: At the strait gate (13:24)

17. QUESTION: What will the master of the house say to those who stand outside saying, “Lord, Lord, open unto us”?

ANSWER: “I know you not whence ye are.” (13:25)

18. QUESTION: Finish this statement. “Depart from me...” ANSWER: “...all ye workers of iniquity.” (13:27)

19. QUESTION: What will happen when an individual hears the words “depart from me” and finds himself thrust out of the kingdom of God?

ANSWER: He will weep and gnash his teeth. (13:28)

20. QUESTION: Those who shall come and sit down in the kingdom of God will come from what places?

ANSWER: The east, west, north and south (13:29)

21. QUESTION: What did Jesus call Herod? ANSWER: That fox (13:31-32)

22. QUESTION: When did Christ prophesy that He would be perfected? ANSWER: On the third day (13:32)

23. QUESTION: Quote Luke 13:34. ANSWER: “O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, which killest the prophets, and stonest

them that are sent unto thee; how often would I have gathered thy children together, as a hen doth gather her brood under her wings, and ye would not!” (13:34)

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1. QUESTION: (Two-part Question) In Luke 14:1 into whose house did Jesus enter to eat bread, and on what day of the week?

ANSWER: A. One of the chief Pharisees B. The Sabbath day (14:1)

2. QUESTION: Before healing the man which had the dropsy, what question did Jesus ask the lawyers and Pharisees?

ANSWER: “Is it lawful to heal on the Sabbath day?” (14:3)

3. QUESTION: When Jesus asked, “Is it lawful to heal on the Sabbath day?” how did the lawyers and Pharisees respond?

ANSWER: They held their peace. (14:4)

4. QUESTION: In Luke 14:8-10 Jesus told a parable after He noticed what about the Pharisees?

ANSWER: How the Pharisees chose the chief rooms. (14:7)

5. QUESTION: Why did Christ instruct his listeners not to seek the highest room when they attended a wedding?

ANSWER: Lest a more honorable man than they be invited to come (14:8)

6. QUESTION: What would likely happen to the person who chose the highest room for himself should a more honorable person come to the wedding feast?

ANSWER: The more honorable person would be given the room. (14:9)

7. QUESTION: According to Jesus, when you are invited to a wedding, where should you sit?

ANSWER: In the lowest room (14:10)

8. QUESTION: According to Luke 14:11, who will be exalted? ANSWER: He that humbleth himself (14:11)

9. QUESTION: Christ instructed His hearers to invite what type of people to their feasts?

ANSWER: A. The poor B. The maimed

C. The lame D. The blind (14:14)

10. QUESTION: When will a person receive recompense for inviting the poor, the maimed, the lame, and the blind to his home?

ANSWER: At the resurrection of the just (14:14)

11. QUESTION: A certain man made a great supper and bade many. What were the servants to say to those who were invited to the feast?

ANSWER: “Come; for all things are now ready.” (14:17)

12. QUESTION: What did those invited to the great supper do? ANSWER: They all began to make excuses. (14:18)

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13. QUESTION: Give the three excuses which were given for not attending the great supper.

ANSWER: A. I have bought a piece of ground and I must go see it.

B. I have bought five yoke of oxen and I go to prove them.

C. I have married a wife. (14:18-20)

(20) 14. QUESTION: Where were the servants to go in order to find the poor, the

maimed, the halt and the blind? ANSWER: Into the streets and lanes of the city (14:21)

15. QUESTION: Why were the servants commanded to go into the highways and hedges and to compel people to come to the great supper?

ANSWER: Because there was still room at the supper (14:22-23)

16. QUESTION: Why was the man concerned that his house be filled for the great supper?

ANSWER: He wanted to be certain that none of those who were initially invited to the supper tasted of it. (14:24)

17. QUESTION: Complete this verse. “If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters,...

ANSWER: “...yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple.” (14:26)

18. QUESTION: Fill in the blanks. “And whosoever doth not __________ __________ __________, and come after me, cannot be my disciple.”

ANSWER: Bear his cross (14:27)

19. QUESTION: Christ said a man who is building a tower will sit down and do what thing first?

ANSWER: Count the cost to determine if he has what it takes to finish it (14:28)

20. QUESTION: What will people do to the man who starts to build but does not finish his building because he failed to count the cost?

ANSWER: They will mock him. (14:29)

21. QUESTION: According to Luke 14:31-32, a wise king who is going to war will do one of two things before he meets the enemy. What are they?

ANSWER: A. He will consult whether or not he is able to compete with the enemy.

B. He will send an ambassage to find out the conditions for peace.


22. QUESTION: Finish this statement found in Luke 14:34. “Salt is good: but if the salt have lost his savour,...”

ANSWER: “...wherewith shall it be seasoned?” (14:34)

23. QUESTION: What happens to salt which has lost its savor? ANSWER: Men cast it out. (14:35)


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1. QUESTION: According to Luke 15:1, what type of people drew near to Jesus, causing the religious leaders to murmur against Jesus?

ANSWER: The publicans and sinners (15:1-2)

2. QUESTION: According to Luke 15:2, the religious leaders accused Jesus of not only receiving sinners but of what else?

ANSWER: Eating with them (15:2)

3. QUESTION: In the parable of the lost sheep, how many sheep did the shepherd have?

ANSWER: One hundred (15:4) (21)

4. QUESTION: What did the shepherd do when he found his one lost sheep? ANSWER: He laid it on his shoulders. (15:5)

5. QUESTION: According to Luke 15:7, what event will cause rejoicing in heaven?

ANSWER: The repentance of one sinner (15:7)

6. QUESTION: How did the woman who lost a coin react to the loss? ANSWER: She lit a candle, swept the house, and sought diligently until she

found it. (15:8)

7. QUESTION: When the woman who had lost a coin found it, who did she call on to take part in her rejoicing?

ANSWER: Her friends and neighbors (15:9)

8. QUESTION: What did the younger son request of his father? ANSWER: “Give me the portion of goods that falleth to me.” (15:12)

9. QUESTION: When did the younger son leave for a far country? ANSWER: Not many days after his father divided his living (15:13)

10. QUESTION: How did the younger son waste his substance? ANSWER: In riotous living (15:13)

11. QUESTION: After the younger son had spent all, what arose in the far country?

ANSWER: A mighty famine (15:14)

12. QUESTION: With what did the prodigal son desire to feed his belly? ANSWER: The husks which the swine ate (15:16)

13. QUESTION: Quote the speech which the prodigal son determined to make when he came to his father.

ANSWER: “Father, I have sinned against heaven, and before thee, and am no more worthy to be called thy son. Make me as one of thy hired servants.” (15:18-19)

14. QUESTION: When did the father see his prodigal son returning home? ANSWER: When he was yet a great way off (15:20)

15. QUESTION: What four things did the father do when he saw his son returning home?

ANSWER: A. He had compassion. B. He ran to him.

C. He fell

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on his neck. D. He kissed him. (15:20)

16. QUESTION: What three things did the father command to be given to his prodigal son?

ANSWER: A. The best robe B. A ring on his hand

C. Shoes on his feet (15:22)

17. QUESTION: What two reasons did the father give for his rejoicing? ANSWER: A. My son was dead and is alive again. B. My son was lost and is found. (15:24)

18. QUESTION: Who was in the field while the family was celebrating the return of the prodigal?

ANSWER: The elder son (15:25)

19. QUESTION: What did the elder son hear as he came near the house? ANSWER: Music and dancing (15:25)

(22) 20. QUESTION: What did the father do when his elder son refused to go in to the

festivity? ANSWER: He went out and intreated him. (15:28)

21. QUESTION: What did the elder son say he had done for many years? ANSWER: Served his father (15:29)

22. QUESTION: What did the elder son accuse his younger brother of doing? ANSWER: Devouring their father’s living with harlots (15:30)

23. ANSWER: Fill in the blanks. “It was meet that we should make __________, and be __________: for this thy brother was dead, and is alive again; and was lost, and is found.”

ANSWER: A. Merry B. Glad (15:32)


1. QUESTION: The rich man in Jesus’ parable accused his steward of doing what?

ANSWER: Wasting his goods (16:1)

2. QUESTION: The rich man called his steward and required him to do what? ANSWER: To give an account of his stewardship (16:2)

3. QUESTION: What would the rich man do to his steward if he was not happy with the account which was given.

ANSWER: He would take the stewardship away from him. (16:2)

4. QUESTION: When the unjust steward realized he was going to lose his job, what people did he call on?

ANSWER: His lord’s debtors (16:5)

5. QUESTION: The first debtor owed the lord 100 measures of oil. What did the steward ask him to pay in order for the debt to be canceled?

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ANSWER: Fifty measures of oil (16:6)

6. QUESTION: The unjust steward required one of the debtors to pay (fourscore) eighty measures of wheat. In reality, how much did the debtor owe the lord?

ANSWER: One hundred measures of wheat (16:7)

7. QUESTION: Fill in the blanks. “He that is __________ in that which is __________ is __________ also in __________...”

ANSWER: A. Faithful B. Least

C. Faithful D. Much (16:10)

8. QUESTION: A man will not be counted trustworthy of true riches if he has not been faithful in what? ANSWER: Unrighteous mammon (16:11)

9. QUESTION: A person will not be given more for himself if he has not been faithful in what?

ANSWER: That which belongs to another man (16:12)

10. QUESTION: What two masters did Christ say it would be impossible to serve at one time?

ANSWER: God and mammon (16:13) (23)

11. QUESTION: What accusation does Luke 16:14 make against the Pharisees? ANSWER: They were covetous. (16:14)

12. QUESTION: According to the words of Christ, how does God feel about that which is highly esteemed among men?

ANSWER: It is an abomination in the sight of God. (16:15)

13. QUESTION: Finish the quote and give the reference. “And it is easier for heaven and earth...”

ANSWER: “...to pass, than one tittle of the law to fail.” Luke 16:17

14. QUESTION: According to Luke 16:18, what two types of people are guilty of adultery?

ANSWER: A. Whosoever putteth away his wife, and marrieth another

B. Whosoever marrieth her that is put away from her husband (16:18)

15. QUESTION: The rich man in of Luke 16:19-31 was described in what manner?

ANSWER: He was clothed in purple and fine linen, and fared sumptuously every day.


16. QUESTION: For what was Lazarus begging as he sat at the rich man’s gate? ANSWER: The crumbs which fell from the rich man’s table (16:21)

17. QUESTION: When Lazarus died he was carried by angels to what place? ANSWER: Into Abraham’s bosom (16:22)

18. QUESTION: Why did the rich man ask that Lazarus dip his finger in water and

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come to him? ANSWER: To cool his tongue (16:24) 19. QUESTION: Why did the rich man ask for Lazarus to cool his tongue? ANSWER: He was tormented in the flame. (16:24)

20. QUESTION: Why was Lazarus not able to go to the rich man? ANSWER: A great gulf separated them. (16:26)

21. QUESTION: How many brothers did the rich man have? ANSWER: Five (16:28)

22. QUESTION: What did the rich man want Lazarus to do for his five brothers? ANSWER: Go to them and warn them about the torments of hell


23. QUESTION: According to Abraham, if the rich man’s brothers did not listen to Moses and the prophets, neither would they be persuaded though what transpired?

QUESTION: Though one rose from the dead (16:31)

THE GOSPEL of ST. LUKE Study Questions

Property of Appalachian Youth Ministries

Thursday Quiz Material (Chapters 17-24)


1. QUESTION: To what group of people did Jesus make this statement? “It is impossible but that offences will come: but woe unto him, through whom they come!”

ANSWER: His disciples (17:1)

2. QUESTION: Finish this quotation. “It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea, than that...”

ANSWER: “...he should offend one of these little ones.” (17:2)

3. QUESTION: (Two part question) What are we to do when a brother trespasses against us? What are we to do if he repents for the trespass?

ANSWER: A. We are to rebuke him. B. We are to forgive him. (17:3)

4. QUESTION: If a person has faith as a grain of mustard seed, what can he say to the sycamine tree?

ANSWER: “Be thou plucked up by the root, and be thou planted in the sea.” (17:6)

5. QUESTION: What would happen when someone, with faith as a mustard seed, commands the sycamine tree to be planted in the sea?

ANSWER: It will obey (17:6)

6. QUESTION: A servant does not get thanks for doing what? ANSWER: What he is commanded to do (17:9)

7. QUESTION: What is a servant considered to be when he does only what his duty calls for?

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ANSWER: An unprofitable servant (17:10)

8. QUESTION: As Jesus passed through the midst of Samaria and Galilee, He was met by ten lepers. Where did they stand?

ANSWER: They stood afar off. (17:12)

9. QUESTION: When the lepers saw Jesus, what did they call out to Him? ANSWER: “Jesus, Master, have mercy on us.” (17:13)

10. QUESTION: When were the ten lepers cleansed of their disease? ANSWER: As they went to show themselves to the priests (17:14)

11. QUESTION: The one leper that returned to thank Jesus was of what nationality?

ANSWER: He was a Samaritan (17:16)

12. QUESTION: What question did Jesus ask when the lone leper returned to glorify Him?

ANSWER: “Were there not ten cleansed, but where are the nine?” (17:17)

(25) 13. QUESTION: Fill in the blank found in Luke 17:20. “The kingdom of God

cometh not with __________.” ANSWER: Observation (17:20)

14. QUESTION: According to Luke 17:21, where is the true kingdom of God found?

ANSWER: Within the individual (17:21)

15. QUESTION: When men come saying, “See here; or see there,” we are not to do what?

ANSWER: To follow them (17:23)

16. QUESTION: Describe how fast the Son of Man will be in His day, as stated by Jesus in Luke 17:24.

ANSWER: As the lightning shines from one part of the sky to another (17:24)

17. QUESTION: The days of the Son of man are likened unto the days of what two men?

ANSWER: Noe (Noah) and Lot (17:26 and 28)

18. QUESTION: What four things did Christ say they did in the days before the flood?

ANSWER: A. They ate B. They drank

C. They married D. They were given in marriage (17:27)

19. QUESTION: What six things did the people in Lot’s day do? ANSWER: A. They

ate B. They drank

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C. They bought D. They sold

E. They planted F. They built (17:28)

20. QUESTION: What happened on the day Lot went out of Sodom? ANSWER: It rained fire and brimstone from heaven and destroyed the city.


21. QUESTION: Quote Luke 17:32. ANSWER: “Remember Lot’s wife.” (17:32)

22. QUESTION: Whosoever shall lose his life shall do what? ANSWER: Preserve his life (17:33)

23. QUESTION: As Christ predicted His return He told an illustration of two women grinding at mill. What did He predict would happen to these two women?

ANSWER: The one would be taken and the other left. (17:35)


1. QUESTION: Why did Christ tell the parable of the unjust judge? ANSWER: To remind us that we ought always to pray, and not to faint


2. QUESTION: The widow who lived in the same city as the unjust judge came asking that he do what?

ANSWER: To avenge her of her adversary (18:3)

3. QUESTION: Why did the unjust judge eventually avenge the widow of her adversary?

ANSWER: He was afraid that if he didn’t grant her petition, she would continue to trouble him. (18:5)

(26) 4. QUESTION: Finish this quote and give the reference. “When the Son of man

cometh,...” ANSWER: “...shall He find faith on the earth?” Luke 18:8

5. QUESTION: To what group of people did Christ tell the parable of two men praying in the temple?

ANSWER: To those which trusted in their own righteousness and despised others (18:9)

6. QUESTION: The Pharisee thanked God of three things he was proud of in his life. Name all three.

ANSWER: A. He was not like other men. B. He fasted twice a week.

C. He gave tithes of all he possessed. (18:11-12)

7. QUESTION: What prayer did the publican pray? ANSWER: “God be merciful to me a sinner.” (18:13)

8. QUESTION: Quote the words of Jesus found in Luke 18:16.

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ANSWER: “Suffer little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God.” (18:16)

9. QUESTION: According to Luke 18:17, how should we receive the kingdom of God if we want to enter it?

ANSWER: As a little child (18:17)

10. QUESTION: Who asked, “Good Master, what shall I do to inherit eternal life?” ANSWER: A certain ruler (18:18)

11. QUESTION: In response to the ruler’s question “What shall I do to inherit eternal life?”, Jesus quoted five of the ten commandments. Give four of those five.

ANSWER: A. Do not commit adultery. B. Do not kill.

C. Do not steal. D. Do not bear false witness.

E. Honor thy father and thy mother. (18:20)

12. QUESTION: Only one thing kept the ruler from obtaining eternal life. What was it?

ANSWER: He was to sell all that he had, distribute it unto the poor, then follow Christ. (18:22)

13. QUESTION: Why was the ruler sorrowful when he heard Christ’s requirements of him?

ANSWER: He was very rich. (18:23)

14. QUESTION: It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for what to transpire?

ANSWER: A rich man to enter into the kingdom of God (18:25)

15. QUESTION: Fill in the blanks and give the reference of the verse. “The things which are __________ with men are __________ with God.”

ANSWER: A. Impossible B. Possible

C. Luke 18:27

16. QUESTION: According to Luke 18:30, those one who leave everything behind in order to follow Christ will receive what two things in return?

ANSWER: A. Manifold more in this present time B. Life everlasting in the world to come (18:30)

(27) 17. QUESTION: Christ predicted that when He was delivered unto the Gentiles,

six things would occur. List five of the six things. ANSWER: A. He

would be mocked. B. He would be spitefully treated.

C. He would be spit upon. D. He would be scourged.

E. He would be put to death. F.

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He would rise on the third day. (18:32-33)

18. QUESTION: When Christ predicted He would be delivered unto the Gentiles, how much of this did the disciples understand?

ANSWER: They understood none of these things. (18:34)

19. QUESTION: A blind man sat by the way side begging as Jesus neared what city?

ANSWER: Jericho (18:35)

20. QUESTION: When the blind man at Jericho heard Jesus was passing by, what did he cry out?

ANSWER: “Jesus, thou son of David, have mercy on me.” (18:38)

21. QUESTION: When the blind man at Jericho called out to Jesus, what did the people do?

ANSWER: They rebuked the blind and told him to hold his peace. (18:39)

22. QUESTION: What saved the blind man at Jericho? ANSWER: His faith (18:42)

23. QUESTION: What did the blind man from Jericho do after he received his sight?

ANSWER: He followed Christ and glorified God. (18:43)


1. QUESTION: What was the occupation of Zacchaeus? ANSWER: He was chief among the publicans. (19:2)

2. QUESTION: Why couldn’t Zacchaeus see Jesus? ANSWER: He was little of stature. (19:3)

3. QUESTION: How did Zacchaeus receive Jesus? ANSWER: Joyfully (19:6)

4. QUESTION: What did the people murmur when Jesus went home with Zacchaeus?

ANSWER: “He was gone to be guest with a man that is a sinner.” (19:7)

5. QUESTION: Quote Luke 19:10. ANSWER: “For the Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was

lost.” (19:10)

6. QUESTION: For what reason did the certain nobleman go into a far country? ANSWER: To receive for himself a kingdom (19:12)

7. QUESTION: What did the nobleman say to his ten servants before he departed?

ANSWER: “Occupy till I come.” (19:13)

8. QUESTION: Why did the nobleman return from his far kingdom? ANSWER: The citizens of that country sent a message that they would not

have him reigning over them. (19:14) (28)

9. QUESTION: The first servant was faithful and increased the nobleman’s

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money by ten pounds. What did he receive in return? ANSWER: Authority over ten cities (19:17)

10. QUESTION: (Two part question) What did the last servant do with his master’s talent and why did he do it?

ANSWER: A. He laid it up in a napkin. B. He feared his master. (19:20-21)

11. QUESTION: How did the last servant describe his master? ANSWER: An austere man. (19:21)

12. QUESTION: What should the last servant have done with the nobleman’s talent?

ANSWER: Put the money in the bank so that it could obtain usury (19:23)

13. QUESTION: Finish the quotation. “Unto every one which hath shall be given;...”

ANSWER: “...and from him that hath not, even that he hath shall be taken away from him.” (19:26)

14. QUESTION: How did Christ describe the colt the two disciples were to find for Him?

ANSWER: A colt that no man had yet sat on (19:30)

15. QUESTION: What were the disciples to do when they found the colt Christ sent for?

ANSWER: Loose him and bring him to Christ (19:30)

16. QUESTION: How were the disciples to respond if they were questioned about taking the colt?

ANSWER: “Because the Lord hath need of him.” (19:31)

17. QUESTION: Who asked, “Why loose ye the colt?” ANSWER: The owners of the colt (19:33)

18. QUESTION: As Christ was riding into Jerusalem, what two things did the disciples and people do with their garments?

ANSWER: A. They cast them upon the colt. B. They spread them in the way. (19:35-36)

19. QUESTION: As Christ arrived at the Mount of Olives, the whole multitude of disciples began to rejoice and praise God. What were they saying?

ANSWER: “Blessed be the King that cometh in the name of the Lord: peace in heaven, and glory in the highest.” (19:38)

20. QUESTION: What did Christ say would happen if the people should hold their peace?

ANSWER: The stones would immediately cry out. (19:40)

21. QUESTION: As Christ neared Jerusalem and beheld it, what did he do? ANSWER: He wept over it. (19:41)

22. QUESTION: According to Luke 19:45, whom did Christ cast out of the temple?

ANSWER: Them that sold and them that bought therein (19:45)

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23. QUESTION: As Christ drove the money changers and salesmen from the temple, He quoted from two Old Testament prophecies. Give these two references.

ANSWER: A. Isaiah 56:7 B. Jeremiah 7:11 (19:46)


1. QUESTION: What question did Jesus ask when He was challenged by the religious leaders concerning His authority?

ANSWER: “The baptism of John, was it from heaven, or of men?” (20:4)

2. QUESTION: Why were the religious leaders afraid to say the baptism of John was of men?

ANSWER: They were afraid the people would stone them. (20:6)

3. QUESTION: Why did Jesus refuse to tell the religious leaders by what authority He did His deeds?

ANSWER: Because they refused to answer his question about the baptism of John. (20:7-8)

4. QUESTION: Why did the man who planted a vineyard let it out to husbandmen?

ANSWER: Because he was going into a far country for a long time (20:9)

5. QUESTION: What happened to the first servant which was sent to receive the fruit of the vineyard from husbandmen?

ANSWER: The husbandmen beat him and sent him away empty. (20:10)

6. QUESTION: How many servants were beaten by the wicked husbandmen? ANSWER: Three (20:12)

7. QUESTION: What did the husbandmen reason among themselves when they saw the son of the vineyard’s owner?

ANSWER: This is the heir: come, let us kill him, that the inheritance may be ours. (20:14)

8. QUESTION: What did the people say when they heard the parable of the wicked husbandmen?

ANSWER: “God forbid.” (20:16)

9. QUESTION: Give the Old Testament reference from which this quotation was taken. “The stone which the builders rejected, the same is become the head of the corner.”

ANSWER: A. Psalm 118:22 (20:17)

10. QUESTION: What parable did the religious leaders perceive Christ had told against them?

ANSWER: The parable of the wicked husbandmen (20:19)

11. QUESTION: The spies that were sent to trick Jesus acted as if they were what?

ANSWER: Just men (20:20)

12. QUESTION: Spies were sent to trick Jesus so that they might deliver Him over to the governor. What question did they ask?

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ANSWER: “Is it lawful for us to give tribute unto Caesar, or not?” (20:22)

13. QUESTION: Quote Christ’s answer to the religious leaders’ query concerning giving to Caesar.

ANSWER: “Render therefore unto Caesar the things which be Caesar’s and unto God the things which be God’s.” (20:25)

(30) 14. QUESTION: How did the religious leaders feel about Jesus’ answer

concerning giving to Caesar? ANSWER: They marveled at His answer (20:26)

15. QUESTION: What group of religious leaders, in Jesus’ day, denied there is any resurrection?

ANSWER: The Sadducees (20:27)

16. QUESTION: According to the law of Moses (Deut. 25:5,) if a man dies without children, who should take the man’s wife and raise up seed in the name of the deceased?

ANSWER: The man’s brother (20:28)

17. QUESTION: According to Luke 20:35, what group of people neither marry, nor are given in marriage?

ANSWER: They which shall be accounted worthy to obtain that world, and the resurrection from the dead (20:35)

18. QUESTION: Why is it impossible for those accounted worthy to obtain the resurrection to die?

ANSWER: They are equal to the angels (20:36)

19. QUESTION: God is not the God of the dead, but of whom? ANSWER: Of the living (20:38)

20. QUESTION: What group of people commended Jesus for His answer concerning marriage after the resurrection of the dead?

ANSWER: Certain of the scribes (20:39)

21. QUESTION: What king said, “LORD, sit Thou on my right hand, till I make Thine enemies thy footstool.”

ANSWER: David (20:42-43)

22. QUESTION: What four things did the scribes desire and love? ANSWER: A. To walk

in long robes B. Greetings in the markets

C. The highest seats in the synagogues D. The chief rooms at feasts (20:46)

23. QUESTION: Why did Christ say to beware of the scribes? ANSWER: They shall receive greater damnation. (20:47)


1. QUESTION: Into what place did Jesus observe the rich men casting their gifts?

ANSWER: Into the treasury (21:1)

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2. QUESTION: How much did the widow cast into the treasury? ANSWER: Two mites (21:2)

3. QUESTION: In what way had the widow given more to God than the rich men?

ANSWER: The rich man had given out of their abundance but she had given all her living. (21:4)

4. QUESTION: What did Christ prophesy concerning the temple in Luke 21:6? ANSWER: The days would come when there would not be left one stone on

another (21:6) (31)

5. QUESTION: When the people heard what Christ about the destruction of the temple, what did they ask?

ANSWER: “When shall these things be and what sign will there be when these things shall come to pass?” (21:7)

6. QUESTION: We are not to be terrified when we hear of what? ANSWER: Wars and commotions (21:9)

7. QUESTION: Finish this statement of Jesus. “Nation shall rise against nation, and...”

ANSWER: “...kingdom against kingdom.” (21:10)

8. QUESTION: According to Luke 21:11, nature will show at least five signs of Christ’s coming. What are these five signs?

ANSWER: A. Great earthquakes in divers places B. Famines

C. Pestilences D. Fearful sights

E. Great signs from heaven (21:11)

9. QUESTION: Why are we not to meditate in our hearts what we will testify when we are called before kings and rulers?

ANSWER: God will give us a mouth and wisdom. (21:15)

10. QUESTION: When God gives us a mouth and wisdom, what will our adversaries do to us?

ANSWER: They shall not be able to gainsay nor resist. (21:15)

11. QUESTION: Give four groups of people that will betray Christians and cause them to be put to death.

ANSWER: A. Parents B. Brethren

C. Kinsfolk D. Friends (21:16)

12. QUESTION: Fill in the blanks. “And ye shall be __________ __________ __________ __________ for my name’s sake.”

ANSWER: Hated of all men (21:17)

13. QUESTION: When would it be obvious that the desolation was nigh?

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ANSWER: When Jerusalem was compassed with armies (21:20)

14. QUESTION: According to Jesus, what should those in Judea do when they see Jerusalem compassed by armies?

ANSWER: Flee to the mountains (21:21)

15. QUESTION: How did Christ describe the days when Jerusalem would be compassed by armies?

ANSWER: Days of vengeance (21:22)

16. QUESTION: How long did Christ say Jerusalem would be trodden down by the Gentiles?

ANSWER: Until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled (21:24)

17. QUESTION: What did Christ predict would happen to men’s health because of the things which would come upon the earth?

ANSWER: Men’s hearts would fail them for fear. (21:26)

18. QUESTION: How will the Son of man be seen when He returns? ANSWER: In a cloud with power and great glory (21:27)

(32) 19. QUESTION: (Two part question.) What are we instructed to do when we see

all these things begin to come to pass and for what reason? ANSWER: A. Lift up our

heads. B. Our redemption draweth nigh. (21:28)

20. QUESTION: What tree did Christ use in a parable to illustrate His coming? ANSWER: The fig tree (21:29)

21. QUESTION: The generation which witnesses the budding of the fig will not pass away until what transpires?

ANSWER: All be fulfilled (21:32)

22. QUESTION: Although heaven and earth shall pass away, what will never pass away?

ANSWER: Christ’s words (21:33)

23. QUESTION: For what two things are we to watch and pray to be found worthy to do?

ANSWER: A. To escape all these things that shall come to pass

B. To stand before the Son of man (21:36)


1. QUESTION: Give another name for the Passover. ANSWER: The feast of unleavened bread (22:1)

2. QUESTION: Under what condition did Judas seek to betray Jesus? ANSWER: In the absence of the multitude (22:6)

3. QUESTION: What two men did Jesus send to prepare the Passover? ANSWER: Peter and John (22:8)

4. QUESTION: How were Peter and John to recognize the man at whose house they were to prepare the Passover?

ANSWER: He would be bearing a pitcher of water. (22:10)

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5. QUESTION: When did Jesus sit down at the Passover table with His disciples?

ANSWER: When the hour was come (22:14)

6. QUESTION: Christ said He would not drink of the fruit of the vine until what occasion?

ANSWER: Until the kingdom of God shall come (22:18)

7. QUESTION: According to Luke 22:19, what did Jesus say as He gave the bread to His disciples during the Last Supper?

ANSWER: “This is my body which is given for you: this do in remembrance of me.” (22:19)

8. QUESTION: According to Luke 22:20, what did Jesus say as He passed the cup to His disciples during the Last Supper?

ANSWER: “This cup is the new testament in my blood, which is shed for you.” (22:20)

9. QUESTION: Christ said the one who is chief should be as what? ANSWER: As he that doth serve (22:26)

10. QUESTION: Jesus promised his disciples would judge whom? ANSWER: The twelve tribes of Israel (22:30)

(33) 11. QUESTION: Why did Satan desire to have Simon Peter? ANSWER: That he might sift him as wheat (22:31)

12. QUESTION: Before what event did Christ predict Peter would deny Him three times?

ANSWER: Before the cock crowed that day (22:34)

13. QUESTION: After leaving the upper room, where did Jesus and His disciples go?

ANSWER: To the mount of Olives (22:39)

14. QUESTION: Finish this quotation and give its reference. “Father, if Thou be willing, remove this cup from me: nevertheless...”

ANSWER: “...not my will, but thine, be done.” Luke 22:42

15. QUESTION: What came to strengthen Jesus as He prayed on the Mount of Olives?

ANSWER: An angel (22:43)

16. QUESTION: What reason did Jesus give for rebuking His disciples for sleeping as He prayed?

ANSWER: Lest they enter into temptation (22:46)

17. QUESTION: One of Jesus’ disciples cut off the right ear of what man? ANSWER: The servant of the high priest (22:50)

18. QUESTION: As Christ was led away to the house of the high priest, how did Peter follow?

ANSWER: Afar off (22:54)

19. QUESTION: When a maid accused him of being with Jesus, what did Peter say?

ANSWER: “Woman, I know Him not.” (22:57)

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20. QUESTION: At what point did Peter remember the words of the Lord concerning his denial?

ANSWER: When the Lord turned and looked upon him (22:61)

21. QUESTION: How did Peter react when he remembered the Lord’s warning about his denial?

ANSWER: He went out and wept bitterly (22:62)

22. QUESTION: Where did Christ tell the Sanhedrin He would hereafter be seated?

ANSWER: On the right hand of the power of God.” (22:69)

23. QUESTION: When asked, “Art Thou then the Son of God,” how did Jesus respond?

ANSWER: “Ye say that I am.” (22:70)


1. QUESTION: According to Luke 23:2, of what three things was Jesus accused before Pilate?

ANSWER: A. Perverting the nation B. Forbidding to give tribute to Caesar

C. Saying He was Christ a King (23:2)

2. QUESTION: According to Luke 23:3, what did Pilate ask Jesus? ANSWER: “Art thou the King of the Jews?” (23:3)

3. QUESTION: When did Pilate decide to send Jesus to Herod? ANSWER: When he found out Jesus was a Galilean (23:6-7)

(34) 4. QUESTION: Why was Herod desirous to see Jesus? ANSWER: He had heard many things about Jesus and hoped he would see

Christ perform a miracle. (23:8)

5. QUESTION: How did the men of Herod clothe Jesus? ANSWER: They arrayed Him in a gorgeous robe. (23:11)

6. QUESTION: (Two part question.) What was the relationship between Pilate and Herod prior to the trial of Jesus? What was it like after the trial?

ANSWER: A. They were enemies. B. They became friends. (23:12)

7. QUESTION: What did Pilate offer to do before releasing Jesus? ANSWER: Chastise Him (23:16)

8. QUESTION: For what two crimes had Barabbas been cast into prison? ANSWER: A. For a certain sedition made in the city B. For murder (23:19)

9. QUESTION: How did Pilate respond when the people cried out, “Crucify

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Him?” ANSWER: “Why, what evil hath He done?” (23:22)

10. QUESTION: After releasing Barabbas to the people, what did Pilate do with Jesus?

ANSWER: He delivered Him to the people’s will. (23:25)

11. QUESTION: What man was compelled to carry Christ’s cross? ANSWER: Simon, a Cyrenian (23:26)

12. QUESTION: Who followed after Jesus, bewailing and lamenting for Him? ANSWER: A great company of people and of women (23:27)

13. QUESTION: According to Luke 23:32, who was crucified with Christ? ANSWER: Two malefactors (23:32)

14. QUESTION: What did they do with Christ’s raiment? ANSWER: They parted it and cast lots for it. (23:34)

15. QUESTION: The superscription over the cross was written in what three languages?

ANSWER: A. Greek B. Latin C. Hebrew (23:38)

16. QUESTION: What was written in the superscription over the cross? ANSWER: “This is the King of the Jews.” (23:38)

17. QUESTION: One of the malefactors railed on Jesus. What did the other say to Jesus?

ANSWER: “Lord, remember me when Thou comest into Thy kingdom.” (23:42)

18. QUESTION: During what time did darkness cover the earth? ANSWER: From the sixth to the ninth hour (23:44)

19. QUESTION: What happened in the temple during the death of Christ? ANSWER: The veil of the temple was rent in the midst. (23:45)

20. QUESTION: According to Luke, what were the last words Christ spoke prior to His death?

ANSWER: “Father, into Thy hands I commend my spirit.” (23:46) (35)

21. QUESTION: What man went to Pilate asking for the body of Jesus? ANSWER: Joseph of Arimathea (23:51-52)

22. QUESTION: A group of women followed the body of Jesus to its burial place. What did they observe when they arrived?

ANSWER: The sepulcher and how His body was laid (23:55)

23. QUESTION: What did the women do after they had returned from the burial of Jesus?

ANSWER: They prepared spices and ointments. (23:56)


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1. QUESTION: When did the women come to the tomb with the spices they had prepared?

ANSWER: Very early in the morning on the first day of the week (24:1)

2. QUESTION: What did the two men in shining garments ask the women who came to anoint the body of Christ?

ANSWER: “Why seek ye the living among the dead?” (24:5)

3. QUESTION: When had Christ spoken to His followers about his coming death and resurrection?

ANSWER: When He was yet in Galilee (24:6)

4. QUESTION: Give the names of the three women who saw the angels at the tomb of Jesus.

ANSWER: A. Mary Magdalene B. Joanna

C. Mary the mother of James (24:10)

5. QUESTION: Upon arriving at the sepulcher and looking in, what did Peter observe?

ANSWER: The linen clothes laid by themselves (24:12)

6. QUESTION: What distance was Emmaus from Jerusalem? ANSWER: About threescore furlongs (24:13)

7. QUESTION: What happened as Cleopas and his friend talked together on the road to Emmaus?

ANSWER: Jesus drew near and went with them. (24:15) 8. QUESTION: How did Cleopas describe Jesus of Nazareth? ANSWER: “A prophet mighty in deed and word before God and all the

people” (24:19)

9. QUESTION: What did Cleopas say the women had seen at the sepulcher? ANSWER: A vision of angels which said Christ was alive (24:23)

10. QUESTION: Finish this reprimand Jesus gave to the men on the road to Emmaus. “O fools, and slow of heart to believe...”

ANSWER: “...all that the prophets have spoken.” (24:25)

11. QUESTION: What did Christ expound to the men on the road to Emmaus? ANSWER: All the things in the Scriptures concerning Himself (24:27)

12. QUESTION: What did Christ do as He and His companions drew near to Emmaus?

ANSWER: He made as though He would have gone further. (24:28) (36)

13. QUESTION: What happened after Cleopas and his friend recognized the Lord?

ANSWER: He vanished out of their sight. (24:31)

14. QUESTION: What did Cleopas and his friend say to one another when Christ had vanished from their sight?

ANSWER: “Did not our heart burn within us, while He talked with us by the way, and while He opened to us the Scriptures?” (24:32)

15. QUESTION: (Two part question) When Jesus appeared in the midst of the

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disciples, what was their reaction to Him and why? ANSWER: A. They were

terrified. B. They supposed He was a spirit. (24:37)

16. QUESTION: How could the disciples be sure Jesus was not a spirit? ANSWER: A spirit does not have flesh and bones as Christ did. (24:39)

17. QUESTION: What did Jesus do to prove to His disciples that He was not a spirit?

ANSWER: He ate broiled fish and honeycomb before them. (24:42-43)

18. QUESTION: According to Luke 24:44, what things had to be fulfilled concerning Christ?

ANSWER: The things written in the law of Moses, in the prophets, and in the Psalms (24:44)

19. QUESTION: Why did Christ open the understanding of His disciples? ANSWER: That they might understand the Scriptures (24:45)

20. QUESTION: Where is the remission of sins to be preached? ANSWER: Among all nations (24:47)

21. QUESTION: Quote Luke 24:49. ANSWER: “And, behold, I send the promise of my Father upon you: but

tarry ye in the city of Jerusalem, until ye be endued with power from on high.” (24:49)

22. QUESTION: What happened as Jesus lifted His hands and blessed His disciples?

ANSWER: He was parted from them and carried up into heaven. (24:51)

23. QUESTION: What did the disciples do immediately after Jesus was carried up into heaven?

ANSWER: They worshiped Him and returned to Jerusalem with great joy. (24:52)
