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Chapter Sixteen Cell Signaling

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Cell signaling for essential cell biology 4th edition
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Chapter 16 Cell Communication
  • Chapter 16Cell Communication

  • Extracellular signal molecules can act overshort or long distances

    Figure 16-3

  • Overview of signal initiation and responses

    1. Receptor recognizesstimulus (3 typesshown)

    2. Signal transferred tocytoplasmic surface ofreceptor

    3. Signal transmitted toeffector molecule

    4. Cessation of response

  • Signal transduction - signal conversion

  • Figure 16-13

    First messenger

    Second messengerEffector

  • Figure 16-5

    Same signal molecule can induce differentresponses in different target cells

    Although heart and salivary gland have samereceptor, different intracellular effector proteinsare activated

  • Extracellular signals bind to cell-surface or intracellularreceptors

    Carrier protein

    Figure 16-8

  • Animal cells get multiple signals

    Figure 16-6

  • Extracellular signals can act rapidly or slowly

    Fig. 16-7

  • signal transduction -- stimulusreceived by cell-surfacereceptor is different thansignal released in cell interior

    signal pathways -- series ofdistinct proteins that alter theconformation of thedownstream protein

    Figure 16-13

    Signaling proteins can relay, amplify, integrateand distribute incoming signal

    First messenger

    Second messenger

  • Second messengers

    small, nonprotein intermediaries acting in signaltransduction

    e.g., cAMP, calcium, lipid-derived

  • Figure 16-17a

    3 classes of cell surface receptors

    1. Ion channel coupled receptors

  • Figure 16-17b

    3 classes of cell surface receptors

    2. G-protein-coupled receptors

  • 3 classes of cell surface receptors

    3. Enzyme-coupled receptors

    Figure 16-17c

  • Basic characteristics ofcellsignaling systems

  • Many intracellular signaling molecules actas molecular switches

    shape change by phosphorylation

    Figure 16-15

  • may cause a conformationalchange in the protein

    may be part of a proteinbinding site

    may be added to serine,tyrosine, or threonine

    may inc. or dec. proteinsactivity

    Protein phosphorylation

  • most substrates are otherenzymes

    Protein kinases/phosphataseschange the shape/activities ofthe proteins they modify

    continual balance of kinaseand phosphatase activities

    human genome ~500different kinases and ~100different phosphatases

  • Many intracellular signaling molecules actas molecular switches

    shape change by GDP/GTP exchangeG-proteins are NOT kinases

    Figure 16-15

  • The activity of monomeric GTP-binding proteins iscontrolled by two types of regulatory proteins

    Figure 16-16

    GAP - GTPase-activating proteinsGEF - Guanine nucleotide-exchange factors

    G-proteins areNOT kinases

  • 2 alternate types ofsignal transductionpathways

    1. G protein-linkedreceptor

    2. Protein kinase receptor

  • Figure 16-18

    All GPCRs have a similar structure

    7 transmembrane -helices

  • e.g., adenylyl cyclase

    e.g., cAMP

    e.g., glucagon receptor

    G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs)

    GPCR are largest superfamily of proteins in animal genome(e.g., nematode has 19,000 genes of which 1000 are GPCRs)

    Target of ~40% of modern medicinal drugsSee Figure 16-19

  • Heterotrimeric G proteins

    1. signal causes shape changein receptor

    2. G protein binds to receptor

    3. GTP binds to G protein,causing shape change

    4. subunit and subunitsseparate

    G-protein activation

    Fig. 16-19

  • Signal relay to effector

    activated subunitchanges effectorshape (on)

    Fig. 16-20

  • 1. GTP hydrolyzed and subunit changes shape(off)

    2. G protein no longerbinds effector, butreforms trimer

    3. Effector changesshape (off)

    Ending the responseTurning off theeffector

    Fig. 16-20

  • Ending the response - II

    1. GRK (G protein-coupled receptor kinase)phosphorylates receptor

    2. arrestin binds, blocks G protein binding3. receptor endocytosed from PM


  • G-protein signaling

    --Shows that response can be ended by GTP hydrolysisand endocytosis of receptor

  • Specificity of G protein-coupled responses

    not all parts of signal transduction machinery identical inall cells

    multiple forms of receptors (e.g., 9 different isoformsof epinephrine receptors) with different ligand and Gprotein affinities

    multiple G proteins ( 20 G; 5 G; 11 G ); variouscombinations

    Gs stimulatory and Gi inhibitory

  • G proteincoupled receptors

    --some G proteins directly regulate ion channels

  • 16_19_open_K_chan.jpg

    Some G proteins directly regulate ion channels

    subunits activeslows heart beat


    See Fig. 16-21

  • G proteincoupled receptors

    --some G proteins activate membrane-bound enzymes

  • Figure 16-20

    Enzymes activated by G proteins catalyze production ofsmall intracellular signaling molecules

    e.g. cAMP; IP3/DAG

    e.g. Adenyl cyclase and phospholipase C

  • Glucose is stored in animal cells asglycogen (polymer of glucose)

    (glycogen) phosphorylase makes more glucose

    glycogen synthase makes more glycogen

    Glucagon & epinephrine


  • Glucagon (pancreas)

    glucagon and epinephrine blood glucose byinhibiting glycogen synthase and activatingphosphorylase

    the 2 hormones bind to different receptors, yetlead to same intracellular response, How?? Bothuse the same secondary messenger cAMP.

  • Adenylyl cyclase

    integral membrane proteinthat makes cAMP

    an effector

    See Fig. 16-23

  • Figure 16-25

    Adrenaline stimulates glycogen breakdown inskeletal muscle cells

    Protein kinase A (PKA) isactivated by cAMP

    PKA also phosphorylatesglycogen synthase, whichinhibits glycogen synthesis

  • Figure 16-26

    Adrenaline in the same cells also stimulates glucose synthesis

    Enzymes needed forgluconeogenesis

    cAMP can activategene transcription

  • cAMP Signaling

  • Signal amplification

    Each GPCR activatesmultiple G proteins

    Each active adenylylcyclase make many cAMPs

    Each active PKA canphosphorylate multiplephosphorylase kinases


  • Reversal of signalphosphatase-1 removes thephosphates that were added byPKA

    cAMP is destroyed by cAMPphosphodiesterase

    Figure 16-23

  • Phosphatidylinositol (PI) and phosphoinositides (PIPs)

    Numberingthe carbons ininositol

    Phosphorylationof OH in inositol

    PI PIPs

    Named according toring position (inparentheses) andnumber of phosphategroups (in subscript)

  • Animal cells have several PI and PIP kinasesand phosphatases

  • PI headgroups are recognized by proteindomains that discriminate the different forms

    Proteins are recruited to regions of themembrane where these PIs are present

  • Figure 16-20

    Enzymes activated by G proteins catalyze production ofsmall intracellular signaling molecules

    e.g. cAMP; IP3/DAG

    e.g. Adenyl cyclase and phospholipase C

  • Lipid-derived second messengers

    phospholipases --hydrolytic enzymes thatsplit phospholipids

    PLA -- phospholipase A

    PLD -- phospholipase D

    PLC -- phospholipase C

    Phosphatidylinositol-derivedare best studied


  • phospholipase Ccleaves PIP2 into DAGand IP3

    Phosphatidylinositol (PI)- mediated responses

    See Fig. 16-25

    DAG IP3

  • How does PLC get activated?

    See Fig. 16-25

  • Diacylglycerol (DAG)

    lipid molecule remains in PM

    recruits and activates protein kinase C (PKC)

    PKC is a serine/threonine kinase that is imp. in manycellular events (e.g., cell growth, differentiation,metabolism and transcriptional activation)

    phorbol esters -- plant compounds that mimic DAGand activate PKC; cells lose growth control andbehave as malignant cells

  • IP3 (inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate)

    small, water soluble

    binds to a Ca++ channel receptoron smooth endoplasmic reticulum(SER); Ca++ release

  • Figure 16-27

    Phospholipase C releases lipid-derived second messengers

  • Ca++ as an intracellular messengerCa++ release from intracellular stores acts as a secondmessenger

    First messenger: hormones, neurotransmitters, electricalactivation (muscle)

  • Calcium Signaling

  • Ca++ is not made enzymatically [Ca++] controlled by pumps and channels Free intracellular [Ca++] ~ 0.1 M [Ca++] within lumen of ER ~ 1 mM (10,000-fold


    channels intocytoplasm normallyclosed

    out of cytoplasmpumps usually active

  • Where are Ca++ release channels found?

    IP3Rs: present onsmooth ER of mostcell types

  • Unlike cAMP, Ca++ modulates a broad rangeof effectors

    cAMP acts on kinases; primarily PKA

    Ca++ can activate kinases, ion pumps,proteases, phosphatases, Ca ++-bindingproteins, etc.

    Calmodulin -- best known Ca ++-bindingprotein

  • Calmodulin (CaM)

    binds Ca++ only instimulated cells(affinity too low)

    Ca++ binding changesconfirmation andaffinity for otherproteins

    Activated CaMactivates Ca++ pumpto reduce cytosoliclevels

    Figure 16-29

  • Calmodulin

  • Role of GPCR in vision

    Receptor - rhodopsin

    G protein -transducin

    Effector - cGMPphosphodiesterase

    response 20 msec(20/1000th of a sec)

    cGMP keepsopen

    See Figure 16-30

  • 16_29_amplifies_light.jpg See Fig. 16-31

  • 2 alternate types ofsignal transductionpathways

    1. G protein-linkedreceptor

    2. Protein kinase receptor

  • transmembrane receptorsenzymes that adds phosphate groups totyrosine aa on proteinseach RTK monomer crosses PM once (GPCR7Xs) > 50 different RTKs have been identified

    Receptor tyrosine kinases (RTKs)

  • Typical RTK

    1. Inactive receptor monomers

    2. Ligand induces dimerization andautophosphorylation

    3. Signaling protein bind to specificphosphorylated Tyr

    Figure 16-32

  • phosphotyrosine motifs -- onlytyrosines surrounded by certain aa arephosphorylated

    SH2 domains (src homology 2) andPTB domains (phosphotyrosine binding);sites in proteins that recognize thephosphorylated tyrosines; found inmany cell signaling proteins

    Important concepts

  • Interaction between SH2 domain andphosphotyrosine

    ~ 100 aa long

    Found in ~110 different human proteins

    SH2 compact plug-in module can be inserted nearlyanywhere in a protein sequence and not disturb proteinfolding

  • Role of RTK in cellular activities

    many types, but best studied:

    -- hormones - e.g. insulin, growth hormone-- growth factors - epidermal growthfactor (EGF), fibroblast growth factor(FGF), platelet-derived growth factor(PDGF)

  • tetramer of two and two polypeptide chainsinsulin binding to changes conformation of activated receptor phosphorylates self(autophosphorylation) and soluble proteins (insulinreceptor substrates; IRSs)

    Insulin receptor

  • PTB domain of IRS-1binds to insulin receptor

    receptor phosphorylatesdocking sites on IRS-1

  • IRS-1 (insulin receptor substrate-1)

    pTyr binding oninsulin receptor

    docking sites

  • SH2 domain

  • RTK activate PI-3-kinase

    Fig. 16-33

  • phosphorylated inositol rings bind to modules on manyproteinsrecruits specific protein to cytoplasmic face of PMPH: pleckstrin homology domains targets proteins tomembranes by binding PIP2 or PIP3 when they areproduced


    Phosphoinositides direct major signaling cascades

    PIP3 -- PI(3,4,5)

    -can act as docking sites and as secondary messengers

  • PIP3 Produced in Response to Stimulation of a RTK

    -GFP fused to a PH (PIP3 binding domain from a tyr kinase)-PDGF causes the production of PIP3 at the plasma membrane

    Dr. Seth Field

    e.g., PDGF or Insulin

    PH = pleckstrin homology

  • PI-3-kinase and PKB activation

    Akt = Protein kinase BFig. 16-33

  • PI3K generates PIP2 and PIP3protein kinase B (PKB)binds/partially-activated by PIP2and PIP3 via its PH domainsfully activated by anotherkinase(s)signal reversed bydephosphorylating receptorInc. protein syn.Inc. glucose uptakeInc. glycogen syn.

    thus, insulinleads to lowerblood glucose

    PH domains --pleckstrin homologydomain -- bindsPIP2/PIP3

  • The importance of Ras

    Ras is a monomeric G protein held to PM bylipid group

    Monomeric G proteins mimic G in function

    nearly all RTK activate Ras

    30% of human tumors have a mutated ras (orras-like) gene

  • Figure 16-33

    Most RTK activate the monomeric G protein Ras

    Ras mutations leading to tumorsprevent GTP hydrolysis; Ras alwayson

    Ras GEF MAP kinasepathway


  • Ras

  • MAP kinase cascadeMitogen-activated proteinkinase

    growth factor binding leads toinc transcription of genesinvolved in growth responses

    Ras GTP hydrolysis is inducedby a GTPase activating protein(30 min dec to 1/10 sec)

    Ras mutations leading totumors prevent GTP hydrolysis;Ras always on

  • 16_32_MAP-kinase.jpg

    MAP kinase pathway

    See Fig. 16-34

  • Signals that originate from ECM

    integrins transmit signals thatinfluence cell growth, shape,migration, differentiation and survival

    normal cells do not grow insuspension

  • Signals induce cell growth

    1. clustering ofintegrins inducesprotein binding

    2. P-tyr activation ofsrc and FAK kinases

    3. Ras activated

    4. MAP kinase cascadeinc. transcription ofgenes involved ingrowth

    FAK = Focal adhesion kinasesrc is an oncogene

  • Actin

    P-tyr proteins

  • Extracellular signals bind to cell-surface or intracellularreceptors

    Carrier protein

    Figure 16-8

  • Role of nitric oxide as an intracellular messenger

  • Mode of action for Viagra

    NO (nitric oxide) released by nerve and endothelial cells in penis

    NO --> higher cGMP levels --> muscle relaxation and increasedblood flow --> erection

    Viagra inhibits PDE5 (form of cGMP phosphodiesterase; found onlyin penis) keeping cGMP levels high

    smooth muscle cellaround arterialblood vessels

  • Animal cells get multiple signals

    Figure 16-6

  • Figure 16-40

    Signaling cascades are not just linear

    convergence - 2 ligands, 1 pathdivergence - 1 ligand, many paths

    convergence divergence

  • Scaffolds help organize cascades

    structural not enzymatic components

    provide spatial localization & substratespecificity
