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Chapter_1 Map Reading

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  • 7/25/2019 Chapter_1 Map Reading


    Chapter 1



  • 7/25/2019 Chapter_1 Map Reading


    What is a topographic map ?

    Large-scale map representing selected aspects of the

    earths surface

    Shows both physical and human features

    Components of a topographic map


    Grid lines

    Names of places

    Scale Direction


    Legend and symbols

    Chapter 1: Map Reading

  • 7/25/2019 Chapter_1 Map Reading


    Chapter 1: Map Reading

    Some basic components of a topographic map




    Grid lines


    Contour Symbols

  • 7/25/2019 Chapter_1 Map Reading


    Grid lines

    astings ! "ertical lines that run from south to north

    Northings ! hori#ontal lines that run from west to east

    Grid lines are numbered to pro"ide the coordinates of

    specific features on a map

    Grid reference

    Set of digits formed using the grid "alues of eastings

    and northings

    Defines a location on a map The more digits in a grid reference$ the more precise

    the location$ e%g% a si&-figure grid reference gi"es a

    more accurate location than a four-figure grid reference

    Chapter 1: Map Reading

  • 7/25/2019 Chapter_1 Map Reading


    our!figure grid reference

    'dentifies a specific grid s(uare

    )irst two digits * +alue of the easting on the left of the


    Second two digits * +alue of the northing at the bottom

    of the s(uare



    "$%& %% %'



    The four-figure grid

    reference for ,oint is


    Chapter 1: Map Reading

  • 7/25/2019 Chapter_1 Map Reading


    Si*!figure grid reference

    'dentifies a specific point in a grid s(uare


    1. Determine the four-figure grid


    2. Divide the space between the two

    eastings of the grid square into ten

    equal intervals

    3. Count how many tenths the point is

    from the left to right add this

    number after the first two digits of the

    four-figure grid reference

    . !epeat "tep 2 for the northings of thegrid square

    #. Count how many tenths the point is

    from the bottom up add this number

    to the end of the grid reference


    The si&-figure grid

    reference for ,oint

    is %&&"$&




    "$%& %% %'

    Chapter 1: Map Reading

  • 7/25/2019 Chapter_1 Map Reading



    Shows what a certain distance on the map represents

    on the land in the real world

    Three ways to indicate scale on a map/

    1. $ine scale

    ! %g%

    2. %ord statement

    ! %g% 01cm on the map e(uals 234m on the ground5

    3. !epresentative fraction

    ! %g% 61/73$333 means that one unit on the map represents

    73$333 units on the ground in the real world

    +$ # ,m

    Chapter 1: Map Reading

  • 7/25/2019 Chapter_1 Map Reading


    1. &lace a strip of paper on theline between the two points

    2. 'ar( the two points on theedge of the paper strip

    3. &lace the mar(ed edge of thepaper strip on the line scale

    . !ead the distance between

    the two points

    Reading the straight!line distance bet-een t-o points

    Chapter 1: Map Reading

  • 7/25/2019 Chapter_1 Map Reading


    1. &lace one end of a string at one end of the path to be measured

    )point *C+,

    2. sing the string trace the curved path

    3. 'ar( the end of the path on the string )point *D+,

    . &lace the string on the line scale

    #. !ead the distance off the scale

    Reading the length of a cur.ed path

    Chapter 1: Map Reading

  • 7/25/2019 Chapter_1 Map Reading



    Two ways to describe the direction of a place

    1. Using compass points

    ! Cardinal points of the compass/ north$ south$ east$ west

    ! 'ntercardinal points/ northeast$ southeast$ southwest$


    2. Using bearings

    ! Direction of a place is

    e&pressed as an angle 8in

    degrees9 cloc4wise from

    the base direction 839

    ! :ase direction could be

    grid north$ magnetic north

    or true north

    Chapter 1: Map Reading

  • 7/25/2019 Chapter_1 Map Reading


    Grid north

    Direction of the "ertical grid lines 8called eastings9 on a


    Magnetic north

    Direction of the magnetic

    north pole

    True north

    Direction of the geographicnorth pole

    Chapter 1: Map Reading

  • 7/25/2019 Chapter_1 Map Reading


    0and ele.ation

    1. Contours

    ! Lines on the map ;oining places with the same height! The number on a contour line indicates the height that the line


    2. Spot heights! ,oints on the map showing

    the heights of hills


  • 7/25/2019 Chapter_1 Map Reading


    2% :enchmar4s

    ! =ar4ed points of 4nown ele"ation which ser"e as reference

    points from which the height of other places may beestablished

    >% Trigonometrical stations

    ! ,oints mar4ed by metal discs mounted on stable foundations

    such as concrete pillars

    ! ?sually located on top of mountains or hills

    ! =ay be used as benchmar4s for measuring ele"ation



    Chapter 1: Map Reading

  • 7/25/2019 Chapter_1 Map Reading


    Recognising relief features

    The shape of contour lines and the spacing between

    them show us the shape$ height and slope of relieffeatures

    Chapter 1: Map Reading

    4 plateau 4 mountain 5ndulating relief

  • 7/25/2019 Chapter_1 Map Reading


    Chapter 1: Map Reading

    4 gentle slope 4 stepped slope 4 steep slope

  • 7/25/2019 Chapter_1 Map Reading


    Ri.er features

    Topographic maps can gi"e us some information on the

    ri"er features of an area1. River source

    ! ,oint where a ri"er originates

    2. River mouth

    ! ,oint where a ri"er ends3. River course

    ! ,ath followed by a ri"er

    ! ,erennial course flows throughout the year

    ! 'ndefinite or seasonal course flows only during certain


    4. Watershed

    ! :oundary between two drainage basins

    Chapter 1: Map Reading

  • 7/25/2019 Chapter_1 Map Reading


    5. Drainage pattern

    ! ,attern formed by the ri"ers in a particular drainage basin

    Chapter 1: Map Reading

    Trellis pattern/endritic pattern

    Centripetal pattern Radial pattern

  • 7/25/2019 Chapter_1 Map Reading



    Drawing cross-sections will help you identify relief



    1% Draw a line 8@9 across the map where the cross-section is to

    be drawn%

    Chapter 1: Map Reading

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  • 7/25/2019 Chapter_1 Map Reading


    >% ,lace the mar4ed edge of the paper

    strip 8from Step

  • 7/25/2019 Chapter_1 Map Reading



    Tells us how steep a slope is

    To calculate gradient/

    /ertical distance/ertical distance0radient 0radient

    oriontal distanceoriontal distance

    gradient of 1/
