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  • 7/28/2019 Characteristic Orthogonal Polynomials in the Study


    Meccanica (2012) 47:175193DOI 10.1007/s11012-011-9430-4

    Characteristic orthogonal polynomials in the study

    of transverse vibrations of nonhomogeneous rectangularorthotropic plates of bilinearly varying thickness

    R. Lal Kumar Yajuvindra

    Received: 28 May 2009 / Accepted: 4 April 2011 / Published online: 3 May 2011 Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2011

    Abstract Effect of nonhomogeneity on the vibra-tional characteristics of thin orthotropic rectangularplates of bilinearly varying thickness has been studiedusing boundary characteristic orthogonal polynomialsin the Rayleigh-Ritz method. The thickness variationis taken as the Cartesian product of linear variationsalong two concurrent edges of the plate. The orthog-onal polynomials in two variables are generated usingthe Gram-Schmidt process. The nonhomogeneity ofthe plate material is assumed to arise due to linear vari-

    ations in Youngs moduli, shear modulus and densityof the plate with the in-plane coordinates. Numericalresults have been computed for four different combi-nations of clamped, simply supported and free edges.Effect of thickness variation together with varying val-ues of aspect ratio and nonhomogeneity on the naturalfrequencies is illustrated for the first three modes ofvibration. Three dimensional mode shapes have beenpresented. Comparison has been made with the knownresults.

    Keywords Nonhomogeneous Rectangular Orthotropic Bilinearly varying thickness

    R. Lal () K. YajuvindraDepartment of Mathematics, Indian Institute ofTechnology Roorkee, Roorkee 247 667, Indiae-mail: [email protected]

    1 Introduction

    In recent years, the desirability of lighter, stiffer andstronger materials particularly in aerospace industryand missile technology lead to the development offiber-reinforced material. The increasing use of suchtailored composite materials in the design of platetype structural elements has necessitated the studyof dynamic behavior of anisotropic plates. In manyengineering applications, these plates with appropri-

    ate thickness variation have significantly greater effi-ciency for vibration as compared to the plates of uni-form thickness and also provides the advantage of ma-terial saving and hence the cost requirement. Thus,their design requires an accurate analysis for their vi-bration characteristics.

    Up till now, numerous studies on linear vibrationsof orthotropic/composite plates of various geometrieshave been carried out and the work up to 1985 hasbeen reported in a monograph by Leissa [1] and com-prehensive survey papers [27]. Notable contributions

    made thereafter are listed in references [825]. Out ofthese, references [23, 25] present a complete surveyof work up to 2007 on circular/annular and rectangu-lar plates. The analysis has been presented using ana-lytical, numerical or approximate methods mainly forplates with unidirectional thickness variations such aslinear, parabolic, stepped, quadratic and exponentialetc. In recent papers, Biancolini [22] used a particu-lar form of Rayleigh-Ritz method to obtain approxi-mate solution for the free vibrations of thin orthotropic

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    176 Meccanica (2012) 47:175193

    rectangular plates, Yunshan et al. [26] analyzed freevibration of Mindlin plates using DSC-Ritz method,Bhasker and Sivaram [27] obtained exact series solu-tion using the principle of virtual work in the vibra-tion analysis of orthotropic rectangular plates, merCivalek [28] obtained fundamental frequency of or-

    thotropic rectangular plates employing discrete singu-lar convolution method, Khov et al. [29] used Fouriercosine series for calculating the static and dynamicdeflections and model characteristics of orthotropicplates with general boundary conditions, Xing and Liu[30] presented exact solutions for free vibrations ofthin orthotropic rectangular plates and Zhou et al. [31]studied free vibration of annular sector plates with var-ious boundary conditions using the Chebyshev-Ritzmethod. In this context, authors have come across alimited number of papers in which the thickness of the

    plate varies in both the directions and reported in [3240], to report the prominent ones. Of these, Sakiyamaand Huang [35] considered sinusoidal variation, Che-ung and Zhou [36] assumed the power functions ofboth the coordinates and the rest deal with bilinearvariation in thickness.

    Orthotropic plates are often nonhomogeneous, ei-ther by design or because of the physical composi-tion and imperfections in the underlying materials.Various models representing the behavior of nonho-mogeneous materials have been proposed in the lit-

    erature and a detailed discussion is given in a recentpaper [41]. In these models, the authors have con-sidered the unidirectional variation for nonhomogene-ity of the plate material i.e. mechanical properties arefunctions of only one variable. However, in many prac-tical situations, particularly in modern missile technol-ogy and microelectronics, plate type structural compo-nents have to work under elevated temperature, whichcauses nonhomogeneity of the material. Hence, it doesnot seem appropriate to take unidirectional variationsin the mechanical/elastic properties of the material

    with one variable only for nonhomogeneity. Recently,in two papers Chakraverty et al. [42] and Lal et al. [43]have analyzed the vibrational behavior of orthotropicelliptic and isotropic rectangular plates, respectively,assuming that nonhomogeneity of the plate materialdepends upon in-plane variables.

    During the above survey of the literature, authorsfound that (i) no work has been done dealing with thevibrations of orthotropic rectangular plates in whichnonhomogeneity is arising due to variations in two

    variables (ii) the boundary characteristic orthogonalpolynomials have been used extensively for analyzingthe dynamic behavior of plates of various geometriesunder different boundary conditions. The simplifica-tion of the eigenvalue problem i.e. reduction of a gen-eralized eigenvalue problem into a standard eigenvalue

    problem and rapid convergence are the main character-istics of this approach. In the present study boundarycharacteristic orthogonal polynomials have been usedto analyze the vibration characteristics of nonhomoge-neous orthotropic rectangular plates of varying thick-ness employing classical plate theory. For nonhomo-geneity of the plate, it is assumed that Youngs mod-uli, shear modulus and density of the plate material arelinear functions of in-plane variables. The thickness isvarying bilinearly and taken as the Cartesian productof linear variations along two concurrent edges of the

    plate. Rayleigh-Ritz method has been used to obtainfirst three natural frequencies for such plates for fourdifferent combinations of the clamped, simply sup-ported and free edge conditions. Graphite-epoxy [42]has been taken as an example of orthotropic material.

    2 Formulation and solution of the problem

    Consider an orthotropic nonhomogeneous rectangu-lar plate of varying thickness h(x,y), density (x,y)with domain {0 x a, 0 y b} in xy-plane,where a and b are the length and the breadth of theplate, respectively. The x- and y-axes are taken alongthe edges of the plate and axis of z- is perpendicularto the xy-plane. The middle surface being z = 0 andorigin is at one of the corners of the plate as shown inFig. 1(a).

    The strain energy and kinetic energy of the plate aregiven by (Lekhnitskii [44])

    V =




    b0 [D

    x w2xx + 2x Dy wxx wyy + Dy w


    + 4Dxy w2xy ]dxdy, (1)

    T =1







    2dxdy, (2)

    where Dx =Ex h


    12(1x y ), Dy =

    Ey h3

    12(1x y ), Dxy =

    Gxy h3


    are bending rigidities, Ex , Ey are Youngs moduliin x- and y-directions, x , y are the Poissons

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    Meccanica (2012) 47:175193 177

    Fig. 1 (a) Geometry of the plate and (b) boundary conditions

    ratios in the proper directions, t is the time and

    Dx y = Dy x .

    For harmonic solution, the deflection functionw(x,y,t) is assumed to be

    w(x,y,t) = W(x,y) sin t, (3)

    where W(x,y) is the maximum transverse displace-

    ment at the point (x,y) and is the circular frequency.

    Substituting relation (3) in expressions (1) and (2),

    maximum strain energy and kinetic energy of the plate

    are given by

    Vmax = 12




    0[Dx W

    2xx + 2x Dy Wxx Wyy

    + Dy W2yy + 4Dxy W

    2xy ]dxdy, (4)

    Tmax =2




    hW2dxdy. (5)

    According to the Rayleigh-Ritz method equating (4)

    and (5), one gets the Rayleigh quotient as

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    178 Meccanica (2012) 47:175193

    2 =


    b0 [Dx W

    2xx + 2x Dy Wxx Wyy + Dy W

    2yy + 4Dxy W

    2xy ]dxdya


    b0 hW

    2dxdy. (6)

    Introducing the non-dimensional variables

    X = x/a , Y = y/b , W = W /a and H = h/a togetherwith the assumption that Youngs moduli, shear mod-ulus and density of the plate material vary with thespace coordinates by the functional relations

    Ex = E1(1 + X), Ey = E2(1 + Y),

    Gxy = G0(1 + 1X + 2Y ), (7)

    = 0(1 + 1X + 2Y )

    and thickness of plate varies linearly in both X- andY-directions given by

    h(X,Y) = h0(1 + 1X)(1 + 2Y ). (8)

    Equation (6) reduces to

    2 = 1

    0 1

    0 [Dx W2XX + 2x (


    )2Dy WXX WY Y + (ab

    )4Dy W2Y Y + 4(


    )2Dxy W2XY]dXdY


    10 a50h0(1 + 1X + 2Y )(1 + 1X)(1 + 2Y )W2dXdY. (9)

    Now satisfying the essential boundary conditions, letus assume

    W(X,Y) =


    dk k (X,Y), (10)

    where N is the order of approximation to get the de-sired accuracy, dk s are unknowns and k are orthog-onal polynomials which are generated using Gram-Schmidt process as follows:

    Orthogonal polynomials k over the region0 X 1, 0 Y 1 have been generated with thehelp of linearly independent set of functions Lk = llk ,k = 1, 2, 3, . . . , with l = Xp1 (1 X)p2 Yp3 (1 Y )p4 ,lk = {1,X,Y,X2,XY,Y2, X3, X2Y,XY2, Y3, . . .},where p1 = 0, 1 or 2 as the edge X = 0 is free, sim-ply supported or clamped. Same justification can begiven to p2, p3 and p4 for the edges X = 1, Y = 0 andY = 1.

    1 = L1, k = Lk



    (11)kj =

    Lk , j

    j, j,

    j = 1, 2, 3, . . . , ( k 1), k = 2, 3, 4, . . . , N .

    The inner product of the functions say, 1 and 2 isdefined as

    1, 2




    (1 + 1X + 2Y )(1 + 1X)(1 + 2Y )

    1(X,Y)2(X,Y)dXdY, (12)

    where (1 + 1X + 2Y )(1 + 1X)(1 + 2Y ) is theweight function and the norm of the function 1 isgiven by

    1 = 1, 11/2




    (1 + 1X + 2Y )(1 + 1X)(1 + 2Y )

    21 (X,Y)dXdY

    1/2. (13)

    The normalization can be done by using

    k =k

    k. (14)

    Using expression (10) into (9) and minimization of theresulting expression for 2 with respect to dks leadsto the generalized eigenvalue problem


    (aj k 2bj k )dk = 0, j = 1, 2, 3, . . . , N , (15)

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    Meccanica (2012) 47:175193 179


    aj k = H0







    + r2xE2


    2(XXj Y Yk +


    Y Yj )

    + 2r3

    1 x




    XYk (16)

    + r24 E


    H0Y Yj

    Y Yk


    bj k =



    (1 + 1X + 2Y )(1 + 1X)(1 + 2Y )


    It is worth to mention that ks are orthonormal poly-nomials with respect to the weight function(1 + 1X + 2Y )(1 + 1X)(1 + 2Y ) so (15) reducesto the standard eigenvalue problem


    (aj k 2j k)dk = 0, j = 1, 2, 3, . . . , N , (17)

    aj k = H0







    + r2xE2


    Y Yk +


    Y Yj )

    + 2r3

    1 x





    + r24 E


    H0Y Yj

    Y Yk

    dXdY, (18)

    r1 = (1 + X)(1 + 1X)3(1 + 2Y )


    r2 = (1 + Y)(1 + 1X)3(1 + 2Y )


    r3 = (1 + 1X + 2Y )(1 + 1X)3(1 + 2Y )


    E1 =E1h


    12(1 x y ), E2 =


    12(1 x y ),

    G1 =G0h


    12, H0 = E

    2 x + 2G1,

    2 =0h0a




    band j k =

    1, ifj = k

    0, ifj = k.

    The integrals involved in (18) have been evaluated us-ing the formula



    Xp1 (1 X)p2 Yp3 (1 Y )p4 dXdY



    Xp1 (1 X)p2 dX


    Yp3 (1 Y )p4 dY


    (p1 + p2 + 1)!


    (p3 + p4 + 1)!.

    3 Boundary conditions

    The four boundary conditions namely CCCC, SCSC,FCFC and FSFS have been considered in which Cstands for clamped edge, S for simply supported edgeand F for free edge. The edge conditions are takenin anti-clockwise direction starting at the edge x = 0(Fig. 1(b)) and obtained by assigning various values top1, p2, p3 and p4 as 0, 1, 2 for free, simply supportedand clamped edge conditions, respectively.

    4 Results and discussion

    The numerical values of the frequency parameter have been obtained by solving (17) employing Ja-cobi method. The lowest three eigenvalues have beenreported as the first three natural frequencies corre-sponding to different boundary conditions consideredhere. The values of various plate parameters for thesethree modes of vibration are taken as follows.

    Nonhomogeneity parameters: ,,1, 2, 1,2 = 0.5(0.2)0.5, thickness parameters: 1, 2 =0.5(0.2)0.5 and aspect ratio: a/b = 0.25(0.25)2.00.

    The values of elastic constants used for the plate ma-terial (Graphite-epoxy) are taken as E1 /H0 = 13.9,E2 /H0 = 0.79 and x = 0.28 from [42].

    To choose the appropriate value of the order of ap-proximation N, a computer program developed for theevaluation of frequency parameter was run for dif-ferent values of N. The numerical values showed aconsistent improvement with the increasing value ofN for different sets of the values of plate parameters.In all the above computations, N = 47 has been fixed,

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    180 Meccanica (2012) 47:175193

    Table 1 Convergence of frequency parameter of orthotropicE1 /H0 = 13.9, E

    2 /H0 = 0.79, x = 0.28 square (a/b = 1)

    plate for = = 1 = 2 = 1 = 2 = 1 = 2 = 0.5


    N I II III


    10 122.9170 149.7460 222.2350

    20 122.9140 149.6140 206.3600

    30 122.9130 149.6060 205.2090

    40 122.9120 149.6040 205.1810

    45 122.9120 149.6040 205.1780

    46 122.9120 149.6040 205.1770

    47 122.9120 149.6040 205.1770


    10 63.0089 104.3400 192.5660

    20 62.9796 103.6450 174.7320

    30 62.9793 103.6400 173.4170

    40 62.9793 103.6390 173.3800

    45 62.9793 103.6390 173.3780

    46 62.9793 103.6390 173.3770

    47 62.9793 103.6390 173.3770


    10 28.1960 37.5307 76.9305

    20 28.1865 37.4680 76.4910

    30 28.1847 37.4616 76.4680

    40 28.1839 37.4561 76.4640

    45 28.1826 37.4559 76.4625

    46 28.1826 37.4559 76.4625

    47 28.1826 37.4559 76.4625


    10 12.4894 25.8105 59.0049

    20 12.3534 25.5784 49.7370

    30 12.3534 25.5708 49.6402

    40 12.3534 25.5707 49.6391

    45 12.3534 25.5707 49.6390

    46 12.3534 25.5707 49.6390

    47 12.3534 25.5707 49.6390

    since further increase in the value of N does not im-prove the results even at the fourth place of decimal inthe third mode. Table 1 shows the convergence of fre-quency parameter with N for a particular set of plateparameters where maximum value ofN was required.All the computations were performed in double preci-sion arithmetic.

    A comparison of frequency parameter for homo-geneous ( = = 1 = 2 = 1 = 2 = 0) orthotropicplates of uniform (1 = 2 = 0) and non-uniformthickness with those obtained by exact method [30],Ritz method [33], Kantorovich method [45], Ritzmethod [46] and weighted residuals approach [47] has

    been presented in Table 2. A close agreement of resultsis obtained.

    Numerical results for various values of plate param-eters have been computed and for a square plate theseare presented in Figs. 28. It is observed that the fre-quency parameter decreases in the order of bound-ary conditions CCCC > SCSC > FCFC > FSFS forthe same set of values of plate parameters. Figure 2shows the effect of nonhomogeneity parameter onthe frequency parameter for = 0.5, 1 = 0.5,2 = 0.5, 1 = 0.5, 2 = 0.5, 1 = 0.5, 2 = 0.5

    and a/b = 1 for the first two modes of vibration. Itis observed that the frequency parameter increaseswith increasing values of for all the boundary con-ditions keeping other plate parameters fixed. Further,it also increases with the increasing values of whiledecreases with the increasing value of1 for fixed val-ues of other plate parameters. The rate of increasein with is in the order of the boundary con-ditions SCSC > CCCC > FSFS > FCFC when changes from 0.5 to 0.5 and order becomes CCCC> SCSC > FCFC > FSFS when

    1changes from

    0.5 to 0.5, other parameters being fixed. This rateis higher in the second mode as compared to the firstmode.

    Figure 3 shows the effect of nonhomogeneity pa-rameter on the frequency parameter for = 0.5,1 = 0.5, 2 = 0.5, 1 = 0.5, 2 = 0.5, 1 = 0.5,2 = 0.5 and a/b = 1 for the first two modes of vi-bration. It is observed that the frequency parameter increases with increasing values of for all theboundary conditions keeping other plate parameters

    fixed. The rate of increase in with is in the orderof the boundary conditions SCSC > CCCC > FSFS> FCFC when changes from 0.5 to 0.5 and or-der becomes SCSC > FSFS > CCCC > FCFC when1 changes from 0.5 to 0.5, other parameters beingfixed. This rate increases with the increase in the num-ber of modes.

    Figure 4 depicts the behavior of the frequency pa-rameter with 1 for = 0.5, = 0.5, 2 = 0.5,1 = 0.5, 2 = 0.5, 1 = 0.5, 2 = 0.5 and a/b = 1

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    Meccanica (2012) 47:175193 181

    Table 2 Comparison of frequency parameter for homogeneous ( = = 1 = 2 = 1 = 2 = 0) orthotropic plate


    Reference (1, 2) (E1 /H0, E2 H0, x ) a/b Mode

    I II III

    CCCC [30] 0,0 2, 1, 0.28 1.0 41.4770 76.1285 95.4721

    42.4066 76.8540 95.8865

    Present 42.3971 76.8447 95.8812

    2, 1, 0.28 2.0 99.7360 139.7639 214.7087

    100.9338 141.5995 216.1541

    Present 100.9220 141.5770 216.1290

    2, 2, 0.28 1.0 46.9151 97.9399 97.9399

    47.9659 98.5523 98.5523

    Present 47.9590 98.5471 98.5471

    2, 2, 0.28 2.0 133.9614 165.7204 232.3468

    134.9032 167.5871 234.1697

    Present 134.8970 167.5730 234.1510

    [46] 0.5, 0.5, 0.3 0.5 18.4000

    Present 18.3380 25.2581 35.8455

    [46] 0.5, 0.5, 0.3 1.0 28.1000

    [47] 28.1000

    Present 28.0725 56.6299 56.6299

    [46] 0.5, 0.5, 0.3 1.5 46.6000

    Present 46.4678 74.7039 110.4200

    [33] 0.2, 0.2 1.0, 0.5, 0.3 1.0 32.28

    Present 31.8100 58.1259 70.3779

    0.2, 0.2 1.0, 0.5, 0.3 1.0 39.37

    Present 38.9114 71.1149 86.0973

    0.4, 0.2 1.0, 0.5, 0.3 1.0 29.40 Present 27.9811 51.0149 61.8339

    for the first two modes of vibration. It is seen thatthe frequency parameter increases with increasingvalue of 1 whatever be the values of other plate pa-rameters. The frequency parameter is found to in-crease with the increasing value of 2 keeping otherplate parameters fixed. The value of further in-creases with the increasing value of . The rate of

    increase in with 1 is in the order of the bound-ary conditions FCFC > SCSC > FSFS > FCFCwhen 2 changes from 0.5 to 0.5 and order becomesSCSC > CCCC > FCFC > FSFS when changesfrom 0.5 to 0.5. This rate is more pronounced in thesecond mode as compared to the first mode.

    Figure 5 demonstrates the effect of density param-eter 1 on the frequency parameter for = 0.5, = 0.5, 1 = 0.5, 2 = 0.5, 2 = 0.5, 1 = 0.5,2 = 0.5 and a/b = 1 for the first two modes. It is no-

    ticed that the frequency parameter decreases withincreasing value of1 for all the boundary conditions,other parameters being fixed. The value of increaseswith the increasing value of2 as well as 1. The rateof increase in with 1 is in the order of the bound-ary conditions CCCC > SCSC > FCFC > FSFSwhen 2 changes from 0.5 to 0.5 and order becomes

    CCCC > SCSC > FSFS > FCFC when 1 changesfrom 0.5 to 0.5 keeping other parameters fixed. Thisrate is higher in the second mode as compared to thefirst mode.

    Figure 6 demonstrates the effect of thickness pa-rameter 1 on the frequency parameter for = 0.5, = 0.5, 1 = 0.5, 2 = 0.5, 1 = 0.5,2 = 0.5, 2 = 0.5 and a/b = 1 for the first twomodes of vibration. It is noticed that the frequencyparameter increases with increasing value of1 for

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    182 Meccanica (2012) 47:175193

    Fig. 2 Frequency parameter for (a) CCCC, (b) SCSC, (c) FCFC and (d) FSFS plates: for 1 = 2 = 2 = 1 = 2 = 0.5. , firstmode; - - -, second mode; , = 0.5, 1 = 0.5; , = 0.5, 1 = 0.5; , = 0.5, 1 = 0.5; , = 0.5, 1 = 0.5

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    Meccanica (2012) 47:175193 183

    Fig. 3 Frequency parameter for (a) CCCC, (b) SCSC, (c) FCFC and (d) FSFS plates: for 1 = 2 = 2 = 1 = 2 = 0.5. , firstmode; - - -, second mode; , = 0.5, 1 = 0.5; , = 0.5, 1 = 0.5; , = 0.5, 1 = 0.5; , = 0.5, 1 = 0.5

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    184 Meccanica (2012) 47:175193

    Fig. 4 Frequency parameter for (a) CCCC, (b) SCSC, (c) FCFC and (d) FSFS plates: for = 1 = 2 = 1 = 2 = 0.5. , firstmode; - - -, second mode; , 2 = 0.5, = 0.5; , 2 = 0.5, = 0.5; , 2 = 0.5, = 0.5; , 2 = 0.5, = 0.5

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    Meccanica (2012) 47:175193 185

    Fig. 5 Frequency parameter for (a) CCCC, (b) SCSC, (c) FCFC and (d) FSFS plates: for = = 1 = 2 = 2 = 0.5. , firstmode; - - -, second mode; , 2 = 0.5, 1 = 0.5; , 2 = 0.5, 1 = 0.5; , 2 = 0.5, 1 = 0.5; , 2 = 0.5, 1 = 0.5

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    186 Meccanica (2012) 47:175193

    Fig. 6 Frequency parameter for (a) CCCC, (b) SCSC, (c) FCFC and (d) FSFS plates: for = 1 = 2 = 1 = 2 = 0.5. , firstmode; - - -, second mode; , 2 = 0.5, = 0.5; , 2 = 0.5, = 0.5; , 2 = 0.5, = 0.5; , 2 = 0.5, = 0.5

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    Meccanica (2012) 47:175193 187

    Fig. 7 Frequency parameter for (a) CCCC, (b) SCSC, (c) FCFC and (d) FSFS plates: for = 1 = 2 = 1 = 2 = 2 = 0.5. ,first mode; - - -, second mode; , = 0.5, 1 = 0.5; , = 0.5, 1 = 0.5; , = 0.5, 1 = 0.5; , = 0.5, 1 = 0.5

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    188 Meccanica (2012) 47:175193

    Fig. 8 First three mode shapes of (a) CCCC, (b) SCSC, (c) FCFC and (d) FSFS orthotropic square plates for = = 1 = 2 = 1 = 2 = 1 = 2 = 0.5

    all the boundary conditions for fixed values of all otherplate parameters. The value of increases with the in-creasing value of as well as 2. The rate of increasein with 1 is in the order of the boundary conditions

    CCCC > SCSC > FSFS > FCFC when changesfrom 0.5 to 0.5 and order becomes CCCC > SCSC> FCFC > FSFS when 2 changes from 0.5 to 0.5,other parameters being fixed. This rate is higher in thesecond mode as compared to the first mode.

    Figure 7 shows the plots for aspect ratio a/b ver-sus frequency parameter for = 0.5, = 0.5,1 = 0.5, 2 = 0.5, 1 = 0.5, 2 = 0.5, 1 = 0.5 and2 = 0.5 for the first two modes of vibration. It is clearthat frequency parameter increases with the increas-

    ing value ofa/b for all the boundary conditions, otherplate parameters being fixed. The values of is foundto increase with the increasing values of and 1.The rate of increase in with a/b is in the order of

    the boundary conditions SCSC > CCCC > FSFS >FCFC when changes from 0.5 to 0.5 and becomesFCFC > SCSC > CCCC > FSFS when 1 changesfrom 0.5 to 0.5, keeping all other parameters fixed.This rate of increase is much higher for a/b > 1 ascompared to a/b < 1 and increases with the increasein the number of modes.

    In case of third mode of vibration the behavior offrequency parameter with other parameters remainsalmost same as that for first two modes except that

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    Meccanica (2012) 47:175193 189

    Fig. 8 (Continued)

    the rate of increase/decrease with a specific parameteris higher. Three dimensional mode shapes for specificplate have been shown in Fig. 8.

    On the suggestion of one of the learned reviewers,the results for CFFF boundary condition have been in-cluded as Figs. 9 and 10. It was found that the valuesof frequency parameter for this case are in the order

    of boundary conditions FCFC > CFFF > FSFS forthe same set of the values of plate parameters exceptfor thickness parameters. In this case the behavior offrequency parameter is not monotonous as clear fromFig. 9(e).

    5 Conclusions

    The effect of non-homogeneity arising due to the de-pendence of Youngs moduli, shear modulus and den-

    sity of the plate material on both the variables x andy, on the natural frequencies of orthotropic rectangu-lar plates of bidirectionally varying thickness has beenstudied using boundary characteristic orthogonal poly-nomials in Rayleigh-Ritz method on the basis of clas-sical plate theory. It is observed that the frequency pa-rameter increases as the plate becomes more and

    more stiff towards the edge x = a and y = b due to theincreasing values of the parameters , , 1, 2 and itis the reverse with the increasing values of 1 and 2.This also increases as the plate becomes thicker andthicker towards the edge x = a and y = b. Further, anincrease in the value ofa/b increases the frequencies.The percentage variation in the value of frequency pa-rameter for the first mode of vibration are 12.96 to9.10, 8.25 to 6.64, 0.09 to 0.05 and 0.12 to 0.06for CCCC, SCSC, FCFC and FSFS boundary condi-

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    190 Meccanica (2012) 47:175193

    Fig. 9 Frequency parameter for CFFF plate. In, (a) Key as Fig. 2; (b) Key as Fig. 3; (c) Key as Fig. 4; (d) Key as Fig. 5; (e) Key asFig. 6; (f) Key as Fig. 7

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    Meccanica (2012) 47:175193 191

    Fig. 9 (Continued)

    Fig. 10 Mode shapes for CFFF orthotropic square plate. Key as Fig. 8

    tions, respectively when the nonhomogeneity arisesdue to the change in only from 0.5 to 0.5. Thepercentage variation in the value of frequency param-eter for the first mode of vibration are 0.5 to 0.5,2.6 to 2.3, 13.9 to 10.3 and 12.7 to 10.3 forCCCC, SCSC, FCFC and FSFS boundary conditions,

    respectively when the nonhomogeneity arises due tothe change in only from 0.5 to 0.5. The corre-sponding variations are 14.5 to 10.2, 15 to 10.5,8.6 to 8.3 and 13.9 to 10.3 when 1 changes from0.5 to 0.5. The present analysis will be of great useto the design engineers in obtaining the desired fre-

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    192 Meccanica (2012) 47:175193

    quency by varying one or more plate parameters con-sidered here.

    Acknowledgement The authors wish to express their sin-cere thanks to the learned reviewers for their constructive com-ments/suggestions for improving the paper. One of the authorsYajuvindra Kumar is grateful to Council of Scientific & Indus-

    trial Research, India for providing the Senior Research Fellow-ship.


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