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Characterization of Collagen Hydroxyapatite Composite Sponges as a Potential Bone Substitute 2010...

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International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 47 (2010) 483–487 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect International Journal of Biological Macromolecules journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/ijbiomac Characterization of collagen/hydroxyapatite composite sponges as a potential bone substitute Alina Sionkowska , Justyna Kozłowska Faculty of Chemistry, N. Copernicus University, Gagarin 7, 87-100 Torun, Poland article info Article history: Received 2 June 2010 Received in revised form 3 July 2010 Accepted 7 July 2010 Available online 15 July 2010 Keywords: Collagen Hydroxyapatite Biomaterial abstract Hydroxyapatite and collagen composites (HAp/Col) have the potential in mimicking and replacing skeletal bones. Their combination should prove beneficial for bone tissue engineering due to their natural biolog- ical resemblance and properties. In this study, hydroxyapatite and collagen isolated from animal tendons were used in different proportions as composites. Sponges were prepared by freezing and lyophyliza- tion of corresponding composite solutions. The properties of composite sponges, such as microstructure, chemical and physical properties were studied. In the present investigation, a collagen sponge and a composite sponge made of composite of HAp/Col were prepared in our lab and characterized by attenu- ated total reflection Fourier transform infra-red spectroscopy, thermogravimetric analysis and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Infrared spectroscopy (IR) in combination with attenuated total reflection (ATR) spectroscopy is one of the most widely used technique for surface infrared analysis. The ATR-IR analysis did not indicate shift of the band corresponding to –COO for none of the used HAp/Col ratios. Thermogravimetric results suggested that collagen chains had been embedded with HAp to several com- plexes with different thermal stabilities. SEM was used to observe the morphology and pore size of the sponges. SEM observations showed the sponges of HAp/Col with fully interconective macroporosity. © 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. 1. Introduction Reconstruction of bone defects caused by trauma or surgical resection of a bone tumor is a major issue in orthopedic surgery. Natural bone is a complex inorganic–organic composite material, in which hydroxyapatite nanocrystals (Ca 10 (PO 4 ) 6 (OH) 2 , HAp) and collagen fibrils (Col) are well organized into hierarchical architec- ture [1]. Several attempts have been made so far to find material with microstructure comparable to native bone. Increasing efforts have been devoted to the composites of hydroxyapatites in conjugation with biopolymers. The most important biopolymer in biomaterial’s research is collagen. The natural polymer, collagen, that repre- sents the matrix material of bone, teeth and connective tissue can be extracted from animal or human sources. Collagen provides an excellent basis for biomaterials as it is readily available, non- toxic and its fibril architecture is inherent in natural tissues. For this reason, collagen is regarded as one of the most useful natural biomaterials. Collagen can be processed in sheet, tubes sponge’s foams, nano fibrous powders, fleeces, injectable viscous solution, and dispersions [2,3]. Corresponding author. E-mail address: [email protected] (A. Sionkowska). Synthetic HAp, almost identical to the bioapatite of bone, has been widely used as an artificial bone substitute. HAp has attracted a great deal of attention for hard tissue applications due to its bioac- tive, osteoconductive and biodegradable properties [4–8]. It has been clinically used as sintered bulk ceramic, porous structures, granules and coatings. However, the application of pure HAp is very limited due to its brittleness. Thus, composite materials made from HAp and a polymer (natural – such as collagen, or synthetic ones) are highly applicable in bone tissue regeneration. The composites of HAp/col have been widely studied during last decade [9–16]. Many researches have prepared and reported mate- rials based on HAp and another biodegradable or bioreabsorbable materials, such as chitosan [17,18], gelatin [19], hyaluronic acid [1,20] and synthetic polymers, like polylactic acid (PLA) [1,21–22], polyglycolic acid (PGA) [1,2,22], poly(caprolactone) (PCL) [2,22] or poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA) [23]. The above materials can be pro- cessed using several techniques, such as porogen leaching, gas foaming, phase separation, fiber meshing, supercritical fluid pro- cessing, microsphere sintering, and three-dimensional printing to generate a range of three-dimensional scaffolds with different porosities and surface characteristics [1]. Porous hydroxyapatite, a promising material in biomedical application, has been used as bone scaffold and drug carriers [24,25]. The use of nano-particle of HAp and collagen type I is a promising approach for the generation of new bone substitutes to morpho- 0141-8130/$ – see front matter © 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2010.07.002
  • International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 47 (2010) 483487

    Contents lists available at ScienceDirect

    International Journal of Biological Macromolecules

    journa l homepage: www.e lsev ier .com

    Charac mbone su

    Alina SioFaculty of Chem

    a r t i c l

    Article history:Received 2 JunReceived in reAccepted 7 JulAvailable onlin


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    Thermogravimetric results suggested that collagen chains had been embedded with HAp to several com-plexes with different thermal stabilities. SEM was used to observe the morphology and pore size of thesponges. SEM observations showed the sponges of HAp/Col with fully interconective macroporosity.

    2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

    1. Introdu

    Reconstrresection oNatural bonin which hycollagen bture [1].

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    uction of bone defects caused by trauma or surgicalf a bone tumor is a major issue in orthopedic surgery.e is a complex inorganicorganic composite material,droxyapatite nanocrystals (Ca10(PO4)6(OH)2, HAp) andrils (Col) are well organized into hierarchical architec-

    attempts have been made so far to nd material withure comparable to native bone. Increasing efforts haved to the composites of hydroxyapatites in conjugationymers. Themost important biopolymer in biomaterialscollagen. The natural polymer, collagen, that repre-atrix material of bone, teeth and connective tissue cand from animal or human sources. Collagen providest basis for biomaterials as it is readily available, non-s bril architecture is inherent in natural tissues. Forcollagen is regarded as one of the most useful naturals. Collagen can be processed in sheet, tubes spongesbrous powders, eeces, injectable viscous solution,

    ions [2,3].

    ding author.ress: [email protected] (A. Sionkowska).

    Synthetic HAp, almost identical to the bioapatite of bone, hasbeen widely used as an articial bone substitute. HAp has attracteda great deal of attention for hard tissue applications due to its bioac-tive, osteoconductive and biodegradable properties [48]. It hasbeen clinically used as sintered bulk ceramic, porous structures,granules and coatings. However, the application of pureHAp is verylimited due to its brittleness. Thus, composite materials made fromHAp and a polymer (natural such as collagen, or synthetic ones)are highly applicable in bone tissue regeneration.

    The composites of HAp/col have beenwidely studied during lastdecade [916].Many researches have prepared and reportedmate-rials based on HAp and another biodegradable or bioreabsorbablematerials, such as chitosan [17,18], gelatin [19], hyaluronic acid[1,20] and synthetic polymers, like polylactic acid (PLA) [1,2122],polyglycolic acid (PGA) [1,2,22], poly(caprolactone) (PCL) [2,22] orpoly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA) [23]. The above materials can be pro-cessed using several techniques, such as porogen leaching, gasfoaming, phase separation, ber meshing, supercritical uid pro-cessing, microsphere sintering, and three-dimensional printing togenerate a range of three-dimensional scaffolds with differentporosities and surface characteristics [1]. Porous hydroxyapatite,a promising material in biomedical application, has been used asbone scaffold and drug carriers [24,25].

    Theuseofnano-particleofHApandcollagen type I is apromisingapproach for the generation of new bone substitutes to morpho-

    see front matter 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.ijbiomac.2010.07.002terization of collagen/hydroxyapatite cobstitute

    nkowska , Justyna Kozowskaistry, N. Copernicus University, Gagarin 7, 87-100 Torun, Poland

    e i n f o

    e 2010vised form 3 July 2010y 2010e 15 July 2010


    a b s t r a c t

    Hydroxyapatiteandcollagencomposibones. Their combination should provical resemblance and properties. In thwere used in different proportions astion of corresponding composite solutchemical and physical properties wecomposite sponge made of compositeated total reection Fourier transformelectron microscopy (SEM). Infrared(ATR) spectroscopy is one of the mosanalysis did not indicate shift of the b/ locate / i jb iomac

    posite sponges as a potential

    Ap/Col)have thepotential inmimickingandreplacingskeletalecial for bone tissue engineering due to their natural biolog-dy, hydroxyapatite and collagen isolated from animal tendonsposites. Sponges were prepared by freezing and lyophyliza-The properties of composite sponges, such as microstructure,died. In the present investigation, a collagen sponge and a

    Ap/Col were prepared in our lab and characterized by attenu--red spectroscopy, thermogravimetric analysis and scanningroscopy (IR) in combination with attenuated total reectionely used technique for surface infrared analysis. The ATR-IRorresponding to COO for none of the used HAp/Col ratios.

  • 484 A. Sionkowska, J. Kozowska / International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 47 (2010) 483487

    Fig. 1. Porous sponge, made from HAp and Col, in different sizes (the scale showscentimeters).

    logical featwork, a 3Dhydroxyapabe potentiagen materiaInourprevion collagenproliferatio

    2. Materia

    Collagenyoung rats.dissolved inwas freeze-CHRIST, 2tion of 0.5macetic acid.was supplie

    The starmixed and twere set foHAp/Col miwere set inwere freeze

    A chemigroups of c

    Fig. 2. FT-IR spectrum of collagen and hydroxyapatite.

    infrared spectroscopy using a Genesis II FTIR spectrophotometer(Mattson, USA) equipped in ATR device (MIRacleTM PIKE Technolo-gies) with zinc selenide (ZnSe) crystal. All spectra were recorded inabsorption mode at 4 cm1 intervals and 64 scans. The sample of

    r the FTIR measurement was prepared by grounding a dryarticle sample with KBr into ne powders which were thend into pellets.morphology of collagen sponges and collagen modied

    0 and 80wt.% of HAp were studied using Scanning Elec-icroscopy (SEM) (LEO Electron Microscopy Ltd, England).asurements on all of the samples were repeated at differentns.rmogravimetric analysis (TG)was performed on a TA Instru-SDT 2960 Simultaneous TGA-DTA in nitrogen and at heatingC/min and heating programme 25600 C.

    Table 1Assignments o


    Structural OH2O adsorbeCH (B amidCH3 groupH2O adsorbeNH (II amidCO32 , pyrroCH, CO32


    CN (III amiPO43 bendPO43 bendPO4 stretchures and mimic the structure of natural bone. In thistype composite materials from collagen and nano-

    tite were prepared. Presented sponges of HAp/Col canlly used as bone tissue engineering scaffolds. The colla-ls have been studied by our research group previously.ous studieswehave shown thatbiomaterials performedobtained in our laboratory promotes the adhesion andn of cells [26,27].

    ls and methods

    was obtained in our laboratory from tail tendons ofAfter washing in distillate water, the tendons were0.1M acetic acid for 3 days at 4 C. Collagen solution

    dried to obtain 100% pure collagen (ALPHA 1-2 LDplus,0 C, 100Pa, 48h). Collagen solution with concentra-ass% was prepared from lyophilized collagen in 0.01MHydroxyapatite (nanopowder,

  • A. Sionkowska, J. Kozowska / International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 47 (2010) 483487 485

    3. Results and discussion

    Freeze drying of collagen and HAp/Col blends leads to porousthree-dimensional sponge, mimicking the extracelluar matrix ofbone tissue. Samples can be produced in any size or shape. Fig. 1shows the photograph of the obtained sponges. Properties of thisbiomaterial will be described below.

    3.1. Spectroscopy results

    FT-IR spectra of collagen and hydroxyapatite are shown in Fig. 2and spectra of hydroxyapatite and collagen composites are shownin Fig. 3.

    The spectrum of HAp/Col composite sample is characterized byabsorption bands arising from HAp and collagen. We observed thebands typical for collagen such NH stretching at 3305 cm1 forthe amide A, CH stretching at 3081 cm1 for the amide B, C Ostretching at 1635 cm1 for the amide I, and NH deformationat 1545 cm1 for the amide II. As HAp related bands there arephosphate contours. The phosphate bands are located between 900and 1200 cm1 in IR spectra. In the HAp spectrum one can nd thetypical stretching vibration bands of phosphoric groups at 1025and 1047 cm1. There are also CO3 bands located at 1445, 1414and 876 cm1. Moreover, between 450 and 670 cm1 the bands ofPO43 can be found.

    In a few papers published so far regarding HAp/Col compos-ites preparations itwas believed that chemical interaction betweenHAp and Col can be evaluated from the infrared spectrum ofHAp/Col composite [28]. In infrared spectrum of HAp/Col wasobserved a shift of the band corresponding to COO stretchingto lower wave number. This fact suggests the formation of a new

    Fig. 4. SEM image of collagen sponge (100).

    chemical bondbetweenCa2+ ions on theHAp surface andCOO oncollagen [29]. In our study the ATR-IR analysis did not indicate anyalterations in the Col vibration mode for none of the used HAp/Colratios (Table 1).

    3.2. Scanning electron microscopy observations

    The porous morphologies of the composite sponges were stud-ied by scanning electron microscopy. Fig. 4 shows the SEM imageof the collagen sponge and Fig. 5ad show the SEM images of theHAp/Col composites.

    /w), 500, (c) 80/20 (w/w), 100, (d) 80/20 (w/w), 500.Fig. 5. SEM images of HAp/Col composites: (a) 50/50 (w/w), 100, (b) 50/50 (w

  • 486 A. Sionkowska, J. Kozowska / International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 47 (2010) 483487

    Fig. 7. T

    From SEfully intercof irregulareralmicronsponge revrelatively la

    3.3. Therma

    Fig. 6 shand HAp/Co

    From TGheatingprocess (Tmax)(Table 2). Fo0.5%, proba

    Table 2Thermal param

    ColHAp/Col (50HAp/Col (80HAp

    In the range 130600 C a weight loss is 0.9% due to the decom-position of HAp. In the characteristic DTG curve for collagen innitrogen one can see two peaks. These peaks are representativefor the two-stage sample destruction due to the temperature. Therst stage (tion of wat250 and 50molecular pated. For HAthe loss of wmuch smalratio 80/20peak on the

    mpan DTlossprerati

    0/50embeermare byyapa


    compacids thaFig. 6. TG curve of hydroxyapatite.

    is accopeak oweight

    Theweightratio 5beenent thstructuhydrox

    4. Con

    3DaceticteristicG and DTG curves of collagen sponge and HAp/Col composites.

    M observations one can see sponges of HAp/Col withonective macroporosity. SEM results show a structureinterconnected pores. The pore sizes ranged from sev-s to about 500m. Themicrostructure of the compositeeals a porous brous collagen matrix embedded withrge particles of HAp.

    l properties

    ows TG results for HAp. TG and DTG plots of collagenl composites in nitrogen are presented in Fig. 7.curves we determined the mass decrement during thecess. The temperatureof themaximumspeedof thepro-was determined from the maximum on the DTG curver HAp aweight loss from room temperature to 130 C isbly resulting from the dehydration of adsorbed water.

    eters of HAp, collagen and HAp/Col composites.

    Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3

    % Tmax (C) (%) Tmax (C) (%) Tmax (C)

    11.9 199 62.4 325 /50) 7.5 58 33.1 311 /20) 8.4 123 8.1 289 9.5 397

    0.5 62 0.9 336

    scaffolds. Cbility, afncandidatesatite is genmacromoleto stiffen thof composiand collage


    FinanciaGrant No NSocial Fundedged.


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    993997between 25 and 150 C) is connected with the evapora-er absorbed to collagen. In the second stage (between0 C) water bound to collagen is released and smallroducts of thermal degradation of collagen are liber-p/Col blends with weigh ratio 50/50 we observed thatater absorbed and the weight loss for second stage are

    ler than for pure collagen. For the HAp/Col with weightwe observed three peaks on the DTG curve. The secondDTG curve appears with a maximum at 290 C and it

    nied by a signicant mass decrement of 8.1%. The thirdG curve appears with a maximum at 397 C and theof this process is 9.5%.sence of three peaks on DTG curve for HAp/Col witho 80/20 instead of two peaks for HAp/Col with weightand pure collagen suggests that collagen chains havedded with HAp to several complexes with differ-l stabilities. There are many possibilities to form 3Dseveral long collagen chains andhuge amount of nano-tite (80% in composite).


    osite materials obtained from collagen type I soluble inand nano-hydroxyapatite show morphological charac-t suggest a potential use as bone tissue engineering softollagen sponges, due to exibility in shape, biocompati-ity to proteins, and biodegradability, may be excellentfor bone graft scaffolds. The presence of hydroxyap-erating multiple binding sites for adhesion of severalcules of interest. The ceramic particles can act as llerseorganicmatrix. Thermal andmorphological propertiestes can be modied by weight ratio of hydroxyapatiten.


    l support from theMinistry of Science (MNiSW, Poland)N507 349535 and PhD Students Grant of the European(EFS, Poland) and State Budget is gratefully acknowl-

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    Characterization of collagen/hydroxyapatite composite sponges as a potential bone substituteIntroductionMaterials and methodsResults and discussionSpectroscopy resultsScanning electron microscopy observationsThermal properties

