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Charter and Acceptable Use Policy · Inappropriate content on social networking sites ... However,...

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Bring Your Own Device (Laptops) Charter and Acceptable Use Policy This handbook has been developed as a guide for parents and students to assist in making their own decisions about which BYOD device is best for their situation Please note: This handbook is subject to change, the most current handbook will always be available on the Noosa Dsitrict State High School website. https://noosadistrictshs.eq.edu.au

Bring Your Own Device(Laptops)

Charter and Acceptable Use


This handbook has been developed as a guide for parents and students to assist in makingtheir own decisions about which BYOD device is best for their situation

Please note: This handbook is subject to change, the most current handbook willalways be available on the Noosa Dsitrict State High School website.https://noosadistrictshs.eq.edu.au

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Contents Use of Laptops at Noosa District State High School ............................................................................................................... 2

ICT in the Australian Curriculum ............................................................................................................................................. 2

Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) and associated costs ............................................................................................................. 2

Security of BYOD, Damage/Theft – Insurance, Behaviour ...................................................................................................... 3

BYOD – Conditions of Use ....................................................................................................................................................... 3

How the BYOD Gateway Works .............................................................................................................................................. 4

Web Based Services Consent .................................................................................................................................................. 4

Noosa District State High School Acceptable Use Policy ........................................................................................................ 5

Responsibilities of Students .................................................................................................................................................... 6

Internet and Email Acceptable Use Responsibilities .............................................................................................................. 6

A Word to Students on Personal Responsibility ..................................................................................................................... 6

You MUST NOT ....................................................................................................................................................................... 6

Inappropriate content on social networking sites .................................................................................................................. 7

Student Agreement ................................................................................................................................................................ 8

Parent or Carer Agreement .................................................................................................................................................... 8

BYOD Specs ............................................................................................................................................................................. 9

Websites ............................................................................................................................................................................... 10

References ............................................................................................................................................................................ 10

Cybersafety ........................................................................................................................................................................... 10

Responsible Behaviour Plan for Students ............................................................................................................................. 11

Frequently Asked Questions ................................................................................................................................................. 11

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Use of Laptops at Noosa District State High School Noosa District State High School was a lead school for Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) initiative. This new pathway supports delivery of enriched 21st Century education through the use of information technology. It is a tool that enhances pedagogy facilitates the creation and sharing of knowledge and allows differentiation in learning. Information technology is more than a method of retrieving information. The use of a laptop and other technologies:

Enhances independence and self-initiated learning among students

Extends student learning beyond the classroom

Promotes the development of 21st Century teaching and learning

Enables the delivery of ICT as an Australian Curriculum general capability

ICT in the Australian Curriculum ICT is represented in the Australian Curriculum as a general capability:

Competence in ICT

Students develop ICT competence as they learn to use ICT effectively and appropriately when investigating, creating and communicating ideas and information at school, at home, at work and in their communities. (ACARA, 2010)

Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) and associated costs All students are encouraged to bring their own laptop (with a fully charged battery) to school every day. If you participate and have paid your Student Resources Scheme then there is no additional fee associated with a BYOD device. However, if you have elected not to enter into the Student Resource Scheme (SRS) then you must pay a $50.00 annual flat fee. Through the payment of an annual fee, the school supplies students with:

Wireless connectivity to part of our secured school network through the secured BYOD Gateway via a security certificate and network password

Internet connection

Access to learning materials

Access to school printers through the Gateway via installation of software provided by the School Parents are required to supply and are responsible for:

Supplying a device that meets the minimum hardware and software specifications as outlined in this handbook.

A laptop – it is highly recommended that the device provided is a laptop.

Any repairs required. The IT Department at Noosa District State High School:

Will provide assistance to connect the device to the BYOD Gateway

Will not provide software or hardware repairs to the BYOD device as it is privately owned The BYOD device from home must fit the minimum hardware and software specifications as outlined in this handbook.

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Security of BYOD, Damage/Theft – Insurance, Behaviour Suggestions to ensure the laptop is safe at school include:

Keeping the laptop with you at all times – It is each student’s responsibility to keep their laptop with them at all times.

Consider engraving the device – Engraving the bottom of the laptop with the student’s name ie First Name and Surname has helped School staff to locate lost laptops and return them to their owners.

Home and Contents Insurance – Check with your Home and Contents Insurance company regarding damage or theft of the device.

Inappropriate Behaviour – While the School will continue to deal with inappropriate behaviour in line with existing policies, the School is not liable for any damage or replacement costs incurred while the device is at school or travelling to and from school. Any student who does damage or steal another student’s laptop may be disciplined according to the School Responsible Behaviour Plan

BYOD – Conditions of Use When using a privately owned laptop at Noosa District State High School, or connecting it to the School network, we agree that:

The device must at all times be connected to the BYOD Gateway when on School premises and in use. When connected to the BYOD Gateway, all activities will be logged. School ICT guidelines are to be followed in accordance with the completed and signed School ICT Agreement (signed on enrolment)

The device will only be used for educational purposes when connected to and using School services.

Noosa District State High School will only provide technical support to enable connectivity to the School network via the BYOD Gateway that provides access to student files required for class, internet and printing services.

It is the responsibility of the student to ensure that the private laptop is secured when not in use. Noosa District State High School takes no responsibility for theft, loss, vandalism, damage or unauthorised access to private laptops.

All private laptops must be brought to school fully charged.

BYOD devices must contain a virus scanner with up to date data virus definitions.

It is the responsibility of the student to back up data on the private laptop eg to external hard drive or USB.

Any software purchased under Education Queensland agreements must be removed from the private laptop as per the conditions of the agreement. This includes students leaving Noosa District State High School. Any privately owned software installed on the laptop must be age appropriate, follow copyright legislation and not cause offence.

Noosa District State High School and the Education Queensland reserves the right to restrict access and use of any private laptop used on the School campus, whether it is connected to the School network or not. Access to the School network and permission to use the private laptop on School grounds will be withdrawn as a consequence of any inappropriate use and/or security breach. Cloud Based Services such as iCloud or Dropbox must not be used at school to store, send or access information at school.

Note: If the above device is substituted, a new IT Permissions and BYOD Connection form will need to be completed and signed prior to connection of the new device.

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How the BYOD Gateway Works

Web Based Services Consent Permission to Use Cloud, Web Based and App Services Cloud, Web Based and App Services are used to support curriculum delivery at Noosa District State High School. Moodle (Virtual Library) and Mathletics are examples of these services. (For a full list please refer to Websites on Page 10 of this document) All web based services in use have undergone a risk assessment by the Queensland Government Service Centre. Teachers in charge of these activities will have read the risk assessment and will constantly monitor use and immediately cancel the activity should any concern be raised. Students and parents are asked to report any concerns with any web based activity to their teacher immediately. A number of precautions will be taken when creating logins. These include:

The student’s first name and first two initials of the surname eg for John Brown use – johnbr – for a student log in has been used.

Where a first name and surname are required as separate fields, as above, johnbr as a first name and the word student as a surname has been used.

Students will be told not to use their school password as the password for any of these websites.

The use of the name Noosa District State High School has been minimised where possible, the use of CSC has been used.

No photos of students have been uploaded.

Wherever possible, the use of avatars, personas or fictional characters when interacting within a website is utilised.

If an email address is required, students’ school email addresses will be used to register and identify students on these websites.

A list of the services in use will be published in the school newsletter periodically. In order to keep our records up to date, permission for the use of web based services has been included on the BYOD Connection Request and Borrowing a Stay at School Laptop Permission form.

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Noosa District State High School Acceptable Use Policy Dear Parents/Guardians Noosa District State High School has a school wide computer network that supports effective student learning across the school's curriculum. This network also provides student access to the Internet and email. It is important that you and your child are familiar with the guidelines as stated in the accompanying Information Communication Technology Acceptable Use Policy. Education Queensland requires that all schools have an ICT Acceptable Use Policy. In summary these refer to –

Purpose of the School network and Internet access. This gives students the benefit of coordinated networked computers and information technology facilities for educational purposes - their daily classwork as well as for research purposes. The provision of Internet access provides connections to resources world- wide, as well as facilitating local, regional and world- wide communication through email.

Types of information available and intellectual ownership. Students may access a range of appropriate information via the Internet as well as use computer software installed on the network. The use of these resources is subject to copyright law.

User responsibilities. Students are responsible for all activity carried out on their personal network account.

Personal security. Students are not to disclose personal information - their own or other people's, on the Internet.

Sanctions. Inappropriate use of the network facilities, including the Internet or email will incur the loss of access to these facilities.

The use of your child's account must be in support of, and consistent with, the educational objectives of the School, the School's Behavior Management Policy and the Information Communication Technology Acceptable Use Policy and Agreement. Failure to follow these will result in the loss of privilege to use these facilities. Although we have established Acceptable Use policies, please be aware that there may be unacceptable material or communications on the Internet that your child can access. Education Queensland provides a filtered internet feed to all schools and teachers will always exercise their duty of care, however protection against exposure to harmful information on the Internet must depend finally upon responsible use by students. Please read and discuss the attached policy with your child. Complete and return the signed agreement to the school office. Please contact a member of the Administration should you have any concerns or wish to discuss the matter further. Yours sincerely

Chris Roff Michael Small Principal Head of Campus

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Noosa District State High School Acceptable Use Policy Cont.

This policy sets out guidelines for the acceptable use of: o the School's computer network facilities o installed computer software o the Internet o electronic mail which are provided to students for educational purposes only.

Acceptable use issues may be broadly categorised as personal conduct relating to: o System security o Legal requirements o Ethical use of Education Queensland’s computer network facilities at Noosa District State High School o Standards of interpersonal communication.

Benefits to students - Students will have access to o A variety of equipment, software and services to support effective learning. o Information sources for research via network facilities and the Internet. o Network facilities before school and during lunch breaks.

Procedures for use - Students are expected to: o Operate all equipment with care. Follow written and oral instructions for room and equipment use.

Consult a teacher where necessary. o Ensure personal security of their user account by correctly logging on and off.

Responsibilities of Students Students are responsible for all activity carried out on their personal network account. Students will NOT;

Share their passwords with anyone else

Use another student's network account

Allow another student to use their account

Attempt to change the network in any way

Install / use any software other than that provided by the school

Attempt to bypass security

Store inappropriate material in their network account (eg non-program related files, .exe files, personal files, video files, games)

Internet and Email Acceptable Use Responsibilities Students will use the Internet in a responsible manner for educational purposes - for their classwork and assignment research. Internet use is a privilege, and students must at all times exercise careful judgment over all material that they access and communications that they make.

A Word to Students on Personal Responsibility When you are using the School network, it may feel like you can more easily break a rule and not get caught. This is not really true because whenever you do something on a network you leave little “electronic footprints,” so the odds of getting caught are really about the same as they are in the real world. The fact that you can do something or think you can do something without being caught does not make it right to do so. The school network is for storage and access of school course related materials only.

You MUST NOT .... Violate copyright laws by using material from Internet sites without permission of the copyright owner.

Plagiarise works that you find on the Internet. Plagiarism is taking the ideas or writings of others and presenting them as if they were yours.

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Film, view, send, store or display indecent and/or offensive messages or pictures.

Use profane, abusive, impolite or sexually explicit language to communicate. Do not knowingly access materials which are not in line with the rules of School behavior. A good rule to follow is to never view, send, or access materials which you would not want your teachers and parents or colleagues to see. Should you encounter such material by accident, you should report it to your teacher immediately.

Share your password with another person under any circumstance or logon for another person whose privileges have been withdrawn.

Waste limited resources such as disk space or printing capacity. Large files are not to be downloaded unless permission has been obtained from a supervising teacher. Users are expected to remain within allocated disk space and delete material which takes up excessive storage space.

Trespass in another’s folders, work, or files. Respect their privacy. Network storage areas may be treated like school lockers. The Information Technology Coordinator may review communications to maintain system integrity and will ensure that students are using the system responsibly.

E-mail, or place on the Web, personal contact information about yourself or other people. Personal contact information includes your home address, telephone number, the school address, your work address etc.

NEVER agree to meet with someone you have met online unless you have your parent’s approval.

Possible Network misuse will be detected in a number of ways: o As reported by staff or students o As notified by Education Queensland Officers (Note: Education Queensland reserves the right to

monitor and audit any or all intranet, Internet or e-mail activity undertaken by EQ officers using departmental resources.

o As discovered by the Information Technology Coordinator through for example, inspection of Network security logs and Internet proxy logs, scans of student file storage areas, and automatic notifications of inappropriate e-mail use.

Inappropriate content on social networking sites Social networking sites such as Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat have changed the way young people communicate. While these sites are an effective way to keep in touch, it is important for young people to be cybersmart and think before posting material online.

All web users have a responsibility to be mindful when publishing content online to ensure it does not breach social, religious, cultural or copyright standards.

If our school becomes aware of inappropriate content involving our staff, students or school, or images, banners, logos or our school crest are used without permission, we will take reasonable steps to ensure the content is removed.

Our school is committed to promoting a safe and supportive learning environment and students involved in the posting of inappropriate material on websites may be disciplined in line with our school’s Responsible Behavior Plan for Students

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BYOD NDSHS Charter and Acceptable Use Policy

Student Agreement I have read and understand the Information Communication Technology Acceptable Use Policy and Agreement.

I have read and agree to Noosa District State High Schools BYOD Charter and the schools responsible behavior plan.

I understand that the School’s ICT network provides me with access to a range of essential learning tools, including the internet. I understand that the internet can connect me to useful information stored on computers from around the world.

While I have access to the School’s ICT network: I will only use it for educational purposes; I will not undertake or look for anything that is illegal, dangerous or offensive; and I will not reveal my password or allow anyone else to use my school account.

Specifically in relation to e-mail and internet usage, I will: clear any offensive pictures or information from my screen; and immediately quietly inform my teacher.

I will not: reveal home addresses or phone numbers – mine or that of any other person; or use the school’s ICT network (including the internet) to annoy or offend anyone else.

I understand that if the school decides I have broken the rules for using its ICT network, appropriate action will be taken, which may include loss of access to the network (including the internet) for some time.

_______________________ Student’s name

_______________________ _____________________ Student’s signature Date

Parent or Carer Agreement I have read and understand the Information Communication Technology Acceptable Use Policy and Agreement.

I understand that the school provides my child with access to the school’s network (including the internet) for valuable learning experiences. In regards to internet access, I understand that this will give my child access to information on computers from around the world; that the school cannot control what is on those computers; and that a small part of that information can be illegal, dangerous or offensive.

I accept that, while teachers will always exercise their duty of care, protection against exposure to harmful information should depend finally upon responsible use by students/my child. Additionally, I will ensure that my child understands and adheres to the school’s appropriate behaviour requirements and will not engage in inappropriate use of the school’s ICT network.

I give permission for my child to access Web Based Services as listed in this document such as Moodle and Mathletics.

I believe ___________________ (name of student) understands this responsibility, and I hereby give my permission for him/her to access and use the school’s ICT network (including the internet) under the school rules. I understand that students breaking these rules will be subject to appropriate action by the school. This may include loss of access and usage of the school’s ICT network for some time. _______________________ Parent/Guardian’s name

_______________________ ___________________

Parent/Guardian’s signature Date

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BYOD Specs

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Websites ndshs.qld.edu.au

































References Use of ICT Systems Procedure - http://ppr.det.qld.gov.au/corp/ict/management/Procedure%20Attachments/use-of-ict-systems/use-of-ict-systems.pdf Advice for State Schools on acceptable use of ICT Facilities and Devices.

Cybersafety https://noosadistrictshs.eq.edu.au/Supportandresources/Formsanddocuments/Documents/Computer%20and%20Technology/cyberbullying-cybersafetyprintfriendlyguide.pdf

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Responsible Behaviour Plan for Students https://noosadistrictshs.eq.edu.au/Supportandresources/Formsanddocuments/Documents/Enrolment/NDSHS%20Responsible%20Behaviour%20Plan%202017.pdf

Frequently Asked Questions Will I need to bring the device to school every day? Yes. Laptops are essential tools in each classroom. How do I protect my BYOD device? It is the student’s responsibility to have their device with them at all times. Protective equipment such as bags or cases need to be organised by the parent and student to keep these devices safe while at school, and travelling to and from school. It is the responsibility of the student to look after the device while at school and kept securely in bags. Lockers are available in the IT Foyer for temporary storage of devices. Do I need to back up? Yes. It is the student’s responsibility at all times to back up all files. The school assessment policy clearly states that loss of data due to technology problems is not an acceptable reason for assessment extensions. We already have a device at home; can I use it at school? Yes, hardware and software minimum specifications are provided in this document. Will every device work inside the Education Queensland network? No. Some devices with low specifications have been found to not connect to the EQ network. These devices may have difficulty with the security filters used by Education Queensland. Will the school assist me with network connection settings at school? Limited assistance will be provided. Students will be provided with a handout of instructions and videos available from the IT Help Desk at school. An appointment can be made during breaks at the IT Help Desk by individual students for assistance in joining the network. Will the school protect the device from virus attacks? Virus protection remains the responsibility of the owner. Do I need 3G? Private 3G or 4G services are not to be used at school. The school has an effective wireless network available and it is Education Queensland’s policy that whilst at school the school web proxy must be used. Does the school provide software for my BYOD device? The Microsoft Office Suite is available free of charge for five student downloads at home. Specialist software required for some subjects will be provided to students enrolled in those courses. Can I take my BYOD device to IT for repair? The IT Department cannot perform and software or hardware repairs on a privately owned device. Will the school assist me with home internet connection settings and issues? No. Your home internet provider or local computer technician can assist you with these enquiries. Will the teacher be able to provide technical support in class? No. The IT Help Desk is open before and after school and during break times to assist students in connecting to the network. What is deemed inappropriate? All illegal (unlicensed) software; pirated music or videos; defamatory documents, or images, or any content not suitable for viewing by persons under the age of 18 are deemed inappropriate.
