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CHCA Eagles Eye Winter 2012

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Cincinnati Hills Christian Academy's Eagles Eye - winter 2012 Publication
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from theHEAD OF SCHOOLMaking every moment count As I think about all the good news at Cincinnati Hills Christian Academy, I’m perhaps most inspired by our confidence in our students’ abilities. Here at CHCA, we don’t waste any time getting to the “good stuff”. We believe that every child was purposefully created for impact and that God sends students to us with natural inquisitiveness, unique gifts and the potential for greatness. We believe we are charged as Christian educators to prepare students for a meaningful life beyond home and school.

We do this by making every moment count. Beginning when students are just starting their educational journeys and continuing up through college decision time, our highly-qualified faculty guide students in stepping outside of what comes naturally and comfortably. Together, we ask as many questions as we answer, chart new territory and become transformed in the process. This is not an approach we reserve for our brightest students, eldest students or most obviously-talented students. In fact, we take quite seriously the fun in helping everyday kids accomplish extraordinary things.

You will see this CHCA distinctive in the pages that follow and in our classrooms every day. Whether you peek in on the first lab experience of a CHCA elementary student or read of the independent aquaponics research of a CHCA high school student, you’ll know that our motto of learn, lead and serve is more than words on a plaque, it’s a way of life at CHCA. We have accomplished much in our school’s youth and we extend daily the same opportunity to every one of our students.

Each year, we are honored to watch the best version of each of our graduates go out into their world—to become inventors, innovators, and change agents, according to their unique gifts and talents. They do so for the purpose of making their world a better place and remaining at all times lifelong learners. Hundreds of CHCA alumni thrive in college and careers as servant leaders in all walks of life and we celebrate each and every one of them.

Randy BrunkHead of School

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Volume 16

EDITORBeth Andrews


CONTRIBUTORSCammie MontgomeryLiz Bronson Rosenau ‘00Kevin SavageMike Wallace

LAYOUT & DESIGNCorrie Church



Eagle’s Eye is published semi-annually by Cincinnati Hills Christian Academy

Please send address changes [email protected] call (513) 247-0900

Visit us on the web atwww.chca-oh.org

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ON THE COVER: Class of 2013 at August 2012 convocation service

2 FEATURES 2 Science and aquaponics cultivate growth 6 Our Class of 2012 graduates 8 Mosaic murals display spiritual collaboration 10 STEM program promotes hands-on learning

11 ALUMNI NEWS 11 Class Notes 14 Reunions

17 ANNUAL REPORT 17 Our donors 26 Financial reports 29 Message from the Board Finance Committee

2 6 8

10 14 26

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Here at CHCA, we speak of students in terms of “engaging God’s world” and “learning, leading and serving” so often that it’s easy to take these words for granted. As we examine the details of the CHCA experience, however, we see specific proof of CHCA’s vision to unleash students’ God given gifts through Christ-centered academic excellence. CHCA’s science program is just one way that we transform everyday learners into impactful young men and women. The Aquaponics Research Project at CHCA’s Martha S. Lindner High School is a flagship project for how CHCA uses science instruction to advance our students’ Christian worldview.

It starts with a seed

The sowing of scientifically-astute servant leaders starts early at CHCA, long before students have an opportunity to try Aquaponics in high school. CHCA teacher and former P&G researcher Dr. Lu Taylor originally launched CHCA’s Science Enhancement program in 2000 with a long view of “start kids young, grow them in the middle school and let them soar in the high school.” Beginning when children are at the height of natural inquisitiveness, the program employs a state-of-the-art lab (funded by the Promise Campaign in 2006-2009) to inspire young learners’ desire to probe the questions of God’s gifts of creation. Now led by Mindy Myers-Shiveley at EBL and Cathy Cepress at Armleder, preschool and elementary students study such advanced topics as biodiversity and atomic structure through hands-on, collaborative activities.

Mindy Myers-Shiveley explains how CHCA’s program uniquely creates a positive upward spiral for scientific understanding. “The Science Enhancement Program is a partnership between classroom teachers, administration and the Science Enhancement facilitator to expand our existing science program. Science Enhancement takes the already-rich lessons going on in the classroom and builds upon them. We work with every student from three-year-old preschoolers on up, emphasizing the theme of ‘Science is Everywhere’ and enlightening children of opportunities to serve through science. First graders, for example, learn how to reverse-engineer food by taking iron out of cereal using magnets. Then, we talk about how scientists can serve the world by extending nutrition to those in need.” Along the way, young students become comfortable with lab practices. “Even four-year-old students keep a lab journal,” remarks Mrs. Myers-Shiveley.

MAKING EVERY MOMENT COUNT Science and aquaponics cultivate growth

A CHCA Middle School science class enjoys an interactive presentation about the human circulatory system from Ethicon Endo-Surgery’s minimally-invasive

surgery expert Edward Chekan, MD.

Even CHCA’s youngest students get regular hands-on lab experience.

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As students advance to CHCA Middle School, they are challenged by applications that further their skills in data collection, technical writing and critical thinking. Middle school science teacher Teresa Null explains, “All four years of science at the Middle School are lab and inquiry-based. Though independent and cooperative projects that integrate Christian principles with technology and engineering practices, students gather, evaluate, analyze,

and interpret both qualitative and quantitative data to grapple with relevant scientific issues.” By the time these students advance to high school, they have long been comfortable with a wide range of scientific processes. When opportunities arise for CHCA high school students to pursue independent scientific research, they are well-prepared.

Such was the case for CHCA alumnus Tyler Kirbabas ’12 who “grew up” at CHCA and pursued as a CHCA senior last year both CHCA’s Environmental Science and Seminar in Research and Leadership courses. Intrigued by a sustainable agriculture project in his science class, Tyler worked with Dr. Schaefer and Mrs. Petersen

to arrange a research project under the mentorship of Dr. Savage. Having worked with Environmental Science classmates to grow edible plants like peppers, lettuce, cherry tomatoes and basil from donated heirloom seeds in a hand-made contraption of an aquarium, foam tiles, Keurig cups and two liter bottles, Tyler was eager to learn more.

CHCA’s Seminar in Research and Leadership program allows high school students the opportunity to conduct original research under the guidance of a mentor with a common interest. Dr. Savage, an eight-year veteran teacher who has a PhD in glacial geology and 15 years’ experience in environmental consulting, jumped at the chance to mentor Tyler in study of a field with potential for bringing together academics, research and service. In other words, aquaponics represented for Tyler and Dr. Savage – and, ultimately, for many CHCA students – a chance to learn, lead and serve.

From seeds sprout questions

When Tyler chose aquaponics for his research project, he never dreamed that he’d be doing publishable research that would begin a flagship CHCA program. Now a business major at the University of Cincinnati, Tyler remembers building a small-scale deep-water system for the purpose of learning how to impact the distribution of nutrients among plants. He had already learned that the water flow in an aquaponics system runs through the center of the bed and that plants at the edges therefore receive less nutrition than those located along the center line. He had also learned that water temperature at the bottom of the system was slightly different than that at the top. His questions centered only on how to impact the flow pattern of nutrients in water of an aquaponics grow bed. Continued on page 5

Other schools may have aquaponics systems in their science rooms, but CHCA has an intentionality of taking aquaponics into the community as a missions tool.” - Dr. Kevin Savage

Peter Riewald ’12 and Rory Holford ’12 holding lettuce harvested from an aquaponics system.

Grow bed built by Tyler Kirbabas ’12 as a part of his research Project. Red coloration

is dye used to simulate the flow of nutrients in an aquaponics grow bed.

Andrew Tedrick ’12, Tyler Kirbabas ’12, Joe Terry ’12 and Josh Thiel ’12 work on

construction of the first aquaponics system

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A serrano pepper in the vertical aquaponics system that is nearly ready for harvest.


Basil and kale seedlings awaiting transfer to the nutrient film technique aquaponics system. These seedlings will

mature and be harvested by early 2013.

ABOUT CHCA’s Seminar in Research and LeadershipAn innovative course at Martha S. Lindner High School, Seminar in Research and Leadership promotes students’ awareness of how to lead by moving communities forward.

Principal Dr. Dean Nicholas says of the program, “Seminar in Research and Leadership develops critical thinkers, problem solvers, and collaborative learners. A goal of this course is to nurture students’ natural curiosity and turn that interest into research agendas students might pursue beyond the class throughout their high school careers. This course provides students with the foundational skills that could lead to published articles, sponsored research, and research competition awards. Additionally, this course provides students with an academic exploration of leadership theory and skills and a laboratory in which to practice those skills.“

Led by CHCA’s Dr. Nancy Schaefer and Mrs. Jody Peterson, the unique course invites motivated students to do original research while still in high school and under the guidance of expert mentors. Mentors have included university faculty members and directors of research programs. For example, CHCA alumnus Brian Bernet ‘11 was mentored by Rita Alloway, Director of Transplant Clinical Research at University of Cincinnati Medical Center. Head of School Randy Brunk notes that the preponderance of servant leaders within our parent community provides students a real-life backdrop for their work. “It’s thrilling to see students training with leaders in healthcare, education and industry. Lisa Allgood, P&G’s Director of Regulatory Affairs for Personal Health Care, has invested heavily in training student researchers in communication, self-discovery and leadership.” As a result, mentors and guest speakers tell us that students pursuing research projects stand out among other college applicants. And students that have taken the course agree.

CHCA alumnus John Fuller ’12 focused his research on the question of how to ensure that garbage in landfills does not contaminate the surrounding environment. John’s final paper ended up defending modern landfills for their extensive protection methods (geosynthetic liners, leachate and gas collection systems,

groundwater monitoring wells and impermeable clay foundations) and their ability to generate natural gas to use as fuel. Now a chemistry major at the Colorado School of Mines and an engineering technician, John speaks highly of the course for both the skills he developed as a high school student and the boost it gave his current career. “I think the class will help me even more in the long run than it did senior year,” said Fuller. “Because of my research project and with the help of the incredible CHCA teaching staff, I have a job in the career field I intend to pursue after acquiring a college degree. I already work as an engineering technician at a nationwide environmental consulting firm. I never would have landed this incredible opportunity if I had not taken Seminar in Research and Leadership.”

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Lingering in the background, however, was the bigger question of how aquaponics might improve the lives of others. The Aquaponics Association defines aquaponics as “a synergistic growing technique in which fish and plants are grown together in the same systems. The fish waste feeds the growing plants using organic hydroponic techniques. The plants, in turn, clean and filter the water that returns to the fish environment.” The main benefit of aquaponics is that it provides a great deal of nutrition—in the form of both plants and protein—with limited resources (aquaponics uses 1/10 the amount of water required for traditional farming), making aquaponics perfect for use in areas where water and other resources are scarce.

Aquaponics combines fish farming with soilless plant growing to create a sustainable and affordable ecosystem that can then provide communities a source of both food and income. For example, the Cincinnati-based Self-Sustaining Enterprises successfully used aquaponics in Cincinnati before building a solar-powered system in the village of Jos, Nigeria where there is no electricity or running water. Their goal is to supplement plant nutrition, protein and income. The practice has similar

AJ Walden ’13 and Melissa Smith ’13 test water samples from a deep-water culture

aquaponics system.

potential for “food deserts” in our own neighboring urban communities where nutrition is in short supply, grocery stores are out of walking range and jobs are hard to come by. Dr. Savage explains that CHCA students can impact communities near and far through their understanding of self-sustainable agriculture. “Aquaponics is as relevant for the Over-the-Rhine area of Cincinnati as it is for Nigeria.” Dr. Savage sees opportunities for presenting deep learning in a Christ-centered classroom, stating, “Other schools may have aquaponics systems in their science rooms, but CHCA has an intentionality of taking aquaponics into the community as a missions tool. The questions of global change lead to questions about how to feed the world’s population without using up our resources. These lead to questions about sustainable agriculture. These lead to questions about aquaponics.”

From questions come growth

Through his research, Tyler determined that the implementation of a baffle system could keep nutrients in contact with plant roots longer and more uniformly distribute nutrients among the plants. He also concluded that if the temperature of the incoming water supply differs from that in the bed more than a degree and a half, the likelihood of the incoming water to come into contact with the roots of plants of differing maturity changes. These are real answers that, at the time of Tyler’s research, aquaponics-based corporations had not begun to research.

The aquaponics community took notice. Dr. Savage has spoken at two conferences including one earlier this fall. His presentation entitled “Aquaponics: Weaving a Common Thread Through the Fabric of a Multi-Discipline High School Science Program” is teaching other schools how to successfully integrate the study of aquaponics into a science curriculum. Dr. Savage has written two grants and is about to submit a third, all for the purpose of pursuing more learning and sharing the knowledge with others. And his Twitter account enjoys a following of over 900 “aquapons” who keep an eye on the continuing work at CHCA.

Tyler’s initial research has opened the door to about twelve new questions being probed by over 100 CHCA students in environmental science, biology and physics classes. Current CHCA student Che Li has started an independent Chemistry study in aquaponics. There is obvious potential for aquaponics research in economics, social studies, Christian studies and in students’ future careers. Dr. Savage encourages his students to remember the words of Luke 12:48 which speak to the responsibility to learn, lead and serve every day, “To those whom much is given, much will be expected.”

Even four-year-old students keep a lab journal.

- Mindy Myers-Shiveley‘‘

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Katherine AndersonTheodore AndrewsCameron ArmstrongLaura AtkinsAmanda BarryDominique BaxterSamuel BeckerMackenzie BerghRyan BlackMatthew BlankenshipKate BohananAnna CampbellAlexis CarusoYoung Jae ChunCyle CucinottaHolly DahmusAllison DanielTyler DixonPierson DunnGe’Ana EllisMichelle FeeneyReginald FletcherEmma FraserJohn FullerNolan GeorgeHannah GoodwinEmily GreinwaldStephanie GreveyHannah GrubbJohn HandelsmanJennifer (Yujie) HeJoseph HeathKellie HesseTara HodgeRory Holford

Jeffrey HorstingAlexa HufferMyles JacksonZachary JamesAdrian (JaeYun) JeongSheridan JonasAustin JonesChristopher JoplinAnn Marie KadnarSarah KelleyTyler KirbabasTanner KuremskyLogan Lally Vicky LantzBenjamin LappsElizabeth LyleMike (Sichao) MaJacob MarshMallory MassaAdam McCollumAnna McDonnellCraig McGinlayJenna McLeodRyan McNamaraWilliam MeyerBrandon MooreTucker MorrowCourtney MyersCara NwankwoJames O’BannonElizabeth OttenjohnMichaela OwenEllen PackerGrace Paschall

Students in the Class of 2012were accepted into 140 colleges and universities. They are attending the following schools:Asbury University • Auburn University • Baylor University • Biola University • Bowling Green State University • Butler UniversityCarthage College • Clemson University • Colorado School of MinesColumbia College • Denison University • DePaul University • Duke University • Eastern Michigan University • Elon University • Furman University • Georgia Institute of Technology • Grove City CollegeHillsdale College • Indiana University • Indiana Wesleyan UniversityKent State University • Lee University • Lipscomb University Miami University • Miami University Hamilton • Montana State University • Northern Kentucky University • Ohio University Otterbein University • Penn State University • Purdue University Robert Morris University • Samford University • Southern Methodist University • St. Edward’s University • Taylor University • The King’s College NYC • The Ohio State University • Tiffin University University of Alabama • University of Alabama Tuscaloosa • University of Cincinnati • University of Cincinnati Blue Ash CampusUniversity of Cincinnati CCM • University of Dayton • University of Delaware • University of Florida/College of Engineering • University of Glamorgan • University of Illinois • University of KentuckyUniversity of Mississippi • University of Notre Dame • University of Tennessee • University of Wisconsin • Virginia Tech • Wake Forest University • West Virginia Wesleyan College • Wheaton College Xavier University

Abigail PateMackensie PflegerRoger PhelpsSarah PowelMorgan PrescottJonathan PriceAmanda PritchardJamie PropPeter RiewaldHaley RudolphAlexandra SchaffeldStephanie SchlosserThane SchmittBenjamin ScottBridget SimpsonAustin SkoglundHannah StaubBenjamin StevensMeredith StutzBrian TaylorNicholas TaylorAndrew TedrickBenjamin TedrickTyler TepfenhartMegan TerlauJoseph TerryJacob ThielJoshua ThielZachary ThomasEliseo VizcainoTyler VonderhaarBrit WaddleEmily WaltonRyan WilliamsLauren Zabbatino


Class of 2012 Salutatorian Michelle Feeney and Valedictorian Amanda Pritchard

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Students who performed 200-299 service hours

Austin Skoglund, Adrian Jeong, Hannah Staub, Matthew Blankenship, Dominique Baxter, Joshua Thiel, Grace Paschall, William Meyer, Mackenzie Bergh, Chris Joplin, Brit Waddle (not pictured - Ben Tedrick)

Students who performed 400-499 service hours

Tanner Kuremsky, Amanda Pritchard, Elizabeth Ottenjohn, Mallory Massa

ON JUNE 3, 2012, 104 students of the Class of 2012 graduated in the Martha S. Lindner High School gym. The Class of 2012 is an accomplished class with achievements in academics, athletics, fine arts and service. Though the graduation requirement for service is 120 hours, many gave far more than the minimum. In total, the Class of 2012 served nearly 24,000 hours and averaged three mission trips each.

Students who performed 300-399 service hours

Alexis Caruso, Emily Greinwald, Laura Atkins, Michelle Feeney, Zach Thomas, Logan Lally, Joseph Heath, Tyler Vonderhaar, Katie Anderson, Bridget Simpson, Sarah Kelley, Michaela Owen, Cyle Cucinotta, Alexa Huffer, Ellen Packer, Kate Bohanan (not pictured – Elizabeth Lyle)

Students who performed over 500 service hours

Amanda Barry and Cara Nwankwo (over 600 hours); Adam McCollum and Ben Stevens (over 500 hours); Lauren Zabbatino (over 1000 hours); Meredith Stutz (over 600 hours)

Other Service Awards

Clockwise from top left:

Cara NwankwoServant Leadership Award

SOS Leadership Award

Mallory MassaMayerson Service Leadership Award

Lauren ZabbatinoOver 1,000 service hours

Bridget SimpsonPresidential Service Award


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MAKING EVERY MOMENT COUNTMosaic murals display spiritual collaboration

Clockwise from top left: 2005 - Noah’s Ark (Class of 2013); 2004 - Jonah and the Whale (Class of 2012); 2008 - Daniel and the Lion’s Den (Class of 2016); 2010/2011/2012 - Birth of Jesus (Class of 2018) / Life of Jesus (Class of 2019) / Death and Resurrection of Jesus (Class of 2020); 2008 - Psalm 23; 2009 - Nehemiah

Rebuilds the Walls of Jerusalem (Class of 2017); 2007 - Moses Parts the Red Sea (Class of 2015)

Center image: 2006 - Creation (Class of 2014)

To fully appreciate the beauty and scale of the murals, visit Edyth B. Lindner Elementary School. In total, the collection spans over 30 linear feet.


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FEATUREStomb, visiting women, angels, Jerusalem and the cross on the hill. In creating this panel, the children studied John 14:6 in which Jesus said, “I am the way the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father but through me.”

For the students, the murals represent an opportunity to pray, learn and work with classmates as they provide lasting art for their school. For Marosi, the murals provide a unique tool for connecting students with one another and with Christ. “I think this project sends a message that art is something everyone can be a part of,” Marosi says. “Each tile is part of the bigger picture, which shows them how everyone is part of the body of Christ.” Marosi also sees the mosaic projects as a mission. “It’s a calling from God,” she says. “It reminds me thatteaching is a ministry, not just a job. A lot of prayer andworship goes into each mural and I hope they remindstudents and teachers and all visitors the importance ofscripture and how it should impact all our lives.”

The murals bless those who created them as well as those who enjoy them. Fine Arts Director Mona Summers recognizes that it takes a special teacher with plenty of support to develop such an impressive collection. “While I love the beautiful murals with the handcrafted tiles by our fourth graders, Dawn’s inspiration and the story behind each mural are what make them truly special,” she says. “Dawn gives up one to two weeks every summer to put the murals together so that each fourth grader has a permanent artistic memory of their EBL experience. I am so thankful to the Friends of Fine Arts for funding these works.” EBL Principal Sandy Breitholle adds her praise. “We love the murals here at EBL, especially knowing that each student has had a part in their development. Whenever I pass one, I am flooded with the Lord’s peace as I reflect on the story that is depicted. In addition, I feel such a sense of joy as I am reminded of all the students that have been here and have touched our lives in very special ways.”


When reflecting on the legacies left by CHCA students, it’s perhaps more natural to think of high school valedictorians, star quarterbacks, talented performers and passionate service leaders than of elementary art students. At CHCA’s Edyth B. Lindner Elementary School, however, hundreds of fourth grade students have collaborated over the better part of a decade to provide one of CHCA’s most beautiful examples of its thriving Christ-centered community. Better yet, this effort is on permanent display in vivid color within the halls of Edyth B. Elementary building.

Under the guidance of art teacher Dawn Marosi, every fourth grade class since 2004 has created a mosaic mural based on a passage of scripture. CHCA now enjoys a collection of ten murals which range in size from 4’ x 6’ to 5’ x 8’ and that capture the personality of each class as well as the creativity of individual students. Marosi prayerfully plans the mural design in advance and then, after sharing the Bible story and related scripturewith the children, allows each student to make at least one

individual mosaic tile during the school year. Using these tiny clay shapes of animals, Bible characters, flowers, houses and stars, Marosi constructs the full scene during the summer, making sure to invite the rising middle school students to return and see their mural. “The murals have always been a highlight for me and I have spent many hours praying over them and seeking the Lord for His direction on which Bible story to focus on,” says Marosi. “The students are very responsive to the message that the Lord gives through the story and my prayer has always been that the message carries them through to the middle school and encourages them to follow the Lord in all circumstances.”

During the last three years, three murals were put together to make one large triptych-style mural that depicts the birth, life, and death and resurrection of Jesus. The 2010 mural shows the birth of Jesus which includes angels, shepherds, kings and a few animals at the stable with the holy family. The 2011 displays the life of Jesus and includes 20 story panels representing the miracles and teachings of Jesus. The 2012 mural illustrates the death and resurrection of Jesus through scenes of the open

TO READ MORE about the specific scripture passages that inspired the murals, please go to the Spiritual Life section of chca-oh.org.

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Armleder’s STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) Program is presented to all grade levels as either a primary special, a science lab integration or a middle school required class. The goal of the program is for all students to understand and apply the engineering design process and the scientific method using technology applications and applied mathematics. Students are taught to apply critical thinking and problem solving skills while learning the importance of teamwork skills needed for their future.

“STEM skills are an essential element of a well-rounded education. As our country expands its capacity and diversity in a global marketplace, we’re preparing our students with the 21st century skills to be critically thinking problem solvers and innovators for this expansion,” says Principal Cammie Montgomery.

The multidisciplinary approach encourages students to apply their understanding to increasingly complex applications. Kindergarteners, for example, build structures using triangles and then test the structures for strength. Middle school students later use this same

concept in designing and constructing egg drop containers and toothpick bridges. Another example of STEM integration is the introduction to robotics using the LEGO WeDo systems to third and fourth graders. Students develop an understanding for a foundation of engineering hardware and computer technology. By seventh and eighth grades, students can design, construct, program, and troubleshoot robots using LEGO Mindstorms NXT 2.1.

Technology and STEM teacher Mrs. Barb Bodley is excited about the results and potential of the program. “We are committed to exposing students to the endless possibilities of future careers in STEM. For example, we were excited when the sixth grade students transferred their knowledge of Bernoulli’s Principle using science, technology engineering and math with their paper airplanes,” says Mrs. Bodley. “Our trip to the Wright Patterson Museum was like a candy store for them! All of our engineers-in-the-making were eager to observe wing shapes and spans and load and thrust of planes spanning several generations.”

MAKING EVERY MOMENT COUNTSTEM program promotes hands-on learning

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Ee ALUMNI NEWSAlumni Class Notes

1996Karly (Kolb) Adams and her husband Lee moved back to Milford this past summer with their 4-year-old son, Wylie. Karly and Lee look forward to living together as a family again as Lee completes his Army career and returns from Ft. Drum, New York where he was stationed. Karly is a special education teacher in an EBD unit teaching at “a gem of a school” in Campbell County, KY. She is the special education teacher in an EBD unit and she loves her job. She has enjoyed reuniting with some fellow CHCA alumni since returning home.

1997Riaka (Jackson) Shackelford currently resides in Grand Rapids, Michigan. She and husband Dante, a Wealth Management Advisor for Merrill Lynch / Bank of America, welcomed Princeton Aubrey Shackelford on July 30. Riaka stays at home to care for

Princeton and his big brother, Diego. Riaka and Dante celebrated their wedding anniversary on September 13.

Erika (Wasilewski) Dollard and her husband Karl welcomed their first little girl, Nora Fox Dollard, on October 20, 2012. Erika works as a physician assistant with Walden Pond Medical Care and resides in Oakley, Ohio.

1999Kristina (Gray) Binder and her husband welcomed their first daughter, Lindsey Ann, on July 1, 2012. Lindsey joins big brothers Johnathan (10), Kyle (6), Sean (5) and Caleb (4).

Sammy Schottenstein completed medical/bioethics school at the University of Pennsylvania and then started a company to help people of faith get into ivy league schools. “My business takes a holistic approach to using proven and tailored strategies

to capitalize on your strengths. We help you develop a memorable personal statement, superb résumé, and other ingredients that play a crucial role in your results. Whether you have already written a draft of your personal statement or are unsure of how to even begin, we can help you get into some of the most competitive schools in the world. Our goal is to lead you to victory. The moment you sign up, we will contact you to help you select the service that best works for your needs. One of our consultants (including myself) will help you throughout the entire process.” Sammy developed eight test preparation applications for the SAT, ACT, GRE, LSAT, MCAT, and DAT under the name Testbro, available through the Apple Store or Android Market.

Brad Stinson, his wife Jen and sons Caleb (5) and Grayson (3) were excited to add a third boy to their life when William Elliot Stinson was born August 22. Their family has resided in Nashville, Tennessee for the past six years. Brad works for Liberty Mutual Group as a

Senior Branch Manager and Jen stays at home with the three boys. Brad and Jen are heavily involved in their church, with Jen helping out with children’s and women’s ministries and Brad is the Mens’ Ministry Coordinator. Brad also volunteers with In His Grip, a ministry that introduces men to God through the game of golf.

2000Ryan Betscher joined Mike Choi ‘02, Luke Hitchcock ‘02 and Brett Lovelette ‘02 for pizza while he was in New York City on business. “We all had a great time catching up and laughing about old times.”

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Lita (Hitchcock) Holman opened an Etsy Shop a year and a half ago. Called Kindly Reply, the store offers custom invitations, cards, digital art and other paper goods. Lita lives in Deer Park with her husband, Ryan, and their two children, Grace

(almost 4) and Noah (2).

Krystal (Klendworth) Kleine and husband, Charlie, welcomed Charles Henry Kleine IV on September 5, 2012. She shares, “He is a joy and blessing in my life. My husband and I thoroughly enjoy being parents!”

Allison (Vansickle) McGee lives in Seattle and married Corey in the middle of a January blizzard! Several CHCA alumni braved the weather and traveled to the wedding. Allison and Corey own a CrossFit gym where she runs a CrossFit Kids program. They still find plenty of time to backpack and ski and are blessed to spend a lot of time with Erin (Dowd) Fish ‘00 who recently moved to the area.

2001Sarah (Price) Stokes says the past year has been exciting and humbling for her as an artist. Two of her paintings won a juried competition with the Marietta Cobb Museum of Art and she recently had an opening with a Charlotte area gallery. Sarah is now in the process

of signing with a world-renowned international art publisher based in Atlanta and in October successfully launched Pink Art, an art benefit for breast cancer research and awareness. “Caring for my two toddler boys while juggling studio time and art shows is far from easy, but I am so thankful to be able to pursue my passions and use the gifts God gave me.”

2002Wes and Dori (Dostal) Edmonson are proud to announce the birth of their first child, Oliver Wesley, born on July 5, 2012. The Edmonsons are enjoying all the blessings that come along with parenthood.

2003Jonathan Beck recently earned his Master of Biblical Studies with a Master of Divinity in Old Testament from Asbury Theological Seminary. He continues to tutor Hebrew students at the college and graduate levels and is a faculty member of Sevenstar Academy’s Bible department. He also is now studying to enter a PhD program in Biblical Studies with a focus on Hebrew and Old Testament.

Sarah (Garber) Bitzer and husband, Zachary reside in Cincinnati with their son, Xander, born September 28, 2012. Sarah teaches at Holy Family Catholic School in Covington, Kentucky and her husband works at Fidelity Investments.

Janelle (Nutter) and Alex Haus married in 2010 and bought a house in Loveland where they reside with their two dogs. Janelle is a nurse at Bethesda North where she recently transferred from cardiac nursing to labor and delivery; Alex does billing and accounting.

Jennifer (Flint) Terhar and her husband have recently taken new paths in their lives. Jennifer has started her own business offering tax and consulting services to individuals and small businesses across Cincinnati and he is completing police academy training and will become a sworn police officer

on December 11. Their son, Bradley, just celebrated his first birthday.

2005Erin Blake finished Teach for America in 2011 in New York City. (Teach For America is the national corps of top college graduates and professionals who commit to teach for two years in urban and rural public schools.) Erin currently works at Barclays in equity research in New York City. She lives with CHCA alumni Gabby Denker ‘05 and Kelly Meade ‘05.

Andrew Bradford graduated with a bachelor’s in psychology and then pursued his passion for serving the non-profit world. After working as the Associate Director of Development for the YMCA of Greater Toledo, he was hired as an Executive Director with CCS Fundraising, a

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ALUMNI NEWSglobal consulting firm that works strictly with non-profits. This transition lets Andrew work with every sector of the non-profit world and further the mission of up to ten non-profits each year. Working with small associations like the Dubuque Regional Humane Society and large health care foundations allows Andrew to draw upon the values CHCA instilled in him. He says, “The emphasis on community service {at CHCA}has shaped my career.”

Gabriella Denker earned a Master of Arts in Personality and Psychopathology from Columbia University in 2011. She is now employed with Columbia University Medical Center and works in the Molecular Imaging and Neuropathology Division. She is engaged to Brad Blinn to be married May 2013. She currently shares an apartment in New York City with former CHCA classmates Erin Blake ‘05 and Kelly Meade ‘05.

2006Carrie Campbell will be completing her master’s degree in Viola Performance at McGill University in December 2012. She became engaged on July 13, 2012 to Jeremy VanSlyke and they will wed in Cincinnati on June 22, 2013. Carrie is currently auditioning for

symphony orchestras and also has some violin and viola students. Carrie says, “After we get married, Jeremy and I plan to move wherever either one of us gets a job and we are very excited to see where God leads us!”

John Riester (Horvath) is in his third year of medical school at The Ohio State College of Medicine. He is doing rotations through the various fields of medicine and will apply for medical residency next summer. John’s undergraduate study was at Miami University, where he graduated

Magna Cum Laude with a degree in zoology in the pre-med program. He continues to play soccer in his free time. His name change to John Riester honors his mother’s maiden name.

Jonathan Wallace started his own business selling Medicare Health Insurance and says he is doing very well. “I got married to Danielle, my best friend from college, in September and we couldn’t be happier.”

2007Matt Evans transferred from the University of Cincinnati to Samford University in Birmingham where he graduated last December with a degree in finance. He now works for Orange Development, Inc., a real estate development company, and also just bought a house in Birmingham so he appears to be settled there for the near future.

Christina (Karam) Painter recently founded Stir Crazy Cuisine, a personal chef service in Cincinnati, with friend and business partner Debbie Gilman. Services include weekly meal preparation, personal and group cooking classes, and decadent baked-goods. Christina says, “We promise to make your

life fun, easy, and positively delicious! Please visit our website www.stircrazycuisine.com.”

Danielle (Spear) Warner was married in May 2011 to Carl Warner following their graduation from Taylor University. The couple is lives in Muncie, Indiana where Danielle is working towards a Master of Clinical Mental Health Counseling at Ball State University. Danielle says, “We are expecting our first child in June and couldn’t be more excited!”

2009Margaux Andrews qualified for Honors and was included on the Dean’s List at Peabody College of Vanderbilt this past May. She earned this

recognition by maintaining a 4.0 grade point average while carrying 12 or more graded hours. This past summer, she interned with L’Oreal (Paris division) at their US headquarters in New York City. After an extensive, 11 week program, Margaux was offered a position with their marketing team commencing after her 2013 spring graduation. Pictured left to right, Tommy Andrews ‘05, Matula Gregory (grandmother) and Margaux Andrews ‘09.

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Sarah Eslick recently released her debut single as an independent contemporary Christian artist in the pop/urban genre. The single, called Daughter of Eve, is now available on iTunes and Amazon. Sarah was chosen from the student body to perform in Belmont

University’s Annual Christian Music Showcase that features four Christian artists who perform in a stadium setting and receive feedback from multiple industry professionals. Sarah is working on publication of a young women’s devotional entitled Perfect and is now preparing to graduate this December with a Bachelor’s of Music in Commercial Vocal Performance from Belmont University. She plans to begin a full time career in the Christian music industry.

CHCA’s 17th Annual Alumni Soccer Game

On August 17, 2012, the current CHCA soccer team was challenged in a friendly game with alumni. Alumni pictured in back row; left to right: Kyle Neyer ’08, Chris Koenig ’00, Tyler Collins ’00, Joe Reifenberg ’10, Jeremy Smith ’11, Jason Born ’95 and Jon Adams ’95. Alumni pictured in front row, left to right: Nick Williams ’08, Mike Compton ’05, Dan Pohl ’03.

Pictured left: Jason Born and Jon Adams, students from CHCA’s first graduating class of 1995, served as team captains under the direction of CHCA teacher (and original soccer coach) Steve McCollum. Both Jason and Jon were on the undefeated 1992 CHCA soccer team that won the Eagle Invitational Championship that year.

Pictured right: Jon’s and Jason’s sons Drew and Landon enjoyed watching the game as they learned about how to “Win Twice.”

• Class of 2002 Ten Year Reunion •The class of 2002 celebrated their ten year reunion at Via Vite Italian Bistro this past summer. They finished out the evening at a Cincinnati Reds baseball game.

• Class of 2012 Lifers Reunion •In May, the Class of 2012 Lifers Reunion brought together “Lifer” students (those who attended CHCA from kindergarten through twelfth grade) with some favorite CHCA faculty and staff.

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The Gift of Giving blesses the CHCA community

I am so thankful to be a first grade teacher at CHCA. As I look back over my 23 years on staff, I can’t imagine my life without the school. I have been privileged to be part of many children’s lives and I have been encouraged by the wonderful parents and employees in this school community. It has been a joy to see God shower His blessings on our school and it has been an honor to be a small part of our school’s journey. When I came to Ohio in 1990, CHCA was striving for academic excellence in a Christ-centered environment. CHCA continues to live out this vision that is still compelling and strong. I am blessed to give back to this community that has impacted so many lives and enriched my own life.

SUZANNE KLOSTERTeacher of 23 years; alumni parent of two graduates (classes of 1996 and 1998)

The Gift of Giving prepares students for impact

As CHCA parents of a 2012 graduate and a high school junior, we have delighted over the years in watching our children grow up at CHCA. We have just returned from a great visit with our son Tanner who is now a freshman engineering student at Virginia Tech. We are grateful to find him, right out of the gate, very successful with the transition to college life and his course work. He is even tutoring other students in his dorm in Calculus and Chemistry. Tanner said he is certainly well-prepared academically, and for this we credit his 13 years at CHCA.

WENDY & MICHAEL KUREMSKYParents of alumnus and current student

The Gift of Giving makes all of our lives richer

I never knew how much the Gift of Giving campaign would affect me. Some of my closest friends have been blessed by the gifts of others and, because of this, I have been blessed as well. If it were not for the generosity of these donors, I might not have met some of my best friends. Those who are given financial aid are not the only ones who benefit from these gifts; the students, the families, and the kingdom of God are all enhanced and blessed by the generosity of those who donate.

ALEX STEVENSCurrent CHCA student; Student Spiritual Life Director for Martha S. Lindner High School Continued on page 16

Every day, we have opportunities to bless and be blessed. Being God’s hands and feet to those around us is part of what makes us who we are as a CHCA community. CHCA believes that in order to prepare to serve a diverse world, we must provide an environment with students from different backgrounds, broadening our thinking and acceptance of others. We desire a classroom that challenges students to debate ideas, challenge ways of doing things and reach beyond their own experiences.

Significant resources are needed to meet the current needs of the school community and as a young school we rely on your extra help to provide these financial resources so that 100% of the qualified tuition assistance need can be funded.

• About two out of every 18 North Campus students are receiving need-based tuition assistance• On average, only 60% of the demonstrated need is met by the $650,000 currently distributed to North Campus families• About 18% of students who left CHCA in 2012 cited financial constraints for their reason for not returning• Families who came before us shared their financial blessings to build well-equipped facilities, hire esteemed faculty and staff and implement award-winning curriculum. It is the blessing of our investment that completes this picture with a robust tuition assistance program.

CHCA is more than a school – it’s a community where lives are changed on a daily basis. Here are some personal perspectives on the Gift of Giving at CHCA:

The Gift of GivingBless our students and be blessed in return

Why Give?

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Soaring Eagle Circle of Giving 2012Celebrating a legacy of GenerosityCHCA’s Soaring Eagle Circle of Giving 2012 is comprised of members of our community who have given to the Gift of Giving annual campaign for fifteen or more years, those who have given $100,000 or more over their lifetime or those who gave at least $2500 to the 2011-2012 Gift of Giving annual campaign. These donors, who have given sacrificially and faithfully to advance our school, were recognized on June 21 at the home of CHCA founding family members Mary and Ron Beshear. Abbie Marosi ’11 played the violin as honored guests—who included faculty, administration, founding families, alumni, current parents, grandparents and alumni parents—arrived for a special evening that featured a celebration dinner and fellowship with others who are passionate about CHCA’s mission. After an opening prayer by Board of Trustees President Brian Gardner, emcee Ron Beshear introduced featured alumni who shared how CHCA has influenced their lives.

Event Committee Members: Lou Ann and Mark Beadle, Catherine Bell, Mary and Ron Beshear, Lori and Bob Bedinghaus, Kathy and Peter Bronson, Debbie and Joe Brooks, Nancy and Randy Brunk, Jenny and Rolando Collado, Christine and Brendon Hansford, Joan Osborne, Dawn and Dennis Packer, Terry and Burr Robinson, Betsy and Dan Riewald, Anne Venters

Featured Alumni: Jon Adams ‘95, Ben Beshear ‘97, Liz Bronson ‘00, Abbie Marosi ‘11, Daris Sneed ‘09, Kristen Stutz ‘99, Josh Thiel ‘12, Josh Willman ‘11

The Gift of Giving helps to build God’s Kingdom

Investing in a Christ-centered, high quality education for our children is extremely important to us. We have had a wonderful experience here at CHCA. Our children have had the opportunity to develop and grow their talents as they learn, lead and serve. In the process, they are representing God’s kingdom, while significantly impacting and influencing the global world in which we all live. An important aspect of CHCA’s mission is to build an engaged, diverse school community, one where we can learn from different backgrounds and perspectives. Therefore, it is a blessing for us to have the opportunity, through The Gift of Giving, to invest in others who desire to be a part of this great vision. As others are afforded the same privilege as our children, together they can change the world. Lastly, the Bible reminds us to “Give and you will receive. Your gift will return to you in full--pressed down, shaken together to make room for more, running over, and poured into your lap. The amount you give will determine the amount you get back” (Luke 6:38). The Foust family can truly attest to the manifestation of this scripture in our lives.

KATINA & MICHAEL FOUSTParents of two current CHCA students

Why Give?

Want to be part of the blessing? Supporting CHCA has never been easier. Fill out the pledge card inside this issue or visit chca-oh.org/givenow or contact Rebecca Sequeira in the Advancement Office at 513-247-9944x251.

SOARING EAGLE Circle of Giving

Honoring those who lead through giving

Before CHCA could be the school it is today, a few families took the lead in funding a dream of academic excellence in a Christ-centered environment. The blessing of their gifts is evident in the outstanding programs, faculty and facilities our students enjoy today.

You have a chance to carry on this legacy of generosity by giving back to CHCA, the school that is training the next generation of leaders.

Ready to take the lead? Here are three ways to be part of the Soaring Eagle Circle of Giving (any one qualifies you):

• Make an annual Gift of Giving donation of $2,500 or more• Give to CHCA’s annual campaign for 15 years or more• Have a lifetime record of support to CHCA of $100,000+

Your leadership will inspire others to support CHCA.

TO LEARN MORE, contact Anne Venters in the CHCA Advancement Department at 247-9944 x211 or at [email protected].

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(gifts received July 1, 2011 to June 30, 2012) + denotes 5 or more years of support++ denotes 10 or more years of support+++ denotes 15 or more years of support++++ denotes 20 or more years of support* denotes matching gift donor

$10,000+Mr. and Mrs. Joe Brooks +Mr. and Mrs. Randy Brunk +Mr. and Mrs. Perry DrososMr. and Mrs. Chet Fuller +Mr. and Mrs. Brian Gardner +Mr. and Mrs. Chris KoobMr. and Mrs. John Topits ++

$5000 - $9999Bambeck & Vest Assoc. Inc.Mr. and Mrs. Brien Bolsinger * ++Mr. and Mrs. John EckertMr. and Mrs. Chuck EhlersMr. and Mrs. Jack Horvath +Dr. and Mrs. Tim Johnson +++Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kuremsky ++Mrs. Joan Osborne * ++Parent Teacher FellowshipMr. and Mrs. Gary Price ++Mr. and Mrs. Jack Roy +++Mr. and Mrs. Greg Simpson* +Mr. and Mrs. Doug Tyger *Mr. Larry Vizcaino and Dr. Clarissa Rosas * +

$2500-$4999Biz Com Electric, Inc.Mr. and Mrs. Joel Campbell, III ++Mr. and Ms. John CarsonThe Cincinnati Air Conditioning Co.Ms. Cindy Coggins ++Dr. and Mrs. Tim Conley ++Mr. and Mrs. Mike Ellison +++Dr. and Mrs. Doug Feeney ++Mr. Garth Finch ++Mrs. Michele Finch ++Dr. Terry Flum and Dr. Denise Decker-FlumDr. and Mrs. Michael Foust * +Mr. and Mrs. David Gregory * +Mr. and Mrs. Brendon Hansford +Mr. and Mrs. Lee KnoseMr. and Mrs. Scott Lyle * +Dr. and Mrs. John Mashny +Mr. and Mrs. Tim MassaMiami Valley Paperhanging, Inc.Mr. and Mrs. Brendan MurrayDr. and Mrs. Paul NohMr. and Mrs. Phil Ochs, IV * ++Dr. Art Pancioli and Dr. Rita Girard ++Mr. and Mrs. Jim PekarekMr. and Mrs. Jeff Pyle +Mr. and Mrs. David Taylor +Mr. and Mrs. David Thompson, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Brad Trucksis +++Mr. and Mrs. Eric Venters +Dr. and Mrs. Luke Wibowo

$1000 - 2499Mrs. Lisa Allgood ++Mr. and Mrs. Evan Andrews ++Mr. and Mrs. Joel Ashman *Mr. and Mrs. Bob Bedinghaus ++++Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Bell +Mr. and Mrs. Ben Beshear ‘97 +Mr. and Mrs. Ron Beshear * +++Mr. Bill Blessing +++Mr. and Mrs. David BoothMr. and Mrs. David Bowen +Mr. and Mrs. David Brainer +Dr. and Mrs. Gregg BrunsMr. and Mrs. Norbert Bruns +Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Carnes +Mr. and Mrs. Scott Carter ++Dr. and Mrs. Madhu ChalasaniMr. and Mrs. Bill ClippardMr. and Mrs. Scott Collins ++Mr. and Mrs. Jason CrichtonMr. and Mrs. Rich Cross ++Dr. and Mrs. Dan Debo +Mr. and Mrs. Steve DonahueDorn Fire ProtectionMr. and Mrs. Craig Easterday ++Mr. and Mrs. John Eng *Mr. and Mrs. David Falk ++Mr. and Mrs. Mark FoutchDr. Michel Ghastine and Dr. Ghada Khalife ++Mr. and Mrs. Mike GliattiMr. and Mrs. Bill Goodwin ++Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hall ++Mr. Dean Hamilton and Mrs. Beverly Grant ++Mr. and Mrs. Jay Harrison, Jr. *Mr. and Mrs. Bill Haslem +Mr. Jason and Dr. Becky Hayden *Mr. and Mrs. John Horning +Dr. Chao Huang and Dr. Kristy Gau *Mr. and Mrs. Tom Humphrey +Mr. and Mrs. Josh Joseph *Mr. and Mrs. Brad KaemmerMr. and Mrs. Dan Keating +++Keating Muething & Klekamp ++Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Kelley ++Mr. and Mrs. John Landrum *Mr. and Mrs. Chris Larger +Mr. and Mrs. Brian Lawlor *Mr. and Mrs. Guenter LensgesMr. and Mrs. Ray Lowrey, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. John Lucas *Mr. and Mrs. Keith LumMr. and Mrs. Ernest Marshall, Jr. *Mr. and Mrs. John Mattes +Mr. and Mrs. Bill McBrayer, IVMr. and Mrs. Greg McDaniel *Mr. and Mrs. Brad MeyerMr. and Mrs. John Mirlisena +Dr. Kent and Dr. Heather MorrisMr. and Mrs. Gregory Morrison +Mr, and Mrs. Bryan MorrowMr. and Mrs. John MulcahyMr. and Mrs. Dave Neyer * ++Mr. and Mrs. Don NeyerMr. and Mrs. Evans Nwankwo ++Mr. and Mrs. Steve Otto

Mr. and Mrs. Michael OwenMr. and Mrs. Scott PaschkeMr. and Mrs. Todd Pfister ++Mr. and Mrs. Jim PhelpsMr. and Mrs. Ted Phelps, Jr. +++Dr. Abe and Dr. Joyce Philip +++Dr. Jerome Puryear, Jr. and Dr. Latonya Brown-PuryearQueen City Acoustical Inc.Dr. and Mrs. Randy Randolph, Jr. +Mr. and Mrs. Bill Rempe +Mr. and Mrs. Randy RennersMr. and Mrs. Rick RiccettiMr. and Mrs. Dave Roberts * +Mr. and Mrs. Gregg Schuler +++Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Scott * ++Mr. and Mrs. Mike Skoglund * +Mr. and Mrs. Art StagnaroMr. Jay Steidle ++Dr. Jeff and Dr. Lori StotzMr. and Mrs. Jim Stull ++Dr. and Mrs. Uly Tandoc ++Mr. and Mrs. Paul Trenz ++Mr. and Mrs. Steve Veldhuis +Mr. and Mrs. Rob Westbrook, IIIMr. and Mrs. Bob WilliamsDr. and Mrs. Eric Wittkugel +++Mr. and Mrs. Scott Workman +Mr. and Mrs. Todd Young +Mr. Jay Younkin and Mrs. Patti Ellison- Younkin

$1 - $999Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Abbs ‘99 ++Mr. and Mrs. John Abel, III +Mr. Lee and Mrs. Karly (Kolb ’96) Adams +Mr. and Mrs. Mark AgertonMr. and Mrs. George AllanMs. Katherine Anderson ‘12Mrs. Nancy Anderson ++Mr. and Mrs. Steve AndersonMr. and Mrs. Charlie Andrews ++Mr. Ted Andrews ‘12Mr. Tommy Andrews ‘05Mr. and Mrs. Steven Andry +Mr. Cameron Armstrong ‘12Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Armstrong +Ms. Laura Atkins ‘12Mr. Ryan Atkins ‘07Mr. Todd and Rev. Michelle Bacon ++Mr. and Mrs. Jim Bagby +Mr. and Mrs. Brian Bailey +Mr. and Mrs. Gerard Baillely ++Dr. and Mrs. Mike BallesterMr. Eric BalowMs. Judi Balzano +Mr. and Mrs. Dean Barnett, Jr.Mr. John Barnhart ‘04Mr. and Mrs. Norm Barnhart ++Mr. Thomas Barnhart ‘08Ms. Michelle Barron +Ms. Sonja Basham +Mr. and Mrs. Rich BauerMr. Bill Bauman +++Ms. Dominique Baxter ‘12Dr. and Mrs. Mark Beadle ++++

Mr. and Mrs. Pervis BeardenMr. Denis Beausejour, Jr. ‘03Mr. and Mrs. Jim Bechtold +Mr. Samuel Becker ‘12Ms. Kayla Bedinghaus ‘10Ms. Lauren Bedinghaus ‘08Mr. and Mrs. Rob Bedinghaus ‘04Mr. Roger Behymer and Mrs. Marne MarshallMr. and Mrs. Mike Bell +Mr. and Mrs. Ron Bellan +++Mr. Keith Bergh ‘05Mrs. Mary Ellen BertramsMr. and Mrs. Ryan Betscher ‘00 +Mr. and Mrs. Steve Beverly +Mr. Anthony and Mrs. Emily (Breitholle ’02) BeyersMr. and Mrs. Lonnie Black +Mr. Ryan Black ‘12Mr. Michael Blackburn, Jr. ‘98Mrs. Jean Bogart +Ms. Kate Bohanan ‘12Mr. Zach Bohannon ‘02Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bolsinger * +Mr. Jeffrey BoothMs. Marianne BorgmannMr. and Mrs. Erik BowlingMr. and Mrs. Bob Bowman ++Mr. and Mrs. Bob C. BowmanMrs. Janet BoydMr. Andrew Bradford ‘05Mr. Richard BraunMrs. Sandy Breitholle +++Mr. and Mrs. Matt BrennanMr. and Mrs. Peter Bronson +++Miss Alex Brown ‘07Mr. and Mrs. Tom Brown +++Mr. and Mrs. Jim Buckman +++Mrs. Mary Burdsall ++Ms. Anna Campbell ‘12Mr. Bill and Judge Joyce CampbellMr. and Mrs. Rick Canavan ++Mr. and Mrs. Chaz CarneyMr. and Mrs. Charlie Carraher ++Mr. and Mrs. Bill Carroll ++Mr. and Mrs. Stephen CarterMs. Alexis Caruso ‘12Ms. Kim Cassity +Mr. and Mrs. Andy CebulskieDr. and Mrs. Bob Chait, M.D. ++Mr. and Mrs. Gary ChapmanMr. Charlie and Dr. Christine ChappellMr. Young Jae Chun ‘12Mr. Sal Churi ‘04Cincinnati Museum AssociationMr. and Mrs. David Clabaugh ‘96 *Mr. Adam Clark ‘08Dr. Brian Clark and Dr. Carolyn LutzkoMr. Bryn Clark ‘07Dr. Stephen Cleves and Mrs. Therese Esswein +Mr. and Mrs. Neal ClimieMr. and Mrs. Ron CohenMr. and Mrs. Matt ColemanMr. and Mrs. Rolando Collado +++Mr. and Mrs. Dave Collins +++Mr. and Mrs. John Colyer


Ee ANNUAL REPORTThe Year in Review: 2011-2012 DONORS

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Mr. and Mrs. Rick Froh ++Mr. John Fuller ‘12Mr. and Mrs. Floyd FurrowMr. Nick Furtwengler ‘03 +Mr. Paul and Dr. Kris GansleMr. and Mrs. Milt GarrettMr. and Mrs. Tom Gear +Mr. Bryan GedeonMr. Nolan George ‘12Mr. Alexander Gertsman and Mrs. Marina TikhonovaMr. and Mrs. Pete GerverMrs. Holly Getter ++Mr. and Mrs. Jason GibsonMr. and Mrs. Kris Gilbert +Mrs. Correl GlennMr. Scott Glenn and Dr. Michelle Walker-GlennDr. and Mrs. Chuck Goebel +++Mr. and Mrs. Eric GoettschGood SearchMs. Hannah Goodwin ‘12Mr. and Mrs. Mark GoodwinMr. Dan Grantham and Mrs. Tiffany Zents +Mr. and Mrs. John Green ++Ms. Vickie Gregory +++Ms. Stephanie Grevey ‘12Ms. Hannah Grubb ‘12Ms. Lisa GrubbMs. Christina GuggenbergerMr. and Mrs. Tom Gullett +Mr. William GuytonMr. and Mrs. Jim HadleyMr. and Mrs. Walter HahnMr. and Mrs. Cart Hall, Jr. +++Ms. Grey Hall ‘97Dr. and Mrs. Rob Hall +Mrs. June Halter +Mr. and Mrs. Matt HamiltonMs. Liz HammerMr. John HandelsmanMr. and Mrs. Dan Harris ++Mr. and Mrs. Craig Hartman +Mr. and Mrs. Gary Hartoin +Mrs. Barbara HartzellMr. Richard HatfieldMr. and Mrs. Jim HayesMs. Jennifer He ‘12Mr. Joseph Heath ‘12Mr. Justin and Mrs. Megan (Dinkelacker ‘03) HendyDr. and Mrs. Eric Henize +Mr. and Mrs. Judah HermanMs. Kellie Hesse ‘12Mr. and Mrs. John Higgins, Esq.Mr. Ben Himes and Mrs. Alison Shiver- HimesMr. and Mrs. Dale HipsleyMs. Tara Hodge ‘12Mr. and Mrs. Ric Hordinski +++Mr. Ron Horvath +Ms. Alexa Huffer ‘12Mr. and Mrs. Greg Hughes ++Mr. and Mrs. Mike Hughes +Mr. and Mrs. Jim IrwinMr. and Mrs. Dwaine Isenberg ++Ms. Stephanie Jack ‘09Mr. Myles Jackson ‘12Mr. Bob James, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Gregg JankowskiMrs. Jennifer JasperDr. and Mrs. Chester JastremskiMr. and Mrs. Doug Jenkins +Mr. and Mrs. Ron Johnson ++Ms. Laurie Jonas +Mr. Austin Jones ‘12Mr. and Mrs. Dan Jones ++Mr. and Ms. Jeff JonesMr. Chris Joplin ‘12Ms. Ann Marie Kadnar ‘12Mr. and Mrs. Mark Kadnar ++Mr. and Mrs. Brian KaesemeyerMr. and Mrs. Jack Kallmeyer +

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Comer *Mr. and Mrs. Paul ConleyMr. Jeremy and Mrs. Erin (Metzger ‘97) Conn ‘95 +Ms. Cheri ContarioMr. and Mrs. Adam Cool ‘01Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Cooper +++Mr. and Mrs. Scott CooperMr. and Mrs. Donald CostelloMs. Lynne CowlesMs. Ann CoxMr. and Mrs. Rocky CrawfordMr. and Mrs. David CrichtonMr. and Mrs. Robert Crum +Dr. and Mrs. Bob Cucinotta ++Ms. Cyle Cucinotta ‘12Mr. and Mrs. Robert D’AngoraMs. Allie Daniel ‘12Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Daniel ++Miss Debbie Day ++Mr. and Mrs. Scott DeGroft +++Mr. and Mrs. Joe Del Greco ++Mr. and Mrs. Gary DelanoyMs. Roberta DeSantisMr. and Mrs. Dean Devin, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Karl DickersonMr. and Mrs. Brian Dietrich ++Mr. and Mrs. Dom DiFabioMrs. Rosemary Dikun +Mr. and Mrs. Tom Dinkelacker +++Mr. and Mrs. Mike Dobyns +Mr. and Mrs. Jim DoepkerMr. and Mrs. Pete Dongell ++Mr. and Mrs. Rick Dostal, Jr. ++++Mrs. Rebecca (Breitholle ’04) DoughertyMr. and Mrs. Peter Dowd +++Mr. and Mrs. Greg DowlingMr. and Mrs. Matt DownsMs. Maddie Drees ‘11Rev. and Mrs. Tom Duke ++Mr. and Mrs. Leonard DunnMr. Pierson Dunn ‘12Durban’s Greenhouses, Inc.Mr. and Mrs. Jim Durham ++Mr. and Mrs. Ken Durham +++Dr. VJ Easwaran and Dr. Maura DonohueMr. and Mrs. Dave EberhardtMr. and Mrs. Craig EdgingtonMr. and Mrs. Bryan Edmonson +++Mr. Rob and Mrs. Casi (McClellan ‘05) EgliMr. and Mrs. Mark EhlenMs. Ge’Ana Ellis ‘12Mr. Andrew Ellison ‘06Ms. Erica EnglishMr. and Mrs. Andy EspenshadeMr. Santiago Espinosa Silva and Mrs. Catherine Montalvo-EspinosaMr. and Mrs. Tom Esposito +Mr. and Mrs. Tom Faugno +Ms. Michelle Feeney ‘12Mr. Jeff Ferguson ++Ms. Mary FergusonMrs. Sarah Ferguson ++Mr. and Mrs. Sam FerlitaMr. and Mrs. John Fette +Fey Insurance ServicesMr. Brian Fey ‘96 +Mr. and Mrs. Tom Fey ++++Mrs. Debby Fields ++Mr. and Mrs. Mike FilomenaMr. and Mrs. Mike Fite ++Mr. and Mrs. Aaron FitzstephensMr. Dontay Fletcher, II ‘12Mr. and Mrs. Paul Flint +++Mr. and Mrs. Casey Foreman ++Mr. and Mrs. Greg Forte’Mr. Daanan Foster and Mrs. Nitza Pinilla-Foster +Mr. and Mrs. Howard FoustMs. Anne FrankMs. Emma Fraser ‘12

Mr. and Mrs. Landon Kane +Ms. Neha Kantamneni ‘03Dr. Kyle Kaufman, M.D. and Mrs. Jennifer (Lawless ‘01) KaufmanMs. Sarah Kelley ‘12Mr. and Mrs. Bill KennelMr. and Mrs. Chris Kirbabas +++Mr. Tyler Kirbabas ‘12Ms. Kourtney Klendworth ‘00 +Mr. and Mrs. John Kloster ++++Mr. and Mrs. Chris Koenig ‘00Mr. and Mrs. Karl Koett, Jr. ++Mr. and Mrs. Rick Kohlan +Mr. and Mrs. Tom Koopman, Sr. +Mr. and Mrs. Mike Kossuth *Mrs. Viola Kozinski +Ms. Toni KraftMr. and Mrs. Dennis KuremskyMr. Logan Lally ‘12Mr. and Mrs. Jerry LandoltMr. and Mrs. Brad LangMr. and Mrs. Jeff LangenderferMr. Ben Lapps ‘12Mr. and Mrs. Jon Lapps +++Dr. and Mrs. Chris LawleyMr. and Mrs. Chris LayMr. and Mrs. Raymond LeDucMr. and Mrs. Doug Lee +Mr. and Mrs. Tom LempnerMs. Natalie Leonard ‘07Mr. and Mrs. Bob Lewis +++Mr. Harry Li and Mrs. Joy JiMr. and Mrs. Franklin LimMs. Shumay LinMr. and Mrs. Lloyd Lindner +Dr. and Mrs. Jim Lipovsky, Sr.Mr. and Mrs. Dave Lippert ++Mr. and Mrs. Stephen LippsMr. Roger Lopez and Mrs. Lili Molina *Mr. Joe LucasMr. and Mrs. Howard LuchtDr. and Mrs. Eric Luessen +Mr. and Mrs. Dave LupiaMr. and Mrs. Chris LuttsMs. Elizabeth Lyle ‘12Mr. Mike Ma ‘12Ms. Janet Mabrey +Mr. and Mrs. Sean MangialardoMr. and Mrs. Mark MannMr. and Mrs. Stephen Marosi ++Ms. Elaine Marsh ++Mr. and Mrs. Dick Martin +Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Martin +Ms. Mallory Massa ‘12Mr. and Mrs. George MatusakMr. and Mrs. Tom McBrideMr. and Mrs. James McCarthyMs. Erika McCartinMr. Adam McCollum ‘12Mr. and Mrs. Steve McCollum +++Mr. and Mrs. Trent McCrackenMr. and Mrs. Jack McFarland ++Mr. Kevin and Dr. Briana McFawnMrs. Janet McNamaraMr. Ryan McNamara ‘12Mr. and Mrs. Jim McVey +Mr. Kevin Medley and Mrs. Rachelle Eusebio +Mr. and Mrs. Brent MerandaMr. and Mrs. Mark Metzger + +Mr. and Mrs. Bart MetzlerMr. Will Meyer ‘12Mr. and Mrs. Mark Mikolanis * +Mr. and Mrs. Chase MillerMr. and Mrs. Jeff MillerMr. and Mrs. Josh MillerMr. and Mrs. Scott MoffittMrs. Nancy MoonMr. Brandon Moore ‘12Mr. and Mrs. Carl MooreMr. and Mrs. Rob MooreMr. and Mrs. Keith MoranMr. and Mrs. Dennis Morrow

Mr. and Mrs. Kyle Morton +Mrs. Alice MullinsDr. and Mrs. Jon MummaMr. and Mrs. Dan Murphy +++Mr. and Mrs. Matthew MurphyMs. Courtney Myers ‘12Mr. Doug Myers and Mrs. Jan HarrisonDr. and Mrs. A.V. NanjundasamyNetwork for GoodDr. and Mrs. Dean Nicholas +Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Nicholson ++Mrs. Roxie NicolMr. and Mrs. Jon Niemeyer ++Dr. and Mrs. Scott Nix, M.D.Mrs. Joan NoonanMr. and Mrs. Chester NullMr. and Mrs. Jason NullMs. Cara Nwankwo ‘12Mr. James O’Bannon ‘12Mr. Henry Oberson and Ms. Rita Vig *Mr. and Mrs. Pat O’Brien ++Mr. and Mrs. Tom O’Brien +Mr. and Mrs. Judd OleaMs. Claudia OliverDr. and Mrs. Brad Osborne ++Mr. Tom and Mrs. Rebekah (Sjogren ‘98) OsypianMs. Elizabeth Ottenjohn ‘12Mr. and Mrs. Rob Ottenjohn ++Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Packer +++Ms. Ellen Packer ‘12Mr. Brian and Mrs. Christina (Karam ‘07) Painter ‘06Mr. and Mrs. Randy PairanMr. and Mrs. Mark PalmoreMrs. Megan ParcellMr. and Mrs. Jon Paris +Mr. and Mrs. George Parker ++Mr. and Mrs. Bruce PaschkeMs. Abby Pate ‘12Dr. and Mrs. Kenton Pate ++Dr. and Mrs. Frank Pawlosky, M.D.Mr. and Mrs. Roy Payne, Jr.Ms. Jean PaytonMr. and Mrs. Shawn PeckDr. and Mrs. Mike Pedoto ++Mr. and Mrs. Jeff PenceMr. and Mrs. Joel Petersen ++Mr. and Mrs. Larry PfaffMr. and Mrs. Don Pfister +Ms. Holly Pfister ‘03 +Mr. and Mrs. Michael Pfister ++++Ms. Mackensie Pfleger ‘12Mr. and Mrs. Phi PhamMr. and Mrs. Todd Pierce +Mr. and Mrs. Bill Pohl ++Mr. and Mrs. Brandon Porter +Ms. Robin PorterMr. and Mrs. George PortnerMs. Sarah Powel ‘12Mr. and Mrs. John Prado +Dr. Kevin Prezgay and Dr. Barbara HoudeMr. and Mrs. Byron Pritchard* +Ms. Jamie Prop ‘12Ms. Leigh Prop * ++Mr. Berry Puma and Mrs. Ana PratoMr. Jerome Puryear, Sr.Mr. and Mrs. John RadfordMr. and Mrs. Nico RanieriMr. Matthew Reed ‘06Ms. Renee Renken +Mr. and Mrs. Shawn ReynoldsMr. and Mrs. Dan Riewald +++Mr. and Mrs. Hal Rindels +Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Ripperger +Miss Jaime RobbinsMrs. Barbara RobinsonMr. and Mrs. Burr Robinson ++++Mr. Greg and Mrs. Liz (Bronson ‘00) Rosenau +Mr. and Mrs. Nick Rosenfeldt +Mr. and Mrs. Michael Ross +Mr. Dave Roth


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2011-12Mr. Peter Rottman +Ms. Haley Rudolph ‘12Ms. Stephanie Ruehlmann ‘03Ms. Barbara RussellMs. Nicole Ruter ‘07Mr. Ron Rutherford +++Mr. and Mrs. Mark Salisbury +Rev. Kevin SalkilMr. and Mrs. Brandon SammonsMr. Tony and Mrs. Kristina (Kelpe ‘00) SanchezMr. and Mrs. Terry Sanderson +Mr. and Mrs. Dave Sauve ++Dr. and Mrs. Kevin SavageMr. Martin and Dr. Nancy Schaefer ++Ms. Alexandra Schaffeld ‘12Mrs. Mary Ann SchimpfMrs. Geneva SchlosserMs. Stephanie Schlosser ‘12Mr. Thane Schmitt ‘12Mr. Sam Schottenstein ‘99Ms. Grace Schuler ‘04Mr. and Mrs. Jon Schuler ‘02Mr. and Mrs. Dave Schuman, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Rob SchutteMs. Sara SchutteMr. Ben Scott ‘12Ms. Lynne Scott * ++Mr. and Mrs. Dick SeitzMr. and Mrs. Rick SeitzMr. and Mrs. Caetano SequeiraDr. Jim Shiveley and Mrs. Mindy Myers-Shiveley ++Mr. and Mrs. Chris Shollenbarger *Mr. and Mrs. Mike Siman +Dr. and Ms. Tedd Simmons +++Mr. and Mrs. Marshall SimsMr. and Mrs. Greg Sizemore ++Mr. Nathaniel Sizemore ‘04 + Mr. and Mrs. Todd Slaughter +Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Smeltzer ++Mr. and Mrs. Alan Smith ++Mr. and Mrs. Phil Smith ++Mr. and Mrs. Richard Smith +Mr. and Mrs. Ricardo SouzaMr. Matt Spence and Mrs. Anna Maratos- SpenceMr. Scott and Dr. Ellen SpringerDr. Tim and Dr. Michelle Staarmann +++Mr. and Mrs. David Stanfield +Ms. Hannah Staub ‘12Mr. Joseph Steichen ++Mr. and Mrs. Ed Steitz +++Mr. and Mrs. John StethemMr. Ben Stevens ‘12Mrs. Tiffany StofelMr. Jeff and Mrs. Sarah (Price ‘01) Stokes +Mr. and Mrs. Thomas StokesMs. Shana Stull ‘00Ms. Kristen Stutz ‘99 ++ Ms. Meredith Stutz ‘12Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Summers +++Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Swallen +++Mr. and Mrs. Dave Swedes, Jr. +T.H. Winston Co.Mr. and Mrs. Paul Tate +Mr. Bill Taylor, Jr. ++Mr. and Mrs. Billy Taylor, III ‘96Mr. Brian Taylor ‘12Dr. Charlie and Dr. Lu Taylor ++Mr. and Mrs. Eric TaylorMr. Jason Taylor ‘06 *Mr. Nick Taylor ‘12Mr. Andrew Tedrick ‘12Mr. Ben Tedrick ‘12Mr. and Mrs. Dennis TeffetellerMr. Tyler Tepfenhart ‘12Mr. Marc and Mrs. Jennifer (Flint ‘03) Terhar +Ms. Megan Terlau ‘12Mr. Joe Terry ‘12That the World May Know MinistriesMr. and Mrs. Barry Thiel ++

Mr. Jacob Thiel ‘12Mr. Josh Thiel ‘12Mr. and Mrs. Kurt TholkingMr. and Mrs. Mike Thomas +Mr. Zach Thomas ‘12Mr. and Mrs. Carlos TobarMs. Lena Tome ‘09Mr. and Mrs. Jared TreadwayDr. Patrick Tso and Mrs. Weiyi Li +Mr. Todd and Dr. Teri UterstaedtMr. and Mrs. Joe Vallo +Mr. and Mrs. Joe Vanderkolk ++Mr. and Mrs. Mike Vanderwoude +Mr. and Mrs. Dave VincentMr. and Mrs. Steve VisagieMr. Eli Vizcaino ‘12Mr. and Mrs. Bill Vonderhaar ++Mr. Ryan and Mrs. Jennie (Dorl ‘03) Vose +Mr. and Mrs. Dave Walker +Mr. and Mrs. Mike Wallace ++Mr. Steve Walsh * +Mr. and Mrs. Bob WaltonMs. Emily Walton ‘12Ms. Judith Walton +Mr. and Mrs. Andy Warncke +Mr. Matt WarnerMr. and Mrs. Bill Watson +++Mr. Lance Webel +Mr. David and Dr. Karen WeberMr. and Mrs. Dan WeisbrodtRev. and Mrs. Brian Wells ++Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wesson +Mr. and Mrs. Dan Wheeler ++Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Wheeler ‘03, II Mr. and Mrs. Todd Wichmann +Ms. Stachia WickerMrs. Denise WiedemannMrs. Gloria Wilkinson +Mr. and Mrs. Harry WilkinsonMr. and Mrs. Todd WilkowskiMr. and Mrs. Joel Williams +Mr. and Mrs. Paul WilliamsMr. and Mrs. Rex Williams *Mr. Josh Willmann ‘11Mrs. Pattie WillsMr. and Mrs. Kenny Wilson, Sr. +Mr. and Mrs. John WithersMs. Tracy Wolcott +Ms. Kathy WolfMr. and Mrs. Don Wolnik +Mr. and Mrs. Jim Worachek +++Mr. and Mrs. Jack WuennemanMr. and Mrs. Jeff WuennemannMr. and Mrs. Kent Wyant ++Mrs. JoAnn YeltonMr. and Mrs. Mark YeltonMr. Ryan and Mrs. Liz (Bell ‘95) YoungMrs. Michelle YoungquistMs. Lauren Zabbatino ‘12Mr. Alfred Zeiser *Dr. and Mrs. Zeke Zekoff +++Mr. David and Mrs. Lauren (Baker ‘00) ZuperkuMr. and Mrs. Eric Zwarg +

Matching Gift CompaniesAl Neyer, Inc. Foundation +Brightstar Partners, Inc.Cisco Foundation Citizens Charitable FoundationDuke Energy FoundationFidelity FoundationFifth Third Bank, Matching Gift Program +General Electric Foundation +JPMorgan Chase FoundationMacys Federated Department StoresMeadWestvaco Foundation +Morgan Stanley FoundationMoritz Family FoundationNorthwestern Mutual Life Foundation +

Pepsico Foundation +PNC FoundationScripps Howard Foundation ++Toyota Motor Sales, Inc. +UBS Foundation USA +

In Honor OfAll CHCA teachersLaura AndersonCameron ArmstrongMichelle BarronBob & Lori BedinghausRhiannon CrichtonBrian FeyBrenton Michael FoustLynn & Robyn GlaserAlex GoettschStephanie GreveyHannah GrubbOlivia Hahn Joshua HaydenElise HayesThe Dan Hillis FamilyJeffrey & Jennifer HorstingDrs. Chao Huang & Kristy GauSamuel JosephTanner & Caroline KuremskyParker & Preston LandoltThe Carl H. Lindner familyCarl Lindner, Jr.Steve McCollumAriel & Aliah McWhorterHolly MetzgerThe Orthodox ChurchConner, Tegan, & Cayse OsborneWilliam Connor ReynoldsMia & Nicholas RidenourMillard & Sally RullmanKatie & Jefferson RutherfordCaroline SchutteKate ShanahanTaylor & Nicholas WilkinsonJake & Erica Wuennemann

In Memory OfMarlene BaumanRuss BellCarol Ann BlessingPaul H. CebulskieNan GaleyAndrew JewellMary Helen KammererCarl Lindner, JrJerry MullinsLeo OsborneWilliam K. Payton, Jr.Barbara ScallinLowell SchimpfGlen Allen StacyJoyce StaplesJulie SteidleRoy H. Yelton

Page 22: CHCA Eagles Eye Winter 2012


Class of 1995Jeremy Conn Liz Bell Young

Class of 1996Karly Kolb Adams David Clabaugh *Brian Fey Billy Taylor

Class of 1997Ben Beshear Erin Metzger Conn Grey Hall

Class of 1998Michael Blackburn Rebekah Sjogren Osypian

Class of 1999Jacob Abbs Sam Schottenstein Kristen Stutz

Class of 2000Anonymous Ryan Betscher Kourtney Klendworth Chris Koenig Liz Bronson Rosenau Kristina Kelpe Sanchez Shana Stull Lauren Baker Zuperku

Class of 2001Adam Cool Jennifer Lawless Kaufman Sarah Price Stokes

Class of 2002Emily Breitholle Beyers

Zach Bohannon Dorian Dostal Edmonson Wes Edmonson Jon Schuler

Class of 2003Denis Beausejour Nick Furtwengler Megan Dinkelacker Hendy Neha Kantamneni Holly Pfister Stephanie Ruehlmann Jennifer Flint Terhar Jennie Dorl Vose Daniel Wheeler

Class of 2004John Barnhart Rob Bedinghaus Sal Churi Rebecca Breitholle Dougherty Grace Schuler Nathaniel Sizemore

Class of 2005Tommy Andrews Keith Bergh Andrew Bradford Casi McClellan Egli

Class of 2006Andrew Ellison Brian Painter Matthew Reed Jason Taylor *

Class of 2007AnonymousRyan Atkins Alex Brown Bryn Clark Natalie Leonard Christina Karam Painter Nicole Ruter

Class of 2008Thomas Barnhart Lauren Bedinghaus Adam Clark

Class of 2009Stephanie Jack Lena Tome

Class of 2010Kayla Bedinghaus

Class of 2011Maddie Drees Josh Willmann

Class of 2012Katherine Anderson Ted Andrews Cameron Armstrong Laura Atkins Dominique Baxter Samuel Becker Ryan Black Kate Bohanan Anna Campbell Alexis Caruso Young Jae Chun Cyle Cucinotta Allie Daniel Pierson Dunn Ge’Ana Ellis Michelle Feeney Dontay Fletcher Emma Fraser John Fuller Nolan George Hannah Goodwin Stephanie Grevey Hannah Grubb John Handelsman Jennifer He Joseph Heath Kellie Hesse

Tara Hodge Alexa Huffer Myles Jackson Austin Jones Chris Joplin Ann Marie Kadnar Sarah Kelley Tyler Kirbabas Logan Lally Ben Lapps Elizabeth Lyle Mike Ma Mallory Massa Adam McCollum Ryan McNamara Will Meyer Brandon Moore Courtney Myers Cara Nwankwo James O’Bannon Elizabeth Ottenjohn Ellen Packer Abby Pate Mackensie Pfleger Sarah Powel Jamie Prop Haley Rudolph Alexandra Schaffeld Stephanie Schlosser Thane Schmitt Ben Scott Hannah Staub Ben Stevens Meredith Stutz Brian Taylor Nick Taylor Andrew Tedrick Ben Tedrick Tyler Tepfenhart Megan Terlau Joe Terry Jacob Thiel Josh Thiel Zach Thomas Eli Vizcaino Emily Walton Lauren Zabbatino


(gifts received July 1, 2011 to June 30, 2012)

Mr. and Mrs. James AbuBakrMr. and Mrs. Mark Bailey +++Mr. and Mrs. Jeff BarnhorstMr. and Mrs. Raymond Bodley +++Mr. and Mrs. Jon BrandyberryMr. and Mrs. Nathaniel Brown *Ms. Elisabeth BrunkMr. and Mrs. Randy Cepress * +Mrs. Treva DavisMr. and Mrs. Dwayne DuBoisMr. Wes and Mrs. Dorian (Dostal ‘02) Edmonson ‘02 + Ms. Sheri EllisMr. and Mrs. Bob FredericksMs. Sarah GossMs. Katie HagenMr. and Mrs. James HanseeMr. and Mrs. Gary HassmanMrs. Lynn HeathMr. and Mrs. Mike Johnson ++Mr. Michael Kelley

Ms. Adrienne Kiser-ToneyMr. and Mrs. Thomas KlusmeyerMrs. Silvia KrullMs. Tonika LovetteMs. Elizabeth Mandeng +Mr. and Mrs. Jim Mary +Ms. Necole McGivensMrs. Malinda McReynoldsMs. Susan Miller ++Mrs. Cammie MontgomeryMs. Cyndi MorganMrs. Monica MortonMrs. Jenny MottierMr. and Mrs. Andrew RennerMr. and Mrs. Tony RocquemoreMr. and Mrs. Tony RunionMs. Candace SchaffnerMs. Nancy ShielsMs. Arleen StrumMr. and Mrs. Carl SwartzMr. and Mrs. David TaylorMr. and Mrs. Rodney Varner +Dr. and Mrs. Sal Zabbatino +

ARMLEDER GIFT OF GIVING DONORSMatching Gift CompaniesGeneral Electric Foundation

In Honor OfKarissa FredericksAshanti GibsonNatalie Heath

(gifts received July 1, 2011 to June 30, 2012)

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(gifts received July 1, 2011 to June 30, 2012)

Mr. and Mrs. Steve ClarkMs. Cindy Coggins Dr. and Mrs. Tim ConleyMr. and Mrs. Dave ConwayDr. and Mrs. Bob CucinottaDr. and Mrs. Thom deHoopMr. and Mrs. Ken Durham

Mr. and Mrs. Mike EllisonDr. and Mrs. Thomas FritzMr. and Mrs. Nick KontrasMr. and Mrs. Chris KoobMr. and Mrs. Jason McSwainMr. and Mrs. Evans NwankwoMr. and Mrs. Pierre Paroz


Designated Gifts Beijing Tower Bridge International Education Co., LtdMr. and Mrs. Nathaniel Brown *Mr. and Mrs. Randy BrunkMr. and Mrs. Rick CanavanMr. and Mrs. Scott CarterMr. and Mrs. Randy Cepress *Mr. Ha Sung Chun and Mrs. Myoung Ja KimFIRST / NASAMr. and Mrs. Rick FrohGeneral Electric FoundationMs. Vickie Gregory

Mr. and Mrs. Dean HamiltonDr. and Mrs. Eric HenizeDr. and Mrs. Glenn Jordan, IVMr. and Mrs. Daniel LaChanceMr. and Mrs. Dan MeadorMr. and Mrs. Rey Medina, IIIMTSIMr. and Mrs. Tom O’BrienMr. and Mrs. Ted Phelps, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Larry RedwineMrs. Marlene SkoglundSolutionwerks, Inc.Mr. and Mrs. Jeff StagnaroSummit Financial Group, Inc.T.R. Gear Landscaping

Viox ServicesVonderhaar’s CateringMr. Fred VonderhaarMr. and Mrs. Bob WilliamsMr. Donald Wires

Gifts in kindMr. and Mrs. Mark AgertonMr. and Mrs. Jon BrandyberryFirst Watch - Harper’s StationMr. and Mrs. Lynn GlaserDr. Mike Waddle

General ScholarshipMr. Mike ChappelleFund for Independent Schools of Cincinnati, Inc.Mr. and Mrs. Brian GardnerMr. and Mrs. Dave NeyerMr. and Mrs. Dan RiewaldMr. and Mrs. Kent Wyant

Hope ScholarshipMr. and Mrs. John Topits

(gifts received July 1, 2011 to June 30, 2012)

Joseph A.and Susan E. Pichler FundMr. and Mrs. Elmer Cole, Jr.


CAPITAL NEEDS & OTHER DESIGNATED GIFTS(gifts received July 1, 2011 to June 30, 2012)

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(gifts received July 1, 2011 to June 30, 2012)

Cash DonorsMr. and Mrs. Evan AndrewsMr. and Mrs. Charlie AndrewsMr. and Mrs. Donald Armour *Mr. and Mrs. David AveryMr. and Mrs. Dean Barnett, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Ron Beshear *Ms. Cindy CogginsMr. and Mrs. Scott CollinsDr. and Mrs. Dan DeboMr. and Mrs. Dave DickersonMr. and Mrs. Mike EllisonMr. and Mrs. John EngMr. and Mrs. Jason FancettMr. and Mrs. Casey ForemanDr. Mel and Dr. Chandra GravelyMs. Lisa GrubbMr. and Mrs. Randy GunlockMr. and Mrs. Fred HallMr. and Mrs. Brad KaemmerMs. Adrienne Kiser-ToneyMr. and Mrs. Chris LargerLee CleanersMrs. Edyth LindnerMr. and Mrs. Greg McDaniel *Mr. and Mrs. Dan Meador

Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Morrow *Dr. and Mrs. Brad OsborneParent Teacher FellowshipDr. and Mrs. Mike PedotoMr. and Mrs. Jeff PenceMr. and Mrs. Ted Phelps, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Rick RiccettiMr. and Mrs. Caetano SequeiraMr. and Mrs. Josh SweeneyMr. and Mrs. Brad TrucksisMr. and Mrs. Todd WilberMr. and Mrs. Jeff Wuennemann

Matching Gift CompaniesFidelity FoundationGeneral Electric FoundationNorthwestern Mutual Life FoundationPepsico Foundation

Gifts in kindA Bottle or Two Wine & BeerAAA Driving SchoolAbuelo’s

Admissions DoctorAdrian Durban FloristsAdventure Boot CampThe Alleen CompanyMs. Lisa AllgoodMr. and Mrs. Willie AlvaradoAmerican Financial GroupAmy Brenner, MD & Associates, LLCAmy’s Gratefully Green Organics Mrs. Laura AndersonMrs. Nancy AndersonMr. and Mrs. Evan AndrewsMr. Tommy Andrews ‘05AnonymousAntonio ViolinsMr. and Mrs. Donald ArmourAroma Restaurant & SushiArt of Ballroom Dance CenterMr. and Mrs. Mike ArthurAuto Haus CosmeticsBack2Back MinistriesBad Frog Frozen YogurtMrs. Pamela BaileyBanana Leaf Modern Thai RestaurantBangkok ExpressMs. Rebecca BarclayMr. and Mrs. Pervis Bearden

Bella Balloons Hot Air Balloon Co.Ben & Jerry’sBenihanaBenzie SalonMr. and Mrs. Ben Beshear ‘97BioWheels WorkshopMr. and Mrs. Lonnie BlackMr. Michael Lee BlackBob Evans FarmsBob Roncker’s Running SpotBob Sumerel Tire & ServiceBOCA Restaurant GroupThe BonBonerieMr. and Mrs. David BowenBrazee Street StudiosMrs. Sandy BreitholleBright Light Visual CommunicationsBroadway Comedy ClubMr. and Mrs. Steve BrockMr. and Mrs. Joe BrooksMs. Linda BruneMr. and Mrs. Randy BrunkBuild A Bear WorkshopCabot CheeseJudge Joyce CampbellCanvas on DemandMr. and Mrs. Kevin Carnes


Cincinnati Hills Christian Academy’s annual fundraiser is the Celebration dinner and auction, an evening of fun and fellowship that benefits CHCA’s operating budget and provides funding for tuition assistance. Each Celebration event features an elegant dinner, entertainment, a live auction and a myriad of silent auction items. The Celebration 2012 Dinner and Auction was held at The Great Wolf Lodge on February 9, 2012. The theme for the event, “...but the greatest of these is Love,” was inspired by 1 Corinthians 13:13. The 534 guests and 60 volunteers enjoyed entertainment by talented CHCA alumni Collin Richardson ’02, Brittany Wesson ’06, and Robbie Wilson ’04 and had FUN with FUNdraising as they bid electronically, played “Heads or Tails” with a live auctioneer, took a chance on a “Key to Her Heart Treasure” and sought out a golden ticket among truffle boxes with the hopes of winning an iPad. The theme was

“…but the greatest of these is Love” - 1 Corinthians 13:13

further represented in live auction items like a romantic “Date Night a Month for One Year” package and two lovable puppies who stole hearts and prompted energetic bidding. The event raised $260,000 and inspired passion for CHCA’s mission. Thanks to the Celebration auction team (General Chair Penny Osborne, Sue Humphrey, Mary Mikolanis, Jennifer Kitchens, Kim Meador, Brenda Durham, Jennifer Murphy, Lisa Massa, Carol Hughes and Jennifer Niemeyer), sponsors, guests and all who donated and volunteered. Celebration is now an annual event, so plan to attend Celebration 2013 on February 9, 2013 at the Manor House in Mason. This year’s theme is “CHCA…like no other!” and is sure to bring unique opportunities to bless and celebrate the CHCA community.

CELEBRATION 2 • 0 • 1 • 2

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2011-12Mr. Stephen CarterMs. Angie CasselmanCenter City CollisionMr. and Mrs. Reed ChacksfieldChateau ChantalCHCA Advancement OfficeCHCA Athletic DepartmentCHCA BoostersCHCA Eagle StoreCHCA Fall Festival CommitteeCHCA Fine Arts DeptCHCA Friends Of Fine ArtsCHCA PAX GroupCHCA PTFCHCA Scrip ShopCHCA SummerFlight ProgramChelsea PiersChicago Bears Football ClubChili’s - Montgomery RoadChristmas Tree ShopsCincinnati BalletCincinnati BellCincinnati CateringCincinnati Center for Improved Communication, Inc.Cincinnati MiniCincinnati Symphony OrchestraCircle S RanchCleveland CavaliersThe Club at Harper’s PointMs. Cindy CogginsMr. Gabe Collins ‘11Mr. and Mrs. Scott CollinsMrs. Sue CollinsCOSICracker Barrel Old Country Store, Inc.The Creative Lights StudioMr. and Mrs. Jason CrichtonMr. Larry CunninghamDan Ledbetter PhotographyMrs. Alice DanielDave & Buster’s David A. Millett, Inc.Miss Debbie DayDayton Society of Natural HistoryMr. and Mrs. Tim DelanyDewey’s PizzaDiane Firsten StudioDick’s Sporting GoodsMrs. Pam DinkelackerDogswellDonna’s Gourmet CookiesDoubleTree SuitesDTI Auto Detail ShopMrs. Annette EberhardtEddie Merlot’sMr. and Mrs. Vic EilauElegant FareElizabeth Blake SalonEmbers RestaurantMs. Erica EnglishEnterprise Rent-A-CarMr. and Mrs. Andy EspenshadeEye 1 Unique EyewearFamily Tree Chiropractic and WellnessFennell, Baron, & AssociatesFirehouse SubsFirst WatchMr. and Mrs. Mike FiteFour Bridges Country ClubFour Seasons Resort Jackson HoleMr. and Mrs. Mark FoutchThe Fresh MarketFrisch’s Restaurants, Inc.FrontgateMr. and Mrs. Chet FullerFunky’s CateringG.T.C. FoodserviceGarnish CateringGattle’sGems Boutique and MoreMrs. Holly GetterMrs. Diane GoebelGourmetGiftBaskets.com

Grand FinaleGreat Lakes Science CenterGreat Wolf LodgeGreen Mountain Coffee RoastersMrs. Julie GregoryDr. and Mrs. John GreinwaldMrs. Laura GriffinMs. Grey Hall ‘97Mr. & Mrs. Jack HannaHanZon Glass StudioHappy H Attractions/Sports of All SortsHappy Tails K-9 Boarding & Training, LLCMrs. Tracey HardwickMr. and Mrs. Bill HaslemMiss Rachel HaslemMr. and Mrs. Jonathan HayesHeirloom Artists - Calligraphy & DesignDr. Eric W. Hickman, DDS, MSHighlights For ChildrenHoliday World & Splashin’ SafariMrs. Marcia HollmeyerMrs. Lita Hitchcock Holman ‘00Holzman MeatsMr. and Mrs. Drew HorterMr. and Mrs. Greg HughesMr. and Mrs. Tom HumphreyHuntington Learning CenterHyatt Art & InteriorsIHOP RestaurantIndian Hill Winter ClubIron Chef GrillMrs. Nancy IsenbergIt’s In The Details - B. StradleyJake Sweeney BMWJanelle Marie PhotographyJeff Ruby Culinary EntertainmentJeff’s Driving SchoolJH RanchJimmy’s Limousine ServiceMr. Brad JohansenMr. Andy KeimerMr. and Mrs. Andy KennedyKids First Sports CenterMr. and Mrs. Brad KinstlerMrs. Suzanne KlosterMr. and Mrs. Rick KohlanKona IceMr. and Mrs. Chris KoobThe Kroger CompanyMr. and Mrs. Michael KuremskyDr. Paul LeCompteMrs. Edyth B. LindnerLiving Proof MinistriesLobel’s of New YorkLochmoor Stables, Inc.Louisville Mega CavernLoveland-Symmes Fire DepartmentMrs. Rachel LupiaLynn’s Paradise CafeM. Hopple & CompanyMacy’s The Maids Home Services of CincinnatiMrs. Amanda MangialardoMr. and Mrs. Mark MannMary Ran GalleryMason BowlMr. and Mrs. Tim MassaMax Stacy FlowersMcAlister’s DeliMr. Daniel McCarthyMr. and Mrs. Steve McCollumMrs. Kathy McKillenMcSwain Carpets & FloorsMr. and Mrs. Dan MeadorMike’s Express CarwashMission: Relaxation Massage TherapyMitchell’s Salon & Day SpaMr. and Mrs. Scott MoffittMrs. Cammie MontgomeryMontgomery Inn

Mr. and Mrs. John MulcahyMurphin Ridge InnMuseum of Science & Industry ChicagoMrs. Lynn Nabors-McNallyThe National ExemplarNatorp’s Garden StoresNeon Lites Cafe and CateringDr. and Mrs. Scott Nix MDMr. and Mrs. Bob NutterNY SkyrideThe Oasis Golf ClubO’Bryan’s WineMr. and Mrs. Phil OchsMr. and Mrs. Paul O’NeillOriental Trading CompanyDr. and Mrs. Brad OsborneMrs. Joan OsborneMr. and Mrs. Steve OysterMrs. Susan Johnson Pagliaro ‘96Paint N PlayMr. and Mrs. Randy PairanThe PapergirlParagon SalonMr. Jon ParisMrs. Teri ParkerMr. and Mrs. Pierre ParozMr. Gabe PegisPendleton PilatesPerfect North SlopesPete Delois Recreations OutletPetSuitesMr. and Mrs. Ted PhelpsMr. Todd PiercePilates Center of Cincinnatipinkcalyx.comPittsburgh SteelersPleasant Vineyard MinistriesMrs. Barbara PrattPresident Tuxedo By Skeffington’sMs. Linda PrestonPure Concept Salon+SpaQdobaRack Room ShoesRailroad Museum of PennsylvaniaReclaimed LuxuryMr. William ReinbergerRelish Modern TapasRendigs, Fry, Kiely & DennisRhein InterestsMs. Wendi RhizorRichard’s Hair Skin NailsRobin Wood FlowersMr. Darrell RodgersRoosters Mens Grooming CenterMr. and Mrs. Nick RosenfeldtMs. Liz RutherfordMr. and Mrs. Mark SalisburyRev. Kevin SalkilSam Ash Music StoreSamaura SweetsMrs. April SandersonMrs. Amy SauveMs. Shell SchimpfMr. and Mrs. Dave Schuman, Jr.Miss Delaney ScottMiss Riley ScottMr. and Mrs. Wayne ScottSee’s Candies Inc.Mr. and Mrs. Caetano SequeiraSewn StudioShedd AquariumSheraton Suites ColumbusSilver Spring HouseMrs. Susan SimmonsSindur, LLCSkidaddlesMrs. Mary SmithMr. and Mrs. Matthew SmithMr. and Mrs. Paul SmithSnowie Shaved-IceSony Pictures TelevisionMr. and Mrs. Billy SoutherlandMr. and Mrs. Tim Southerland

Mr. and Mrs. William SoutherlandSports InvestmentsThe Spotted GooseSpringdale CleanersSpringhill CampsStampin’ Up!Mrs. Sarah Price Stokes ‘01Stone Creek Dining CompanyStratus Helicopters LLCStrings N’ ThingsTano Bistro & CateringMs. Stacey Tatter ‘00Mr. Eric TaylorTeller’s of Hyde ParkTen MarksThree Graces JewelryTony’sTrendz SalonTropical Treasures - The Designer Copies StoreTuscany Spa & SalonUltimate Air ShuttleUptown BarbersUS Playing Card Co.Mr. and Mrs. Steve VeldhuisMr. and Mrs. Eric VentersVera Bradley Viva Bella EventsMr. and Mrs. Mike WallaceWal-Mart Walt Disney World CompanyWatson’sMr. Lance WebelMs. Julia WesselkamperMr. and Mrs. Rob WestbrookWestern & Southern OpenWetherington Golf & Country ClubWhat If Gift SolutionsMrs. Mollie WhiteMr. and Mrs. Todd WichmannWidmer’sMrs. Sara Kiihnl Wiggershaus ‘99Mr. and Mrs. Todd WilkowskiWKFS Morning Show KISS107Woodhouse Day SpaYelton Fine JewelersDr. & Mrs. Zeke Zekoff

Celebration SponsorsPlatinum Level ($10,000)Fifth Third BankJohnson Investment Counsel

Gold Level ($7,500)The Coggins Group at MorganStanleyYelton Fine Jewelers

Silver Level ($5,000)McSwain Carpets & FloorsNeal’s Design-RemodelEdward Jones Investments

Auction Level ($3,500)Escort, Inc.

Corporate Level ($2,500)Cincinnati BellBKD, LLP

Page 26: CHCA Eagles Eye Winter 2012


(gifts received July 1, 2011 to June 30, 2012)* denotes matching gift donor

Mr. and Mrs. Mike AckermanMr. and Mrs. Mark AgertonMr. and Mrs. Charlie AndrewsMr. and Mrs. Gerard BaillelyMr. and Mrs. Drew BakerMr. and Mrs. Rick BarghiniMr. and Mrs. Dean Barnett, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Jim BechtoldMr. and Mrs. Bob BedinghausMr. Bill BlessingMr. and Mrs. Brien Bolsinger *Mr. and Mrs. David BowenMr. and Mrs. Bob Bowman *Mr. and Mrs. David BrainerMr. and Mrs. Joe BrooksMr. and Mrs. Tom BrownMr. and Mrs. Randy BrunkMrs. Mary BurdsallMr. and Mrs. Joel Campbell, IIIMr. and Ms. Dondee Canos, IIIMr. and Mrs. Kevin CarnesMr. and Mrs. Bill CarrollMr. and Mrs. Scott CarterMr. and Mrs. Jeff ClaytonMr. John Clifford and Mrs. Kelly BurkeDr. and Mrs. Bob CucinottaMr. and Mrs. Larry CunninghamMr. and Mrs. Jeff DehnerMr. and Mrs. Joe Del GrecoMr. and Mrs. Dean Devin, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Jim DoepkerMr. and Mrs. Steve DonahueMr. and Mrs. Stephen DreesMr. George Duborg, III *Mr. and Mrs. Mike DueMs. Heather DuehrenMr. and Mrs. Jim DurhamMr. and Ms. Doug EbelRev. and Mrs. Richard EckertMr. and Mrs. Chuck EhlersMr. and Ms. Tom EllisMr. and Mrs. Mike EllisonMr. and Mrs. Tom EspositoDr. and Mrs. Don FaimonDr. and Mrs. Doug FeeneyMr. and Mrs. Craig FeldmanMr. and Mrs. John FetteMrs. Debby FieldsMr. and Mrs. Mike FilomenaDr. Terry Flum and Dr. Denise Decker-FlumMr. and Mrs. Casey ForemanMr. and Mrs. Mark FoutchMr. and Mrs. Mark FrankMr. and Mrs. Chet FullerMr. and Mrs. Peter GaneffMr. and Mrs. Brian GardnerMrs. Kiersten GaudetDr. Michel Ghastine and Dr. Ghada KhalifeMr. and Mrs. David Goodwin, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Bill GoodwinMr. and Mrs. Lance GranthamMr. and Mrs. Tony GreenMs. Lisa GrubbMr. and Mrs. Brendon HansfordDr. and Mrs. George HartzogMr. and Mrs. Chris HayesMr. and Mrs. Ben HeathMrs. Beth HeathDr. and Mrs. Eric HenizeMr. and Mrs. Todd HicksMr. and Mrs. Bill HoganMr. and Mrs. John HorningMr. and Mrs. Jack HorvathMr. and Mrs. Jim HoyerMr. and Mrs. Tom HumphreyMr. and Mrs. Hue Jackson

Mr. and Mrs. Tim JesterMr. and Mrs. Jay Harrison *Mr. and Mrs. Mark KadnarMr. and Mrs. Dan KeatingMr. and Mrs. Jack KennamerMr. and Mrs. Dan KileyDr. and Mrs. Gerald Kitchens, IIMr. and Mrs. Michael KuremskyMr. and Mrs. Jon LappsMr. and Mrs. Michael LautnerDr. and Mrs. Chris LawleyDr. Paul and Dr. Michelle LeCompteMr. and Mrs. Dan LedbetterMr. and Mrs. Doug LeeDr. and Mrs. Jim Lipovsky, Sr.Dr. and Mrs. Dan LoveMr. and Mrs. Ray Lowrey, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Chris LuttsMr. and Mrs. Sean MangialardoMr. and Mrs. Jim MaryDr. and Mrs. John MashnyMr. and Mrs. Stephen MaxMr. and Mrs. Dan MeadorMr. and Mrs. Mark Mikolanis *Mr. and Mrs. Dave MorgasonMr. and Mrs. John MulcahyMr. and Mrs. Tom KoopmanMr. and Mrs. Paul O’NeillMr. and Mrs. Phil Ochs, IVMr. and Mrs. Rob OttenjohnMr. and Mrs. Steve OysterMr. and Mrs. Bryan PachecoMr. and Mrs. Dennis PackerMr. and Mrs. Jeff PainterMr. and Mrs. Randy PairanDr. Art Pancioli and Dr. Rita GirardMr. and Mrs. Tracy ParkerDr. and Mrs. Kenton PateMr. and Mrs. Gabe PegisMr. and Mrs. Todd PfisterMr. and Mrs. Jim PhelpsMr. and Mrs. Ted Phelps, Jr.Dr. Abe and Dr. Joyce PhilipMr. and Mrs. Chris PlummerMs. Wendi RhizorMr. and Mrs. Dan RiewaldMr. and Mrs. Ken RileyMr. and Mrs. Dave RobertsMr. and Mrs. Burr RobinsonMr. and Mrs. Jim RolmanMr. and Mrs. Michael RossMr. and Mrs. Terry SandersonMr. and Mrs. Jason SauerMr. and Mrs. Ron SchardongMr. and Mrs. Al SchretterMs. Lynne Scott *Mr. and Mrs. Caetano SequeiraMr. and Mrs. Ron SikkemaMr. and Mrs. Greg Simpson *Mr. and Mrs. Mike Skoglund *Ms. Jeanne SmearsollMr. and Mrs. Jeff SmithMr. and Mrs. Billy SoutherlandSpringdale BinderyMr. and Mrs. Greg StevensMr. and Mrs. Stephen DreesMr. and Mrs. Steven StrosniderMr. and Mrs. Rod StrykerMrs. Angela StutzMr. and Mrs. Jerry SummersOverseer and Mrs. Ennis TaitMr. and Mrs. Bill TedrickMr. and Mrs. Tim TerlauMr. and Mrs. Barry ThielMr. and Mrs. Gary TonerMr. and Mrs. Jerry Towe, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Brad TrucksisMr. and Mrs. Joe VanderkolkMr. and Mrs. Steve VeldhuisMr. and Mrs. Eric Venters

Mr. and Mrs. Andy WarnckeMr. and Mrs. Paul WeismanMr. and Mrs. Charles WessonMr. and Mrs. Todd WichmannDr. and Mrs. Eric WittkugelMr. and Mrs. Scott WorkmanMr. and Mrs. Jeff WuennemannMr. and Mrs. Steve YakimowMs. Kristen ZabbatinoDr. and Mrs. Sal ZabbatinoMr. Alfred Zeiser *Mr. Guiru Zhang and Mrs. Lijuan Li

FOFA Matching Gift CompaniesCisco Foundation via JustGive.orgDuke Energy FoundationGeneral Electric FoundationMacys Federated Department StoresMeadWestvaco FoundationPepsico Foundation

All School Music Revue SponsorThe Coggins Group - Morgan Stanley

All School Music Revue Technical SponsorCyndi and Matthew Smith

MSLHS Theater SponsorAnonymous

Art Beat Main SponsorsEssenza Studio and GalleryFreeze Yogurt Bar (Lance & Christina Francis)Gallery VeroniqueKeller Williams (Audrey Elder)Montgomery Vision CareStar StruckUBS (Phil Ochs and Wayne Scott)

Art Beat General SponsorsBanana Leaf (Tongdangjoue Family)Buffalo Wild WingsDan Ledbetter PhotographyDewey’s PizzaFrito LayGatoradeHolzman MeatsImagine Landscape Possibilities (Judd Klusmeyer)Johnny Chan 2Max Stacy Flowers (Stacy Family)Natorp’s, Inc.Neon Lites (Wendi Rhizor)Plaza Artist MaterialsPremier PianosSilver Spring HouseStarbucks CoffeeUnited Dairy FarmersUno Chicago Grill (Wilber Family)

In Honor ofSophia EspositoAngela StutzMona Summers & Fine Arts Faculty


Page 27: CHCA Eagles Eye Winter 2012


2011-12Dr. Rita AllowayMr. and Mrs. Tim AndersonMr. and Mrs. Jim BechtoldMr. and Mrs. Michael BeckerMr. and Mrs. Brien BolsingerMr. and Mrs. Tom BrownMr. and Mrs. John Brownrigg, Jr.Mrs. Mary BurdsallMr. and Mrs. Joel Campbell, IIIMr. and Mrs. Dave CarusoMr. Mike ChappelleMr. and Mrs. James CrabbeDr. and Mrs. Bob CucinottaDr. and Mrs. Dan DeboMr. and Mrs. Dom DiFabioMr. and Mrs. Craig EasterdayDr. and Mrs. Doug FeeneyMr. and Mrs. Rick FrohMr. and Mrs. Chet FullerDr. Michel Ghastine and Dr. Ghada KhalifeMr. and Mrs. Bill GoodwinMr. and Mrs. Joseph HartmannMr. and Mrs. Chris HayesMr. and Mrs. Greg HollidayMr. and Mrs. Mike HughesMrs. Jennifer JasperMr. Jim JonasMr. and Mrs. Robert Jones

Dr. Tom and Dr. Cindy KabalinMr. and Mrs. Jeff KelleyMr. and Mrs. Chris KoobMr. and Mrs. Michael KuremskyMr. Mike LallyMr. and Mrs. Ray Lowrey, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Scott LyleMr. and Mrs. Tim MassaMr. and Mrs. Bill McBrayer, IVMr. and Mrs. Rick McLeodMr. and Mrs. Jim McNamaraMr. and Mrs. Dan MeadorMr. and Mrs. Baker MeyerDr. Michael and Dr. Andrea MooreheadMs. Julie MoorehouseMr. and Mrs. Roger MyersMr. and Mrs. Evans NwankwoMr. and Mrs. Phil Ochs, IVMr. and Mrs. Rob OttenjohnMr. and Mrs. Michael OwenMr. and Mrs. Dennis PackerDr. and Mrs. Kenton PateMr. and Mrs. Mike PrescottMr. and Mrs. Gary PriceMs. Leigh PropMr. and Mrs. Vince PropParent Teacher FellowshipMr. and Mrs. Randy Renners

Mr. and Mrs. Rick RiccettiMr. Steve Schlosser and Mrs. Patrice Tafur-SchlosserDr. and Mrs. Jim SchmittMr. and Mrs. Ted SchroederMr. and Mrs. Caetano SequeiraMr. and Mrs. Rick Shields, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Greg SimpsonMr. and Mrs. Mike SkoglundDr. Tim and Dr. Michelle StaarmannMr. and Mrs. Chris StaubDr. and Mrs. Uly TandocMr. and Mrs. David TaylorMr. and Mrs. Ken TaylorMr. and Mrs. Bill TedrickMr. and Mrs. Randy TerryMr. and Mrs. Mike ThomasMr. and Mrs. Eric VentersMr. Larry Vizcaino and Dr. Clarissa RosasMr. and Mrs. Bill VonderhaarMr. and Mrs. Joe WaldenMr. and Mrs. Phil WeaverMr. and Mrs. Charles WessonMr. and Mrs. Bo WestheiderMr. and Mrs. Bob WilliamsMr. and Mrs. Rex WilliamsMr. and Mrs. Rob WissmanDr. and Mrs. Eric Wittkugel


Mr. and Mrs. John AllenMr. and Mrs. Evan AndrewsMr. and Mrs. Jim BechtoldMr. and Mrs. Paul BertramsMr. and Mrs. Rocke BlairMr. and Mrs. Brien BolsingerMr. and Mrs. David BowenMr. and Mrs. Joe BrooksMr. and Mrs. Tom Brown Mr. and Mrs. John BrownriggMr. and Mrs. Bill CarrollMrs. Mary ChappelleMr. Mike ChappelleMs. Cindy CogginsMr. and Mrs. Rolando ColladoMr. and Mrs. Scott CollinsMr. and Mrs. Shane CotterDr. and Mrs. Dan DeboMr. and Mrs. Dennis DerrMr. and Mrs. Perry DrososMr. and Mrs. Craig EasterdayMr. and Mrs. John EckertMr. and Mrs. Jim ElderMr. and Mrs. Mike EllisonMr. and Mrs. Chet FullerMr. and Mrs. Brian GardnerMr. and Mrs. Lynn GlaserMr. and Mrs. Bill GoodwinDr. Mel and Dr. Chandra GravelyMr. and Mrs. Ford HalterMr. and Mrs. John HandelsmanMr. and Mrs. Kirk HardwickMr. and Mrs. Jonathan HayesMrs. Beth HeathMr. and Mrs. Tom HumphreyMr. and Mrs. Tim JesterMr. and Mrs. Robert JonesMr. and Mrs. Mark Kadnar

Mr. and Mrs. Stan KazeeMs. Adrienne Kiser-ToneyMr. and Mrs. Chris KoobMr. and Mrs. Tom KoopmanMr. and Mrs. Matt KuhnellMr. and Mrs. Michael KuremskyDr. and Mrs. Chris LawleyMrs. Kellie LawleyMr. and Mrs. Doug LeeMr. and Mrs. Ray LowreyDr. and Mrs. David MangelsMr. and Mrs. Bill McBrayerMr. and Mrs. Rick McLeodMr. and Mrs. Jason McSwainMr. and Mrs. Bart MetzlerMr. and Mrs. Baker MeyerMr. Bruce and Dr. Joan MiracleMr. and Mrs. John MirlesenaDr. and Mrs. Jon MummaDr. and Mrs. Les MurrayMr. and Mrs. Jon NiemeyerMr. and Mrs. Tom O’BrienMr. and Mrs. Phil OchsMr. and Mrs. Paul O’NeillDr. and Mrs. Brad OsborneMrs. Joan OsborneMr. and Mrs. Tony OverstreetMr. and Mrs. Pierre ParozMr. and Mrs. Todd PfisterMr. and Mrs. Ted PhelpsMr. and Mrs. Scott PhillipsMrs. Jean PoynterMr. and Mrs. Gary PriceMs. Leigh PropMr. and Mrs. Vince PropMr. Bink RennersMr. and Mrs. Randy RennersMr. and Mrs. Ken Riley

Ms. Tressa RudolphMr. Jeff SchwabeMs. Kristin SchwabeMr. and Mrs. Bob SheehyMr. and Mrs. Darryl ShefferMr. and Mrs. Gregory SimpsonMr. and Mrs. Mike SkoglundMr. and Mrs. Ed SmithMr. and Mrs. Alan SmithMr. and Mrs. Jeff StagnaraoMr. and Mrs. Greg StevensDr. and Mrs. Bryan StraderRev. and Mrs. Ennis TaitMr. and Mrs. David TaylorMr. and Mrs. Barry TheilMr. and Mrs. Eric VentersMr. Larry Vizcaino and Dr. Clarissa RosasMr. and Mrs. Phil WeaverMr. and Mrs. Bobby WillardMr. and Mrs. Bob WilliamsMr. and Mrs. Rex WilliamsDr. and Mrs. Eric WittkugelPastor and Mrs. Darin YatesMr. and Mrs. Eric Zwarg

Athletic SponsorsBeacon OrthopedicsMontgomery Inn

Athletic Field SponsorsAllstate Insurance - Durham AgencyCare Connection of CincinnatiKroger


(gifts received July 1, 2011 to June 30, 2012)

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2011/2012 2011/2012 VARIANCE 2010/2011 ACTUAL BUDGET TO BUDGET ACTUALREVENUES Tuition & Fees $19,286,256 $18,769,275 $516,981 $17,634,113 Contributions $891,540 $773,000 $118,540 $733,632 State Funds $1,230,825 $1,194,969 $35,856 $1,099,913 Investment / Other Income $70,002 $350,000 ($279,998) $311,570 Capital $0 $0 $0 $0

TOTAL REVENUES $21,478,623 $21,087,244 $391,379 $19,779,228

EXPENSES Payroll and Benefits $13,707,581 $13,737,057 $29,476 $12,776,788 Financial Aid $1,836,896 $1,969,795 $132,899 $1,788,109 Operating Expenses $5,716,985 $5,430,268 ($286,717) $4,927,889 Capital $0 $0 $0 $0

TOTAL EXPENSES $21,261,462 $21,137,120 ($124,342) $19,492,786

NET INCOME $217,161 -$49,876 $267,037 $286,442

These numbers exclude certain areas that are contained in the audited financial statement such as capital gifts, endowment gifts and depreciation.


Tuition & Fees89%


State Funds6%

Investment/Other Income



Payroll and Benefits

64%Financial Aid9%

Operating Expenses27%


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ASSETS 2012 2011 Cash and Investments $46,541,650 $46,005,435 Deferred Tuition $4,394,287 $4,550,569 Receivables $125,766 $448,724 Property and Equipment $35,651,079 $35,359,344 Other Assets $79,060 $84,052

TOTAL ASSETS $86,791,842 $86,448,124

LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS Liabilities Accrued Expenses $1,748,630 $1,088,489 Deferred Tuition $4,394,287 $4,550,569 Interest Rate Swap $239,537 $110,513 Long Term Debt $11,170,948 $10,888,277

TOTAL LIABILITIES $17,553,402 $16,637,848

NET ASSETS $69,238,440 $69,810,276

TOTAL LIABILITIES & NET ASSETS $86,791,842 $86,448,124

Cash & Investments


Property & Equipment


Deferred Tuition5%

Total Cash and Investments: $46,541,650

Schott International Fund$79,506Miscellaneous $214,493Capital Reserve$254,121Bessie Steel (Armleder) $955,659

Pooled Endowments Tuition Reduction $2,065,031NC Enhancement - Affordability $2,433,326Teacher Incentive Endowment $2,540,633

Cash Equivalents (restricted & unrestricted) $4,157,283

NC Enhancement - Building $3,997,700

Armleder Scholarship Funds $29,843,898










$0 2011



















Principal Balance


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Who supported the 2011-12GIFT OF GIVING ANNUAL CAMPAIGN?

NO. OF DONORS TOTAL GIVENAlumni 130 $4,438.00Current CHCA Parents 335 $314,095.07Faculty and Staff 73 $3,741.04Grandparents, Alumni Parents, Friends and Special Donors 171 $98,968.45Matching gift companies and other organizations 33 $63,460.30

GRAND TOTAL 742 $484,702.86

Current CHCA Parents


Faculty and Staff


Grandparents, Alumni Parents, Friends and Special Donors


Matching gift companies and other organizations

13% Alumni1%

Alumni Jill Ducro ‘06, Ryan Collado ‘07 and Doug Browne ‘07 were inducted into the 2012 Hall of Excellence on September 14, 2012. They join seven former student-athletes and three adults already in the Hall of Excellence.

Jill Ducro ’06 is recognized for her accomplishments in tennis. Her senior year she placed 4th in the state in Doubles with teammate, Cheryl Thinnes ’06. As a junior, she placed 4th in the state in Singles. Her freshman year, Jill and teammate Shaden Dowiatt ‘03 were State Doubles Champions.

Ryan Collado ’07 is recognized for his accomplishments in football and track and field. He was part of the 2005 state runner-up football team and qualified for the state

track meet in 2006 as part of the 4x100 meter relay team.

Doug Browne ’07 is recognized for his accomplishments in football, basketball and baseball. In 2005, Doug was the Division V Ohio Offensive Player of the Year for football and part of the Miami Valley Conference/Sectional/Regional Championship baseball team.

The three honorees are shown here with CHCA Athletic Director Matt Coleman (far right).

THREE ALUMNI INDUCTED INTO Athletic Hall of Excellence Ducro, Collado, Browne recognized for their achievements in athletics

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On behalf of the Board of Trustees Finance Committee, I am pleased to report that BKD, LLP, our independent auditors, issued a “clean” opinion regarding CHCA’s financial statements for the year ending June 30, 2012. This clean opinion signifies the auditor’s belief that our financial statements accurately represent the financial position of CHCA. Portions of the financial statements are included on the previous pages. You may review BKD’s audit report in its entirety by contacting Mike Wallace in the Business Office at (513) 247-0900.

Even in these economically challenging times, our school administrators, department heads and staff work diligently to provide our students the best education available while staying within our budget. We are extremely fortunate to have such a dedicated and credible financial team overseeing our CHCA community. Mike and his staff are to be commended on a job well done. As we move forward, I want to assure you that the Board remains focused on maintaining the highest level of education in a Christ-centered institution stressing academic excellence. We ask for your prayers and encourage your input via public budget meetings scheduled twice each year.

Evan Andrews, 2012-13 Board Treasurer

A Message from


CHCA’s 2012-13 Board of Trustees

2012-2013 Board of Trustees | Front row: Liz Abel, Karen Kohlan, Adrienne Kiser-Toney, Jane Glenchur, Inger Eckert, Vivienne Bechtold, Suzy McBrayer, Lisa Allgood and Debbie Brooks. Back row: Rolando Collado, Evan Andrews, Randy Brunk, Jim Pekarek, Jack Horvath, Trent McCracken, Michael Foust, Barry Thiel, Brian Gardner, Gregory Simpson, David Thompson, Lance Francis and Randy Randolph. Not photographed: Ryan Betscher and Scott Collins.

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11525 Snider RoadCincinnati, Ohio 45249


Cincinnati Hills Christian Academy will unleash each student’s God-given gifts through Christ-centered academic excellence. We are devoted to developing the whole person, and instilling a lifelong passion for learning, leading and serving.

If you receive duplicate copies of Eagle’s Eye for a son or daughter who has established a separate permanent address, please let us know by e-mailing [email protected].

There are as many opportunities to learn, lead and serve at CHCA during the summer as during the school year.

Last summer, hundreds of students were on campus attending camps and earning graduation credits in courses like Geometry, Economics, Physical Education, Speech, Art and Spanish.

FIND OUT MORE about CHCA’s summer

offerings at chca-oh.org/summerflight.
