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CHCI CEO's Despedida Commencement Address at Georgetown University

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Esther Aquilera, President & CEO of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute, delivers an inspiring address to Georgetown University's graduating Latino class of 2013. She called upon them to seize the opportunity as the future success of the United States relies on their success. This is Latino's time to ensure a strong America for us all. Delivered on Thursday, May 16, 2013 in historic Gaston Hall. For more information, please visit www.chci.org.
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Developing the Next Generation of Latino Leaders® OUR TIME: A Strong America
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Developing the Next Generation of Latino Leaders®

OUR TIME: A Strong America

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Despedida Chicano/Latino Commencement Ceremony

Georgetown UniversityThursday, May 16, 2013

Esther AguileraPresident & CEO, CHCI

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It is an honor to be on the campus of historic Georgetown University.

Thank you Kevin for the kind introduction. To you, Anthony and the entire committee, thank you for including me you your Despedida Chicano/Latino commencement send-off ceremony.

To the University leadership, Provost Bob Graves, Dean of Student Life Todd Olson and so many others, thank you for supporting this important ceremony.

Today is a proud day. I am proud of your accomplishment. Dorothy Height, a key figure in the civil rights movement said, “No one will do for you what you need to do for yourself.” You all have taken charge of your trajectory in life.

It is a proud day to be Latino. Not only for the 45 graduates here this evening and all their family members, but for the more than 52 million U.S. Latinos and a proud day for the nation.

You are a different person today than when you stepped foot on this campus, for many of you, four years ago. You have benefited from being located in the nation’s capital – the center of power.

This is the city I have called home for more than 22 years. The common thread of my professional career has been to advance the Latino community and open the doors of opportunity.

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It is a proud day to be Latino. Not only for the 45 graduates here this evening and all their family members, but for the more than 52 million U.S. Latinos and a proud day for the nation.

You are a different person today than when you stepped foot on this campus, for many of you, four years ago. You have benefited from being located in the nation’s capital – the center of power.

This is the city I have called home for more than 22 years. The common thread of my professional career has been to advance the Latino community and open the doors of opportunity.

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I moved here at your age, soon after graduating from Occidental College in Los Angeles. I was raised in San Fernando, California. [Let’s not do the math on my age – I am still your age at heart!]

I studied public policy in college and landed my first job with the National Council of La Raza – I moved to the opposite end of the country from where I grew up.

From there, I assumed the role of executive director of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus, working with the Latino members of Congress on the Latino legislative agenda.

I was appointed to serve as senior advisor to Energy Secretary Bill Richardson. Prior to joining CHCI, I worked for the Dewey Square group on strategic policy and legislative initiatives for Fortune 100 companies and top associations.

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For the last eight years, I have led the growth strategy for CHCI, a high-performing and impactful national nonprofit organization. In this role and many past roles, I have been privileged to work with the top leaders from every sector, from members of Congress to top executives in corporate America, and labor unions. I have met several US Presidents, Cabinet Members and worked with top officials.

Now, my path to these roles was not an obvious one. I am an immigrant and child of farmers and ranchers – hija de campesinos. I was born in rural, northern Jalisco, Mexico. My family moved to the United States when I was four along with my five brothers and sisters. We were undocumented – we moved here to reunite the family.

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My father worked as a landscape laborer. At our dinner table, we did not have conversations about politics or receive advice on education and career. My parents focused on providing for the family. They sacrificed a great deal so that we could one day advance.

My eldest sister was valedictorian of her high school class and undocumented when she was applying to colleges. She was lucky that our immigration paperwork was finally approved after a 10-year struggle. We all advanced to attend college.

My story is like that of many of yours, or your parents. Dorothy Height also said, “Greatness is not measured by what you accomplish, but by the opposition [you] overcome.” Your parents or grandparents strived for a better life so that you would have the opportunity to strive for greatness.

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In that path, remember to be grounded. “As we move forward, let us also look back…” (Dorothy Height). Honor your heritage and history with all if its humility, hardship and glory. The glory of reaching this day – a proud day.

I have seen a lot in the 22 years here in Washington, D.C. – some positive change for the Latino community, and some things that remain the same.

One thing is certain today. You represent the hopes, dreams and aspirations of your family, community and the nation. Let me tell you why.

You represent the dreams and aspirations of your family. You have overcome obstacles to get here. Your parents sacrificed a great deal – as with my dad, he proudly cut grass and dug ditches to plant trees… So that I would not follow in his footsteps.

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You represent the dreams and aspirations of your community. Many people have fought for a free education, the right to vote, and promote the best ideals of the United States, always advancing a more perfect union.

Latinos faced segregated schools and signs that read “No Mexicans or dogs allowed”. We continue to face negative stereotypes, like we are all immigrants who arrived yesterday.

You represent the dreams and aspirations of your country. Latinos today will be prominent players in all aspects of society. Latinos are increasing in population share while other minority groups are decreasing or staying the same.

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We are over 50 million strong. We represent one in six Americans and one of every three children. And it is important to note that 9 out of 10 Latino children in the United States are born here.

We are the current and future customers, employees, employers, entrepreneurs, and leaders.

According the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Hispanics are projected to account for 74 percent of the growth in the nation's labor force from 2010 to 2020, a much higher rate than in the previous two decades.

Hispanic purchasing power is close to $1.5 trillion, equivalent to the 12th largest economy in the world.

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If you think we had an impact on this last presidential election with over 11 million voters, wait until you see what happens over the next few election cycles. You haven’t seen anything yet!

More than 50,000 Latinos turn 18 each month and are eligible to vote.

According to the 2012 Nielsen report, Hispanics are the cornerstone of future growth. The strength of the United States is tied to the success of the Latino population. We are all in it together.

22 years ago, when I moved to DC, we were half the size. The America you live in today and will lead tomorrow is very different from the one I grew up in. We can no longer feel or act like a minor segment of society.

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With greater numbers comes greater responsibility. We need to prepare ourselves for positions of leadership on our chosen fields.

My vision for you is that we stop talking about breaking the glass ceiling.

In our hands, we hold the power to shape not only our own but the nation’s future. Dorothy Height said these same words to minority men and women in the 60’s. This is our reality today.

Our power and influence only truly exist if we choose to be involved, exercise our right to vote that many fought for, and prepare ourselves as leaders.

That is where all of you come in.

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I don’t want to put too much pressure on your shoulders, but the world you all step out into as you graduate from college needs you and it will help you succeed if you help yourself.

Nothing will be given to you; you will need to earn it. Strive for excellence and use today as your launching pad to dream big.

So now you begin your journey in becoming the leaders you were born to be.

As you carry the torch for your family, for your community and ultimately for the nation, you must look behind you and pull up those that are looking for the opportunities that you had.

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THIS IS OUR TIME. Latinos have been leading the way and making great contributions at every stage – the city of Santa Fe was founded over 500 years, and this year Florida celebrates its Quincentennial – both are older than Jamestown. Latinos have fought and been decorated in every war, from the civil war to the Iraq and Afgan battles.


The next few decades we will see more Hispanic CEOs, Hispanic elected officials, and University Presidents.

And finally, you will elect the first Hispanic president of the United States, perhaps one of you in this room.

Any success we have as a nation moving forward will be in great part due to your own success.

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I am passionate about my work as CHCI because I know the difference it makes to open a door through internships and fellowships.

In 2004, my first year, we served 93 students directly. Over the past two years, I’m proud to say we now average 1600 students per year.

So being here today is an extension of the passion I have for seeing the Latino community grow in strength and influence.

It has been a special honor to speak to you here this evening and I know you all embrace the hopes and aspirations of your family, community, and nation.

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Know that we are all very proud of you, we love you, we will be here for you, and we will be watching you!!

Thank you and have a great evening.

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OUR TIME: A Strong Americawww.chci.org
