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Votility Inc. - 104 East Park Dr. Building 300 Brentwood, TN 37027 - www.votility.com - 615-371-6666

Cheat SheetSocial Media Member Engagment

IntroductionResearch is now showing that members are spending more and more of their time

on social media sites. As a member based group, your goal is to speak to your mem-

bers where they reside, in their own element on social media. Yet, understanding

why your organization should be using social media is the easy part compared to un-

derstanding how each social platform works! Not only is each platform designed for

different personas, but also each platform has a different layout and user etiquette.

Our goal is to help you reach your members more effectively on the social media

sites where they spend the bulk of their time. If you are struggling keeping up with

Google+ circles, hashtags, and pins, look no further because here is the complete

social media cheat sheet designed to answer all your questions!

Votility Inc. - 104 East Park Dr. Building 300 Brentwood, TN 37027 - www.votility.com - 615-371-6666

Cheat SheetSocial Media Member Engagment

Chapter One: Reach and Inform More Members With Twitter

How to Use TwitterTwitter is designed to send frequent, short messages in attempt to reach a large audience.

Twitter allows you to:

1. Send a short message to a bunch of members publicly


Each tweet or message is limited to 140 characters, but it is best to keep them around 120 characters

to save room for followers to ReTweet.

Votility Inc. - 104 East Park Dr. Building 300 Brentwood, TN 37027 - www.votility.com - 615-371-6666

Cheat SheetSocial Media Member Engagment


�� Twitter Handle: This is a username and what people use to represent them on Twitter. Ex: @


�� Follower: This is a person who has subscribed to view YOUR twitter updates.

�� @Reply: Use the @ symbol to talk to people. By adding @username anywhere in the

140-character message, that user along with your followers will see the message.

�� Hashtag (#): A tagging system used to start conversations around a certain topic, event, or

theme. Use the # symbol followed by a word, acronym, or phrase. Ex: #MemberEngagement

�� ReTweet (RT): This repeats what someone else has already tweeted. Users do this in order to


�� Name: Check Out This Social Media Etiquette Ebook!

�� Direct Message (DM): This is a way to privately message someone that follows you; this is

OLNH�DQ�LQER[��<RX�FDQ·W�GLUHFW�PHVVDJH�RWKHU�WZLWWHU�XVHUV�XQOHVV�WKH\�IROORZ�\RX��� Trending: These are the most popular topics currently on Twitter. You can set your twitter

trends locally or globally.

Twitter EtiquetteWhile using Twitter there are some rules you should follow to make sure your organization is being

courteous to others. The whole point of Twitter is to start a conversation or engage with members and

potential members.

Therefore think of Twitter conversations like phone conversations:

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�� Say please and thank you. If a member ReTweets your message or leaves a comment, thank




�� Follow back to allow for direct messaging. If a potential member starts to follow you, they may

have a few questions about the group that they would prefer to privately ask you. In order for

them to send you a private, direct message, you have to be following them.

�� Post valuable content messages and not spam! Members will follow different twitter accounts

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Votility Inc. - 104 East Park Dr. Building 300 Brentwood, TN 37027 - www.votility.com - 615-371-6666

Cheat SheetSocial Media Member Engagment

Chapter 2: Keep Your Members Engaged and Entertained With Facebook

How to Use FacebookFacebook is designed to humanize your organization or group by creating a brand page that is inter-

active, visual, and interesting. Facebook allows you to engage with current members by asking them


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“fans” and instead are known as just “liking” the page. But this popular term has remained strong on

Facebook and is one to recognize.

Votility Inc. - 104 East Park Dr. Building 300 Brentwood, TN 37027 - www.votility.com - 615-371-6666

Cheat SheetSocial Media Member Engagment

Facebook TerminologyLike: This term actually has three different meanings on Facebook.



3. A like button can be placed on a website separate from Facebook to allow a user to like a web

page or blog article. When they click on the like button it will share the web page on their wall.

This does not mean they have decided to be a fan of the page; it only shares the article on

their wall.


Tag: You can tag other organizations and groups in a post, photo, or video by typing the @ symbol


News feed: This is where posts and updates from other groups and organizations you “like” are com-

piled for easy viewing. In the news feed you can keep up with other groups and see what they have to

share and also interact with their posts.

Group: This is a group of Facebook users organized around one central topic or interest. A group can

be created by anyone allowing members to participate in chats, upload photos to share albums, col-

laborate on group docs, and invite members who are friends to group events.

Facebook EtiquetteSome best practices you should follow to ensure optimal member engagement are:

�� Post every day: Posting multiple times a day will ensure that several members see your

posts. If you only post once or twice a week, then the chances of members missing your

updates increase. Ultimately you need to understand your target audience and do some

research to see when they are using Facebook. For most organizations, the weekends

are the best time to reach members because they are home and not busy with work.

�� Focus on engagement: Post articles your members will like and share, ask them a ques-

tion, and suggest helpful tips. Think about Facebook as a platform to build relationships

with your members and increase engagement.


�� Make it fun: Members are on Facebook to have fun and engage with groups of interest.

Think of ways to entertain your membership while staying true to your organization.

Votility Inc. - 104 East Park Dr. Building 300 Brentwood, TN 37027 - www.votility.com - 615-371-6666

Cheat SheetSocial Media Member Engagment

Chapter 3: Easily Interact With Your Members On Google+

How to Use Google+Google+ is one of the newest social media platforms and allows organizations to create pages to

develop relationships with prospects on multiple levels. The layout of Google+ is very similar to Face-

book, but it has several unique features that can make member engagement a breeze!

Google+ is also a visual platform so make sure to share lots of photos! Also encourage members to

share your posts on Google+ and other social sites. Stretch your Google+ efforts even further by add-

ing social sharing icons to your blog and website and promote your Google+ page there as well.

Votility Inc. - 104 East Park Dr. Building 300 Brentwood, TN 37027 - www.votility.com - 615-371-6666

Cheat SheetSocial Media Member Engagment

Google TerminologyGoogle+, along with all the other social media platforms, also has their own lingo and understanding

it is crucial to your success with the platform:

�� +1: This is when someone likes your post and they +1 it.

�� Circle: A group of people with similar interests. An organization can use circles to organize its

followers, members, and other organizations. When it comes to sharing content you have the

option to share to all circles or target a certain circle. Remember users will not see which circle

you place them under.

�� Hangout: This is a video chat on Google+ for up to 10 people. This is a great feature that al-

lows you to virtually access your members to better engage with them.

�� Huddle: This is a group chat on Google+

�� Mute: This allows the user to stop viewing posts from a contact.

�� Stream: The posts that you and your contacts add to Google+.

�� Mention someone in your post: Do this by adding a “+” or “@” in front of their name.


�� Use your circles when posting articles, links, and photos. Circles allow you to target users that

will be interested in different types of content.

�� Give credit: If you re-share a relevant post to your circles, but the content is not yours, give the

person who originally shared it credit. +Mention them in the re-share post.

�� Use the +1 button to voice your agreement

�� Comments are meant to start a discussion and ask questions. Always be mindful of what you


Votility Inc. - 104 East Park Dr. Building 300 Brentwood, TN 37027 - www.votility.com - 615-371-6666

Cheat SheetSocial Media Member Engagment

Chapter 4: Get Creative With Member Engagement On Pinterest

How to Use PinterestPinterest is a virtual pinboard allowing users to “pin” images, either from their own computer or web-

sites, onto collective pin boards. The act of pinning includes categorizing images on several pin-

boards and using images, videos, infographics, and other visual content to populate those pinboards.

Pinterest is perfect for companies, groups, and organizations that have a product, offer, or a strong

level of creativity to create visually appealing pinboards. According to Pinterest, this network is meant


Below is an example of a collection of pinboards all with the central theme of “advocacy”.

Votility Inc. - 104 East Park Dr. Building 300 Brentwood, TN 37027 - www.votility.com - 615-371-6666

Cheat SheetSocial Media Member Engagment


�� A Pin: An image added to Pinterest.

�� Pinboard: A collection of Pins that are centered on a theme/topic/interest.

�� Pinning: The act of visually sharing content.


�� Pin It Button: A button placed on website to encourage the act of pinning content from the


�� Pinner: The person who does the pinning.

Pinterest EtiquettePinterest has a fairly strict etiquette they would like users to follow while using their platform.

�� Avoid self-promotion: The whole point of Pinterest is to share a variety of things you or your


�� Credit your sources: Make sure each and every time you pin something from another website

that you credit the original source. Under the “edit” section of each pin there is a place to insert

a link back to the original source, so be sure to check that all your pins have their original links.

�� Pins need to be appropriate: This means no nudity, vulgar language, or anything that may of-

fend other people.

Votility Inc. - 104 East Park Dr. Building 300 Brentwood, TN 37027 - www.votility.com - 615-371-6666

Cheat SheetSocial Media Member Engagment

Chapter 5: Direct Your Members To Act Through Video On YouTube

How to Use YouTube<RX7XEH�LV�GHVLJQHG�IRU�VKDULQJ�YLGHRV�DQG�WHOOLQJ�WKH�VWRU\�RI�\RXU�RUJDQL]DWLRQ�WKURXJK�ÀOP��&UHDW-ing and posting videos on YouTube is the perfect way to explain important topics to your membership.


time you post a video.

�� Playlists: This is a way for people to organize their favorite videos. For example a member

could make an “advocacy campaigning” playlist.

�� Video responses: You can post a video in response to another video. These video re-

sponses show up beneath the original video.

�� Embedding: 7KHUH�LV�DQ�¶(PEHG·�ER[�LQ�WKH�GHVFULSWLRQ�WR�WKH�YLGHRV�\RX�ZDWFK��3HRSOH�use this code and paste it on their personal web pages so that the video can be viewed

directly from there.

YouTube EtiquetteYouTube does not have too many strict rules, but the most popular area of debate is the comment

section under each video.

�� Leave comments that are relevant to the video.

�� Respond to comments, whether they are negative or positive.


Votility Inc. - 104 East Park Dr. Building 300 Brentwood, TN 37027 - www.votility.com - 615-371-6666

Cheat SheetSocial Media Member Engagment

Chapter 6: Connect With Your Members On A Professional Level On LinkedIn

How to Use LinkedInLinkedIn is an excellent social media platform for companies, organizations, and professional indi-

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�� Introduction: A message that allows members to contact or be contacted through a mutual


�� Invitation: This is sent to a member on LinkedIn to join a network.

�� Connection: Members who have accepted an invitation to connect with someone.

�� InMail: A private messaging system allowing you to contact any LinkedIn member.

�� Recommendation: A comment written to recommend a colleague, partner, or a provider of a

professional service.

�� Groups: These can be created by anyone who would like to share their expertise and knowl-

edge with others.

LinkedIn EtiquetteLinkedIn is known as the professional network

and with that title comes etiquette that needs

to be followed:

�� Keep your invitations personal: Peo-

ple like to connect with humans, not

automated internet robots. Therefore,

when sending out invitations to connect

with others, keep them as personal as

possible and remove any generic text.

�� Ask questions: LinkedIn encourages

organization pages to ask questions,

post an article, or share a special offer

that would interest your members. This

is the best way to engage with your

members on LinkedIn.

�� Answer messages in a timely fash-ion: Treat these messages as im-

portantly as you do emails. Respond

within 48 hours.

�� Interact in professional manner: Edit

your messages for typos, avoid bick-

ering, never spam, and learn to spell

names correctly.

Votility Inc. - 104 East Park Dr. Building 300 Brentwood, TN 37027 - www.votility.com - 615-371-6666

Cheat SheetSocial Media Member Engagment

Conclusion In this social media cheat sheet guide we covered tips and tricks that should prepare

you to take all the current social media platforms by the horns! We discussed what

each platform does, the lingo behind each one, and the proper etiquette and rules for

each platform. Now that you know how to use each social media platform, learn how to

increase your member engagement and retention by using social media!
