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Chelation Therapy

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chelation therapy

Chelation Therapy & CAD


Chelation Therapy?

• Chelation therapy is an investigational form of complementary or alternative therapy that uses the man-made amino acid, called EDTA (ethylene diamine tetra acetic acid).

• EDTA is administered via an IV.

What is Chelation?• Greek word chelos meaning claw• Refers to an organic molecule binding a

mineral tightly• Examples: chlorophyll is a chelate of

magnesium and hemoglobin is a chelate of iron

• EDTA is a synthetic amino acid capable of binding to lead, cadmium and other toxic metals, as well as calcium

Chelating Agents and Chelation Therapy• Many chelating agents• EDTA is a chelating agent approved by

the FDA to remove lead from the body• Chelation therapy involves administering

a chelating agent for the purpose of removing a toxic mineral from the body

• Removal of toxic minerals may help coronary artery disease because there is evidence that toxic minerals may play a role in coronary artery disease

Brief History of EDTA Chelation Therapy• 1950’s-EDTA found to be useful to treat lead

poisoning• Dr. Clark in the 1950’s reasoned that since EDTA is

also capable of binding calcium and calcium is found in the clogged arteries in the plaque, perhaps EDTA could be used to treat coronary artery disease

• Initial clinical observations were very promising and several papers were published supporting its use

• Three small randomized placebo controlled studies in recent years failed to show benefits

• Controversy rages over whether or not it is beneficial

Technique for EDTA Chelation Therapy for CAD• Disodium EDTA is a synthetic amino acid• Chelates or binds heavy metals and

calcium• Intravenous infusion given for 3 hours• Administered in MD’s office once a week,

usually for 30 to 50 treatments• Magnesium, potassium, vitamins B6, C,

heparin and other components added to infusion

EDTA Chelation Therapy for CAD is Part of Full Program• Part of a total program that involves

diet, supplements, exercise, stress management and medication

• Depletes trace minerals, so these must be replaced with good diet, oral & IV minerals

• Side effects minimal when the ACAM protocol is followed


How it possibly works to decrease CAD

• Atheromatous plaque is one of the leading causes of CAD.

• A major component of plaque is calcium.

• 3-Theories of plaque removal:– EDTA might break up atheromatous plaque.– EDTA may activate a hormone that sets

calcium free.– Chelation therapy may reduce oxidative

stress on walls of blood vessels.

Atherosclerotic Artery


Chelation- claw-like formation


Proposed Mechanisms for How Chelation Therapy Works• Reduces free radicals• Removes toxic minerals, such as

lead and cadmium, which may contribute to CAD

• Removes soft tissue calcium• Others

Common Uses of Chelation Therapy

• Chelation therapy has primarily been used as agent to detoxify heavy metals such as calcium, iron, magnesium, lead and zinc.

• EDTA binds to these metal ions because of its strong affinity for cations.

• The bound metal ions are then excreted in the urine.

Toxicities Related to Chelation Therapy

• chelation therapy must be used with supplementation of calcium

• There have been a few deaths recorded related to hypocalcemia as a result of chelation therapy-stroke- calcium facilitates the conversion of prothrombin - > thrombin-heart attacks – calcium helps to regulate heartbeats

Possible Side Effects of Properly Given EDTA Chelation Therapy • Generally side effects are few and not serious• Most common is irritation at the site of infusion• Rare side effects can include:

– Fever– Low blood pressure– Low serum– Headache– Nausea and vomiting– Injury to the kidneys– Others, but extremely

Criteria for Usage of Chelation Therapy with CAD

Patients using Chelation therapy must follow strict criteria:

• CAD must be in a stable state• Prior to treatment patient must have cardiac

function measured using a electrocardiogram ECG

• functioning kidney and liver• Normal blood count• No cancerous growth and no other infectious

immune compromising diseases • Need to have a nutrition screen done• Must continue regular CAD treatment with


Conclusion• Chelation therapy has been used as a

successful treatment for toxicities with minerals lead, magnesium, zinc, calcium and iron.

• Calcium is a major component of plaque that causes CAD.

• At this time it is difficult to find reasonable cause to support or deny the efficacy of chelation therapy on CAD.

ReferencesKnudtson, ML., et al., Chelation Therapy for Ischemic Heart Disease:

A randomized Controlled Trial. JAMA, 2002; 287, 4; 481-486.http://proquest.umi.com/Retrieved: 7/5/06

Mahan, L K., Escott-Stump, S. Krause’s Food Nutrition and Diet Therapy, 11th ed. Philidelphia: Saunders, 2004.

Nash, RA., Metals in Medicine. Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine,2005;11, 4; 18-26.http://proquest.umi.com/Retrieved: 6/26/06

National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, National Institute of Health. Learn More About Chelation Therapy and the Study, 2006.http://nccam.nih/gov/chelation/chelationstudy.htmRetrieved: 6/23/06

Shrihari, JS, et al., Role of EDTA chelation therapy in cardiovascular diseases.The National Medical Journal of India, 2006;19.http://www.nmji/archivesRetrieved: 7/5/06

Chelation Therapy

The End!
