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Chelsea Rutter Portfolio

Date post: 03-Nov-2015
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Chelsea Rutter Comm 130 Visual Media Portfolio

  • CONTACTChelsea [email protected] S Warren RdSpokane Valley, WA 99037

  • CONTENTSMontageBrochurePhotodesignBusiness CardStationaryWeb PageLogosFlierEvent Ad

  • MONTAGEDate: May 2015Description: Montage with an inspirational message, made by blending images and adding text.

    Process: First, I selected an inspirational quote. Then I brainstormed possible images to go with the quote, then sketched some possible designs using those image ideas. After sketching, I chose my images. I set the background and changed the levels to make it brighter. I used the magic wand tool to bring the balloons to the background image. I applied a mask and used the color range settings under properties to make the balloons blend better with the background image. On the image of the girl, I used the hue and saturation tool to change the colors to match the background. I then used the lasso tool to bring the picture of the girl over to the balloons. I applied a mask and blended the edges of the girl image to fit into and blend with the balloon it is in. I added text and created hierarchy by using bolded text or a larger font size.

    Programs: Adobe Photoshop

  • BROCHUREDate: July 2015Description: A two-sided, folding, informational brochure for a fictional company, Rising Phoenix.

    Process: Before even starting this project, I knew what I wanted my topic and message to be. I started planning my brochure by creating a paper mock-up. I sketched on the paper to plan everything.Once I had a design I liked I started on my logo. I have a tattoo that is a phoenix, so I used a photo of the tattoo to help guide my logo design.Once my logo was done, I chose the color scheme; I chose the colors I did because they go well with the concept of a phoenix.I opened up InDesign and started laying out my plans. I measured the panels on my paper mock-up to place my guides in InDesign, then placed all of my text boxes and logo. I searched for images that worked with my color scheme and message.I used Photoshop to manipulate the edges, sizes, and colors of the images. I placed the edited images into InDesign and wrapped my text around them. I used paragraph styles to make sure my text styling was consistent throughout the design.I printed several times to make sure that all of the folds lined up and that the different elements didnt bleed into other elements where they werent supposed to. I am very happy with my finished product.

    Programs: Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe InDesign

  • PHOTODESIGNDate: May 2015Description: This is a designed based around an original image. The design uses a specific color scheme.

    Process: I took the photo as part of a class activity, in which we edited photos using Photoshop. I decided to use a split complementary color scheme because of the green grass and the brick color of the rock in the background. I sketched two images and completed a draft using a lot of rectangular shapes. I ended up not liking this draft very much. I then sketched five other possibilities and chose this idea. I cropped the image down to focus closer on the dandelion. I chose to use circular repeated elements to imitate the shape of the dandelion puff. I added color swatches. I used the ellipse tool to create all of my circles. I think the repetitive circular shapes used draw attention to the dandelion puff, which help convey my message.

    Programs: Digital camera, Adobe Photoshop

  • BUSINESS CARDDate: June 2015Description: Business card with logo for personal use.Process: First, I sketched a few logo ideas and a few business card design ideas. After choosing a design, I opened up Adobe Illustrator. I started out designing the logo. I chose Courier font for the letter C because Courier New is the font used when writing screenplays; Courier looked better because it is a heavier weight. Then I found a picture of a fountain pen. I used the pen tool to outline one side of the tip, then rotated the outline. I used the rectangle tool to create the barrel of the pen, then used the pen tool to add the rounded end. I used the shape builder tool to remove the serif on the C, then positioned the pen to replace it. I grouped those two items together for easier use in other places.For the business card, I placed my logo, then used the rectangle tool to create the diagonal lines. I used the shape builder tool to remove the parts of the rectangles that didnt fit on the business card. I added the text and right aligned it to create diagonal balance with the logo in the top left corner.Once all of the components were finished in Illustrator, I copied and pasted them into InDesign and positioned them to create the final designs.

    Programs: Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign

  • STATIONARYDate: June 2015Description: Letterhead with logo for personal use. Process: I used the same logo design for this letterhead that I used for my business cards. For the letterhead, I created a large teal rectangle and positioned a larger copy of my logo on the left side. I copied and pasted the text from my business card on the right side and positioned it so my name and title were inside the color block; I did this to make it stand out from the rest of the text and better connect my name with my logo. I created new diagonal lines to put in the lower right corner of the letterhead to create repetition and consistency between the business card and the letterhead.

    Programs: Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign

  • WEB PAGEDate: June 2015Description: An HTML webpage designed to showcase a logo I designed.

    Process: I used Notepad++ to make changes to pre-made HTML and CSS documents. I indented all of the HTML and then was ready to make some bigger changes. First, I inserted my logo. Then, I added my link to my blog. I used Photoshop to find the color hexes I used in my logo and business card project, then added those colors into the CSS document. I changed the preexisting fonts to fonts I found more appealing and also added backup fonts into the CSS document. I used a float property to make the logo sit next to the text instead of on top of it. I added padding above the logo and the first paragraph to move them away from the heading. I changed the font size in the first and last paragraph to make them stand out more from the rest of the body copy. I increase the stroke of the border to make it look like I intended for it to be there, instead of it looking like I didnt know how to get rid of it. In the HTML, I used the strong tag to make the h1 heading bolder and to emphasize the beginning of each list item.

    Programs: Notepad++, Adobe Photoshop

  • LOGOSDate: June 2015Description: A logo designed for Lemon Publishing, a fictional publishing company.

    Process: First I came up with three possible fictional companies, then sketched about ten designs for each company before choosing Lemon Publishing. In Adobe Illustrator, I used the ellipse tool to create a circle, then made copies of that circled and made them all different colors. I used the pen tool to create a stroke through the center of the circles, then used the rotation tool to make copies of the stroke, which created eight sections. I used the pathfinder tool to cut out the triangle shapes from the rest of their circle, then deleted the strokes dividing the sections. I then added another circle to the outside of the design and used the text on path tool to add the company name. Once finished, I made a copy and changed it to grayscale, then made another copy which I put on a yellow background and changed most elements of the design to white.

    Programs: Adobe Illustrator

  • FLIERDate: May 2015 Description: Grayscale flier to advertise Graduate Leadership Conference Process: My first step was sketching four possible designs. Once I chose a sketch, I used Adobe InDesign to create it. I tried to focus on alignment in many different places, including the title, to create contrast. I also used different values for the fonts in the title. I used squares in the corners for repetition and diagonal alignment. I tried to create a hierarchy to give the flier a visual flow. I tried to make sure my white space was grouped appropriately.

    Programs: Adobe InDesign

  • EVENT ADDate: May 2015Description: An event ad for a fictional fundraiser designed using Microsoft Word and a scanned image.

    Process: First, I scanned and saved the Alaska image. Next, I sketched two different designs before opening up Microsoft Word to start designing. I placed the picture first and decided to make it the focus of the design. I chose the slab serif Rockwell font for the title because it felt woodsy to me. I chose Gill Sans MT as a contrasting sans serif font. At first, I tried to use a complementary color scheme using brick but decided it didnt work with the image and made the design feel disconnected. I chose to go with greens and blues to echo the colors in the image. I added repetitive blocks of color on the top and bottom. I chose to make the font blue to continue the color scheme.

    Programs: Microsoft Word, Epson scanner, PDF to JPG converter
