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CheonGi Year 3 HC 7/5 (Solar 8/22/2012)

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Lecture 4 Pyeong Hwa Shin Gyeong. CheonGi Year 3 HC 7/5 (Solar 8/22/2012). I. UN Providence and the Structure of the Pyeong Hwa Shin Gyeong. A. UN Providence and PHSG. Proclamation of the end of the Indemnity Era (2003.7.13) Start of God’s Providence of Ideal Creation - PowerPoint PPT Presentation
CheonGi Year 3 HC 7/5 (Solar 8/22/2012) CheonGi Year 3 HC 7/5 (Solar 8/22/2012) Lecture 4 Lecture 4 Pyeong Hwa Shin Gyeong Pyeong Hwa Shin Gyeong
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CheonGi Year 3 HC 7/5 (Solar 8/22/2012)CheonGi Year 3 HC 7/5 (Solar 8/22/2012)

Lecture 4 Lecture 4 Pyeong Hwa Shin GyeongPyeong Hwa Shin Gyeong

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1. Proclamation of the end of the Indemnity Era (2003.7.13)

2. Start of God’s Providence of Ideal Creation

3. Providence of Ideal Creation is through UN Providence

4. IIPC, UPF, Abel UN, True Parents UN

I. UN Providence and the Structure of I. UN Providence and the Structure of the Pyeong Hwa Shin Gyeongthe Pyeong Hwa Shin Gyeong

A. UN Providence and PHSG

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1. Inauguration of UPF : PM 1-12

2. Inauguration of Abel UN : PM 13-


3. Inauguration of True Parent UN:

PM 17

4. Planning to proclaim to PM 24

B. UN Providence Organizations and Peace


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1. Providence: From Era of Restoration through Indemnity to the Era of Ideal Creation

2. Completion of Providence: From True Parent’s responsibility to God’s responsibility

3. Relationship : To direct relationship with God4. True Parent’s being: To Substantial God5. Chu-Seok for Liberation of Heaven and Earth : To Garden of Eden before the Fall

C. Meaning of UPF Inauguration (2005.9.13; 9.18)

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1. Peace Messages and

Reports from the Spirit World

2. Peace Messages: Part I (PM 1-6)


Part II (PM 7-17)

D. Structure of Pyeong Hwa Shin Gyeong

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1. PM 1-3: Content that TP need to complete 2. PM 4: Expanding to the Abel Realm3. PM 5: Words for True Family and Abel

Realm4. PM 5: Words of liberation & complete

freedom5. PM 6: CIG Citizens’ Spiritual-Physical Happiness

E. Structure of Peace Messages Part I

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1. PM 7-9: Words to Save the Fallen World2. PM10: Complete Liberation and Freedom

through ‘Absolute Sex’3. PM 11-12: ‘Absolute Sex’ in the Spiritual and

Physical World4. PM 13: Start of God’s Civilization after the

Complete Liberation and Freedom

F. Structure of Peace Messages Part II

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5. PM 14: God’s Civilization Centered on FP

6. PM 15: 3 Great Subject Thoughts from the

Providential Perspective

7. PM 16: ‘Day of completion of rebirth,

resurrection and eternal life’

8. PM 17: Message from the inauguration of

‘True Parent UN’

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II. Analysis of Peace MessagesII. Analysis of Peace MessagesPM1: God’s Ideal Family and the PM1: God’s Ideal Family and the

Kingdom of the Peaceful, Ideal World (I)Kingdom of the Peaceful, Ideal World (I)A. PM1’s Unique Points 1. UPF Inauguration Speech

(2005.9.12) 2. Introduction for entire Peace

Messages 3. Structure: Creation-Fall-

Restoration- Recreation

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B. Basis of Creation is the Relationship between God and Humans (pp.13-16)

1. God-Human relationship, Parent-Child relationship2. Love, Life, and Lineage define the Parent- Child relationship3. Right to have equal status, to participate in the work, to live with, and to inherit from God

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C. What was Lost due to the Fall (pp.16-21)

1. Cutting off the relationship between God and

Humankind (blood lineage)

2. God’s Blood Lineage (right of bloodline)

3. God’s Peace (realm of siblings)4. God’s Property (right of ownership)

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5. Emphasis on the Importance of Blood Lineage

“God’s lineage contains the seed of true love. God’s lineage provides the context and environment for a true life. Hence, for us to become the ideal people envisioned by God, that is, people of ideal character, and to create ideal families, we first need to be linked to His lineage. To take it a step further, only when we are linked to God’s lineage is it possible to create God’s homeland, the ideal nation.” (P.17)

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D. Restoration is the Restoration of Providential Ownership (pp.21-26) 1. Restoration of Love, Life, and Blood Lineage 2. Liberation and protection of Sexual Organ 3. Absolute, Unique, Unchanging, and Eternal Sexual Organ 4. Mission of the Messiah: God’s Baby Seed 5. Way to receive the Baby Seed: International- Interracial blessing marriage 6. One Family Under God

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7. True Parent’s Existence is a

Miracle of Miracles

“If someone had come forward, I am certain that God would have appeared in his dreams, carried the sun and moon to him, and showered him with lightning of joy and thunder of ecstasy from the heavens.”(p.21)

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E. UPF is recreated through cooperation from the SW (pp.26-35) 1. Abel Realm centered on God (Religions and Nations representing 78%) 2. Become one with Cain Realm (74% Born with Mongolian Birthmark) 3. Establish the Kingdom of the Peaceful, Ideal World 4. Through the Blessing

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F. Project for Peace 1. World Peace King Bridge and Tunnel 2. Where there is God’s Will there is always a way 3. There is no completion in ignorance 4. Peace Kingdom Police Force and Peace Kingdom Corps (2005.10.20) : Role of Red and White Blood Cells

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PM 2: God’s Model Ideal Family and NationPM 2: God’s Model Ideal Family and NationAnd the Peace KingdomAnd the Peace Kingdom

A. Happiness is God’s Purpose of Creation 1. From God’s Perspective a. God wears Adam’s body b. God marries Eve and experiences love c. God’s direct children are born d. God feels joy directly

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2. From Humankind’s Perspective (EDP, 44-49)

a. 1st Blessing : Individual Perfection

b. 2nd Blessing: Perfection of Family

c. 3rd Blessing: Perfection of Subjectivity

d. God feels joy indirectly

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B. Purpose of Creation in PM 2 (2006.3.25)

1. For God to wear physical Body

2. For Perfection of Love 3. For the Harmony between God and

Humankind’s Positions

4. God to feel direct and indirect happiness

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PM 3: The True Owners in Establishing the Kingdom of Peace and Unity in

Heaven and on Earth I

A. Expanding God’s Purpose of Creation to the SW (2006.4.10)

B. 3 Life Stages Humankind Must Undergo (1998.12.19)

1. Age of Womb-Age of Water (10 months) 2. Age of Earth-Age of Air (100 years) 3. Age of Spirit World-Age of Love (Eternity) 4. Purpose of Life is to live well in the SW 5. Those who want to die will live, those who want to live will die

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C. Humans are made of Spirit and Physical Body 1. Above body there is mind 2. Above mind there is spirit 3. Above the spirit world there is God 4. By becoming one with God through TL you can become a perfected person

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D. Purpose of Mongolian People’s Federation 1. Serve UPF as vertical Abel, religious and national realm as horizontal Abel 2. Become the central figure in establishing the kingdom of the peace ideal world3. Develop the Mongolian People’s Federation to the Mongolian Lineage Federation4. Lawyers, Prosecutors, and Judges are not needed in the Ideal World

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PM 4: The Mission of the Tribal Messiah in the Revolutionary Era

After the Coming of Heaven (2006.6.1)

A. Who is the Tribal Messiah? 1. At time when God directly governs the Providence2. Person who is sent by True Parents3. TP’s Representative, Heir, Envoy 4. Peace Ambassador publicize the truth of the

completion of True Family5. Chosen people who must unite all tribes (p.82)

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B. Relationship between TP and Tribal Messiah 1. Relationship connected by Heaven, not Human 2. Relationship of destiny, not fate 3. Relationship of covenant, not promise 4. Relationship connected by blood lineage (1987) : Covenant, Heavenly ethics, From birth, Destiny

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PM 5: Cheon Il Guk is the Ideal Hevenly Kingdom of Eternal Peace (2006.6.13)

A. Preparation for the Cheon Jeong Palace Entrance and Coronation Ceremony (2006.6.6-12)1.Holy Wine Ceremony for the Entrance Ceremony and Coronation Ceremony2.Proclamation of CIG language and scripture3.Proclamation of CIG governing system4.Proclamation of CIG national flag, anthem, bird, and flower5.Creation of CIG light, soil, water, and plant

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B. Cheon Jeong Palace Entrance Ceremony and Coronation Ceremony (2006.6.13) 1. 1st Ceremony: Palace Entrance Ceremony 2. 2nd Ceremony: Coronation Ceremony for the King and Queen of Substantial Peace in H&E 3. Proclamation of the Founding of CIG : Citizen, territory, sovereignty 4. Proclamation of CIG citizens’ basic responsibility and mission

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PM 6: Address at the Groundbreaking Ceremony of the Times Aerospace

Industrial Complex (2006.6.10)

A. Background for the founding of the Times Aerospace Industrial Complex of Korea

B. Messiah’s Mission: Resolve 4 issues (1991.8.28)

1. Poverty: Ocean Providence, Fish Powder, Tongil Group

2. Disease: Happy Health, Herbal Medicine 3. Ignorance: Education, distance learning, 8 Great

TTM 4. Sin: International-interracial blessing, HDH

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C. Declaration of start of the 2nd 40 year



1. Declaration of four equalities:


Education, Lifestyle, Culture

2. PM 6 is for proclaiming ‘Equality of


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PM 7-9 Words to save the Fallen World

PM 7: God’s Ideal Family and the Kingdom of the Peaceful, Ideal World (II) 1. Summary of PM 1-3 2. Victorious Liberation Rallies for the Homeland of Universal Peace 3. Speech used for 3rd World Speaking Tour (2006.8.31-10.14) 4. Speech used for the 40 nation 12 City Speaking Tour with Three Generations of the True Family

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PM 8: The True Owners in Establishing the Kingdom of Peace and Unity in Heaven and Earth (II) 1. PM 8 is PM 2 plus material from PM 1-3 2. 5th Assembly of the Mongolian People’s Federation for World Peace (2006.10.14) 3. Direction for all Blessed Family Members to participate in the Holy Wine Ceremony (2006.10.14)

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PM 9: God’s Ideal Family and the Kingdom of the Peaceful, Ideal World (III)

1. PM 7 plus additional content

2. 120 American interreligious leaders

speaking tour (2006.10.22-12.20)

3. 120 nations x 120 cities = 14,400


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PM 10: The Family Rooted in Absolute Sex, Which is the Model for God’s

Absoluteness, Peace and Ideal, and the Global Kingdom

A. Completion and Proclamation of PM10 1. Day PM was completed: 2006.11.15 at Go Meun Do 2. At Cheon Jeong Palace 2007.1.8, 4:42 AM : Anniversary of proclamation of completion perfection 3. Proclaimed on 47th TC’s Day (2006.11.21)

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B. Liberation and Complete Freedom through ‘Absolute Sex’ 1. Absolute sex is love after Blessing : Absolute Purity 2. Only between Husband and Wife : One man and one woman 3. Love attending God: Owner of Sexual Organ 4. Artistic act of love

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C. ‘Absolute Sex’ and the Owner of Sexual Organ 1. Owner of Sexual Organ is switched 2. Love after meeting the Owner: Gratitude 3. Love after Permission from the Owner: Equality between man and woman 4. Love only for the Owner : True Love of serving the other

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D. ‘Absolute Sex’and ODU Action (1998.5.3; 1998.7.1)

1. Origin: One body 2. Division: One mind 3. Union: One essence 4. ‘Absolute Sex’and the Trinity: Heavenly Father, Holy Son, Holy Daughter 5. ‘One Family Under God!’

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PM 11-12: Connecting the SW and PW centered on Liberation and Complete

Freedom through ‘Absolute Sex’

A. PM 11: The Mission of the Ambassadors for Peace in the Revolutionary Era After the Coming of Heaven (2006.12.8) 1. PM 4 plus additional content 2. National Rally of Ambassadors for Peace for Peace and Unity 3. ‘Tribal Messiah’ changed to ‘Peace Ambassador’

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B. PM 12: God’s Ideal Family and the


of the Citizens of CIG are Called to


1. TP’ Birthday and TF’s 88th


2. Content of PM 10 was reorganized

3. Common Good of Blessed Communities (3


4. True Parent’s purpose of life course of 6

imprisonments: Proclamation of ‘Absolute


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PM 13: A Providential View of the Pacific Rim Era in Light of God’s Will

– The US and the Future Direction of the UN and the World

A. Proclamation of God’s Civilization Centered on Liberated and Completely Freed Humankind

1. Proclaimed at Hawaii King Garden (2007.3.17) 2. Message for the Inauguration of Abel UN

(2007.9.23) 3. Proclamation of Jubilee Year in God’s Providence 4. Korea is the Central Nation in the Era of God’s Civ. 5. Korean War as Holy War

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B. Heavenly Oder given to America

1. Practice life of True Love

2. Know the reality of the Spirit World

3. Establish True Family, the Model

Ideal Family

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C. Proclamation of Rev. Moon as the Champion of 8 Thing 1. Champion who knows God and Satan best 2. Champion who knows Humankind and the Spirit World best 3. Champion who knows Jesus and core content of religious scriptures best 4. Champion who knows Human History and the value of True Family best

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D. TM is the Center for the Cosmic Women’s Era 1. Pacific Rim Era is Oceanic Era 2. Center of Pacific Realm Culture is TM 3. Oceanic Realm Culture ChangChul : TF 4. Era of God’s Civilization SanChul: TM 5. Mission of valye system that completes the victorious SanGo : Women Leaders

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PM 14: The Value and Significance of the Family Pledge (2007.6.13)

A. Core of God’s Civilization is the Completion of Family Pledge

B. FP is the source for CIG ConstitionC. FP1 is ‘create’ and FP 2-8 is ‘perfect’ D. FP is one of the 8 Great TTM

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PM15 The Three Great Subject Partners Principle from the Viewpoint of God’s Providence


A. The 3 Great Subject Thought is God’s Purpose of Creation 1. Completion of 1st Blessing: Become TP 2. Completion of 2nd Blessing: Become True Teacher 3. Completion of 3rd Blessing: Become True King

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B. Completion of the 3 Great Subject Thought Centered on Conscience 1. 3 Great Subjects are TP, TT, TK 2. 3 Great Subjects are Perfected by the Conscience 3. Conscience is God’s Representative 4. Conscience is TL, AS, AV 5. 3 Great Subjects Thought have an organic relationship

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PM 16: A Providential View of the Pacific Rim Era in Light of God’s Will

A. PM 16 includes the meaning of PM 13 Helicopter Incident

1. Proclamation of the Era of Boon Bong Wang Providence

2. Day of Helicopter Incident: Proclamation of the Day of

Completion of Rebirth (2008.7.19)

3. 20th Day of Helicopter Incident: Proclamation of the Day

of Completion of Resurrection (2008.8.7)

4. 40th Day of Helicopter Incident: Proclamation of the

Completion of Eternal Life (2008.8.27)

5. Connected through Rebirth Blessing, Resurrection

Blessing, Eternal Life Blessing (2010.7.19)

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PM 17: True Peace World and True Parents UN

A. Coronation Ceremony for the Realm of Liberation of God as King of Kings (2009.1.15&1.31) 1. Proclamation of Era of Realm of Direct Dominion of King of Kings 2. King of Kings = God and TP 3. King of Kings’ Ruling Body : True Parents UN 4. King of Kings’ weapon: Absolute Sex

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B. Inauguration Message of True Parents UN 1. Inauguration of TP UN in 194 nations (GPHA) 2. Establishment of TP UN (2009.12.16) 3. Message after ‘TP 10.14 Cosmic Blessing’ 4. Won-Gu Peace Cup Cain-Abel Cosmic Federation Rally

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III. Reports from the Spirit III. Reports from the Spirit World World

A. Introduction A. Introduction

1. Reports from the SW (2007.6-11)2. Theme: God is the Parent of Humankind3. Unique Point: Reported and Received by TP’s Envoys

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B. Table of ContentsB. Table of Contents1. To My Beloved True Parents 2. Messages from 4 Holy Saints, Socrates, and

Augustine3. Unification Principle Seminar Reports from 5

Religious Leaders4. Unification Principle Seminar Reports from Spirit

World Representatives of Communism5. Reports from Former Presidents of the USA6. Proclamation of Former Presidents of the USA

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C. Analysis of Reports from the Spirit World C. Analysis of Reports from the Spirit World 1. To My Beloved True Parents(2001.12.28)

a. Personal letter from God to True Parents b. Evidence of the Proclamation of 5 Major Religious Representatives (2001.12.25)

c. “Raise our beloved TP to the position of King!” d. “I want True Parents to inherit everything! I want to bequeath everything to you!!” e. ‘Enthronement Ceremony for King of Blessed Family’ and ‘Coronation Ceremony for King of Peace

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1. Messages from 4 Holy Saints, Socrates, and Augustine

a. Jesus: SMM is the Second Advent b. Buddha: SMM is Buddha c. Confucius: SMM was sent by God d. Mohammad: SMM came as the Messiah e. Socrates: SMM’s word will save the world f. Augustine: Receive SMM as true

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3. Proclamation of 5 Major Religious Representatives in the Spirit World a. 5 Major Religions: Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism, Islam, Hinduism b. God is the Parent of Humankind c. SMM is the Second Advent, Messiah, Savior, and TP d. Unification Principle is the gospel in the Age of Completed Testament e. Cosmic Peace and Unification is completed through True Love, living for the sake of others f. We will march forward attending TP for harmony and unification of the world

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4. Reports from Representatives of Communism in SW on the Unification Principle Seminar

a. Marx, Engel, Lenin, Stalin b. Mao, Xiao Ping, Molotov, Ito Lits

c. Lueger, Nam Un Baek, Krupuskaya, HY Park

d. Communism will fall. Let’s become revolutionaries of Godism

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5. Reports from Former Presidents of USAa. George Washington: Must accept the Messiah’s

Ideal and Teachingb. Thomas Jefferson: Return to the Foundation

Spiritc. Abraham Lincoln: Live according to TP’s Ideald. Franklin Roosevelt: Please look after TP’s health!e. John F. Kennedy: UN Messages (10)

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6. Proclamation of Former US Presidents in SW

a. God is the Parent of Humankind.

b. Incorporeal world exists

c. SMM is the Second Advent, Savior, and TP

d. Explore and make widely known Satan’s


e. Realization of world peace is not through

struggle and

war but through True Love

f. TP is working and sacrificing for universal


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IV. ConclusionIV. ConclusionA. Peace MessagesA. Peace Messages

1. Messages proclaimed on the foundation of UPF2. UN Providence: Providence for the Completion of

God’s Ideal of Creation3. UN Providence: Organization, God of Night and Day

Direct Dominion4. One Tradition, One Blood Lineage, One

Resemblance (2010.7.15)5. God’s Ideal Family and the Peace Kingdom

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B. Messages from the Spirit WorldB. Messages from the Spirit World

1. The Spirit World has been united centered on True Parents.

2. Preparation of the Spirit World to help the Physical World has ended

3. Spirit World’s Cooperation is a short-cut4. Let us be like the settlement at noontime

without shadow!

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