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Annex 40.3 Cherry Cobb Sands Geoarchaeological Appraisal (Allen Environmental Archaeology)
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Annex 40.3

Cherry Cobb Sands

Geoarchaeological Appraisal

(Allen Environmental


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Cherry Cobb Sands, Paull, Humber Estuary (ACW 283); geoarchaeological appraisal

by Michael J. Allen, PhD, MIFA, FLS, FSA

version AEA 138.1.03


March 2011

Completed 4 April 2011

Revised May 2011


AC Archaeology

AEA: Allen Environmental Archaeology

Redroof, Green Road, Codford St. Peter, WARMINSTER, Wiltshire, BA12 0NW (Tel: 07828 103454)

This report is supplied digitally in Word. The text is supplied as the basis for publication and summary. It is supplied on the

understanding that the author should be consulted and presented with any proposed publication submission, using or

summarising this data in order to prevent any misinterpretation or misrepresentation of these data.

Copyright © Michael J Allen 2011 www.themolluscs.com/

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AEA: Allen Environmental Archaeology

Redroof, Green Road, Codford St. Peter, WARMINSTER, Wiltshire, BA12 0NW (Tel: 07828 103454)

AEA 138

Cherry Cobb Sands, Paull, Humber Estuary (ACW 283);geoarchaeological appraisal

Michael J. Allen

1 Aims and Scope

1.1 This report provides a basic geoarchaeological record of the upper stratigraphy (4m) of

the Cherry Cob Sands, Paull and outlines the geoarchaeological and palaeo-environmental

potential of these deposits. The upper stratigraphy is placed into context by examination of

geotechnical cone penetration records to 25m depth.

1.2 The aims of the geoarchaeological assessment were to record the Holocene sediments

record with a view to assessing their palaeo-environmental and geoarchaeological potential,

and indirectly to define if the deposits had the potential to mask, bury, seal or contain buried

land surfaces, or significant evidence of archaeological activity (cf. Allen 1991; Needham &

Macklin 1992).

1.3 This appraisal concentrates on the upper 4m (exposed in trial pits), as the development

impact is expected to be down to about 1m, and no more than 1.5m.

2 Location

2.1 Cherry Cobb Sands, Paull, East Riding of Yorkshire, lies on the Northern Humber

Estuary shore about 5km southeast of Hull. The site of Cherry Cobb Sands under

investigation is an area of approximately 186ha of coastal plain and comprises of a strip of

reclaimed land c. 3.5km long and up to c. 0.8km wide below 2-3m OD (Chandler et al.

2010). This area lies adjacent to a former sand island called Sunk Island (Chandler et al.

2010; Van de Noort & Ellis 1995).

3 Methods and limitations

3.1 A series of 14 geotechnical trial pits and 12 piezo cone penetration tests was undertaken

by Delta-Simons Environmental Consultants and In Situ Site Investigations across the area

(Fig. 1). The geotechnical trial pits were excavated under archaeological supervision and

archaeological records were made of each trial pit by Chris Caine of AC Archaeology Ltd.

Bulk samples of c. 10 - 15 litres of disturbed sediment was removed from every layer except

the topsoil. The archaeological records of deposits from the trial pits were augmented by

geoarchaeological description of a selection of the bulk samples retained at AC Archaeology

Offices (Appendix 3). Some 67% (18 of 27) of the samples were examined and described,

representing 9 of the 13 pits sampled (69%). Sedimentological description followed standard

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notation outlined by Hodgson (1976). The disturbed bulk samples did not, however, allow for

record of pedological structure or fine sedimentary architecture such as laminations, tidal

couplets, etc. Those samples that were examined were also visually inspected for the

potential of waterlogging and the presence of waterlogged plant and organic remains. These

data were compared with the geotechnical records supplied by Delta-Simons Environmental

Consultants and enabled the compilation of a basic sedimentological record for the upper 4m

(Appendix 1). Two profiles were created; one for the shoreward sediments (North-eastern

transect A-B) and seaward sediments (south-western transect C-D) see Figs. 1, 3 and 4.

3.2 To provide a broader context for this sedimentary sequence, the deeper geotechnical

records of the piezo cone penetration tests to 18 and 25m were reviewed (Appendix 2) and

these data have been used in the profile transects (Figs. 3 and 4).

3.3 One 2 litre subsample was removed from each of four disturbed samples, for processing

by laboratory bucket washover flotation, and for sieving to examine the presence of palaeo-

environmental macrofossils (samples are listed in Appendix 3). Flots were retained on 0.5mm

mesh and the residues fractionated into 1mm, 2mm and 4mm fractions.

4 Setting: Geology, Topography and Palaeo-environmental Potential

4.1 The bed rock is Cretaceous chalk, gently dipping to the Northeast, which in the area of

Holderness and Humber estuary is deeply buried by considerable Quaternary deposits

reaching 30m thickness in some areas. These deposits are predominantly glacial till and

glacio-fluvial material (Van de Noort & Ellis 1995) deposited toward the end of the

Devensian period (last glaciation) at around 18,000 BP (Penny et al. 1969). The Skipsea Till

is the main unit underlying the study area which is a glacially reworked marine sediments

(clays and sands). Superficial to the Till are locally extensive melt water deposits of mainly

sands and gravels and alluvium. The area of the current investigation is mapped as alluvium

and today supports brown earths and surface water gley soils.

4.2 The Holocene record is fragmentary and locally complex as a result of rising sea levels

(Long et al. 1998; Dinnin & Lillie 1995a) and the constantly changing dynamic deposition

and erosional environments. These include rapid sea-level rise in the early Holocene (c. 8500

BC), and large land inundation around 1250 BC as a result of further rapid sea level rise. A

complex history of estuarine and riverine development is recorded in the Humber estuary

itself, which includes the development and movement of a large sand bar within the Humber

estuary west and Northwest of the study area (Paull Sand and Foul Holme Sand), the former

sand island of Cherry Cobb Sands itself and Sunk Island; summarised by Chandler et al.


4.3 The area was formerly intertidal saltmarsh with a number of small dendritic estuary-

margin creeks draining into the Humber and was probably intermittently or permanently

inundated until the 18th century when Cherry Cobb Sands themselves began to form. After

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1799 the area was protected by a seawall and reclaimed, and today is dry good agricultural


5 Geoarchaeological and Palaeo-environmental potential

5.1 The changing Humber estuary has, therefore, the potential to preserve buried land

surfaces, seal deposits of archaeological significance and contain sedimentary sequences with

stratified palaeo-environmental records. Long Holocene pollen and sedimentary sequences

have been recorded in studies in Holderness, to the North of the study area (Dinnin & Lillie

1995a; 1995b; Taylor 1995).

6 Geoarchaeological Record

6.1 The geoarchaeological record for the upper 4m as defined by the trial pit record is

outlined below, and then placed in the context of the deeper stratigraphic sequence of 18-


Superficial deposits (the upper 4m)

6.2 The sediment across the 14 trial pits were recorded (Appendix 1) and three distinct

sediment units were recognised (Fig. 2).

Unit 1 ‘brown silty sand’: brown to dark yellowish brown (10YR 4/3 – 4/4) homogenous

loose stone-free well-sorted silty sand, to silty sand loam

Unit 2 ‘ grey coarse silt’: very dark grey to black (10YR 3/1 -2/1) massive stone-free well-

sorted coarse silt to silty sand, oxidising to dark yellowish brown (10YR 4/2)

Unit 3 ‘grey sandy silt’: greyish brown (10YR 5/2) loose stone-free well-sorted fine sandy silt

6.3 Units 1 and 2 were ubiquitous, with unit 1 uniformly recorded to a depth of 1.55 to

2.15m. Unit 2 generally extended beyond a depth of 4m (the maximum extent of the trial

pits), but its base and contact with unit 3 was recorded at 3.1m and 3.4m in trial pits 1 and 3

respectively (Table 1). Both deposits when examined in disturbed state, were non-cohesive,

non-organic deposits. The dark colours of units 2 and 3 result from mineral colour, not humic

or organic matter. These are well-sorted and are essentially fluvially reworked fluvio marine

and glacio-fluvio marine, estuarine sands.

6.4 These are accretionary depositional sequences, and no buried soils nor evidence of former

in situ land surfaces were recorded. The deposits are generally sands, or fine sands and silts,

indicating moderate depositional energy. No fine grained deposits were encountered in the

upper 4m.

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Fig. 2: Trial Pit TP1 (photo: Chris Caine, AC Archaeology Ltd.)

Trial pit

Depth to

base of

unit 1

base of

unit 2

base of

unit 3

TP 1 1.8m 1.8m >4.0m

TP 2 - >3.7m -

TP 3 1.75m 3.4m >4.0m

TP 4 1.95m >4.1m -

TP 5 2.0m >3.9m -

TP 6 2.0m >4.0m -

TP 7 1.8m >3.8m -

TP 8 1.6m >4.0m -

TP 9 1.9m >3.9m -

TP 10 2.1m >3.9m -

TP 11 1.35m >2.7m -

TP 12 - - -

TP 13 1.55m >3.9m -

TP 14 2.15m >4.0m -

Table 1: Depths of sedimentary units as recorded from Trial Pits

Unit 1

Unit 2

Unit 3

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6.5 When recorded as profiles (Figs. 3 and 4) the main two units form simple uniform

successive blankets of sediment across the entire study area, excepting areas of specific

disturbance and contamination (trial pits TP11, TP12). The third deposit (unit 3) is a coarse

grained sand which fines upwards indicating a reduction in fluvial and depositional energy

over time. Unit 3 was only recorded in trial pits TP1 and TP3 on the south-eastern margins of

the study area (Fig. 1).

6.6 Disturbance and earthworks associated with the contaminated deposits in trial pits TP11

and TP12 was recorded during the walk-over survey by AC Archaeology (Cox pers. comm.).

The upper portion of trial pit TP2 was reported as a post-medieval field drain.

The deeper stratigraphic context

6.7 This unremarkable inorganic sediment blanket in the upper 4m can be placed into the

deeper stratigraphic context by comparison with the deeper records made by In Situ Site

Investigations from piezo cone penetration tests to 25m. These are summarised in Appendix

2, and selected records of cone penetration tests adjacent to the transects are illustrated on the

sediment profiles in Figs. 3 and 4.

6.8 Superficially, there appears to be disparity between the two sets of records, but this is

because the nomenclature and descriptive terms used for geotechnical purposes differs from

that used in sedimentary geography. The deposits are, therefore, indicated on the profiles

using the sediment conventions employed in the geotechnical record.

6.9 Nevertheless, sands and silts are recorded to depths in excess of 25m with a significantly

greater proportion of sand in the south-west transect C-D perhaps indicating a longitudinal

sand bar behind which finer, silty clays, silts and sand silts were deposited. The majority of

these lower sediments are Quaternary but predate the Holocene (i.e. 10,000 BP). Neither the

basal chalk geology, nor the Skipsea Till, seems to have been encountered at these depths

This is in accordance with excavations or boring undertaken in 1799 which reported at least

100ft (c. 30.5m) of alluvial silts above the solid and degraded natural chalk (Chandler et al.

2010, 10.3).

6.10 These records show very deep estuarine and marine deposits, of which the upper 4m

represent just a small and recent portion. They do indicate a long history of dynamic fluvio-

marine sedimentation relating to Humber estuary itself.

7 Palaeo-environmental record

7.1 Four subsamples were taken to rapid test for the presence palaeo-environmental

macrofossils to aid in indicating the palaeo-environmental potential of the sequences. All

samples were c. 2 litres and were subsampled from the 10-15 large disturbed bulk samples.

Samples were taken from the stratigraphic series of deposits (contexts) in trial pit TP1 as

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representative of the full sequence. These were from: context 101 (unit 1), context 102, (unit

2) and context 103 (unit 3)

7.2 An additional subsample of context 801 (trial pit TP8, unit 1) was taken to recover and

identify shells recorded by the field logs and observed during description.

Stratigraphic sequence

7.3 The flots would have been examined under ×10 - ×30 magnification using a wide-field

stereo-binocular microscope, however processing did not produce any flots, excepting small

quantities of modern roots. No charred or waterlogged remains were present (Table 2).

7.4 A single sample of 2.2 litres was processed by flotation to recover marine shells. No flot

was recorded. The sediment was then sieved to 2mm and the shell valves recovered.

Nine valves (MNI 5) of the bivalve mollusc Tellina sp. This a common genus often found

washed up in the littoral zone along the strand line. The examples recovered were T.

donacina, T. pygmaea or T. tenuis; all species living on coarse sand and shell gravel (T.

donacina, T. pygmaea) or fine sand in the middle intertidal zone (T. tenuis). All are common

around the British Isles and the North-eastern seaboard especially T. tenuis (Tebble 1966).

Flot (0.5mm) Residue (1mm, 2mm & 4mm)

context Unit sample

volume Charred remains

Charcoal other charcoal other

101 1 1 2.3 litres - - - - -

102 2 2 2.6 litres - - - - Shell frag

103 3 3 2.2 litres - - - - -

Table 2: Rapid assessment of the macro-remains from each sedimentary unit

8 Geoarchaeological Interpretation, Significance and Potential

8.1 The base of the deposits recorded in the trial pits (Appendix 1) lies at levels well above

the -9m OD known for the Mesolithic land surfaces. The sediments recorded are largely

reworked marine and fluvial sands, probably dating to the medieval and post-medieval

periods and can be crudely tied to the dynamic and rapidly changing development of the

changing river course and bed within Humber estuary.

8.2 The sediments are entirely fluvial and no terrestrial or intertidal contexts have been

recovered. There is little potential for the presence of archaeological remains and sites, other

than maritime evidence and artefacts, to be present. The deposits are sands indicating

moderate energy erosional and depositional environments and thus even any maritime

artefacts that could occur may not be well preserved.

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8.3 The deposits, as recorded, seem to have low palaeo-environmental and archaeological

significance or potential. The sedimentary record does, however have some potential to aid in

an understanding off the historic development of the Humber channel and estuary if they can

be related more closely to the historical records.

Palaeo-environmental Potential

8.4 No palaeo-environmental macrofossils, except marine shells recorded in one context,

were present in the sequences. The deposits are inherently undateable, and they are deemed,

on the basis of the historical study (Chandler et al. 2010), their sedimentary context, and the

nature of the deposits themselves, to be recent; i.e. medieval or post medieval. Although there

is the possibility of preserved pollen sequences, the deposits cover relatively short time

periods and the lack of any dating potential to provide any chronological markers renders

them of low palaeo-environmental significance.

Geoarchaeological Potential

8.5 The potential for further geoarchaeological analysis is low. Nevertheless, the record

provided clearly characterises the deposits.

Radiocarbon Potential

8.6 The radiocarbon potential of the deposits and samples examined is nil. There was nothing

present that could be dated, and little potential for such being present.

9 Summary and Comment

9.1 Deposits wholly relating to the Humber channel and river bed were recovered. The

palaeo-environmental potential of these deposits is considered low, and hindered by the lack

of possibility of dating the sequences. The possibility of terrestrial archaeology being present

is low, but the possibility of maritime artefacts within and beneath the sediments does,

however, exist.

• The deposit sequence was uniform, non-organic and comprised mainly two simple

homogenous sediment blankets.

• The 4m of stratigraphy examined largely relate to the relatively high energy erosional

and depositional estuarine and channel environments of the Humber River itself.

• The deposits recovered are wholly fluvio-marine or glacio-fluvial and no terrestrial or

intertidal contexts were recognised.

• The potential for buried, terrestrial, land surfaces and terrestrial archaeological

evidence is low

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• No evidence of a former sand island was recognised, although the sands recovered

may have formed part of a temporary land form.

• The palaeo-environmental potential for the sequence is low.

• There is only limited geoarchaeological potential, which largely lies in attempting to

relate the sediment packets to the historical development of the Humber estuary

development and remodelling at Cherry Cobb Sand.

10 Recommendations

10.1 No further work on the samples recovered is deemed necessary.

10.2 The possibility of examining the relationship of the recorded sediments with the

historical records could be examined.

11 Acknowledgements

Thanks to Peter Cox (AC Archaeology) for discussion the results of earlier research and of

the archaeological walkover survey, and to Sarah Cottam of AC Archaeology for the

production of the figures in this report. The archaeological field records were compiled by

Chris Caine (AC Archaeology).

12 References

Allen, M.J. 1991. Analysing the landscape: a geographical approach to archaeological

problems. In J. Schofield (ed.), Interpreting Artefact Scatters; contributions to

ploughzone archaeology, 39-57. Oxford: Oxbow Monograph 4

Chandler, J., Corney, M., Cottam, S. & Cox, P. 2010. Able UK Ltd Marine Energy Park;

Foreshore compensation area, Cherry Cobb Sands, Paull, East Riding of Yorkshire;

historic environment desk-based assessment. Unpubl. Client report AC Archaeology

document no. ACW383/3/0 dated October 2010

Dinnin, M. & Lillie, M. 1995a. The palaeoenvironmental survey of southern Holderness and

evidence for sea-level change, 87-120, in Van de Noort, R. & Ellis, S. (eds), Wetland

Heritage of Holderness; an archaeological survey. Kingston upon Hull: Humber

Wetland Project & English Heritage

Dinnin, M. & Lillie, M. 1995b. The palaeoenvironmental survey of the meres of Holderness,

49-86, in Van de Noort, R. & Ellis, S. (eds), Wetland Heritage of Holderness; an

Page 12: Cherry Cobb Sands Geoarchaeological Appraisal (Allen ...

archaeological survey. Kingston upon Hull: Humber Wetland Project & English


Hodgson, J.M. 1976. Soil Survey Field Handbook. Harpenden: Soil Survey Technical

Monograph No. 5

Long, A.J. Innes, J.B., Kirby, J.R., Lloyd, J.M., Rutherford, M.M., Shennan, I. & Tooley,

M.J. 1998. Holocene sea-level change and coastal evolution in the Humber estuary,

eastern England: an assessment of rapid coastal change. The Holocene 8, 229-247

Penny, L.F. Coope, G.R. & Catt, J.A. 1969. Age and insect fauna of the Dimlington Silts,

East Yorkshire, Nature 244, 65-67

Taylor, D. 1995. New pollen data from the Keyingham valley, southern Holderness, 121-8, in

Van de Noort, R. & Ellis, S. (eds), Wetland Heritage of Holderness; an

archaeological survey. Kingston upon Hull: Humber Wetland Project & English


Tebble, N. 1966. British Bivalve Seashells; a handbook for identification. Edinburgh: HMSO

Van de Noort, R. & Ellis, S. (eds), 1995. Wetland Heritage of Holderness; an archaeological

survey. Kingston upon Hull: Humber Wetland Project & English Heritage

Michael J. Allenwww.themolluscs.com March 2011

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APPENDIX 1 Trial Pit Records (archaeological and geoarchaeological record)

Trial Pit 1 context Depth



100 0-30 Soil



Brown to dark yellowish brown (10YR 4/3 - 4/4) loosestone-free silty sand


2 2 Very dark grey to black (10YR 3/1 - 2/1) stone-free coarse silt

103 310-3303

3 Greyish brown (10YR 5/2) loose stone-free fine sandy silt

103 -400+

Trial Pit 2

context Depth (cm)

Unit samples


200 0-30 Soil 201 30-190 0 4 Reported as post-medieval field drain

202 190-370 2

5 AS 102 “Very dark grey to black (10YR 3/1 - 2/1) stone-free coarse silt” 202 -390+

Trial Pit 3 context Depth



300 0-35 Soil



AS 101 “Brown to dark yellowish brown (10YR 4/3 - 4/4) loose stone-free silty sand”


2 7 AS 102 “Very dark grey to black (10YR 3/1 - 2/1) stone-free coarse silt”

303 340-360 3

8 AS 103 “Greyish brown (10YR 5/2) loose stone-free fine sandy silt” 303 -400+

Trial Pit 4

context Depth (cm)

Unit samples


400 0-30 Soil



AS 101 “Brown to dark yellowish brown (10YR 4/3 - 4/4) loose stone-free silty sand”

402 195-280 2

10 AS 102 “Very dark grey to black (10YR 3/1 - 2/1) stone-free coarse silt” 402 -410+

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Trial Pit 5 context Depth

(cm) Unit


500 0-40 Soil



AS 101 “Brown to dark yellowish brown (10YR 4/3 - 4/4) loose stone-free silty sand”

502 200-290 2

12 AS 102 “Very dark grey to black (10YR 3/1 - 2/1) stone-free coarse silt” 502 -390+

Trial Pit 6 context Depth

(cm) Unit


600 0-30 Soil

601 30-200 1 13 Dark greyish brown (10YR 4/2) stone-free silty sand

602 200-340 2

14 Very dark grey (10YR 3/1) stone-free silty sand, oxidising to dark greyish brown (10YR 4/2) 602 -400+

Trial Pit 7 context Depth

(cm) Unit


700 0-25 Soil

701 25-180 1 15 Dark yellowish brown (10YR 4/4) loose stone-free silty sand

702 180-330 2

16 Dark greyish brown (10YR 4/2) stone-free coarse silt

702 -380+

Trial Pit 8 context Depth

(cm) Unit


800 0-20 Soil



Brown (10YR 4/3) stone-free coarse silty sand with marine shells (Tellina spp.)

802 160-340 2

18 Very dark grey (10YR 3/1) stone-free fine sandy loam (with fine and coarse silt), oxidising to dark greyish brown (10YR 4/2)


Trial Pit 9 context Depth

(cm) Unit


900 0-30 Soil901 30-190 1 19 Brown (10YR 4/3), stone-free well-sorted coarse silty sand

902 190-360 2

20 Dark greyish brown (10YR 4/2) stone-free well-sorted coarse silt with very fine sand 902 -390+

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Trial Pit 10 context Depth

(cm) Unit


1000 0-30 Soil



Dark yellowish brown (10YR 4/4 - 4/6)loose stone-free fine sandy silt

1002 210-370 2

22 Very dark grey (10YR 3/1) coarse silt (fine sand) oxidising to dark greyish brown (10YR 4/2) 1002 -390+

Trial Pit 11 context Depth

(cm) Unit


1100 0-45 Soil

1101 45-135 0 Reported as land fill

1102 135-155 0

23 Very dark greyish brown to very dark grey (10YR 3/2 – 3/1) humic silt with common fine fleshy medium roots – pungent oily smell – CONTAMINATED


-270 0 DELTA-SIMONS reported as made ground

Trial Pit 12

context Depth (cm)

Unit samples


1200 0-40 Soil 1201 40-80

0Reported as landfill with asbestos, metal, brick etc.

1202 -250+

Trial Pit 13

context Depth (cm)

Unit samples


1300 0-30 Soil



Brown (10YR 4/3) coarse silt, some fine quartz sand rare fine mottles of dark yellowish brown (10YR 4/6)

1302 155-310 2

25 Dark greyish brown (10YR 4/2) stone-free coarse silt

1302 -390+

Trial Pit 14 context Depth

(cm) Unit


1400 0-35 Soil 1401 35-215 1 26 Brown (10YR 4/3) coarse silt

1402 215-275 2

27 Dark greyish brown (10YR 4/2) stone-free silt (to silty clay)

1402 -400+

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APPENDIX 2 Piezo Cone Penetration Record (In situ Site Investigation Ltd)

Piezo Cone penetration record (In Situ Site Investigation) CPT 01 context Depth (m) Unit


0-0.9 Firm clay CLAY 0.9-1.2 Stiff sandy silt to clayey silt SILT 1.2-2.6 Soft fine grained 2.6-4.6 Firm sandy silt to clayey silt SILT 4.6-4.9 Soft clayey silt to silty clay SILT/CLAY 4.9-5-1 Loose silty sand to sandy silt SAND/SILT

5.1-6.3 Soft fine grained 6.3-8.2 Soft clay CLAY 8.2-9.0 Loose silty sand to sandy silt SAND/SILT 9.0-9.3 Soft clay CLAY 9.3-15.4+ Loose sand to silty sand (clay layers) SAND

Piezo Cone penetration record (In Situ Site Investigation) CPT 01A context Depth (m) Unit


0-1.1 Firm clay CLAY 1.1-1.4 Firm sandy silt to clayey silt SILT

1.4-2.8 Firm clayey silt to silty clay SILT/CLAY 2.8-3.7 Stiff sandy silt to clayey silt SILT

3.7-4.8 Dense silty sand to sandy silt SAND/SILT 4.8-5.1 Firm clayey silt to silty clay SILT/CLAY 5.1-5.3 Loose silty sand to sandy silt SAND / SILT

5.3-8.6 Soft silty clay to clay CLAY 8.6-9.2 Stiff sandy silt to clayey silt SILT

9.2-9.7 Firm clayey silt to silty clay SILT/CLAY 9.7-10.2 Dense sand to silty sand SAND

10.2-10.6 Soft clayey silt to silty clay SILT/CLAY

10.6-17.0 Dense sand to silty sand (clay layers) SAND 17.0-18.0 Stiff sandy silt to clayey silt SILT

18.0-25.1+ Dense sand SAND

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Piezo Cone penetration record (In Situ Site Investigation) CPT 02 context Depth (m) Unit


0-1.0 Firm clay CLAY 1.0-1.6 Loose silty sand to sandy silt SAND/SILT 1.6-2.8 Soft clay (with layers of sand) CLAY 2.8-6.9 Dense sand to silty sand SAND 6.9-8.4 Firm clayey silt to silty clay SILT/CLAY 8.4-8.75 Soft clay CLAY 8.75-10.1 Loose silty sand to sandy silt SAND/SILT 10.1-10.45 Firm clayey silt to silty clay CLAY/SILT 10.45-11.1 Stiff sandy silt to clayey silt SILT 11.1-12.25 Dense sand to silty sand SAND 12.25-12.8 Firm clayey silt to silty clay SILT/CLAY 12.8-13.7 Dense sand SAND 13.7-15.1 Stiff sandy silt to clayey silt (clay layers) SILT 15.1-16.4 Dense sand to silty sand SAND

16.4-17.5 Stiff sandy silt to clayey silt (sand layers) SILT/CLAY 17.5-18.65+ Dense sand SAND

Piezo Cone penetration record (In Situ Site Investigation) CPT 03 context Depth (m) Unit


0-0.35 Dense sand SAND

0.35-1.2 Stiff clay CLAY 1.2-1.5 Stiff sandy silt to clayey silt SILT

1.5-2.0 Soft silty clay to clay CLAY

2.0-3.15 Fine grained

3.15-3.35 Firm clayey silt to silty clay SILT/CLAY 3.35-5.2 Dense sand SAND

5.2-5.45 Firm clay CLAY

5.45-11.2 Dense sand to silty sand SAND

11.2-11.8 Dense sand SAND

11.8-12.35 Dense sand to silty sand SAND 12.35-12.5 Stiff clay CLAY

12.5-14.2+ Dense sand SAND

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Piezo Cone penetration record (In Situ Site Investigation) CPT 04 context Depth (m) Unit


0-0.7 Soft clay CLAY 0.7-2.6 Firm sand silt to clayey silt SILT 2.6-7.7 Dense sand to sandy silt SAND/SILT 7.7-8.2 Stiff sandy silt to clayey silt SILT 8.2-9.0 Firm clayey silt to silty clay SLT/CLAY 9.0-9.6 Firm sandy silt to clayey silt SILT 9.6-12.25 Lose silty sand to sandy silt SAND/SILT 12.25-13.85 Soft clayey silt to silty clay SILT/CLAY 13.85-14.7 Dense sand to silty sand SAND 14.7-15.25 Firm clayey silt to silty clay SILT/CLAY 15.25-15.8 Loose sand to silty sand SAND 15.8-17.25 Dense sand SAND

17.25-18.6+ Dense sand SAND

Piezo Cone penetration record (In Situ Site Investigation) CPT 05 context Depth (m) Unit


0-1.2 Stiff clay CLAY 1.2-2.0 Soft clay CLAY

2.0-3.1 Stiff sandy silt to clayey silt SILT

3.1-4.1 Dense silty sand to sandy silt SAND/SILT 4.1-5.5 Stiff sandy silt to clayey silt SILT

5.5-12.3 Dense silty sand to sandy silt SAND/SILT 12.3-13.6 Dense sand to silty sand SAND

13.6-14.5 Stiff clayey silt to silty clay SILT/CLAY

14.5-15.4 Dense sand to silty sand SAND 14.4-19.85 Firm clay CLAY 19.85-20.05+ Dense sand SAND

Piezo Cone penetration record (In Situ Site Investigation) CPT 06 context Depth (m) Unit


0-1.1 Firm clay CLAY1.1-1.8 Fine grained 1.8-4.3 Loose silty sand to sandy silt SAND/SILT

4.3-6.5 Dense silty sand to sandy silt (clay layers) SAND/SILT

6.5-8.5 Dense sand to silty sand (clay layers) SAND

8.5-12.45 Dense sand to silty sand SAND

12.45-12.9 Soft clay CLAY 12.9-13.6 Dense sand to silty sand SAND

13.6-18.2 Firm sandy silt to clayey silt SILT 18.2-19.35 Dense sand SAND 19.35-20.25+ Stiff silt to clayey silt SILT

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Piezo Cone penetration record (In Situ Site Investigation) CPT 07 context Depth (m) Unit


0-0.6 Dense gravelly sand to sand SAND 0.6-2.05 Stiff clay CLAY 2.05-2.6 Loose silty sand to sandy silt SAND/SILT 2.6-3.55 Firm sandy silt to clayey silt SILT 3.55-7.3 Dense sand to silty sand SAND 7.3-9.8 Loose silty sand to sandy silt SAND/SILT 9.8-10.2 Dense sand to silty sand SAND 10.2-10.8 Stiff sandy silt to clayey silt SILT 10.8-11.2 Loose silty sand to sandy silt SAND/SILT 11.2-11.6 Soft clay CLAY 11.6-13.3 Dense sand to silty sand SAND 13.3-16.4 Dense sand to silty sand SAND 16.4-17.5 Firm clayey silt to silty clay SILT/CLAY 17.5-18.9+ Dense sand SAND

Piezo Cone penetration record (In Situ Site Investigation) CPT 08 context Depth (m) Unit


0-0.8 Dense sand SAND

0.8-2.3 Firm clay CLAY 2.3-3.1 Stiff clayey silt to silty clay SILT/CLAY

3.1-4.0 Firm clay (sand layer) CLAY 4.0-10.0 Dense silty sand to sandy silt SAND/SILT

10.0-10.6 Stiff sandy silt to clayey silt SILT

10.6-11.1 Firm clay CLAY

11.1-11.5 Very stiff sandy silt to clayey silt SILT 11.5-11.8 Soft clay Clay

11.8-12.1 Dense sand to sandy silt SILT

12.1-15.2 Soft clay (sand layer) CLAY

15.2-16.0 Very stiff sandy silt to clayey silt SILT

16.0-17.8 Dense sand to silty sand SAND 17.8-20.0+ Dense gravelly sand to sand SAND

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Piezo Cone penetration record (In Situ Site Investigation) CPT 09 context Depth (m) Unit


0-0.25 Firm clay CLAY 0.25-0.5 Dense sand SAND 0.5-1.35 Firm clay CLAY 1.35-4.8 Stiff sandy silt to clayey silt SILT 4.8-5.7 Soft clay CLAY 5.7-7.5 Stiff clay (sand layer) CLAY 7.5-9.0 Very stiff clayey silt to silty clay (sand layer) SILT/CLAY 9.0-11.35 Dense sand to sandy silt SAND/SILT 11.35-11.7 Stiff clayey silt to silty clay SILT/CLAY 11.7-13.2 Soft clay CLAY 13.2-14.9 Dense silty sand to sandy silt (clay layer) SAND/SILT 14.9-16.0 Dense sand SAND 16.0-20.0+ Soft clay CLAY

Piezo Cone penetration record (In Situ Site Investigation) CPT 10 context Depth (m) Unit


0-0.7 Soft clay CLAY 0.7-1.65 Stiff sandy silt to clayey silt SILT

1.65-5.8 Soft sandy silt to sandy silt SILT 5.8-6.8 Stiff sandy silt to clayey silt (sand layer) SILT

6.8-10.25 Dense sand to silty sand (clay layers) SAND 10.25-11.25 Stiff sandy silt to clayey silt SILT

11.25-14.1 Soft clay to clay CLAY

14.1-14.3 Loose silty sand to sandy silt SAND/SILT

14,3-14.9 Firm clayey silt to silty clay SLT CLAY 14.9-15.2 Loose silty sand to sandy silt SAND/SILT

15.2-15.5 Dense sand SAND

15.5-17.3 Stiff silty clay to clay CLAY

17.3-17.85 Dense sand SAND

17.85-20.1+ Stiff silty clay to clay CLAY

Piezo Cone penetration record (In Situ Site Investigation) CPT 11

context Depth (m) Unit samples


0-2.8 Very soft clay CLAY 2.8-4.7 Fine grained

4.7-6.8 Firm sandy silt to clayey silt SILT 6.8-9.2 Loose sand to silty sand SAND/SILT

9.2-9.8 Stiff silt to clayey silt SILT

9.8-10.6 Dense sand to silty sand SAND

10.6-12.3 Soft clay CLAY

12.3-14.2 Dense sand SAND 14.2-15.25 Stiff silty clay to clay CLAY

15.25-20.0+ Stiff silty clay to clay CLAY

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Piezo Cone penetration record (In Situ Site Investigation) CPT 12 context Depth (m) Unit


0-0.9 Soft clay CLAY 0.9-1.85 Stiff sandy silt to clayey silt SILT 1.85-3.25 Fine grained 3.25-5.15 Firm sandy silt to clayey silt SILT 5.15-11.25 Dense silty sand to sandy silt SAND/SILT 11.25-13.5 Very stiff clay (sand layer) CLAY 13.5-14.4 Dense sand SAND 14.4-18.1 Stiff silty clay to clay CLAY 18.1-18.3 Dense sand to sand SAND 18.3-20.0+ Very stiff clayey silt to silty clay SILT/CLAY

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APPENDIX 3 Samples examined, described and/or subsampled)

Trial Pit 1

context Unit samples


101 1 1 Described and subsampled for rapid palaeo-environmental


102 2 2 Described and subsampled for rapid palaeo-environmental


103 3 3 Described and subsampled for rapid palaeo-environmental


Trial Pit 2 context Unit


201 0 4

202 2 5

Trial Pit 3 context Unit


301 1 6

302 2 7

303 3 8

Trial Pit 4 context Unit


401 1 9

402 2 10

Trial Pit 5 context Unit


501 1 11

502 2 12

Trial Pit 6 context Unit


601 1 13 Described

602 2 14 Described

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Trial Pit 7 context Unit


701 1 15 Described

702 2 16 Described

Trial Pit 8 context Unit


801 1 17 Described

802 2 18 Described

Trial Pit 9

context Unit samples


901 1 19 Described

902 2 20 Described

Trial Pit 10 context Unit


1001 1 21 Described

1002 2 22 Described

Trial Pit 11 context Unit


1102 0 23 Described - contaminated

Trial Pit 13 context Unit


1301 1 24 Described

1302 2 25 Described

Trial Pit 14 context Unit


1401 1 26 Described

1402 4 27 Described

Michael J. Allenwww.themolluscs.com March 2011

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0 1kmN





































Able Marine Energy Park: Compensation Area

Fig. 1: Location of Geotechnical and Cone Penetration excavations

Cone Penetration trial pit

Geotechnical trial pit






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TP14 CP11 TP10 CP9 TP7 TP6 TP4 TP2 CP2





0 0.5 1km




Able Marine Energy Park:Compensation Area

Archaeological results


Brown silty sand

Grey coarse silt

Grey sandy silt

Cone Penetration results




x x x x x x

Source: In Situ Site InvestigationPiezo Cone Penetration Test, Feb 2011

Fig. 3: Section across NE transect

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0 0.5 1km




Able Marine Energy Park:Compensation Area





Fig. 4: Section across SW transect


Archaeological results


Brown silty sand

Grey coarse silt

Grey sandy silt

Cone Penetration results




x x x x x x

Source: In Situ Site InvestigationPiezo Cone Penetration Test, Feb 2011
