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Cheshire East Council Cabinet Member for Housing and Planning Date of Meeting: 25 October 2017 Report of: Director of Planning and Sustainable Development Subject/Title: Willaston Neighbourhood Plan – Decision to Proceed to Referendum Portfolio Holder: Councillor Ainsley Arnold 1. Report Summary 1.1. The Willaston Neighbourhood Development Plan (WNDP) was submitted to the Council in June 2017 and, following a statutory publicity period, proceeded to Independent Examination. The Examiner’s report has now been received and recommends that, subject to some modifications, the Plan should proceed to referendum. 1.2. The Council must now consider the recommendations of the Examiner and decide how to proceed. 2. Recommendation 2.1. That the Portfolio Holder accepts the Examiner’s recommendations to make modifications to the Willaston Neighbourhood Development Plan, as set out in the Examiner’s report (at Appendix 1), and confirms that the Willaston Neighbourhood Development Plan will now proceed to referendum in the Willaston Neighbourhood Plan area. 2.2. A further recommendation is made to update the housing supply figures in the neighbourhood plan to reflect the most up to date position. 3. Other Options Considered 3.1. Not to proceed to referendum – the examiner has found that subject to modification, the plan meets the relevant tests and therefore there is no reason a referendum should not be held. 4. Reasons for Recommendation 4.1. The Council is committed to supporting neighbourhood planning in Cheshire East. It has a legal duty to provide advice and assistance on
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Cheshire East Council

Cabinet Member for Housing and Planning

Date of Meeting: 25 October 2017

Report of: Director of Planning and Sustainable Development

Subject/Title: Willaston Neighbourhood Plan – Decision to Proceed to Referendum

Portfolio Holder: Councillor Ainsley Arnold

1. Report Summary

1.1. The Willaston Neighbourhood Development Plan (WNDP) was submitted to the Council in June 2017 and, following a statutory publicity period, proceeded to Independent Examination. The Examiner’s report has now been received and recommends that, subject to some modifications, the Plan should proceed to referendum.

1.2. The Council must now consider the recommendations of the Examiner and decide how to proceed.

2. Recommendation

2.1. That the Portfolio Holder accepts the Examiner’s recommendations to make modifications to the Willaston Neighbourhood Development Plan, as set out in the Examiner’s report (at Appendix 1), and confirms that the Willaston Neighbourhood Development Plan will now proceed to referendum in the Willaston Neighbourhood Plan area.

2.2. A further recommendation is made to update the housing supply figures in the neighbourhood plan to reflect the most up to date position.

3. Other Options Considered

3.1. Not to proceed to referendum – the examiner has found that subject to modification, the plan meets the relevant tests and therefore there is no reason a referendum should not be held.

4. Reasons for Recommendation

4.1. The Council is committed to supporting neighbourhood planning in Cheshire East. It has a legal duty to provide advice and assistance on

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neighbourhood plans, to hold an independent examination on neighbourhood plans submitted to the Council and to make arrangements for a referendum following a favourable Examiner’s Report.

4.2. The Council accepts the examiner’s recommendations and subject to the modifications set out in the Examiner’s Report, the WNDP is considered to meet the statutory basic conditions and procedural requirements set out in Schedule 10, paragraph 8, of the Localism Act and as such it can now proceed to referendum.

5. Background/Chronology

5.1. The preparation of the Neighbourhood Plan began in 2015 with the submission of the Neighbourhood Area Designation which was approved in May 2015.

5.2. The location and extent of the Willaston Neighbourhood Area is shown on the map in Appendix 2.

5.3. The final Neighbourhood Plan and its supporting documents were submitted to Cheshire East Council in June 2017.

5.4. The supporting documents included:

5.4.1. Plan of the neighbourhood area

5.4.2. Consultation Statement

5.4.3. Basic Conditions Statement

5.4.4. Screening Opinion on the need to undertake Strategic Environmental Assessment

5.4.5. Links to supporting documents and reports

5.5. Cheshire East undertook the required publicity between 14.06.17 – 28.07.17. Relevant consultees, residents and other interested parties were provided with information about the submitted Plan and were given the opportunity to submit comments to the Examiner.

5.6. The Borough Council appointed Derek Stebbing BA (Hons) DipEP MRTPI to examine whether the Plan meets the necessary basic conditions and legal requirements and recommend whether the plan should proceed to referendum. The Examiner is a chartered town planner, former Planning Policy Manager for Chelmsford District Council and a former government Planning Inspector, with wide experience of examining development plans and undertaking large and small scale casework. On reviewing the content of the Plan and the representations received as part of the publication process, he decided not to hold a public hearing.

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5.7. A copy of the Examiner’s Report is provided at Appendix 1. A copy of the Neighbourhood Plan (as submitted to the Council prior to examination) is included at Appendix 3.

5.8. The Examiner’s Report contains Derek’s findings on legal and procedural matters and his assessment of the Plan against the Basic Conditions. It recommends that a number of modifications be made to the Plan. These are contained within the body of the Report and summarised in a table at the end.

5.9. In addition there is a list of minor modifications for the purpose of correcting errors or for clarification which are set out at the end of the Report.

5.10. Overall it is concluded that the WNDP does comply with the Basic Conditions and other statutory requirements and that, subject to recommended modifications, it can proceed to a referendum.

5.11. The Examiner comments that the “Willaston Neighbourhood Plan is the product of much hard work during the past two years by the Parish Council, the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group and the many individuals and stakeholders who have contributed to the development of the Plan. There is no doubt in my view that the Plan reflects the aspirations and objectives of the Willaston community for the future development of their community up to 2030.”

6. Wards Affected and Local Ward Members

6.1. Willaston and Rope Ward; Councillor Sarah Pochin

6.2. Wistaston; Councillor Margaret Simon; Councillor Jacqueline Weatherill

7. Implications of Recommendation

7.1. Policy Implications

7.1.1. Neighbourhood planning allows communities to establish land-use planning policy to shape new development. This is achieved through the formation of a vision and the development of objectives and policies to achieve this vision. If a neighbourhood plan is supported through a referendum and is ‘made’ it then forms part of the statutory development plan and becomes, with the adopted Local Plan, the starting point for determining relevant planning applications in that area.

7.1.2. The Willaston Neighbourhood Plan therefore contributes to the Councils corporate objectives to deliver high quality of place within a plan led framework and the strategic objectives of the Local Plan Strategy for Cheshire East.

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7.2. Legal Implications

7.2.1. The Neighbourhood Plan is considered to meet the basic conditions and all relevant legal and procedural requirements and this is supported in the Examiner’s Report.

7.3. Financial Implications

7.3.1. The referendum is estimated to cost circa £3,000. This will be paid for through government grant and the service’s revenue budget.

7.4. Equality Implications

7.4.1. The neighbourhood plan has been prepared in a manner which has been inclusive and open to all to participate in policy making and estabish a shared vision for future development in Willaston. The policies proposed are not considered to disadvantage those with protected characteristics.

7.5. Rural Community Implications

7.5.1. Willaston falls into the category of Rural and Other Villages for the purposes of the Local Plan Strategy. Willaston is a largely rural Parish and the WNDP addresses a number of rural issues including policies on the open countryside, environment and heritage. The policies in the plan have been developed by the community, with opportunities for the rural community to participate in the plan making process.

7.6. Human Resources Implications

7.6.1. None

7.7. Public Health Implications

7.7.1. Neighbourhood plans are an opportunity to promote public health in the statutory planning framework and the Willaston neighbourhood plan contains policies on community facilites and recreation which support phsical wellbeing.

7.8. Implications for Children and Young People

7.8.1. Neighbourhood plans are an opportunity to promote the safety, interests and well being of children in the statutory planning framework and the Willaston Neighbourhood Plan introduces policies to protect acces to recreation and amenity facilities which support the wellbeing of children.

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7.9. Other Implications (Please Specify)7.9.1. None.

8. Risk Management8.1. The decision to proceed to referendum and subsequently to ‘make’ the

Neighbourhood Plan is, like all decisions of a public authority, open to challenge by Judicial Review. The risk of any legal challenge to the Plan being successful has been minimised by the thorough and robust way in which it has been prepared and tested.

9. Access to Information/Bibliography

9.1. The background papers relating to this report can be inspected by contacting the report writer

10.Contact Information

Contact details for this report are as follows:

Name: Tom EvansDesignation: Neighbourhood Planning ManagerTel. No.: 01260 383709Email: [email protected]

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Appendix 1: Examiners Report

Report on Willaston Neighbourhood Plan2015 - 2030

An Examination undertaken for Cheshire East Council with the support of the Willaston Parish Council on the May 2017 Submission version of the Plan.

Independent Examiner: Derek Stebbing B.A. (Hons), Dip E.P., MRTPI

Date of Report: 17 October 2017


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Main Findings - Executive Summary 3

1. Introduction and Background 3 Willaston Neighbourhood Plan 2015–2030 3 The Independent Examiner 4 The Scope of the Examination 4 The Basic Conditions 5

2. Approach to the Examination 6 Planning Policy Context 6 Submitted Documents 6 Site Visit 7 Written Representations with or without Public


Modifications 7

3. Procedural Compliance and Human Rights 8 Qualifying Body and Neighbourhood Plan Area 8 Plan Period 8 Neighbourhood Plan Preparation and Consultation 8 Development and Use of Land 9 Excluded Development 9 Human Rights 9

4. Compliance with the Basic Conditions 9 EU Obligations 9 Main Assessment 10 Overview 11 Green Gap 12 Housing 12 Design 14 Environment 15 Local Economy 17 Traffic and Infrastructure 18 Community 19

5. Conclusions 20 Summary 20 The Referendum and its Area 20

Appendix: Modifications 21

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Main Findings - Executive Summary

From my examination of the Willaston Neighbourhood Plan (the Plan) and its supporting documentation including the representations made, I have concluded that subject to the modifications set out in this report, the Plan meets the Basic Conditions.

I have also concluded that:

- the Plan has been prepared and submitted for examination by a qualifying body – Willaston Parish Council;

- the Plan has been prepared for an area properly designated – the Neighbourhood Plan area, the boundary of which is coterminous with the Parish boundary, as identified on the Designation Map at Page 5 of the Plan;

- the Plan specifies the period to which it is to take effect – from 2015 to 2030; and

- the policies relate to the development and use of land for a designated neighbourhood area.

I recommend that the Plan, once modified, proceeds to Referendum on the basis that it has met all the relevant legal requirements.

I have considered whether the referendum area should extend beyond the designated area to which the Plan relates and have concluded that it should not.

1. Introduction and Background Willaston Neighbourhood Plan 2015-2030

1.1 Willaston is a predominantly rural parish within Cheshire East situated to the south-west of the town of Crewe. The Parish has a population of 3,104 (2011 Census). Whilst the Parish is mainly rural in character, the village of Willaston is closer to the wider urban area of Crewe, whilst retaining its distinctive local character and identity. Much of the present residential development in Willaston has been developed in the period since 1950, and this has continued in recent years with 12 new dwellings being completed since April 2010 and a further 622 dwellings being granted planning permission during the Plan period to date. This represents a further significant period of growth for the Parish.

1.2 Beyond the built-up area of Willaston the Parish is rural in character, and largely comprises agricultural land and open countryside. That land, together with other land in adjoining parishes, comprises part of a Green Gap between the settlements of Crewe and Nantwich. Willaston has a reasonable range of shops, local services and community facilities to meet local needs, and its proximity to other services and facilities in Crewe provides residents with other significant employment, shopping and recreational opportunities. The village

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also has an employment area with a range of premises suitable for small businesses.

The Independent Examiner 1.3 As the Plan has now reached the Examination stage, I have been appointed

as the Examiner of the Willaston Neighbourhood Plan by Cheshire East Council (CEC), with the agreement of the Willaston Parish Council.

1.4 I am a chartered town planner, with over 40 years of experience in planning, and have worked in both the public and private sectors. I have also served on a Government working group considering measures to improve the Local Plan system and undertaken peer reviews on behalf of the Planning Advisory Service.

1.5 I am independent of the qualifying body and the local authority and do not have an interest in any of the land that may be affected by the Draft Plan. I therefore have the appropriate qualifications and experience to carry out this independent Examination.

The Scope of the Examination

1.6 As the independent Examiner, I am required to produce this report and recommend either:

(a) that the neighbourhood plan is submitted to a referendum without changes; or

(b) that modifications are made and that the modified neighbourhood plan is submitted to a referendum; or

(c) that the neighbourhood plan does not proceed to a referendum on the basis that it does not meet the necessary legal requirements.

1.7 The scope of the Examination is set out in Paragraph 8(1) of Schedule 4B to the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended)(‘the 1990 Act’). The Examiner must consider:

Whether the plan meets the Basic Conditions;

Whether the plan complies with provisions under s.38A and s.38B of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 (as amended) (‘the 2004 Act’). These are:

- it has been prepared and submitted for Examination by a qualifying body, for an area that has been properly designated by the Local Planning Authority;

- it sets out policies in relation to the development and use of land;

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- it specifies the period during which it has effect;

- it does not include provisions and policies for ‘excluded development’;

- it is the only Neighbourhood Plan for the area and does not relate to land outside the designated neighbourhood area;

- whether the referendum boundary should be extended beyond the designated area, should the plan proceed to referendum; and

Such matters as prescribed in the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012 (as amended)(‘the 2012 Regulations’).

1.8 I have considered only matters that fall within Paragraph 8(1) of Schedule 4B to the 1990 Act, with one exception. That is the requirement that the Plan is compatible with the Human Rights Convention.

The Basic Conditions

1.9 The ‘Basic Conditions’ are set out in Paragraph 8(2) of Schedule 4B to the 1990 Act. In order to meet the Basic Conditions, the neighbourhood plan must:

- have regard to national policies and advice contained in guidance issued by the Secretary of State;

- contribute to the achievement of sustainable development;

- be in general conformity with the strategic policies of the development plan for the area;

- be compatible with and not breach European Union (EU) obligations; and

- meet prescribed conditions and comply with prescribed matters.

1.10 Regulation 32 of the 2012 Regulations prescribes a further Basic Condition for a neighbourhood plan. This requires that the neighbourhood plan should not be likely to have a significant effect on a European Site (as defined in the Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2012) or a European Offshore Marine Site (as defined in the Offshore Marine Conservation (Natural Habitats etc.) Regulations 2007), either alone or in combination with other plans or projects.

2. Approach to the Examination

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Planning Policy Context

2.1 The Development Plan for this part of the CEC district, not including documents relating to excluded minerals and waste development, is the Cheshire East Local Plan Strategy (CELPS) 2010-2030, which was adopted on 27 July 2017.

2.2 The CELPS 2010-2030 document is the first part of the Cheshire East Local Plan to be adopted. In due course, a Site Allocations and Development Policies document will set out detailed site allocations and development management policies, but this document has only reached the Issues and Options stage so is at a relatively early stage of preparation, albeit the evidence being prepared to support it may be more relevant.

2.3 Relevant saved policies from the Crewe and Nantwich Replacement Local Plan (CNRLP) 2011 therefore continue to remain in force at the present time for detailed development management purposes in the former Crewe and Nantwich Borough Council area, which includes Willaston Parish. The Proposals Maps from the CNRLP and other Local Plans in Cheshire East are saved for the purposes of determining planning applications.

2.4 The Plan was prepared in the context of the then emerging CELPS 2010-2030, taking into account the Main Modifications proposed by the examining Planning Inspector, published in March 2017. This has meant the Plan, to a large extent, anticipated the adoption of the new CELPS policies against which I must now test the Plan for general conformity.

2.5 The planning policy for England is set out principally in the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF). The Planning Practice Guidance (PPG) offers guidance on how this policy should be implemented.

Submitted Documents

2.6 I have considered all policy, guidance and other reference documents I consider relevant to the Examination, including those submitted which comprise:

the Draft Willaston Neighbourhood Plan 2010-2030, dated May 2017; the Neighbourhood Designation Map on Page 5 of the Plan which

identifies the area to which the proposed neighbourhood development plan relates;

the Consultation Statement, dated May 2017; the Basic Conditions Statement, dated May 2017; the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) Screening Opinion

prepared by Cheshire East Council, dated April 2017;

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all the representations that have been made in accordance with the Regulation 16 consultation; and

the request for additional information and clarification sought in my letter of 4 September 2017 and the responses provided by CEC and the Parish Council which are available on the Parish Council website1.

Site Visit

2.7 I made an unaccompanied site visit to the Neighbourhood Plan Area on 15 September 2017 to familiarise myself with it and visit relevant sites and areas referenced in the Plan, evidential documents and representations.

Written Representations with or without Public Hearing

2.8 This Examination has been dealt with by written representations. I considered hearing sessions to be unnecessary as the consultation responses clearly articulated the objections and comments regarding the Plan, and presented arguments for and against the Plan’s suitability to proceed to a referendum. I am satisfied that the material supplied is sufficiently comprehensive for me to be able to deal with the matters raised under the written representations procedure, and that there was not a requirement to convene a Public Hearing as part of this Examination.


2.9 Where necessary, I have recommended modifications to the Plan (PMs) in this report in order that it meets the Basic Conditions and other legal requirements. For ease of reference, I have listed these modifications in full in the Appendix.

3. Procedural Compliance and Human Rights Qualifying Body and Neighbourhood Plan Area

3.1 The Willaston Neighbourhood Plan has been prepared and submitted for examination by Willaston Parish Council which is a qualifying body. An application to CEC for the Parish to be designated a neighbourhood planning area was made in March 2015, and was approved by CEC on 26 May 2015.

1View the procedural letter at: http://www.willaston-np.org.uk/regulation-16.htmlThe responses can be viewed at: [not yet available].

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3.2 It is the only neighbourhood plan for Willaston, and does not relate to land outside the designated neighbourhood area.

Plan Period

3.3 The Plan specifies clearly the period to which it is to take effect, which is from 2015 to 2030. The end date aligns with the CELPS, which is also 2030. Nevertheless, to improve clarity2, the period of the Plan should be stated on the front cover and PM1 should be made to clarify this.

Neighbourhood Plan Preparation and Consultation

3.4 The Plan has been prepared in response to the Localism Act 2011. Work commenced on the preparation of the Plan in August 2015 when a Steering Group was established comprising members of the Parish Council and the wider community. A variety of methods were used to communicate with the community and stakeholders during the Plan preparation period, commencing in August 2015 with an initial questionnaire consultation to every household in the Parish. Further consultation events were held in 2016, for example a stall and display at the World Worm Charming Championship held in June 2016 and at the Annual Fete in July 2016. Evidence base reports and studies were also prepared during 2016. A public consultation on the proposed Neighbourhood Plan policies was undertaken in November 2016, and this was followed by the Regulation 14 consultation which was held from 20 December 2016 to 31 January 2017. Regular updates to the Willaston community were provided throughout 2015, 2016 and early 2017 through the Willaston Newsletter and a dedicated Neighbourhood Plan website.

3.5 The outcomes from the Regulation 14 consultation were assessed, and a number of amendments and changes were made to the Draft Plan in response to representations received during that consultation period. During the period February-April 2017, further supporting documents were prepared including the Basic Conditions Statement and the Consultation Statement, and the SEA Screening Opinion request was submitted to CEC.

3.6 The Pre-Submission Neighbourhood Plan was formally submitted to CEC in May 2017. The Submitted Plan was subject to further consultation in June/July 2017 under Regulation 16 and I take account of the 8 responses then received in writing this report, as well as the earlier Consultation Statement. I am satisfied that the consultation process has been open and transparent, has met the legal requirements for procedural compliance and has had regard to the guidance in the PPG on plan preparation.

Development and Use of Land

2 The Plan should be drafted with sufficient clarity that a decision maker can apply it consistently and with confidence when determining planning applications. See PPG Reference ID: 41-041-20140306.

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3.7 The Plan sets out policies in relation to the development and use of land in accordance with s.38A of the 2004 Act.

Excluded Development

3.8 The Plan does not include any provisions and policies for ‘excluded development’.

Human Rights

3.9 The Basic Conditions Statement states that the Plan has had regard to the fundamental rights and freedoms guaranteed under the European Convention on Human Rights, and complies with the Human Rights Act, 1998. From my assessment of the Plan, its accompanying evidence base studies and the consultation responses made to the Plan at the Regulations 14 and 16 stages, I am satisfied that none of the objectives and policies in the Neighbourhood Plan will have a negative impact on groups with protected characteristics. CEC is satisfied that the Plan is compatible with Human Rights requirements. I have considered this matter independently and I have found no reason to disagree with that position.

4. Compliance with the Basic Conditions

EU Obligations

4.1 The Neighbourhood Plan was screened for SEA by CEC in April 2017. The screening conclusion stated that the Plan includes policies that support small scale development at a scale in conformity with the approach taken by the CELPS. It further states that there are designated sites of European significance within 15 km proximity of the Plan area but the effect of the Plan on these sites is not considered to be significant. It notes that the Plan also seeks to ensure that any new development is addressed sensitively in the context of evidence prepared in relation to natural, heritage and landscape assets thus incorporating environmental protection in general and at specific designated locations. The assessment therefore concluded that the Plan is unlikely to have a significant effect on the environment or on designated sites, and therefore neither SEA nor Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA) is required. Natural England, Historic England and the Environment Agency have not raised any concerns on any matters concerning the SEA, or the need for HRA Screening. On the basis of the information provided and my independent consideration, I am satisfied that the Plan is compatible with EU obligations.

Main Assessment

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4.2 Having considered whether the Plan complies with the various legal and procedural requirements it is now necessary to deal with the question of whether it complies with the remaining Basic Conditions (see paragraph 1.9 of this report), particularly the regard it pays to national policy and guidance, the contribution it makes to sustainable development and whether it is in general conformity with strategic development plan policies.

4.3 I test the Plan against the Basic Conditions by considering specific issues of compliance of the Plan’s 35 policies which deal with the Green Gap; Housing; Design; Environment; Local Economy; Transport and Infrastructure and Community. However, from my reading of the Willaston Neighbourhood Plan submission document, the Regulation 16 consultation responses, the supporting evidence base documents for the Plan, the responses to my letter of 4 September 2017 and having undertaken the site visit, I consider that overall, subject to the detailed modifications I recommend to specific policies below, that individually and collectively the policies in the Plan will contribute to the achievement of sustainable patterns of development and meet the other Basic Conditions.

4.4 As an overarching observation on the Plan as a whole, there are a number of policies which, in my assessment, contain non-policy specific material and which I consider to be supporting justification for the policies concerned. There are also a number of detailed matters which require amendment to ensure that the policies are fully consistent with national policy and the strategic policies of CEC. In addition, as presently drafted, without paragraph numbers and without a clear distinction between the text of Policies and some of the supporting text and justification for those Policies, the Plan is, in certain areas, rather difficult to understand and interpret, undermining its clarity. Accordingly, I recommend a Plan-wide modification in order to improve the clarity of the document by the introduction of both paragraph numbers and the highlighting of policy text in bold font, which will provide better structure for the document and significantly aid the identification of its policies. I therefore recommend PM2 to address this matter.


4.5 The Plan is addressing a Plan period from 2015 to 2030. Its policies seek to plan for the sustainable growth of the village, while protecting the character of the village and its surrounding natural environment.

4.6 The NPPF states (at paragraph 184) that “Neighbourhood planning provides a powerful set of tools for local people to ensure that they get the right types of development for their community. The ambition of the neighbourhood should be aligned with the strategic needs and priorities of the wider local area. Neighbourhood plans must be in general conformity with the strategic policies of the Local Plan”, and also that “Neighbourhood

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plans and orders should not promote less development than set out in the Local Plan or undermine its strategic policies”.

4.7 The NPPF (at paragraph 14) also sets out the presumption in favour of sustainable development. It goes on to state (at paragraph 16) that Neighbourhood Plans should support the strategic development needs set out in Local Plans, including policies for housing and economic development; they should also plan positively to support local development, shaping and directing development in their area that is outside the strategic elements of the Local Plan. Paragraph 47 onwards of the NPPF sets out the approach “To boost significantly the supply of housing” which local planning authorities should follow.

4.8 The Vision, Key Issues and Aims for Willaston Parish up to 2030 are set out on pages 6 and 7 of the Plan. The Planning Policies are set out on pages 10-48, and I am satisfied that the key issues arising from the NPPF, the saved policies of the CNRLP and the strategic policies in the CELPS, as they affect Willaston, are appropriately described and referenced throughout the Policies section of the Plan. However, following the adoption of the CELPS on 27 July 2017, there is a general need to update and correct a considerable number of references and passages in the Plan to remove references to the emerging CELPS, the proposed Main Modifications to that Plan and other commentary regarding earlier stages in the CELPS process including its Examination. All of these references have now been superseded by the adoption of the CELPS. In order to avoid a lengthy list of minor modifications, I recommend PM3 as a general Plan-wide requirement to update and amend the Plan throughout to reflect the adoption of the CELPS on 27 July 2017 and to remove references to earlier stages of that Plan’s preparation and its Examination. This modification is to ensure that the Plan, when it is presented for a Referendum, is fully up to date and does not contain references that have been superseded by the adoption of the CELPS.

Green Gap

4.9 Policy GG1 (Green Gap) is a key policy in the Plan. Having regard to the comments made by CEC in respect of this policy, the Council considers that the policy is consistent with Policy PG5 in the CELPS, and is broadly supportive of the approach being taken in the Plan. The Strategic Green Gaps in Cheshire East are a fundamental strategic planning policy, seeking to prevent the long term coalescence of settlements, which in the case of this particular Green Gap is the land between Crewe and Nantwich including the broad area of land to the west of Willaston village. It is clearly important that Policy GG1 conforms with this strategic policy. The definition of the Green Gap as it affects Willaston Parish is based upon the saved policy (Policy NE4) from the CNRLP, until the emerging Site Allocations and Development Policies Document replaces that policy. I am satisfied that Policy GG1 is in conformity with the strategic policies of the development plan. However, I consider that the boundaries of the proposed Green Gap should be identified on a Policies Map (see PM4) and that the boundary should be amended to take account of amendments to

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the Willaston Settlement Boundary. I deal with the issue of a Policies Map in paragraph 4.13 and PM4 below in the wider context, as it also clearly relates to other key planning policies in the Plan.


4.10 I now consider whether the Plan contains policies and proposals that are appropriate to meet the development requirements for Willaston for the period up to 2030. The CELPS states that sufficient land will be provided to accommodate the full, objectively assessed housing needs for Cheshire East between 2010 and 20303. In arriving at that figure, the CELPS balanced the estimated capacity of the area to accommodate growth and the impact on the environment, infrastructure and Green Belt. The majority of the housing supply is predicted to be contributed from strategic sites and locations with lesser contributions identified in the emerging Site Allocations and Development Policies Document and from windfall sites4.

4.11 In the CELPS, Willaston is included within the overall housing allocation for Crewe, and a number of strategic sites are identified within the wider Crewe area to accommodate the planned level of housing growth. None of these strategic sites are within the Willaston area. However, the CELPS anticipates that, in settlements such as Willaston, there will be a requirement to accommodate some housing growth to meet local needs.

4.12 The Plan notes (at page 16) that dwelling commitments and completions within the Parish since 2010 comprise 526 new units, with planning permission most recently being granted for 146 new homes at Moorfields, Willaston. In the context of the historical growth of the Parish, this recent level of growth represents a significant increase to the population of Willaston. In settlements such as Willaston, the allocation of further smaller-scale sites for development will be achieved as part of the emerging CELP Site Allocations and Development Policies Document and/or in Neighbourhood Plans. However, Willaston already has a defined settlement boundary from the saved policies and Proposals Map of the CNRLP, and the Plan adopts this Settlement Boundary (within Policy H4) in order to direct future housing, economic and community related development to sites within the Settlement Boundary, to enhance its role as a sustainable community and to protect the surrounding countryside and open spaces. I note that CEC has not raised any concerns with that approach.

4.13 However, I am concerned that the Plan does not include a Policies Map identifying, inter alia, the proposed Settlement Boundary. The map on page 5 does illustrate the proposed Settlement Boundary, but this is not a Policies Map and does not fully reflect the latest planning permissions granted for new residential development, including land at Moorfields, Willaston and land to the rear of Cheerbrook Road, Willaston (LPA Refs: 13/3762N and 14/5825). Furthermore, this map is also of insufficient

3 CELPS Policy PG1.4 CELPS Table 8.2 Housing Supply at 31 March 2016.

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scale to enable users of the Plan (including decision makers) to be able to interpret the precise application of policies. I therefore recommend as PM4 that the Plan includes a Policies Map (of the appropriate scale and definition, and covering the whole of the Plan area) showing the proposed Willaston Settlement Boundary which should be amended to include land with planning permissions granted since April 2010 for residential development, and the land covered by other key planning policies in the Plan (which in my assessment are Policies GG1, H4, LE1, LE3, LE6, LE7, E2 and TP1).

4.14 I have given careful consideration to those representations which seek to promote a review of the Settlement Boundary in order to facilitate more opportunities for sustainable development. However, I take the view that the proposed Settlement Boundary (to be amended to encompass land now with the benefit of planning permission for residential development – see PM4 above) is appropriate for the suite of policies contained in the Plan, and particularly the Housing and Local Economy policies, and that no further revisions to that boundary are required. I am satisfied that should the emerging Site Allocations and Development Policies Document include further allocations of land in Willaston beyond the proposed Settlement Boundary, then this could be addressed through a future Review of the Plan. Advice is provided in this regard in PPG Reference ID: 41-084-20160519 to ID: 41-086-20160519.

4.15 In considering the suite of Housing policies, Policies H1-H6, there are a number of detailed modifications that are necessary to satisfy the Basic Conditions, as follows:

- Policy H1.2 (Rural Exception Sites) should refer to ‘up to 10 houses’, in order to achieve general conformity with CELPS Policy SC6. It should also refer to the affordable housing/local connection criteria in Policy H2 (PM5).

- Policy H1.3 (Brownfield within the Parish) and H1.4 (Redundant Buildings): These two policies require that development at brownfield sites and the re-use of redundant buildings are required to meet the Housing Needs Assessment. This test is neither in Policy PG6 of the CELPS, nor in PPG and therefore, I consider that Policies H1.3 and H1.4 should be modified to reflect the statutory policy and guidance. For improved clarity, Policy H1.3 should also be re-titled ‘Brownfield Sites within the Parish’ (PM6).

- Policy H2 (Affordable Housing, Starter Homes and Low Cost Market Housing to meet Local Housing Needs) should be re-titled to ‘Affordable Housing’ and should make reference to the Cheshire East Housing Allocations Policy (PM7).

- Policy H4 (Settlement Boundary) should be re-titled to ‘Willaston settlement Boundary’ and should cross refer to the Policies Map that I am recommending in PM4 (PM8).

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- In order to achieve general conformity, Policy H5 should reflect the adopted car parking standards in CELPS for new development (PM9).

4.16 I am content that the remaining Housing policies, H1.1 (Infill Development), H3 (Tenure Mix) and H6 (Extensions and Alterations to Existing Dwellings), meet the Basic Conditions, particularly in respect of having due regard to national policy.


4.17 Paragraph 58 of the NPPF provides that neighbourhood plans should develop robust and comprehensive policies that set out the quality of development that will be expected for the area. Having regard to the design guidance in section 7 of the NPPF, I am satisfied that no modification is required to Policy D1 (Existing buildings in the open countryside) and Policy D3 (Employment Development). However, the following Design policies do require modification in order to be consistent with national policy and therefore to meet the Basic Conditions:

- Policy D2 (Environmental Sustainability of buildings and adapting to climate change) comprises an extremely detailed and onerous list of requirements and is very general in its applicability to all new development, which would include house extensions, single dwellings as well as schemes of greater size. Policy D2 also requires that a “fabric first” approach is adopted for the design of new buildings. I consider that this is a combination of being overly prescriptive and too general to be of use in development management and this is also not provided for in the CELPS. These requirements should be replaced by a reference to the incorporation of ‘appropriate technologies’ as this will capture any new technologies as they emerge (PM10).

- Policy D4 (Design of New Housing) is a very wide-ranging policy. It refers to all new housing where, if just one or two dwellings were to be proposed as compared to a large estate, some requirements would be both unrealistic and unreasonable. The policy requirements should be subject to the caveat, “where appropriate” in bullet points 2 and 9 in the interests of balancing viability with the achievement of sustainable development. In addition, bullet point 8 refers to BREEAM, which is a sustainability assessment method for master planning projects, infrastructure and buildings. To require innovation in all new development is excessively onerous in my view and this reference to BREEAM should be qualified by referring to it as one possible approach. PM11 would make Policy D4 both more flexible and less prescriptive.

- Whilst the aim of Policy D5 (Creation of New Accesses) is to protect the visual amenity and safety of an area where a new access has been built is sound in principle, it may not be possible to provide an exact replica whilst achieving the necessary safety requirements.

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As such, I recommend PM12 to amend the policy wording accordingly.


4.18 I have sought to determine whether the proposed policies for the built and natural environment in the Plan area, and in particular the proposed designation of land as Local Green Spaces (LGSs) is, in all cases, justified and supported by appropriate evidence. Policy LE1 (Local Green Spaces within the Neighbourhood Plan Area) addresses proposed LGSs, and proposes that “all existing areas of local green space within the plan area will be protected and their quality improved”. There is no accompanying designation of land as LGSs on a Policies Map within the Plan, but reference is made to accompanying supporting documents, the Willaston Areas of Value and Interest document and the Willaston Open Space and Protected Trees Map.

4.19 I sought further clarification on this issue in my letter of 4 September 2017, including a request for a statement setting out how each of the proposed LGSs, as identified in the Willaston Areas of Value and Interest document and on the Willaston Open Space and Protected Trees Map, are justified in qualitative and quantitative terms against the NPPF criteria (as set out in paragraph 77). The Parish Council responded by supplying a statement (with an accompanying map) setting out the justification for 8 proposed LGSs, being the Willaston Parish Council Allotments; the Totem Pole Area; the Mike Heywood Green; the Willaston Bowling Club; the Willaston White Star Football Ground; the Willaston Playing Fields; the Peacock Sports Ground and the Redsands Playing Fields.

4.20 As a result of this additional information I consider that Policy LE1 requires significant amendment so that it refers only to LGS designations as defined in the NPPF, which I make through PM13. Policy LE1 also requires further amendment to refer specifically to the designated LGSs. Furthermore, I consider that the Plan should identify on the recommended Policies Map the boundaries of each of the LGSs, for improved clarity and for the benefit of users of the Plan. I therefore recommend, as part of Proposed Modification 4 that the Policies Map includes the identification of each of the designated LGSs and their boundaries (see PM4). There are also concomitant changes required to the 4th paragraph of text on page 29 of the Plan to more fully reflect the policy guidance contained in the NPPF, which I recommend in PM14.

4.21 I have fully considered the justification for each of the proposed 8 proposed LGSs (listed in paragraph 4.19 above) as set out in the Parish Council’s response to my questions. I am satisfied that each of those green spaces meets the criteria set out in national policy, and accordingly PM13 contains a listing of those LGSs for inclusion in amended Policy LE1, and they should also to be shown on the Policies Map. Therefore, provided that the modifications recommended in PM13 and PM14 (and PM4 to the extent that it applies to LGSs) are made, I am satisfied that regard has been had to NPPF paragraphs 76-78 and the Basic Conditions are met.

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4.22 I have also considered the other policies (Policies LE2-LE6) under the Environment theme within the Plan. I have some concerns regarding a number of those policies. Policy LE2 (Landscape Quality, Countryside and Open Views) lacks, in my assessment, the necessary robust evidence and justification, particularly with regard to the identification of ‘locally important open spaces’ and ‘important local views and vistas’. I raised this point in my letter of 4 September 2017 to the Parish Council, who have responded to me in writing that Policy LE2 can be deleted from the Plan. I agree with that view, and recommend PM15 to delete Policy LE2 from the Plan.

4.23 It is unclear, in my assessment, which areas of open space or recreational facilities are within the scope of Policy LE3 (Protection of Areas of Open Space), but have concluded that it refers to the areas of informal and formal recreation identified on the Willaston Areas of Value and Interest map. CEC have made a similar point in their representations. Whilst I am satisfied that the draft Policy is justified, I consider that it should be accompanied (and be cross-referenced within the text of the Policy) by a map indicating the location and boundaries of all of the assets covered by the policy. This should not include the designated LGSs covered by Policy LE1, and which are to be shown on the Policies Map. I recommend PM16 accordingly, which will require the production of a new map for inclusion in the Plan of appropriate scale and definition.

4.24 Policy LE4 (Woodland, Trees and Hedgerows, Boundary Treatment and Paving) is in my view contrary to national guidance, to the extent that it requires the demonstration of the need for the development proposed. I recommend PM17 to remove that requirement from the policy, in order to be consistent with national policy and guidance.

4.25 Whilst I consider that Policy LE5 (Extensions and Alterations to existing buildings in the open countryside) meets the Basic Conditions, Policy LE6 (Historic Environment) lacks clear cross-references to any listing of designated historic heritage assets and non-designated historic assets in the Plan area. I requested a listing of these assets in my letter of 4 September 2017 to CEC, who have confirmed that Willaston Hall at Hall Drive is a Grade II* Listed Building. Manor Farmhouse at Old Newcastle Road is a Grade II Listed Building. The building itself is not within the Plan area, but its setting and curtilage may be affected by development proposals within the Plan area, and I consider that it should therefore be encompassed within the scope of Policy LE6. The Council have also confirmed the location of seven Locally Listed Buildings within the Plan area. I recommend PM18 which addresses revisions to Policy LE6, and the provision of a map within the Plan identifying the location of the Listed Buildings and Locally Listed Buildings within the Plan area as Historic Assets (including the location of Manor Farmhouse which immediately adjoins the Plan area).

4.26 Policy LE7 (Wildlife Corridors) should reflect national guidance that mitigation measures may be used, where appropriate, to outweigh significant adverse effects on wildlife. The policy also contains a reference

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to the wildlife corridor map in the supporting document, Protecting and Enhancing Willaston’s Natural Environment. I consider that this map should be included within the Plan and be cross-referenced within Policy LE7, in order to provide greater clarity to the scope of the policy. I recommend PM19 to address amendments to this policy, including matters raised by Natural England, and the provision of the Wildlife Corridors map.

Local Economy

4.27 Policy E1 (New Business) should make it clear that any proposal should not have a ‘significant’ adverse impact upon the character and appearance of the locality, or the amenity of adjoining properties. I recommend PM20 in order to amend this policy accordingly.

4.28 Policy E2 (Loss of Employment Sites and Community Facilities) states that the loss of employment sites and community facilities will only be supported where the use is no longer viable and that the premises have been marketed for at least 12 months. This is not in general conformity with CELPS Policy EG35, and I therefore recommend PM21 to increase the period to not less than 2 years. In addition, elsewhere in the Plan, Policies C3 (Community Facilities) and C4 (Existing and New Facilities) deal more comprehensively with the loss or retention of community facilities. Therefore, in the interests of clarity and to avoid confusing repetition, I consider that the references to ‘community facilities’ in the title and text of Policy E2 should be deleted. I also address this point in PM21.

4.29 I am also concerned that Policy E2 does not provide adequate policy protection to the existing mixed-use (Use Classes B1, B2 and B8) employment area within Willaston, situated at Tricketts Lane. This is an important source of local employment opportunities, and in my assessment, should be designated as an Employment Area in the Plan, and defined as such within Policy E2 and on the Policies Map. Again, I address this matter in PM21.

4.30 Policy E3 (Use of Rural Buildings) addresses the re-use, conversion and adaptation of rural buildings for employment purposes, farm diversification, recreation or tourism. I am satisfied that this policy conforms with national policy and the strategic policies of the development plan, and that no modifications are necessary in respect of the policy.

Transport and Infrastructure

4.31 Policy TP1 (Footpaths, Cycleways and Public Rights of Way) meets the Basic Conditions with the exception that clause e) of the Policy duplicates matters covered by Policy C5 (Contributions to Community Infrastructure). Furthermore, this clause, unlike Policy C5, does not

5 See CELPS Policy EG3 (1) (ii) (b) Footnote 43.

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provide for the balancing of competing priorities. Therefore, I recommend PM22 to delete clause e) from the Policy.

4.32 I also consider that the network of public footpaths, bridleways, cycleways and Public Rights of Way within the Parish should be shown on the recommended Policies Map, with a cross-reference within Policy TP1, for the benefit of users of the Plan. I also address this matter within PM22.

4.33 Under Policy TP2 (Traffic Congestion), clause c) requires that any new development should not add to the number of HGVs using the existing road network. This is, in my view, an unreasonable requirement and incapable of being monitored accurately, and therefore this clause should be deleted. Clause d) within the Policy is also too general, unrealistic and would be unenforceable. The CELPS (at Appendix C) includes parking standards for new development in the Borough, and the Policy should be amended to refer to those adopted standards. The respective deletion and amendment to this Policy are addressed by PM23.

4.34 Further detailed modifications are also necessary to Policies TP3 (Improving Air Quality) and TP5 (Bus Services) in order to meet the Basic Conditions, as follows:

- The second bullet point of Policy TP3 should be qualified, in terms of ‘significantly’ decreasing air quality. The policy further needs revisions to achieve general conformity with CELPS Policy SE12(3).

- Clause a) of Policy TP5 seeks the funding of bus services where none exist for “significant” new developments. Significant new development is not defined and the NPPF advises (at paragraph 173) that sites and the scale of development identified in the plan should not be subject to such a scale of obligations and policy burdens that their ability to be developed viably is threatened. Moreover, such developments will be subject to Community Infrastructure Levy and so resources would already be available for funding, depending on the chosen priorities. This is also addressed in the Plan as part of Policy C5.

The recommended modifications to Policy TP3 are set out in PM24, and those to Policy TP5, which are necessary to have regard to national policy in the NPPF, are set out in PM25.

4.35 Policies TP4 (Walkable Neighbourhoods), TP6 (Cycle Parking) and TP7 (Identification of underground utility assets) each meet, in my assessment, the Basic Conditions by reflecting national or adopted Local Plan policies. No modifications are necessary in respect of these three policies.


4.36 I am satisfied that Policies C1 (Services for the elderly, disabled and for mental health), C2 (Provide for the sports needs of residents) and C5

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(Contributions to community infrastructure) are appropriate and promote positive planning, in accordance with national and local policy guidance.

4.37 However, Policies C3 (Community Facilities), C4 (Existing and New facilities) and C6 (Communications Infrastructure) each require some modifications in order to satisfy the Basic Conditions. Details of these modifications are as follows:

- The first sentence of Policy C3 (Community Facilities) places a planning restriction on all proposals which would result in the loss of use, buildings or land for public or community use. This is not consistent with Policy C4 (Existing and New Facilities), the second paragraph of which includes the same objective but seeks to balance it with a marketing test and recognition of other possible benefits. The first sentence of Policy C3 should be deleted and, in addition, to be consistent with CELPS Policy SC3 (5), the marketing requirement from Policy C4 should be deleted. These modifications are addressed by PM26.

- The requirements in the second sentence of Policy C6 (Communications Infrastructure) are too onerous and detailed for all residential development and at odds with the achievement of sustainable development. Thus, this sentence should be deleted. This modification is addressed by PM27.

5. Conclusions


5.1 The Willaston Neighbourhood Plan has been duly prepared in compliance with the procedural requirements. My examination has investigated whether the Plan meets the Basic Conditions and other legal requirements for Neighbourhood Plans. I have had regard for all the responses made following consultation on the Neighbourhood Plan, and the evidence documents submitted with it.

5.2 I have made recommendations to modify a number of policies and text to ensure the Plan meets the Basic Conditions and other legal requirements. I recommend that the Plan, once modified, proceeds to referendum.

The Referendum and its Area

5.3 I have considered whether or not the referendum area should be extended beyond the designated area to which the Plan relates. The Willaston Neighbourhood Plan, as modified, has no policies or proposals which I consider significant enough to have an impact beyond the designated neighbourhood plan boundary, requiring the referendum to extend to areas beyond the Plan boundary. I recommend that the boundary for the purposes

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of any future referendum on the Plan should be the boundary of the designated Neighbourhood Plan area.

a. It is clear that the Willaston Neighbourhood Plan is the product of much hard work during the past two years by the Parish Council, the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group and the many individuals and stakeholders who have contributed to the development of the Plan. There is no doubt in my view that the Plan reflects the aspirations and objectives of the Willaston community for the future development of their community up to 2030. The output is a plan which should help guide the Parish’s development over that period in a positive way, and it should also assist good decision-making on planning applications by Cheshire East Council.

Derek Stebbing


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Appendix: Modifications

Proposed modification number (PM)

Page no./ other reference


PM1 Front Cover Insert 2015-2030 as the Plan period for the Plan.

PM2 Throughout the Plan

Add paragraph numbering to the contents of the Plan and highlight Policy text by the use of bold font.

Add page numbers to the Contents page, and include references to the Policies Map and other maps within the Plan.

PM3 Throughout the Plan

Delete references to earlier stages in the preparation of the Cheshire East Local Plan Strategy (CELPS), such as the Examination and the Main Modifications, and refer to the Adopted CELPS (July 2017) where appropriate.

PM4 Policies Map Add a Policies Map (including Inset Maps if necessary) of appropriate scale and definition to the Plan, in order to illustrate with the necessary clarity the Willaston Settlement Boundary (which should be amended to include land now with the benefit of planning permission for residential development), and the areas of land included within the scope of Policies GG1, H4, LE1, LE3, LE6, LE7, E2 and TP1. (The Settlement Boundary should be deleted from the map on page 5 as a consequence of this modification).

PM5 Page 20 Policy H1 (Scale of Housing Development)

Policy H1.2 (Rural Exception Sites)

Amend “up to 5 houses” to read “up to 10 houses” (to conform to CELPS Policy SC6).

Add to the end of the first paragraph after “Settlement Boundary”, “… subject to the criteria in Policy H4.”

PM6 Page 20 Policy H1.3 (Brownfield within the Parish) and Policy H1.4 (Redundant Buildings)

Delete in H1.3 “to meet the Housing Needs Assessment of Willaston”

Delete in H1.4 “to meet the Housing Needs Assessment”

Re-title H1.3 to “Brownfield Sites within the

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PM7 Page 21 Policy H2 (Affordable Housing, Starter Homes and Low Cost Market Housing to meet Local Housing Needs)

Re-title Policy to “Affordable Housing”.

Delete the 3rd paragraph of text in the Policy.

Add “and in accordance with the Cheshire East Housing Allocations Policy.” at the end of the existing text in the 2nd paragraph of the Policy.

PM8 Page 21 Policy H4 (Settlement Boundary)

Re-title Policy to “Willaston Settlement Boundary”

Add “as shown and defined on the Policies Map” at the end of the existing text in the 1st paragraph.

PM9 Page 22 Policy H5 (Car Parking on New Development

Delete 1st paragraph of text in the Policy, and replace with:

“New housing developments in the Plan area will be required to provide off-street parking in accordance with the adopted parking standards contained in the Cheshire East Local Plan Strategy, which are:

1 bedroom – 1 space per dwelling

2 bedrooms – 2 spaces per dwelling

3+ bedrooms – 2 spaces per dwelling”

PM10 Page 26 Policy D2 (Environmental Sustainability of buildings and adapting to climate change)

First sentence of policy wording: delete “to:” and replace with “incorporate the use of appropriate technologies.”

Delete all 7 bullet points that are listed in the first paragraph of the policy.

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PM11 Page 27 Policy D4 (Design of New Housing)

Amend 2nd paragraph of Policy text to read:

“In Willaston good design means complementing and enhancing where appropriate the size, height, scale, mass, rural skyline, materials, layout, access and density of existing development in the Plan area. New developments will be expected to address the design guidance set out in paragraph – below.”

Re-locate all bullet point design guidance presently within the 2nd paragraph of the Policy to a new paragraph – with the sub-heading “Design Guidance” – as part of the supporting text to the Policy.

Prefix bullet point 2, by inserting: “Where appropriate, provide …”.

Replace bullet point 8 with: “Aim to achieve low carbon sustainable design such as the BREEAM Quality Mark Standard”.

Amend bullet point 9 to read: “…and, on all new housing developments, where appropriate, conveniently located dog bins ….”.

PM12 Page 28 Policy D5 (Creation of New Accesses)

Delete existing Policy text and replace with:

“In order to protect the appearance of the area, where a new access is created, or an existing access is widened through an existing hedgerow or wall, the new boundary treatment should be consistent with those already in existence in terms of scale, materials and, subject to safety requirements, height.”

PM13 Page 33 Policy LE1 (Local Green Spaces within the Neighbourhood Plan Area)

Delete existing Policy text, and replace with:

“The areas listed below are designated as Local Green Spaces. By designating land as Local Green Spaces local communities will be able to rule out new development other than in very special circumstances. Local policy for managing development within a Local Green Space should be consistent with policy for Green Belts.

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Willaston Parish Council Allotments

Totem Pole Area

Mike Heywood Green

Willaston Bowling Club

Willaston White Star Football Ground

Willaston Playing Fields

Peacock Sports Ground

Redsands Playing Fields

See Willaston Policies Map.”

PM14 Page 29 Replace the 4th paragraph referring to Local Green Space designation with the following:

“The National Planning Policy Framework highlights that local communities through neighbourhood plans can identify for special protection green areas of particular importance to them. By designating land as Local Green Space local communities will be able to rule out new development other than in very special circumstances.

Local Green Space designation should only be used:

where the green space is in reasonably close proximity to the community it serves;

where the green area is demonstrably special to a local community and holds a particular local significance, for example because of its beauty, historic significance, recreational value (including as a playing field), tranquillity or richness of its wildlife; and

where the green area concerned is local in character and is not an extensive tract of land.”

PM15 Page 33 Delete Policy LE2 (Landscape Quality, Countryside and Open Views).

PM16 Page 34 Policy LE3 (Protection of Areas of Open Space)

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Add a map of appropriate scale and definition to the Plan – to be cross-referenced within the Policy – indicating the location and boundaries of the open space and recreational assets encompassed by this policy. (This should not include the designated Local Green Spaces, which will be included on the Policies Map).

PM17 Page 34 Policy LE4 (Woodland, Trees, Hedgerows, Walls, Boundary Treatment and Paving)

Delete from the end of the first sentence of the Policy text: “and must demonstrate the need for the development proposed.”

PM18 Page 35 Policy LE6 (Historic Environment)

Delete the first paragraph of text from this Policy, and relocate that paragraph to constitute supporting text after the remaining Policy text, i.e. after the existing 3rd paragraph of text.

In the first sentence of the 2nd paragraph, insert after ‘Any designated historic heritage assets in the Plan area and their settings’, ‘(and Manor Farmhouse at Old Newcastle Road)’.

Add a map of appropriate scale and definition to the Plan – to be cross-referenced within the Policy – identifying the location of the Historic Assets within the Plan area, comprising the Listed Buildings (including the location of Manor Farmhouse) and Locally Listed Buildings.

PM19 Page 35 Policy LE7 (Wildlife Corridors)

Add to end of the second paragraph of text: “whilst appreciating that mitigation measures may be used, where appropriate, to outweigh significant adverse effects on wildlife.”

Remove the 4th and 5th paragraphs of text presently within the Policy wording, such that they do not comprise part of the revised Policy wording (and that they become of the supporting text in non-bold font).

Add the Map identifying the Wildlife Corridors to be covered by this policy (as attached to this report), sourced from the Cheshire Wildlife Trust, to the Plan, and add a suitable cross-reference to this map within the 2nd paragraph of text of the Policy (deleting the existing reference to the map in the supporting document).

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PM20 Page 37 Policy E1 (New Business)

2nd paragraph: replace the word ‘an’ with the words “a significant”.

PM21 Page 38 Policy E2 (Loss of Employment Sites and Community Facilities)

Re-title the Policy to read “Loss of Employment Sites”.

Delete the words “and community facilities” in the first line of Policy text.

Amend the fourth line of Policy text to read: “marketed for at least 2 years at an appropriate market price.”

Add new second sentence to the Policy to read: “The mixed-use employment site at Tricketts Lane is designated as an Employment Area for the purposes of this policy, and is shown on the Policies Map.”

Add Policy E2 employment notation and site boundary on the Policies Map – see also PM4 – to cover the whole of the mixed-use employment area situated at Tricketts Lane, Willaston.

PM22 Page 41 Policy TP1 (Footpaths, Cycleways and Public Rights of Way)

Delete clause e) from the Policy wording (and as a consequence of this modification clauses f) and g) will become e) and f) respectively).

Add new sentence at the end of the Policy to read as follows: “The network of Public Footpaths, Bridleways, Cycleways and Public Rights of Way in the Plan area is shown on the Policies Map.”

Delete last sentence of the existing Policy text, which reads “See supporting document ‘Willaston Public Rights of Way’.”

PM23 Page 42 Policy TP2 (Traffic Congestion)

Delete clause c) from the Policy wording (and as a consequence of this modification clause d) will become c)).

Amend clause d) to read “Car parking provision on all new developments should meet, as a minimum, the adopted parking standards described in Appendix C of the CELPS.”

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PM24 Page 42 Policy TP3 (Improving Air Quality)

First paragraph: second bullet point – add the word “significantly” before the word “decrease”.

Remove all of the second paragraph and the accompanying bullet point listing of effects from the text of the Policy.

PM25 Page 43 Policy TP5 (Bus Services)

Delete clause a) of the Policy text

Amend clause b) to read: “Bus stops provided as a consequence of new development shall be of an appropriate design and shall be “all weather” providing real time information where appropriate.”

PM26 Page 47 Policy C3 (Community Facilities)

Delete clause 1) of the Policy text (and as a consequence of this modification clauses 2)-4) will be re-numbered 1)-3) respectively).

Policy C4 (Existing and New Facilities)

Amend the second paragraph of Policy text by the deletion of the words “the existing uses have been marketed for at least 12 months and”.

PM27 Page 48 Policy C6 (Communications Infrastructure)

Delete second paragraph of the Policy text.

Page 33: Cheshire East Councilmoderngov.cheshireeast.gov.uk/ecminutes/documents/s59169...neighbourhood plans, to hold an independent examination on neighbourhood plans submitted to the Council

Appendix 2: Neighbourhood Area

Page 34: Cheshire East Councilmoderngov.cheshireeast.gov.uk/ecminutes/documents/s59169...neighbourhood plans, to hold an independent examination on neighbourhood plans submitted to the Council

Appendix 3: Willaston Neighbourhood Plan

Link to Regulation 15 Neighbourhood Development Plan
