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Chetan Bhagt Interview

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- Chetan Bhagat in conversation with R. Sridhar Passion Pulls -December 11, 2009
Page 1: Chetan Bhagt Interview

“I am an entertainer and I love caring for people. It is in my DNA. I love making people laugh and nothing gives me more pleasure than that”

- Chetan Bhagat in conversation with R. Sridhar

Passion Pulls -December 11, 2009

Page 2: Chetan Bhagt Interview

©IDEAS-RS. 2009

All rights reserved. No part of this interview may be copied or reproduced in part or full in any form, without prior written permission from R. Sridhar, Innovation Coach, IDEAS-RS.

Passion Pulls - December 11, 2009

Page 3: Chetan Bhagt Interview

Chetan Bhagat is the author of four blockbuster novels, Five Point Someone (2004), One Night @ the Call Center (2005) and The 3 Mistakes of life (2008) and 2 States (2009) all the four books have remained bestsellers since their release and three have inspired major Bollywood films. The New York Times called Chetan the ‘the biggest selling English language novelist in India’s history.’ Seen more as a youth icon than just an author, this IIT D/ IIMA graduate is making India read like never before.

Chetan also writes op-ed columns for leading English and Hindi newspapers, focusing on youth and national development based issues. Many of the issues raised by Chetan’s columns have been discussed in Parliament and among the top leadership of the country.

Chetan quit his international investment banking career in 2009, to devote his entire time to writing and make change happen in the country. He lives in Mumbai with his wife Anusha, an ex-classmate from IIMA and his twin boys Shyam and Ishaan.

This interview presents Chetan Bhagat, the thinker, the creative writer, an Indian who is concerned about the youth of our country and their future. The views he ex-presses come with candour, clarity and conviction.

We with hope with this interview you get to know Chetan the person behind the youth icon.

Passion Pulls - December 11, 2009

Page 4: Chetan Bhagt Interview

R.Sridhar: Is there a philosopher hiding inside the Chetan Bhagat we know ?I find that even in your books there are instances where you have some experience with a guru or a philosopher. In your blog, you have written about your meeting with His Holiness Radhanath Swami of ISKON.

Chetan Bhagat: I would say I am more a philosophy

student than a philosopher. I guess after writing

four books and observing humanity and its con-

flicts for several years, I have tried to see if there is

a unified approach to life’s problems. It starts with

the question – what does it all mean, which I guess

is the basic question philosophy tries to answer. The

answer lies somewhere in spirituality and some-

where in worldly wisdom and I am still seeking it.

R.Sridhar: I have read your speeches from your site.

Are these extempore speeches ? Or prepared ones ?

Chetan Bhagat: The ones on the site are prepared

speeches, though I give many extempore ones as

well. When I am called to a more prestigious or a

formal venue, I like to be prepared. When I am

with my fans or readers, I like to be spontaneous

with a basic structure

R.Sridhar: How did the people at the HT leadership

summit people take your 3 point advice ?

Chetan Bhagat: The speech was very well received. I remember Lord Billimoria, who

also was a speaker and is an MP in the UK, wrote to me asking for the transcript and

quoted it in parliament there. Many others invited me to their own organizations. I

think it sort of launched a mini speaking career for me and positioned me as some-

one who can talk about national issues just as well as writing romantic stories.

Passion Pulls - December 11, 2009

The answer lies some where in spirituality and some where in worldly wisdom and I am still

seeking it.

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R.Sridhar: What are the issues from your book that have been raised in the parliament ?

Chetan Bhagat: Mainly on the education

system. My short story in HT Brunch and

column on higher education has been exten-

sively discussed as well as it was backed by a lot

of data. Also, my column on defence has led to

some debate, and senior Army officials have

invited me to their policy panel discussions.

R.Sridhar: Would you consider joining politics? You have a strong point of view and you are building support for yourself.

Chetan Bhagat: I’d never rule politics out but

no point going there without a sizable support

base or a position in which I can make change

happen. I have no interest in having the title

of an MP or a Minister, unless I am empow-

ered to change things. If joining politics means

I have to please seniors and thus accept the

system to climb up, I don’t think I’d care much of this is beyond my control so it

depends on what opportunities may arise in the future.

R.Sridhar: You have been talking about the importance of promoting the English language across all classes. You think it is fundamental. Would you consider starting a movement for this? Or an innovative company to teach English that can reach many people?

Chetan Bhagat: I am trying to convince the people who matter the most in this

people who set our school curriculum - the NCERTs and SCERTs. I am also doing

as many columns on this issue as possible, to change the people’s thinking (See my

article in Times of India December 06, 2009 issue). There are many companies that

are doing such projects and they have approached me after my speeches, and I will

try to give them a lift using my popularity.

Passion Pulls - December 11, 2009

I have no interest in having the title of an MP or a

Minister,unless I am empowered tochange things.

Page 6: Chetan Bhagt Interview

R.Sridhar: You have said somewhere that your books are used in rural India to teach

people English.Would you actively consider Learn English in 30 days kind of books but

as interesting fiction? May be collaborate with British Council?

Chetan Bhagat: I might not write textbooks myself,

but can help in designing them. My own books, I feel,

can be good text books as students actually enjoy read-

ing them and get familiar with English. The profani-

ties will have to be removed though! The NCERTs

have shown interest. If Catcher in the Rye can be a text

book in the US, why not Five Point Someone in India?.

R.Sridhar: Have you considered joining hands with

something like Teach India, to promote this cause?

Chetan Bhagat: Yes, in fact I am working with them

to promote their cause and we are planning events.

R.Sridhar: Have you considered joining hands with

something like Teach India, to promote this cause?

Chetan Bhagat: Yes, in fact I am working with them

to promote their cause and we are planning events.

If Catcher in the Rye can be a text book in the US, why not Five Point Someone

in India?

Chetan Bhagat: This one just came quite spontaneously I have to say. I think

these ideas come out more when I write, and that is my gift. Sometimes I re-

read what I wrote and I am like – wow, I wrote that? That’s kind of cool.

R.Sridhar: I notice t hat these days your writings, speech-

es and blogs are full of interesting insights and quotable

quotes. Here is one I liked:“Fame and success, while

sought after, have the power to disorient you and

cloud your judgment.” Do you speak like this or such ideas spring forth when you write?

Passion Pulls - December 11, 2009

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Passion Pulls - December 11, 2009

R.Sridhar: When you were in school, college, IIT & IIM did you think of yourself as

a creative person? Did others think so?

Chetan Bhagat: I did think of myself as a creative person, though I cannot say if oth-

ers felt the same. I wasn’t creative in the traditional visible stuff in college – like mu-

sic, art or dance. In fact, I am quite terrible at it. My creativity works best when com-

bined with something practical and I had only so many opportunities to show that.

I did however write articles and plays. Though I

wouldn’t say I was this hotbed of raw talent waiting

to explode!

R.Sridhar: I went through your website - very well put to-gether. Would you say you are marketing savvy?

Chetan Bhagat: I don’t think having a decent website

alone makes you marketing savvy. In today’s world, and

especially with the young generation, having a proper

website is a basic requirement. However, it won’t attract

people by itself so it only helps so much in marketing.

I think I am ok at marketing but I am severely con-

strained by the budgets of my medium, which is a

book. You’ll never see a Chetan Bhagat ad. Books

have limited distribution channels in India. The pricing is locked since the last six years. Hence, I have little to play with. And yet, young people know about me and

read me. It’s a bit of a miracle.

Ideas just come to me. I guess my own life experi-ences have a big role to play in it.

R.Sridhar: I am keen to understand how your creative process works. Where does it start?

How do you develop the plot? How do you give it flesh & blood? How do you build the sce-

narios, the characters, the dialogues? Do you discuss your ideas with any one?

Chetan Bhagat: Ideas just come to me. I guess my own life experiences have a big

role to play in it. However, not every idea is good enough to carry through to a

whole book. An idea has to knock on my head a hundred times to make me realize,

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Passion Pulls - December 11, 2009

R.Sridhar: Can you elaborate a bit more here? What ex-

actly happens? How do ideas come to you? When? What

triggers it? Can you give a few examples? This is the mys-

terious creative bit and you can help readers get a bit of

insight here.

Chetan Bhagat: It is a bit like asking Rahman how

he gets his tunes - not an easy one to articulate. Let

me try. I think some of us think a lot - the neurotic

mind so as to say. I have one, and some of those

thoughts directly hit my emotional centres, and

those become more relevant than the others. For

instance I may think I need new socks, but that

won’t affect me emotionally. At the same time, I

may get a thought how difficult it must be for stu-

dents who need 95% to get into college. And that

hurts somewhere. I try to build on that, imagine

how it really would be and a world develops. And I

guess that imagination is the gift. Hope that helps.

yes, this is something I really want to do. After that I focus on it and try to let it ex-

pand in my mind. If I like where it is going, I let it unravel. Once I have some idea, I

start to write. The scenarios and dialogues just come on their own – unconscious to

my mind. I am still baffled by how it happens, even though have done four books.

R.Sridhar: Do you read books on creativity, writing etc ?

Does that help ?

Chetan Bhagat: Sometimes. I think they can help as it will help you iden-

tify your thought patterns so you can optimize your creativity. Also, we

are brought up in a system that kills creativity, so these books may help

It is a bit like ask-ing Rahman how he gets his tunes - not an easy one to


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Passion Pulls - December 11, 2009

R.Sridhar: Your foray into Bollywood was an accident or is it by design?

Chetan Bhagat: I definitely wanted to be part of Bollywood, but a lot has happened

also because Bollywood came to me. I’m one of the fortunate ones who got a lateral

entry and toehold in Bollywood. It’s a great medium to connect with my audience,

but I still have a lot to prove in it. Let’s see what is in store for me in the dream factory.

R.Sridhar: You are a good looking man. Would you consider acting in a movie if of-

fered a decent role? Would you insist on being the hero?

unleash it. However, something has to be there within you first place.

Chetan Bhagat: Thanks for the compliment, though people who’d vouch for my

good looks are far fewer in number than people who’d like to read me. I don’t have

a big desire to act, but it could be fun – to do a Woody Allen type thing. I am a

bit old for romantic leads though. I also feel being a writer is far more satisfying.

I can kill the character on page 25 if I want. An actor has to follow instructions.

R.Sridhar: Do you write the screenplay and dialogues too

for movies being made based on your book?

Chetan Bhagat: I did for Hello, though a lot of

modifications were made to what I gave the makers.

I prefer not to now, though I like to be involved in

reviewing the drafts etc. I prefer to do a new sto-

ry as it is more fun than rehashing what you think

you have done in the best way possible anyway.

R.Sridhar: In your last book I got the feeling that you

were writing for a movie. Is that correct? (Most situations

were so vivid I could see the story.)

Chetan Bhagat: I don’t think so, though my stories

Being a writer is far more sat-isfying. I can kill the character on page 25 if I want. An actor has to follow instrutions.

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Passion Pulls - December 11, 2009

R.Sridhar: What kind of a manager did you make? As a creative person how did you

manage interminable meetings, people issues, office politics etc?

lend themselves to good screenplays. However, a book has to have a lot more insight

than a fun movie. The ethos of 2 states, the kind of emotions it captures as well as the

observations on the two cultures, is far beyond what has been seen or can be shown in

a movie. I like to be entertaining, and movies entertain. That’s the commonality. How-

ever, I wish I could get away by writing a screenplay and turning it into a bestseller. For

the record, a screenplay is twenty thousand words, and 2 states is eighty thousand words.

R.Sridhar: There is a wry sense of humour I notice. Just

a dash. Is it your natural style or you cultivated it?

Chetan Bhagat: It is my natural style, and I love sar-

casm. Though India is still developing a taste for that

kind of humour I think.

R.Sridhar: Do you ever suffer from writer’s block? What

do you do then? What works for you?

Chetan Bhagat: I do. I have learnt to live with it and

not get anxious as that only makes it worse. Also, I

have my columns and other events so I keep myself

busy until inspiration strikes again.

R.Sridhar: You worked in what is normally considered a

‘straight-jacketed-industry’. Did you feel stifled then?

Chetan Bhagat: I am firmly anti-establishment in the literary world, though Indian

publishing has become more inclusive in recent years. I don’t limit myself to publish-

ing, and the movies, speeches and the twittering is all part of the other ways to commu-

nicate ideas across to my audience. That makes me less dependent on publishing and

thus avoid me feeling stifled.

It is my natural style, and I love sarcasm. Though India is still devel-oping a taste for that kind ofhumour I think.

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Passion Pulls - December 11, 2009

Chetan Bhagat: Not a very good one, I guess! I am a very easygoing person and

people found me fun to work with. I believe people work best when internal-

ly driven and I never used to put deadline pressure or use fear as a motivator. It

had its pros and cons. I hate corporate meetings that have no point, and the one

up-manship that happens. 2 States shows that frustration in Krish’s character.

R.Sridhar: What inspires you? And who inspires you? Why?

Chetan Bhagat: I think the partially deluded belief that I can change the way my coun-

try thinks inspires me now. I’ve seen the fame, success, hi flying job, perks and more.

More of the same will have lower marginal utility for me. But the power to shape young

minds is enough to make me want to do that next column or write the book. I also am

worried because if I set myself up against very high expectations, I am only going to be

disappointed. It is one thing to entertain people, quite another to change their value

system and thought processes. But fact remains, Indians must change their thinking

if they want to be a modern progressive nation, and I want to keep trying to do that.

R.Sridhar: What kind of stuff do you read? Watch? Lis-

ten to? What helps you unwind? Relax?

Chetan Bhagat: Everything and anything – provided

it has something new to say. It could be a fresh ro-

mantic comedy, or it could be the Black Swan book

– what is original or originally presented is fun for

me. I like movies, traveling, spending time with kids

and they all help me relax.

R.Sridhar: From your writings one could make out you are very close to your family. Do you sometimes find such affection a burden and a distraction? How do you handle unexpected interruptions from family?

Indians must

change their think-

ing if they want to

be a modern pro-

gressive nation, and

I want to keep try-

ing to do that.

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Passion Pulls - December 11, 2009

R.Sridhar: Do you have a preferred time to write, a preferred location? Etc.

Chetan Bhagat: I now write when my kids go to school. Though I’m lucky I can

write almost anywhere. I have written paragraphs in local trains of Mumbai.

R.Sridhar: Are you superstitious? Like Sachin Tendulkar looks at the Sun, before taking

the crease, do you do anything before starting to write?

Chetan Bhagat: I don’t think so. I do try to ask myself if I am in a good mood. For

if I am not, the writing will be terrible. I do pray, but not before I start to write.

R.Sridhar: There is a view that you are overdoing this national integration bit through

interstate-marriages. There is even an opinion that it

Chetan Bhagat: For an evolved, uber-educated urban

audience, some of my overdoing the national inte-

gration bit is surely over the top. However, my books

are read in the interiors as well where I felt they’d

like things spelt out a bit more. It does take away the

subtlety, I admit. However, in the book it is also re-

ferred to as a joke, so if you don’t buy it, laugh it off.

Personally, I do believe inter-state marriages are the

only way the country will be ultimately united. When

I got married, a hundred Punjabis came and met a

Family is a big positive, but it also brings responsibilities. I couldn’t leave my job

earlier, as the hurdle rate for security was higher with the family. Similarly, there are

demands on my time as well. However, the time away from my work keeps me sane.

is all a part of a publicity gimmick for your book.

How do you react to such criticisms?

When I got mar-ried, a hundred Punjabis came and met a hundred Tamilians, which would have never happened other-wise. Do this a mil-lion times, a num-ber not so big for India; you have sig-nificantly greater understanding be-tween cultures.

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Passion Pulls - December 11, 2009

hundred Tamilians, which would have never

happened otherwise. Do this a million times,

a number not so big for India; you have signifi-

cantly greater understanding between cultures.

Is this still over the top? Cynicism has no answer, and

I cannot answer people who say – nothing will ever

change in India. That’s not an argument, that’s an at-

titude, and that’s what I am here to change over time.

R.Sridhar: The million inter-state marriages is an impres-

sive number. If you truly believe in this, do you think it

is enough to be a writer of English fiction? How can you

accelerate acceptance for this idea? This is a huge social

marketing challenge. What are your plans for this?

Chetan Bhagat: English is reaching more and more people. Translations of my books

are available, and a movie adaptation will expand the audience. Also the English speak-

ers are opinion leaders, and their behaviors do percolate down.

R.Sridhar: What is your fight with elitists? Eliticism? Is it because people say you write

for the front benches and not for a literary audience?

Chetan Bhagat: The fact that some people now believe that there is a front bench in

English readers shows you how deep rooted elitism is in our country. My books are

read in virtually all top colleges by the smartest kids of the country, and still the elitists

find an axe to grind. I’d have left them alone but they don’t know how terrible elit-

ism is for the country. If a bulk of Indians does not see progress, simple math will tell

you that India, as a whole will not progress. By the way, the front row is where all the

action is anyway!

R.Sridhar: What has been your high point in your career as a writer?

English speakers are opinion leaders, and their behaviours do percolate down.

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Passion Pulls - December 11, 2009

R.Sridhar: What have you learnt about yourself

in the process?

Well, I have so many critics; I do not want to play favourites.

R.Sridhar: Who has been worst critic so far? Don’t give me a cliché like ‘my wife, my

mother-in-law’ etc.?

Chetan Bhagat: Well, I have so many critics; I do not want to play favourites. I

remember Times of India writing a half page story ‘ Time to hang-up, Mr. Bhagat? ’ as a

downright, nasty review to One Night @ the Call Center when it released. It was so bad

that my mother called to check if I was ok. Time passed. Strangely, TOI only approached

me a few years later to write lead editorials for them. All’s well that ends well I guess.

Chetan Bhagat: The truly personal and emotional mails, hundreds of which arrive in

my inbox everyday. I have touched people and that’s a very special feeling.

R.Sridhar: What has writing done for you? What about

your views on life has it confirmed for you? What new angles

has it given you? What complete surprises has it thrown up?

Chetan Bhagat: Writing has quite simply, changed

my life. I have a different career, different set of

values and goals, and a new identity. It has en-

abled me to understand my country, else I would

have spent my life in an intellectual/ upper mid-

dle class bubble. The biggest surprise is it has giv-

en me millions of fans who see me as a role model.

Chetan Bhagat: That I am an entertainer and I love

caring for people. It is in my DNA. I love making people

laugh and nothing gives me more pleasure than that.

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Passion Pulls - December 11, 2009

R.Sridhar: You have been in the corporate world. You are

a writer. You are now close to film industry – considered

a highly creative industry. There is a view that companies

should ‘Democratise Innovation’ to meet the challenges of

the new economy. Is it possible? Desirable?

Chetan Bhagat: Piracy, elitism, excessive personal criticism, closed mindedness of the

people in the business is all upsetting to me. I wish Indians would just start reading

more and do not think so much about paying for a book, especially when they happily

pay for overpriced coffee.

Chetan Bhagat: Innovation is something India

doesn’t understand and needs to very badly. We

don’t have capital to compete with the developed

world – we can only do it with innovation. Howev-

er, we look down on talent (see my column ‘where’s

my Nobel prize’ on my site for my views on this)

R.Sridhar: What have been some of your frustrations as

a writer? What bugs you about the writing business?

R.Sridhar: Will you ever write a story about senior citizens? Or will you only address

the young?

Chetan Bhagat: I could, but I don’t have sufficient insight into senior citizens. Plus,

senior citizens can be quite skeptical about a young person writing for them. It will be


R.Sridhar: I believe the writer for Chak De got the words from a newspaper article. Has

anything like that happened to you? (Something completely unconnected that ignites

your imagination). your imagination).

Chetan Bhagat: I think the people I meet during my talks do inspire me. I see a

I wish Indians would just start reading more and do not think so much about paying for a book, especially when they hap-pily pay for over-priced coffee.

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really driven guy in Hisar, and I feel what would his story be like? Newspaper stories

A love story, for example, has to have boy and girl. So in such situations, a new perspective may make it fresh.

R.Sridhar: This is great. I am reminded of Robert McGee, a Hollywood writer who said,

“Always give the audience what they want, but never in a manner have they expected.”

Your first starting point is not to do the obvious. I see the girl becomes the daughter and

the plot thickens because we start wondering what must have happened before. Is this

how you worked on plots for all your books?

Chetan Bhagat: No, not always. Ideally, I would not like to start with a clichéd setup.

But sometimes it is not avoidable. A love story, for example, has to have boy and girl.

So in such situations, a new perspective may make it fresh.

R.Sridhar: Can we try an example of you might develop

an idea into a plot. Newspaper reports that the 60 year

old Chairman of a well-reputed large group of companies

collapsed in a 5 star hotel room, when he was with the 22

year old young receptionist of one of his companies. How

will you take this forward as an imaginative creative writer.

Chetan Bhagat: Wow, that’s a tough one.

I’d probably not go for the obvious – that there was

an illicit affair going on. I’d also be more interested

in the point of view of the receptionist, as the Chair-

man side is done enough. I would go to the recep-

tionist’s middle class home, where she lives in a very

different manner from how she is in the five star

hotel. She’d come home and tell her mother over a

simple dinner that she might have killed her father.

So, sounds like a story you’d like to know?

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R.Sridhar: One last question. What will be your advice to wannabe writers? What

worked for you as a new writer? Are there some tips you can give them? Or they have to

figure things out themselves?

Chetan Bhagat: They have to write and write and

write. And they have to edit and edit and edit. And

come up with something that is an engaging read.

The rest - achieving fame, reward, praise is all much,

much later. And you have to be true to yourself as

you cannot lie for 300pages nonstop!

You have to be true

to yourself as you

cannot lie for 300

pages nonstop!

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Passion Pulls - December 11, 2009

R. SridharInnovation CoachIDEAS-RS

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