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Cheyenne Indian namescheyennelanguage.org/names/names.pdf2020/07/19  · Cheyenne Indian names...

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Cheyenne Indian names latest update: September 17, 2020 (To view the names in English alphabetical order, click here. Do not write the š sound as "s". It is fine to write the š sound as “shfor obituaries or other usage. This list uses the official Northern Cheyenne spelling. You may prefer to use other spellings which are easier to read.) CHEYENNE ENGLISH PERSON or COMMENT Aamėhe’e Always A Woman; Pemican Woman (?) Ann Knowshisgun Aameohne’e Walking Woman Jewel Yellow Robe; Johanna Limberhand Aenohe Hawk Benjamin Bearchum Sr.; Henry Fisher Aenohe Nestoohe Howling Hawk Peter LWM; Albert Long Jaw Sr. Aenohe Ȯhno’kaestse Lone Hawk Aenohe Ȯhtamehnėstse Walking Hawk; Hawk Walking Lee Lonebear; Joshua Two Moons; Jerome Shoulderblade Aenohe Ȯhvo’komaestse White Hawk Aenohe Ȯxhaa’eho’oesėstse High Hawk Ted Risingsun Aenȯhea’eotse Attacking Hawk; Charging Hawk Robert Big Back Sr. > Ron Big Back Jr.; Herbert Fightingbear; Kenneth Beartusk Aenȯhea’konoo’e Roosting Hawk Aenȯhee’e Sitting Hawk Aenȯheeve’hȧhtse Flying Hawk Aenȯhe’ke Hawk Woman Sylvia Teeth White Dirt Aenȯhemeona'e Hawk Trail Woman Janis Spear < Nora Nicetalker Aenȯhenehovohe Chasing Hawk Aenȯhenestoohe Howling Hawk Peter Little Whiteman; Albert Longjaw ? Aenȯheso Little Hawk David Atwood; Christian Red Woman; Mike Bearcomesout; Billy Gardner; Edwin Biglefthand; Adolf Redcherries Ȧhtonoohtse’e (woman’s name) A’ee’ėse Big Nose; Knob Nose; Pug Nose A’kavėhe’o Limberhand A’kavėhe’onahe Limberhand; Loosebones A’kėhahtahe Clubfoot A'kėhe'onahe Clubhand A’ko’xehe Hobo Madarus Bad Horse; Don Badhorses A’kotseehe Cartridge Belt A’oeaso Topknot Alex Spotted Elk > Alexander Littlecoyote
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Cheyenne Indian names latest update: September 17, 2020 (To view the names in English alphabetical order, click here. Do not write the š sound as "s". It is fine to write the š sound as “sh” for obituaries or other usage. This list uses the official Northern Cheyenne spelling. You may prefer to use other spellings which are easier to read.)


Aamėhe’e Always A Woman; Pemican Woman (?)

Ann Knowshisgun

Aameohne’e Walking Woman Jewel Yellow Robe; Johanna Limberhand

Aenohe Hawk Benjamin Bearchum Sr.; Henry Fisher

Aenohe Nestoohe Howling Hawk Peter LWM; Albert Long Jaw Sr.

Aenohe Ȯhno’kaestse Lone Hawk

Aenohe Ȯhtamehnėstse Walking Hawk; Hawk Walking Lee Lonebear; Joshua Two Moons; Jerome Shoulderblade

Aenohe Ȯhvo’komaestse White Hawk

Aenohe Ȯxhaa’eho’oesėstse High Hawk Ted Risingsun

Aenȯhea’eotse Attacking Hawk; Charging Hawk

Robert Big Back Sr. > Ron Big Back Jr.; Herbert Fightingbear; Kenneth Beartusk

Aenȯhea’konoo’e Roosting Hawk

Aenȯhee’e Sitting Hawk

Aenȯheeve’hȧhtse Flying Hawk

Aenȯhe’ke Hawk Woman Sylvia Teeth White Dirt

Aenȯhemeona'e Hawk Trail Woman Janis Spear < Nora Nicetalker

Aenȯhenehovohe Chasing Hawk

Aenȯhenestoohe Howling Hawk Peter Little Whiteman; Albert Longjaw ?

Aenȯheso Little Hawk David Atwood; Christian Red Woman; Mike Bearcomesout; Billy Gardner; Edwin Biglefthand; Adolf Redcherries

Ȧhtonoohtse’e (woman’s name)

A’ee’ėse Big Nose; Knob Nose; Pug Nose

A’kavėhe’o Limberhand

A’kavėhe’onahe Limberhand; Loosebones

A’kėhahtahe Clubfoot

A'kėhe'onahe Clubhand

A’ko’xehe Hobo Madarus Bad Horse; Don Badhorses

A’kotseehe Cartridge Belt

A’oeaso Topknot Alex Spotted Elk > Alexander Littlecoyote

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Amȧhtoohe’e Howls Along Woman

Ame’ha’e Flying Woman Velma Lame Woman; Alvina Fisher; Phylis Bearcomesout

Ame’haohtse Flying Paul Wolf Name; Bert Twomoons; John Flying

Ame’haooestse Flying

Ameohne’e Walks Along Woman Minnie Walksalong; Jackie Tang; Bernice Yellowrobe; Shannon Wolfname; Carol Whiteskunk

Ameohtse Walks (Walks Along?)

Ameohtsehe’e Walking Woman Hazel Killsnight; Sonja Headswift; Martha Risingsun

Ameohtse’e Walking Woman Helen Highwalker; Pearl Brady ?; Lenora Two Birds

Ameo’o Sacred Road Woman; Milky Way Woman; Going Woman (?)

Sally Bites; Theresa Highwalker; Josie Timber; Neela Bearcomesout

Ameo’ȯsona’e (woman’s name) Martha Eagle Feathers Bird Chief

Ameona’e Walking Woman

Amėsto’eeseo’o Travois Conrad Fisher

Amėške’hehe Grease Woman

Ametane’e Living Woman Eva Little Wolf King > Debbie Waters; Rayette King

Amevaohtse’e Noisy Walking Woman Grace Bear Quiver; Angelica Rowland

Amevonehnėstse Crawling

Amone’hehe Guesser Woman Stacibeth Spotted Elk< Florence Pine

Amotsėhe’e Smoking Woman

Aneahta’e Deaf Woman Ruth Killsnight’s nickname

Anėstaeševa’e Misty Woman (?)

Anetȧhevehnėstse Walks Different

Anetȧheveoeso Stands Different John Standsintimber Jr.

Anetȧheveoo’e Stands Different

Ano’ėstsehe’e Runsaway Woman (?)

Anȯhneo’o (woman’s name) Julia Grave Woman

Anoohtse’e (woman’s name)

Anovaoo’o A Girl Beautiful; Falcon Woman (?)

Esther Red Woman, Michelle Three Fingers, Joyce Bullcoming

Ao’ėseto Hail Lonnie Taylor

Aseške (man’s name, for a small animal similar to a weasel)

Peter KOT; Emery Fisher; Glenn Littlebird Sr.

Avoone’e Starving Woman; Fasting Grace Wolfname Wilson

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Avoonenahkohe Starving Bear

E’ėhahta’e Broken Foot Woman Myra Dull Knife Flying

E’ėškosa’e Broken Finger Woman

E’kome’hahe’e Greasy Voice Woman

E’oestoonahe Broken Jaw Jeff King

E’ome’taeso Little Missouri River

E’omeahke Oil Gum

E’še’ohtanehe High Forehead

Eehe’e Camps All Over Woman; Traveling Lady

Wanda Russell

Eestseohtse’e Talks While Going Woman Pearl Brady

Emėškeha'e (woman's name) Hanna Harris

Ena’heso Oldie

Enoohtse’e Leave Everything Woman

Eše’he Ȯhme’ehnėstse Rising Sun Phillip Rising Sun

Eše’he Ȯhmo’ȯhtavaestse Black Moon Robert Redfox ?

Eše’he Ȯhnešesėstse Two Moon Roger Killsnight Sr.

Eše’he Ȯhtamehnėstse Sun Walking Darren Yellowhair

Eše’he Ȯhvo’komaestse White Moon

Eše’hemeo’o Sun Road Anthony Whitedirt

Eše’hemeona’e Sun Road Woman DeWanda Little Coyote, Valeo Weaselbear Beartusk

Eše’henȧhkohe Sun Bear John Whitehawk Jr.

Eše'heveho Sun Chief Harvey Mousetrail Russell

Eše’hȯhme’ehne Rising Sun

Eše’hȯxhaahketa Little Sun

Ešeamėhe’e Day Walking Woman Elva Timber > Marcella Crazy Mule > Cehleesia Long Knife

Ešeeva’e Day Woman Rhoda Glenmore; Jolee Redcherries < Rose Redcherries < Lydia Wildhog

Ešeeva’keso Little Day Woman

Ešeevȧhtamehnėstse Day Walker George Elk Shoulder Jr.

Esena'hane'e Inside Kills Woman

Eseohtseva’e (woman’s name)

Esevona’e Buffalo Cow Woman Fern Pine Spotted Elk; Patricia Brady Limpy

Esevona’keso Buffalo Calf Woman

Esevonėhoehne’e Buffalo Comes Out Woman Jeanne Killsnight > Jeanne Risingsun Strangeowl > Alfretta Russell

Esevoneme’ėhne’e Buffalo Appearing Woman Belle Teeth High Walker; Cheryl Bearchum; Adeline Fox, Shantaya Littlesun,La’Taezha Littlesun; Leanne Littlebear

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Eškȯseesa’e Sharp Nose Woman Pearl Storm

Eškȯseesehe Sharp Nose

Estseohtse’e Going Into the Woods Woman

Estseovoeva’e Sinking Woman

Evana’hane’e Killsback Woman

Evȧse’ova’e Going Back to the River Woman

Maya Sanchez

Evȧsova Butcher

Eve’hanahe’e Eats About Woman Joan Limpy; Annie Little Whiteman

Eve’haooestse Flies About Ben Bearchum

Eve’haoohe Flies About

Eve’haoohe’e Flies About Woman

Evemeona’e Making Trails Woman Evelyn Killsnight Morgan < Rilla Killsnight Tallbull; Alliana Brady; Jolene Gardner

Evotseta Rustling For Food (origin of Russell)

Ha’pee’e (woman’s name) Eva Small; Beatrice Beaver Hart

Haa’ėstȧhetane Tallman

Haa’ėstoo’onahe Long Jaw

Haa'ėše Ȯxhasėstse From Far Away

Haa’hae’ameohtse Windy Walker/Windwalker(?)

Haa’hoeva’e Wind Woman Dora Littlehawk; Eldora Spotted Wolf

Haeohe’hame Fast Horse Melvin Strangeowl Sr.

Haeohemo’ėsa’e Fast Runner Calf

Haesto’tonȯhevesehe Many Braids

Haestȯhe’hame Many Horses

Haestȯhe'hame'e Many Horses Woman Sha’Nyssa Tate

Haestȯhe’haohtse’e Many Flying Woman Connie Sanchez

Haestȯhemeo’o Mockingbird ?? (Many Trails ?)

Haestȯhemeona’e Many Trails Woman Martha Wolf Name; Emily Evans

Haestȯhena’hane Many Kills; Plenty Coups James (“Junior”) Spear Sr.

Haestȯhena’hane’e Many Kills Woman Charlotte Sanchez, Ardeana Whiteshield, Taylor Whiteman, Decheiya Littlesun

Hahkota Grasshopper

Hahnomȧhe’hehe Bee Woman Hattie Killsback Limpy

Hahpėhe’onahe Closed Hand

Hanȯseeeotse Dives Backwards James Big Back > James Wolfname

Hao'emane'e Bossy Woman

Hao’heoeva’e (woman’s name)

Hao’hoova’e Stands-in-Timber Woman (?) Eldora Bement

Hapȧhanaa’e (woman’s name)

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Hase’hoveoo’e Victory Woman; Stands By the Fire Woman

Josie Limpy > CJ Yellowrobe; Victoria Walksalong; Gilma Whitedirt

Haškoo’e (woman’s name) Nina Big Back

Hatavėseve’hame (His) Bad Horse; His Bad Horse

Hatavėseve’hamehe (His) Bad Horse

Hatavėseve’hamėstse (His) Bad Horse

Hato’ėstseahe Bushy Head; Busby Hair

Hatseške Ant

Havėseveeestse’e Bad Talking Woman Eleanor Two Bulls

Havėsevevoona’o Bad Morning

He’amȧhnee’ėstse Stands Above Michelle Three Fingers

He’amȧhnestoohe Howling Above Teddy Wooden Thigh

He’amȧhoeso’e Highwaters

He’amȧhtamehnėstse Walks Above; High Walking; Highwalker

He’amamėhne’e Highwalking Woman

He’amanahkohe High Bear Alex Standing Elk; David Strangeowl; Jim Little Bird

He'amanestoohe High Holler

He’amavehonevėstse High Chief Lawrence Hart

He’amȧxhoo’ėstse Sits Above Joe Bearcomesout

He’ametameohtseva’e (?) Goes Along High Woman (?)

He’e Ȯhma’aestse Red Woman

He’e Ȯhnee’ėstse Standing Woman

He’e Ȯhnemenėstse Singing Woman

He’e Ȯhnestooestse Howling Woman

He’eene’e (?) Woman

He’emeona’e Woman Road Rena Little Head; Jennie Little Mouth

He’emohto Woman Leggings

He’emome’ėhne’e Unknown translation

He’enestoohe’e Howling Woman Doreen Redneck

He’evo’nehe She Wolf

He’evȯsoo’ėstse Sits As a Woman

He’exaa’e Hesta’ehe His Wounded Eye Milton Wounded Eye

He’heeno Blackbird Charlie White Wolf; Floyd Crazy Mule > Charles Sanchez Jr.

He’heeno Ȯhmo’ȯhtavaestse Black Blackbird

He’heeno Ȯhvo’komaestse White Blackbird John Russell Jr.; Leslie Bigback

He’heenohka’e Blackbird Woman

He’heenohkeameohtse’e Blackbird Walking Woman Fanny Wolfvoice Woodenlegs

He’heenohkeso Little Blackbird

He’heško’nehe Wrinkled Wolf

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He’kamovesehe Hair Tied High

He’kase Soft Belly

He’ke’hame Little Mare

He’keo’evahne Softly Walks Away

He’konoma’ȯhtse Hard Ground

He’konovesehe Hard (?) Hair

He’koovenehe Wet Face Robert Bearchum

He’ne’ȯhma’heo’o (woman’s name)

He’neška’e (woman’s name)

He’netoo’o Door (said to be origin of Dahle)

He’ohko Pipe

He’ȯhma’evoonėstse Red Faced Woman George Standing Elk

He’ȯhma’heo’o Medicine Woman

He’ȯhnestoohe’e Howling Woman Deloris Little Whirlwind

He’oona’e Pipe Woman

He’ooneva’e Pipe Woman Frances Swallow; Mabel King > Julianna King; Regina Whiteman Foote

He’pe’e Rib Woman

He’pee’e Rib Woman

He’pėsa’e (?) Rib Woman (?)

He’peso (?) Little Rib

He’po’hehe Smoking Woman Donna Wick; Dorothy Bellymule Spotted Elk

Heahke (man’s name) Harvey White Man

He'enȧhkȯha'e She Bear Sylvia Strangeowl Garcia; Sylvia Strangeowl

He'konenamosėstse Strong Left Hand

Hema’oestaa’e (woman's name) Evaleen KOT; Louise Bigfoot

Hemaa’ėhehe Sore Woman; Scab Woman

Hemaahe’e (His) Arrow Woman

Hemahkȧse Buffalo Chips

Hemaneohtse’e Goes To Drink Woman Dolly Highwalker

Heme’kone Ȯhmȧsėhanee’ėstse

Crazy Head

Heme’kone Ȯhnėševaestse Head Swift

Heme’kone Ȯhvehonevėstse Head Chief

Hena’e’hehe Goose Woman Bertha Limberhand; Roberta Bigback; Josephine Sandcrane

Heo’ȯhtato Salamander

Heoseamėške’hehe Hard Fat Woman

Heova’e’e Yellowhair Woman

Heova’e’ke Yellowhair Woman

Heova’ehe Yellowhair Henry Sioux

Heovaestse Yellow (short for Ve’keso Ȯxheovaestse Yellowbird)

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Heovȧheso Little Yellow

Heoveaenohe Yellow Hawk Harold KOT; Gordon Yellowman Sr.

Heoveesehe Yellow Nose

Heóvėhó'nehe Yellow Wolf

Heovėhoomahe Yellow Robe R.D. Bailey; Samuel Coleman

Heove’e Yellow Woman

Heove’exanehe Yellow Eyes Oliver Yellow Eyes

Heove'ke Little Yellow Woman Stella Blackbear

Heove’hame’e Yellow Horse Woman Serina Red Robe

Heove’hamehe Yellow Horse

Heoveke’haso Yellow Plume Robert Shotgun

Heovema'ėhoohe Yellow Fox

Heoveme’hahtse Yellow Beard Chris Shavehead

Heovemome’e’xa’ehe Yellow Tangled Hair

Heovemomehe’xa’ehe Yellow Tangled Hair Geofredo Littlebird

Heovenahkohe Yellow Bear

Heovėškeve’ho’e Yellow Whiteman

Heovėsta’e’e (?) Yellow Headed Woman Kate Yellow Hair

Heoveve’keso Yellow Bird Phillip Whiteman, Jr.

Heovo’hame Yellow Horse; Sorrel

Heše’eveesehe Dirty Nose; Dusty Nose Leo Killsback

Heše’ohtanehe Dirty Forehead

Hese’ome Ridge Genevieve Bearquiver’s fa (Hawk)

Hese’omeehenȧhkohe Ridge Bear

Hese’omeenȧhkohe Ridge Bear

Heseehe’e Ridge Camp (origin of Ridgewalker)

Heseeota’e Herb Woman; Medicine Woman

Brenda Bearchum; Jenny Morrison

Heseovo’ka’e Sandy Hair Woman (?) Ruth Harris

Heškoevo’hehe Picking Teeth

Heškovema’taa’e Thorny Bushes James Limpy

Heškovemata Cactus

Heškovėstse Porcupine

Heškovetse Porcupine

Heškovetseso Little Porcupine

Heso’xemehne Slippery Monster

Hesta’ehe Wounded

Hesta’he Placenta

Hestaa’e Branch

Hestaehotoa’e Branch Bull

Hestahke Twin

Hestȧhke’hehe Twin Woman

Hestȧhkėha’e Twin Woman

Hestamȧxana Chosen One (?), Touching Food (?)

Robert Little Wolf

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Hestane’e People Woman

Hestaneoo’e Nation Standing Woman; Stands Against the Wind Woman

Clara Tall Bull; Shirley Williams

Hestatseo’o Shoulderblade

Hestatseško Shoulderblade Ben Shoulderblade

Hesto’tonȯhevesehe Braided Locks Jonathan Brady

Hestoemestaa’e Strange Owl John Strange Owl

Hestoevehne (?) Walking Strange

Héstoveóó'e Standing On Both Sides Woman

Roberta Headswift

Hestovootseme’hahtse Sideburns

Hestoxe’oona’e Last Pipe Woman Elsie Russell > Sianna Headswift

Hestoxehne Walks Last

Hestoxehnėstse Walks Last

Hestoxėhotoa’e Last Bull

Hestoxena’hane Kills Last; Last Killer

Hestoxena’hane’e Kills Last Woman

Hestoxenahkohe Last Bear Charlie Killsnight

Hestoxeoo’ėstse Stands Last

Hestse’oone’hehe Elbow Woman

Hestsema’eme His Blood

Hetane Ȯhnešėstse Two Man Ron Seminole’s second name

Hetanenȧhkohe Man Bear Edmund Bearquiver

Hetanevo’e’e Arapaho Woman Nellie Norris Killsnight

Hetanohtoo’e Sitting Man Rutherford Pine, Mitchell Pine

Hetanȯxhoo’ėstse Sitting Man

Hetoeva’e Evening Woman Lucille Tallwhiteman Whitehawk (Toehe'e?)

Hetohke’e Star Woman Variant of Hotohke’e, Myiesha Littlesun

Hetohkėso'ėhneva'e Star something?? Woman Elizabeth Hiwalker

Hetomanee’e (woman’s name) Pauline Highwolf aka Wallowing

Hetomo’eoo’e Truthful Standing Woman Darcy Rowland

Hetone Haunch

Hetonėha’e Haunch Woman

Heveesa’e Teeth Woman

Heveese Teeth

Hevovetaso Whirlwind

Hevovetaso Ȯhvo'komaestse White Whirlwind Robert Flynn

Hevovetȧsȯxhaahketa (?) Little Whirlwind

Hexovona’e Shell Woman Carol Whitewolf; Patty Oldman

Hoahno Shield

Ho’eohtsestse’e Bringing Woman ??

Ho’ėspenahkohe Unsuccessful Bear Joseph Firecrow

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Ho’ėstaono’e Fire Stick Goldstein Little Eagle

Ho’etoestȯtse Bulletproof

Ho’etseoo’e Lightning Stands Woman Susan Littlewolf

Ho'evȧhestoohnėhe'e Born From the Earth Woman Clara Whitecrane

Ho’evȧhtamehnėstse Earth Walking Stamper White; Joe Walksalong Sr.; Clifford Eaglefeathers

Ho’evȧhtoešėstse Alights On the Ground

Ho’evanestoohe Howling On the Ground

Ho’evoo’ȯtse Meat Nellie Allrunner’s father; Nellie Meat

Ho’evoohta’e Meat Woman

Ho'evȯhta'e Earth Woman

Ho’evȯhtse Earth Man John Teeth

Ho’ha’ene Brings Food (Woman)

Ho’honaa’e Rock (origin of Roundstone)

Ho’honaa’e Ȯhmo’ȯhtavaestse Black Rock Pius Looksbehind

Ho’honaa’e Ȯhtaamehnėstse Walkingstone

Ho’honaemeo’o Rock Road

Ho’honaemeona’e Rock Roads Woman Laura Rockroads (daughter of Laura Rockroads)

Ho’honaeve’ohtanehe Stone Forehead Fr. Peter Powell

Ho’honahke Little Rock Fred Roundstone; Martin RS; Rocky Limpy

Ho’honahkenestoohe Howling Rock

Ho’kohomo’e Little Sioux Grover White Wolf

Ho’neeho’esta Fire Wolf James Little Whiteman

Ho’neeme’ehne Rising Wolf

Ho’neeme’ehnėstse Rising Wolf Daniel Limberhand

Ho’neeme’eohtse Rising Wolf

Ho’neene’šeohtseva’e Stepping Wolf Woman Nellie Rockroads > Lori Rockroads

Ho’neevehaohe Wolf Name

Ho’nehe Wolf

Ho'nehe Heovaestse Yellow Wolf

Ho’nehea’ke Wolf Mule

Ho’neheeohtse’hehe Wandering Wolf Woman Jalene Walks Along

Ho’neheeohtseva’e Wandering Wolf Woman

Ho’neheevȧhtoohe Howling Wolf

Ho’neheevȧhtoohe’e Howling Wolf Woman Roseanne Killsnight Headswift

Ho’nehemahta Wolf Legging

Ho’neheme’ehne Wolf Appears James Blackwolf > Rick Wolfname

Ho’nehemeo’o Wolf Road Robert Littlewolf

Ho’nehenotaxe Soldierwolf

Ho’nehešeeše Lying Wolf Vance Littlebird

Ho’neheso Young Wolf Linwood Tall Bull

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Ho’nehetane Pawnee

Ho’nehetane’e Pawnee Woman

Ho’nehevȧhtoohe’e Howling Wolf Woman

Ho’nehevee’ėse Wolf Tooth

Ho’neheveho Wolf Chief Bill Walksalong; Robert Lonebear; Daniel Old Crow

Ho’nehevo’otonahe Wolf Choker August Whitedirt

Ho’nehevo’ovahe Wolflike Fur

Ho’nehevoto Wolf Tailfeathers Bill Tallbull

Ho’nehevotoomahe Wolfrobe

Ho’neohma’aestse Redwolf Darrell Black Wolf

Ho’neohma’heonevėstse Medicine Wolf Wayne Headswift

Ho’neohnestooestse Howling Wolf

Ho’neohnestoohe Howling Wolf

Ho’neohtooveohtsėstse Shivering Wolf

Ho’neohtooveohtsėstse Traveling Wolf Clyde Red Woman

Ho’neohtseohtsėstse Wandering Wolf

Ho’neohvo’komaestse White Wolf Gorgigold Little Eagle

Ho’neohvotonevėstse Wolf Feathers

Ho’neohvovo’haestse Spotted Wolf Chad Yarlotte

Ho’neohvovoehnėstse Wolf Walking First one of Marie Sanchez’ grandsons

Ho’neosoesohtȯtse Wolf Going Through a Crowd Fred Medicine Bull

Ho’neosovaestse Turns Back Wolf Frank Grasshopper > Deon Seminole

Ho’neoxhaa’eho’oesėstse High Wolf Daniel Pine

Ho’neoxhaaestse Brave Wolf Freeland Demaray; Jim Onebear

Ho’neoxhaahketa Little Wolf Kieran Clifford- Xavier Foote Spotted Wolf

Ho’neoxheovaestse (?) Yellow Wolf Curtis Elkshoulder

Ho’neoxhoehnėstse Wolf Comes Out

Ho’o’vo’nehe (?) Wolf Johnny Whistling Elk

Ho’oesto’oona’e Issues Food Woman

Ho’ohomo’e Sioux

Ho’ohomo’e’e Sioux Woman Florence Wilson

Ho’ȯhtȯhena’e Cane Woman

Ho’otoestse Bulletproof

Ho’otseoo’e Lightning Stands Woman Variant of Ho’etseoo’e; Eva Foote Rowland; Joni Jo Knowshisgun; Diane Spotted Elk

Ho’otseotsėstse Lightning Hector Knowshisgun > Derek Knowshisgun

Ho’sȧhtsenamo’ėsa’e Slobbering Calf

Ho’sȧhtsenamosėstse Slobbering Lefty

Ho’seo’o Parfleche

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Hoe’haooestse Flying Out Alvin Strangeowl

Hoe’haoohe Flying Out Benny Bearchum; Raymond LB

Ho'eene'e (woman's name)

Hoeheoeso Little Hill

Hoema’haahe Old Man Winter Howard Brady

Hoeoo’e Stands Out Woman Monica Bass

Hoetoo’ȯtse Looks Behind

Hohaa’exanehe Brave Eye

Hoheehe Assiniboin; Swaddling

Hohkahne (woman’s name)

Hohkȧhnoneva’e (unknown first part) Singing Woman

Hohkeeha’e Mouse Woman Joe Sandcrane’s mother

Hohkeehe Mouse

Hohkeehemeo’o Mouse Trail Harvey Russell > Vernon Bull Coming

Hohnohka Contrary

Hohnohka’hehe Contrary Woman

Hohnohkamo’ėsa’e Contrary Calf

Hohtȧheaenohe Spotted Hawk Clarence (Bisco) Spotted Wolf

Hohtȧhevoto Spotted Feathers; Spotted Tailfeathers

Beaver Two Moons

Homa’e Nestoohe Whistling Beaver

Homa’e Ȯhma’haata Big Beaver George Harris ?; James Walksalong; Alonzo Spang

Homa’e Ȯhma’heonevėste Sacred Beaver Charles Little Old Man

Homa’e Ȯhme’ehnėstse Beaver Appears Beaver Two Moons

Homa’e Ȯhmo’ȯhtavaestse Black Beaver

Homa’e Ȯhnestooestse Whistling Beaver

Homa’e Ȯhvo’komaestse White Beaver Andy Sooktis

Homa’ėhesta Beaver Heart (origin of family name Hart); Ike Shoulderblade; Windy Shoulderblade

Homa’eose Beaver Claws

Homa’eso (?) Little Beaver

Homa’ke Little Beaver Henry Medicine Bird

Homa’oestaa’e (woman’s name) (Red Beaver Woman??)

Mary Little Whiteman (Henry’s wife),Cheyne Littlesun

Homa’ȯhtse’hȯtse Afraid of Beavers Stacy Wolfchief

Homėstanėhe’e Escaped Woman Cora Spotted Elk

Ho'neheameohtse Walking Wolf; Wolf Walking George Magpie Sr.; TraJan Whistling Elk

Ho'neohno'kaestse Lone Wolf

Honeonaxe Loosebones

Honėška’e (woman’s name)

Honoxease Meadowlark

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Hoo’kȯhevenehe Rain In the Face

Hoo’kȯhta’e Corn Woman

Hoo’kȯhtseme’hahtse Corn Beard Arthur Woodenthigh

Hoo’ȯhta’e Corn Woman Mercedes Tall Whiteman

Hooema’hahe (?) Old Man Winter

Hoomȧhenȧhkohe Bear Robed

Hotamȧhtoevaaestse Unknown translation One of Harriet MC’s names

Hotameamėške (?) Greasy Dog

Hotameheve Dog Man James Walkslast Sr.

Hotamematse Dog Chips

Hotametane Dog Soldier Albert Oldcrow

Hotamȯxhooheoo’ėstse Dog Standing On a Hill Larry Sioux

Hotoa’e Buffalo

Hotoa’e Ȯhnotama’ee’ėstse North Facing Buffalo

Hotoa’e Ȯxhaa’eho’oesėstse High Bull; High Buffalo Bull Jerrid Morrison

Hotoa’hehe Buffalo Woman

Hotoa’ȯhma’aestse Red Buffalo

Hotoa’ȯhma’haetȧhtse Big Buffalo J.D. Littlewhiteman

Hotoa’ȯhme’ehnėstse Bull Comes Out

Hotoa’ȯhnee’ėstse Standing Bull Alfred Seminole; Joshua Sitting Bull

Hotoa’ȯhnešese Two Bulls

Hotoa’ȯhpevaestse Good Buffalo

Hotoa’ȯhtšėhe’kėstaestse Short Bull Wesley Spotted Elk

Hotoa’ȯhtsevo’enȧhtse Rolling Bull Asa Killsontop

Hotoaamėhne’e Buffalo Walks Woman

Hotoahe’e Bull Woman

Hotoahe’pe Buffalo Rib

Hotoahemahkȧse Buffalo Chips

Hotoahetone Bull Thigh Albert Tallbull

Hotoama’heo’o Medicine Bull Oliver RS’s first name; Larry MB

Hotoamaase Buffalo Chips

Hotoame’ehne Buffalo Appearing (a name?)

Hotoame’ehnėstse Bull Coming George Magpie Jr.

Hotoame’hahtse Bull Beard

Hotoamo’e Bull Elk Daniel Foote’s father’s name

Hotoanȧhkohe Bull Bear

Hotoanamose Bull Lefthand

Hotoanamosėstse Bull Lefthand

Hotoanestoohe Bull Howling

Hotoa'ȯhtseve'hȧhtse Bull Flies About

Hotoa'ȯhtsevehnėstse Bull Moving About

Hotoa'ȯhvo'komaestse White Bull

Hotoa'ȯxhaa'ėstaestse Tall Bull

Hotoa'ȯxhoo'ėstse Sitting Bull

Hotoaso Little Buffalo Wesley Wolf Black

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Hotoava'e Buffalo Woman

Hotoava'ohe Bulltail

Hotoave'ahe Goes With the Buffalo; Lame Bull?

Norman Wolf Tooth

Hotoave'kese Bull Bird

Hotoaveno'hoo'ȯtse Bull Stomach

Hotoavėsehe Buffalo Horn

Hotoavetanove Bull Tongue

Hotoavo'heese Baldfaced Bull

Hotoavohtane Bull Skin

Hotoavoomahe Bull Robe

Hotoavooo'e Bull Hump; Buffalo Hump Nora Risingsun ?

Hotoeše Lying In Shade Under a Tree Is this a name?

Hotohke Star Richard Littlebird

Hotohke'e Star Woman Ruth Sioux Calf

Hotohke'he'e Star Woman

Hotohkemeona'e Star Road Woman Dawn Little Wolf

Hotohkemo'ȯhtavaestse Black Star; Star Black

Hotohkenestoohe Howling Star

Hotohkeo'o Ȯhna'hese Three Stars Elizabeth Braided Hair < Julia Killsnight Lone Elk

Hotohketana'ȯtse Falling Star

Hotohkȯhma'aestse Red Star

Hotohkȯhvo'komaestse White Star Floyd Wolf Name

Hotohpėheeva'e Buffalo Rope Woman (sometimes translated as Buffalo Robe Woman, where "robe" is confused with "rope")

Gladys Oldmouse; Wretha Blackwolf(?)

Hotomanee'e Standing In Lodge Woman Mrs. Littlebird (Ashland) mo. Of Joe

Hotomo'ome (woman's name) Edith Manley

Hotomo'omehe'e (woman's name)

Hotoomee'e Shelter Woman Darlene Limberhand

Hotoomeeso Little Shelter Don Hollowbreast ?

Hotseomeo'o (?) (man's name)

Hotse'oso Little Worker

Hotsévo'ota (?) (man's name) Frank Lightning

Hovaheso Little Animal

Hoveo'ke'hȧhtse Flies In the Shade Floyd Fisher

Hove'še Snipe

Hove'xa'e Snipe Woman

Hoxeeseehe Bandaged Nose

Hoxovena'hane Kills Across Harry Littlebird: Rudolphe King Jr. (2nd name)

Hoxovena'hane'e Kills Across Woman Hannah Medicine Bull; Bonnie Littlesun

Hoxovȯho'e Bridge

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Ka'e (woman's name or nickname)

Ka'ee'ėse Pug Nose

Ka'ėho'ohomo'e Short Sioux Andrew Yelloweyes Sr.

Ka'ėškone Ȯhvehonevėstse Chief Child

Ka'ėškoneveho Child Chief; Littlechief Aloysius Prairiebear

Ka'ėstaestse Short

Ka'ėstȧhe'hehe Short Woman

Ka'eve'ho'e Short Whiteman

Ka'evėsehe Stump Horn

Kȧheoeso Tired Standing Llevando "Cowboy" Fisher

Kȧheoeso Unknown translation Llevando (Cowboy) Fisher

Kȧhe'oo'e Short Pipe Woman

Kȧheoona'e (woman's name)

Kahkoemesta Flat Belly

Kahkoene'e Flat Faced Woman

Kȧho'heso Unknown translation

Kahoosane'e Looking Close Woman Lenora Hart Holliman

Ka'kėsoohtsėstse Short Tree Jay Red Woman

Ka'kėstaestse Short

Kamȧhta'sooma Short Shadow ?

Kamȧxeha'e Stick Woman

Kamȧxeveohtahe Wooden Leg (origin of Woodenlegs)

Joaquin Small-Rodriguez

Kamȧxevėšeo'o Wooden Thigh Marti Rose

Ka'oo'o Short Pipe Woman Belle Rouse

Kavahtse Drooping Mouth

Kaveo'oseona'e Purse Woman (?) Pearle Wolf Black

Kavȯhe'o Limberhand Short for A'kavėhe'o

Kėhaene'e Squint Eye Woman

Kėhaenehe Squint Eye Alfred Teeth

Ke'hasȯhnee'ėstse Standing Plume Wallis Headswift

Keme'ehne Coyote Appearing ? probably shorted form of longer name Coyote Appearing?

Ketaa'e (woman's name; Small Woman ??)

Ko'a'e Promiscuous Woman June American Horse

Ko'ana (man's name)

Koeha'e Flat Hat Woman

Ko'emaese Instep-sinew ?

Ko'emeta Marble (?); Poor Thing (?) Harry Russell

Koesene'e Small Face Woman

Ko'ėstse Dud; Misfire Damion Tang; Kevin Whiteshield

Kȯhenaa'e'e Bear Doctor Woman Short form of Nahkȯhenaa'e'e; Claudia Shoulderblade

Kȯhenone'e Bear Sings Woman Short form of Nahkhenone'e

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Kȯheoo'e Bear Stands Woman Barbara Spotted Elk

Kȯheoso Bear Claws Esther Bighead

Ko'konȯho'e'hehe (?) Woodpecker Woman

Komaestse White (short for Vo'komaestse)

Komeha'e Coyote Woman Lenora Arapahochief

Komenȧhe'e Pure Woman Pauline Eaglefeathers

Komeoo'e Standing Pure Woman

Kona'e (man's name)

Kona'hehe Unknown translation

Konape (man's name) John Woodenlegs Sr.

Konoo'e Lonely Woman (or maybe Lookout Woman)

Gertrude Tangle Yellow Hair RS; Maria Russell Big Fire

Kooheoeso Little Standing Bryant Ta-jay Curly

Koomaa'ėse Decent Man Santee Magpie

Koomȧhe'e Chaste Woman

Koomeoo'e Standing Motionless Linn Birdchief

Ko'ometa (man's name)

Koomȯhomo'he Chastity Dancer

Koovenehe Wet Face Robert Bearchum Sr. “Ko-weiners”

Kopehe (man's name) name made up by white people, perhaps from “coffee”

Kosa Sheep

Kȯsaeso Lamb

Kosane Sheep > Bites (< “butt”?)

Kosaneso (man's name) Parker Flying

Kóséváhe (?) (man's name) one of Farrel's sons

Kovaahe Youngman Austin Two Moons

Ma'aataeestse'henahe Iron Shirt Fred Iron Shirt

Ma'aataevėhe'onáhe Iron Hand

Ma'aataevonene'e Iron Tooth Woman

Maahe Arrow

Maahe'ȯhtamehnėstse Walking With Arrow

Maahe'ȯhtameohtsėstse Arrow Walker Harry Risingsun

Ma'ee'ėse Red Nose

Ma'ėhane'e Red Neck; Red Nape Deyo Powell

Ma'ėheovo'hame Orange Horse

Ma'ėhoohe Redfox Ralph Redfox; Mike Charette Jr.; Melton Whiteman

Ma'ėhoohevȧhtse Red Claw; Redshield

Ma'ėhoomahe Red Robe

Ma'eme'hahtse Red Beard

Ma'eme'ėhne'e Red Rising Woman Janet LaFaille

Ma'emestahke Red Owl

Ma'ena'evahe Red Arm

Ma'enehe Red Face

Ma'enetse Red Eagle Vann Ryan; Willis Red Eagle

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Ma'eno Turtle

Ma'enóehe'pe (?) Turtle Rib Gertrude Magpie

Ma'enóemeo'o Turtle Road Ray Brady

Ma'enohkevo'eha Turtle Moccasin

Ma'enȯhtamehnėstse Walking Turtle

Ma'enȯhvo'komaestse White Turtle

Ma'enoo'e Turtle Woman Hulda Twomoons

Ma'enotovahe Red Neck

Ma'enova'e Turtle Woman Hilda Two Moons

Ma'eomene'e Red Lodge Woman

Ma'eomotome Red Breath

Ma'eonehavo'ke Red Beads

Ma'eoome Red Water

Ma'ėseeota'e Red Medicine Woman Maude Fightingbear

Ma'ėsėhena'e Red Goose Woman Martha Ant's mother; Loretha Grinsell

Ma'etomona'e Red Paint Woman Maretha Risingsun Charette > Myra Risingsun

Ma'etsevȯxeona'e ?? Red Dust Woman Leeana Russell

Ma'eve'ėse Red Bird Robert Red Woman; Calvin Brady; Shawn Backbone Jr.

Ma'eve'ho'ka'e German Girl one of Marie Sanchez' granddaughters

Ma'evehpota'e Red Leaf Woman Joline Walkslast; Delores Hart; Shanae Seminole; Cordelia Kingfisher Boushie; Elizabeth Fisher

Ma'eve'keso Red Bird

Ma'evoenėstse Red Painted Face Willis Medicine Bull

Ma'evoto Red Tailfeather James Limberhand

Ma'haehnotoa'e Old Bull Daniel Old Bull

Ma'hahko'e Badger Grover White Wolf; Mr. Mullins

Mȧheameoestse All Runner

Ma'heehehe (man's name)

Ma'heeta Red Man John Bigback

Mȧhematsevehe Pus All Over

Ma'heona'e Medicine Woman Jade Walks Along

Ma'heoneamėhne'e Medicine Walking Woman

Ma'heoneameohtse Holy Walking

Ma'heoneameohtse'e Holy Walking Woman Lela Crazy Mule

Ma'heoneeve'hȧhtse Medicine Flying Gilbert White Dirt; Christopher Freemont

Ma'heoneevo'soo'e Medicine Playing Woman Anna Morrison

Ma'heonėhoehne'e Medicine Comes Out Woman Cecelia White Moon; Nancy Yellowrobe

Ma'heonėho'ėhne'e Medicine Comes Woman Mrs. Davis Deafy

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Ma'heonėho'honaa'e ?? Medicine Rock

Ma'heonema'ohkeena'e Holy Feather (Tassel) Woman

Ma'heoneme'eohtse'e Holy Appears Woman Nora Buffalo Hump Risingsun; Sophie Bad Warrior

Ma'heonenahkohe Medicine Bear Payton Yellow Robe; Shawn Wolf Name ?; John Walksalong; Lance Fisher

Ma'heonenemene'e Holy Singing Woman Margaret Brady

Ma'heoneoo'e Holy Standing Woman Nellie Belly Mule; Faith Spotted Elk; Elva Russell

Ma'heoneve'kese Medicine Bird James Kingfisher; Roy Fisher Jr.

Ma'heoneve'šeeseo'o Holy Medicine Bundle

Ma'heonevoo'e Sitting Medicine Joe Crazy Mule

Ma'heono'hone'e Holy Tepee Circle Woman Anna Wolfvoice; Vinnie Monathy; Mary Grasshopper; Jean Lone Bear > Elizabeth Braided Hair

Ma'heonȯhvo'komaestse White Bull

Ma'heono'ȯhne'e Medicine Shinny Woman

Ma'heonoo'kȯhta'e Holy Corn Woman

Ma'heonooma'e Medicine Robe Woman

Ma'heonoo'ȯhta'e Holy Corn Woman Martha Larance

Ma'heono'soo'e Holy Dancer Woman; Medicine Dancer Woman

Zethel Woodenlegs > Micah Highwalking

Ma'heono'xe'e Holy Packs Woman Josie Foote Fisher

Ma'heo'o Ȯhme'ehnėstse Medicine Comes In Sight Frank Bearchum Sr.

Ma'heo'o Ȯhnee'ėstse Standing Medicine; Medicine Standing

Raymond King

Ma'heo'o Ȯhtameohtsėstse Medicine Walking, Spirit Walking

Alfred Littlesun, Shiloh Littlesun, Tay’Sean Littlesun BirdTail

Ma'heo'o Ȯhtseohtsėstse Medicine Walks About

Ma'heo'o Ȯhvo'komaestse White Spirit

Mȧhoeve'ho'e All Over Whiteman Xavier Crazymule

Mȧhpevȧhnee'ėstse Standing In Water

Mȧhpevȧhtseve'hȧtse Flying In the Water August Spotted Elk

Mȧhpevame'ėhne'e Appears On the Water Woman

Mȧhpevana'hane Kills On the Water Leonard Littlewolf

Mȧhpevanestoohe Howling Water

Mȧhpevatameohtsėstse Goes On the Water Sam Hart

Mȧhpevetaxeohtse'e Walks On the Water Woman Lillian Three Fingers

Mȧhpevȯhnee'ėstse Standing In Water

Mȧhta'sohka'e Scalped Woman

Mȧhta'sooma Shadow

Mȧhtovootseme'hahtse Ear Whiskers

Ma'kaataevonene'hehe Iron Teeth Woman

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Ma'kȧse'e Big Belly Woman Kate Yelloweagle

Ma'kȧse'hehe Red Berries Cactus Plant Woman

Makeeta Littleman

Ma'keme Ice Cube (?) Cleveland Highwalker

Ma'kemeona'e Red Road Woman Susie Grasshopper

Má'kénéhe Red Faced Dorothy Spotted Elk's husband

Ma'kȯheomenehe Little Lodge

Ma'koomahe Red Robe

Ma'ko'sa'e Youngest Child Woman Mina Seminole > Stella Seminole; Annie Brady; Jocelyn Spang

Mamȧhka'e'e Curly Woman

Mamȧhka'éve'ho'e Curly Whiteman George Burns Sr.

Mamahke Curly

Mamȧhkėhe'hehe Curly Woman

Mamȧhkevo'ha Curly Horse

Ma'meha'e Red Woman

Mamotse'hehe Full Mouth Woman

Manėstonehe Maker

Manȯheva'e Going For Water Woman René Prairie Bear; Vangie Solis

Manȯhohka'e (woman's name)

Ma'oesta'e Red Dress Woman

Ma'o'hamo'seo'o Red Willow Basket

Ma'ohkeena'e Red Tassel Woman; Red Plum Woman

Toy Parker < Jennie P's mother; Verda King

Ma'ohkėha'e Red Hat

Ma'ohkėha'ehe Red Hat

Ma'o'kene'e Red Blind Eye Woman

Ma'ome Ice William Wilson; Chrisman Spotted Wolf

Ma'o'nehe Red Wolf Henry Red Neck; Frank Rowland

Ma'one'komónȧhaehéhe Red Buttons Ray Brady, Sr.

Ma'oomȧhtse Red Robe

Ma'oo'ȯhta'e Red Corn Woman Julia Roundstone

Ma'oo'xenehe Red Roman Nose

Ma'ovesa'e Red Haired Woman Margaret Runsabove

Ma'ovesehe Red Hair

Mȧseano'kehe Unknown translation

Mȧsėhaa'eevo'ha Crazy Mule

Mȧsėha'e Crazy Woman

Mȧsėhae'ke Crazy Mule

Mȧsėhavoo'xenehe Crazy Roman Nose

Ma'taa'e Forest Pius Bear Comes Out (Manley)

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Ma'taa'e'e Forest Woman; Timber Woman

Kim Bigback

Ma'taa'ena'hane'e Kills In the Forest Woman Clarice Littlebird Wallowing Bull

Ma'taa'ȯhnee'ėstse Stands In Timber Gilbert Littlewolf

Ma'taa'ȯhtsevehnėstse Walks Around Timber Steve Brady

Matȧhemo'ėsa'e Peyote Calf

Matȧho'omo Pin Cushion Cactus

Matovahe'e Peyote Woman Alice Ray Limberhand (baby)

Matsenėstse Kingfisher

Matseohne'e (woman's name)

Matseose Festering Finger

Matšėškome Raccoon Charles Little Wolf

Mȧxaaehma'heona'e (?) Medicine Eagle Feather Woman (?)

Ma'xeaso Thumb; Big Monster ??

Ma'xėhahtahe Big Foot

Ma'xėhe'e Big Woman

Ma'xėhe'ne Turkey

Ma'xėhe'neveohtahe Turkey Legs Wendale Shoulderblade > Wendale Pedro Shoulderblade

Ma'xėheseeota'e Big Medicine Woman

Ma'xėhestaa'e Big Branch

Ma'xėhetane Bigman

Ma'xėhoma'e Big Beaver

Ma'xėho'nehe Big Wolf

Ma'xekȧsovaahe Big Young Man

Ma'xeme Apple

Ma'xemene'e Apple Woman

Ma'xemo'ėsa'e Big Calf

Ma'xenahkohe Big Bear Robert Magpie

Ma'xenamosėstse Big Left Hand

Ma'xe'pa'o Big Back Charles Big Back

Ma'xėstseahe Big Head

Ma'xeve'ho'e Big Whiteman Miles Seminole

Meanȯhova'e (woman's name) Elrena White Dirt

Meave'e (woman's name) Annie Blackbird

Mee'aahe'e Indian doll (man's name)

Mee'aatsėhe'e Indian doll

Me'e'haohtse'e Flies In Sight Woman; Appears Flying Woman

Francine Spang < Jenny Spang

Me'ėhnehe'e (?) Appearing Woman

Me'ėhneva'e Appearing Woman

Me'ėhnonehne'e Appears Singing Woman

Meenohevoesta'e Quilled Dress Woman

Me'enonehne'e Comes In Sight Singing Woman

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Me'eohtse Appearing

Me'eohtseva'e Appearing Woman

Me'eoo'e Stands In Sight Woman Grace Strange Owl

Meesa'e Smelly Woman

Meeškaatsėhe'e Indian Doll; Hummingbird

Me'ėško'e Rascal Milton Whiteman

Me'hahtse Beard

Meheana Unknown translation (he was a town crier)

Mehenohevoesta'e ___ (?) Dress Woman

Mehnenohka (man's name)

Me'kona'e Head Woman

Me'koneso Little Head

Mene'a'e Chokecherry Woman; possibly Shell Woman or Doll Woman

Bertha Other Bull; Denise Swank; Alicia Littlewolf

Mene'emeona'e Shell Road Woman

Mene'ke'hehe Shell Woman; Doll Woman translation uncertain

Menevoto Shell Feathers James Limberhand

Menoto'e Close In Age Tom Woodenlegs

Menoveoo'e Stands Bad Woman Chaleina Littlesun

Me'o'ȧse'e Fire Appearing Woman

Me'o'ėstse Appears From Afar Herbert Swallow

Meoha'e Running Woman Phyllis Fisher's mother (or is it Meona'e?); Martha Brady BCO; Lindi Bearcomesout

Meome'ehne Appears In the Morning Henry Brady

Meome'ėhne'e Appears In the Morning Woman

Florence Whiteman

Meona'e Trail Woman Dorothy Glenmore

Meona'hane Morning Killer; Kills In the Morning

Charles Little Coyote; Eugene Little Coyote; Lavern KOT; Curtis Elk Shoulder Jr.; George Harris > JD Oldmouse

Meona'hane'e Morning Killer Woman; Kills In the Morning Woman

Virginia Allrunner; Phillene Whiteman > Tyleah Rose Whiteman; Lily Old Crow

Meonestoohe Howling In the Morning

Meonestoohe'e Howling In the Morning Woman

Meoohtse'e (woman's name) Bertha Harris

Me'ševėsehe Hairy Horn; Velvet Antlers

Meso'ke Swallow

Mestaa'e Ȯhma'aestse Red Owl Michael Long Sioux

Mestaa'ėhehe Owl Woman

Mestaehe'e Ghost Woman nickname for an ornery woman

Mestaehotoa'e Ghost Bull Kendell Joiner

Mestaema'haahe Ghost Chum

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Mestaenėsto'e Ghost ___ (Land ?) Woman

Mevaevo'nehe Starving Wolf (literally, (Eating Wolf)

Roy Bullcoming > Aloysius Littlebird

Mo'e Enestoohe Whistling Elk

Mo'e'a'e Grass Woman Mary Limpy Bighead

Mo'e'ha Magpie Fernando Littlebird

Mo'e'ha Ma'etȧhtse Red Magpie Eugene Limpy Sr.

Mo'e'ha Ȯhnestoohe Whistling Magpie Theresa WL's son, John Clark ?

Mo'e'ha Ȯhtamehnėstse Walking Magpie

Mo'e'ha Ȯhtameohtsėstse Traveling Magpie

Mo'eha'e Elk Woman Clementine Seminold

Mo'e'haemeo'o Magpie Road James Clubfoot

Mo'e'haeso Little Magpie one of Marie Sanchez' grandsons

Mo'e'haeva'e Magpie Woman

Mo'e'haevoto Magpie Feather

Mo'e'haevotona'e Magpie Feathers Woman Alice Seminole Davis; Ronnette Glenmore

Mo'e'hahkeso Little Magpie

Mo'e'hane Ȯxhaestȯxese Many Magpies

Mo'éheméóná'e Elk Road Woman

Mo'ehenovave Medicine Elk

Mo'eheo'he'e Elk River Eugene Blackbear Jr.

Mo'eheso Little Elk

Mo'eheva'e Elk Woman

Mo'ehevese Elk Horns

Mo'ehno'ha Nonetse'omaestse Tame Horse

Mo'ehno'ha Ȯhtameohtsėstse Walking Horse Theodore Spotted Wolf

Mo'ehno'ha Ȯhvehonevėstse Horse Chief

Mo'ehno'ha Ȯhvovo'haestse Spotted Horse

Mo'ehno'hamemeo'o Horseroads

Mo'e'ka'e Grass Woman

Mo'eme'ėhne'e Elk Appears Woman Lenora Wolf Name

Mo'enestoohe Whistling Elk George Brady; Elmore Brady; David Yelloweyes Jr.

Mo'eohtooveotse Shaking Elk Ben Limpy

Mo'eohvesevȯtse Goes With Elk

Mo'eose Elk Hooves

Mo'ėsa'e Calf Roy Fisher Sr. > Bryan Fisher

Mo'ėškone Fingers Charlie White Dirt

Mo'eta'e Elk Woman (?)

Mohenoo'e Gathering Stands Woman Mary Grasshopper; Amber Lee Marie Jackson

Mohkave'e Lynx Woman

Mohkėheno'e Unknown translation

Mohkemeona'e Buffalo Calf Trail Woman Carrie Orange

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Mȯhoneohtseva'e Drifted Snow Woman

Mȯhonoone Gros Ventre Grover Whiteman Jr.

Mȯhonoone'e Hidatsa Woman; Mandan Woman; Gros Ventre Woman

Ernestine Two Moons > Corinna Littlewolf: Elisha Bigback

Mȯho'ohtse (man's name)

Mo'ke'a'e Grass Woman

Mokee'e Little Woman Louise Risingsun Fisher; Avis Whitehawk

Mokee'eso Little Woman

Mokeene'e Small Faced Woman

Mo'kėha'e Elk Woman

Mo'keheso Little Elk

Mo'keme'ehne Young Calf Stepping Into View

Mo'kemeona'e Elk Road Woman Susie White Wolf

Mo'kenemo'ehe Little Braid

Mo'kėsa'e Calf

Mo'kėsa'e Ȯhnestooestse Howling Calf Frank Flying

Mo'kėsa'e Ȯhtamehnėstse Calf Walking

Mo'kėsa'e Ȯhtameohtsėstse Walking Calf; Calf Walking Craig Elkshoulder Jr.

Mo'kėsa'e Ȯhtohaa'ėstse Calf Getting Up

Mo'kėsa'e Ȯhtsevo'soo'ėstse Playing Calf Lawrence Littlebear

Mo'kėsa'e Ȯhvo'komaestse White Calf Parker Flying

Mo'kėsa'keso Buffalo Calf Woman

Mo'kohta'e Indian Turnip

Mo'kȯhtavene'e Black Faced Woman

Mo'kȯhtavo'ha Black Horse

Moma'xėhahtahe Big Foot

Moma'xėstaema'hehe Has Large Head Lice Woman Margaret Yellow Eyes

Monahtsėstse New Mouth (Hide Scraper ??)

Monȧhtseta'e (?) Shoot Woman (?) Custer’s Cheyenne wife

Monenetse New Eagle Michael Running Wolf

Moneoo'ėstse New Standing

Monevata Youngbird Dan Seminole; John Youngbird

Mo'ȯhma'aestse Red Elk Grover Wolfvoice

Mo'ȯhme'ėhne'e Elk Appears Woman Lenora Wolfname

Mo'ȯhme'ehnėstse Elk Appears Leland McManus

Mo'ȯhnȧha'evaoo'ėstse Elk Stands With Wife; Elkshoulder

(origin of Elkshoulder family name); Burton Fisher Sr. > Burton Seminole

Mo'ȯhnee'ėstse Standing Elk

Mo'ȯhno'kaestse Lone Elk Ralph Weasel Bear; Frank Paul Whiteman Sr.; Tony Wolfname Sr.

Mo'ȯhno'keoo'ėstse Elk Stands Alone Willis Ridgebear

Mo'ȯhtaemo'ėsa'e Black Calf

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Mo'ȯhtaena'atsėhe'e Black ____ (man's name)

Mo'ȯhtaenahkohe Black Bear Wesley Whiteman,Douglas Glenmore, Cyrus Littlesun

Mo'ȯhtaenahkȯheso Little Black Bear

Mo'ȯhtaepehpe'e Black Shaggy

Mo'ȯhtaevaotseva Black Deer Douglas Spotted Eagle

Mo'ȯhtameohtsėstse Walking Elk Langdon Headswift

Mo'ȯhtaveaenohe Black Hawk Peter Risingsun

Mo'ȯhtavene'e Black Painted Face Woman Eva Woodenthigh

Mo'ȯhtavenehe Black Face

Mo'ȯhtaveo'ėseenahe Black Whetstone

Mo'ȯhtaveo'kome Black Coyote

Mo'ȯhtaveonone Black Ree

Mo'ȯhtavetoo'o Black Kettle

Mo'ȯhtavoesta'e Black Dress Woman Lizzie Harris Elliott

Mo'ȯhtavo'ha Black Horse

Mo'ȯhtavo'nehe Black Wolf; Wolf Black Dale Brady

Mo'ȯhtavoohevȧhtse Blackshield

Mo'ȯhtavoonėstse Starving Elk

Mo'ȯhtsemehe'e Elk Woman Earlene Teeth

Mo'ȯhtsevȧhtooestse Howling Elk

Mo'ȯhvo'komaestse White Elk Martin Seminole

Mo'ȯhvovo'haestse Spotted Elk Shawn Small

Moona'e (woman's name) Wesley Spotted Elk's mother(Margorie Spotted Elk)

Moo'soone Spear James Bites Sr.

Mo'ota'e (woman's name)

Mo'ȯxhaahketa Little Elk

Mo'sėha'e (man's name) (Scabby Faced Man??)

Motȧhko'e Sheath

Motȯhava'e Pitiful Woman Mabel Eastman High Pine

Motovahe'e Buffalo Calf Woman (Ash Tree Woman??)

Mary Harris Ewing

Motse'eoehnehe'e (?) Motse'eohne'e ?? Motseohne'e ??

Sweet Medicine Woman Barbara Braided Hair

Motse'eoeve Sweet Medicine

Motse'eoo'e Sweet Medicine Stands Woman; Sweet Root Stands Woman; Sweet Medicine Woman; Sweet Grass Woman

Rose Little Bear; Pauline Flying

Motseohne'e No Naming Woman Barbara Spang; Lillian Wooden Thigh; Emma Biglefthand Littlebear; Doris Limberhand; Aspen Limberhand

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Moxėšeha'e Mint Woman Emma Harris; Tamara Limberhand; Rose Medicine Elk King > Arianne King

Na'atsėhe'e (man's name)

Naehevo'komaestse White Mink Donald Seminole

Naesohtȯheoeve Six Stands Ray Brady

Naha'e'ta Stands In Front

Na'hane'e Kills Woman Martha Yelloweagle; Rolette Coleman

Na'haneveho Chief Kills James Whiteman Sr.

Na'heosehe Three Fingers

Nahkoestse (man's name)

Nahkȯha'e Bear Woman Pam Little Wolf

Nahkohe Bear

Nahkohe Ee'aestse ?? Broken Bear Winslow Whitecrane

Nahkȯheamehne Walking Bear Quanah Magpie

Nahkȯheamėhohtse Beartracks Michael Elizondo

Nahkȯheestoso Bear Quiver

Nahkȯheestse'henahe Bear Shirt

Nahkȯhehoahno Bear Shield Marvin Black > Harvey Russell Jr.

Nahkȯheho'esta Fire Bear

Nahkȯhehooma Bear Robe

Nahkȯheho'ose Coal Bear

Nahkȯhehovahne Bear Animal

Nahkȯhema'haahe Bear Chum

Nahkȯhema'hahe Bear Chum

Nahkȯhema'heona'e Bear Medicine Woman

Nahkȯhema'heo'o (?) Medicine Bear (?)

Nahkȯhemȧhtamȧhaahe Old She Bear (man's name) Kenneth Beartusk

Nahkȯhemȧhta'sooma Spirit Bear Kenneth Beartusk

Nahkȯhema'ohkeena'e Bear Plume Woman

Nahkȯhema'ta Bearbow

Nahkȯhemeeotse Bear Smell; Stinking Bear Charles Looksbehind; Fred Seminole Sr.

Nahkȯhemeo'ėstse Fightingbear

Nahkȯhemeona’e Bear Road Woman

Nahkȯhemeo'o Bear Road; Bear Trail

Nahkȯhenaa'e'e Bear Doctoring Woman

Nahkȯhena'hane'e Bear Kills Woman Jessie Lame Woman Copenhaver

Nahkȯhenėxahe Orphan Bear Henry Little Whiteman

Nahkȯhenohnehe Lame Bear

Nahkȯhenone'e Bear Sings Woman Flossie Little Bear

Nahkȯheo'emȯxo'eha Bear Sole James Shoulderblade > J. SB

Nahkȯheo'o Ȯhnevese Four Bears

Nahkȯheosa'e Bear Claws Woman Rachel Strange Owl

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Nahkȯheosovame Groaning Bear

Nahkȯhepanestse Bear Breaking Wind

Nahkȯheso Youngbear; Bear Cub Joe Walks Along Sr.

Nahkȯhevoesta Bear Swan Johnny Rowland

Nahkȯhevotonevėstse Bear Tailfeathers

Nahkȯhkena'hane'e Bear Kills Woman Flossie Little Bear

Nahkȯhma'heona'e Medicine Bear Woman; Holy Bear Woman

Cecelia Medicine Elk

Nahkȯhma'heo'o Medicine Bear Ryder M. Big Back

Nahkȯhno'kaestse One Bear ; Lone Bear Wayne Little Whiteman; Henry Blackwolf; Sylvester Knowshisgun

Nahkȯhnoo'ėstse Beartusk Jerome Beartusk > Jerome Whitehawk

Nahkȯhtamehnėstse Bear Walking Tony Wolfname Jr.

Nahkȯhtameohtsėstse Walking Bear Alex Black Horse; David Walks Along

Nahkȯhtseva'eotsėstse Bear Turns Back Larenzo Redfox Ontiveros

Nahkȯhtsevo'soo'ėstse Playing Bear; Bear Playing Ben Black Wolf; Sage Whiteman

Nahkȯhvo'omaestse White Bear

Nahkotanohtse (?) Bear Tailfeathers (?) Austin Littlesun

Nahkȯxhaa'eho'oesėstse High Bear

Nahkȯxhaaestse Brave Bear (Wise Bear??)

Nahkȯxhaahketa Little Bear Cleve Little Bear; origin of surname Bearchum

Nahkȯxheovaestse Yellow Bear Oliver Yellow Eyes; Tom Shoulderblade

Nahkȯxhoe'ehne Bear Comes Out

Nahkȯxhoe'ehnėstse Bear Comes Out Herman Bearcomesout

Nahkȯxhoeheoo'ėstse Bear Stands On Top

Nahkȯxho'oxeoo'ėstse Bear Stands At the End; Last Bear Standing

Riley Tallwhiteman

Nahkȯxhonetsestȧhtse Lazy Bear

Nahkȯxhoveo'eoo'ėstse Bear Stands In the Shade Oliver Risingsun; Frank Headswift; Art Marshall (?)

Nahtovona Northern Sioux

Namȯse'hehe Left Handed Woman

Namosėstse Lefty Charles Spotted Wolf

Nanomone'e Peacemaker Woman Mary Bites Eaglefeather > Janis Spear

Nanose'hame Cougar; Mountain Lion; Panther

Hugh Walks Along; Leroy Pine

Naoxhoe'ehne Bear Comes Out

Nehovanovahe Wrestler

Nema'e'hȧhtse Flying Around Clifford Russell Sr.

Nema'eohtse Walks Around

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Nema'eoo'ėstse Standing Around

Nemee'ėse Crooked Nose

Nemene'hehe Singing Woman

Nemeohtse Crooking Walking Dennis Limberhand

Neme'oona'e Crooked Pipe Woman

Nemevota Unknown translation Jim Limberhand

Nemo'eehe Wrapped Hair Thomas Wrapped Hair

Nemo'keehe Wrapped Hair Ernest American Horse

Neohne'e Walking Towards Woman Sylvia Elk Shoulder; Virginia Kingfisher Russell; Mary Underwood; Ann Wolfchief, Michelle Three Fingers

Nešeenahne'e Away Two Days Woman

Nešeenoona'e Fasting Two Nights Woman

Nešeestoso Two Quivers

Nešenoona Fasting Two Nights

Neševa'e Two Shoes (?) Lucy Killsnight Redhat

Nėševevaohenamosėstse Swift Throwing Left Arm

Nėševone'e Fast Growing Woman Molly Medicine Elk

Nesoehnehe Two Babies

Neso'eoeve Twenty Stands Gaehel Littlewolf Spencer

Neso'eoo'e Twenty Stands Woman Margaret Harris > Donna Littlewolf; Patricia Littlewolf > Zhona Tang; Georgianna Foote Spotted Wolf

Nesȯhtȯheeha'e Seven Days Woman Clara Fast Horse LaRance

Nesȯhtȯhemeona'e Seven Roads Woman

Nesȯhtȯhena'hane'e Seven Kills Woman Gloria Redneck Big Back

Nestonevahtsėstse Noisy Walker

Nestonevaoo'e Wind Sounds Woman

Nestseena'e (woman's name) (something to do with rustling sound?) Ernestine Madrigal

Nestseovoeva'e (woman's name) Bessie Dull Knife

Netȧhevena'hane (Onetȧhevena'hane?)

Kills Different Alvin Birdhat > Kagan Sioux Calf

Netse Ȯhmo'ȯhtavaestse Black Eagle Robert Red Fox

Netse Ȯhno'kaestse Lone Eagle Roger Knowshisgun Jr.

Netse Ȯhtseve'hȧhtse Eagle Flies About

Netse Ȯhvehonevėstse Eagle Chief Allen Little Coyote,Chale Littlesun Kayden Littlesun, Rufus Whiteman Ellis; Weaver Hiwalker, Chris Beartusk Jr.

Netse Ȯhvo'komaestse White Eagle Stefan Raining Bird

Netse Ȯhvovo'haestse Spotted Eagle Elijah Wallowing

Netse Ȯxhaaestse Mighty Eagle Joseph Walksalong Jr.

Netse Ȯxhaahketa Little Eagle

Netse Ȯxheovaestse (?) Yellow Eagle

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Netsemeona'e Eagle Road Woman Crystal Parker

Netsevȯhe'so Eagle Nest David Long Sioux, Wayne Strangeowl

Netsevohto Eagle Leggings

Netsevoto Eagle Tailfeather (origin of Eaglefeathers); Glenn Eaglefeathers

Nexana'hane'e Kills Twice Woman; Counts Coups Twice Woman

Frances Two Birds Knowshisgun > Miriam Knowshisgun Beartusk; Patti Walksalong

Noa'hehe Giving Woman

Noava’e Medicine Woman Agnes Littlesun

No'ee'e Squirrel

Nohka'hehe Contrary Woman Holda Pine Roundstone

Nohne'ahe Cripple

Nohne'kȧhe'hehe Lame Woman

Nohne'kȧheso Limpy

Nohto'hova (man's name) old man Longjaw

No'kena'hane Lone Killer; One Killer Charles Sittingman

No'kevėsehe One Horn

Noma'e'e North (?) Facing Woman Claudine Littlewolf Pine; Suzette King

Noma'hemeona'e Fish Road Woman

Noma'heohma'aestse Red Fish Paul Ryan

Noma'heškeso Minnow (origin of Fisher family name)

Noma'ne Fish

Nomeme'ehne Appears With the Wind (?)

Nomeohtse Going With the Wind; North Walker

James Medicine Bird; Clyde Wolf Black

None'otoenehe Smeared Face

Nonoma'e Thunder Velor Killsback (Jace's son)

Nonoma'e'e Thunder Woman

Nonoma'evoo'xenehe Thunder Crooked Nose

Nonoma'ȯhtseve'hȧhtse Thunder Flies About

Noo'hova'tovėstse Left Behind Teton (Rachel Magpie's grandson)

Noonėhešeo'o Withered Hip

Noono'e Old Grass

Notame'e North Woman

Notame'hehe North Woman

Notȧxe'e Warrior Woman??

Notȧxeo'kome Soldier Wolf

Nova'e (woman's name)

Nova'hehe (woman's name)

Nova'keso Slow Growing Woman ?

Novava'e Medicine Woman Marie Fightingbear Bearchum

Novėhne'hehe Slow Walking Woman Jim Limberhand's wife

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Oeškėseha'e Dog Woman One of Harriet Littlebird's names

Oestone'e Sacrifice Woman

Oevemana Scabby

Oevemo'ėsa'e Scabby Calf

O'he'ke Creek

Ȯhme'ehnėstse (?) Comes In Sight

Ȯhmesėhe'e Northern Cheyenne Woman; Northern Eater Woman

Ȯhnehovaestse Stand

Ȯhnėševaestse Swift

Ȯhneševotonȯtse Two Tailfeathers

Ȯhtame'haooestse Flying

Ȯhtamevonehnėstse Crawler

Ȯhtane'emaxėstse Shot At Frank Longjaw

Ȯhtooveotse Shaker

Ȯhtsevatoehne'e Dusty Walking Woman

Ȯhvo'komaestse White

O'kenėstse One Eye Fred Last Bull; Arthur Wilson

Okohke Ȯhnee'ėstse Crow Stands

Okohke Ȯhvo'omaestse White Crow

Okȯhkėho'esta Fire Crow

Okȯhkemeona'e Crow Road Woman Ruth Killsnight

Okȯhkemeseestse Crow Eater

Okȯhkeo'o Ȯhnešese Two Crows Ivan Russell; Robert Shot Gunn Sr.

Okȯhkeso Little Crow

Okȯhkeveho Crow Chief

Okȯhkevo'omaestse White Crow Donovan Taylor

Okȯhkevoo'xenehe Crow Roman Nose

Okȯhnee'ėstse Crow Standing Wamblee Rowland

O'kome Coyote Dennis Wick

O'komeeho'esta Fire Wolf (literally Coyote Fire)

O'komeeotse Coyote Smells Fred Seminole Sr.

O'komeha'e Coyote Woman

O'komehemȧhtovoo'ȯtse Coyote Ear Alfred Strangeowl

O'komeheso Little Coyote Dyland Killsontop

O'komȯhnee'ėstse Coyote Standing

O'komȯhnestooestse Howling Coyote

O'komȯhno'kaestse Lone Coyote James Rowland

O'komȯhtamehnėstse Walking Coyote

O'komȯhtameohtse Walking Coyote John Gray

O'komȯhtameohtsėstse Walking Coyote Floyd Waters Sr.

O'komȯhtaxeoo'ėstse Coyote Stands On Top

O'komȯhvo'komaestse White Coyote Hugh Clubfoot

O'komȯhvotonevėstse Coyote Tailfeathers

O'komȯxhaahketa Little Coyote (origin of Littlewolf family

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name); Herbert Bearchum

O'komȯxhoeheoo'ėstse Coyote Stands on Hill Michael Bryant Sr.

Oneahtahe Deafy Jacob Two Birds

Oneahtȧheso (?) Little Deafy

Oneha'e Ponca Woman; Omaha Woman

Sue Big Back

One'seomeonone Real Ree

Onone'e Ree Woman Jenny Parker Seminole; Flossie Rockroads

Ononevoo'xenehe Ree Roman Nose

Oo'enahkohe Hairless Bear

Oo'enehe Blind

Oo'ėstseahe Baldy

Oo'kaxe Cut Hairless

Oo'kemanȯhova'e Bare Medicine Woman ?

Oo'koenoohe Looks Bare

Oonȧha'e Frog __ Seminole

Oo'xetoo'o Broken Bowl Wesley Whiteman

Ȯssȯsoa'xėstse Plunging Into the Enemy

Ota'tavaestse Blue Bob Bailey

Ota'taveaenohe Blue Hawk Patrick McMakin

Ota'taveenova'e Blue Feather Woman Aline KOT; Marsha Small

Ota'tavemo'ehno'ha Blue Horse Anthony Baker

Otseeme Brave

Otseemėhe'e Brave Woman (?) Elsie Tallwhiteman; Annie Littlewolf

Otseemeoo'e Brave (?) Standing Woman Harriet Littlebird; Mary Whitehorse

Otsehne'e Serving Woman (?) Beatrice Small

Otseohne'e Unknown translation

Otseohtse'e Going for Provisions Woman Pearl Brady > Marie Brady Sanchez

Otsestaoo'o (woman's name)

Otseve'ėha'e (woman's name)

Otseveoo'e Stands On Purpose Woman Annie Joyce Limberhand; Bert Other Bull

Otsevohto Leggings Daneeta Fisher

Ova'hehe (woman's name)

Ovahemaese Magical Chips

Ovama'haahe (man's name; also pronounced Ovama'hahe)

O'xȧsehe Cut Belly

O'xeesehe Cut Nose

O'xenahkohe Half Bear

Ȯxhatavėseve'hamėstse (His) Bad Horse

Ȯxhavėsevenėheto'anėstse Bad Talker

Ȯxhevo'otanėstse Wearing Choker

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Ȯxhoe'haooestse Flying Out

Ȯxhootoo'ȯtse Looks Behind

Pa'ahtse Lump Mouth

Pa'ee'ėse Lump Nose William Hollowbreast

Pa'ėhane'e Knobbed Neck Kenneth Spotted Elk

Pa'e'ohko Knob Pipe

Paeta Ash Man

Paevene'e Powder Face Woman

Paevenehe Powder Face

Pȧhahne'hehe Nice Talking Woman Susie Tall Whiteman Wilson

Pahkeehe Ashes (?)

Pȧhoevotona'e Attached Feathers Woman Victoria Seminole; Martha Wolfname

Pa'kee'ėse Lump Nose

Pa'kėhahtahe Knobbed Foot

Papėheehe Limp Nose

Paveameohtse Walks Nice Adolphe Walks Nice; Willis Busenitz; Dion Killsback

Paveena'e Pretty Feathers Woman; Good Feathers Woman; Good Lodge Woman

Laura Petter; Rosie (Frank LJ's aunt)

Pavėha'e Good Woman Florence Seminole > Cecilia Bahr Thex

Pave'hahe (?) Good Voice

Paveme'ehne Appearing Good Francis Limpy; Floyd Neil Limpy

Paveme'ehnėstse Appearing Good

Pavemeona'e Good Road Woman

Pavena'hane'e Kills Nice Woman Jennie Blackhorse; Sharee Seminole

Paveve'keso Pretty Bird

Pavoohanea'e (?) Pretty Moccasin Woman

Pavooma'e Good Robe Woman

Pavoomȧhtse Good Robe

Pe'a'e Disorderly Woman

Pe'ee'ėse Big Nose

Peekaa'e Piegan Woman Lorraine Waters; Wendeline Shoulderblade

Pehpe'e Curly

Penȯheo'o Wheat; Flour

Pe'ova'eta Jagged Rock; Bumpy Rock Patrick Spottedwolf

Pe'pe'a'e Disorderly Woman

Pe'pe'ova'eta Jagged Rock; Bumpy Rock

Pevanestoohe Sings Good

Pevena’hane Kills Nice Joe Bear Sr. > Michael Whitehawk

Pevena'hane'e Kills Nice Woman Jennie Blackhorse; Sharon

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(Sharee) Seminole > Cyndi Yelloweyes

Po'enomahe Lost Leg

Po'eta Gray

Poevonae'hehe Navajo Woman

Po'ėxao'o Gray Skunk Phillip Whiteman Sr.

Ponevone Bang Oliver Glenn

Ponȯhene Drummer

Poo'heeno (man's name)

Po'ooma'e Gray Blanket Woman Deedee Lafountain

Sasoo'ȯhne'e (woman's name) Annie Blackbird

Seano'ehe Happy Hunting Grounds Jonathan Long Sioux

Se'henȯhkevoestaa'e Eyes Darting Around White Buffalo Calf Woman

Šeheso Little Snowbird Larry Flying; Raymond Seminole

Senaka (man's name)

Se'ȯhtȧhonoo'o Roasted In John Buffalohorn

Seoneohtse Wandering Around

Seoneohtse'e Wandering Around Woman

Seota'e Ghost Woman

Šé'šenovotse'e (?) Snake Woman

Še'šėškema Wart

Šestoto'a'e Pine Woman

Šestoto'e Pine

Šestoto'eahke'e Pine Gum Woman; Cedar Gum Woman

Šestoto'emeona'e Cedar Trail Woman

Šestoto'ke Little Pine

Se'tovaotse Rising Smoke; Smokey Burt MB; Daryl Medicine Bull

Setovena'hane'e Kills In the Center Woman; Center Kills Woman

Agnes Limpy > Ruth Risingsun Phillips

Setovo'ome'he'e Unknown translation Agnes Killsnight Littlehead

Sevo'ka'e (woman's name)

Ševone'e (woman's name) Lorina Whiteman

Šexo'ohtse'e Scraping _____ (?) Woman Margaret Two Moon

So'aaheva'e (woman's name) Kay Medicine Bull; Lillian 3Fingers

Soena'hane'e Kills Through the Enemy Woman

Laura Rockroads

Soeohtse Goes Through the Enemy

Sosėskeameohtsehe'e Slimwalking Woman

Sosȯhkevata Slender Youngbird

So'taa'e Suhtai person

So'taa'ėhehe Suhtai Woman Carrie Last Bull

Sovaohtse'e Sniffs the Ground Woman

Taa'eame'e Night Pemmican Woman Drucella Killsnight

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Taa'evȧho'ne'e Night Stepper

Taa'evȧho'nehe Night Wolf Steve Brady Sr. < Charles Brady; Sean Old Mouse; George Elk Shoulder; Floyd Waters Sr.

Taa'evȧhoo'ėstse Night Sitting

Taa'evȧhtamehnėstse Nightwalker; Night Walker; Walks At Night

Taa'evanahkohe Night Bear

Taa'eveameohtse Nightwalker; Night Walker; Walks At Night

Wade Spang; Caleb Lee Jackson

Taa'evena'hane Killsnight Joe Little Coyote; Rufus Strangeowl

Taa'evena'hane'e Killsnight Woman Carissa White Wolf; Mabel KN

Taa'eveohtse'e Nightwalking Woman Barbara Braided Hair

Taaxeme Wallowing Bernard White; George Brady

Taaxemeoo'e Wallowing Woman Priscilla American Horse Tall Bull; Viola Sooktis Washington

Ta'e'haohtsėstse Flies Out of Sight

Tȧhovo'eoo'e Wrapped In a Blanket Woman

Tȧhpe'ȧsehe Big Belly

Tahpe'ee'ėse Big Nose

Tahpeta Big (a nickname) Ben Bighead

Tahtaamėhe'e Plain View Woman; Clear Walker

Rubie Sooktis

Tahtaenotovahe Killdeer

Tahtanoma'o'e Smooth Ground

Tameesa'e Cut Nose Woman Mary Yellow Horse

Tanoohtse'e Left Behind Woman (?) Alina Medicine Bull BCO

Ta'ovene'e Frowning Woman

Taveenova'e Blue Feather Woman (short for Ota'taveenova'e)

Taxena'hane Kills On Top Dean Whiteman, Troy KOT Jr.

Taxena'hane'e Kills On Top Woman

Toehne'e Holding Woman Sarah Crazy Mule; Ava Coleman

Toehne'e Stubborn Woman

Toestȯhene Stringing Beads

Toestȯhene'e Stringing Beads Woman Nancy Big Back; Cleo Ann Whitehawk

To'ėstonene'hehe Long Teeth Woman

Tȯhehaono'e (man's name) Ben Armentrout

Tȯhevene Unknown translation

Tohtonoma'o'e Flat Ground

Tohtoo'a'e Prairie Woman

Tohtoo'enȧhkohe Prairie Bear Martin Roundstone Jr.; Aloysius Prairiebear

Tohtoo'eve'keso Prairie Bird

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To'kėseohta'e Short Legs Woman

To'kėseohtahe Short Legs Charlie Bighead

Tomȯsenehe Erect Face

Tomȯsevėsehe Erect Horns

Toohe'e (woman's name) Mrs. Ben Blackwolf

To'oona'e (woman's name) Mary Atwood; Shirley Brady?

Tooveohtse'e Doubling Back Woman Pat Spotted Wolf's wife

Tooveotse Folded (Shaking Off ?) Ben Limpy

To'tonohe Braided Elmer Longjaw

Totšėške'ematsenehe Tiny Eyes

Tovo'ȧhtsenave'ho'e Harelip Whiteman

Tovo'ėhaenehe Cracked Eye Fred "Buck" Brien

Tovȯhkeso Swiftfox

Tovoohne'e (woman's name)

Tseahe Head Tim Lame Woman's grandfather

Tseenaoo'e __(?) Feathers Woman

Tsėhe'ėsta'ehe Long Hair

Tsėhe'ėstonehe Long String ?

Tsėhe'ėstoo'onahe Long Jaw Charles Long Jaw

Tsėhe'ho'ohomo'e (?) Long Sioux

Tšėhešėhaseo'o Match John Two Birds

Tsėhesėhe'e Cheyenne Woman

Tsėheseme'ėško'e Mexican Cheyenne

Tšėške'ahtse (?) Little Mouth

Tšėške'eo'he'e Little Creek Zane Spang > Zane Rising Sun

Tšėške'oomahe Little Robe

Tšėške'ovo'ehne Robe Too Small

Tšėšketahe Small

Tšėšketa'e Small Woman

Tsevatoehne'e Dusty Walking Woman

Vahkotse'e Little Noisy Walking Woman Grace Flying Bearquiver

Va'kȯhe'hamehe Bobtail Horse

Va'kȯheso Little Bobtail

Vanȧheoeso Little Sage Stands Melvin Wooden Thigh

Vanȧheoeve Standing Sage Diane Spotted Elk's son

Vanȧheo'o Sage Woman Edna Redfox Seminole > Amanda White Crane; Toni Eaglefeathers; Rachel Roundstone Carroll

Vano'emeona'e Sagebrush Road Woman Linda Morrison; Haroldine Fisher; Sandy Spang

Vano'evo'nehe Wolf Sage Raymond Brady, Jr. > Ben Bahr

Vaotsevahemeona'e Deer Tracks Woman Mary Standing Elk

Ve'eenėhe'e Sweet Woman

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Ve'ese Bird

Veho Ȯxhaahketȧhtse Little Chief

Ve'ho'a'e White Woman

Ve'ho'e Whiteman

Ve'ho'e Ȯxhaa'ėstaestse Tall Whiteman

Ve'ho'enȯhnehe Lame Whiteman

Ve'ho'eo'kenehe One Eyed Whiteman

Vehoeso Little Chief (origin of family name King)

Ve'ho'evo'ha American Horse

Ve'ho'evo'hame (?) American Horse(s?)

Ve'ho'evonȧhe'e White Medicine Bundle Woman

Ve'ho'ka'e Little White Woman

Ve'ho'ka'eso Little White Woman Ann Harris Messer

Ve'ho'ke Little Whiteman

Ve'ho'keso Little Whiteman

Ve'ho'keva'e White Woman Alvera Lone Elk Cook

Ve'ho'kȯhtse Sweetgrass

Vehona'e Chief Woman Fanny Greasy Dog > Cecilia BB

Vehonema'kaata Chief Gold Goldstein Little Eagle

Vehoneme'ehnėstse Chief Appears In Sight Jimmie Little Coyote

Vehoneme'ėško'e Mexican Chief

Vehonemonahtsėstse Chief Young Wolf

Vehonena'hane'e Chief Kills Woman Lena Medicine TopLittlesun, Shayona Littlesun

Vehonėse'hasene Chief Sopping

Ve'ho'ȯhtse Sweetgrass James Bites Sr.; Bernadin Fisher

Ve'ho'ȯxhaa'ėstaestse Tall Whiteman

Vehpȧhoo'ȯtse Hollow Wood

Ve'kėseha'e Bird Woman Nora Flying > Veronica Twomoons; Nancy Standing Elk Whitedirt; Mary Littlewolf Redwoman; Elizabeth Whiteshield; Cheneya Whiteshirt

Ve'kėsehema'evo Bird Nose

Ve'kėsehema'ohkeena'e ?? Bird Red Feather Woman Ella Greany Chouteau

Ve'kėsehemeo'o Bird Trail

Ve'kėsehenȧhkohe Bird Bear Herbert Atwood; Wayne Medicine Elk; Leonard Elkshoulder Sr.

Ve'kėseheveho Bird Chief Rudolph King Sr. > JB King; Sheldon King

Ve'kėseo'ȯhnešese Two Birds Peter Little Bear ?

Ve'kėseoxhaestȯxese Heap Of Birds (lit. Many Birds) John Heap Of Birds; Ray

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Ve'kesȯhma'heonevėstse Medicine Bird Robert Whiteman

Ve'kesȯhnėševe'haooestse Bird Flies Fast Frank Walks Last

Ve'kesȯhnestooestse Howling Bird

Ve'kesȯhnestoohe Howling Bird Richard Littlebear

Ve'kesȯhno'kaestse One Bird Winfield Russell

Ve'kesȯhtameohtsėstse Walking Bird James Magpie; Eugene Hart; William Rowland

Ve'kesȯhtohaa'ėstse Rising Bird

Ve'kesȯhtooxe'hȧtse Bird Flying Low Keith Birdchief

Ve'kesȯhvehonevėstse Bird Chief Phillip Whiteman Sr. ; Charles Yellow Fox > Nathaniel Whiteman

Ve'kesȯhvo'komaestse White Bird Lawrence Spang; Victor Orange

Ve'kesȯhvovo'haestse Spotted Bird Llewellyn Headswift

Ve'kėsȯxhaahketa Little Bird Joey Littlebird

Ve'kesȯxheovaestse Yellow Bird

Veno'hoo'ȯtse Paunch

Ve'ȯhke'hehe Bitter Woman

Ve'otse'e Warpath Woman

Ve'otsena'hane'e Warpath Kills Woman

Ve'otsenȧhkohe Warpath Bear

Ve'sėheeva'e Fine Haired Woman

Vestoo'e Sitting With

Vo'aa'e Antelope

Vo'aahevȯtse Antelope Hide; Antelope Buckskin

Quincy Woodenlegs

Vo'aa'ȯhmese'aestse Antelope Bowels Moving

Vo'aa'ȯhnestoohe Howling Antelope; Whistling Antelope

Steve Littlebird

Vo'aa'ȯhnohne'aestse Lame Antelope (origin of Lame Deer)

Voaheso Little Morning Star (?); Little Animal (?)

Confusion with hováhéso? John KOT

Voaheve'e Separated Woman; First Woman

Marie Little Wolf > Estelle Russell Armentrout

Voaxaa'e Nestoohe Screeching Eagle Dallas Wolf Black, Peter Bearcomesout

Voaxaa'e'e Bald Eagle Woman Shanae Seminole

Voaxaa'ema'heona'e Bald Eagle Medicine Woman Mary Kills On Top

Voaxaa'emeona'e Eagle Road Woman Briana Strangeowl

Voaxaa'ȯhnestooestse Screeching Eagle Willis Medicine Bull; Jace Killsback; Peter Bearcomesout

Voaxaa'ȯhvo'komaestse White Eagle Seidel Standing Elk; Todd Raining Bird

Voe'ameohtseva'e First Walking Woman Julie King Elkshoulder; Mary King; Taneisha Pepion

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Voeheva'e Does First Woman

Voeme'ehne First Appearing Troy Kills On Top

Voeme'ėhne'e First Appearing Woman Teresa Littlebird

Voena'hane'e First Kills Woman Mrs. Alice Bearchum

Voešėhe'e Happy Woman Viola Wild Hog, Happy Old Crow; Emaline Fisher

Voestaa'e White Buffalo Calf Woman; White Cow

Josephine Glenmore; Victoria Roundstone Small; Diandra Little Whiteman < Katie LWM; Doris Littlewolf Sequi > Ciceley Littlewolf; Alexandria Hopkins; LaDonna Orange; Christina Orange Rodriguez

Voestaa'e Ameohtse White Buffalo Calf Going Chris Littlesun

Voestaehneva'e (?) White Buffalo Woman Sharon Walks Along

Voestaeme'e (woman's name)

Voestaeso Little White Buffalo Calf Willie Risingsun; Bilford Curley; William Grinsell

Voestȧhmo'ȯhtavaestse Black Crane

Vo'ėstanenȧhkohe Person Bear Eugene Bigback's first name

Voestanėstseva'e White Crane Voice Woman Helen White Moon

Voestanoehne'e Bears White Buffalo Calf Woman

Maria Russell

Voestaoheoeva'e Healing Rock Woman

Voestaso Little Crane Gilbert Walkslast Sr.

Voestȧsoemeona'e Crane Road Woman Josephine Pine >Josie Brady

Voestȧsoenȧhkohe Crane Bear Has been translated as Eagle Bear; John Charette Jr.

Voestȧsoeve Crane

Voestasȯhnestoohe (?) Howling Crane Shusden Swank Littlesun

Voestasȯhtamehnėstse Walking Crane

Voesto'ameohtsėstse Walks Ahead old man Medicine Top

Voešemeona'e Happy Road Woman

Vo'evȧhtamehnėstse Walking On Clouds

Vo'evȧhtoešėstse Alights On the Cloud

Vo'eveho Cloud Chief

Vo'heesehe Bald Face

Vȯhe'so (Vȯho'so??) Nest

Vohkaestse Bent

Vohkȧhe'he'e Bent Woman

Vohkee'ėse Crooked Nose Montague Big Back; Elmore Limberhand Jr.

Vohkeesa'e Crooked Nose Woman / Quarter Moon Woman

Esther Littlewolf < Imogene Rednose (Wukisah)

Vohkeohta'hehe Crooked Leg Woman

Vohkeosa'e Crooked Finger Woman Mary Looksbehind

Vohkėseeheva'xe Kitfox Tail

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Vóhkėšeo'o Crooked Rump

Vohkesȯhtameohtsėstse Kit Fox Walking Matthew Sandcrane; Tharyn HS

Vohkoohe Rabbit

Vohkoohe Ȯhvovo'haestse Spotted Rabbit Harold Fisher Sr.

Vohko'xenehe Roman Nose (also Voo'xenehe)

Vo'ho'kase Light Eugene Standing Elk > Eugene Bigback

Vo'ho'kȯhtaestse Young Mule warrior who rode down Squaw Hill

Vohpa'e'e Whitehaired Woman; Grayhaired Woman

Thelma Two Two

Vohpȧheso Little Light

Vohpȧhtsena'hehe White Mouth Woman

Vohpeaenohe White Hawk Thomas Old Bull; Lonnie Bighead

Vohpe'exanehe White Eyes Perry Eastman

Vohpe'hame'e White Horse Woman

Vohpemehe'e White Buffalo Woman; White Cow Woman

Vohpemestaa'e (?) White Owl

Vohpenahkohe White Bear

Vohpenonoma'e White Thunder

Vohpeoonȧha'e White Frog Wilfred Spang; Cordell Little Coyote

Vohpevo'e White Cloud William Wick

Vohpe'xoe'hamehe Owns a Gray Horse

Vohpe'xoene'hamehe Owns a Gray Horse

Vohpe'xoenehe Gray Face

Vohpo'hame White Horse Willis Deafy; William White Horse

Vohpoma'ȯhtse (?) White Dirt

Vohponeo'koesta'e White Skirt Donald Wick; William Wick

Vohpoohe White Claw (short for next name)

Vohpoohevȧhtse Whiteshield; White Claw Eugene Russell

Vohtane Skin

Vȯhtase Fat; Leaflard ?

Vȯhtseta'e Scraped Off Flesh Woman (?)

Vo'kaa'e Antelope

Vo'kaa'e Ȯhno'kaestse Lone Antelope

Vo'kaa'e Ȯhtamemeoestse Running Antelope

Vo'kaa'e Ȯhvo'komaestse White Antelope Joseph Antelope; Ronald Seminole > Duane Swank

Vo'kaa'e Ȯhvovo'haestse Spotted Antelope Sylvester Knowshisgun

Vo'kaa'ȯhma'aestse Red Antelope Collins Risingsun > Todd Rainingbird

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Vo'kaeheso Little Antelope

Vo'keme Old Man Winter Dean Spotted Eagle Jr.

Vo'komeeše'he White Moon

Vo'komene'e White Faced Woman

Vonȧhaamėhne'e Ceremonial Walking Woman Michelene Bear Comes Out

Vonȧhe'e Ceremonial Woman; Medicine Bundle Woman

Rose Eagle Feathers; Elizabeth Risingsun, Erica Littlewolf; Freda Standing Elk; Colette Mast

Vonȧhe'kȧse'hehe Young Ceremonial Woman Adeline Spotted Elk; Julia Lone Elk

Vonėstahavo'nehe Lost Heart Wolf

Vonėstseahe No Brains Joe Limberhand

Voohe Ameohtseva'e ? Rabbit Walks Woman

Voohe Ȯhtameohtsėstse Walking Rabbit

Vooheheva'e Morning Star Woman Charlene Waters > Kristen Waters

Vooheheve Morning Star Alfred Seminole

Voohemeo'o Morning Star Road

Vo'ȯhma'o Red Cloud

Voo'kooma White Blanket (?) Davis Bailey

Vo'ome'hahe White Voice

Vo'omėheva'se White Tail

Vo'omene'e White Faced Woman Elaine Strange Owl

Vo'omepaa'e White Ashes William Two Moons

Voonȧhtooestse Howls All Night

Voonėstahavo'nehe Lost Heart Wolf

Voo'xenehe Roman Nose

Vosȯhtaxe Hollow Breast

Voto'ėstse (man's name) old man Medicine Top

Votona'e Feathers Woman; Tailfeathers Woman; Fan Woman

Maxine Limberhand, Cheyenne Rowland, Darla Curtis Ocenar

Votoneso Little Feathers

Votoneve'hamehe Feathered Horse; Winged Horses Owner

Monty Little Coyote

Votseno'hova Issues Indian name of Wounded Eye

Vovoee'hȧhtse Flies First

Vovoehnėstse Walksfirst

Vovoehoehne'e Comes Out First Woman

Vovo'hase'hamehe Spotted Horse Henry Sweet Medicine ?

Vóvoonéhé'e Unknown translation Kaydell Small

Vovȯtse Egg

Vovotseso Little Egg John Kills On Top Sr.

Xaa'ȯhvo'komaestse White Weasel; White Ermine Emmitt Medicine Top

Xaeha'e Weasel Woman Jean Glenn < Louise Kingfisher

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Xaehenȧhkohe Weasel Bear Charlo Yellow Fox; David Yelloweyes Sr.

Xaoemehe'e Skunk Smell Woman

Xaohkeso Little Skunk

Xao'o Skunk William Littlewolf
