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Chief Warns Of Burglars, Bogus Released Time 'l!^±U ......Warner decided to bave a look at the...

Date post: 11-Feb-2021
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SANTA'S VERY FINEST TOYS ARE HERE IN GREAT ARRAY BUY THEM NOW ON MIDGET TERMS OR EASY LAY-AWAY T/II'J Handsome Train, Saltd True to Life, And /ti Shining Silv'ry Track Is t/ie Very F/nett Gift of* All From Santa's Thrilling Pick Scof* Model, Automatic Uncoupling ELE1TKK FKE14,I1T BUY ON BUDGET OR LAY-AWAY loeoawtivc. scaw moan coal and water tendw. f oodotv Unk .car. boxcar and eaboott. Ban» on "D7T giuf* track. Also ku uncoupling ramp unit and ~u"ncoapliaf nen aad e«io*ctor. TranatoniMt atoo ' 1r*M A Btautiful Tnin, M*at fcy Man, /round 1, Snoofin' Spirit i Sparking Wind-l p FREIGHT TR.V1X BuJft-ln Governor Controls Rote of Speed TOOT beautiful can and a powerful, streamlined engine with a bell that clangs and a funnel that ibooti harmleu iparki. Inal^^ft tw*hr« piaoa* of track. She's All DrtiMo 1 Up In Dotted Swiu . . Imogin* a Doll At rVerry at Thiil Tki, \V«WWu/ Toy Will H*lp Her (Uow Important Thaigt Akout Hem la .Saw SEWEXG MACHINE Yn. it rally worki Baft aa4 u<7 ta ILM. CoapUt* wtU table claaiB. Wooft ana Woof, W09, H,, J-,,1, It'i "SnoopY Om tht Trail for Todellerat 1410 wt*a aft pillid h* wMfi, akM a dackbii iiola* with »» f«* an* au win tall nully (<U i«te<! mrum and a half iachM Ion*. ROT and tarni and ksr auvt. Lang Inhn. (Maakr wtf. tixtMa lacfeM talL TOY SINK THE "QUACKS- STEEL WAGON CHEST WITH TOOLS 4.98 SODA FOUNTAIN 4.29 ROLLER SKATES 3.95 Marcelina at Cravens Torrance Chief Warns Of Burglars, Bogus Salesmen Here Due to the recent wave of buniianes in the vicinity, home owners must take added prccati tons, warned Chief of Police John H Stroh early thte week "With many local resident? plan/lire trips over the Christ mas holidays, burglars are like- iy to have a field day unless adequate precautions for home pi o tee ell on are taken." said Stroh. He promised the utmost cooperation from the police dc partment but said the individual must help himself, too. by not leaving an invitation to bur elars In the way, of open doors or windows. / or flimsy locks. - Bf-sides burglars, added the "h:«?f. the holiday season brings a gicat influx of petty credits who represent themselves as ; salesmen. The latest twist to this racket Is the sale of ad- vertising for non-existent news- papers or magazines. "Reliable salesmen ' or repre- sentatives will never hesitate to show credentials to prove their identity." said Chief Stroh. 'If ' in doubt, you can call the police and we'll check on them for vou.- he added. Girl Scout Leader Schools Ok3Y Suspect Held Released Time 'l!^±U Religious Study Rrleaw ttree rt»»»es for re- Hrton* lnitr«etto» win availaMe to Torraace Oty s4hi»-l «tndmU whme parent* rrqoeM 't after »« >- IJ- N»" A-oii of trades 4. .-> mod * ma) etirofl f.tf imr period prr week. The Board of RdvratkM mnd the Torraive InterfalHi Com- mittee have arrived at a co- operative program mtlhln the framework of the roeducarton code for. tM* program! H was announced Ttat-wtay night- GARDENA MAN FINED $100 FOR DRIVING WHILE INTOXICATED \v Fri- like the abort ml- with the welfare of Asaertea^ y«n( wmaaahood at : heaH Mrti the more than I Me.. OM ScMts ta MJ4S Entry To House Without Warrant Asked By Chief fhnnlkut the cewatry. helping gMa Mnaw kctter ciiizti Harbor Cify Gun Victim 7 iTance Municipal court day for driring while intoxl- -atrd on Nor 22. Hastings pleaded guilty to the charge and had his operator's license revoked for 90 days JURaUAGE LICENSE A mamage licevse was issued in San Pedfo last week to Don- ald R. Getty. 20. San Pedro and Jorpetia M." Sparling. 19. Harbor City. Pretfanlnar>' hearing dary chargn against Tbo- naa Steresia, aba Thomas Stewart. sa, »»7 El Redondn, edondo ataaek. will be Md before Judge Otto VVIBett In Torranre MuaMpal ro«rt at t pjn. today. Steven* w«w aiie«l«I hwt week by Police Sgt. Wlttard Hanswn at the Bednndo BMch addreu. According W CMef John Stroh. Slerens has eon- frunl to two nilit»eries In co«nt> territory nearby, one M Redondo Bemch. one In UM Aageln and one In El Se- gndo. He ha* a record of previous convtrtlon* In the e««t. Approximately *l.00» worth of »tolen goods wa» recw- ered. InrludlnK Item* Identi- fied hy Frank K*kr. ~>3t'i Sharynne Ijinr, »« havmg been taken when Mn home wa« | bonrlarlml Nov. IS. ! PoHre arrevted Stevens on I a Up from Mil FerrK ««per- ; Infendent of the SeaiiMe Ran- etm h o u « I n » de\ rlnpnirnt where Rtevena wa» lormerly empiojed ** a painter. Kol- lowinK thp Blakr robbery, , Stevens vKlled the homing . project and Ferrto Identified 8ttnmt' car an the luum- one to* 'had seen near the scene of the burglary. A CINCH Miss Sail; Warner decided to bave a look at the latest in founds- tlon apparel, so she stopped ofl at the Warner factory In Bridgeport, Conn. Here, he U squirming Into a new ch" that seems to be ]u«t about her alxe. Low<-ll Gf-orge OMay. 25. of the Normandie Hotel. Harbor Blaming drunkenness as the cj, y was rtloased Tuesday from <-ause of many broken homes. tne" Harbor General hospital af Police Chief John R Stroh ter shooting himself through asked the City Council at its the body with a 22 caliber pi* last meeting to amend the pre- sent city ordinance to give pol- ice the power to handle many' of the cases in which he says ilify are at present helpless. t'nder Chief Strati's proposal, the ordinance would be amended, so that it would be unlawful for any person to be intoxi __ cated ". . on private premisev coast highway 1 " or in, any private houseU, the , .^ 5hCTifrs offiet nut^ annoyance of any other per deUiled investigation, son." i ____________ Police are powerless under the present law to control dis- turbances in private dwellings vrnlc*; a complaint is signed be- ' ! fort* the City Judge. j 1 Stfoh pointed out that most j of these disurbances occur at Members of night when court is not in ses- Saddle Club of iTe-cc^ng HERE IS Lowell florae OkJ?. 25. of: MHUM1<.1J Mkj Boshed to the hospital Fri- day In a dangeroa* condition, OkUy told Sheriffs depntieo that the shooting WM acct- dentaL It occuned about 1:25 pro. front of an apart- at 2125 Pacific t C -,-J.J o i J O U Vj 11? .ittlc Hills THAT YOUC4.\ GET A WT FOR A UTTLEATAtP HERE ARE SCORES HOUSEHOLD VALUE SINGLE ITEM PRICE kW to I»M Mb. « (ML Th* |M« Mt i. wr, . Mrt ft tW .Mrr « A » ft CMttoM «Hwt W kri«f T*» HM ;*ion and many complainants re- home from the San P»S(ro Christ : fuse to sign complaints the ntxt , mas parade Friday nigfcftwwith j liday fearing bodily harm from second prize in the div:.-iorkv m ; j 1 the guilty party. . which they rode, according:]^ . , The new law would provide , Mrs., J. A.' Harkness, pubiiJWvi | ; for police entering a home on chairman. Vr I ! verbal complaint from within The following night the eUA 1 i i the home and the officer ad- members were hosts at a very i f j judging that the party is in- successful dancing party at the c ]toxicatcd may make the arrest Woman's clubhouse in Wllming- I without a warrant being Issued. 'ton. A large attendance marked [ , Many communities have such , the benefit party with Mrs. . j a law and have been enforcing i Margerv Martin accepting the I; it for a long time, said the: door prixe {chief The council approved his! Another similar nartv is be- 1 t recommendation and Instructed I the City Attorney to draw up, * the necessary ordinance. Baby Girl E, Arrives Home f Mr. and Mrs. A. I. Turrentine, 1 901 W 253rd St.. Harbor City. E arc receiving con gratulat ions L upon the arrival of a baby 1 . daughter on Nov. 21 at St. f Mary's hospital, Long Beach. The little girl has been named ' 1 Judith Ann Turrentine. f The baby's maternal grand-'. ng planned by the club for Saturday night. J?n. 10. Lecture Series Begins A series of six compri>henisvp Bible studies. "Prom Adam In Eden to Saiat Paul in Rom'V will be givr-h at th«- Community f^esbyterian chijrch on six ; Wednesday evening* begtnnlng this week. The lectures w-ill be ilkisdatcd by Eyegraphic db- solving pictures on the »cr»en and will be given by Mr and Mrs W. K Stamford of the i T^te^cSahont''^ S « *"-' M*'**** - I L01" '\ suf^nten^n l I', ,, thf A pot luck supper and. time of |l^f,tt h<*P' ti ^^^'JL"lie)r ,'!fellowSWp will be en>oyed at f .Oklahoma. Mrs. SUen flew out .. , ^ , A£t lhf ||to the coast to be with her smef -n,, stuUiei and.pirtures : daughter and family upon the arc of int(. rM, to , ^ and r ] arrival of the new member Of egp^igjiy designed for the whote lithe family. \%!aMy. r I Ivan Keys To liBe Home Soon m The condition of Ivan Keys. jk son of Mr. and Mis. Ivan Keys 'Sr, 25040 Cypress St.. is quite ' improved, according to the fain- f ilv. and Is anticipatc-d that he w,U he able to leave the Sea- M .side hospital. Long Beach the J , latter part of this week. M i Ivan received two fractured _K' bones in his knee while playing 4 'football at Narbonne high M : school, th»- family reported, and t V-AX taken to the Long Beach m hospital last Kiiday. 1 Advance 1 Night Plans Advance Night will be cefc>- K braird by numbeis of Lomita T Court No 61, Order of Amar M aiith Monday night at the Tor f lancv Maaonic Temple. A Rfhcar&akwill be held for this M eventful night at the temple f 1 Sunday Dec 1 a* 1 o'clock, at 'which tirnt- every officer is re- Baptist Services Rev Harold KUn. pastor or the First Bap»i«i church, has chosen for his >ubjcct Sunday ' morning. Dtc 7._ "The Titht ot the Land" Tho choir, under the direction of Robert Grigg«. ' will sing The Closest of Pray- er" by Rasrrmv* n and Charles PUckinger will sing the kn-ely vocal solo "Open the Gates of the Temple." hy Knapp. At the 7:30 o'clock evening service Rev El«-rt will >pMik on yx> subject "The Law of the Land." Boy Scout Troop Mothers Club To Give Away Prize The regular Friday cn-iung meeting of Boy Scout Troop 21» will be held tomorrow night at the Scout hall, when the lucky leceiver of a cedar chest. to be given away by the Moth- ers Club of thi- troop, will bt announced. Rffrejihm^n*-* w-H h^ reived and all those Interested ate in WP, quested to be preatnX ' WUd to attend. Vo/ues Under I9t Evap. Milker ~" 12e *Mrkl« rSS. ft «e MiiMtmt 2- £M9e Reisiis £1^JJJ 14e tie 'S, 1Sp Q. M. MaevMi VS 19e «Mk«r Oah _^ 17e AAP Pine Meats ShHlitr KL",rii 48o* Sfcwt Ribs !CT __ * 21 e 1Mb Irmt __ j,, 19e B«tf [T1 ^ 436 Fresh fruit* and Vegetables Thrifty Seafoods Fllltt M gcs. ,K 39c Shrimi o 1^.- .5i.k 37o -__«, 4e Appln *.*..._* I0o Applet 2S-ST k I0o Applet ZTmSffZ .10c Pneake can . UP ApallUflM "I.' 17* Braptfrait EJL."!. 1 15e Llbby Pmnnkii *." He APi SaatrkTMt 'i 14c ^' |gc » 1 7c lie ',£ 13e 19e 18e •£• 9e 19c ^; 12c £'. lOe £ IZo Cera itl" tatter Biaas Sr " llbfcy Bettt .^ * Perk i leaei & Ow Owi TM __. Kara Syrap ,"!^' Mertee's Salt OU Dntcfc 2 J Pw'« Bt«H Ji, 1 FtlsNaethaSeap Lliif Stand _ Allbreeds jaj More AAP Savings 8 ('eink StfH-Z 39o Rid Clrtlt 55L__^ 42e i? 48e VIMS Fip £££.'£ 31 e LKM DMDI S£. a?.~19l Luit SSKija.r ««o 100% Bran _ £ 22o Cihup ;^ _ 'ir too l»M l*f«t Plait -T.M* Fill Nap. Chip "^ 36o own Coast to Coast Wines Woodbury FACIAL SOAP 2 ... 23c Ivory Soop Personal Size 2 , 15c Ivory Flakes r Flm hkria NIBLETS HAND Wne'e Kvrnal 4 -7^ Golden Com ___ 1 I V IX^s. Cea MIINZ STKAINEO BABY FOODS 2 4 &M5c CORNED BEEF HASH Libby. OA( l-lb. Can. __ ........ OIT CLOROX AMWk*'! F«.««I tlMCk' Ho!f 9V* Gallon ____ t __ C 1C DUZ QRANULAT1D SOA> LUX Toitrr MA* Bath Sita TIDE r*tC0 I'HCTIVf THftOUGM SATURDAY 1330ELPRADO TORRANCE Large Package .. Cashmere Bouquet Toiirr SOAP 23c

    T/II'J Handsome Train, Saltd True to Life,And /ti Shining Silv'ry Track

    Is t/ie Very F/nett Gift of* AllFrom Santa's Thrilling Pick

    Scof* Model, Automatic Uncoupling


    BUY ON




    loeoawtivc. scaw moan coal and water tendw. f oodotv Unk .car. boxcar and eaboott. Ban» on "D7T giuf* track. Also ku uncoupling ramp unit and ~u"ncoapliaf nen aad e«io*ctor. TranatoniMt atoo ' 1r*M

    A Btautiful Tnin,M*at fcy Man,

    /round1, Snoofin' Spirit i

    Sparking Wind-l p FREIGHT TR.V1X

    BuJft-ln Governor Controls Rote of SpeedTOOT beautiful can and a powerful, streamlined engine with a bell that clangs and a funnel that ibooti harmleu iparki. Inal^^ft tw*hr« piaoa* of track.

    She's All DrtiMo1 Up In Dotted Swiu . .

    Imogin* a Doll At rVerry at Thiil

    Tki, \V«WWu/ Toy Will H*lp Her (Uow Important Thaigt Akout Hem la .Saw


    Yn. it rally worki Baft aa4 u

    identity." said Chief Stroh. 'If ' in doubt, you can call the policeand we'll check on them forvou.- he added.

    Girl Scout Leader Schools Ok3Y Suspect Held

    Released Time 'l!^±U Religious Study

    Rrleaw ttree rt»»»es for re- Hrton* lnitr«etto» win t» availaMe to Torraace Oty s4hi»-l «tndmU whme parent* rrqoeM 't after »« >- IJ- N »" A-oii of trades 4. .-> mod * ma) etirofl f.tf imr period prr week.

    The Board of RdvratkM mnd the Torraive InterfalHi Com- mittee have arrived at a co- operative program mtlhln the framework of the roeducarton code for. tM* program! H was announced Ttat-wtay night-



    like the abort ml- with the welfare of

    Asaertea^ y«n( wmaaahood at : heaH Mrti the more than I Me..

    OM ScMts ta MJ4S

    Entry To House Without Warrant Asked By Chief

    fhnnlkut the cewatry. helping gMa Mnaw kctter ciiizti

    Harbor Cify Gun Victim

    7 iTance Municipal courtday for driring while intoxl--atrd on Nor 22.

    Hastings pleaded guilty to the charge and had his operator's license revoked for 90 days

    JURaUAGE LICENSEA mamage licevse was issued

    in San Pedfo last week to Don- ald R. Getty. 20. San Pedro andJorpetia M." Sparling. 19. Harbor City.

    Pretfanlnar>' hearing dary chargn against Tbo- naa Steresia, aba Thomas Stewart. sa, »»7 El Redondn, edondo ataaek. will be Md before Judge Otto VVIBett In Torranre MuaMpal ro«rt at t pjn. today.

    Steven* w«w aiie«l«I hwt week by Police Sgt. Wlttard Hanswn at the Bednndo BMch addreu. According W CMef John Stroh. Slerens has eon- frunl to two nilit»eries In co«nt> territory nearby, one M Redondo Bemch. one In UM Aageln and one In El Se- gndo.

    He ha* a record of previous convtrtlon* In the e««t.

    Approximately *l.00» worth of »tolen goods wa» recw- ered. InrludlnK Item* Identi- fied hy Frank K*kr. ~>3t'i Sharynne Ijinr, »« havmg been taken when Mn home wa« | bonrlarlml Nov. IS. !

    PoHre arrevted Stevens on I a Up from Mil FerrK ««per- ; Infendent of the SeaiiMe Ran- etm h o u « I n » de\ rlnpnirnt where Rtevena wa» lormerly empiojed ** a painter. Kol- lowinK thp Blakr robbery, , Stevens vKlled the homing

    . project and Ferrto Identified 8ttnmt' car an the luum- one to* 'had seen near the scene of the burglary.

    A CINCH Miss Sail;Warner decided to bave a look at the latest in founds- tlon apparel, so she stopped ofl at the Warner factory In Bridgeport, Conn. Here, he U squirming Into a new

    ch" that seems to be ]u«t about her alxe.

    Lowhenisvp Bible studies. "Prom Adam In Eden to Saiat Paul in Rom'Vwill be givr-h at th«- Community f^esbyterian chijrch on six ; Wednesday evening* begtnnlng this week. The lectures w-ill be ilkisdatcd by Eyegraphic db- solving pictures on the »cr»en and will be given by Mr and Mrs W. K Stamford of the

    i T^te^cSahont''^ S « *"-' M*'**** -

    I L01" '\ suf^nten^nl I', ,,thf A pot luck supper and. time of |l^f,tt h
