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Child Care & Development. What is Childcare? Does this count?!?

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Child Care & Development

Child Care & Development

What is Childcare?

Does this count?!?

If you answered yes to any of these questions…

YOU are a caregiver!

Do you have younger siblings?

Do you ever babysit?

Do you like taking care of and learning about kids?

What is a Caregiver?• A person who meets the

many NEEDS of children • They help prevent HARM or INJURY• They help provide an

environment that fosters GROWTH (mentally, physically and socially)

Responsibilities of Caregivers

1. Provide a Safe Environment

a. Keep children free from physical and emotional harm

b. Keep unsafe objects locked up or out of reach

c. Correct any potential dangers around the house (Baby-Proofing)

d. Take Safety Precautions

2. Provide Basic Needsa. Nutritious Food and Waterb. Shelterc. Appropriate Clothingd. Warm Bede. Medical Care as Neededf. Space

3. Provide Self-Esteem NeedsWill this

work?...VIDEO CLIP

Probably Not! So…

3. Provide Self-Esteem Needs

a. Accept the child’s uniqueness and respect their individuality

b. Encourage and motivate them in everything they do

c. Notice and praise the child’s achievements

d. Set expectations that are realistic and age-appropriate

4. Teach Morals and Valuesa. Honestyb. Respectc. Responsibilityd. Compassione. Patiencef. Sharingg. Forgivenessh. Generosity

5. Develop Mutual Respect

a. Use respectful language

b. Listen to themc. Respect their

feelings, opinions, privacy and individuality

6. Provide Appropriate Discipline

a. Discipline is NOT punishment!b. The purpose of discipline is to

teachc. Discipline is:• Structured• Consistent• Predictable• Fair

7. Provide and Encourage Education

a. Education doesn’t just happen in school!

b. Encourage lifelong learningc. Foster learning opportunities

through discovery and exploration

8. KNOW THEM!a. Spend quality time

togetherb. Ask questionsc. Communicate……

communicate….. communicate!

Caregivers are NOT Responsible for…

1. Providing designer clothes and shoes

2. Picking up after or cleaning for the child

3. Providing cell phones, TV, games , computers or entertainment

4. Maintaining an unlimited supply of treats chips, sodas, etc.

Get the picture?

Your CaregiversTake a minute and think

about YOUR parents and caregivers:

How have they met your needs?

What have they sacrificed for you?

Have they provided any “extras” for you?

If they were here, what would you say to them?

Will this affect how you act in the future?

Child Development• Before you can become a

successful caregiver, you must know a thing or two about Child Development.

• Child Development: how a child becomes able to do more complex things as they age.

• Development is measured through specific milestones.

• Milestones are a set of skills or tasks that most children can do at a certain age. Remember, though, that every child is unique!

Milestones• These developmental

milestones are broken into 4 categories:

1. Physical Development

2. Cognitive/Thinking Skills

3. Social & Emotional Development

4. Communication Skills

Let’s Start at the


Pre Natal Development

PRE = BeforeNATAL = Birth

Pre-natal development happens BEFORE the baby is born. It is extremely fast!

After 9 Months, the baby is born.

Birth to 3 MonthsPhysical

Development:Raise head slightly, hold hand in fist, use reflexes, fascinated with hands

Cognitive/Thinking Skills:Focus on and follow moving objects-including faces, Can see up to 13” away

Birth to 3 MonthsSocial & Emotional

Development:Sucks their own fingers, discovers arms and legs, begins to smile at familiar caregivers

Communication Skills:Communicates needs with body movements, crying, babbling and laughing, Responds differently to the voice of caregivers than to other adults

3 to 6 MonthsPhysical

Development:Rolls over, reaches for and touches objects, puts objects in mouth, discovers everything for the first time

Cognitive/Thinking Skills:Recognizes faces, imitates facial expressions of others, responds to familiar sounds

3 to 6 MonthsSocial & Emotional

Development:Plays “Peek-A-Boo”, begins to smile and laugh more

Communication Skills:Listens to conversations, repeats some vowels and other sounds

6 to 9 MonthsPhysical

Development:Begins to crawl, pulls things toward self, transfers objects between hands

Cognitive/Thinking Skills:Stares at people and objects, depth perception begins to develop, begins to tell the difference between objects that do or do not move

6 to 9 MonthsSocial & Emotional

Development:Expresses several new emotions, distinguishes between friends and strangers, shows unhappiness at the loss of a toy

Communication Skills:Begins repetitive babbling, associates gestures with phrases like “hi” and “bye-bye”, uses vocal sounds to express interest

9 Months to 1 YearPhysical

Development:Can sit, stand or walk without support, throws objects, uses more fine motor skills to pick things up

Cognitive/Thinking Skills:Develops object permanence, imitates gestures and actions, enjoys looking at picture books, responds to simple directions or questions

9 Months to 1 YearSocial & Emotional

Development:Begins to feed themselves, mimics simple actions, begins to show separation anxiety

Communication Skills:Understands the names of familiar people and objects, responds to “no” from caregivers, says a few simple words

1 to 2 YearsPhysical

Development:Can walk backwards, picks up toys from standing position, pushes and pulls objects, can turn knobs, holds crayons with fist

Cognitive/Thinking Skills:Imitates adults’ actions and language, begins to match similar objects, distinguishes between “you” and “me”

1 to 2 YearsSocial & Emotional

Development:Recognizes themselves in the mirror, shows pride in new accomplishments, begins to be helpful by following simple instructions

Communication Skills:Understands many words and directions, uses “me”, “mine”, and “my” a lot, learns about 9 new words a day

2 to 3 YearsPhysical Development:

Can jump in place, run forward, walk on tip-toes, turns pages one-by-one, can draw a circle, holds crayons with thumb and fingers

Cognitive/Thinking Skills:Responds to simple directions, can identify themselves and others by name, observes and imitates more complex adult actions (ex: playing house)

2 to 3 YearsSocial & Emotional

Development:“Terrible Two’s”, begins to say “no” a lot, begins to be more independent, displays more aggressive feelings and behaviors, expresses toilet training needs

Communication Skills:Points to objects when they’re named, responds to “what” and “where”, enjoys listening to stories, recounts the events of the day

3 to 4 YearsPhysical

Development:Can walk in a straight line, run around obstacles, ride a tricycle, throw and catch a ball, balance on one foot

Cognitive/Thinking Skills:Matches and organizes objects, can remember past and present, stays entertained with an activity for longer periods of time

3 to 4 YearsSocial & Emotional

Development:Can f0llow simple directions, begins to share toys, begins playing more with other children, begins dramatic playing (ex: pretending to be animals, dress-up)

Communication Skills:Uses and understands simple sentences, using more complex grammar, sings songs or nursery rhymes

4 to 5 YearsPhysical Development:

Can jump forwards without falling, jump on one foot, walk up and down stairs alone, use safety scissors, print a few capital letters

Cognitive/Thinking Skills:Can name colors, plays with words, mimics and creates sounds, makes rhymes, counts to 5

4 to 5 YearsSocial & Emotional

Development:Develops longer lasting friendships, begins recognizing others feelings, enjoys imaginative play with others

Communication Skills:Retells stories but may confuse facts, understands sequences of events when clearly explained, listens and tells long stories
