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Child Development (Infancy to Childhood)

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Page 1: Child Development (Infancy to Childhood)


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OFrom the Latin word “infans”- without speech

Ofrom birth to age two, as a time of beginnings.

OInfancy is when personality, social attachments, thinking, and language first take shape.


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ORefers to the time or state of being a child, the early stage in the existence or development of something.

OConnotes a time of innocence, where one is free from responsibility but vulnerable to forces in his environment.


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OEarly Childhood (3-5 Years)

OMiddle and Late Childhood

(6-12 Years)

2 Developmental Stages of Childhood

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O refers to the biological, psychological and emotional changes that occur in human beings between birth and the end of adolescence, as the individual progresses from dependency to increasing autonomy.

Child Development

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OHeredityOFamily members, peer groups,

the school environment, and the community influence

OBiological factors OEconomic and political

institutionsOCritical life events

Factors that Influence Child Development

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OFrom head to toe.

OFrom inner to outer .

OFrom simple to complex .

OFrom general to specific .

Child Development Progressess:

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OPhysical DevelopmentOSocial Development and Em

otional DevelopmentOIntellectual DevelopmentOLanguage Development

Areas of Development:

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Children’s physical development can be supported by:

Providing space and some equipment for the development of movement skills and motor skills and adequate supervision

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Children’s social development can be supported by:

Giving praise for achievement

Giving them the chance to meet and spend time with other children and adults Providing activities that involve sharing and taking turns

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Emotional development can be supported:

By being warm and affectionate towards them Giving them the opportunity to express how they feel Making them feel secure and valued Giving children time and attention to adjust to new situations

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Children’s intellectual development can be supported by: Talking about what the child sees, hears, smells, touches and tastes Looking at and touching animals and plants Providing creative art/craft activities Providing make believe play by having dressing up clothes, a playhouse of pretend shop

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Language development can be supported by:

Discussing books, pictures, objects or sounds Asking children to recall something from the past Asking children to give information about themselves

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Following is a general guide

to how children develop

within the following age


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By 6 months a child will: O Turn their head toward sounds and movement

O Watch an adult's face when feeding

O Smile at familiar faces and voices

Physical Development

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O Reach up to hold feet when lying on their backs

O Look and reach for objects O Hold and shake a rattle O Put everything in their mouths

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Between 6 months and 1 year:

O Move from sitting with support to sitting alone

O Roll over from their tummy to their back

O Begin to creep, crawl or shuffle on their bottom

O Pull on or push against adult hands or furniture to reach a standing position

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Raises arms to be lifted Turn and look up when they hear their name Pat and poke objects when playing Pass objects from hand to hand Look for things that have been hidden or dropped Reaches hand towards source of food

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Between one and two years:

O Begin to walk O Sits alone indefinitely O Feed themselves O Push and pull toys while walking

O Wave goodbye O Point or make noises to indicate wants

O Enjoy a picture book

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O Shake head for 'No' OBangs objects together OCrawl upstairs O Stoops to pick things up from the floor

O Begins to show preference for one hand

O Holds crayon in palm and makes marks on paper

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Between two and three years:

O Kneels to play O Throws O Kicks ball O Builds larger brick tower

O Pour liquids O Uses pencil to make marks and circular scribbles

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0 to 3 months: O Responds to adults

especially mothers face and voice

O Smiles, concentrates on adults face during feeding

O Very dependant on adults for reassurance and comfort, quietness when held and cuddled

Social and emotional development

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Between 6 and 9 months:

O Enjoys company of others and games like peek-a-boo

O Shows affection to known carer, but shy with strangers

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Between one year and two years: O Likes to please adults and to

perform for an audience O May become anxious or

distressed if separated from known adults

O May use comfort object O Mostly cooperative and can

be distracted from unwanted behavior

O Plays alongside other children

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Between two and three years:

O Developing sense of own identity, wanting to do things for self

O Demanding of adult attention, jealous of attention given to others, reluctant to share playthings or adults attention

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O Acts impulsively, requiring needs to be met instantly, prone to bursts of emotion tantrums

O Enjoys playing with adult or older child who will give attention, beginning to play with others of own age for short periods .

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Between 0 and 3 years: O Beginning to realize others

are separate beings from themselves

O Imitates others and tries out ways of behaving in play

O Becoming more confident but still needs adult reassurance

Intellectual Development

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Between 0 and 3 months: O Makes a variety of “happy”

sounds O Will respond to a variety

music and other sounds O Babies watch their carers

face especially the mouth and try to copy its movements

Language Development

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Between 6 and 12 months: O Babbling sounds begin O Baby will make four or

five different sounds and will turn its head towards the source of sounds

O Will show feelings by squealing with pleasure or crying

O Laugh and chuckle to show enjoyment

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OBetween one and two years:

O Move from using single words to putting them together as a phrase

O A child will understand key words in the sentences used

O In the second year children start to understand the use of conversation and begin to copy carers

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O Children’s understanding outstrips their ability to express themselves

O By two they could be using anything from 30 to 150 words

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Between two and three years: O Put words together into a

sentence O Begin to ask questions

what? Why? etc O Can join in well know

songs or verses and put actions to words

O They could be using several hundred words by their 3rd birthday

O Can scribble and make marks on paper with a crayon

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Early Childhood

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Three years: O Jumps with feet together

O Walks on tip toes O Walks up and down stairs

Normal physical development: 3-7 years

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O Catches a gently thrown ball

O Climbs with increasing confidence

O Paints O Threads beads on a lace

O Gains control over eating tools

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Four years: O Pedals O Throws with aim O Uses scissors O Holds a pencil and can draw people/houses

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Five years: O Hops O Kicks with aim O Catches ball O Handles pencil with control

O Copy shapes and write some letters

O Sews stitches

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Six to seven: O Skips O Rides bicycle O Jumps from height O Climbs confidently O Writes O Threads needle O Can do buttons, shoe laces

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Three to four years: O Becoming more

independent and self motivated

O Feels more secure and able to cope with unfamiliar surroundings and adults for periods of time

Social and Emotional Development

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O Becoming more cooperative with adults and likes to help

O Sociable and friendly with others, plays with children and more able to share

O Beginning to consider the needs of others and to show concern for others

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Four to seven years: O Makes friends but may

need help in resolving disputes

O Enjoys helping others and taking responsibility

O Learns lots about the world and how it works, and about people and relationships

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O Makes friends (often short-term) and plays group games

O Needs structure and a routine to feel safe

O When behavior is ‘over the top’, they need limits to be set

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Three to four-years: O Understand two or three

simple things to do at once

O Sort objects by size, and type

Intellectual Development

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Five to seven years: O Begin to understand

about sameness and difference in various aspects of life

O They can begin to see different perspectives on the same subject

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Three to four years: O Start to use pitch and tone

O Vocabulary extends towards 1000-1500 words

O Marks made with crayons become more controlled

Language Development

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Four to five years: O Grammar is becoming more


O Children’s questions become more complex

O More able to use language to communicate their own ideas

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O Understand that books are a source of pleasure and use pictures to help them follow the story

O May begin to recognize their own name and a few frequently seen written words

O They can hold a pencil steadily and copy shapes and form some lettering

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Five to seven years: O Fluent speaker able to make up stories

O Can handle books well

O Recognize an increasing number of letters linking them to sounds

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Middle and Late Childhood

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OPlay and imagination are still important developmental tools

OA child may enter puberty earlyOGirls may experience growth

spurtO Enjoy playing team games by

age eight OMay misjudge their ability

before age nine

Physical Development:7-12 Years old

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O Becoming less dependent on close adults for support – able to cope with wider environment

O Enjoys being in groups of other children of similar age, strongly influenced by peer group

O Becoming more aware of own gender

Social and emotional development

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O Want to fit in with peer group rules

O Start to form closer friendships at about eight years old

O like to play with same-sex friends

O Need adult help to sort out arguments and disagreements in play

O Can be arrogant and bossy or shy and uncertain

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O Will read to themselves O Will take a lively interest

in certain subjects by nine

Intellectual development

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O Vocabulary will grow if adults introduce new words and new ways of using language

O Speak fluently and describe complicated happenings

O Read out loud O Know the different tenses

and grammar

Language development

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Changing Pattern Of Childhood:

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For Listening

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Oearly childhood (ages two to six) is when language revolutionizes children’s thinking, remembering, and understanding of emotions, self, and the social world.

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ODuring middle childhood, from about ages 6 to 12, children acquire heightened capacities for judgment, reasoning, social understanding, emotion management, and self-awareness

OAt the same time, the social world of middle childhood broadens beyond the family to include the school, neighborhood, peer group, and other influences.

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1. _____ is the stage when personality, social attachments, thinking and language first take shape.

2. _____refers to the time or state of being a child, the early stage in the existence or development of something.

3. _____refers to the biological, psychological and emotional changes that occur in human beings between birth and in the end of adolescence.

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Identify the Areas of Development:

4.Providing material and equipment for the improvement of fine motor skills.

5.Providing activities that involve sharing and taking turns.

6. Asking children to give information about themselves.

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Identify what age range:

7. Babbling sounds begin

8. Roll over from their tummy to their back.

9. Smiles concentrates on adults face during feeding.

10. Begins to ask questions what, why, etc.
