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Child-friendly version of minimum standards for Namibia children's homes (poster version)

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  • 7/29/2019 Child-friendly version of minimum standards for Namibia children's homes (poster version)





    Im involved in mychoice to join thehome.

    My homesuppors meand my amily whilewe choosei Iwilljoin hehome,and whileI ge usedo livinghere. They reamehe same,no materwha my gender,background,beliesorspecialneeds may be.

    Brothers and sistersstay close together.

    Brohers andsisers livein hesamehouse i hey can.I no,ourhomehelps us say in ouch,including wih elephoneandravel.

    5a.MAIN OFFICEMy home raisesmoney in good ways.

    Inever begordo sree shows.No oneakes my phoo orusesmy phoos orsories o askormoney, unless Iagree.Childrenwih individualdonors neverge specialreamen.

    I can complain i myhome does anythingwrong.

    When Icameo hehome,my amily andI go apaperhaclearly saidwho wecan complain o.I my homedoesn xheproblem,we knowwho o complain o ousidehehome.Complains leado realsoluions,andsa who hur any childmus leaveourhome.

    4.OUR BUILDINGSMy house is set up likea caring amily.

    Welive in smallgrouphouses likeamilies,wih no morehan sevenchildren in each.Girls andboys havedieren bahrooms.I Ihavespecialneeds,i s silleasy o movearound.

    My home is sae andmy things are private.

    My househas spaceo play,homeworkables andaliving room.Weea as aamily aroundhedining-room able.Ihave my own bed,andbedrooms haveno morehan ourchildren (no morehan wo aerweurn 15).Girls andboys overve neversleepin hesameroom. Ihavemy own close andaplaceo lockmy privaehings. Things gexedrigh away.

    3.WHO WORKS HEREI know who works here andwhat their jobs are.

    Iknowwho heprincipal andmy houseparen are,andIknow who o alko when Ihaveproblems Ican discuss wih my main carer.

    We have all the sta we need.Houseparens,social workers,psychologiss,cleaners andgardeners.

    Sta know how to care or us.Allsa mus begoodcaregivers andrusworhy wih everyhingIell hem.They wanmy opinion when newsais hired.

    Sta take care o us well.Weall ge individualatenion,so wemay haveexrasao helpchildren wih specialneeds.When ourhouseparens areaway, anohercarercomes so wecan say in ourown homes.

    2. THE HOME I LIVE INI know my homes background.Iknowwho runs hehome(governmen?achurch? oreigners?).No materwho i is,I haveherigh o ollowmy own belies.My homes name never makesme eel bad.

    Iknowwhere hename comes rom.I says nohingbadabou me,andi is neveron hebuildings Ilivein orhevehicles Iride.

    I know who my home cares or.My homesays wha ages andspecialneeds i plans o akecareo.

    I have a right to allinormation about me.

    Allmy inormaion (birh cericae,schoolrecords,ec.) is lockedin a le,which only Iandcerain aduls may see.



    I get help when Im ready to leave.When Igo backo my amily orcommuniy,hehome helps meprepareallmy hings wih asep-by-sepplan,visis andcounseling.I aminvolvedin hechoiceand Ican alkabou any problems Isee.

    I always learn more about living on my own.Weall learn heskills andvalues o livein sociey.Saollows my careplan o helpmelearn o liveon my own,givingme responsibiliies asIbecomeready (orexample,pocke money andlegali ssues).BeoreI leave,I ge specialraininga acampor independen aparmen.Myhouseparen helps melearn abou my ineress,andmy homehelps me builda circleo riends o say in ouch wih.I helps mendaplace olive,and i gives mehe basic equipmen andurniureIll needormy newlie.

    When I leave, I get all the inormation I need.My homeandsocialworkermake sureall my papers areready when Ileave.They shareeveryhingwih me,andno oneelse.My lockedle goeswih mewhen Ileave.I knoweveryhingI needabou wha willhappen when Iliveon my own.Ichoosehow much my birh amily willbe involved.

    I get help afer I leave.Iam always welcomeback o hehomeorhelp andvisis. Ikeep is numbers,andi says in ouch wih meo helphoweveri can.

    5c.THE CARE I GETI get warmth,understanding and respect.

    Ourhouseparens giveus individualatenion andry o undersandus.They earnmy rus andspeako meopenly,honesly andwih respec.I hey bea me,heymus leavehehome.They le meusemy homelanguageand radiions i Iwan.They neverellvisiors abou privaehings likemy amily orhealh,unless Iagree.This shows mehowIshould respec oherchildren oo.

    Im involved in choicesabout my lie.My homecares wha Ihink andasks my opinion abou my presen anduure,hrough regularhousemeeings and/orchildren Ielec.I can always alkprivaelywih my socialworker.Wege moreindependencewhen weurn 15. Ican conac myamily,andI choosei Iwan o.

    I help make my own careplan.

    Ihelp makehecare plan in my lockedle, wih my houseparen,socialworkerandamily i hey can.I says howIwill developmy alens anddealwih my problemshrough schooland aciviies.Weupdae i wheneverhings change.

    I get the healthcare I need.

    Ige acheck-upwhen Iarrive andreamen when Ineedi.My healh records arekep in my lockedle,and mymedicineis lockedaway so only herigh peoplecan ge i.Everyonewho cares orme knows howI mus akei.Thehomeells my amily i Ige hur,sickor pregnan,andieaches mehowo say healhy.Welearn abou saesexwhen weurn seven.Weall prepareoodand wash cleanly.

    I eat good ood.Ige healhy,balancedood ha respecs my culureandmees my medicalneeds. Ilearn o prepareoodwhen Ican.

    I go to school.Weallgo o schoolin hecommuniy. I my homeruns aschool,i is ousideandoherchildren can join.Ige helpwih homeworkandexra classes i Ineed hem.My homegives memy uniorm,books andsupplies.Saollow mysudies andpraisemy success.My homehelps mend

    jobrainingi I dropou andscholarships i Iwan o go ouniversiy.I Ihavespecialneeds, Ige heeducaion andequipmen Ineed.

    My amily is part omy lie.

    My amily says in ouch wih me,andmy home helps mevisihem on weekends andholidays unless he governmen orajudgesays no.My homehelps meundersandha choice.Thehomeworks wih ouramilies so wecan beclose wih ourhouseparens oo.

    I get to have un.Ige goodequipmen andimeo play wih my riends.Wehaveaun play area,which ousidechildren can use.Ourhome wachesus so wedon ge hur,andi Ihavespecial needs i helps meplay in oherways.Ijoin ouside aciviies as much as Ican.

    I grow up strong andhappy.

    Saollows my careplan o helpme growupsrong andhappy.They helpmedeal wih difcul hings in my lieandbuild mysel-eseem,andhey help memee specialiss i is goodorme.They helpmemake alie bookormemory box o rememberwhereIm rom andwhy Im here.


    brought to you by: and the kids at the Namibian Childrens Home


