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Chimes for May 2011

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The Chimes is the monthly newsletter of Trinity Church of Covington KY.
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1 COMMUNICATING: HOW IS AS IMPORTANT AS WHAT Communicating with one an- other is essential to our life as Christians. We demonstrate our radical and life-changing hospitali- ty – the kind of hospitality Jesus demonstrated – when we listen with an open heart and mind. Any communications profes- sional will tell you how you com- municate is as important, perhaps even more important, than what you communicate. The language that we use, the expressions on our face, our physical gestures and postures, how closely we stand or sit to the person with whom we communicate are critical to how our message is received. As Chris- tians, however, we look to scrip- ture to tell and show us how Chris- tians communicate. The first example that comes to mind is how we should think. I take this to mean this is the way our minds and hearts need to be before we open our lips. ―Whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, what- ever is pure, whatever is pleasing, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence and if there is an- ything worthy or praise, think about these things.‖ The Greek word translated here as ―think‖ may also be translated as ―take ac- count of.‖ This gives even more depth to the idea of having one’s mind and heart prepared before speaking. The writer of Philippians in a previous verse has also indi- cated ―taking account‖ of these things is having the mind of Christ. - Photo by Lisa Edwards The Philippians writer goes on to tell us ways to act. ―Keep on doing the things that you have learned and received and heard and seen in me, and the God of peace will be with you.‖ So communicating is about more than simply ―thinking rightly‖ but also about ―doing rightly.‖ We follow Christ in doing as well as thinking. Direct communication is anoth- er way in which scripture has ad- vice to give us. ―If another member of the church sins against you, go and point out the fault when the two of you are alone.‖ There are two important things to remember here. The first is to go directly to the person with whom one has a complaint. The second is that this passage about what to do is fol- lowed by Jesus telling Peter he must forgive ―Not seven times, but, I tell you, seventy-seven times‖ or even ―seventy times sev- en.‖ Jesus wants us to communi- cate directly, and to forgive repeat- edly. This is very different from telling everyone else that someone has wounded us. This means speaking directly and lovingly to the person who hurt or misunder- stood us. Communication that is based in scripture is loving and faithful, and varies in style depending on the person or person we wish to reach. Jesus communicated differently depending on with whom he com- municated. Some times Jesus’ words are harsh, yet the love that undergirds his words is always there if we will but look and listen. This is the Christ whom we follow; the Christ who leads us on to love and faithfulness in his name, and in all the ways by word and action we communicate the Good News in Jesus Christ at Trinity. Blessings! Nicolette+ In this Issue: Rector Reflection p.1 Communications p.2,3 St. Paul’s Outreach p.3 Midday Menu & Evensong p.4 Forum Special p.4 Babies & the Church p.5 Calendar and Lay Sched. P.6,7 Liturgical Notes & B’days p.8 People-Jim Swearingen p.9 Vacation Bible School p.10 Announcements p.11 Third Issue, May 2011
Page 1: Chimes for May 2011



Communicating with one an-other is essential to our life as Christians. We demonstrate our radical and life-changing hospitali-ty – the kind of hospitality Jesus demonstrated – when we listen with an open heart and mind.

Any communications profes-sional will tell you how you com-municate is as important, perhaps even more important, than what you communicate. The language that we use, the expressions on our face, our physical gestures and postures, how closely we stand or sit to the person with whom we communicate are critical to how our message is received. As Chris-tians, however, we look to scrip-ture to tell and show us how Chris-tians communicate.

The first example that comes to mind is how we should think. I take this to mean this is the way our minds and hearts need to be before we open our lips. ―Whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, what-ever is pure, whatever is pleasing, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence and if there is an-ything worthy or praise, think about these things.‖ The Greek word translated here as ―think‖ may also be translated as ―take ac-count of.‖ This gives even more depth to the idea of having one’s mind and heart prepared before speaking. The writer of Philippians in a previous verse has also indi-cated ―taking account‖ of these things is having the mind of Christ.


Photo by Lisa Edwards

The Philippians writer goes on to tell us ways to act. ―Keep on doing the things that you have learned and received and heard and seen in me, and the God of peace will be with you.‖ So communicating is about more than simply ―thinking rightly‖ but also about ―doing rightly.‖ We follow Christ in doing as well as thinking.

Direct communication is anoth-er way in which scripture has ad-vice to give us. ―If another member of the church sins against you, go and point out the fault when the two of you are alone.‖ There are two important things to remember here. The first is to go directly to the person with whom one has a complaint. The second is that this passage about what to do is fol-lowed by Jesus telling Peter he must forgive ―Not seven times, but, I tell you, seventy-seven times‖ or even ―seventy times sev-en.‖ Jesus wants us to communi-cate directly, and to forgive repeat-edly. This is very different from telling everyone else that someone has wounded us. This means speaking directly and lovingly to the person who hurt or misunder-stood us.

Communication that is based in scripture is loving and faithful, and varies in style depending on the person or person we wish to reach.

Jesus communicated differently depending on with whom he com-municated. Some times Jesus’ words are harsh, yet the love that undergirds his words is always there if we will but look and listen. This is the Christ whom we follow; the Christ who leads us on to love and faithfulness in his name, and in all the ways by word and action we communicate the Good News in Jesus Christ at Trinity.



In this Issue:

Rector Reflection p.1

Communications p.2,3

St. Paul’s Outreach p.3

Midday Menu & Evensong p.4

Forum Special p.4

Babies & the Church p.5

Calendar and Lay Sched. P.6,7

Liturgical Notes & B’days p.8

People-Jim Swearingen p.9

Vacation Bible School p.10

Announcements p.11

Third Issue, May 2011

Page 2: Chimes for May 2011




The Communications Commission surveyed and

studied Trinity’s announcements more than a year

ago. The results were some greatly enhanced ways to

communicate with one another and outside the par-

ish. You are reading one of those ways right now in

the new, improved Chimes. This Week at Trinity in

the worship bulletin is another result.

One of the things the Communications Commis-

sion discovered was that people at Trinity both like

and dislike church service announcements in about

equal proportions. It might help to know that all

churches wrestle with this, and there probably is no

perfect way to do announcements. Instead, it is most

helpful to focus on the outcome: What do we want to

achieve with our announcements?

The outcomes most talked about were:

Getting the word out

Getting people to participate

Giving results

Thanking people

The other thing to keep in mind is that the majority

of first-time visitors find announcements to be exclu-

sive, rather than inclusive. Visitors are often not sure

to whom the announcements are directed. This is the

biggest reason to make announcements about things

everyone can participate in or needs to know about.

This would be things such as Education, Outreach

Projects, Social Activities and other events that the

entire parish can attend.

Particular groups that meet regularly can com-

municate directly to their members. The best way to

recruit new group members is by asking new church

members if they would like to attend the group and

―try it on.‖

Announcements can be part of an effective commu-

nication plan, but there are many other ways to com-

municate that will reach more people, and even the

groups we particularly want to target. Remember that

announcements only reach the people who are at

church the Sunday we make the announcements.

What about those who are not there? See the

―announcement‖ article on page 11.

Getting the word out

Who needs to know about what is happening? Eve-

ryone at Trinity? A particular segment: males, fe-

males, teens, parents? What age are the people?

How do the people we want to reach like to receive

their news: Article in The Chimes, This Week at Trini-

ty (if they are in church that Sunday), telephone call,

note in the mail, email, message the website has been

updated, text message, Facebook®, Twitter®? If it’s

technology-related, there are members on the Com-

munications Commission who can help set up an

email group, or help with other ways to communicate.

Tips: Tailor communications to the group you

want to reach, and choose multiple ways of

communicating. Pay attention to deadlines

and when people will receive the news.

Getting people to participate

Who can participate? If it is something directed at

certain individuals or a particular group, you will

want to invite people individually or in a direct way

that reaches the people you want to invite. In what

way(s) can people participate? Make it easy for peo-

ple. If they have to bring something, give them a list,

or a bag, or a box. Be specific. Give them a deadline.

Is this something for which you can develop or ob-

tain a list of possible participants? For example, if you

want to reach young parents, the new photo directory

is a great tool for getting names and phone numbers

for parents. After all, they are pictured with their kids!

Is it a group your priest knows about? For example,

if you want to reach newly-married couples, your

priest may be able to tell you about their talents and

interests. Is it people or a person who has a particular

gift? Ask around. Ask people you don’t know or hardly


Tip: Remember the best way is to ask an indi-

vidual. Ask and keep asking. Be bold and

brave because even people who say “no” are

flattered to be asked and may participate later

or participate in something else.

Giving results

Is it something everyone at Trinity has participated

in? By all means tell people what has been accom-

plished. How about an article for The Chimes?

Page 3: Chimes for May 2011


Speak to the editor about it. Your story may generate

even more interest for the next time! An announce-

ment is fine when the announcement is clear about

when the event happened, what was accomplished

and why.

Tip: Multiple ways to talk about results gener-

ate more interest next time. Choose different

channels to communicate results to each

group that participated as appropriate.

Thanking people

See above about giving results. How about being

old-fashioned and writing thank-you notes to those

who helped make the event a success? Or emails? Or a

text message?

Tip: The more ways you can thank people, the

better results you’ll get the next time you need

them. Thanking is just like asking: Done glob-

ally, okay; done in a group, good; done indi-

vidually, best!

And speaking of thanks, we owe great debts of grati-

tude for The Chimes rebirth to Communication Com-

mission members, Mary Ann Weiss, John Wolfe,

Chris Kelley, Jim Swearingen, Greg Gemeinhardt and

Diane Gabbard, along with Judy Long, Deborah

Turner, John Deaver and Audrey Board.

Nicolette Papanek and Jim Gard

News from St. Paul’s

Food Pantry

Saint Paul’s Food Pantry, a minis-

try of St. Paul’s Episcopal Church

in Newport, celebrated its second

anniversary on April 15, 2011.

Since inception it has distributed

over 120,000 pounds of food to

more than 10,000 individuals re-

siding in Newport, Bellevue, Wilder

and Southgate, Kentucky. Addi-

tionally Saint Paul’s has hosted the

FreeStore FoodBank’s Mobile Pan-

try, distributing 10,000 pounds of

food each to Pendleton County and

Owen County, serving 200 families

in each county.

The FreeStore FoodBank

Hunger Walk, held on Memori-

al Day, is their biggest fund raiser

of the year. Last year, with the help

of all the donors and participants,

St. Paul’s Food Pantry was able to

raise more than half of its annual

budget. Each month, the Food

Pantry continues to serve new

guests in the pantry. Most of these

individuals have never needed or

asked for assistance before.

Please consider a donation in the

name of Saint Paul’s Food Pantry

or join in the fun at the Hunger

Walk on Memorial Day. All dona-

tions and entry fees go directly to

Saint Paul’s Food Pantry. Your

support is greatly appreciated!

Brochures/sign-up forms will be on

the table in the hall at Trinity, or

you can sign up online at

www.frestorefoodbank.org. In ei-

ther case, please be sure to desig-

nate St. Paul’s Newport as the or-

ganization you are supporting. If

you would like to support St. Paul’s

Food Panty but are not able to join

in on the walk, you can sign up to

sponsor Barbara Baglien or one of

the other Trinity parishioners who

will be walking on Memorial Day.

Another volunteer opportunity is a

new project sponsored by the Free-

Store FoodBank called The Giv-

ing Field. This is a garden locat-

ed in Melbourne on Route 8 in

Campbell County. To add more

fresh produce to the general offer-

ing, all of the produce will be do-

nated to local soup kitchens and

pantries in Northern Kentucky

Volunteer opportunities will in-

clude planting, harvesting and gar-

den maintenance. Two acres will

be used this year, but ultimately

there are 27 acres that will be

used. This is all coordinated by the

Free Store Food Bank as is the

scheduling for the volun-

teers. Forms will be available on

the table in the hall at Trinity, or

you can also obtain a form online.

When the form is complete, fax it

to the number listed and you will

be contacted by the FSFB as to

when and what volunteer opportu-

nities are available. Again, be sure

to designate St. Paul’s Food Pantry

as the organization you are sup-


If you have any questions about

either of these opportunities, please

contact Barbara Baglien. Trinity

supports St. Paul’s Food Pantry in

many ways—monetary assistance,

the food drive held in March, the

volunteers from Trinity who help at

the Food Pantry each month, and

by supporting the Hunger Walk.

Barbara Baglien

Page 4: Chimes for May 2011


MIDDAY MUSICAL MENU: The final Midday Musical Menu concert of

this season will feature a program titled ―A Window on the Past: Music for Young Ladies

in Antebellum America‖ on Wednesday, May 18 at 12:15 P.M. The program consists of

piano duets performed by Jewel A. Smith, Adjunct Professor of Musicology at University

of Cincinnati’s College Conservatory of Music, and Tami Morris, Adjunct Professor of

Piano and Accompanying at Xavier University, in period costumes.

Thanks are in order to Elise Hyder and John Deaver for the beautiful March concert,

which included a world premiere; also to Gay Smith, Jim Smith, Linda Tabeling, Aro-

hanui Bender, Mike Bender, Frank Dempsey, Mary Austin, Dennis Kelley, Don Neff, Don

Will, Judy Clements, Audrey Board and Richard Putthoff for the delicious luncheon.

Evensong Service on Sunday, May 15, at 7:00 P.M. will feature Benjamin Britten’s festival cantata

for mixed chorus and organ, Rejoice in the Lamb. Britten wrote the cantata in 1943 for the fiftieth anniversary

of St. Matthew’s Church, Northampton, England, a parish whose vicar, the Rev. Walter Hussey, had also com-

missioned a Madonna and Child from sculptor Henry Moore. The text is by the eighteenth-century poet

Christopher Smart, who annually won the Seatonian Prize of Cambridge University for a poem on a religious

subject from 1750 to 1755. His circle of friends included Samuel Johnson, Burney, Garrick, and Hogarth.

From 1756 to the end of his life, he was in and out of asylums as well as debtor prisons. Britten’s text is taken

from Jubilate Agno written between 1758 and 1763. In Jubilate Agno, Smart found evidence of the glory of

God in Old Testament stories such as Nimrod (Genesis 10:8-9), Ishmael (Genesis 16 & 17), Balaam (Numbers

22:5-24:5), Daniel (Daniel 6:10-28), Ithamar (1 Chronicles 24:1-6), and Jakim (1 Chronicles 24:12), as well as

in musical instruments, flowers in nature, his cat Jeoffrey, and even a valiant mouse who is willing to lay down

his life for his mate. Organist for the Britten will be Shi-Ae Park, Assistant Organist at Christ Church Cathe-

dral, Lexington, and a doctoral student at CCM. Wine and Cheese in the May Room will follow this meditative

service. John Deaver

May Special Forum

Parish Hospitality Awareness Gathering

Please join the Adult Forum on May 15, 2011 in the May Room after the 10 a.m. service. Learn why it is so

important that everyone in the parish extends hospitality to visitors and newcomers. Practice what to do or

say when someone you don’t recognize sits next to you at church.

Remember, when we make the decision to extend hospitality to another in the name of Christ, we enter in-

to a sacred relationship where God is present.

For those that would like to become more involved with newcomers, a mentoring program is currently un-

der development and is looking for mentors.

Page 5: Chimes for May 2011





We have a long-standing tradition about babies in

the Episcopal Church that goes farther back than

our own existence as a church. In the ancient Jew-

ish tradition, a woman was considered ―unclean‖

after childbirth because of the blood involved in the

delivery. Once the mother was safely delivered and

there was no more issue of blood, a cleansing rite

welcomed the mother back into the worshiping


In Christianity this rite evolved into what was called

―the churching of women‖ and was still in The Book

of Common Prayer as late as 1928. From there, we

began to recognize that childbirth is part of our nat-

ural life cycle and there is no ―uncleanness‖ associ-

ated with birth. We looked for ways to welcome a

newly born child into the worshiping community.

Seeking a way to acknowledge the blessing of a safe

delivery and a new life (or lives, if a multiple birth!),

we came to what you find on Page 439 of the Prayer

Book. This rite also includes the adoption of a child,

thus giving the blessing of the church to two of the

ways we become a parent.

The Service of Thanksgiving for the Birth (or Adop-

tion) of a Child, is designed to take place during the

principal service on Sunday. This service may be

adapted and shortened to take place in the hospital

or home shortly after the child is born or brought

home for adoption. One of my most tender times as

a priest was a brief adoption service for a family

who had traveled to another state to adopt their

child. They planned a public Thanksgiving in their

own Episcopal parish at home, but wanted to cele-

brate their new child in the place they received him.

They called the nearest Episcopal Church. The par-

ents, their small daughter, who had waited more

than four years ―For God to bring me a brother,‖

and our church office staff of three, were the

―congregation‖ gathered to celebrate God’s blessing!

So let us know your approximate due date, and des-

ignate someone to call the priest when you have a

baby. We’ll make arrangements to be at the hospital

or visit you at home and welcome your baby into

God’s grace-filled and loving community. Baptism is

next, but welcoming comes first, and we are here to

welcome and celebrate God’s presence and blessing

in your life.

One other important thing: St. Anne’s Moms’ Group

needs to know too. They will arrange a couple of

meals for your family once the baby is born. Of

course, if you call your priest, one phone call does it

all: the priest will call the St. Anne’s coordinator

and you’ll receive a call about meal arrangements.

St. Anne’s is there to welcome and celebrate with

you and their wonderful ministry will help you feed

that house full of family when the baby comes

home. St. Anne's also provides emotional support

and encouragement for moms at 7 p.m. on the se-

cond Tuesday of each month with fellowship, snacks

and Bible study.

The church provides for times of sorrow as well.

There are rites and prayers for a miscarriage, a still-

born child, for the loss of a child at full term, for

those suffering the after effects of an abortion, and

the varied ways in which women, men and family

members can be affected by these events. The Epis-

copal Church is here for you. Call your priest when

in joy and sorrow, celebration and mourning.


Page 6: Chimes for May 2011


May 2011 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 8:00 am H.E*

9:20 am Choir

10:00 am H.E.*

9:30 am Children’s


11:15 am Church


12:15 pm Soup


12:25 pm Brass


6:30 pm EYC*

2 3 4 7:00 pm H.E.

7:30 pm Choir



Garden Mart

Set Up

6 7:30 am

Men’s Prayer

Garden 9:00 am to

8:00 pm


Mart 9:00 am to

1:00 pm

8 8:00 am H.E*

9:20 am Choir

9:30 am Children’s


10:00 am H.E.*

11:15 am Church


12:25 pm Brass


6:30 pm EYC*

9 5:30 pm

Nurture Mtg

7:00 Vestry

10 7:00 pm

Daughters of the


7:00 pm St. Anne’s

Mothers’ Group

11 7:00 pm H.E.

7:30 pm Choir


12 7:00 pm

ECW Bunko


13 7:30 am

Men’s Prayer


15 8:00 am H.E*

9:20 am Choir

10:00 am H.E.*

11:15 am Church


12:00 Noon

Chimes Deadline

12:25 pm Brass


6:30 pm EYC*

7:00 pm


16 6:00 pm

Dinner and Prayer

Shawl Ministry

17 6:30 pm




(advance registra-


18 12:15 pm

Midday Musical


7:00 pm H.E.

7:30 Choir Re-


19 7:00 pm ECW

Board Meeting

20 7:30 am

Men’s Prayer

7:00 pm CCM

Organ Recital*

21 3:00 pm

Cooking for Out-

reach Dinner

22 8:00 am H.E*

9:20 am Choir

10:00 am H.E.*

11:15 am Church

School & Heifer


12:25 pm Brass


6:30 pm EYC*

23 24 7:00 pm

Daughters of

the King

25 11:00 am

Books and Beliefs

7:00 pm H.E.

7:30 Choir Re-


26 27 7:30 am

Men’s Prayer


29 8:00 am H.E*

9:20 am Choir

10:00 am H.E.*

11:15 am Church


6:30 pm EYC*


Memorial Day Office Closed


* H.E. — Holy Eucharist

* EYC — Episcopal Youth Community

* ECW— Episcopal Church Women

* CCM— College Conservatory of Music

Page 7: Chimes for May 2011


May 2011 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 8:00 am H.E*

9:20 am Choir

10:00 am H.E.*

9:30 am Children’s


11:15 am Church


12:15 pm Soup


12:25 pm Brass


6:30 pm EYC*

2 3 4 7:00 pm H.E.

7:30 pm Choir



Garden Mart

Set Up

6 7:30 am

Men’s Prayer

Garden 9:00 am to

8:00 pm


Mart 9:00 am to

1:00 pm

8 8:00 am H.E*

9:20 am Choir

9:30 am Children’s


10:00 am H.E.*

11:15 am Church


12:25 pm Brass


6:30 pm EYC*

9 5:30 pm

Nurture Mtg

7:00 Vestry

10 7:00 pm

Daughters of the


7:00 pm St. Anne’s

Mothers’ Group

11 7:00 pm H.E.

7:30 pm Choir


12 7:00 pm

ECW Bunko


13 7:30 am

Men’s Prayer


15 8:00 am H.E*

9:20 am Choir

10:00 am H.E.*

11:15 am Church


12:00 Noon

Chimes Deadline

12:25 pm Brass


6:30 pm EYC*

7:00 pm


16 6:00 pm

Dinner and Prayer

Shawl Ministry

17 6:30 pm




(advance registra-


18 12:15 pm

Midday Musical


7:00 pm H.E.

7:30 Choir Re-


19 7:00 pm ECW

Board Meeting

20 7:30 am

Men’s Prayer

7:00 pm CCM

Organ Recital*

21 3:00 pm

Cooking for Out-

reach Dinner

22 8:00 am H.E*

9:20 am Choir

10:00 am H.E.*

11:15 am Church

School & Heifer


12:25 pm Brass


6:30 pm EYC*

23 24 7:00 pm

Daughters of

the King

25 11:00 am

Books and Beliefs

7:00 pm H.E.

7:30 Choir Re-


26 27 7:30 am

Men’s Prayer


29 8:00 am H.E*

9:20 am Choir

10:00 am H.E.*

11:15 am Church


6:30 pm EYC*


Memorial Day Office Closed


Lay Ministers Schedule

May 1

Lector: 8:00 am Cathy Barwell

10:00 am Lisa Stevenson

Intercessor: 8:00 am Koren Schrand

10:00 am Richard Stevenson Lay Eucharistic Minister: 8:00 am Paul Reichardt 10:00 am Diane Gabbard, Gary Gabbard Bread: Mark Herrick

Oblation Bearers: Karen Vannasdall,

Bonnie Sears

Ushers: Pat Mohney, Gary Leach, Ted Weiss,

Rob Speicher

Acolytes: Morgan Milburn, Julia Bullock,

Sylvia Powell, Emily Russ, Jayne Bullock

Chimer: Anita Carmack

Greeter: Joni Finnell

Altar Guild: 8:00 am Amy Heilbronner, Heidi Toelke 10:00 am Audrey Board, Linda Robinson, Mona Jo Williams Counters: Brenda Israel, Sylvia Jordan

May 8

Lector: 8:00 am Paul Reichardt

10:00 am Robert Wallace

Intercessor: 8:00 am Amy Heilbronner

10:00 am Judy Clements Lay Eucharistic Minister: 8:00 am Ellen Hackman 10:00 am Emily Challis, Lew Clements Bread: Sally Davidson

Oblation Bearers: Johnson Family

Ushers: Mark Herrick, Gay Smith, Mulford Martin, Debra Taylor Acolytes: Zach Robinson, Owen Powell, Ally-son Johnson, Helen Wharton, Mackenzie


Chimer: Austin Hyder

Greeter: Jim Gard

Altar Guild:

8:00 am Heidi Toelke, Rita Schmitt 10:00 am Audrey Board, Linda Robinson, Mona Jo Williams Counters: Robert Edwards, Gary Leach

May 15

Lector: 8:00 am Amy Heilbronner

10:00 am Susan Gilliam

Intercessor: 8:00 am Koren Schrand

10:00 am John West Lay Eucharistic Minister:

8:00 am Paul Reichardt

10:00 am Frank Dempsey, Sylvia Jordan

Bread: Peggy Lietzenmayer

Oblation Bearers: Mitchell Family

Ushers: Linda Fogle, JoAnn Brown, Tony Beranek, Jim Adams

Acolytes: Natalie Roenker, Claire Bickers, Kendall Kelley, Grace Gabbard, Sophia


Chimer: Paula Wolfe

Greeter: Karl Lietzenmayer

Altar Guild: 8:00 am Rita Schmitt, Kim Hope

10:00 am Marilyn Noll, Amy Kelley

Counters: Jim Kells, Joe O’Brochta

May 22 Lector: 8:00 am Koren Schrand

10:00 am Arohanui Bender

Intercessor: 8:00 am Amy Heilbronner

10:00 am Mike Bender Lay Eucharistic Minister: 8:00 am Ellen Hackman 10:00 am John Lucas, Bonnie Lucas Bread: Paula Wolfe

Oblation Bearers: Mohney Family

Ushers: Joe Creaghead, Ellen Creaghead,

Karen Vannasdall, Larry Vannasdall Acolytes: Michele Faile, Heath Parton, Sylvia Powell, Jayne Bullock, Julia Bullock

Chimer: Jim Adams

Greeter: Paula Wolfe

Altar Guild:

8:00 am Kim Hope, Koren Schrand

10:00 am Marilyn Noll, Amy Kelley


May 29

Lector: 8:00 am Amy Heilbronner

10:00 am Don Eggerth

Intercessor: 8:00 am Koren Schrand 10:00 am Cynthia Walker Lay Eucharistic Minister: 8:00 am Paul Reichardt 10:00 am Jean Brann, Randy Railey

Bread: Pam Boyle

Oblation Bearers: Steve and Marsha DeWitt

Ushers: Greg Gemeinhardt, John Bickers, Carolyn Kells, Jim Kells

Acolytes: Justin Bullock, Sophia Montello, Grace Gabbard, Allyson Johnson,

Helen Wharton

Chimer: Kristen Cirulli

Greeter: Liz Blincoe

Altar Guild: 8:00 am Koren Schrand, Amy Heilbronner 10:00 am Dorothy Taylor, Audrey Board Counters: Don Will, Ellen Hackman

* H.E. — Holy Eucharist

* EYC — Episcopal Youth Community

* ECW— Episcopal Church Women

* CCM— College Conservatory of Music

Page 8: Chimes for May 2011


Jessica Otten Cappell, Amanda Otten, Eric Otten, Keith Johnson, Elizabeth Noll, Gail Kruempelman, Don Neff, Charles Smedley, Lucas Finley, William Reilly, Stephen McMurtry, Joey Wells, Derek Hoxby,

Beth Scheper, Mulford Martin, Bill McKim, Josh Mitchell

May 8-Brent Beuttel, Katheryn Grayson

May 10-Andrew Piaskowy

May 11-Elliot Jordan, joe Halovanic, Camille McMurtry

May 12-Melissa Davis, Lori Haliburton, Alexander Tienda, Larry Mescher, Jacob Dedeker

May 13-Jack Challis, Peggy Lietzenmayer, Karl Schmitt

May 14-Rodney Hill

May 15-Larry Kraft, Brian Bickers

May 16-Genna Hill

May 17-Diane Mohney, Andrew Finley

May 18-Sitisha Korte

May 19-A’Marie Kees, Susan Gilliam, Casey Barwell, John Otten

May 22-Sophia Wells

May 23-Kathryn Lindeman

May 25-Katie Dale, Jennifer Hoyt

May 26-Bobbie Jean Traub, Irma Beuttel, Meredith Terry, Barbara Rudin

May 28-Ralph Wolff, Erin Halovanic, Kyle Mullaney

May 29-Debra Taylor, Anna Claire Schilling

May Birthdays

Liturgical Notes May 1

Acts 2:14a, 22-32; Psalm 16; I Peter 1:3-9;

John 20:19-31

Prayer Cycles: Anglican—The Diocese of The New

Guinea Islands (Papua New Guinea).

Diocesan: The Church of the Ascension, Mt. Sterling,

Cynthia Duffus, Priest-in-Charge.

Liturgical Notes May 8

Ezekiel Acts 2: 14a, 36-41; Psalm 116:1-3, 10-17;

I Peter 1:17-23; Luke 24:13-35

Prayer Cycles: Anglican—The Diocese of Newcaslte (New South Wales, Australia). Diocesan: University of the South, William S. Staf-ford , Dean.

The flowers on the altar are given to the glory of God and in memory of Allen W. Brown by JoAnn Brown.

Liturgical Notes May 15

Acts 2 42-47; Psalm 23; I Peter 2:19-25; John 10:-10 Prayer Cycles: Anglican—The Diocese of North Carolina. Diocesan—Trinity Church, Danville, Philip Haug, Interim Rector.

Liturgical Notes May 22 Acts 7:55-60; Psalm 31:1-5, 15-16; I Peter 2:2-10; John 14:1-14 Prayer Cycles: Anglican—The Diocese of North Ar-gentina (South America). Diocesan—St. John’s Church, Versailles David Per-kins, Interim Rector. The altar flowers are givn to the glory of God and in memory of Howard, Dorothy and Roger Habig by Kathye Habig Nippert.

Liturgical Notes May 29 Acts 17:22-31; Psalm 66:7-18; I Peter 3:13-22; John 14:15-21 Prayer Cycles: Anglican—The Diocese of Northern Michigan. Diocesan—St. Martha’s, Lexington, Timothy Fleck, Rector.

AROUND THE PARISH: Prayers and Sympathy to Lois and Larry Mescher with the death of Lois’ sister

Tekla Kerlin… Prayers and Sympathy to Gary Austin with the death of his brother Ross… Prayers and sym-

pathy to Kathy Allnutt and her family with the death of her husband, Charles…Prayers and sympathy to the

Vogelsang family with the death of Anne Vogelsang...Congratulations to Bryan and Jessica Wells with the

birth of Addison Leigh...Congratulations to Lydia and Anthony Giska with the birth of Enzo Noll-Giska.

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People in the Parish

Since much of this edition of The Chimes is

dedicated to the topic of effective communica-

tions, Jim Swearingen is appropriately this

month’s celebrated ―parish person.‖ Jim has

clearly been at the heart of many of the new

ways Trinity Church is being presented visually

and graphically, within and without the parish.

And what an impressively fitting back-

ground. Jim completed a degree in Industrial

Design at from the University of Cincinnati’s

Design, Art, Architecture and Planning College.

His first job was with Kenner Products, known

to most of us parents as the legendary toy com-

pany, working on products such as PlayDoh

and Spirograph. As a Senior Designer in 1976,

he was the first person given a look at the script

for the upcoming blockbuster movie, Star

Wars. Working closely with George Lucas and

the team now known as Industrial Light and

Magic, he became the lead designer for what

was to become one of the most collected and

widely known toy lines ever.

At Kenner and later at Hasbro Toys he worked

on a variety of girl toy lines including Strawber-

ry Shortcake, Jem, Moon Dreamers and Maxie.

He formed his own consulting partnership in

1992 and worked with major manufacturers

like Hasbro, Irwin Toys, and Thermos. He

closed the partnership in 2009, but continues

to do creative work and develop toy concepts.

He is also involved with a not-for-profit called

Partners for a Cure Foundation, Inc., assisting

in the design and manufacture of a doll for

moms going through chemotherapy. Money

raised from the sale of these dolls is given to

families dealing with cancer treatment for ex-

penses not covered by insurance. Check out the

website at www.kimmiecares.com.

Jim grew up in the Episcopal Church in Cleve-

land. He and his partner, Emery Schmidt, were

invited to Trinity

by David Wolff

and Rob Dorward

about seven or

eight years ago,

and were warmly

welcomed. The

parish and its

open spirit stuck.

For the past three

years, Jim has

served as co-chair

of the Nurture and Parish Growth Commission,

whose purpose is to meet and greet new mem-

bers and help integrate them into the parish

community. The commission’s projects include

Newcomer Receptions and the annual Red

Door Rally.

More recently, Jim has transitioned into the

Communications Commission and has used his

graphic design talent to create the new visible

face of Trinity. This transformation began with

the church website and has developed into a

cohesive design with a fresh, contemporary

logo incorporated into print communications

around the church (e.g., the bulletin, This Week

at Trinity and The Chimes). Jim explains that

―the design is intended to build on the tradition

of Trinity while reflecting our moving forward.‖

The new Directory and the Festal Service bulle-

tins are also Jim’s handiwork.

Jim’s efforts to infuse meaningful communica-

tions into parish life have carried over into the

dedicated, thoughtful work of the Nominating

Committee, seeking new leadership to guide

the parish forward. Jim designed the engaging

poster which notes progress in our selection

journey. From his work on popular culture

icons to his work in our community, we are tru-

ly blessed to have Jim at Trinity.

Jim Gard

Page 10: Chimes for May 2011



Marking your calendars, Friday, May 6, 2011 (9 am to 8 pm) and Sat-urday, May 7 (9 am to 1 pm)

Inviting your friends (email, personal invitation, flyers)

And by


Carolyn Kells 859-384-1911

Page 11: Chimes for May 2011


If want to use Church announcements as one way of communicating your message, here are some tips.

The microphone can be moved. Pull it down to your height and speak directly into the microphone.

Face forward when you speak. It’s tempting to look at the people on the organ or transept side of the church, but when you turn toward them, the microphone doesn’t pick up your voice and neither the people in the transept nor the nave hear you. If you want to look and smile at people, only do it when you have stopped talking. Then face the microphone again to speak.

Speak slowly. The acoustic at Trinity is excellent, but it takes people a moment to focus on what you are saying. If you think you are speaking too slowly, then your rate of speech is right for those listening.

Begin your announcement by saying who you are and what organization you represent. Make sure you use the full name of the organization so visitors and new members know who you mean.

Give the particulars: the WHO, WHAT, WHY, WHEN and WHERE.

Refer people to other places they can find the information. For example: ―More information can be found on our website. The web address is listed on the back of your bulletin and you can search for ―Food Pantry‖ to find the article.‖

Need some coaching? There are people at Trinity who have expertise in public speaking who can help you.

Save the Date for the Parish Picnic

June 12, 2011 (rain or shine)

President’s Park in Edgewood

Jefferson Shelter

Trinity Church will provide the meat, buns and utensils.

Parishioners should bring a dish to share and drinks for themselves.

Julie Wharton

Attention Remke biggs shoppers !!!

Trinity's Episcopal Church Women (ECW) has joined the upgraded Caring Neighbor Gift

Card Program at Remke biggs.

Here's how it works: Before paying for groceries, tell the cashier how much you want to load

on your card. You can load your card with cash, credit and debit card. Then buy your grocer-

ies with the newly loaded gift card. Every time you load your card, the ECW will get 4 per-

cent of that amount.

If you would like to participate, Ann Hicks has gift cards. Call 859-341-6788, e-mail

[email protected] or see her in church.

Please note: This replaces Remke's old program of awarding 2 percent of purchases made by

preferred customers who selected the ECW as their beneficiary.

Page 12: Chimes for May 2011


Just so you don’t forget! Trinity Church hosts the annual Garden

Mart on Friday, May 6, from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m., and Saturday May 7,

9 a.m. to 1 p.m.

16 East Fourth Street

Covington Kentucky 41011

Non-Profit Organization

U.S. Postage


Permit No. 159

Covington, Ky

Trinity Episcopal Church, Covington, Kentucky

Mission Statement

Trinity Episcopal Church in downtown Covington serves a diverse community. We are committed to the celebra-tion and worship of Jesus Christ in a parish nurtured by education and fellowship. As

Christ’s servants, we strive to share God’s love, and our resources, in the greater community.

Website: www.trinitychurchcovky.com E-mail address: [email protected]

Office address: 16 Fourth Street, 859-431-1786 or 859-392-2360. FAX. 859-392-2361

The Right Rev. Stacy F. Sauls, Bishop of Lexington

The Rev. Nicolette Papanek, Priest

Dr. John Deaver, Director of Music

Judy Long, Administrative Assistant

Tony Milburn and Mary Ann Weiss, Wardens

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