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Chinese Medicine Info

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  • 8/13/2019 Chinese Medicine Info


    Jin YinChuang

    Exfoliative dermatits,w/peeling & scales.Corresponds with acutedermatitis or acuteeczema.

    Ku ShenTang Wash


    Candida & parasiteinfection causing genitalitching;eczema.

    Drains damp reReduces genital itching

    plus gan cao:corticosteroid



    Nourish xueDispel fengQing reHua damp.

    DG 9, BS 9, SD12

    hu ma12, biexie (dioscorearoot)12, fu linpi 12

    ku shen 12, di fuzi 18, bai xian pi9: very effectiveas a group

    Qing DaiOintment or

    PatchChronic biao

    Ointment 3xs daily.Patch re up & apply once

    daily.Mix w/olive oil if oozing.

    qing dai huang bai shi gao


    Qing reDispel feng damp. JYH 9, LQ 9

    MDP 9, KS12, CZ 6, HB9, fu ling pi 12,yin chen 12

    JJ 9, FF9 GC 4.5

    Yin Qiao (JieDu) Pian/SanHoneysuckle &Forsythia Toxin

    Vanishing Tablets(10)

    Qing Re, dispel feng Acute itchy red skindisordersP: rapid, urgent, wider, big& slippery

    jin yin hua, lianqiao, jing jie,dan dou chi, niubang zi, bo he

    dan zhu ye; jiegeng, lu gen,

    gan cao[Also found inSang Ju Yin]

    cc: yin xu.Major formula

    for treatingfeng re

    Patents:ReSyndroWei L

    Herb TxI,


    Acute Biao Re, damp Qing reDispels feng damp

    jin yin hua 9, lianqiao 9, jing jie 9,

    fang feng 9:dispel feng;

    calm NS

    mu dan pi 9,ku shen 12,cang zhu 6,huang bai 9

    fu ling pi 12, yinchen 12 gan cao 4.5

    Acute Topical1. Oozing2. Erythema, papules

    Huang bailiquid

    compress :oozing. 100ccshui, 10g herbs= 10% solution

    San HuangWash 3 YellowsWash: (huang

    lian/bai/qin, kushen)


    Toxin Skin lesions w/redness, swelling, burning sensation, papules, vesicles, ulcer, subjective feeling of itching or tong,accompanied by shaking chills, high fever, delerium, shen disturbances, zao mouth, constipation, dark huang urine. T:huang, zao, hong or zi. P: wiry, slippery.

    Eczema "shi zhen" in TCM or chung (sore) xian fungus, feng (wind) also indicated in eczema.

    Psoriasis "silver scale disease" Yin Xie Bing : Thickened patches of inflamed, red skin, frequently covered by silvery scales. Typically:scalp, elbows, knee, palms, soles, buttocks, ~1/3 nails.


    Sui Dynasty - use of ju shen & liu huang in place of cortisoneFengREWC: ma huang - yin carbuncles, jing jie - measles, W-rashes, pruritic skin eruptions & eczema; fang feng, cang er zi -itch; bai zhi -swelling, pus.REWH: bo he, chan tui - rashes; bo he, ge gen, sheng ma (early) - vent measles; ju hua - boils, carbuncles, sores; niubang zi - early stages of skin purulent infections

    In childhood eczema the dry & cracked skin often appears in the creases of the elbows, knees & bottom.In adults, eczema tends to form patches.

    In elderly people eczema can be associated with poor circulation in the legs: this is known as varicose eczemacc: foods that produce damp & re - spicy or greasy foods, lamb, chicken, beef, duck, & seafood.

  • 8/13/2019 Chinese Medicine Info


    Liang Xue DiHuang Tang

    Xue Re Psoriasis : redmacules or papules thatincrease & proliferate rapidly.The scales are heaped up, &easily shed when scratched.Itching is sometimes intense.Sx may include aversion tore, restlessness, thirst, zaostools, huang & scanty urine/T: red w/a thin huang or bai coat. P: slippery, rapid.

    Clear reCool xueRelieve toxinExpel feng

    sheng di12, chishao 9, mu dan

    pi 9

    shui niu jiao30 (cook 1st),bai hua sheshe cao 15,ban lan gen

    15, da qing ye15

    bai xian pi 9 -qing re, relives

    huo toxicity,expels feng,

    dries D, di fu zi12 - qing d-re,

    expel feng

    ku shen 12,pu gong yin12, tu fu ling


    Xiao FengSan

    Yu Xue Psoriasis : chronic &recurrent. Lesions are dark orhyperpigmented & coveredby thick, hard & adherentscales. Occasionally,lichenification develops.Possible fissures on extensorside w/tong, dizziness,fatigue, & bai face. T: pale orzi or w/zi spots, thin coating.P: generally choppy or thin &soft.

    Invigorates xueMoistens zaoExpels feng re w/re inxue

    SWT (no DG;chi sub bai), shu

    di 12

    dan shen 12, jixue teng 12

    bai xian pi 12, wushao she 6, zhi

    di long 9

    sheng gancao 6

    Xiao FengSan modified Feng Re JJ 3g, FF 3g, chan tui3g, niu bang zi 3g

    cang zhu 3g, kushen 3g, mu

    tong 1.5shi gao 3, zhumu 3g

    sheng di 3g,dang gui 3g, hi

    zhi ma 3ggan cao 1.5g

    Yin Qiao (JieDu) Pian/SanHoneysuckle &Forsythia Toxin

    Vanishing Tablets(10)

    Qing Re, dispel feng Acute itchy red skindisordersP: rapid, urgent, wider, big& slippery

    jin yin hua, lianqiao, jing jie,dan dou chi, niubang zi, bo he

    dan zhu ye; jiegeng, lu gen,

    gan cao[Also found inSang Ju Yin]

    cc: yin xu.Major formula

    for treatingfeng re

    Tao Hong SiWu Tang Xue Re Guides to xue level tao ren, hong hu

    Si Wu Tang(switch shu dito sheng di;BS to CS)

    Dao Chi PianGuide Away theRed Powder (7)

    Classically HT huo --> SI;now, broader to include D-re in the LJ.

    Qing re, drains huo: HT--> SIClear re, reduce excesshuoPromote urinationFree the stool (Dao ChiPian )

    sheng di, mutong, zhi zi, dahuang, gan cao

    fu ling, huashi.

    Dao Chi Wan :dan zhu ye (no

    ZZ, DH, FL, HS)

    cc: pregnancy;weak constitution

    or w/diarrhea


    wu mei 60g, GC 6. 3weeks = 1 course. Cc:ulcer

    ji xue teng 30g

    wu shao she 3-6, DG san 3-6g.

    Take 1-2months.

    zhong honghua 15g fromTibet. ~ .3g

    Urticaria, or Hives "wind-type concealed rash (feng yin zhen )or wind rash lumps (feng zhen kuai ).

    Thickened, patches of inflamed, red skin, frequently covered by silvery scales.Genetic predispositionBiao: weather change, season, sunshine, trauma, vaccination (most psoriasis is reduced in summer & worse in winter ). This is an allergen disease must removeallergens. WC, WH, DH transform into zao.Li: emotion, stress, menstruation, pregnancy, delivery, hormonal change, diet. X ue re, zao xue or xue xu . LU/SP/KI. Some patients have pre existing genetic weakness LV/KI.Early: WC or WH cause disharmony between Ying/Wei & disrupts the flow of Qi/Xue.Dispersing Stage: itch, papules, redness. Chronic: licenification, Qi/Xue areaffected.

    Avoid washing the affected area with hot water, soap or any detergent that irritates the skin. Minimize scratching. Keep fingernails short. Break the itch scratch cycle.For best results treat at least 2xs a week for a month then reduce to once a week.Cc: 1. Food that produces damp and heat such as spicy or greasy foods such as lamb, chicken, beef, duck, andseafood. 2. Do not give immunizations during acute stage.

  • 8/13/2019 Chinese Medicine Info


    Jing Fang Bai

    Du SanSchizonopeta &Ledoboriella Toxin

    VanquishingPowder (11)

    Feng Han : initial onsetoccurs during attackby WC, when the wei &ying levels are indisharmony.

    Harmonize the wei &ying levels

    JJ4.5, FF 4.5,GZ 4.5. MH 4.5,

    chan tui 6

    BS 4.5, baixian pi 4.5, fu

    ping 4.5

    SJ 3 slices, GC1.5

    Bases: Ren ShenBai Du San, MAHuang Tang, orGu I Zhi Tang


    Yin Qiao San(modified)

    Honeysuckle &Forsythia Powder


    Feng Re : initial onsetoccurs when feng FHattacks.Sang Ju Yin May also beused.

    Pungent & coolreleases evil

    JYH 12, LQ 12,DDC 12, chai

    niu bang zi 9, JJ6, BH 3

    da qing ye 9g :qing re toxicity lu gen 15 DZ 9, GC 6 HTD

    Zhi Zhu WanMod ImmatureBitter Orange & Atractylodes


    SP/ST not harmonized :Pre-existing SPdysfunction is the sourceof this pattern.

    Bu SPExpels fengHua dampUnblocks fu

    zhi ke 9, baizhu 9, chen pi 9

    DS 12, jiu dahuang 4.5 fu ling 12 GC3

    Shi Er Wei DiHuang Yin Jia

    Jian Yin Xu & Xue Re

    Nourishes xueMoistens skinExpels fengStops itch

    Sheng/shu di9/9, hu ma 12,he shou wu 12

    xuan shen 9, jiang can 9,hong hua 3

    e jiao 9, DG 9, ci ji li 15, MDP 6 GC, 6

    Si Wu Tang 4SubstanceDecoction

    Nourishes LV/KI & xueMoves xueSupplements yin

    DG, BS SD, CX

    Er Xian TangTwo Immortal


    Nourishes LV/KIOriginally treatedmenopause

    DG 9, BS 9, SD8

    tu su zi 12, yinyang huo 12,rou cong rong12, xian mao


    ye jiao teng 24,zhen zhu mu 30 zhi GC 6


    TreatmentItching in all cases yin chen, ku shen,

    zhang mu

    zi su ye, cang er


    fu ping, wei

    ling xian

    Use a warmdecoction as a


    2 to 3 of in anycombinationare beneficial

    Lu Lu TangLiquid Amber,Satan's Testes

    HivesSinus & allergies aresimilar

    Qing ST/Intestines

    Spider Bites poultice in sesame oil 2to 3xs a dayhuang bai, gancao, jin yin hua

    mu dan pi,dan shen

    Xin Yi QingFei Yin

    Qing re from qi levelSupplements yinDispels feng re

    xin yi hua, pi paye

    gan cao, duanshi gao, zhimu, zhi zi,huang qin

    sheng ma, baihe, mai men


    may needqing xue re


    Long Dan XieGan Tang

    Gentiana Drainthe LVDec [37]

    Acute recurrent stage.Damp re, huo; toxic re(add bai hua she she cao)LV/GB D-re

    long dan cao,huang qin, zhi zi

    ze xie, mutong, che qian


    dang gui, shengdi, chai hu, gan


    cc: may damageSP/ST & yin d/tharsh, drying



    Zhi Bai DiHuang Wan Outside of acute stage

    zhi mu, huangbai, sheng di

    xuan shen,mai dong

    bai hua she shecao, gan cao

    yi yi ren, fuling, ze xie

    ExperiencePrescription ma zi jie ban lan gen ze cao bai jiang cao

    Qing Che KouPowder orOintment

    Biao Ground into powder &

    made into ointment

    dan shi gao, bohe, huang lian,

    huang bai

    qing dai, bing


    1. WH with toxin invades the skin & mucosa.2. LV/GB D-re accumulate in the pubic & genital areas.3. SP/ST D-re damages the jin ye. This arises from li re from yin xu.

    Relieve Toxicity Herbs:Herpes Simplex

    u Yin Xu P: thin, rapid, noforce, no root, might befloating. T: pale. Undereyelids: pale.Xue Xu P: thin, rapid(when very xu), no force,thinness. T: red. Under

    Essentially anaphylaxis limited to the skin & subcutaneous tissues characterized by local pale or red wheals w/intense itching. It comes on suddenly & disapsuddenly. It can affect anywhere in the body. There is no mark left on the skin after the attack.Urticaria Factitia (Dermatographia), Pressure Urticaria, Han Urticaria hereditary, Cholinergic urticaria, Solar Urticaria (urticaria photoenica)1. WC (tight superficial; pale, purplish)2. WH (superficial, rapid; red)3. SP/ST dysfunction (weak, deep; swollen, teeth marks, coat, misshapen [holding fx]; sticky saliva)4. Yin/Xue Xu (thin, harder vessel long term, urgent w/no force - recent)5. LV/KI Xu (2nd/3rd wiry, weak)cc: Individuals prone to damp D-re accumulation should either moderate their intake or abstain from certain foods & beverages, spicy & greasyfoods, sweets, lamb, scallop, shrimp, alcohol & coffee.

  • 8/13/2019 Chinese Medicine Info


    Xiao FengSan

    "Lobster skin" Acute

    In acute conditions takeevery 2 to 3 hours

    add gan cao30g" similar to


    Lycro Gel LV/GB D-realso shingles

    deglycerinatedgan cao: strongantiviral capacity

    bo he etc.

    Pi Pa QingFei Yin

    LU Re: bai heads & wuheads that are papular &sometimes slightly itchy;forehead & proximalareas of the nose &mouth; zao mouth, nose,& stools. T: slightly redw/thin bai or huang coat.P: floating, slippery.

    Qing & drains LU repi pa ye, sang

    bai pi (mulberryroot bark)

    huang lian,huang bai

    sheng di huang,mu dan pi, chishao, zhi mu,

    gan cao

    cc: SP xu

    Tiao WeiCheng QiTang MajorOrder The QiDecoction (3)

    HTD I:

    Tao Hong SiWu Tang Si Wu Tang tao ren hong hu

    Dian Dao SanUpside Down

    Powder Biao

    Grind individualingredients into finepowder. Form a pasteby mixing w/han shui.

    Apply a thin layer 1-2xs/day.

    da huang 10 liu huang 5 1-2 xs daily

    San Huang

    WashBiao Mix w/shui 200cc da huang huang bai,

    huang qin ju shen

    5g eachground intofine powder


    sheng di 15,xuan shen 12,shi gao, sang

    bai pi 12

    shan zha 12:drains D,

    drains fat &lipids in theYM & SJ

    bai hua she shecao 30: balances

    endocrinehormones, such

    as elevatedtestosterone

    sheng gancao 5

    Zeng Ye TangIncrease Liquid

    Decctionxuan shen mai dong sheng di

    Xien Ling PiModificationsfor Yang Xu

    HT lesions

    SP lesionsEnlarged lesions:huang lian, bau zhu,mai ya

    xie xie or loosestools: removexuan shen; addshan yao, shenqu, mu xiang,gan jiang, bai


    Severe D ofSP: xuan

    shen, yi yi ren,bai zhu

    Thin muscle &fatigue: huang qi,dang gui, ze lan,dan shen. HuangQi Zhang Zhong

    Tang (alsoallergies)

    LU lesions

    Malar rash, discoid rash, photosensitivity, oral ulcers, non-erosive arthritis, serositis, renal disorder, neurologicaldisorder; hematological abnormality, immune dysfunction, positive antinuclear antibody.

    Systemic Lupus Erythemetosis

    1. LU Re: due to biao feng invasion. Forehead & area proximal to nose.2. ST Re: typically caused by high fat diets

    3. Xue Re: this type of acne often has an emotional component, resulting in Qi Yu.4. Re Toxin: a result of biao toxin that forms re toxin that rises up & lodges in the skin.Lesions typically appear on the face, chest & back

    Qing ST Re

    ST Re: bai heads & wuheads that are papular;area around mouth, chest& upper back; may haveoily face

    Acne Zuo & zha for acne & rosacea. Hormone poisoning, usually in adolescence, dietary

  • 8/13/2019 Chinese Medicine Info


    Evil re qing re & toxin bai hua she shecao

    she liu gu:cancer &

    autoimmuneQing Wei Bai

    Du Yin Qing re & toxin

    Evil re blazing

    You Gui WanEucommia &Rhemannia

    Formula RightRestoring Bev (8)

    SP/KI Yang Xu based on zhi bai dihuang wan? HTD I: ye ge

    Yin Xu Li ReExcess toxic re

    Shu Jing HuoXue TangClematis &Stephania


    Shu FengHuo Xue

    Tang Stephania& CarthamusCombination

    Chai Hu QingGan TangBupleurum

    & RehmanniaCombination

    Xue reFeng re

    Cools xueDispels Feng ReQing LV

    DangGui Bu XueTang Kuei & AstragalusCombination

    There is a red face,irritability, thirstw/preference for wenbeverages, hot sensationin the muscles; T: pale,fidgeting; P: is large &empty.

    Found in Gui Pi Tang huang qi 30g dang gui 6g

    Gui Zhi JiaLong Gu Mu

    Li Tang

    Not Li nor Biao.Sex with ghosts/phantasy

    Bie Xie ShengQi Tang Li

    Yin chen 30, yi

    yi ren 30, lianqiao 12, chi fuling 12, bei xie


    pu gong ying15, cang zhu9, bai zhu 9

    qing pi 9, binglang 9, fang ji 9.

    Qing DaiOintment biao

    Grind the ingredientsinto a fine powder &mix w/petroleum jelly.Spread the ointmentonto sterile gauze &apply to the affectedarea 1x/day

    qing dai, shi gao hua shi, huangbai

    Feng & D-re into the skin.Individuals who are overweight & have pre pre-existing tan & D are prone to tinea.The condition may also be caused by transmission from other individuals or sources. Tinea lesions are disc disc-like w/sharply defined, raised borders that expand peripherally & clear centrally. Oftenthere is red scaling with varying degrees of itching. Blisters & pustules may appear on the border. Continuousscratching may result in lichenification. Lack of signs of central healing may result in misdiagnosis of eczema ordermatitis. Tinea tends to flare up during the summer & improves or resolves during the winter. Tinea corporis is more common in adults. In humid, tropical parts of the world, much of the population is affected.

    Practical Surgery of Chinese Medicine gives 3 differentials for Lupus

    Tinea Corporis a common, noninvasive cutaneous infection caused by fungal disease. It affects body areas excepthair, fingernails and toenails, hands and feet. The yuan xuan xuan (round tinea tinea) in TCM is very similar to ) Tinea

    corporis in western medicine.

  • 8/13/2019 Chinese Medicine Info


    Hua TuoShen XiaoXuan Yao

    Biao tinea

    Steep the ingredients inhot grain alcohol for 30min. Apply as a wash tothe affected area 6-7xs/day

    bai bu, bing lang tu jing pi, lu lutong bai ji, chuan jiao

    Ku Suan CuJin PaoSophora &

    Allium Vinegar


    Biao tinea

    Steep the herbs in thevinegar for 48 hrs.Then decoct over lowre for 20-30 min. Pourthe liquid into anotherglass container,discarding the dregs.

    Wash/soakaffected area 15-30 min 1x/day

    before bed. Afterapplying the

    remedy, do not

    wash the areauntil before thenext application.

    Ku shen 30,da suan 30,shi liu pi 30,wei ling xian


    table vinegar 1liter.


    Nourish xueInvigorate xue

    Flat Warts FengEmpirical



    Expel fengQing reDrain D

    sang ye, huang ju hua, jin yin


    zi cao, ban langen, ma chian sheng yi ren

    basically Shen Chi/ShiTang - - red, oozing,itching

    Drain DQing re toxin

    Empirical formula

    Plantar WartsQing re & toxinDrains DSoftens hardness

    Warts are called "you", which means an extraneous growth on the body. The one thousand day sores (qian ri you) inclassic literature is similar to contagious warts. Other warts are called hou zi zi.


    Warts are common benign skin tumors caused from virus infection due to skin contact. Biomedically, warts are causedby many types of, human papilloma virus (HPV).Common warts, flat warts, contagious warts, plantar warts, venereal warts are most common.

  • 8/13/2019 Chinese Medicine Info


    GoldenCabinet Eczema Psoriasis


    HerpesSimplex Acne LES


    Jin YinChuang

    Qing DaiOintment or


    Liang XueDi Huang


    Jing FangBai Du SanSchizonopeta &


    VanquishingPowder (11)

    Xin YiQing Fei


    Pi Pa QingFei Yin

    Zeng Ye TangIncrease Liquid


    Bie XieSheng Qi


    Ku ShenTang WashModified


    Xiao FengSan

    Yin Qiao

    San (modified)Honeysuckle &Forsythia

    Powder (10)

    Long Dan

    Xie GanTang GentianaDrain the LV

    Dec [37]

    Tiao Wei

    Cheng QiTang MajorOrder The QiDecoction (3)

    Qing Wei BaiDu Yin

    Qing DaiOintment

    Acute BiaoXiao Feng


    Zhi ZhuWan Mod

    Zhi Bai DiHuang Wan

    Tao Hong SiWu Tang

    You Gui WanEucommia &

    Rhemannia FormulaRight Restoring Bev


    Hua TuoShen XiaoXuan Yao





    Shi Er WeiDi Huang

    Yin Jia Jian

    Qing CheKou Powderor Ointment

    Dian DaoSan Upside

    Down Powder

    Shu Jing HuoXue TangClematis &Stephania


    Ku Suan CuJin PaoSophora &

    Allium VinegarSoak

    Si Wu Tang4 SubstanceDecoction

    Xiao FengSan

    San HuangWash

    Shu Feng HuoXue Tang

    Stephania& CarthamusCombination

    Er XianTang Lycro Gel Empirical

    Chai Hu QingGan Tang

    Bupleurum& RhemanniaCombination


    DangGui Bu XueTang Kuei &


    Lu Lu TangLiquid Amber,Satan's Testes

    Gui Zhi JiaLong Gu Mu Li


  • 8/13/2019 Chinese Medicine Info


  • 8/13/2019 Chinese Medicine Info



    RemissionLack of

    Appetite (8) Xie Xie(8) Enuresis (5) ADD(6)Early





    Yu PingFeng SanJade ScreenPowder (3)

    Tio P SnBo H Wn

    Preserve HarmonyPill (6)

    Jn Su GJng Wn Y Gn Sn

    Liang DiTang Two

    Herb Formula

    Da Bu Yin WanGreat Tonify Yin Pill


    Gu YStab


    Li Jn ZTng 6


    B HunJn ZhngQ Sn

    Huo Xiang

    Zheng Qi SanAgastache Powderto Rectify the Qi


    Sng PioXio Sn

    Gu P TngRestore the SPDecoction [63]


    Qing Jing SanClear MenstruationPowder

    Ren Shen YangYing Tang Ding J

    Jn GuShn Q

    Wn GoldenCabinet KI Qi

    Pills [Chen 668](8)

    Shn LngBi Zh Sn

    G Gn QnLin Tng

    Pueraria, Coptis, &Scutellaria Dec (4)

    Su QunWn

    Zu GuWn Left

    Restoring Pill(8) [68]

    Jia Wei XiaoYao SanModified

    Rambling Powder(10)

    Da Ying JiangGui Resto


    Y GngSn

    Shn Lng BiZh Sn

    B ZhngY Q Tng

    Tonify theMiddle BenefitQi Decoc [Chen

    542] (8)

    Shng MiSn Restore

    the PulsePowder

    Bu Zhong YiQi Tang Tonifythe Middle Benefit

    Qi Decoc [Chen542] (8)

    Wen Jing TangWarm the MensesDecoc [Chen 919]


    Xiao Rambli

    Yng WiZng Y


    F Z LZhng TngPrepared Aconite

    to Regulate theMiddle

    Lng DnXi Gn

    Tng GentianaDrain the LV

    Dec [37]

    Hung LinWn Dn


    Gui Pi TangRestore the SPDecoction [63]


    Wu Yao Tang

    S Shn WnTng QioHu Xu


    Gu Yin JianStabilizingYin/YangDecoction

    Xiong Gui ErChen Tang

    Chuan Xiong, DangGui & ECT

    Rn Shn WMi Tng

    Shn F LngM Ji N


    G y n e c o l o g y

  • 8/13/2019 Chinese Medicine Info


  • 8/13/2019 Chinese Medicine Info



    Flooding &Leaking


    Tiao Gan TangRegulating LV


    Zuo GuiWan Left

    Restoring Pill(8) [68]

    Liu Wei DiHuang Wan

    6 IngredientRhemannia Pills

    [66] (6)

    Huang QiJiang Zhong


    Da Bu YuanJian

    Tian WangBu Xin Dan

    HeavenlyEmperor's HTTonic Pill (14)

    Ba Zhen Tang

    Gu ChongTang

    Stabilize theChong

    Decoction[Chen 803]

    Yi GuanJian Linking

    Decoction[Chen 657]

    Jia Wei Xiao

    Yao SanModified Rambling

    Powder (10)

    Qing Re GuJing

    You GuiWan Right

    RestoringBeverage (8)

    Ge Xia Zhu YuTang Drive Out

    Blood Stasis Belowthe Diaphragm

    Decoction [Chen885]

    Zhu Yu ZhiBeng Tang

    Remove theBlood Stasis &Stop Flooding


    Er XianTang TwoXian HerbDecoction

    Wen Jing TangWarm the MensesDecoc [Chen 919]


    Shi XiaoSan SuddenSmile Powder


    Xiao YaoSan Rambling

    Powder (8)

    Xue Fu ZhuYu Tang

    Drive Out Stasisin the Mansion

    of BloodDecoction (11)

    [Chen 879]

    Ban Xia BaiZhu TianMa Tang


    GastrodiaDecoction 8

  • 8/13/2019 Chinese Medicine Info


    Gan Mai DaZao Tang

    Gan Cao, XiaoMai, Da Zao


  • 8/13/2019 Chinese Medicine Info


    Dermatology Pediatrics Gynecology

    r ChnTng 2Matured

    IngredientsDecoction (6)[Chen 1209]

    bn xi, chn p, flng, gn co,

    sheng jiang, wumei

    1) Ke sou w/excess clear, thin tan; chestfullness w/N & possible V. T: thick, greasycoat. P: slippery2) Abd distension w/dig problems, possibleN/V3) Dizziness or palp d/t D retention.West: chronic bronchitis w/excess sputum,emphysema, asthma, GI problems,gastroenteritis w/ke sou or tan.Morn sickness, hangover, acidregurgitation, HT burn. [Patents - Liu]

    Li n Jin (XngRn, Bi Ji Z)r Chn Tng (SJ,WM)

    Xiong Gui ECT (-Wxin fa]Huang Lian Wen Da, zhi shi)

    Jiao SanXian 3


    Jiao (fried tillbrown).

    jiao shan zha, jiaochao shen qu, &

    jiao ban xia

    Si Wu Tang4 SubstanceDecoction

    dang gui, sheng di,bai shao, chuan


    1) Esp. for menstrual & gynecologicaldisorders (weakness during pregnancy,postpartum weakness & dizziness, infertility& insufficient lactation.)2) Anemia, visual weakness3) Other Dz relate to xue xu: zao skin/eyes,chronic itchy zao skin (eczema, dermatitis &psoriasis); chronic sores or ulcers. [Patents -Liu]

    Eczema,PsoriasisTao Hong SWT -

    AcneXiao Feng San

    (no DG; chi subbai), ... -Psoriasis

    Wen Jing Tang (-SDGC, rou gui)Ding Jing Tang (-CXchai hu, chao jing jieYu Lin Zhu (SJZT, dshuang, (hua jiao)Yang Jing Zhong Yushan zhu yu)Shao Fu Zhu Yu Tan

    Xiao San, xiao hui xsuo, MY, RG)Ba Zhen Tang (SJZTGe Xia Zhu Yu Tangyan hu suo, WLZ, zhXue Fu Zhu Yu Tangzhi ke, GC, chai hu,

    Si Ni San 4Frigid Powder


    chai hu, bai shao,zhi gan cao, zhi ke

    (shi)Si Ni Tang

    A3fu zi, gan jiang, zhi

    gan cao

    Si Jn ZTng 4


    Rn Shn, BiZh, F Lng, Zh

    Gn Co

    Qi Xu. Pale complexion, low voice, fatigue;

    P: weakPoor appetite, loose stools (SP); palp (HT);spontaneous sweating, easily catches han(LU); hypochondriac discomfort, depressed(LV).[Formulas I - Song]

    Li Jn Z Tng(Chn P, Bn Xi)

    Shn Lng Bi ZhSn (Shn Yo, LinZ, Bi Bin Du, YY Rn, Sh Rn, JiGng)F Z L Zhng Tng(Gn Jing, F Z)

    GPT (HQ, yuan zhi,sheng jiang, DZ)XYS (-RS; DG, BS, jiang)Yu Lin Zhu (SWT, dshuang, (hua jiao)Ba Zhen Tang (SWTXiao Yao San (-RS;

    Li Jn ZTng 6


    Si Ju n Z i Tan g(Chn P, Bn Xi)

    SP/ST Qi Xu w/tan.[Formulas I - Song]

    Shen Ling BaiZhu San (SY,lian zi, BBD,YYR, sha ren,JG)

    Y Gng SnB Zhng Y Q Tng(-FL, BX; Hung Q,Dng Gu, Shng M,Chi H)

    Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tanchai hu, DGRen Shen Yang YingHQ, WWZ, rou gui,Ban Xia Bai Zhu Tia


  • 8/13/2019 Chinese Medicine Info


    Liu Wei DiHuangWan 6

    IngredientRhemanniaPills [66] (6)

    D Hung, Shn(zhu yu) Y Ru,

    Shn Yo/ F Lng,Z Xi, Dn P; Gu


    1) Yin xu causing dryness & re .2) Sx related to KI/LV yin xuModern: diabetes, nephritis,hyperthyroidism,tumor & cancer . [Patents - Liu]

    Du Qi Wan (W WiZ)Jn Gu Shn Q Wn(Gu Zh)

    Gu Yin Jian (-draiGC)Da Bu Yin Wan (-GQZ, zhi gan caoGu Yin Jian (-draiGCQi Ju Di Huang WZuo Gui Wan (-drniu xi, lu jiao jiao,Da Bu Yuan Jian (du zhong, DG, GQYou Gui Wan (-dr

    zhong, RG, zhi fu Da ChengQi Tang

    Major OrderThe Qi

    Decoction (4)

    da huang, mangxiao, zhi shi, hou


    Gu PTng Restore

    the SPDecoction [63]


    SJZT (fu shen),huang qi, dang gui,long yan rou, yuanzhi, suan zao ren,mu xiang, sheng

    jiang, da zao

    4 Gs Open

    astragalus dragoneyes sleeping onaromatic wood after

    eating ginger & datesand wagging their


    SP Qi Xu w/HT Xue XuBleeding: post partum excessive, or toolong1. HT "shen" disorders d/to Qi/Xue Xu :Insomnia - can't fall asleep b/c the mindcan't sleep; restless sleep, poor memory,DDS, palp, anxiety.2. Gyno d.o. d/to Qi/Xue Xu: metorrhagia

    & metrostaxis, dysfunctional uterinebleeding; leaking.Modern: anemia, visual fatigue,arrhythmia, cardiac neurosis. Duodenalulcer tong. [Patents - Liu]

    DangGui Bu Xue Tang- SLE

    Gui ZhiTang

    CinnamonDecoction (5)

    gui zhi, bai shao,zh gn co, sheng

    jiang, da zao

    1. Gan mao due to WC2. Abnormal sweating; spontaneous night,excess or huang sweat.3. Skin disorders4. Gyno disorders5. Bi-syndrome (WCD)6. Disharmony between ying & wei qi [Patents - Liu]


    Xiao Qing Long Tang(-BS, DZ) M Hung,Sho Yo, GnJing, Bn Xi, XXn, W Wi Z)

    Huang Qi Jiang Zh

    Ping WeiSan Calm

    The ST Powder(4)

    chen pi, zhi gancao, cang zhu, houpo

    Shi XiaoSan SuddenSmile Powder


    pu huang, wu lingzi

    Shao Fu Zhu Yu Tshao; xiao hui xiansuo, MY, RG)

    Xiao YaoSan Rambling

    Powder (8)

    Si Jun Zi Tang(no ren shen);

    dang gui, bai shao,chai hu, bo he,

    sheng jiang

    3G watch white pony's swish their tails asmint & ginger soothe their Livers.

    Jia Wei Xiao Yao

    D e r m a t o l o g y

    P e d i a t r i c s

    G y n e c o l o g y

  • 8/13/2019 Chinese Medicine Info


    Zeng YeTang

    Increase LiquidDecoction

    xun shn, midng, shng d Lupus

    Liang Di Tang (di Tian Wan Bu Xin SZR, BZR, DG, dzhu sha, jie geng)



    da zao, gn cosheng jiang

    (usually gui zhi &bai sho)


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    Jng FngBi D Sn


    Feng-Han Ke Sou: Frequent ke sou w/heavysound, itchy throat, thin bai tan; stuffy, runnynose; aversion to han & without perspiration, orfever with body painT:light red tongue body with thin white coatingP: floating tight pulse;f loa t ing red finger vessel

    Expel fenghandisperse LUto stop ke sou

    Jng Ji, Fng Fng,Qing Hu, D Hu,

    Chun Xing, Chi H,Qin H, Ji Gng, ZhK, F Lng, Gn Co,

    Shng Jing

    Jng Fng,r Hu, rH, Xing,Zh K, F

    Lng, Ji GnYng

    Sng J YnMulberry Leaf &Chrysanthemum


    Feng-Re Ke Sou : Sticky huang tan or w/difficultycoughing tan out. Thirst & sore throat, turbid snot,or accompany with fever & H/A aversion to feng,sweat.T: hong body w/thin huang coatingP: floating rapid;f loa t ing purple finger vessel .

    Expel fengQing reDisperse LUResolve tan

    Sng Y, J Hu, XngRn, Lin Qio, BHe, Ji Gng, Gn

    Co, L Gn

    Shng Jio

    Xun BTng UpperJiao Phlegm Re


    Damp-Re Ke Sou: w/large amounts of tan orw/retching. Epigastria distension & poor appetite;turbid thick snot; afternoon fever, the disease islingering.T-red body with thick greasy or greasy huangcoatingP-slippery & rapid;purplish s l ugg i s h fingervessel

    Qing &

    disperse LUResolve tanEliminatedamp

    P P Y, Sh Gn,Dn Du Ch, Y Jn,Tng Co

    Qing Qi HuaTan WanClear Qi &

    Resolve Tan Pill(8) [1222]

    Tan-Re Ke Sou: w/thick sticky yellow tan &difficulty in coughing tan out. Red face & lips,bitter taste in mouth & thirst; fever, dry stools,concentrated urineT: red body with greasy huang coatingP: slippery & rapid;purple finger vessel

    Qing reResolve tan

    Gu Lu Rn, Dn NnXng , Hung Qn, BnXi, Chn P, Zh Sh,

    Xng Rn, F Lng,Jing Zh

    Syndromes:Tan in LU

    Li n JinSix Ingredient

    Peaceful Formula

    r Chn Tng (noWM), Xng Rn, Bi Ji


    r ChnTng 2 Matured

    IngredientsDecoction (4)[Chen 1209]

    Bn Xi, Chn P, FLng, Zh Gn Co

    Sha ShenMai Men

    Dong Adenaphora,

    Glehnia &Ophiogonum

    Decoction (7)

    Zao Ke Sou due Yin-Xu : non-productive , orwith little sticky tan & difficulty to cough it out.Thirst & zao throat, hoarse voice, feverish palms,or tan with xiue, afternoon fever, night sweatingT: red body lack of coatingP: thin rapid

    Moistens LUyin

    Sh Shn, Y Zh, MiDng, Tin Hu Fn,Bin Du, Shng Gn

    Co, Sng Y

    HTD I: ye ge

    Li Jn ZTng SixGentlemenDecoction

    Chronic Cough due to LU Qi Xu : repetitive,w/out strength, watery bai tan, pale bai face, SOBw/disinclination to talk . Low & weak voice,prefer warmth but aversion to han. Spontaneoussweating & aversion to fengT: pale body w/teeth marks on edgeP: thin & lack of strength

    InvigoratesSP to bu qi &stop ke sou

    Si Jn Z Tng, ChnP, Bn Xi

    Pediatric Asthma xio chunAsthma Herbs : Shi Han Type : ma huang, zi su ye, xing ren, zi wan, hou po (magnolia bark).Shi Re Type : sang baipi (mulberry root bark), ting li zi (lepimidium seed), di long, she gan (belemcanda). Astringents : wu wei zi, bai guo

    (ginko A16seed).Xu Asthma: ge jie, dong chong xia cao (cordyceps), hu tao ren, zi he che, bu gu zhi (psoralea fruit).

    Pediatrics Cough Ke Sou Remove External Pathogens : ma huang, zi su ye, jng ji, fng fng, qing hu, xi xin, shang jiang, bHe, sang ye, chai hu. Descend LU Qi : Chen pi, zhi ke, lai fu zi, hou po.Remove Tan : Qian Hu, Bei Mu,Gua Lou, Dan Nan Xing (re-tan); Ban Xia, Tian Nan Xing, Xuan Fu Hua, Jie Geng (han tan); Xing Ren,Zi Wan, Kuan Dong Hua, Su Zi, Pi Pa Ye, Sang Bai Pi (relieve ke sou & wheezing); Fu Ling, Du Huo(dampness). Remove re : Zhi Zi, Shi Gao, Lu Gen, Huang Qin, Lin Qio, Yu Xing Cao. Moisten LU:

    Sha Shen, Mai Men Dong, Yu Zhu. Bu LU: Huang Qi, RenShen, Dang Shen, Gan Cao, Bai Zhu

    Tan Dampness Ke Sou: Large amount of baiwatery tan. Chest oppression & poor appetite,fatigue & lassitudeT: light red body with bai greasy coatingP: slippery

    DrydampnessResolve tan

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    Ding ChuanTang Arrest

    WheezingDecoction [91][Chen 845] (9)

    M Hung (usually notin products), Bi Gu,Hung Qn, Sng Bi

    P, Bn Xi, KunDng Hu, Xng Rn,

    S Z, Gn CoM Xng ShGn Tng

    Ephedra, ApricotKernel, Gypsum,Licorice Dec (4)

    M Hung, Sh Go,Xng Rn, Gn Co

    Xiao QingLong Tang

    Minor Blue-GreenDragon

    Decoction (8)[Chen 74]

    Gui Zhi Tang (-BS, DZ)M Hung, Sho Yo,Gn Jing, Bn Xi, X

    Xn, W Wi Z

    HTD I: feizhang

    She Gan MaHuang TanBelamcanda &

    Ephedra Tang (9)

    Sh Gn, M Hung,X Xn, Z Wn, KunDng Hu, Bn Xi,

    Shng Jing, W WiZ, D Zo

    See: LUExcess &

    KI Xu

    D QngLng Tng

    Major Blue GreenDragon


    Exterior Cold &Interior Re: fast wheezing, kesou w/tan sound in throat, stuffy nose &

    sneezing, runny nose w/watery snot. Or aversionto han, hot sensation, huang sticky tan, thirst, zaostools, huang urine.T: red body w/bia coatingP: slippery rapid, or floating tight

    Relieve biaoQing li toarrest xiochun

    Gu Zh Tang, MHung, Xng Rn, ZhGn Co,Shng Sh


    CC: ke souxue, zao ke

    sou, mouth &throat; ke souw/thick huangsputum. Notlong term.

    Su Zi JiangQi Tang PerillaFruit for Directing

    Qi Dec [91][Chen 842] (10)

    Z S Z, Bn Xi, QinH, Hu Po, Chn P,Dng Gu, Ru Gu,Zhang Zhong Jing's

    ZZJ toldPinellia,

    Angelica tofeed pigsmagnolia

    cinnamon &orange.

    She Gan Ma

    Huang TanBelamcanda &Ephedra Tang (9)

    Sh Gn, M Hung ,X Xn, Z Wn, KunDng Hu, Bn Xi,

    Shng Jing, W WiZ, D Zo

    See: Hanxio chun

    Du Qi Wan(Qi Wei Di H W)

    7 IngredientsCapital Qi Pill

    LWDHW, W Wi Z

    Yu PingFeng SanJade ScreenPowder (3)

    ung u: u a or som er a ac acomplexion, SOB & disinclination to speak, asoft, low voice, fatigue, lack of strength,spontaneous perspiration or sweating on slightmovement, fear of chill, lack of warmth in the fourlimbsT: a pale w/thin bai coatingP: thin lack of stren th

    Bu LUSecure wei

    Hung Q, Fng Fng,Bi Zh

    HTD I: xiochun

    Li Jn ZTng 6


    Spleen Qi Xu: Cough w/profuse tan, diminishedappetite, a full feeling in the upper abdomen, ahuang, lusterless facial complexion, loose stools,emaciation, fatigue, lack of strength.T: a pale w/scanty fur,P: slow forceless

    Bu qiHua tan

    Si Jn Z Tng , ChnP, Bn Xi

    HTD I: xiochun


    sweating:W Wi Z,Hung Q,F XioM i

    Hot xio chun: Cough, panting, & wheezing,thick, yellow-colored phlegm, fever, a red face, astuffy, oppressed feeling in the chest, thirst with adesire to drink, reddish yellow urine, dry stools orconstipation,T: hong body with huang coatingP: slippery rapid

    Severe re:Y Xng Co A lot of tan:

    Zh L.Bian bi:

    Qun GuLu, DHung

    Han xio chun : Cough w/rapid breathing, thesound of tan rattling in the throat, cough w/clear,watery, bai-colored tan, a han body & noperspiration, a dull, lusterless, stagnant facialcomplexion which may even be a bluish green,lack of warmth in the four limbs, no thirst or thirstwith a desire for hot drinks only.T: bai greasy coatingP: floating slippery

    Warm LUTransform tanStabilize xiochun

    LU Excess &KI Xu: long duration of xio chun,wheezing with fullness in chest, worse afteractivities. Lusterless complexion, aversion to han& han limbs, fatigue, poor appetite, watery urinew/large amount. Often accompany with ke sou &tan in throatT: pale body w/bai white coating;P: thin weak

    Purge LUBu KIConsider biao& ben

    Pediatric Asthma xio chun Remission Stage

    Qing LUTransform tanStabilize xiochun

    Syndromes:LU Qi


  • 8/13/2019 Chinese Medicine Info


    Jn Gu ShnQ Wn Golden

    Cabinet KI QiPills [Chen 668]


    Kidney Qi Xu: A somber or dull bai facialcomplexion, a han body & fear of chill, lack ofwarmth particularly in the feet & lower legs,weakness in the lower legs, exertion causes HTpalpitations & rapid breathing, watery, loosestools, possible bed-wetting at night.T: pale w/bai coating,P: deep, forceless

    Bu KISecures theben

    LWDHW Gu Zh HTD I: xiochun

    Tio P Sn Adjust the SPDecoction

    Cng Zh, Chn P,Shn Q, J Ni Jn,Pi Ln

    B Hun JnZhng Q


    Hu Po, Hu Xing,Gn Co, Bn Xi,Cng Zh, Chn P,

    Shng Jing, D Zo

    Hu XingPng WiSn

    Ping WeiSan: sang

    ju, Hu Po,Chn P, zhiGn Co

    Shn LngBi Zh Sn

    Ginseng, Poria, & AtractylodesMacrocephala


    SJZT, Shn Yo, LinZ, Bin Du, Y Y Rn,Sh Rn, Ji Gng, D

    Zo soup(Cho Gn Co)

    Y Gng Sn Li Jn Z Tng (- BnXi)

    Yng WiZng Y


    SP/ST Yin Xu: Zao mouth & a tendency to drinka lot yet no desire to eat food, zao skin, zaostools,T: a mirror-like or shiny w/peeled fur & redw/scanty coating, scantyfluidsP: thin rapid


    Zeng Ye Tang , Sh H,Bi Sho, Y Zh, Gn


    Bo H WnPreserve

    Harmony Pill (6)

    Food Yu : Abdominal pain & distention, painrelieved by diarrhea, sour, foul-smellingstools, bad breath, acid eructation, possibledesire to vomit, no thought for food or milk,restless sleep, possible night-crying,T: thick, slimy or slight yellow tongue fur P: a slippery pulse or a purplish, sluggishpurplish vein at the wind bar.

    Eliminate foodyuLift clear qito stop xiexie

    ECT (-GC, SJ, WM),Jiao San Xiao , Lin

    Qio, Cho Li F Z,Cho Mi Y

    HTD I: xiexie

    Huo XiangZheng Qi

    San AgastachePowder to Rectify

    the Qi (13)

    Feng Han invasion : A somber white facialcomplexion, lassitude of the spirit, chilledlimbs, abdominal pain, intestinal noises,clear, watery stools with no foul odor,possible aversion to cold with fever,T: thin, white or white, slimy tongue fur,P: floating tight pulse.

    Expel fenghanWarm MJ tostop xie xie

    Li Jn Z Tng , HuXing, Z S Y, Bi

    Zh, D F P, Hu Po,Ji Gng

    (Bn Xi Q)

    HTD I: xiexie

    G Gn QnLin Tng

    Pueraria, Coptis,& Scutellaria Dec


    Damp Re: Watery, thin stools colored deephua ng w/a foul odor , possible explosivedischarge , redness & burning around theanus, occasional abdominal tong, devitalized desire for food , possible nausea, fever or nofever, oral thirst, short, huang urine, bodilyfatigue,T: red body w/huang coatingP: slippery, rapid

    Qing reEliminatedampness tostop xie xie

    G Gn, Hung Lin,Hung Qn , Zh Gn


    Irregularity of SP & ST: poor appetite, nothought for food or drink, no taste or refusal ineating or drinking. Eating more can causeepigastric & abdominal distension, lusterlessfacial complexion & thin bodyT: thin bai or greasy thin bai coatingP: slippery, purplish engorged vein at windbar.

    Invigorate SPRegulate ST

    Lack of Appetite

    Pediatric Diarrhea xie xiedan hua tang egg flower soup

    Yu: Shan Zha: meat, Shen Qu, Gu Ya, Mai Ya, Ji Nei Jin: yu, Lai Fu Zi.Move Qi & ImproveTransportation : Chen Pi, (HouPo), ZhiShi/Ke, DaFu Pi, Xiang Fu, ChaiHu, Mu Xiang.Damp & Tan:

    Huo Xiang, Hou Po, Cang Zhu, Cao Dou Kou, Ban Xia, Fu Ling, Ze Xie, Yi Yi Ren, Sha Ren.RemovingRe & Dampness from MJ : Lian Qiao, Huang Lian, Zhi Zi, Huang Bai, Qin Pi.Stabilize & Bind: Wu Wei

    Zi, Wu Mei.Bu Qi, Nourish Yin: Dang Shen, Bai Shu, Gan Cao, Huang Qi, Sha Shen, Mai Dong, YuZhu, Bai Bian Dou

    SP/ST Qi Xu: Unwilling to eat, eat w/out deliciousfeeling, eat little, thin body form, pale complexion,lassitude. Or loose stools w/undigested food.T: pale with thin bai coatingP: forceless, a visible blue vein at the root ofthe nose.

    Invigorate SPBu QiCultivateearth &generatemetal

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    Shn LngBi Zh Sn

    Ginseng, Poria, & AtractylodesMacrocephala


    SP Xu: Enduring xie xie which does not heal,loose stools, undigested shui & grains, xie xieafter eating, light colored stools w/no foul odor, awallow huang facial complexion, emaciated, thinmuscles & flesh, lassitude of the spirit,listlessness.T: pale tongue thin with white fur P: slow slippery;blue vein at the root of thenose

    Bu SPLift qi to stopxie xie

    Si Jun Zi Tang, ShnYo, Lin Z, Bi BinDu, Y Y Rn, Sh

    Rn, Ji Gng

    F Z LZhng TngPrepared Aconiteto Regulate the


    Gn Jing, F Z (notoften in the US), SJZT


    Si Shen Wan4 Miracle Pill[Chen 784]

    Ru Du Ku, Cho BG Zh, W Wi Z, W

    Zh Y

    Rn ShnW Mi Tng

    Damaged Yin fluid : Enduring xie xie which hasdamaged yin fluids, lassitude of the jing shen,vexation & agitation, zao, parched skin, sunkeneyes & fontanel, xie xie of huang shui, short,scanty urination, zao mouth, hong lips.

    T: crimson body lack of jin yeP: thin & hollow

    Astringe yinC44

    Rn Shn, Lin Z, ZhGn Co, W Mi, M

    Gu, Shn Yo

    Shn FLng M Ji

    N Tng

    Damage of Yang : Enduring severe xie xie whichhas damaged yang qi. Watery stools, highfrequent BMs, lassitude of the jing shen, pale orgreenish gray complexion (emergency room),weak breathe, han spontaneous sweatingT: pale tongue body with white coatingP: deep minute pulse

    Warm yangto rescuefrom yangcollapse

    Jn Su G

    Jng WnMetal Lock Pill toStabilize the

    Essence [Chen794]

    Sh Yun J L, QinSh, Lin X, Lng G,M L

    Sng PioXio Sn

    Mantis Egg CasePowder [Chen


    Sng Pio Xio, LngG, C Gu Bn, Yun

    Zh, Sh Chng P,Rn Shen, F Shn,

    Dng Gu

    CC: notsuitable for Tx

    seminalemission &

    enuresis d/t D-Re in LJ

    Su QunWn

    (Concentrate)Reduce StreamPills [Chen 796]

    Y Zh Rn, W Yo,Shn Yo

    B Zhng YQ Tng Tonify

    the MiddleBenefit Qi Decoc[Chen 542] (8)

    SP/LU Qi Xu: Night time enuresis, SOB,disinclination to speak, lassitude of the spirit, lackof strength, a somber white facial complexion,devitalized appetite, loose stools, spontaneousperspiration,T: pale with white fur,P: Thin and forceless

    Bank origin &boost the qiSecure &astringe theurination

    LJZT (-FL, BX) HungQ, Dng Gu, Shng

    M, Chi H`

    Lng DnXi Gn

    Tng GentianaDrain the LV Dec


    LV Mai Damp-Re: Slippage of a small amount ofurine, which smells foul and is colored relativelyyellow, emotional tension & agitation, talking intheir sleep, bruxism during sleep, red lips.T:red body with huang or huang greasy coatingP: wiry rapid

    Drain the LVQing re

    Lng Dn Co, HungQn, Zh Z, M Tng,Ch Qin Z, Z Xi,

    Shng Di Hung, Dng

    Gu, Gn Co

    SP/KI Yang Xu: Enduring xie xie which will not

    stop, if severe, possible anal prolapse, xie xieafter eating, clear, watery stools,undigested food in the stools , a han body &chilled limbs, a somber bai facial complexion,lassitude of the jing spirit.T: pale body with white coatingP: deep thin; or a blue vein at the root of the nose.

    Tonify SPWam KIConsolidate tostop diarrhea

    Syndromes:KI Qi Xu


    KI Qi deconsolidation: Night time enuresis 1-2or more times each night, frequent, clearurination, a pale, facial complexion, a tendency tolow back or knee soreness or weakness, possiblechilled limbs & a fear of han.T: pale body with thin white coatingP: deep thin forceless

    Warm &supplement KIYangSecure &astringe theurination

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    Y Gn Sn

    SP Xu, LV hyperactivity: Uncontrollablefidgeting, emotional tension, easy anger, poorsleep, fatigue, diminished appetite, easilydeveloping diarrhea in response to emotionalstressT: thin white coatP: wir

    Fortify SPHarmonize LV

    Cho Bi Zh, F Lng,Dng Gu, Chun

    Xing, Gu Tng, ChiH, Gn Co

    Gu P TngRestore the SPDecoction [63]


    HT/SP Xu: Sallow or somber bai facialcomplexion, pale nails & lips, fatigue, insomnia,HT palpitations, SOB, a poor appetite, a tendencyto loose stools, poor memory.T: pale w/thin, bai fur P: thin, weak

    Bu qiSupplementthe HT & qiNourish xue

    LJZT , Hung Q, LngYn Ru, Dng Gu,Zh Yun Zh, SunZo Rn, M Xing

    Zu Gu WnLeft Restoring Pill

    (8) [68]

    LWDHW (no drain),Gu Q Z, Chun NiX, T S Z, L Jio

    Jio, Gu Jio

    Shng MiSn Restore the

    Pulse Powder

    Rn Shn, Mi MnDng, W Wi Z`

    Hung LinWn Dn

    Tng CoptisWarm The GBDecoction (9)


    Tan confounding the portals of the HT & Reharassing the HT Shen: Easy anger orpronounced irritability, vexation & restlessness,possible nausea, or profuse tan chest fullness &oppression, a bitter taste when waking up in themorning,T: hong edges & slimy, huang fur P: wiry, slippery, rapid

    Remove re An shen

    Bn Xi, Chn P, ZhR, Zh Sh, F Lng,

    Zh Gn Co, D Zo,Hung Lin

    CC: insomnia,palp, & dizzyd/t Yin or Xue

    XU, or vomitingd/t ST Han

    Syndromes:Tan Re w

    disharmony ofST/GB

    Tng QioHu Xu

    Tng Unblockthe Orifices &Invigorate XueDecoc [Chen


    Yu Xue obstructing the channels &malnourishment of the portalsHyperactivity plus a history of birth trauma withintracranial hemorrheage, a dull, dark facialcomplexion, easy anger over nothingT: dark hong

    P: choppy

    Quicken xueDispel stasis

    Ch Sho, ChunXing, To Rn, Hng

    Hu, D Zo, CngBi, Shng Jing, Sh


    Yin Xu Yang hyperactivity : Besides tending tobe thin, tend to suffer from insomnia, HTpalpitations, agitation, dizziness, ringing in theears, possible low back pain, possible bed-wetting at night , flushed cheeks, & possiblenight sweats.T: red w/diminished fur or pale w/a red tip.P: fine & rapid

    Supplementsthe KIEnriches yinSubues yangQuiets theshen

    Attention Deficit Disorder

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    Syndromes:LU QI


  • 8/13/2019 Chinese Medicine Info


    Disease Syndrome Patten Formula 1 Formula 2 Formula 3Wind-Cold Cough Jng Fng Bi D SnWind-Heat Cough Sng J YnDamp-Heat Cough Shng Jio Xun B TngPhlegm-Heat Cough Qng Q Hu Tn WnPhlegm Dampness Cough Li n Jin r Chn TngDry Cough due Yin-Deficiency Sh Shn Mi Dng TngChronic Cough due to Lung qi deficiency Li Jn Z TngHot asthma Dng Chun Tng M Xng Sh Gn Tng

    Cold asthma Xio Qng Lng Tng Sh Gn M Hung TngExterior Cold & Interior heat D Qng Lng TngLU Excess & K Deficiency S Z Jing Q Tng Sh Gn M Hung T D Q WnLung Qi deficiency Y Png Fng SnSpleen Qi deficiency Li Jn Z TngKidney Qi deficiency Jn Gu Shn Q WnIrregularity of Sp & ST Tio P Sn B Hun Jn Zhng Q SnSP / ST qi deficiency Shn Lng Bi Zh Sn Y Gng SnSP/ST yin insufficiency Yng Wi Zng Y TngFood stagnation Bo H WnWind cold invasion Hu Xing Zhng Q SnDamp heat G Gn Qn Lin TngSpleen Deficiency Shn Lng Bi Zh SnSpleen Kidney yang deficiency F Z L Zhng Tng S Shn WnDamaged yin fluid Rn Shn W Mi TngDamage of yang Shn F Lng M Ji N TngKidney qi deconsolidation Jn Su G Jng Wn Sng Pio Xio Sn Su Qun WnSpleen / Lung Qi Deficiency B Zhng Y Q TngLiver Channel Damp-heat Lng Dn Xi Gn TngSpleen Deficiency, liver hyperactivity Y Gn SnHeart/Spleen insufficiency Gu P TngYin deficiency, yang hyperactivity Zu Gu Wn Shng Mi SnPhlegm confounding the portals of the heart andheat harassing the heart spirit Hung Lin Wn Dn Tng

    Blood stasis obstructing the channels andmalnourishment of the portals Tng Qio Hu Xu Tng




    Pediatric Asthma

    Lack of appetite

    Pediatric Diarrhea

  • 8/13/2019 Chinese Medicine Info



    Liang Di TangTwo Herb Formula

    Yin Xu &Xue Re: early, bright red color, thin,scanty; insomnia, hot hands/feet.T: red, no/less coat, cracks. P: rapidTell patients to expect that next cycle to be slightlylater, but need to take it for at least a week.

    Zeng Ye Tang , di gu pi, e jiao, bai shao

    Safe to take duringmenstruation.

    Up to 3 cycles.

    Qing Jing SanClear MenstruationPowder

    Yang excess &Xue Re: Yang excess, xue re: more

    blood, thicker, small clots, more thirst, constipation,huang urine.T: huang coat. P: rapid, powerfulMay have infections or inflammation. Pelvic

    mu dan pi, di gu pi, baishao, shu di, huang bai,wing hao, fu ling

    cc: Do not use astringentor stop bleeding herbs to

    avoid stasis.Can be used in qi xu.

    Jia Wei Xiao YaoSan Modified San

    Rambling Powder (10)

    LV Qi Yu & Yu Re: Menstrual cycle changed bystress, early menses; stagnant re: heavier bleeding,more re,, hypochondriac pain, belching; may have a

    bitter taste.T: red, thin yellow coat. P: wiry, rapid.

    XYS, mu dan pi, zhi zicc: Remove dang guiin early menstruation.

    3G watch whit pony's swishtheir tails as mi& ginger sooththeir Livers.

    Bu Zhong Yi QiTang Tonify theMiddle Benefit Qi

    Decoc [Chen 542] (8)

    SP Qi Xu: heavier bleeding, thin blood; theoretically itis pale, clinically patients cant differentiate, poorappetite, loose stool, qi not ascending downbearing.T: pale. P: weak

    LJZT (-FL, -BX), huangqi, sheng ma, chai hu,dang gui

    Benefits the qi,ascends, low energy,

    low BP.Cc: anxiety or H/A due tothe warmth, & ascending


    Gui Pi TangRestore the SP

    Decoction [63] (12)

    SP Qi Xu: heavier bleeding, thin blood; theoretically itis pale, clinically patients cant differentiate, poorappetite, loose stool; anxiety, sleeping problemsT: pale. P: weak

    SJZT, huang qi, yuanzhi, LYR, SZR, DG, muxiang, sheng jiang, DZ

    4 Gs Open astragalusdragon eyes sleeping on

    aromatic wood aftereating ginger & dates and

    wagging their tails.

    Gu Yin JianStabilizing Yin/Yang


    KI Xu: scanty bleeding, may be related to lowerestrogen levels; slightly darker, thinner blood; weaklower leg, knees, light headed, dizziness. Tinnitus, mayhave darker spots on the face (KI xu, yu xue).T: color is not specific, dusky or pale, normal coat. P:dee thin

    LWDHW (-drain), renshen, wu wei zi, yuan

    zhi, tu si zi, zhi gan cao

    Suggest dietarychanges: soy, flax

    Da Bu Yin WanGreat Tonify Yin Pill (4)

    KI Xu: Delayed, normal to slightly dark, watery, thindischarge; may have lower sex drive, weak lower leg,knees, light headed, dizziness. Tinnitus, may havedarker spots on the face ( KI xu, yu xue).

    LWDHW (-drain) RS, duzhong, DG, GQZ, zhigan cao

    Ren Shen YangYing Tang

    Xue Xu: Delayed, scanty bleeding, theoretically pale,thin blood, lower abdomen may feel emptyQi/xue xu: dizzy, floatersXue does not nourishHT: floaters; pale face, eyelid,tongue, nailsP: thin, weak

    LJZT (-BX) , DG, BS,SD, HQ, WWZ, rou gui,

    YZ, SJ, DZ

    cc: Remove wu weizi if there is scanty


    Da Ying Jiang

    Xu han: Han blocks circulation: delayed, scanty bleeding, scanty, dull pain in lower abdomen reduced by warm pressure, low back weakness, frequenturination, pale face.T: pale, white coat. P: thin, slow, weak.

    DG, SD, GQZ, du zhong,niu xi, zhi GC, rou gui

    XueHan: History of gan mao or eating too much han foods, exposure to cold with inappropriate protection. Avoid coldfoods, esp. during menstruation. Put some clothes on.

    Early Menstruation (6) The cycle may be shorter than 21 days continuously for more than three cycles. Bleeding duringovulation is not necessarily early or two cycles.


    Delayed Menstruation (7)

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    Wen Jing TangWarm the Menses

    Decoc [Chen 919] (12)

    Excesshan: exposure to han, scanty bleeding, more yuxue, thicker blood; may have blood clots; darker, hanabdominal pain, re helps, not necessarily pressure.T: dusky, bai coatP: deep, tight. Not during period: deep, slow

    SWT (-SD), MDP, ezhu, niu xi, RS, GC, rougui

    WarmsMoves xue

    Wu Yao Tang

    Qi Yu: Delayed menstruation, slightly thicker blood,darker; may have clots; emotional, hypochondriactong, lower abdominal tong.T: normal. P: wiry

    Occasional infertility patients elevated prolactin levelswith a delayed period.

    wu yao, dang gui, xiangfu, mu xiang, gan cao

    Xiong Gui ErChen Tang ChuanXiong, Dang Gui &


    Tan & damp: Scanty bleeding, pale xue, mucous,stringy; bloated, overweight, some may have nausea or

    profuse vaginal discharge.T: pale, swollen, bai & greasy coat. P: slippery.Similar to PCOS, hirsuitism. Related to diet in manycases - SP Fx is not good. Dietary changes areimperative. Avoid all sugars, even sugary fruits, esp.uices.

    Er Chen Tang , (-wumei) chuan xiong, DG[dan xi xin fa]

    Gu Yin JianStabilizing Yin/Yang


    KI xu: irregular period, scanty bleeding, not enough jing transforms into xue; dizziness, ear ringing, frequrine, weak low back, knee. Occasionally yin xu isheavier bleeding. Blood will usually be thin.T: pale. P: deep, thin, weak.

    LWDHW (-drain), RS,WWZ, YZ, tu si zi, zhigan cao

    Compare to Da BuYuan Jiang

    Ding Jing Tang

    KI Xu w/LV Qi Yu: Menstruat on pro ems w t LVQi Yu, breast tenderness, slightly irritable before

    period.P: thin, wiry. T: normal, or slightly dusky redMakes the eriod more fixed in time.

    SWT (-CX), shan yao,FL, tu su zi, chai hu,chao jing jie

    Gui Pi Tang Restorethe SP Decoction [63]


    SP Qi Xu: qi doesnt control blood circulation, heavy bleeding, thin blood occasionally pale; fatigue,digestive problems, G/B, poor appetite. Not ascommon.T: pale, thin white coat.

    SJZT , huang qi, yuanzhi, LYR, SZR, DG, muxiang, sheng jiang, DZ

    4 Gs Open astragalusdragon eyes sleeping on

    aromatic wood aftereating ginger & dates and

    wagging their tails.

    Xiao Yao SanRambling Powder (8)

    LV Qi Yu: Early or delayed menstruation. Heavy orscanty bleeding relative to heat, blood may be slightlydark red in color, possible small clots; moderateuncomfortable menstrual cramps; belching. TypicalPMS sx: breast tenderness, occasional hypochondriac

    pain, bloating, cramps. T: normal. P: wiry

    Si Jun Zi Tang (-RS),DG, BS, chai hu, bo he,sheng jiang


    3G watch wh pony's swish th

    tails as mint ginger soothe th


    Yu Lin Zhu

    KI Qi Xu: Irregular periods, heavier, usually scanty,dizziness, ear ringing, weak low back, knee, frequenturination, night urination. Temperature is usuallycomfortable.T: pale. P: deep, weak, weaker KI position.

    SWT , SJZT , du zhong,tu su zi, lu j iao shuang,(hua jiao)

    cc: Du zhong has an antiearly pregnancy

    functions.Best to be used before pregnancy not during.

    Irregular Menstruation (4) Early or late for more than one week.

    Infertility (7) First regulate the patients period before continuing. The best time to become pregnant is about 3 to 5 days before ovulation.

    Infertility, PMS, Dysmenorrhea

  • 8/13/2019 Chinese Medicine Info


    Yang Jing ZhongYu Tang

    KI Yin Xu: usually combined with jing xu. Delayedmenstruation, scanty, pale blood (if no empty re).Dizziness, tinnitus, weak low back & knees; dry skin,eyes, or vaginal discharge. T: pale, or slightly red, verythin coat. P: thin, weak Overwork, night shift workers, excess exercise, hotyoga: consumes KI jing, Tend to have low estrogen.Progesterone may be normal. No clear egg whitevaginal discharge.

    SWT (-CX; sub shu di) ,shan zhu yu

    KI yin xu takeslonger than 2

    months to change.At least 6 months.Xue xu takes less


    Wen Pao Yin

    KI Yang Xu: delayed, scanty or no menstruation,sometimes pale; may have watery vaginal discharge,frequent urination. Lumbago during menstruation.Cold sx: whole body, palpate lower abdomen. T: pale,dusky, may be moist.P: deep & weak, usually slow.Hypothyroid

    RS, BZ, shan yao, bai jitian, du zhong, tu su zi,

    bu gu zhi

    Always add heat.Moxa is very

    important for theses patients.

    Bai Ling Tiao GanTang LV Yu:

    DG, chi shao, niu xi, wan bu liu xing, chuan lian zi,zhi shi, qing pi

    Not on test

    Kai Yu Zhong YuTang

    LV Yu: irregular menses, cramps, scanty dark flow,with clots.

    DG, BS, bau zhu, FL Know

    Qi Gong WanTan & Damp: blocks the uterus; over weightT: greasy, slippery pulsePCOS

    ECT (-SJ, GC, WM) ,cang zhu, xiang fu, shenqu, chuan xiong

    Shao Fu Zhu YuTang Drive Out YuXue in the Lower Abd

    Dec [Chen 889]

    Yu Xue: history of uterine fibroids or endometriosis.Bad menstrual cramps in abdominal area or lower

    back, possibly heavy bleeding, painful whendefecating.

    SWT (-SD, sub chi shao), Shi Xiao San, xiao hui xiang, gan pao jiang, yan hu suo, mo yao, rou gui

    cc: re signs

    Ge Xia Zhu YuTang Drive Out Blood

    Stasis Below theDiaphragm Decoction

    [Chen 885]

    Patient mentions that they do not have bad cramps.

    THSWT (-SD, sub chishao), yan hu suo, wu

    ling zhi, zhi ke, wu yao,xiang fu

    Xiao Yao SanRambling Powder (8)

    LV Qi Yu: breast tenderness, irritable, quick temper,moodiness.

    Si Jun Zi Tang (-RS),DG, BS, chai hu, bo he,sheng jiang

    3G watch wh pony's swish th

    tails as mint ginger soothe th


    Qi Ju Di HuangWan Gou Qi Zi & Ju

    Hua LWDHW

    Xue Xu &Hyperfunction of LV: Migraines beforeperiod, not necessarily scanty. Blood tries to gather inthe uterus area leaving the other parts of the bodyT: pale, red spots

    LWDHW , GQZ, ju hua

    Wen Tu Yu LinTang

    SP/KI Xu: water retention before period, alwaysgain weight, low energy, loose stoolT: pale, white coat. P: deep, weak

    Huang Lian WenDan Tang Coptis

    Decoction to Warm TheGB

    Tan Re disturbs: psychological problems, bi polar panic attack esp. before period.T: red, or normal

    ECT, huang lian, zhu ru ,zhi shi

    Tan & D; Yu Xue: Ask patient to not try to get pregnant for about 2 to 3 months. Ask them to use condoms.

    PMS (5) Progesterone levels tend to be low. Occasionally progesterone is not low, but estrogen is high, with normal FSH.Basal body temperature fluctuates.Ask patients to take vitamin B6 or B12 before and during their period. It reduces stress level & helps to nourish the blood.Fish oil also helps. Or in combination

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    Gan Mai Da ZaoTang Gan Cao, Xiao

    Mai, Da Zao Tang

    HT & Xue Xu: Mood, crying, poor concentration gan cao, da zao, xiao mai cc: glutensensitivities

    Tiao Gan TangRegulating LV

    DecoctionKI Xu with Yu: possibly poorly developed/shapeduterus, menstrual cramps start as teenagers,

    DG, BS, shan zhu yu,shan yao, ba ji tian

    Nourishes xue

    Huang Qi JiangZhong Tang

    Gui Zhi Tang, huang qi,yi tang

    Ba Zhen TangEight Treasure

    DecoctionSWT, SJZT

    Jia Wei Xiao YaoSan Modified

    Rambling Powder (10)

    LV Yu Re: Menstrual cramps, stressP: wiry

    XYS (-dang gui); mu dan pi, zhi zi

    Ge Xia Zhu Yu

    Tang Drive Out BloodStasis Below theDiaphragm Decoction

    [Chen 885]

    Qi Yu, & Yu Xue: large clots, darker, thicker.General menstrual cramps, no cold sx.Endometriosis

    THSWT (-SD, sub chi

    shao), yan hu suo, wuling zhi, zhi ke, wu yao,xiang fu

    Wen Jing TangWarm the Menses

    Decoc [Chen 919] (12)

    Han accumulation & Yu Xue: Cold sensation, badcramps day before period, heating pad relives cramps.

    SWT (-SD), RS, GC, RG,e zhu, MDP, niu xi

    Zuo Gui Wan LeftRestoring Pill (8) [68]

    KI Yin Xu: Abnormal bleeding, heavier or slightlylonger, thin brighter blood.T: slightly red, thin color, left chi weaker. P: thin, rapid or deep thin, rapid

    LWDHW (-drain) , gou qizi, tu su zi, chuan niu xi,lu jiao jiao, gui ban jiao

    Da Bu Yuan Jian

    KI Yang Xu: Possibly pale blood but usually red &thin, smaller clots, weakness in the low back or knee,some cramps; tend to feel like their whole body is cold.T: pale, slightly dusky. P: deep, weak, maybe slow.

    LWDHW (-drain, sub shu di) , RS, GC, duzhong, DG, GQZ

    cc: Remove dan guidue to the warm

    nature if necessary

    Gu Chong TangStabilize the Chong

    Decoction [Chen803]

    SP Qi Xu: Heavy, prolonged bleeding, usually pale,heavy bleeding is not always pale, thinner blood, may

    have G/B or loose stool; low energy.Damp: occasional mucous in blood.T: scalloped, pale, swollen. P: thin, weak

    BZ, HQ, duan long gu &mu li, shan zhu yu, hai

    piao xiao, BS, qian caogen, zong lu tang, wu beizi

    Moxa SP1, patient

    can do moxa on ST36.

    Qing Re Gu Jing

    ue e: eavy ee ng, r g re , c er oo ;thirst, constipation, Hx of yellow vaginal discharge orcramps.T: red (not usually in long term bleeding), red spots,yellow coat (some bai coat)

    DGP, sheng di, mu li, zhigui ban, e jiao, di yu, ou

    jie, zong lu tang, bai zhu,gan cao

    Not on test

    Zhu Yu Zhi BengTang Remove theBlood Stasis & StopFlooding Decoction

    Yu Xue:

    DG, CX, san qi, mo yao,wiz, mu dan pi tan, chaodan shen, chao ai ye, e

    jiao, LG, ML, wu zei gu

    Not on test

    Uterine Bleeding & Perimenopauseoo ng ea ng s norma o ee more e rs ew ays. v ng pa en s as r ngen or s op ee ng er s oo

    early will cause blood stasis. It is better to wait 3 to 4 days before taking stop bleeding herbs. The uterus lining must firstslough off normally, otherwise it may cause more yu xue. Move blood & stop bleeding is best: san qi, pu huang, qian cao

    gen. - -

    Qi & Xue Xu: with cramps on 2nd or 4th day, lowerabdominal area feels empty, pressure makes it better,down bearing feeling; not very severe pain.T: typically pale, normal coat. P: weak

    Dysmenorrhea (6) Give herbs 3 to 5 days before their cycle.1. Excess: yu xue, D-re, etc. cramps are before the period or first day. Severe pain: 9/10 excess. 2. Xu: cramps during heavy

    bleeding and/or after. Slight discomfort, not very sharp. 3. Always good to add calm shen herbs in xu/shi.o Center around the uterus area: yu xue etc. o Side over ovaries: always LV mai related o Lower back: KI related, possiblyxu. o Sacrum may be just yu xue.

  • 8/13/2019 Chinese Medicine Info


    Shi Xiao SanSudden Smile Powder

    (4)Yu Xue: pu huang, wu ling zhi

    Liu Wei Di HuangWan 6 Ingredient

    Rhemannia Pills [66](6)

    KI Yin Xu: hot flashes, dry symptoms.shan zhu yu, sheng di,shan yao, ze xie, fu ling,mu dan pi

    Modified: gui ban,mu li, shi jue ming

    Tian Wang BuXin DanHeavenly

    Emperor's HT Tonic Pill(14)

    KI Yin Xu: hot flashes, night sweatsHT Sx: insomnia, DDS, palpitations, anxiety

    Zheng Ye Tang , shngd, tian dong, SZR, BZR,DG, dan shen, RS, FL,YZ, WWZ, zhu sha, jiegeng

    Angelica & Pogive Schizand

    ZYT, 2 rens, 2 s& asparagus & oher orifices to fi

    cinnaar balloo

    Yi Guan JianLinking Decoction

    [Chen 657]

    KI Yin Xu: hot flashesLV Yin Xu: hypochondriac pain, irritability, quicktemper,T: no coat, es . on the sides. P: thin, wir

    Nourishes LV yin

    You Gui WanRight Restoring

    Beverage (8)

    KI Yang Xu: hot flashes, sweating, covers on/off,cold; after sweating tends to feel cold

    LWDHW (-drain) , GQZ,LJJ, tu si zi, du zhong,RG, zhi fu zi, DG

    Er Xian Tang TwoXian Herb Decoction

    KI Yang Xu with water retention: PerimenopausalHTN, water retention.

    xian mao, yin yang huo(xin ling pi), ba ji tianDG, zhi mu, huang bai

    Use more yang orclear re herbs

    relative to case.Start low ~9-12g

    Xiao Yao SanRambling Powder (8)

    LV Qi Yu: Hot flashes may be worse under stress.Si Jun Zi Tang (-RS),DG, BS, chai hu, bo he,sheng jiang

    Xue Fu Zhu YuTang Drive Out Stasisin the Mansion of Blood

    Decoction (11) [Chen879]

    Yu Xue: History of uterine fibroids or endometriosis,menstrual cramps, hot flashes, night sweat, at

    perimenopause period is darker with more clots.

    THSWT (sub chi shao) ,zhi ke, GC, chai hu, JG,


    Ban Xia Bai ZhuTian Ma Tang

    Pinellia, Atractylodes,Gastrodia Decoction (8)

    Tan : Suddenly gained weight, light headed, dizziness,vertigo, foggy mind, poor concentration.

    LJZT (-RS) , tian ma

    Gan Mai Da ZaoTang Gan Cao, Xiao

    Mai, Da Zao Tang

    HT & Xue Xu: Mood, crying, poor concentration,very depressed

    gan cao, da zao, xiao maicc: gluten


    HT/KI Yang Xu: Estrogen is very low, bone densityloss, not enough Ca deposits: xu duan , du zhongAdd moving blood herbs: niu xi, ji xue tengCa carbonate difficult to digest, Ca citrate better,Ca lactate easiestWeight Bearing exercises are imperative to maintain

    bone and reduce stress.

    Perimenopause Syndrome(13) In ancient times this was KI Xu. Today estrogen low, FSH high. In the clinic we are seeingyounger women with this, usually stress related. In ancient times this was KI Xu. Today estrogen low, FSH high. In theclinic we are seeing younger women with this, usually stress related. The youngest one was 28 years old, a lot of stress whenshe came in for infertility. Other things could consume KI yin/jing, some due to surgeries, chemotherapy, top bleedingdrugs, esp. when they are estrogen sensitive, cancer, or total hysterectomies. Mainly we will see Perimenopausal sx,classically KI Xu, lately a lot of LV Qi Yu. Sx: hot flashes, night sweating, moodiness, breast tenderness, vaginal dryness,
