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Page 1: CHINESE TRANSLATION SERVICES › wp-content › uploads › wintranslation... · Tang started his career in the language industry in 1999 as a bilingual desktop publisher at Alpnet


Page 2: CHINESE TRANSLATION SERVICES › wp-content › uploads › wintranslation... · Tang started his career in the language industry in 1999 as a bilingual desktop publisher at Alpnet

About us

Company background

Services offered

Media and events

Meet our in-house Chinese stAff

Meet our Chinese trAnslAtors

PAst Chinese ProjeCts And Clients

Website localization

Document translation and typesetting

Document translation

table of contents

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serviCesY Document translation & typesetting

• Manuals • Brochures • Annual Reports • Web sites • Newsletters • Presentations • Scripts

Y Web & software localization

• Cultural adaptation of content • Search engine optimization • Usability testing on foreign audiences

Y Staffing solutions for temporary or ongoing multilingual requirements

• Recruiting • Testing

Y Interpretation

• Simultaneous or consecutive • Meetings or conferences

Y Workshops

• How to build world-ready websites • Cultural considerations for doing business in China half-day or full-day


phone: 519.256.8897 | email: [email protected]

about usCoMPAny bACkground

wintranslation.com is a language service

based in Ottawa, Canada. Founded in

1998 in Windsor, Ontario, wintranslation.

com serves clients from across North

America. Specializing in web localization,

wintranslation.com advises clients on

how to maximize the Web’s potential in

attracting international customers and

building brand loyalty worldwide.

Wintranslation.com employs 3 full time

project managers, and a team of about 40

Chinese translators, desktop publishers,

and multilingual audio talents in China,

Canada and United States. The teams

at wintranslation.com are put together

based on client requirements, skill sets,

and time zone to provide convenient

service for each client.

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wintranslation.com’s business profile has appeared in Canadian national radio CBC as well as daily and national newspapers such as the Ottawa Citizen, the Windsor Star and Business Edge and also CNN Money.com.

Our by-lined articles have been published by Target Marketing, marketingprofs.com, Multilingual Magazine and American Translators’ Association’s Chronicle. Some have been translated into French, Chinese and German by various sources.

wintranslation.com often presents insights on web globalization, cross cultural communication and search engine marketing at international events such as the Search Engine Strategies conferences, Ad-tech, and the Association of Language Companies annual conference.

wintranslation.com brings the latest on web internationalization to a world wide audience by volunteering for the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) on an ongoing basis.

phone: 519.256.8897 | email: [email protected]


As seen in


A few years ago, emissaries fromthe California winery Kendall-Jack-son met with restaurateurs in China.Pouring a glass of pinot noir, theKendall representative described thewine as having hints of strawberry.He was met with blank looks; no onein his audience had ever tasted thefruit. The company went back to thedrawing board to adapt its descrip-tors to the Chinese palate.The strawberry analogy is one amyriad of missteps companies canmake when they troll internationalmarkets for customers.With more and more North Ameri-can businesses expanding theirreach using websites, Huiping Ilersaw a niche waiting to be filled. Shewas living in Windsor in 1998 whenshe started Wintranslation.com totranslate corporate websites andadapt them to other cultures.Her company has done work for

heavyweight clients like Maple LeafFoods and Caterpillar, and Iler is asought-after speaker.Iler, 33, formerly Huiping Zhang,learned about cultural adaptationfirst-hand.After growing up near Heng Yang,an industrial city in southern China,she left on a scholarship to studycommunications at the University ofWindsor.

At the top of her class in China, Il-er had a tough time at Windsor. Shehad never used a computer, didn’tgrasp Canadian cultural references,and had to learn a different style ofreasoning and writing.“It was a huge struggle,” she said.But the transition gave Iler a leg-up when it came to understandingcross-cultural differences.So after graduation and working ata few clerical jobs, Iler launched herown translation business fromhome.Her initial clients included people

ments like marriage certificates.The immigration section of theCanadian Consulate General in De-troit was her first important corpo-rate client.While Iler did some Chinese-to-English translation, she hired free-lance translators for most of thework. She has focused on the busi-ness side.

In 1999, Iler’s business took a turnwhen she won a contract from PlanetIntra Inc. (now called Vialect) totranslate and adapt the documenta-tion and user interface for a softwareprogram for the company’s office inGermany. From then on, Iler expand-ed her expertise in “localization,” oradapting websites for foreign mar-kets or users from different cultures.“A lot of firms have the chance to usethe Internet to go global, to get interna-tional customers.” Iler said. “Some-times translation is not enough, you

Pizza box entrepreneursin running for $50,000A Windsor-based pizza-box businessremains in the running for a $50,000prize on the CBC television showwhich brings together entrepreneursand a group of hard-nosed investors.In a recent episode, Chris Holdenand Rob Tulk of Pizza Box 2000, whodeveloped a pizza box with perforatedlid which can then be used as a dispos-able plate, faced the Dragon’s Den pan-el and came away as one of the topideas pitched so far this season.While it hasn’t led to an investmentdeal, Holden said the “exposure hasbeen priceless and something we cer-tainly couldn’t have afforded to pay forin any way.“It’s generated calls from coast-to-coast and we have a number of licens-ing deals and development opportuni-ties in front of us,” said Holden.Holden said a variety of companieshave come forward offering to produceand distribute the boxes in virtuallyevery Canadian province as well as anumber of U.S. states along the easternseaboard.

“We’re in the process of going overthe opportunities and trying to put to-gether agreements,” said Holden.Pitching their ideas and products to apanel of multi-millionaires, the entre-preneurs find themselves forced to de-cide how much of their business to giveup in exchange for an infusion of cash.Holden said one investor offered$250,000 for between 50 and 95 per centof the company but both he and Tulkdeclined because “we didn’t want togive up that much of the company.“We both think there’s a deal to bemade out there and we’re willing towait,” said Holden.In the meantime, the pair are still inthe running for an appearance on alate-season episode when a number othe top ideas will be brought back foran investment showdown.Shalhoub to addressnetworking session

Lori Shalhoub, general counsel forexternal affairs and public policy forChrysler Canada, is scheduled to be


Canadian retailsales worse

than expected. Page C2

INSIDE BUSINESS | Stocks and mutuals. Page C4


[email protected]




Available Position: ManagerLike all winning teams, we depend on key playerswho excel through their leadership, performance andtireless commitment - who put their heart into their

work and have fun doing what they love. We areexpanding quickly. Are you up to the challenge?Please submit your application to:[email protected] or by fax at

This position will be located at 155 Talbot Road, LaSalle

Mastronardi Produce Ltd. is one of the largest glassand plastic greenhouseoperations in the world. We have immediateopenings in our Logisticsdepartment.Logistics ManagerOutbound Load PlannerPlease email your resume to [email protected] candidates will be contacted.



Huiping Iler unlocks‘localization’ potential

The employment insurance programis shutting out many jobless womenfrom receiving benefits, according to areport being released today that foundthat only 32 per cent of unemployedwomen collect EI compared with 40 per“Essentially, two in every threeworking women who pay into EI don’treceive a single penny in benefits ifthey lose their jobs,” said MonicaTownson, co-author of the report —Women and The Employment Insur-ance Program — by the left-wing Cana-

The likelihood of most women everreceiving unemployment benefits isslim because the program doesn’t rec-

omenshut outfrom EIbenefi ts,report says

FINDS NICHE: Huiping Iler runs a business to business translation company specializing in English -

Chinese but working in more than 100 languages.

Canwest News Service photo

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Huiping Iler is the founder and president of wintranslation.com. In 1998, by chance she became a court certified Mandarin interpreter which introduced her to the business of translation and interpreting.

Today Iler is a sought-after speaker at international conferences on issues related to web site localization, cross culture com-munication, search engine marketing for multi-language and multi-country sites.

Iler holds a M.A. in Communication Studies from the University of Windsor, Canada and a B.A. in English Literature and Linguistics from Xiangtan University in China. She also has a certificate in international business from the Forum for International Trade (FITT). She is a graduate of Gerry McGovern’s Killer Web Content master classes and Search Engine Marketing Workshops advanced training program. She received usability testing training from User Interface Engineering conferences led by Jared Spool.


Deyu Tang joined wintranslation.com in April 2007 as a project manager, bringing with him nearly ten years of experience in translation and software localization. He is the project manager in charge of all Chinese projects.

Tang started his career in the language industry in 1999 as a bilingual desktop publisher at Alpnet China (now SDL China). He was the first generation of foreign language typesetters to be professionally trained in China. After Alpnet, Tang accepted a

position at Boffin China. Tang worked in managerial roles in desktop publishing, project management and engineering, overseeing sixteen employees.

Tang has handled thousands of localization projects including software, website, database, audio and video. He worked with global companies such as Microsoft, Intel, HP, Dell, GE, and McAfee.

Deyu holds a B.A. in Philosophy from Anhui University in China. He is a ThizLinux Certified Network Engineer and LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP) Engineer.

meet our in-house chinese staff

phone: 519.256.8897 | email: [email protected]

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v. dong

With over 10 years of translation and interpretation experience in China, Hong Kong, U.S.A, and Canada, and a senior translator for wintranslation.com since 2003, Dong has extensive experience translating material on subjects such as finance, government, agriculture, international development, culture and education.

Dong has been providing translation and interpretation services to government officials, the Project Office, and visiting Canadian experts on projects funded by CIDA (Canadian

International Development Agency) in China since 2005. This also involves conducting research and developing training curriculum in international development on employment issues in China.

A Visiting Fellow at Harvard University in Cambridge, MA, Dong holds a M.A degree in English from Nanjing University, China and a B.A degree in English from Anhui University, China.

h. fei

With over 10 years of experience behind him, Fei is able to combine his excellent computer skills with his language expertise. A former Chinese Software tester, Quality Assurance, and localization specialist for Novell Inc, and a current translator and localization specialist with Intel Corporation, Fei is familiar with the most up-to-date terminology, particularly in the constantly changing computer world.

Having taught English in both China and the USA, he is able to easily comprehend the meaning of the English and Chinese text. His Chinese translation work was published in June 1990 by Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press (permission of Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA 2138) (1991) for Virgin Land: The American West as Symbol and Myth (by Henry Nash Smith).

Fei graduated with a B.A. in English from Shanghai International Studies University in 1983 and a M.A. in TESOL (Teaching English as a Second Language) from the University of Arizona in 1993. He received an Academic Certificate from the Fulbright Program in the Center of American Studies at Shanghai International Studies University in 1985, and is also a certified Novell administrator (CNA).

phone: 519.256.8897 | email: [email protected]

meet our Chinese translators


Page 7: CHINESE TRANSLATION SERVICES › wp-content › uploads › wintranslation... · Tang started his career in the language industry in 1999 as a bilingual desktop publisher at Alpnet

phone: 519.256.8897 | email: [email protected]


C. huAng

As a software localization specialist, Huang translates for clients such as HP, Sun, Nokia, and Adobe, and has led the localization team composed of 4 members to accomplish the project of a Microsoft Windows XP Traditional Chinese software part. As a technical writer, Huang has maintained Data sheets, BIOS porting guides, and design guides, and has composed manuals of main boards manufactured by VIA Technologies, Inc.

Huang received a B.A. in Foreign Language and Literature from Tunghai University in Taiwan in 1998. She received a M.A. in Interpreting and Translation for Chinese and English from the University of BATH, in Bath, UK in 2000.

h. MCgilvrA

McGilvra has a long list of translation clients to her name such as Intel Corporation, Novell, and Microsoft. Specializing in software and website localization for Microsoft Windows XP, Macintosh, and Unix platforms for different applications, she has impressive technical translation skills. McGilvra also provides consecutive and simultaneous interpretation to the U.S. Department of Justice and the Taiwan government-sponsored Central Vocational Training

Center (CVTC). She is a member of the American Translators Association, and is certified to translate for the U.S. Department of Justice.

In 1993, McGilvra graduated from the University of Texas at Arlington with a B.A. in Communications. From 1981 to 1989 she received formal training in linguistics.

j. ZhAng

A Chinese legal and environmental translator, Zhang leads a team of several translators to produce clear, concise Chinese translation. Having translated for the Urban Affairs Office of Hunan Province for the promotion of all their agriculture-related investment projects to the western world, and having translated over 1 million words for a variety of other similar clients, Zhang has become extremely familiar with Canadian laws and policies.

Zhang received a Ph.D. in Political Science at Boston College; LL.B, Peking University. He was the academic translator at Harvard-Yenching Institue at Harvard University and was also a translator for the Foreign Affairs Office at Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.

Page 8: CHINESE TRANSLATION SERVICES › wp-content › uploads › wintranslation... · Tang started his career in the language industry in 1999 as a bilingual desktop publisher at Alpnet

phone: 519.256.8897 | email: [email protected]

website translation




SERVICESTranslation services into 5 languages: Simplified Chinese, European French, German, Hindi and Spanish

PRODUCTMultilingual website

SOFTWARE USEDAccess, Excel, Word, Trados, CMS


SERVICESTranslation services in 2 languages: Chinese Simplified and Latin American Spanish

PRODUCTMultilingual website

SOFTWARE USEDTrados, Macromedia Flash, Adobe Photoshop

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phone: 519.256.8897 | email: [email protected]


Translation and typesetting of Quit Smoking ads for the province of Ontario

SERVICESTranslation and typesetting services in 14 languages: Portuguese, Spanish, Urdu, Tamil, Farsi, Arabic, Chinese Simplified, Chinese Traditional, Somali, Italian, Russian, Amharic, Vietnamese, Khmer

PRODUCTPosters and cards

SOFTWARE USEDTrados, InDesign, Illustrator


SERVICESChinese translation and typesetting


SOFTWARE USEDTrados, QuarkXpress

“Your service was timely and professional and we would not hesitate to use your company again.”

Bill Hanyzewski, Thompson Printing

document translation & typesetting

Page 10: CHINESE TRANSLATION SERVICES › wp-content › uploads › wintranslation... · Tang started his career in the language industry in 1999 as a bilingual desktop publisher at Alpnet

phone: 519.256.8897 | email: [email protected]



SERVICESChinese typesetting of UNESCO’s Global digest

PRODUCTGlobal Digest brochure

SOFTWARE USEDAsian QuarkXpress


SERVICESMultilingual translation into Arabic, Chinese (simplified), Chinese (traditional), Danish, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Spanish, Thai, Turkish, around 100,000 words.

PRODUCT Application forms, brochures, Inserts

“We’ve used wintranslation.com’s translation and typesetting service for most of our marketing materials for almost 3 years. We have been very pleased with the company’s responsiveness and quick turn around time. In addition, we are also very happy with the quality of thetranslation and services provided and it is my pleasure to recommend wintranslation.com’ s services to prospective customers.”

Jeanny Stevens, The New England School of English

PRODU Application forms, brochures, Inserts

“We’ve used wintranslation.com’s translation and typesetting service for most of our marketing materials for almost 3 years. We have been very pleased with the company’s responsiveness and quick turn around time. In addition, we are also very happy with the quality of thetranslation and services provided and it is my pleasure to recommend wintranslation.com’ s services to prospective customers.”

Jeanny Stevens, The New England School of English

PRODU Application forms, brochures, Inserts

“We’ve used wintranslation.com’s translation and typesetting service for most of our marketing materials for almost 3 years. We have been very pleased with the company’s responsiveness and quick turn around time. In addition, we are also very happy with the quality of thetranslation and services provided and it is my pleasure to recommend wintranslation.com’ s services to prospective customers.”

Jeanny Stevens, The New England School of English

document translation & typesetting

Page 11: CHINESE TRANSLATION SERVICES › wp-content › uploads › wintranslation... · Tang started his career in the language industry in 1999 as a bilingual desktop publisher at Alpnet

phone: 519.256.8897 | email: [email protected]



SERVICESTranslation and typesetting into Chinese and Vietnamese of Bio Sculpture applications, forms, products and other documents

“We have been very impressed with the service we have received.” Marsha Nieuwenhuis, Bio Sculpture Canada


SERVICESMultilingual translation into Arabic, Chinese, Farsi, Hindi, Indonesian, Korean, Punjabi, Russian, Spanish, Somali, Urdu


SERVICESTranslation of journal articles appearing in The Chinese Economy, Chinese Sociology and Anthropology, a million words plus.

document translation

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Fo r p o t e n t i a l p ro j e c t i n q u i r i e s , p le a s e co n t a c t t h e W i n d s o r o f f i ce .

W I N D S O R O F F I C E :5 4 5 O u e l le t t e Ave . S u i t e 2 0 1

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OT TAWA O F F I C E : 3 3 M a rco L a n e

O t tawa , ON K1S 5A 1

E m a i l : w e b@w i n t r a n s l a t i o n . co m

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