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CHINTZ ROYATLY The Breckenridge News Difficult …nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7k3j391f7m/data/0060.pdf ·...

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= r J 9 I CHINTZ ROYATLY Practical Surveyor ALS- ONotary Public J JI can survey your lands i write your deeds and take the acknowledge ¬ t Inent at jcur homes this saves you trouble and costs your patronage so- licited ¬ address me at Har f dinsburg Ky- MISSOURI PACIFIC RAILWAY OR IRON MOUNTAIN ROUTE ° rOOM i St Louis and Memphis i Affords prospector or homeseeke- best service FASTEST SCHEDULE TO ALL POINS IN I Missouri Nebraska Kansas Otcnhoma and o OregonCalltornla ArIIODPullmau Kellnlnrcliiilrcftrs ertltlveliterature II C TOWNSENI a P and T A ST Louis Mo I It TO MATTHEWS T P A- Lotnsvnir KY t SYSTEMI VIIL HAVE ON SALE AT St Louis and Memphis CHEAP ONEWAY and ROUND TRIP Homeseekers Rates First and Third Tuesdays of each Month TO ARKANSAS MISSOURI KAN SAS OKLAHOMA TERRITORY INDIAN TERRITORY AND TEXAS Fur Rates and Information addretM If I McOUISB W R PQNVE Tr Pass Agent Oeneral Agent CINCINNATI OHIO REDUCED RATES TO THE GREAT SOUTHWEST On these first and third Tuesdays of each month special hometeekers anti colonist rates are effective from St Louis mid Kansas City to points in Mis souri Arkansas Oklahoma Indian Ter- ritory ¬ and Texas via the For roundtrip ticks 7I fare plus two1 Vrs an I for sing te tdp tickets ehalf fare pi is two dollars 0 I tlIM11k1Ntk11tt11tt1tflS Mk7tMxfl1t1t11wyI COLONIST RATES i VIA THEJe x se II Onehalf rate plus two dollars from St j Saint Louis Kansas City and Mem x- u phis to points in > II 5 MISSOURI I ARKANSAS jj a INDIAN TERRITORY = II OKLAHOMA jj K TEXAS H r R LOUISIANA 5 II se This rate is in effect on the first and car third Tuesdays of each month Full is ii 9 information furnished upon applica = i lion to any passenger agent of the J p Stp = Frisco SystemSt K Saint Louis i nKttxKitatttkMttKwK > ttkx > < KKttKMM e- Do You Enjoy What You Eat You can eat whatever and whenever you like if you take Kodol By the use of this remedy disordered digestion and diseased stomachs are so completely restored to health and the full performance of their functions naturally that such foods as would tie one Into a doublebowknot are eaten without even a rumbling and with a post ¬ Uve pleasure and enjoyment And what U more these foods are assimilated and transformed into the kind of nutriment that Is appropriated by the blood and tissues Kodol Is the only digestant or combination of dlgestants that will digest all classes of food In addition to this fact It contains In assimilative form the greatest known tonic and reconstructive properties Kodol cures Indigestion dyspepsia and all disorders arising therefrom Kodol Digests What You Eat Makes the Stomach Sweet Bottles only Regular size oS 1 100 hoMlnr 2H limn the trial size which tells for SO cents Prepared by E 0 DeWITT CO Chicago III IAI The Breckenridge News WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 2 1003 CONTEST FOR OLD FIDDLERS t A 0 U Ws of This City Secur- ing Entries for Big Con- test in October EASY CONDITIONS FOR ENTRIES The A O U W lodge ot this city is making preparations for an old fiddlers contest to take place some time during the month of October Entries for the contest tire now being secured and nil the arrangements are thatr an early date in October can be an- nounced for the contest Each and every entry in this contest must lw over fortyfive years of age No other conditions are imposed anti place of residence is not restricted The prizes will oe nttracllve and worth contesting for The first prize will probably be 25 in cash The other prizes will range ns second third and fourth but these will be ar ranged later Several have signified their inten ¬ hon of entering the contest Among them are Messrs Price Graham elms Furrow John Dean Thos Ethertoa Robt Lewis and Robt JMattiugly The names of those desiring to enter the contest should be sent at once to Walter B Oelze so that all the plans onn bo arranged at the earl ¬ iest possible date It costs nothing to enter The committee on arrange ¬ ments is composed of the following gentlemen Henry Lewis Wallace Lisbon and WB Oelze The A U U WH have beon plan ¬ ning an old fiddlers contest for some ¬ time In point of numbers and activi- ty ¬ the local lodge is tho strongest in the county and will leave no arrange menta undone which will contribute to muse the contest nu enjoyable and successful event Cancer Cured by Blood Balm All ykln and Blood Diseases Cured j Mrs 11 L Adams Fredojjin Ala took Botanic Blood Balm Vhloh effect ¬ unity cured an eating wincer of the nose and face TtVo sores healed up wrfjctly tinny doctors hind gun up her CBBG as hopeless Hundreds of cases of cancer eating sores supper ¬ ating swellings etc have boon cured by Blood Balm Among others Mrs AlIII stare htaltJl1I the sore and MW Guerney is as wed as ever Botanic Blood Balm also cures eczema itching humors scabs and scales bone pains ulcers offen ¬ sire pimples blood poison carbuncles scrofula risings and bumps on the skin and all blood troubles Drug ¬ gists 100 per large bottle Sample of n talks Blood Balm free and prepaid by writing Blood Balm Co Atlanta On Describe trouble and special medical advice sent in sealed letter it is certainly worth while Invest gating such a remniKunle rttmedv as Botanic Blood Balm cures the most- I vfnl worst and most deepseated blood diseases PAINTING SCIIOOL BUILDING- S 11 AlcCrackens Force of Paint ¬ ers Busy at This and Other Contracts Wilbnrn Gregory and Chas und Mulcolin OBrien have been painting the interior of the high school build ¬ I lug for Contractor S H McUracen Ther hove also beau painting the woodworkon the exterior The halls and the woodwork in the school rooms have l been painted in pen green blue and oak and the outside trimmings nre all in solid white These are Im- p oveUl8l1tli which have long been needed Mr MeLracken also hue the contract to paint the canning factory F T HHysers iiiW residence P D Planks residence bought last week from the Cloverport Real Estate and Improve ¬ ment Compnny and the buildings owned by the Henderson Route in this cty Bucklent Arnica Salve Huts worldwide fame for marvelous cures It surpasses any other salve lotion ointment for balm or Cuts Corns Burns Boils Korea Felons Ulcers Tetter Salt Rheum Fever Sores Chapped Hands Skin Eruptions infalliole for Piles Cure Guaranteed Only 2J o at Short Haynes Drug ¬ gists a Difficult Digestion That Is dyspepsia- It makes life miserable Its sufferers cat not because they want to but simply because they mutt They know they are Irritable and fretful but they cannot bo otherwise They complain of a bad taste In tho mouth a tenderness at the pit of the stom ¬ ach an uneasy feeling of puffy fulness headache heartburn and what not Tho effectual remedy proved by perma ¬ nent cures of thousands of severe cases Is Hoods Sarsaparilla 11001 11 IILLII are tl u burl cathartic OUR TOTAL POPULATION Including the Philippines Porto Rico Guam and Samoa We Numbe r84233069 From the Hon W R Merrlauis Noteworthy Results for the Twelth Census in the September Century The total population enumerated by the twelfth census was 705503887 but while the area of enumeration covered Alaska nnd Hawaii it did not include Port Rico the Philippines Guam or Samoa The population of these newly acquired islands has how- ever ¬ been ascertained partly by esti- mates ¬ and partly by special censuses Including those estimates the total population of the United States and its outlying possessions in 1900 was as followsArea enumeration 70303337 Philippine Islands O1J61mJlJ Poro Rico 95324U Guam 0000 Samoa o100Tot- al 841233000 Tne oily countries surpasissng the United States in number of inhabi ¬ tants are the Chinese Empire the Brit ¬ ish Empire the Russian Empire and probably France with the inclusion of its African possessions We have in our shelves many rome ¬ dies for constipation and biliousness but the neverfailing commonsense cure is found only in Ramons Liver Pulls and Tonic Pellets This treat ¬ ment cures by relieving the cause of the trouble The Pink Pill arouses the liver while the Touiovpellels tone up the orcans and insure natural and healthy conditions Complete Trea- tmenttwp ¬ medicines 35 doses full directions only 23c Druggists Mutual Insurance The retail druggists of Kentucky will within the next thirty days organize a mutual insurance compa- ny ¬ says the Louisville Herald There are now 2500 retail druggists in Ken tacky Each one of these will be ask ¬ ed to give to the insurance company a noto lor 100 payable within onto year In consideration of this note a policy for 5000 will he issued This will bt the limit of any ris- kFOIEYSKIDNIYCUKE Makes Kidneys and Bladder RIght Hancock County It Is probable that Mrs Jeff Ster rutt and Miss Lucile Sterrett will go to Dalton Texas early in October to spend it few weeks with relatives James Crockett Fred Bauer George Bauer Frank Herzog and J P Ender nre at Tar Springs this week They lire in camp and reports from them indicate that they are doing as well ns may be expected Hawes villo Plaindenlor Leaves Bank for College Mr Cleburnc Gregory brother of Cashier E E Greogry of the Bank of Cloverport has resigned his posi- tion ¬ as teller of tho Dnviess county Bank and Trust company and will go to Lexington to attend the Ken- tucky ¬ University Mr Gregory has visited here and hue a number of friends in Cloverport OASTOBXAn Bean the- Slgaature or the Kldd gat Hart Iiaals Bought Breaks Worlds Record A special front Now Yonc says When Dan Patch hung up a new worlds record of 160 for a mile Wed ¬ nesday at Brighton Beachit marked the climax of one of the most meteoric careers on the turf Stops the Cough and Works off the Cold coldIn The Deadly Cigarette Charles Rose 20 years old died at Petersburg Wednesday morning from cancer of the head unused by smoking twenty cigarettes n day for three years Three weeks ago his eye balls wore pushed out of their sockets swollen to abnormal size and hung out on his cheens His sufferings were Intense and he begged his attendants to kill him Oakland City Journul Left Property to His Wife i In county court at Haw svlllc lust week the will of the late Jeff Sterrett was admitted to probate He left all his property to his wife who is named as executrix I 4r ir < e WILL MAKE A GOOD SHOWING Prohibition Candidates Say People Will be Surprised When Votes are Counted Those who were out Thursday even- ing ¬ to hear Col T B Demaree and Hon O T Wallace Prohioitlon can ¬ didates for Governor and Lieutenant Governor were treated to twogoud talks Col Demaree Inns long boen known as one of Kentuckys greatest orators while Mr Wallace although he is a plain farmer jjas ho admits himself is at the same time un ear ¬ nest and sensible speaker Both gen- tlemen ¬ spoke enthusiastically in inter ¬ est of their candidacy and stated that whilo they were not sure they would win yet they could safely say that the people would be surprised when the votes were counted in November at the showing they had made Col Demaree and Mr Wallace were received by a number of ladies of the W C T U and spOKo in the Oelze building which was furnished free by Mr Oelze Col iJemaree and Mr Wallace spoke at Irviutgon Thursday afternoon at Lewisport Friday afternoon and at Hawesville Friday evening Emergency Medicine- sIt is n great convenience to have at hand reliable remedies for use In- ca es of accident and for slight injuries andi iii and one that is fast becoming n favorite if not a household necessity is Chamber ¬ lains Pain Balm By applying it promptly to a cut bruise or burn it allays tne pain and causes the injury to heal in about one thlyd the time usually required und aa it is an anti ¬ septic is prevents any danger of bloqd poisoning When Pain Balm i ta kept at hand a sprain fny lie treated before inflamatiop Lets in wInch in ¬ sures a quick 1 recovery For sale by Short Barnes Death Came to Mrs Drake Mrs Joshua Drake of Prices Mill Ky sister of Mrs E J Berry of tills city died last Monday a week of ty ¬ phoid fever and was burled the fol ¬ lowing Tuesday Mrs Drake was a lovely and estimable woman She was formerly a Miss Reed and was not quite nineteen years ofuge She leaves a husband and infant child Mr and Mrs Berry and children are visiting relatives at Prices Mill and will remain there several weeks Should Send a Delegation The Convention of the Ohio Valley Improvement Association will assem ¬ ble at Evansville October Hand 15 It promises to be the best meeting in the history of the association Secretary Ellison asys he will invite the mayors awl ci ty officials in the Ohio Valley to the Convention Cloverport in behalf of her commercial interests should by nil means send a delegation to the Convention Twins Celebrate Birthday Misses Maudie and Claudie Great house twin daughters of Clerk N S Greathousa celebrated their sixteenth birthday Thursday They ore now in Lewisport visiting friends These young ladies have such a resemblance each to the other that the writer who has lived across the street from them for several years cant tell which trom tother Hancock Clarion For n bilious attack take Chambe- rlains ¬ Stomach and Liver Tablets and a quick cure is certain For sale by Short Haynes Mission Boat Is Gone The mission boat Meciddo left Owensboro last Wednesday at 930 oclock in the morning land passed this city about 0 oclock Thursday morning She did not stop at any of the smaller towns on the way up ns she was in a hurry to reach Louisville on account of the low water It is the plan to return to Owensuoro in October and remain two wekes The failure of the boat to stop at Cloverport disap ¬ pointed many people Came In Good Season A heavy rain fell in this vicinity lost Wednesday A slight drouth hind just begun and the rain came in sea- son to give corn and tobacco n fresh start The corn crop although a little late is looking exceptionally well and with one moro good rain a fine crop is assured The tobacco crop in this section nas not loomed finer for yearn and a big yield is expected Methodist Revival Postponed Rev J L Rjld pastor of the Meth ¬ odist church at Hawesville returned home last Wednesday after preaching on three occasions thin first of the week in the M E church South of this city Rev Reid had begun a revival but the extremely not weather of last week caused a decrease in the attendance and it was decided to post ¬ pone tho revival until more pleasant weather a mss II None ccnnloe without Ib1 iljnilare on every pickije Line u FOR CHILDREN Makes easy regulates the bowels and stomach stops crying cures summer complaint i jiI ji while ttetliinj Hit bowels seemed j beyond control Three physicians E 3 gave him up Owens link Mixture 3 saved his life I cannot say enough j It saved our baby Money sad SOc f II nol I I sample and book free address THE FLOYD CO DETROIT MICH I I I Fok FLOYDS DYSPEPSIA TABLETS bottlesf satIsfactory Ipor MEDICINE for Indigestion 30 SOC Sample and book free I I Sold by till Uruirirlsts A theBUSNESS I who would win In life This being conceded it Is ot Tnt imlwrtaco to Jet youtg training at the school that stands In tho very front rank THE BRYANT STRATTON BUSINESS COLLEGE- N E Cor Second and Walnut Sts LOUISVILLE KY BOOKKEEOINQ SHORTHAND TYPEWRITING 1tor 1 school open all year Students can enter at any E J timeI I LOGAN COLLEGE FOR YOUNG rr RUSSELLVILE KY fall Term Opens Wednesday September 10th 1903 A boarding school for girls exclusively For Six of successful eork A practical education obtained under the very best homo and religious Influence Thorough and extensive courses In Language Literature Science Mathematics Music Art Elocution nnd Physical Culture Faculty composed of highly educated Christian women each one a specialist In her depart ¬ mentI Campus largo and beautiful Building a massive brick comfortable well furnished with loath room and electric lights tologueI exceedingly low for the excellent unvantages and comforts offered SUIII I B E ATKINS r rI II P I IKing Cotton i Reigns but heirs apparent to his throne arc many It is because of voricty of of her industries that homeseekers of every I class look to ARKANSASr tA r Her fruits wherever exhibited carry away prize from herv sister states two yearly vegetable crops are denlonstiYltedt I possibilities and leer lumber her coal granite and zinc- deposits otter flattering inducements to the investor Seoa FUR YOUR gLFg o ARIZONA teething ONE FARE PLUS 200 b IFIRST I of monthb GEO H LEE 6 PeA G D BACON DPA 11 Little Rock Ark Cincinnati 0p 1 it via the Cotton Belt from St Louis Thebes Cairo and MemphisPa first and third Tuesdays of month beginning October 21st El For oneway tickets oti Half the One Way Rate plus 2x00tot tickets FoArkansas TerritoriesMi write for particulars and cost of ticket from your home townI The Cotton Dolt ems solid through trains to equipped with the c honand Spour Through Texas With a Camera andt er L O ECHAEFfin Traveling Passenger Agent Cincinnati 04 EW La BEAUME General Pass and Ticket Agt St Louis IKoI I ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROADTI I I Summer SpringsIcy Excursion Tlckels now on sale to St Paul Minneapolis and tho North I Only running through Personally Conducted Ex ¬ cursion Sleepers Louisville to CALIFORNIA NEW MEXICO and TEXAS tablet success Years plied Rates tho the the each each Texas Special Low Ono Way and 1 Round trip Rates In effect atto FirstTue and Third Tuesdays In eachThe monthWet RI i ARKFor ofanal descriptive oraddress Lands OwtF in the south I and tiss sa- a s
Page 1: CHINTZ ROYATLY The Breckenridge News Difficult …nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7k3j391f7m/data/0060.pdf · JJI can survey your lands i write your deeds and ... without even a rumbling and with

=r J9


CHINTZ ROYATLYPractical Surveyor


ONotary PublicJJI can survey your lands i

write your deeds andtake the acknowledge ¬t Inent at jcur homes thissaves you trouble andcosts your patronage so-


address me at Harf dinsburg Ky-





St Louis and Memphisi Affords prospector or homeseeke-

best service


I Missouri Nebraska Kansas Otcnhoma ando OregonCalltornla

ArIIODPullmau Kellnlnrcliiilrcftrs

ertltlveliteratureII C TOWNSENI a P and T A

ST Louis Mo


Lotnsvnir KY



St Louis and Memphis


First and Third Tuesdays of each Month


Fur Rates and Information addretMIf I McOUISB W R PQNVE

Tr Pass Agent Oeneral AgentCINCINNATI OHIO



On these first and third Tuesdays ofeach month special hometeekers anticolonist rates are effective from StLouis mid Kansas City to points in Missouri Arkansas Oklahoma Indian Ter-ritory


and Texas via the

For roundtrip ticks 7Ifare plus two1 Vrs an I for sing te tdptickets ehalf fare pi is two dollars0


tlIM11k1Ntk11tt11tt1tflS Mk7tMxfl1t1t11wyI



II Onehalf rate plus two dollars from Stj

Saint Louis Kansas City and Mem x-

u phis to points in>II5 MISSOURI I






This rate is in effect on the first andcar third Tuesdays of each month Full is

ii 9 information furnished upon applica =

i lion to any passenger agent of the JpStp= Frisco SystemSt

K Saint Louis

inKttxKitatttkMttKwK >ttkx > < KKttKMM e-

Do You EnjoyWhat You Eat

You can eat whatever and whenever youlike if you take Kodol By the use of thisremedy disordered digestion and diseasedstomachs are so completely restored tohealth and the full performance of theirfunctions naturally that such foods as wouldtie one Into a doublebowknot are eatenwithout even a rumbling and with a post ¬

Uve pleasure and enjoyment And what U

more these foods are assimilated andtransformed into the kind of nutriment thatIs appropriated by the blood and tissues

Kodol Is the only digestant or combinationof dlgestants that will digest all classes offood In addition to this fact It contains Inassimilative form the greatest known tonicand reconstructive properties

Kodol cures Indigestion dyspepsia and alldisorders arising therefromKodol Digests What You Eat

Makes the Stomach SweetBottles only Regular size oS 1100 hoMlnr 2H limn

the trial size which tells for SO centsPrepared by E 0 DeWITT CO Chicago III


The Breckenridge News





A 0 U Ws of This City Secur-

ing Entries for Big Con-

test in October


The A O U W lodge ot this cityis making preparations for an oldfiddlers contest to take place sometime during the month of OctoberEntries for the contest tire now beingsecured and nil the arrangements arethatran early date in October can be an-

nounced for the contestEach and every entry in this contest

must lw over fortyfive years of ageNo other conditions are imposed antiplace of residence is not restrictedThe prizes will oe nttracllve andworth contesting for The first prizewill probably be 25 in cash Theother prizes will range ns secondthird and fourth but these will be arranged later

Several have signified their inten ¬

hon of entering the contest Amongthem are Messrs Price Grahamelms Furrow John Dean ThosEthertoa Robt Lewis and RobtJMattiugly

The names of those desiring toenter the contest should be sent atonce to Walter B Oelze so that allthe plans onn bo arranged at the earl ¬

iest possible date It costs nothing toenter The committee on arrange ¬

ments is composed of the followinggentlemen Henry Lewis WallaceLisbon and WB Oelze

The A U U WH have beon plan ¬

ning an old fiddlers contest for some ¬

time In point of numbers and activi-ty


the local lodge is tho strongest inthe county and will leave no arrangementa undone which will contributeto muse the contest nu enjoyable andsuccessful event

Cancer Cured by Blood Balm All ykln

and Blood Diseases Curedj

Mrs 11 L Adams Fredojjin Alatook Botanic Blood Balm Vhloh effect ¬

unity cured an eating wincer of thenose and face TtVo sores healed upwrfjctly tinny doctors hind gunup her CBBG as hopeless Hundredsof cases of cancer eating sores supper ¬

ating swellings etc have boon curedby Blood Balm Among others Mrs

AlIIIstarehtaltJl1Ithe sore and MW Guerney is as wedas ever Botanic Blood Balm alsocures eczema itching humors scabsand scales bone pains ulcers offen ¬

sire pimples blood poison carbunclesscrofula risings and bumps on theskin and all blood troubles Drug ¬

gists 100 per large bottle Sample ofn talks Blood Balm free and prepaidby writing Blood Balm Co AtlantaOn Describe trouble and specialmedical advice sent in sealed letterit is certainly worth while Investgating such a remniKunle rttmedv asBotanic Blood Balm cures the most-

I vfnl worst and most deepseatedblood diseases


S 11 AlcCrackens Force of Paint ¬

ers Busy at This andOther Contracts

Wilbnrn Gregory and Chas undMulcolin OBrien have been paintingthe interior of the high school build ¬

Ilug for Contractor S H McUracenTher hove also beau painting thewoodworkon the exterior The hallsand the woodwork in the school roomshave lbeen painted in pen green blueand oak and the outside trimmingsnre all in solid white These are Im-

p oveUl8l1tli which have long beenneeded

Mr MeLracken also hue the contractto paint the canning factory F THHysers iiiW residence P D Planksresidence bought last week from theCloverport Real Estate and Improve ¬

ment Compnny and the buildingsowned by the Henderson Route in thiscty

Bucklent Arnica Salve

Huts worldwide fame for marvelouscures It surpasses any other salvelotion ointment for balm or CutsCorns Burns Boils Korea FelonsUlcers Tetter Salt Rheum FeverSores Chapped Hands Skin Eruptionsinfalliole for Piles Cure GuaranteedOnly 2J o at Short Haynes Drug ¬



Difficult DigestionThat Is dyspepsia-It makes life miserableIts sufferers cat not because they want tobut simply because they muttThey know they are Irritable and fretful

but they cannot bo otherwiseThey complain of a bad taste In tho

mouth a tenderness at the pit of the stom ¬

ach an uneasy feeling of puffy fulnessheadache heartburn and what not

Tho effectual remedy proved by perma ¬

nent cures of thousands of severe cases Is

Hoods Sarsaparilla11001 11 IILLII are tl u burl cathartic


Including the Philippines Porto Rico

Guam and Samoa We

Numbe r84233069

From the Hon W R MerrlauisNoteworthy Results for the Twelth

Census in the September CenturyThe total population enumerated by

the twelfth census was 705503887but while the area of enumerationcovered Alaska nnd Hawaii it didnot include Port Rico the PhilippinesGuam or Samoa The population ofthese newly acquired islands has how-ever


been ascertained partly by esti-mates


and partly by special censusesIncluding those estimates the totalpopulation of the United States and itsoutlying possessions in 1900 was as


enumeration 70303337Philippine Islands O1J61mJlJPoro Rico 95324UGuam 0000Samoa o100Tot-al 841233000

Tne oily countries surpasissng theUnited States in number of inhabi ¬

tants are the Chinese Empire the Brit ¬

ish Empire the Russian Empire andprobably France with the inclusionof its African possessions

We have in our shelves many rome ¬

dies for constipation and biliousnessbut the neverfailing commonsensecure is found only in Ramons LiverPulls and Tonic Pellets This treat ¬

ment cures by relieving the cause ofthe trouble The Pink Pill arouses theliver while the Touiovpellels tone upthe orcans and insure natural andhealthy conditions Complete Trea-tmenttwp


medicines 35 doses fulldirections only 23c

Druggists Mutual InsuranceThe retail druggists of Kentucky

will within the next thirty daysorganize a mutual insurance compa-


says the Louisville Herald Thereare now 2500 retail druggists in Kentacky Each one of these will be ask ¬

ed to give to the insurance company anoto lor 100 payable within onto yearIn consideration of this note a policyfor 5000 will he issued This willbt the limit of any ris-

kFOIEYSKIDNIYCUKEMakes Kidneys and Bladder RIght

Hancock County

It Is probable that Mrs Jeff Sterrutt and Miss Lucile Sterrett will goto Dalton Texas early in October tospend it few weeks with relatives

James Crockett Fred Bauer GeorgeBauer Frank Herzog and J P Endernre at Tar Springs this week Theylire in camp and reports from themindicate that they are doing aswell ns may be expected Hawesvillo Plaindenlor

Leaves Bank for College

Mr Cleburnc Gregory brother ofCashier E E Greogry of the Bankof Cloverport has resigned his posi-


as teller of tho Dnviess countyBank and Trust company and willgo to Lexington to attend the Ken-tucky


University Mr Gregory hasvisited here and hue a number offriends in Cloverport

OASTOBXAnBean the-


the Kldd gat Hart Iiaals Bought

Breaks Worlds RecordA special front Now Yonc saysWhen Dan Patch hung up a new

worlds record of 160 for a mile Wed ¬

nesday at Brighton Beachit marked theclimax of one of the most meteoriccareers on the turf

Stops the Cough and Works off the ColdcoldInThe Deadly CigaretteCharles Rose 20 years old died at

Petersburg Wednesday morning fromcancer of the head unused by smokingtwenty cigarettes n day for threeyears Three weeks ago his eye ballswore pushed out of their socketsswollen to abnormal size and hung outon his cheens His sufferings wereIntense and he begged his attendantsto kill him Oakland City Journul

Left Property to His Wifei

In county court at Haw svlllc lustweek the will of the late Jeff Sterrettwas admitted to probate He left allhis property to his wife who is namedas executrix

I4r ir< e


Prohibition Candidates Say People

Will be Surprised When

Votes are Counted

Those who were out Thursday even-ing


to hear Col T B Demaree andHon O T Wallace Prohioitlon can ¬

didates for Governor and LieutenantGovernor were treated to twogoudtalks Col Demaree Inns long boenknown as one of Kentuckys greatestorators while Mr Wallace althoughhe is a plain farmer jjas ho admitshimself is at the same time un ear ¬

nest and sensible speaker Both gen-tlemen


spoke enthusiastically in inter ¬

est of their candidacy and stated thatwhilo they were not sure they wouldwin yet they could safely say thatthe people would be surprised whenthe votes were counted in November atthe showing they had made

Col Demaree and Mr Wallace werereceived by a number of ladies of theW C T U and spOKo in the Oelzebuilding which was furnished freeby Mr Oelze

Col iJemaree and Mr Wallace spokeat Irviutgon Thursday afternoon atLewisport Friday afternoon and atHawesville Friday evening

Emergency Medicine-

sIt is n great convenience to haveat hand reliable remedies for use In-

ca es of accident and for slight injuriesandiiii andone that is fast becoming n favorite ifnot a household necessity is Chamber ¬

lains Pain Balm By applying itpromptly to a cut bruise or burn itallays tne pain and causes the injuryto heal in about one thlyd the timeusually required und aa it is an anti ¬

septic is prevents any danger of bloqdpoisoning When Pain Balm ita keptat hand a sprain fny lie treatedbefore inflamatiop Lets in wInch in ¬

sures a quick1

recovery For sale byShort Barnes

Death Came to Mrs DrakeMrs Joshua Drake of Prices Mill

Ky sister of Mrs E J Berry of tillscity died last Monday a week of ty ¬

phoid fever and was burled the fol ¬

lowing Tuesday Mrs Drake was alovely and estimable woman She wasformerly a Miss Reed and was notquite nineteen years ofuge Sheleaves a husband and infant child

Mr and Mrs Berry and childrenare visiting relatives at Prices Milland will remain there several weeks

Should Send a DelegationThe Convention of the Ohio Valley

Improvement Association will assem ¬

ble at Evansville October Hand 15 Itpromises to be the best meeting in thehistory of the association SecretaryEllison asys he will invite the mayorsawl ci ty officials in the Ohio Valleyto the Convention Cloverport inbehalf of her commercial interestsshould by nil means send a delegationto the Convention

Twins Celebrate BirthdayMisses Maudie and Claudie Great

house twin daughters of Clerk N SGreathousa celebrated their sixteenthbirthday Thursday They ore nowin Lewisport visiting friends Theseyoung ladies have such a resemblanceeach to the other that the writer whohas lived across the street from themfor several years cant tell whichtrom tother Hancock Clarion

For n bilious attack take Chambe-rlains


Stomach and Liver Tabletsand a quick cure is certain For saleby Short Haynes

Mission Boat Is Gone

The mission boat Meciddo leftOwensboro last Wednesday at 930oclock in the morning land passedthis city about 0 oclock Thursdaymorning She did not stop at any ofthe smaller towns on the way up nsshe was in a hurry to reach Louisvilleon account of the low water It is theplan to return to Owensuoro in Octoberand remain two wekes The failure ofthe boat to stop at Cloverport disap ¬

pointed many people

Came In Good Season

A heavy rain fell in this vicinitylost Wednesday A slight drouth hindjust begun and the rain came in sea-

son to give corn and tobacco n freshstart The corn crop althougha little late is looking exceptionallywell and with one moro good rain afine crop is assured The tobacco cropin this section nas not loomed finer foryearn and a big yield is expected

Methodist Revival Postponed

Rev J L Rjld pastor of the Meth ¬

odist church at Hawesville returnedhome last Wednesday after preachingon three occasions thin first of theweek in the M E church South ofthis city Rev Reid had begun arevival but the extremely not weatherof last week caused a decrease in theattendance and it was decided to post ¬

pone tho revival until more pleasantweather

a mss

II None ccnnloe without Ib1iljnilare on every pickije



FOR CHILDRENMakes easy regulatesthe bowels and stomach stopscrying cures summer complaint


while ttetliinj Hit bowels seemedj beyond control Three physicians E

3 gave him up Owens link Mixture3 saved his life I cannot say enough j

It saved our baby

Money sad SOcf

II nol I I

sample and book free address THE FLOYD CO DETROIT MICH I I




for Indigestion 30SOC Sample and book free I I

Sold by till Uruirirlsts


who would win In life This being conceded it Is ot Tnt imlwrtaco to Jet youtgtraining at the school that stands In tho very front rank



school open all year Students can enter at anyE J timeII


fall Term Opens Wednesday September 10th 1903

A boarding school for girls exclusively For Six of successful eorkA practical education obtained under the very best homo and religious InfluenceThorough and extensive courses In Language Literature Science Mathematics MusicArt Elocution nnd Physical CultureFaculty composed of highly educated Christian women each one a specialist In her depart ¬mentICampus largo and beautiful Building a massive brick comfortable well furnished

with loath room and electric lightstologueIexceedingly low for the excellent unvantages and comforts offered SUIIII


IKing Cotton i

Reigns but heirs apparent to his thronearc many It is because of voricty ofof her industries that homeseekers of every Iclass look to


rHer fruits wherever exhibited carry away prize from hervsister states two yearly vegetable crops are denlonstiYltedtI

possibilities and leer lumber her coal granite and zinc-deposits otter flattering inducements to the investor SeoaFUR YOURgLFgo




of monthbGEO H LEE 6 PeA G D BACON DPA 11

Little Rock Ark Cincinnati 0p1 it

via the Cotton Belt from St Louis Thebes Cairo and MemphisPafirst and third Tuesdays of month beginning October 21st ElFor oneway tickets oti

Half the OneWay Rate plus 2x00totticketsFoArkansasTerritoriesMiwrite for particulars and cost of ticket from your home townIThe Cotton Dolt ems solid through trains to equipped with thechonandSpourThrough Texas With a Camera andt er

L O ECHAEFfin Traveling Passenger Agent Cincinnati 04E W La BEAUME General Pass and Ticket Agt St Louis IKoII



SummerSpringsIcyExcursion Tlckels now on sale to St Paul Minneapolis and tho North I

Only running throughPersonally Conducted Ex ¬

cursion Sleepers Louisvilleto CALIFORNIA NEWMEXICO andTEXAS










Special Low Ono Way and 1Round trip Rates In effectattoFirstTueand Third Tuesdays In eachThemonthWetRI iARKFor ofanaldescriptiveoraddressLandsOwtFin the south I and

tiss sa-


