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Chiswick News 24

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Chiswick School, Burlington Lane, London W4 3UN. Telephone 0208 747 0031 Also available online at www.chiswickschool.org 6th May 2013 - Issue 24 Student Services Direct Line 020 8747 6655 to report your child ill or late. DiaryDates On Friday 26th April Year 13’s thrashed the staff at the annual football match. It took place over at Duke’s Meadow where Mr Cosstick was the referee for the match. The members of staff were really up against it and even though they tried their hardest, the final score ended 4-1 to the Years 13’s. Sam Sheehan scored one and Prince Charles fired in 2 for the sixth form . Mr Harrington resurrected some dignity for the staff by firing one into the back of the net. This year’s Year 13 were Mr Harrington’s original year group which made the thrashing even harder to take. Mr Schramm, PE teacher, was the captain of the staff team who played in centre midfield and when first asked to comment on the match he said nothing but later on said he was “so disappointed”. The football match was fun and exhilarating as well as disappointing- well for the staff anyway! Commiserations to the staff but well done again to the Year 13’s who played in the annual football match, and let’s hope next year’s Year 13’s are able to do the same as this year. We can’t wait. BY KATHERINE DAVIES SPORTS MAY Mon 6th Bank Holiday Tue 7th Year 10 Parents' Evening Wed 8th Year 8 HPV Catch Up 3 Thu 9th Year 8 Celebration Evening Wed 15th W4 Trip Thu 16th GCSE Drama Performance Mon 20th 19:00 - 20:30 PTA - Summer Non-Bids meeting Mon 27th - Fri 31st Half Term JUNE Sun 2nd PTA Car Boot Sale Tue 4th - Thu 13th New Entrant Interviews Your Weekly Newsletter CHISWICK SCHOOL Continued inside... Mr Schramm Struck Dumb by Year 13 Battering Year 11 EPQ Students Stun With Brilliant Presentations On Thursday 2nd May, it was judge- ment day for Year 11 EPQ students as they made their presentations on the projects they had chosen- and they were absolutely brilliant. The EPQ is a course equivalent to an AS level, and is assessed from an A* to an E on planning and research, the pro- ject itself (an essay) and a presentation made about the project. These talented Y11 students were doing a sixth form style course a year early. There were interesting and engaging projects on a wide range of different subjects, from euthanasia to evolution and from fairytales to space travel. At the end of the presentations, students evaluated what they did well on the project, what they found difficult and what they would change if they did it again. When asked what he thought of the EPQ, one Year 11 said “It was quite a lot of work but I enjoyed it. I’d recom- mend it to someone who is interested in writing essays as it’s quite writing- heavy.” Tigran Sogomonian asked us if coloni- sation- the practice of living on another planet- was the best option for advanc- ing space travel. He delivered a rich and knowledgeable presentation on aspects of colonisation, before explaining how he researched the topic- impressively, not only did he research online and read scientific magazines but he also bor- rowed books from the British Library, showing a wide range of sources were used. When speaking about what he did well, he said that he utilized sources. What could have been improved, he asked? According to him, he went into unnecessary detail. In another remarkable presentation, Summah Armstrong-Douglas delivered a fascinating presentation on Stockholm Syndrome – where hostages become Summah Armstrong-Douglas Tigran Sogomonian
Page 1: Chiswick News 24

Chiswick School, Burlington Lane, London W4 3UN. Telephone 0208 747 0031

Also available online at www.chiswickschool.org 6th May 2013 - Issue 24Student Services Direct Line 020 8747 6655 to report your child ill or late.

D i a r y D a t e s

On Friday 26th April Year 13’s thrashed the staff at the annual football match. It took place over at Duke’s Meadow where Mr Cosstick was the referee for the match.

The members of staff were really up against it and even though they tried their hardest, the final score ended 4-1 to the Years 13’s. Sam Sheehan scored one and Prince Charles fired in 2 for the sixth form . Mr Harrington resurrected some dignity for the staff by firing one into the back of the net.

This year’s Year 13 were Mr Harrington’s original year group which made the thrashing even harder to take. Mr Schramm, PE teacher, was the captain of the staff team who played in centre midfield and when first asked to comment on the match he said nothing but later on said he was “so disappointed”.

The football match was fun and exhilarating as well as disappointing- well for the staff anyway! Commiserations to the staff but well done again to the Year 13’s who played in the annual football match, and let’s hope next year’s Year 13’s are able to do the same as this year. We can’t wait. By Katherine Davies

S P O R T Smay

Mon 6thBank Holiday

Tue 7thYear 10 Parents' Evening

Wed 8thYear 8 HPV Catch Up 3

Thu 9thYear 8 Celebration Evening

Wed 15thW4 Trip

Thu 16thGCSE Drama Performance

Mon 20th19:00 - 20:30 PTA - Summer Non-Bids


Mon 27th - Fri 31stHalf Term

JUNE Sun 2nd

PTA Car Boot Sale

Tue 4th - Thu 13thNew Entrant Interviews

Your Weekly Newsletter


Continued inside...

mr Schramm Struck Dumb by year 13 Battering year 11 EPQ Students Stun With

Brilliant PresentationsOn Thursday 2nd May, it was judge-ment day for Year 11 EPQ students as they made their presentations on the projects they had chosen- and they were absolutely brilliant.

The EPQ is a course equivalent to an AS level, and is assessed from an A* to an E on planning and research, the pro-ject itself (an essay) and a presentation made about the project. These talented Y11 students were doing a sixth form style course a year early.

There were interesting and engaging projects on a wide range of different subjects, from euthanasia to evolution and from fairytales to space travel. At the end of the presentations, students evaluated what they did well on the project, what they found difficult and what they would change if they did it again.

When asked what he thought of the EPQ, one Year 11 said “It was quite a lot of work but I enjoyed it. I’d recom-mend it to someone who is interested in writing essays as it’s quite writing-heavy.”

Tigran Sogomonian asked us if coloni-sation- the practice of living on another planet- was the best option for advanc-ing space travel. He delivered a rich and knowledgeable presentation on aspects of colonisation, before explaining how he researched the topic- impressively, not only did he research online and read scientific magazines but he also bor-rowed books from the British Library, showing a wide range of sources were used. When speaking about what he did well, he said that he utilized sources. What could have been improved, he asked? According to him, he went into unnecessary detail.

In another remarkable presentation, Summah Armstrong-Douglas delivered a fascinating presentation on Stockholm Syndrome – where hostages become

Summah Armstrong-Douglas

Tigran Sogomonian

Page 2: Chiswick News 24

Another department that is really mak-ing the most of the iPads is Geography. One example of this is using the iPads to allow students to get into groups and do their own research on top-ics. The cool technology turns doing a case study of an earthquake or finding examples of climate change into a re-ally fun experience for pupils, and the novelty of having the tablet there to use makes it even better.

iPads Improve Teaching and Learning across the Curriculum

iPads and other tablets are becoming the latest educational aids. Giving the opportunity for schools to access alter-

emotionally attached to their captors. Her essay was exploring whether it was a psychological disorder, or whether it was linked to evolution, stemming from our tribal history. Though she found a wide range of cases, the problem that she had -she said- was that as most suf-ferers don’t admit to having it, there were very few first-hand cases to look at. What would she do differently? She would organise her research more, she said.

Problems with organisational skills were a recurring theme for many guilty-looking students throughout the evaluations- but it seems that in spite of them our Year 11s have pulled through to create mature, intelligent and im-pressive presentations for their EPQ courses- we are sure they will go far!

By Jasmine Ketch-neumann

EPQ Presentations continued...

In both core and GCSE PE we used iP-ads to improve enjoyment in lessons. In GCSE we use them to improve on our technique in circuit training especially. It helps the students as there is only one teacher. By using iPads students are able to look back over the video and their peer group is able to point out the bits to improve on.

Harry Fox, GCSE PE student, 10CH said, “iPads were very useful to use in GCSE PE as I was able to improve on my technique which got me a better grade.”

native methods of learning. They are having a positive impact on teaching and learning, helping students to stay organised and transforming the way in which technology is used in school.

With over 20,000 free and affordable educational apps, pupils and teachers are enjoying the interactive and engag-ing lessons. The device is used across all subjects, for research, presentations and more.

In science, iPads have been used fre-quently in lessons. For example, QR codes are hidden around the school as groups compete to find them. The barcode is scanned with the iPads, un-veiling questions relevant to the topics being learned. Then in class, the ques-tions are confirmed.

This is only one of many examples in which iPads are being used in science; they can also be used to make great, creative powerpoints to present to the class and are an efficient tool for re-search and note taking.

"iPads allow students to extend their learning and work at their own pace" explained Ms Dyment, Science Teach-er.

And possibly the best thing about hav-ing iPads is that it makes doing research a lot easier, because students can find out what they need to know without having to go to a computer room first. That means that more research-based tasks can take place in the classroom, and the teachers will have more time on each topic to teach the students.

Staff students and parents lucky enough to attend the A/S drama practical ex-aminations on Tuesday evening were treated to student drama of the highest quality. Two plays were performed in C15, The Visit and Blood Wedding.

In the Visit, Ben Steel ably portrayed a man coming to the realisation that the town had turned against him and that he must die for his youthful indiscre-tions. He played opposite his nemesis

Drama a/S Students Shine in Exam Plays

Siana Brett, a consortium student from the Green School, whose nuanced per-formance of the role of Clara Zachanas-sian intrigued the audience. The re-maining five members of the cast played a variety roles in ensemble style. The two inseparable blind men brilliantly played by Ella McCallum and Phoebe Rowe provided moments of surreal hu-mour, whilst Coral Richards’s engaging portrayal of a less than intelligent po-lice officer entertained too. Haris Sid-dique’s hypocritical Pastor and Jodian Falcher’s cheeky shop customer were also highlights.

The second play, Blood Wedding, was suited to the warm balmy evening as it was set in the hot cracked landscape of southern Spain. This poetic tragedy was framed by Luisa Charles’s bravura per-formance as a bitter mother who had lost her son and husband to a family feud. Jonathan Ajayi provided the dark brooding presence of Leonardo in im-peccable style. His lover, the Bride, was played by Violet Vincent who was able to take the character through the full gamut of emotions the role demand-ed. Athena Rees tackled the symbolic role of the moon superbly reciting the ominous poetic language. A thoroughly believable portrayal of the jilted groom was created by Jamel Clarke. A special mention must go to the talents of Ayes-ha Charles who played a range of roles requiring very different approaches with total focus and commitment. Her wailing which went on for around two minutes will stay in the memory for some time.

Chiswick School News wishes all the students well and hopes the grades awarded will reflect their talents.
