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Chp 1-Introduction to Database

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  • 8/4/2019 Chp 1-Introduction to Database


    Chapter 1

    Introduction to Databases

    Pearson Education 2009

  • 8/4/2019 Chp 1-Introduction to Database


    Chapter 1 - Objectives

    u Some common uses of database systems.

    u Characteristics of file-based systems.

    u Problems with file-based approach.


    ean ng o e erm a a ase.u Meaning of the term Database Management

    System (DBMS).

    Pearson Education 2009

  • 8/4/2019 Chp 1-Introduction to Database


    Chapter 1 - Objectives

    u Typical functions of a DBMS.

    u Major components of the DBMS environment.

    u Personnel involved in the DBMS environment.


    u Advantages and disadvantages of DBMSs.

    Pearson Education 2009

  • 8/4/2019 Chp 1-Introduction to Database


    Examples of Database Applications

    u Purchases from the supermarket

    u Purchases using your credit card

    u Booking a holiday at the travel agents


    s ng e oca raryu Taking out insurance

    u Renting a video

    u Using the Internet

    u Studying at university

    Pearson Education 2009

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    File-Based Systems

    u Early attempt to computerise the manual filing

    system and developed in response to the needsof industry for more efficient data access

    u Collection of application programs thatperform services for the end users (e.g. reports)

    u Each program defines and manages its own

    data (decentralised approach)

    Because of this, there are limits as to how that

    data can be used or transported.Pearson Education 2009

  • 8/4/2019 Chp 1-Introduction to Database


    File-Based terminology

    u File consist of a number ofrecords

    Each record may correspond to some real

    world object or concept e.g. Bank account, a

    ran ac i n a r n

    u These are logically related data

    u Each record is a series offields

    Each is an aspect or attribute of the objectdescribed

    Pearson Education 2009

  • 8/4/2019 Chp 1-Introduction to Database


    File-Based Processing

    Pearson Education 2009

  • 8/4/2019 Chp 1-Introduction to Database


    Limitations of File-Based Approach

    u Separation and isolation of data

    Each program maintains its own set of data.

    Information needed for a particular task maybe in different files or even differentdepartments files

    Users of one program may be unaware ofpotentially useful data held by other programs.

    u Duplication of data Same data is held by different programs.

    Wasted space and potentially different values

    and/or different formats for the same item.Pearson Education 2009

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    Limitations of File-Based Approach

    u Data dependence

    File structure is defined in the program code.

    Application program handle physical storage ofdata as well as content

    u Incompatible file formats Programs are written in different languages, and so

    cannot easily access each others files.

    u Fixed Queries/Proliferation of applicationprograms

    Programs are written to satisfy particular functions.

    Any new requirement needs a new program.Pearson Education 2009

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    Database Approach

    u Arose because:

    Definition of data was embedded in applicationprograms, rather than being stored separately andindependently.

    No control over access and mani ulation of data

    beyond that imposed by application programs.

    u Result:

    the database and Database Management System(DBMS).

    Pearson Education 2009

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    u Shared collection of logically related data (and

    a description of this data), designed to meet theinformation needs of an organization.

    u Database holds the operational data and alsodescription of this data.

    u System catalog (data dictionary or metadata)provides description of data to enableprogramdata independence.

    Pearson Education 2009

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    u Logically related data comprises;

    entities (distinct object- a person, place,thing, etc),

    Attributes (a property that describes some

    aspect of the object that we wish to record), and relationships of an organizations


    u The database holds data that is logicallyrelated

    Pearson Education 2009

  • 8/4/2019 Chp 1-Introduction to Database


    Database Management System (DBMS)

    u A software system that enables users to define,

    create, maintain, and control access to thedatabase.

    u (Database) application program: a computer

    program that interacts with database by

    issuing an appropriate request (SQL

    statement) to the DBMS.

    Pearson Education 2009

  • 8/4/2019 Chp 1-Introduction to Database


    Database Management System (DBMS)

    Pearson Education 2009

  • 8/4/2019 Chp 1-Introduction to Database


    Database Approach

    u Data definition language (DDL).

    Permits specification of data types, structures andany data constraints.

    All specifications are stored in the database.

    u Data manipulation language (DML).

    General enquiry facility (query language) of the


    Pearson Education 2009

  • 8/4/2019 Chp 1-Introduction to Database


    Database Approach

    u Controlled access to database may

    include: a security system prevents unauthorized users accessing the


    an integrity system maintains the consistency of stored data.

    a concurrency control system allows shared access ofdatabase

    a recovery control system restores the database to aprevious consistent state following a hardware or software failure

    a user-accessible catalog contains descriptions of the datain the db.

    Pearson Education 2009

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    u Allows each user to have his or her own view of

    the database.


    Pearson Education 2009

  • 8/4/2019 Chp 1-Introduction to Database


    Views - Benefits

    u Reduce complexity by letting users see the data the way they want it

    u Provide a level of security can exclude data that some users shouldnot see

    u Provide a mechanism to customize the appearance of the database

    we can change the display using different name rentMonthly Rent

    u resen a cons s en , unc ang ng p c ure o e s ruc ure o e

    database, even if the underlying database is changed if wechanged the database, and these fields are not required by the view, the

    view is not affected

    Pearson Education 2009

  • 8/4/2019 Chp 1-Introduction to Database


    Components of DBMS Environment

    Pearson Education 2009

  • 8/4/2019 Chp 1-Introduction to Database


    Components of DBMS Environment

    u Hardware

    Can range from a PC to a network ofcomputers.

    u Software

    DBMS, operating system, network software (ifnecessary) and also the application programs.

    u Data

    Used by the organization and a descriptionof this data called the schema.

    Pearson Education 2009

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    Components of DBMS Environment

    u Procedures

    Instructions and rules that should be applied tothe design and use of the database and DBMS.

    Users who mana e the database re uire

    documented procedures on how to use or runthe systems

    u People

    People involved with the system

    Pearson Education 2009

  • 8/4/2019 Chp 1-Introduction to Database


    Roles in the Database Environment

    u Data Administrator (DA) responsible for the management of

    the data resource

    u Database Administrator (DBA) responsible for the physicaldb design and implementation, security and integrity control,

    u Database Designers (Logical and Physical) identifyingthe data (entities, attributes, relationships & constraints)

    u Application Programmers - developer

    u End Users (naive and sophisticated) - clients

    Pearson Education 2009

  • 8/4/2019 Chp 1-Introduction to Database


    History of Database Systems

    u First-generation

    Hierarchical and Network

    u Second eneration


    u Third generation

    Object-Relational Object-Oriented

    Pearson Education 2009

  • 8/4/2019 Chp 1-Introduction to Database


    Advantages of DBMSs

    u Control of data redundancy by integrating the files so that multiplecopies of the same data are not stored

    u Data consistency reduce the risk of inconsistencies occurring (data isupdated only once)

    u More information from the same amount of data can deriveadditional information from the same data


    Sharing of data data shared by all authorized usersu Improved data integrity refers to the validity & consistency of stored


    u Improved security protection from unauthorized user

    u Enforcement of standards allows DBA to define the DBMS toenforce necessary standards (naming conventions, access rules etc.)

    u Economy of scale- combining data save cost

    Pearson Education 2009

  • 8/4/2019 Chp 1-Introduction to Database


    Advantages of DBMSs

    u Balance conflicting requirements DBA make decisions on

    operational use of databaseu Improved data accessibility and responsiveness DBMS

    provides query language that allow user asks ad hoc information

    u Improved maintenance through data independence

    u Increased concurrency DBMS can manage concurrent dbaccess

    u Improved backup and recovery services

    Pearson Education 2009

  • 8/4/2019 Chp 1-Introduction to Database


    Disadvantages of DBMSs

    u Complexity failure in designing can lead bad design decision

    u Size occupying large disk space & memory to run efficiently

    u Cost of DBMS depending on the functionality provided

    u Additional hardware costs sometimes need to purchase additionalstorage space


    Cost of conversion purchasing extra hardware and to train staffu Performance DBMS cater for many application may not run as fast as

    they used.

    u Higher impact of a failure all users & applications rely on theavailability of the DBMS , if failure of certain components can bring

    operation to a halt.

    Pearson Education 2009

  • 8/4/2019 Chp 1-Introduction to Database



    u Why would you choose a database system

    instead of simply storing data in operatingsystem files? When would it make sense not to

    use a database system?

    Pearson Education 2009

  • 8/4/2019 Chp 1-Introduction to Database


    Useful links

    u http://www.oracle.com

    u http://www.microsoft.com/sql and


    u http://www.ibm.com/db2

    u http://www.mysql.com

    u http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/databaseu http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DBMS

    u http://www.planetids.com/content/3rd-generation-database-


    u http://www.planetids.com/content/3rd-generation-database-


    u http://www.planetids.com/content/3rd-generation-database-

    technolohy-part-iii Pearson Education 2009
