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CHRIST CATHEDRAL PARISH BULLETIN · Oración de Apertura, Platica y Compartiendo Predicadores:...

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February 14, 2016October 23 2016





Page 2: CHRIST CATHEDRAL PARISH BULLETIN · Oración de Apertura, Platica y Compartiendo Predicadores: Padre Christopher Smith y todos los sacerdotes. ... novio y la Iglesia su novia, ...

As people actively involved in l iving out our fai th in the Church, at t imes we may feel a l i t t le superior to others who are not so involved. Sometimes that l i t t le hint of superiori ty can even turn into arrogance, l ike the Pharisee in the Gospel who said, ?O God, I thank you that I am not l ike the rest of humani ty?greedy, dishonest?adulterous? (Luke 18:9-14). The motivation for the Pharisee?s arrogant prayer was the tax col lector who also came to pray at the temple that day.

Tax col lectors were general ly disdained by society for thei r practice of charging more taxes than were real ly due and keeping the surplus for themselves. The tax col lector is the one who had things in perspective. He knew he was loved by God and humbly asked for mercy. Like the Pharisee, he was part of God?s chosen people. Unl ike the Pharisee, he did not let the fact that he was among God?s chosen set him apart as someone superior to al l the rest.

As disciples of Jesus, we have been chosen by God to share the Good News of God?s love to the world. Along wi th Paul in the Scriptures, i t is through us that the redeeming love of Jesus is proclaimed (2 Timothy 4:6-18). Chosen by the Lord to be his presence in the world, we are never to behave as i f we are superior to others. In fact, the Lord is best proclaimed when we remember that al l people are created in God?s image, not just some. As the Book of Si rach says, ?The Lord is a God of justice, who knows no favori tes (Si rach 35:12-18). Wi th God, there is no ?A? l ist and ?B? l ist. There is only one l ist and every human person is on i t .

Last week as part of our parish?s stewardship renewal, we were reminded that al l of us are blessed in some way. As good stewards, our responsibi l i ty is to name and share those blessings. This week, our acknowledgement that we are chosen by Jesus to share his love and blessings needs to be accompanied by a humble recogni t ion that we are al l created equal in the sight of God. Like the tax col lector, we are to honestly present our true selves wi th our strengths and weaknesses before the Lord. As disciples chosen by Jesus, that is how the Good News of his love wi l l touch the world .

Together in fai th,

Rectors? ColumnCHOSEN ARE WE

Fr. Christopher Smith, Rector

Thank you for your generosi ty!

Sunday Col lect ion Food Service Pennies from Heave

10/08/16 $ 30,437.03 $ 3,805.22 $ 5,014.04

10/11/15 $ 31,058.92 N/A N/A

SAVE THE DATE FOR PARISH MINISTERS RETREAT When: Saturday, October 29, 2016 Where: Cultural Center Time: 8:30am Coffee and 9:00AM Opening Prayer, Talk and Sharing Speakers: Fr. Christopher Smith and Al l Priests

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BIBLE STUDY ? TOPIC - THE PROPHETS: MESSENGERS OF GOD?S MERCY God Is Cal l ing You to a Deeper Relat ionship wi th Him If we consider that God is the Divine Bridegroom and the Church is his Bride, then the prophets can be seen as ?spi ri tual marriage counselors.? They affl ict the comfortable and comfort the affl icted, cal l ing us to return to our covenant relat ionship wi th God. They urge us to repentance, warn us of the dangers of sin, and announce the blessings of fai thfulness. Their prophetic words speak to us even today, as they draw us closer to our

heavenly Bridegroom. Christ Cathedral Parish wi l l begin The Prophets: Messengers of God?s Mercy on Wednesdays, now through December 14th from 7:00PM-9:00PM on the 3rd floor Tower of Hope. For more information or to register for the study, please contact Maria at 714-971-2141 or emai l : Fai [email protected]

  FOOD DISTRIBUTION PROGRAM !! Attention, fami l ies wi th low income! Can you use help wi th your grocery costs? We can offer free groceries to those fami l ies in need. In addi t ion to our Thursday program, Christ Cathedral Parish Communi ty Outreach in conjunction wi th Second Harvest Food Bank of Orange County, wi l l be start ing a food distribution service on the 1st Saturday of every month. The Saturday program wi l l begin on November 5th at the Helping House from 10 am to Noon. Show up, sign in, and take your groceries home. Volunteers are needed before and during the hours of this distribution. If you are interested, please contact Mary Lou at 714-287-4124.

MINISTRY FAIR: Sunday, Oct ober 23 af t er 7:45AM Mass t hr ough 5:30PM Masses: Don?t miss this great opportuni ty to ?Get in the Mission? and start using your talents and t ime for service here at Christ Cathedral Parish. Check out al l the ministry teams, find out the ministry purpose, meet the other ministry members, see what sk i l ls and t ime are requi red; then, join the ministry of your choice! Putt ing your t ime and talents into action is a way to grow, a way to give back to our church, and a way to glori fy God! This event is for all ages.  Stop by for refreshment!

TRI-LINGUAL HEALING MASS When: Monday, October 24, 2016 Where: Arboretum 7:00pm-7:30pm - Praise and Worship 7:30pm - Heal ing Mass

Presided by Fr. Christopher Pham Co-presiders: Fr. Quan Tran, Fr. Mario Juarez and

Deacon Steve Greco

Conf ir mat ion Year 1 and 2 Students wi l l be gathered next week, Sunday, October 30, beginning at 1:30pm in the Gym for the Al l Saints Festival. Fabulous Saint Festivi t ies that includes fai th, food, and fun wi l l surely inspi re you.  Al l teens and young adults are invi ted.   This event includes a youth ral ly, praise and worship, saints panel, saint costume contest, inspi rat ional talk , Adoration and Benedict ion and Holy Mass.  Please feel free to contact us, preferably via e-mai l at rlopez@christcathedralparish .org, or Sister Catherine [email protected] or by phone, 714-971-2141 x5518

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Como personas activamente participando en vivir nuestra fe en la iglesia, a veces podemos sentirnos un poco superiores a los demás que no están tan involucrados. A veces ese pequeño toque de superioridad incluso puede convertirse en arrogancia, como el Fariseo del Evangelio que dijo: "Oh Dios, te doy gracias que no soy como el resto de la humanidad... ambicioso, deshonesto... adúltero... (Lucas 18:9-14). La motivación de la oración arrogante del Fariseo era el recaudador de impuestos que también fue a orar en el templo ese día. Recaudadores de impuestos eran generalmente despreciados por la sociedad por su práctica de cobrar más impuestos de los que realmente eran necesarios y manteniendo el exceso por sí mismos.

El recaudador de impuestos es el que tenía las cosas en perspectiva. Sabía que él era amado por Dios y humildemente pidió misericordia. Como el Fariseo, él era parte del pueblo escogido de Dios. A diferencia del Fariseo, no dejó el hecho de que él estaba entre los elegidos de Dios lo hiciera sentirse como alguien superior al resto.

Como discípulos de Jesús, hemos sido elegidos por Dios para compartir Las Buenas Noticias del amor de Dios para el mundo. Junto con Pablo en las Escrituras, es a través de nosotros que el amor redentor de Jesús es proclamado (2 Timoteo 4:6-18). Elegidos por el Señor a ser su presencia en el mundo, nunca debemos de comportarnos como si somos superiores a otros. De hecho, el Señor es proclamado mejor cuando recordamos que todas las personas son creadas a imagen de Dios, no sólo algunos. Como dice el l ibro del Eclesiástico: "El Señor es un Dios de justicia y no hace distinción de personas (Eclesiástico 35:12-18).? Con Dios, no existe una lista "A" o "B". Hay sólo una lista y cada persona está en ella.

La semana pasada como parte de la renovación de la administración de bienes de nuestra parroquia, nos recordó que todos somos bendecidos de alguna manera. Como buenos administradores, nuestra responsabilidad es nombrar y compartir esas bendiciones. Esta semana, nuestro reconocimiento que somos elegidos por Jesús para compartir su amor y bendiciones debe ir acompañado por un humilde reconocimiento que todos somos creados iguales ante los ojos de Dios. Como el recaudador de impuestos, debemos de presentar honestamente nuestro verdadero ser con nuestras fortalezas y debilidades ante el Señor. Como discípulos elegidos por Jesús, esta es la manera que la Buena Nueva de su amor tocara el mundo.

Unidos en la fe,

Mensaje de Nuestro RectorELEGIDOS SOMOS

Fr. Christopher Smith, Rector

MISA t r i-l ingue DE SanaCIÓN Fecha: Lunes, 24 de Octubre, 2016 Lugar : Arboretum 7:00pm-7:30pm-Alabanza y Adoración 7:30pm - Misa de Curación Presidida por Padre Christopher Pham, Padre Quan Tran, Padre Mario Juarez y Diácono Steve Greco

GUARDE LA FECHA PARA EL RETIRO DE MINISTROS DE LA PARROQUIA Fecha: Sabado, 29 de Octubre, 2016 Lugar: Centro Cultural Hora: 8:30am Café y 9:00 am Oración de Apertura, Platica y Compartiendo Predicadores: Padre Christopher Smith y todos los sacerdotes

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Est udio Bíbl ico ? Los Pr ofetas: Mensaj er os de l a Miser icor dia de DiosDios te está l lamando a una relación más profunda con El. Si consideramos que Dios es el novio y la Iglesia su novia, entonces los profetas pueden ser vistos como los ?consejeros espi ri tuales del matrimonio.? La Parroquia de la Catedral de Cristo comenzara Los Profetas: Mensajeros de la Misericordia de Dios los miércoles, hasta el 15 de diciembre del 2016, de 7:00 pm a 9:00 pm en el tercer piso de la Torre de la Esperanza.

Este curso será en Ingles. Para más información o para registrarse por favor de ponerse en contacto con Maria al 971-2141 o por correo electrónico a fai [email protected]

¡¡Pr ogr ama de Dist r ibucion de Al iment os!! Atención, a las fami l ias con bajos ingresos. ¿Podría usted beneficiar de mandado gratis? ¿Conoce a alguien que podría beneficiar de mandado gratis? Además de su programa de asistencia cada Jueves, Servicios Crisi t ianos de la Parroquia de la Catedral de Cristo junto con Second Harvest Food Bank del Condado de Orange, va a empezar un servicio de distribución de al imentos en el 1º sábado de cada mes. El programa del sábado se iniciará el 5 de noviembre en la casa de asistencia, en el lado oeste del arboreto de 10:00 am hasta el mediodía. Llegue, anótese, y tome su mandado y se puede i r a casa. Sin papeles ni registración. Esperamos verlos al l í. Se necesi tan voluntarios antes y durante las horas de esta distribución. Si usted está interesado, póngase en contacto con Mary Lou en 714-287-4124.

FERIA DE MINISTERIOS No se pierda esta gran oportunidad de ?Unirse a la Misión? y comenzar a usar sus talentos y su t iempo para servi r aquí en la Parroquia de la Catedral de Cristo. Conozca a todo los equipos de los ministerios, averigüe el propósi to de cada ministerio, conozca los otros miembros del ministerio, vea cuáles son sus habi l idades y el t iempo requerido; y entonces, ¡únase al ministerio de su elección! Poniendo su t iempo y talentos en acción es una manera de crecer, de devolver a nuestra iglesia, ¡y una manera de glori f icar a Dios! Este evento es para todas las edades. Pase para un refrigerio.

Los Est udiant es del pr ogr ama de Conf ir mación Año 1 y 2 Se reunirán la siguiente semana, Domingo 30 de octubre, comenzando a la 1:30 en el Gimnasio para el Festival de Todos Los Santos. Festividades Fabulosas de Santos que inclui rán fe, comida y diversión y con seguridad te inspi rará. Todos los adolescentes y jóvenes están invi tados. Este evento incluye una mani festación de jóvenes, alabanza y adoración, Panel de Santos, concurso de disfraz de santo, charlas inspi radoras Veneración, Bendición y Santa Misa. Por favor siéntase con la l ibertad de comunicase, de preferencia por correo electrónico con Rosa Lopez al: [email protected], o La Hermana Catherine [email protected] o por teléfono, 714-971-2141 X5518

Page 6: CHRIST CATHEDRAL PARISH BULLETIN · Oración de Apertura, Platica y Compartiendo Predicadores: Padre Christopher Smith y todos los sacerdotes. ... novio y la Iglesia su novia, ...

Là nh? ng ng? ?i t ích c? c d?n thân s?ng ?? c t in trong Giáo H?i , ?ôi khi chúng ta c?ng có chút t? cao so v?i nh? ng ng? ?i không d?n thân nh? mình. Có nh? ng lúc ý ngh? th?y mình h?n ng? ?i tr? thành lòng k iêu ng?o, gi?ng nh? ng? ?i Pharisêu trong Tin M? ng ?ã th? a lên r?ng: ?L?y Chúa, con c?m t? Chúa vì con không nh? bao k? khác? tham lam, b?t chính? ngo?i t ình? (Luca 18:9-14). ? ?ng l? c khi?n ng? ?i Pharisêu th?t lên l?i c?u nguy?n k iêu c?ng là vì hôm ?y ông ta th?y m?t ng? ?i thu thu? c?ng vào ??n th? c?u nguy?n. Nh? ng ng? ?i thu thu? th? ?ng v?n b? xã h?i coi khinh vì h? tính thu? cao h?n m? c ph?i tr?, r?i chi?m l?y ph?n d? cho mình.

Câu chuy?n ng? ?i thu thu? g?i nhi?u ?i?u ?? suy ngh?. Ông ta bi?t mình ?? ?c Thiên Chúa yêu th? ?ng và khiêm t?n nài xin lòng th? ?ng xót. Gi?ng nh? ng? ?i Pharisêu, ông c?ng thu?c v? dân ?? ?c Chúa tuy?n ch?n. Nh? ng khác Pharisêu, ông không l?y vi?c ?? ?c Chúa ch?n ?? coi mình cao h?n t?t c? nh? ng ng? ?i khác.

Là môn ?? Chúa Giêsu, chúng ta ?? ?c Thiên Chúa tuy?n ch?n ?? loan báo Tin M? ng tình yêu Thiên Chúa cho tr?n gian. C?ng nh? Thánh Phaolô trong Kinh Thánh, chúng ta tr? thành công c? cho vi?c loan báo tình yêu c? u chu?c c?a Chúa Giêsu (2 Timôthê 4:6-18). ? ? ?c Thiên Chúa tuy?n ch?n ?? tr? thành d?u ch? s? hi?n di?n c?a Chúa n?i tr?n gian, chúng ta không bao gi? ?? ?c coi mình h?n nh? ng ng? ?i khác. Qu? th?t, công cu?c loan báo Thiên Chúa s? g?t k?t qu? t?t nh?t khi chúng ta nh? r?ng m?i ng? ?i , ch? không ph?i ch? m?t vài ng? ?i , ??u ?? ?c d? ng nên theo hình ?nh Thiên Chúa. Sách Hu?n ca vi?t: ?Chúa là Thiên Chúa công bình, không thiên v? ai? (Hu?n ca 35:12-18). ? ?i v?i Chúa, không có danh sách lo?i ?A? hay danh sách lo?i ?B?. Ch? có m?t danh sách mà thôi , và m?i ng? ?i ??u có tên trong ?ó.

Tu?n v? a qua, giáo x? chúng ta ?? ?c nh?c nh? r?ng t?t c? chúng ta, m?t m?t nào ?ó, ??u là nh? ng ng? ?i có phúc. Chúng ta có trách nhi?m ph?i nêu lên và chia s? nh? ng ?n phúc này. Còn tu?n này, vi?c chúng ta nhìn nh?n mình ?? ?c Chúa Giêsu tuy?n ch?n ?? loan báo tình yêu c?a Ng? ?i c?n ph?i ?i ?ôi v?i s? khiêm nh? ?ng nh?n ra r?ng t?t c? chúng ta ??u ?? ?c d? ng nên bình ??ng tr? ?c m?t Chúa. Nh? ng? ?i thu thu? trong câu chuy?n Tin M? ng, chúng ta c?n chân thành bày t? tr? ?c m?t Chúa con ng? ?i th? c s? c?a mình v?i nh? ng ?i?m m?nh và nh? ng ?i?m y?u. ? ?i v?i nh? ng môn ?? ?? ?c Chúa Giêsu tuy?n ch?n, ?ó m?i là cách làm cho Tin M? ng tình yêu c?a Chúa ??n ?? ?c v?i tr?n gian

? ?ng hành trong ni?m tin,

Suy T? c?a Vi?n Tr??ng


Fr. Christopher Smith, Rector

THÔNG BÁO V? TÀI CHÁNH Trong cu?i tu?n qua t i?n ?óng góp c?a C?ng ? oàn Vi?t Nam Cho Giáo

X? Nhà Th? Chánh Tòa là $11,009.85. Ti?n Ch? Nh? k i?m ?? ?c cho

Giáo X? vào cu?i tu?n qua là $3,805.22.

Page 7: CHRIST CATHEDRAL PARISH BULLETIN · Oración de Apertura, Platica y Compartiendo Predicadores: Padre Christopher Smith y todos los sacerdotes. ... novio y la Iglesia su novia, ...

CATHOLIC NEWS/ Thông Tin Công Giáo

KHÓA THAO LUY?N NH? NHÀNG: M?i c?ng ?òan tham d? khóa Thao Luy?n Nh? Nhàng vào các t?i th? 3 lúc 7:00 t?i b?t ??u ngày 4

tháng 10 t?i tháng 12 trong Nhà Th? Nh? (Large Gal lery).

Thao Luy?n Nh? Nhàng là ch? ?ng trình c?u nguy?n v?i Thánh Kinh và chia s? k inh nghi?m tâm

l inh.  Qua các ?? tài ng? ?i tham d? s? khám phá ra Thiên Chúa c?a chúng ta r?t say mê nhân lo?i và

tình yêu Ngài dành cho m?i ng? ?i th?t l?n lao.  L?i c?a Thiên Chúa trong Thánh Kinh không còn xa

v?i , khô khan, khó hi?u nh? ng tr? nên s?ng ??ng, g?n g?i và là ngu?n s? c s?ng cho tâm l inh và cu?c

s?ng mình.  

M?i th?c m?c xin l iên l?c v?n phòng giáo x? 714-971-2141.

CÁC L? P GIÁO LÝ NGH? H? C: L?p Giáo Lý cho các tr? em s? ngh? h?c Chúa Nh?t ngày 16 tháng 10. Các em s? tr? l?i h?c vào Chúa

Nh?t ngày 23 tháng 10 n?m 2016 t? 10:00AM-12:00PM trong phòng Gym.  M?i th?c m?c xin l iên l?c

v?n phòng giáo lý t?i 714-971-2141.

NGÀY M? C V? C? A GIÁO X? M?i c?ng ?òan tr? ?c ho?c sau Thánh L? 1:00PM và 4:00PM Chúa Nh?t ngày 23 tháng 10 tham quan

các h?i ?òan ?ang sinh h?at trong giáo x? bên ngòai khuôn viên nhà th?. Thiên Chúa ?ã ban cho

m?i chúng ta th?i gian và nh? ng tài n?ng khác nhau, chúng ta ?? ?c m?i g?i ?? chia s? nh? ng tài

n?ng ho?c th?i gian Chúa ?? xây d? ng Thân Th? Chúa Ki tô qua các ban ngành h?i ?òan trong giáo

x? .


Th? Hai , ngày 24 tháng 10, 2016  Arboretum ? Nhà Th? L?n 7:00pm-7:30pm ? Ca Ng?i và C?u Nguy?n

7:30pm ? Thánh L? Ch? a Lành do cha Christopher Tu?n Pham, Cha Quân Tr?n, Cha Mario Juarez and

th?y Phó T? Steve Greco


Linh m?c Vi?n Tr? ?ng Christopher Smith và Qúi Linh m?c trong giáo x? kính m?i t?t c? các Thi?n

Nguy?n Viên trong các h?i ?òan c?a giáo x? tham d? ngày t?nh tâm vào Th? B?y ngày 29 tháng 10 t?

8:30AM-12:30PM t?i Nhà V?n Hóa. Giáo x? s? ?ài th? b? a ?n tr? a mi?n phí lúc 12:30PM.


Quý gia ?ình Anh Ch? Em có thu nh?p th?p l? u ý! Anh Ch? Em có c?n th? c ph?m mi?n phí ho?c Anh

Ch? Em có bi?t ai c?n ??n th? c ph?m mi?n phí không? Ngoài ch? ?ng trình các ngày Th? N?m, Ban

công tác xã h?i c?a Giáo x? Chính tòa Chúa Ki tô l iên k?t v?i C? quan T? thi?n Second Harvest Food

Bank c?a Qu?n Cam s? b?t ??u phân phát th? c ph?m vào các ngày Th? B?y ??u tháng. Ch? ?ng trình

ngày Th? B?y s? b?t ??u vào ngày 5 tháng M? ?i M?t t?i nhà Ban Xã H?i (Helping House), phía tây

nguy?n ?? ?ng Arboretum, t? 10 sáng ??n 12 tr? a. M?i Anh Ch? Em ??n nh?n th? c ph?m.

Chúng tôi c?n thêm các thi?n nguy?n viên, n?u Qúi V? có th? giúp phân phát th? c ph?m, xin l iên l?c

v?i MaryLou qua s? ?i?n tho?i 714-287-4124.

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MASS TIMES MARRIAGESDail y / Ngày Th??ng / Diar io6:30a.m. & 8:00a.m. Engl ish

8:15a.m. Engl ish (Fridays during Sept. through June 15)

5:30p.m. Ti?ng Vi?t

6:30p.m. Engl ish (First Wednesday of the month)

6:30p.m. Español (Viernes)

7:00p.m. Español (Viernes durante Cuaresma)

Sat ur day / Th? B?y / Sábado8:00a.m - Engl ish

5:00p.m - Engl ish Vigi l (except Holy Saturday)

6:30p.m - L? V?ng / Ti?ng Vi?t (Ngo?i tr? Th? B?y Tu?n Thánh)

Sunday / Chúa Nh?t / DomingoEnglish * 9:30a.m., 5:30 p.m.(Youth Mass)

Ti?ng Vi?t * 6:15a.m., 1:00 p.m., 4:00 p.m.

Español * 7:45a.m, 11:15 a.m., 2:30 p.m., 7:00 p.m.

Chinese (L.G.) * 10:30a.m.

Reconcil iat ion / Gi?i T?i / Confesiones Friday - Th? Sáu - Viernes - 7:15 - 8:15 pm

Saturday - Th? B?y - Sábados - 8:30 - 9:30 a.m.  

Par ish Of f ice Hour s Monday - Friday: 9:00 am - 7:00 pm

Saturday and Sunday: 8:30 am - 1:30 pm

Maredi th ClarckJoe RoicthmannNancy CanoOfel ia DiazAbraham CarrascoMadelyn J HuertaTheodore PeraltaLi l ian AkagbosuRosi ta Li raBui Thi ThenMichael TranLuu Tran Thang TranHoang Van NguyenJoe C. TanMaria GutierrezArturo GutierrezGabby TorresValente TorresValerie Agui leraEl isa ArmentaChrist ine JewellPatty CoteMarqari la HernandezEi leen Lamdrum

Beth SnelgroveMax CarreñoMiranda CarreñoValerie Agui lera and BabyAntonia ZavalaEloisa GarciaAna GodoySandra GodoyAle GodoyMary Kay BlakeJenni fer NguyenRichard MackMary Kay BlakeLuat TranJul ian Gomez SantanaCarmen MendozaBoni facio SamayoaBertha PeñaMaria Val ladares y Fam.Leo MontanoDani lo TorresJohn Douthi tDc. Gui l lermo TorresAlex Gal legos

Oct ober 29, 2016Linh Duy Nguyen & Ann LeArun Fortes & Apri l Trovada

Bernardo Favela & Ana Marie Molina

November 4, 2016Christ ian Issav Pino & Beatriz Morales

November 5, 2016Tuan Nguyen & Hol ly Engelmann

James Thinh Pham & Vi-Truc Thi Nguyen

November 11, 2016Matthew Christopher Schmelzel & Vanessa

Marie Marin

November 12, 2016Joseph Dang Pham & Dennis Hang Nguyen

Chris Bui & Li l ian Do

Mon. Oct. 24 6:30 am Jenny Daley *8:00 am Elodia Smith ?

Tue. Oct. 25 6:30 am Joseph Nguyen ?8:00 am Bud Corrigan *

Wed. Oct. 26 6:30 am Nelson Velasco *8:00 am Dorthy McEvoy ?

Thu. Oct. 27 6:30 am Sr. Theresa TrangNguyen *

8:00 am Jaime A. Romo II ?Fri . Oct. 28 6:30 am Dan & Jenny Daley *

8:15 am Personal Intentions *6:30 pm Ricardo Estrada ?

Sat. Oct. 29 8:00 am Edward Carrol lo *5:00 pm Michael A. Chavez *

Sun. Oct. 30 7:45 am Jorge Luis Sol is *9:30 am Guise Tran Van Van ? &

All Souls ? 11:15 am Jesus Ruvalcaba ?

Beatriz Vega ?, Salvador R. Cardenas ?, Jaime Alejandro Rommo II ?, Ruti l ia Gonzalez ?, Sofia Andres Gonzalez ?, Candida Galvez ?, Leonardo Galvez ?, Alberto Gonzalez ?, Magal i Galvez ?, Paul ino y Clemente Galvez ?, Mario, Angel, Dominque, Alyson Armengolt *, Apri l Gutierrez *, Karen Nieves * 2:30 pm Natal ie & Lesl ie

Sanchez *5:30 pm Charath & Nedumehira

Fami l ies *

7:00 pm Margari ta Lazcano ? Jorge, Raul y Vicente Vazquez ?

Page 9: CHRIST CATHEDRAL PARISH BULLETIN · Oración de Apertura, Platica y Compartiendo Predicadores: Padre Christopher Smith y todos los sacerdotes. ... novio y la Iglesia su novia, ...


Chr ist Cat hedr al Concer t s, 2016-2017

  SAVE-THE-DATE!!! Friday, December 16, 2016 at 7:30 pm - Christmas at the Cathedral - Choirs at the Cathedral

Friday, March 10, 2017 at 8:00 pm - De Angel is

Vocal Ensemble - The Great Music of Lent

Friday, March 31, 2017 at 7:30 pm - Tall is

Scholars of London

Friday, Apri l 28, 2017 at 7:30 pm - Christ Cathedral Spring Concert

For more information or to purchase t ickets for this or any of our concerts, please visi t our websi te www.christcathedralmusic.com or contact [email protected]

Al l Saint s Day - hol y day of obl igat ionMass Schedul e

Al l Saint s Day - Vigil : Oct ober 31, 2016

5:00 pm: Engl ish

6:30 pm: Vietnamese

8:00 pm: Spanish

Al l Saint s Day - November 1, 2016

6:30 am: Vietnamese

8:00 am: Spanish (Large Gal lery)

8:15 am: Engl ish (Arboretum

12:10 pm: Vietnamese

5:30 pm: Engl ish (Arboretum)

5:30 pm: Vietnamese (Large Gal lery)

7:00 pm: Vietnamese (Large Gal lery)

7:15 pm: Engl ish/Spanish (Arboretum)

Page 10: CHRIST CATHEDRAL PARISH BULLETIN · Oración de Apertura, Platica y Compartiendo Predicadores: Padre Christopher Smith y todos los sacerdotes. ... novio y la Iglesia su novia, ...

CALENDAR OCTOBER 23 - 29, 2016



cHINESE MassOrange County Chinese Catholic Association (OCCCA)Location: Large GalleryWhen: 10:00 am

Spanish Mass TimesLocation: ArboretumWhen: 7:45 am, 11:15 am, 2:30 pm & 7:00 pm

Viet namese Mass TimesLocation: ArboretumWhen: 6:15 am, 1:00 pm & 4:00 pm

Engl ish Mass TimesLocation: ArboretumWhen: 9:30 am & 5:30 pm

Engl ish Dail y Mass TimesLocation: ArboretumWhen: 6:30 am & 8:00 am

Viet namese Dail y Mass TimesLocation: Arboretum When: 5:30 pm

Rosar y of Our Lady of Per pet ual Hel pLocation: Small GalleryWhen: 6:30 pm ? 7:30 pm

Engl ish Dail y Mass TimesLocation: ArboretumWhen: 6:30 am & 8:00 am

Viet namese Dail y Mass TimesLocation: ArboretumWhen: 5:30 pm

Jesus Pan de Vida(Spanish Charismatic Gp. Child Care Available) Location: Large Gallery When: 7:30 ? 9:00 pm

Spanish divine mer cy gr oupLocation: Large Gallery - CWhen: 8:00 ? 9:00 pm

Engl ish Dail y Mass TimesLocation: ArboretumWhen: 6:30 am & 8:00 am

Viet namese Dail y Mass TimesLocation: ArboretumWhen: 5:30 pm

Spanish pr e-bapt ism cl assLocation: TOH- 4th Floor When: 6:45 pm ? 9:00 pm RESERVATION REQUIRED: Call Parish Office

Chr ist cat hedr al communit y out r each pr ogr amLocation: Building in rear of ArboretumWhen: 10:30 am - 12:30pm and again from 4:30 pm - 6:30pm (in the evening, hot meals only)Contact: 714-282-3097. Please leave a message and a member from the ministry will return your call.

j ovenes par a cr ist o(Spanish Young Adults For Christ Ministry) Location: Large GalleryWhen: 7:30 ? 9:00 pm

Spanish massLocation: Large GalleryWhen: 6:30 pm

Engl ish Vigil MassLocation: ArboretumWhen: 5:00 pm (except Holy Saturday)

Viet namese Vigil MassLocation: ArboretumWhen: 6:30 pm (Ngo?i tr? Th? B?y Tu?n Thánh)

ConfessionsLocation: ArboretumWhen: 8:30 am ? 9:30 am

engl ish massLocation: ArboretumWhen: 8:00 am

Engl ish Dail y Mass TimesLocation: ArboretumWhen: 6:30 am & 8:15 am

Viet namese Dail y Mass TimesLocation: Large GalleryWhen: 5:30 pm

Engl ish Dail y Mass TimesLocation: ArboretumWhen: 6:30 am & 8:00 am

Viet namese Dail y Mass TimesLocation: ArboretumWhen: 5:30 pm

Teen Angel sLocation: Large Gallery - C When: 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm

ConfessionsLocation: Small GalleryWhen: 7:15 pm ? 8:15 pm

Euchar ist ic Ador at ionLocation: ArboretumWhen: All Day

Viet namese Lect or Meet ing/Tr aininLocation: Large Gallery A-bWhen: 7:00 ? 9:00 pm

Spanish Lect or Meet ingLocation: Large Gallery A-BWhen: 7:00 ? 9:00 pm

Spanish Dia De l os Muer t os Mass wit h Bishop Keven VannLocation: ArboretumWhen: 3:00 pm

Page 11: CHRIST CATHEDRAL PARISH BULLETIN · Oración de Apertura, Platica y Compartiendo Predicadores: Padre Christopher Smith y todos los sacerdotes. ... novio y la Iglesia su novia, ...


For advertising details contact

714 323 9972


Page 12: CHRIST CATHEDRAL PARISH BULLETIN · Oración de Apertura, Platica y Compartiendo Predicadores: Padre Christopher Smith y todos los sacerdotes. ... novio y la Iglesia su novia, ...
