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Christianity and America Analogy - Samuel Lopez

Date post: 23-Feb-2017
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“Christianity and America is like clothing.”

Throughout the years fashion has changed and society in America has kept up with the trends. There have been many changes for clothing, but in the end clothing can be used for many purposes.Christianity and America is like clothing. Over time it has been used in many different ways but it’s something that remains relevant to this day. Even if some consider what you are wearing old school.

Early AmericaChristianity has always been a part of America. The pilgrims are a great example of a group of people escaping persecution and introducing Christian values to America.

It’s safe to say that in these times survival was a priority rather than fashion, so in this time period there was only 1 style.

Christianity and FashionClothing has always been an important part of expressing ourselves. In the 50’s clothing was more tidy. Men wore suites and ties while woman wore dresses for the most part.

Christianity during this time was high. It is estimated that 49% of America attended church as members. You can say Christianity was popular and was in line with the clothing of this time.

ChangesMoving on to a new decade we can see the 60’s brought a lot of change. With the hippie movement being born, clothing and fashion was more colorful.

It is estimated that as much as 69% had been church members in the 60’s

Christianity had to change just like the fashion did. Christianity had the Jesus movement and the introduction of different music. Christianity had to adapt to this new decade.

ChoicesLets look at this from a different point of view. Clothing is available everywhere. Just like clothing, Christianity can be found everywhere.

There are different denominations and church sizes and we have the choice to select where we want to go. Just like clothing, we can decide what best fits us and stick with it.


Clothing serves many purposes. For example if one uses a tie and suite, then we can assume a business meeting or church.

If one wears a t shirt and jeans, we can assume a casual event.

If one wears a uniform then we can assume they are part of an organization.

We can see these basic uses for clothing but clothing can be used for different purposes other than expressing oneself

Other PurposesClothes can serve a purpose to help the needy and poor. Christianity has been the foundation of organizations created to help those in need.

Goodwill Founder Edgar J Helms is a great example of how his Christian foundation helped him provide clothes to the poor.

We can see how clothes how clothes can be used as a tool to outreach to reach those in need. Just like the purpose of Christianity in America is to outreach.

Other PurposesSalvation Army Founders had Christian values that today as we know Salvation army sells clothing at a low cost for the lower income people.

This is another example of clothing being used for outreach.

Christianity is part of America that we can see references of God in the money we use, in the pledge of Allegiance and even our President attending church to hear a sermon.

Just like clothing commercials and ads, we are reminded to stay hip and current and wear the current style. We see celebrities wear certain items to promote the product.

So when we look at all these slides we can say that Christianity and America is like the clothes we wear.

We can change, update and use it for many things, but in the end we cannot function without it.

Christianity and America is truly like clothing. Without it we would be naked. Christianity helped shape America and without it this country would be very different.


Goodwill. "About Us." About Us. Goodwill, n.d. Web. 10 Nov. 2015. <http://www.goodwill.org/about-us/>.

Shmoop Editorial Team. "Society in The 1950s." Shmoop.com. Shmoop University, Inc., 11 Nov. 2008. Web. 10 Nov. 2015.


Stratford, SJ. "1950s Men's Wear." LoveToKnow. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Nov. 2015.



The Salvation Army - History of the Salvation Army." The Salvation Army - History of the Salvation Army. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Nov. 2015. <http://www.salvationarmyusa.org/usn/history-of-the-salvation-army>.
