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Christmas Catalogue

Date post: 22-Mar-2016
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The annual Christmas Catalogue of charity Global Shore provides an opportunity for those interested in helping to supply the on-going needs of this ministry. Working in the town of El Tizate, Guatemala, our primary focus is providing Christian education to the niños of this community. With a higher enrollment every year, January will see up to 250 kids in our school. Give to the morning breakfast program, provide school supplies for a child, buy an instrument for our blossoming school band. We invite you to replace traditional Christmas giving with a kind that will create real impact where it is really needed: developing Guatemala. Donate to items in this catalogue in lieu of Christmas gifts and we will send you a complimentary card. Fill this card out and put it under the tree, notifying your friends and family that instead of buying them a new sweater, you have honored them with a donation to further the future of children in Guatemala.
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1 16 Spread the Gift


Spread the Gift

The 2013 school year, now complete, was a year of fruitfulness. While each year brings it’s challenges, this year has been one where we have seen, perhaps to the great-est degree, the school vision being fulfilled in our kids. What a blessing to watch our students become more involved in the things of God. It has been impacting to see and hear all around the country how many educational institutes are becoming dangerous, instead of safe havens for children. Here at Colegio Cristiano Avivando el Fuego we have committed ourselves to giving our kids a safe environment and every possible opportunity for growth. We want them to experience God to the fullest, to have a real connection with a real God, which then becomes the foundation for a future of blessing and impact wherever they go.

This year we have seen growth. We have seen kids reach out to God in a real way with their lives and then reflecting that change of focus. We watched as our oldest students stepped into leadership roles during our student camp week, leading and guiding the younger students into the things of God and demonstrating that to them. We watched a talented group of students join the new band, watched them work hard, giving their gifts to the Lord, and then go and play, competing in a secular environment and being the difference; giving glory to God through their music and instruments.

We want to thank you for your support of our school. Please continue in your support as we look now to 2014. Join with us to enable our students to continue growing both in the Lord and academically.

Breakfast ProgramColegio Cristiano Avivando el Fuego (CCAF) provides a nutritious breakfast every morning for the entire school year for our students. Breakfasts vary from the traditional beans and eggs, to a hot oatmeal, or a vegetable soup. Our much beloved cook, Ana, has a set menu to maximize the effectiveness of the food budget. With an anticipated 250 students to start in January, it will cost approximately $160 a week to feed the student body.

Although included in our sponsorship program is the cost of the breakfast program for one student, there remains 85 students without sponsors. The funds needed to cover their breakfasts need to be raised separately.

Feed one student for the whole school year: $25.60 Feed one class worth (25 students) for one month: $64.00

Library Set of Youth Encyclopedias $475 Set of Children Encyclopedias $475 Spanish Dictionaries (8) $8

Computer Class used Mac laptop (1+) $125

Phys Ed Soccer Balls (bottomless!) $125 Resistance bands (25) $15

Whether it’s wear and tear on equipment that needs replacing, or new needs because of the growth of our school, there are lots of opportunities for you to be involved.


for our school...The school year in Guatemala runs from January - October every year. By the time this mail-out reaches your home, the school will have let out for “summer” vacation. Our staff continues on until mid-December, planning for the 2014 school year which will begin in January. Every year a new grade is added to the school to follow the progress of the eldest students until the school is complete (only two years to go!) January will see the addition of 2nd Basicos, which is roughly equivalent to Grade 8. Help us to equip and transform one of our two remaining empty classrooms into our 2nd Basicos room, ready to go for 25 students in January.

Teacher’s Desk (2) $120Whiteboard (1) $120Student desk & chair (25) $25Student supply kit $20 (85 needed for unsponsored students)Filing Cabinet (3) $100Shelving unit (1) $150

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Housing Construction

Bible Memorization Contest prize (4) $100Kids’ Bibles (50) $24Biblical Dictionary (2) $35Bibles (versions for our library) (6) $30Christian Biographies $25

Invest in their spiritual lives...We believe that only through Christ can lives truly be changed, poverty truly be broken, and oppressive cycles truly be demolished. Please consider investing in the spiritual growth of our students. As our students grow, new additions to our Bible program are needed, such as biographies of men and women of God. Enable us to buy these, among other things, for the development of our students in the Lord.

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For our Kids...The Spiritual Campamento is one of the most important events on our school calen-dar. It cannot be overstated the affect of these two days on our kids: frequent meals plus snacks, a sleep-over with your best friends, games with your team and fellow school mates and most of all, a set stage for the Holy Spirit to come and minister to the lives of these, the precious children of the Kingdom through times of worship, teaching and ministry. Students look forward to this retreat all year long and those too young to particpate (Junior & Senior Kindergarten) eagerly await Grade 1 when they will be permitted to come. Our own culture is well accustomed to summer camps and cross-cultural experiences and cannot imagine the excitement that this campamento is for these children who would never noramlly have an opportunity of this magnitude.

Please consider giving to this life-giving camp either a gift of $25, $50 or $100. We run two, two-day camps, one for the older kids and one for the younger. Each camp costs approximately $1,750.00 to operate.


“To be completely frank I never thought that I would visit Guatemala, let alone live there for two months. But that is precisely what happened this summer as a team of us from Canada went down there to bring Christ’s love to the local town of Tizate. And honestly, I loved it. Absolutely loved it. But of all the amazing memories I have frommy time down there, one memory stands out clearly above all the rest: that first time I met little Angel. [An-hel]

On our first morning up at the school, lo and behold a little boy came directly to me and gave me the biggest hug he could muster! Absolutely delighted I naturally gave him my best hug in return! And with that our new little friendship began. Everyday for the rest of my time there, little Angel found me for his daily dose of hugs, pig-gyback rides, and rocket ship jumps into the sky. But the most exciting thing that hap-pened was when I was able to personally tell him that I was going to be his sponsor! He was so excited, but I was possibly even more excited than he. Our friendship de-veloped over my stay and I came to learn about his family situation and the less-than-ideal relationship he had with his father. I came to realize that my role in his life could have profound affects in providing healing in his heart, especially as it became appar-ent that I was indeed filling some void in his life relating to a father figure. Leaving him behind that fateful day as I returned to Canada was so terribly hard, but I know that our friendship will not end there, and that as his sponsor, I get to have the utmost privi-lege to support him as he goes to school, but even more than that, to pray for him daily even as he and the rest of his classmates pray for me in their morning devotions.

Choosing to sponsor Angel has been one of my most cherished decisions and I have not regretted it for even a moment. I love my little Guatemalan brother so dearly, and I can only count the days before I can come back and give him a great big bear hug once more.”

~Derek Scott, 4th year student, Trinity Western University. Derek was a participant on the Summer Student Program 2013. He is pictured right with Angel.

Invest in a Life...Come January, there will be approximately 85 students within our school system still unsponsored. Our goal is to have every single one of them supported by a caring North American, sponsors who catch the vision like Derek of truly investing in a life to the end of transformation. Sponsors who truly care for the children of Guatemala, who want to be part of the education of that country and instill a hope for a better future as we raise up these students to the end of releasing ministers of Christ throughout the land.


A Child Sponsorship with Global Shore is a two-fold committment: 1. Prayer Committment 2. Financial Committment

You will receive a prayer card of your student and they one of you. This prayer exchange will keep us centered on who it is that enacts change, “Unless the Lord builds the house, those who build it labor in vain. Unless the Lord guards the city, the guard keeps watch in vain.” ~ Psalm 127:1

The financial committment is $37/month, or $444/year. This donation covers:

~ Academic teaching from our qualified teaching staff ~ School Supplies ~ the daily Breakfast Program ~ Student activities & field-trips ~ Parent activities

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School BandSeptember 15th, Guatemala’s Independence Day, is taken very seriously and this holiday is always accompanied by parades and performances from local school marching bands. Our dream as a school institute has been to have one such band. Marching bands, you might imagine, are a BIG DEAL in Guatemala! Most large schools have them, but all of them play exactly the same music. Our goal for our school band has been to play music that exalts the Lord; to be the difference.

Although we started the band in 2012, this past year was where a real committment was made on the part of our students and supporting parents. There was a marked difference in progress, especially under the tutelage of a qualified band teacher.

As Independence Day approached, the band started to get really excited, practicing almost daily, including Saturdays. They added choreographed steps to their songs.

As this was the first year that our school was participating in the local mu-nicipal Independence Day parades, it was kind of a school debut as well. As the band marched through the streets, our honour role student went ahead, carrying a sign announcing who we were: “The fear of the Lord...is the beginning of Wisdom. Colegio Cristiano Avivando El Fuego,” read the sign.

It was interesting because we have never looked for fame, but all kinds of people, after seeing our school and hearing the band, approached our teachers, who were in their uniforms, and asked, “Where is this school?” “When is registration?” They saw something different and were very interested. One of our teachers, Jasmin, said, “That’s what happened when Jesus showed up. Everyone wanted to know who he was, and where he came from.” We really believe that it was Jesus shining through that day.

~Julianna Konrad de Pelaez, Guatemalan Director


Trumpets (6 needed) $140 eachDrums (4) $200Lyre (5) $50Cow Bell (2) $13Quint tom set (1) $187Metal Guiro (3) $17Timbales (1) $240Trombone (5) $245Drumsticks $7

Our Canadian-born Guatemalan Director (Julianna Konrad) is married to national pastor Jacobo Pelaez. This marriage has brought about an increasingly strong relationship with Jacobo’s national church network. He oversees close to a dozen church plants around the country and even abroad. In the last year we have begun to work in partnership with these daughter churches by blessing their communities with a Vacation Bible School program, which doubles as a blessing for the local kids and also a strategy for outreach to the community. We have also been able to tangibly bless these new pastors with funds for their church plants. Please help us to support the broadening of Christ’s kingdom in Guatemala! (pictured above is Luis Rodenas, Global Shore staff member by day and Pastor extraordinaire by night! He is one such national pastor that we have been able to assist.)

Give to a national church plant: $25, $50, $100

Support our work with National Pastors...

Pictured below is Glendi and her two little girls, Tatiana and Natalya. Glendi, her husband and girls and newborn baby received a house this past March from Global Shore. GSO houses are made of cinder blocks, concrete, and reinforced with rebar for the earthquake zone in which Guatemala is situated. Enable a family like Glendi’s to receive a new and secure, permanent home in place of the commonly seen corru-gated metal and corn stalk, make-shift houses. Purchase a more wood-efficient and smoke-reducing stove for our next house project.

Housing Construction

Buy a House $6, 200 Buy a Stove $110

In the past two years, Global Shore has given away food hampers to families in need of that extra support. It is a remarkable opportunity to send our school pastor to homes of our students to speak wtih parents about the love of Christ and then demonstrate that love through such a practical gift. Consider blessing a family in this tangible way and enabling us to build in-roads for the Kingdom with families from our community.

Food Hamper $30

You can’t run a ministry without people and one thing that we’ve heard over and over (and over) again from visitors to Guatemala is what an amazing staff we have. And it’s true. There are so many quality, integral men and women of God who are part of the GSO team that are pursuing Christ and investing in His work. Kingdom people. People where you forget that they speak Spanish and you English, forget that they’re from a different culture because there is this spirit-to-spirit connection founded on our love for Christ and purpose of heart to pursue and establish His Kingdom here on earth. It is the global body of Christ. It is the unity of the Spirit.

While our staff is primarily made up of teachers and support staff for the school, we have a number who double as pastors on the side. We have staff who coordinate the teams and set up the house building projects and do all of the behind-the-scenes work. We have English volunteers, band teachers, Kaqchikel indigenous language teachers. Our staff just keeps growing!

We gift our teaching staff with a Teacher’s Kit every year to kick-start the new school year. Consider gifting a kit to one of our beloved team!

Teacher’s Kit (20) $40

Simply fill out this form (front and back), include a cheque payable to ‘Global Shore’ and include both in the provided envelope. If you would like to give via credit card, tally up your total and vist www.globalshore.org/donate/general-donation/ Write out your selected items in the “note” nox on the website and we’ll designate accordingly.

BREAKFAST PROGRAM QTY TOTALq Feed one student ____ $ _______q Feed one class ____ $ _______

FOR OUR SCHOOL QTY TOTALq Youth Encyclopedia ____ $ _______ q Child Encyclopedia ____ $ _______q Spanish Dictionary ____ $ _______q used Mac laptop ____ $ _______q Soccer Ball ____ $ _______q Resistance Band ____ $ _______q Teacher’s Desk ____ $ ______ q Whiteboard ____ $ _______ q Student Desk & Chair ____ $ _______ q Student Kit ____ $ _______ q Filing Cabinet ____ $ _______q Shelving Unit ____ $ _______

FOR OUR KIDS QTY TOTALq Memorization prize ____ $ _______ q Kid’s Bible ____ $ _______q Biblical Dictionary ____ $ _______ q Bibles (for library) ____ $ _______q Christian Biography ____ $ _______

SCHOOL CAMPAMENTO QTY TOTALq $25 ____ $ _______q $50 ____ $ _______q $100 ____ $ _______

CHILD SPONSORSHIP QTY TOTAL q (monthly) Sponsorship contact [email protected] q (annual) Sponsorship ____ $ _______

SCHOOL BAND QTY TOTALq Trumpet ____ $ _______ q Drum ____ $ _______q Lyre ____ $ _______ q Cow Bell ____ $ _______q Quint Tom set ____ $ _______ q Metal Guiro ____ $ _______q Timbale ____ $ _______ q Trombone ____ $ _______q Drumsticks ____ $ _______

NATIONAL PASTORS QTY TOTALq $25 ____ $ _______ q $50 ____ $ _______q $100 ____ $ _______

FOR OUR COMMUNITY QTY TOTALq Buy a House ____ $ _______q Buy a Stove ____ $ _______ q Food Hamper ____ $ _______

FOR OUR TEAM QTY TOTAL q Teacher Kit ____ $ _______

GRAND TOTAL: $ _______________________ q I would like to receive ______ greeting card(s) to send to the people I am honouring with these gifts (or just because I like them!)


YOUR INFOName ____________________________________________________________

Address ____________________________________________________________ City ___________________________ Prov __________ PC __________________

Phone _____________________________________________________________

Email ______________________________________________________________

I would like to receive Global Shore newsletters by: qMail qEmail

I am interested in Short Term Missions. Please notify me by email when new trip dates become available. q


q I wish to make a one-time donation of $ ___________ to go towards items listed in this year’s Spread the Gift Christmas Catalogue.

731 Lakeshore Rd. RR2Port Burwell, ON

N0J 1T0Canada

(519) 875.3382 www.globalshore.orgQuestions?

[email protected]

(pictured left)“Mi corazon Derek”... My heart Derek A drawing found in Angel’s notebook
