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Christmas Email Marketing Recipes 2013

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How to make the most of your

Christmas newsletters?

Christmas season is a time of the year when companies scale up the volume of their newsletters and maximize sales. Only in 2012, online retailers increased number of sent emails by 19% in comparison to 2011.

In practice, this means that each company sent an average of 210 promotional emails during the holiday season! Making your newsletters stand out in the holiday inbox clutter might be quite a challenge, especially knowing that your competitors are probably already thinking about their special offers for Cyber Monday, Thanksgiving or Free Shipping Day.

In this Christmas guide we uncover the most effective strategies that you can put to use in \RXU�HPDLO�SURJUDP��+RZ�WR�LQFUHDVH�HPDLO�YROXPH�ZLWKRXW�ORVLQJ�VXEVFULEHUV"�:KDW·V�WKH�best inspiration for Christmas newsletters design? Should you stop your promotional emails on December 25th, or continue into January?

GetResponse 2013 Christmas Guide will provide you with practical answers to all these questions.

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Christmas Email Marketing

Recipes 2013




Businesses spend months preparing for this special time of the year, to be ready to act when the time is right. All departments work together to grab as much of the Christmas revenue pie as possible.



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Preparation Time

1. Objectives and


Before you prepare and roll out your Christmas campaign, start by planning what you want to achieve and how to DFKLHYH�LW��)LUVW��ÀJXUH�RXW�ZKHUH�\RX�DUH�QRZ��ZKHUH�\RX�ZDQW�WR�EH��KRZ�WR�JHW�WKHUH��DQG�ZKHQ�\RX·OO�NQRZ�\RX·YH�reached your goals.








2. Key dates

Identify relevant holidays to focus on and create a timetable of activities. Although this handbook focuses mainly on the Christmas holiday season of November and December, you should analyze \RXU�ZHEVLWH�WUDIÀF�WR�ÀQG�RWKHU�seasonal peaks. There may be special holidays that are relevant WR�\RXU�LQGXVWU\�WKDW�\RX�KDYHQ·W�\HW�LGHQWLÀHG�DQG�FRYHUHG�LQ�\RXU�marketing campaign.

These could include *URXQGKRJ�Day, 9DOHQWLQH·V�'D\ or even 7DON�/LNH�D�3LUDWH�'D\� It GRHVQ·W�PDWWHU�ZKHWKHU�LW·V�DQ�RIÀFLDO�holiday. As long as it generates WUDIÀF�DQG�DWWUDFWV�VDOHV��LQFOXGH�LW�in your marketing campaign plan.

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10/14/2013 Thanksgiving (Canada)

10/31/2013 Halloween

11/03/2013 Daylight Saving Time Ends

11/11/2013 Veterans Day

11/27/2013 – 12/05/2013 Hanukkah

11/28/2013 Thanksgiving (USA)

11/29/2013 Black Friday

12/02/2013 Cyber Monday

12/09/2013 Green Monday

12/21/2013 First Day of Winter

12/25/2013 Christmas Day

12/26/2013 Boxing Day

12/31/2013 New Year’s Eve

01/01/2014 New Year’s Day

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���,QWHUQDO�DQG�H[WHUQDO�DXGLWAnother important element in preparing Christmas holiday campaigns is to examine your current and past email marketing practices.

Take a look at old reports to identify the strong and weak elements of previous campaigns. Think WKURXJK�WKH�REMHFWLYHV�\RX�KDG�LQ�PLQG�DQG�LGHQWLI\�JDSV�EHWZHHQ�WKH�LQWHQGHG�DQG�WKH�GHOLYHUHG�results. 0DNH�QRWH�RI�JRRG�DFWLRQV�DQG�WDFWLFV, as well as those that need improvement.

7DNH�D�ORRN�DW�WKH�DFWLYLWLHV�RI�\RXU�FRPSHWLWRUV�WRR��<RXU�REMHFWLYHV�DUHQ·W�UHDOLVWLF�XQOHVV�\RX�DFFRXQW�IRU�ZKDW·V�KDSSHQLQJ�LQ�\RXU�LQGXVWU\�DQG�WDNH�VWHSV�WR�PDNH�WKH�PRVW�RXW�RI�\RXU�situation. Take note of what the key players in your market did in the past and assess the viability of those strategies in current market conditions.

Create EHQFKPDUNV�IRU�EHVW�SUDFWLFHV��VXFK�DV�RSWLPDO�GHSOR\PHQW�WLPHV��FRPSHOOLQJ�VXEMHFW�lines that increase open rates, and effective content that leads to amazing conversions. Make a list so you can keep them in mind when forming and assessing your holiday campaigns strategy.

���/LVW�VKDSH�XSIdeally, you should be carrying out list hygiene PDQDJHPHQW�RQ�D�UHJXODU�EDVLV��,I�\RX·YH�QHJOHFWHG�WKLV��the SUH�KROLGD\�VHDVRQ is a great time to get back on track. The processes below will help you maximize the performance and effectiveness of your holiday campaigns. ,W·V�LPSRUWDQW�WR�UH�HQJDJH�LQDFWLYH�VXEVFULEHUV�DQG�remove those that no longer support your business. The holiday season is a time to distribute promotional offers more frequently, so you need to cull the bad apples that DUH�OLNHO\�WR�PDUN�\RXU�HPDLOV�DV�VSDP�RU�FDXVH�KDUG�ERXQFHV��2Q�WKH�EULJKW�VLGH��\RX·OO�ZDUP�XS�\RXU�DXGLHQFH�and build desire and expectation among those who are likely to order from you before Christmas.


codes, or surveys asking your customers whether they are still interested in your offer or their preferences have changed. If you provide value and your offer is VWLOO�UHOHYDQW��\RXU�UH�HQJDJHPHQW�campaign should increase your reach during this important season.

Everyone hates to see customers unsubscribe. But in reality, the quality of the database is far more LPSRUWDQW�WKDQ�LWV�VL]H��7U\�WR�UH�engage them for a few weeks. If you get no response, consider moving WKHP�WR�D�VHJPHQW�WKDW·V�QRW�DW�WKH�center of your holiday campaigns.

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<RX�FDQ�VWLOO�VHQG�WKHP�QRQ�SHUVRQDOL]HG�SURPRWLRQDO�HPDLOV��EXW�WKDW�VKRXOGQ·W�EH�\RXU�ELJJHVW�FRQFHUQ�GXULQJ�the season, especially since it may affect the deliverability of crucial emailings.

Through these processes, you focus only on customers that may respond to your messages and generate sales. 7KH�EHWWHU�\RX�XQGHUVWDQG�DQG�VDWLVI\�their needs, WKH�JUHDWHU�WKH�HIIHFWLYHQHVV�RI�\RXU�HPDLO�FDPSDLJQV. As a side note, list hygiene management should also improve your email deliverability.

8SGDWH�WKH�FXVWRPHU�SURÀOHV�VR�\RX�FDQ�WDLORU�\RXU�RIIHUV�WR�VSHFLÀF�FXVWRPHU�QHHGV��,I�\RX·YH�FROOHFWHG�VXUYH\�data and monitored subscriber behavior from clicks and opens, this is the time to update your segmentation strategy based on these insights. )RFXV�\RXU�IXWXUH�HPDLOLQJV�RQ�RIIHUV�\RXU�FXVWRPHUV�DUH�interested in. Recommend complementing products or services based on the past behavior and reviews of FXVWRPHUV�ZLWK�VLPLODU�SURÀOHV�

&RQVLGHU�DVNLQJ�\RXU�FXVWRPHUV�WR�XSGDWH�WKHLU�SURÀOH�and preferences before you launch your new campaigns. This reassures your customers that you care about them, account for their individual needs, and only target them with relevant offers that provide value. This has a positive effect on campaign success and reduces complaints and unsubscribe caused by irrelevant offers that can irritate them.

,Q�DGGLWLRQ�WR�PDQDJLQJ�\RXU�H[LVWLQJ�GDWDEDVH��LW·V�DOZD\V�important to increase your reach and attract new potential customers. So analyze your existing customer acquisition FKDQQHOV��VLJQ�XS�IRUPV��DQG�ODQGLQJ�SDJHV��WKHQ�RSWLPL]H�them for seasonal campaigns. 5HIUHVK�WKH�FDOOV�WR�DFWLRQ��&7$��RU�SODFH�VLJQ�XS�IRUPV�LQ�D�OLJKWER[. The additional subscribers you capture before the holidays may make the extra investment worthwhile!

Since the world is going mobile, make sure your existing acquisition channels account for this phenomenon. Customers now search and shop while on the go. They access your website and HPDLOV�RQ�VPDOO�WRXFK�VFUHHQV��QDYLJDWLQJ�ZLWK�RIWHQ�FOXPV\�ÀQJHUV��Use this to your advantage so you can communicate with your audience effectively. Surely you GRQ·W�ZDQW�WR�LUULWDWH�WKHP�DQG�ORVH�their interest and potential sales opportunity.

To learn how to design emails for mobile devices, download our free Responsive Email Guide.

,I�\RX·UH�PRUH�DJJUHVVLYH��\RX�FDQ�acquire new subscribers using methods such as GLVFRXQW�codes, YRXFKHUV, or WKURXJK�FRQWHVWV�RUJDQL]HG�LQ�VRFLDO�PHGLD�FKDQQHOV. And reach out to your existing customers to offer something of value for referring their friends. Subscribers tend to be most DFWLYH�GXULQJ�WKH�ÀUVW�ZHHNV�DIWHU�VLJQ�XS��VR�WKLV�KROLGD\�VHDVRQ�\RXU�sales may skyrocket!

Finally, consider partnering with other organizations to increase the reach of your campaigns. Search for brands that offer products or services that you believe complement yours and would be a JRRG�ÀW�IRU�\RXU�FXVWRPHUV��7KHQ�ask them to promote your brand

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to their audience. Done right, you should quickly see new customers searching your site and signing up to your newsletter.

To learn more, download our free JXLGH��21 Ways To Build Your List.

����5HYLHZ�WUDQVDFWLRQDO�DQG�DXWRPDWHG�PHVVDJHVTake a look at standardized emails, VXFK�DV�VXEVFULSWLRQ�FRQÀUPDWLRQV��product purchase summaries, or cart abandonment alerts. See if they could use a fresh design, fresh copy and whether they display well on mobile devices.

Are they in line with your other communications? Do they reinforce your value to customers? Make VXUH�WKH�IURP�DGGUHVVHV��IRRWHUV�and hyperlinks in automated emails DUH�XS�WR�GDWH�DQG�PDWFK�\RXU�QRQ�WULJJHUHG�HPDLOV��,I�WKHUH·V�D�WLPH�\RX�GRQ·W�ZDQW�WR�ULVN�FRQIXVLQJ�\RXU�customers, surely the holiday season is it!

Learn how to set up Automated Messages and Autoresponders with GetResponse!

���5HYLHZ�WKH�ERG\�RI�\RXU�HPDLOVHaving analyzed automated messages, take a look at promotional emails that persuade subscribers to make a holiday purchase. Compare planned emails to those you and your competitors have sent in the past to see if you FDQ�JHQHUDWH�PRUH�VDOHV�E\�LPSURYLQJ�WKHVH�HOHPHQWV�


���3ODQ�D�EDFNXS�VWUDWHJ\7KHUH·V�D�VD\LQJ��LI�\RX�IDLO�WR�SODQ��\RX�SODQ�WR�IDLO��7KLV�is especially true in email marketing. Part of preparing a successful strategy and carrying out an effective campaign is preparing a contingency plan. If your LQGXVWU\�FKDQJHV�UDGLFDOO\�RYHUQLJKW�RU�D�PDMRU�SURGXFW�become obsolete, be ready to UROO�RXW�3ODQ�% and JHQHUDWH�VDOHV�WR�FRYHU�WKH�FRVWV�RI�WKH�SUH�KROLGD\�season.

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8. Test



Exactly when should you roll out your Christmas campaigns? .HHS�UHDGLQJ�


Arrives Early!

1. October

The law of supply and demand FOHDUO\�VWDWHV��ZKHUH�WKHUH·V�demand, there will be a supply. For holiday shopping, this means many businesses start promoting seasonal RIIHUV�HDUO\�DV�KHDG�VWDUWHUV�EHJLQ�to search shopping aisles. To avoid LQ�VWRUH�WUDIÀF�MDPV�RU�SUREOHPV�with gift deliveries, many consumers begin their Christmas shopping in late October before the shopping madness of late November begins.

:KLOH�ZDUPLQJ�XS�DQG�UH�HQJDJLQJ�your customers in October, add a

OLWWOH�KROLGD\�PRRG�WR�\RXU�RIIHUV��,W·V�QRW�XQFRPPRQ�WR�notice companies selling Christmas décor and providing gift ideas in July. Although they call it Christmas in July, true holiday shopping begins in November.



Regardless of your promotional angle, make sure your FXVWRPHUV�DUH�ZDUPHG�XS�DQG�SUHSDUHG�WR�UHFHLYH�DQ�increased quantity of promotional emails.

7KDQNVJLYLQJ�'D\�DQG�%ODFN�)ULGD\�DUH�WKH�ÀUVW�PDMRU�KROLGD\V�PRVW�PDUNHWHUV�IRFXV�RQ��,W·V�ZLGHO\�UHJDUGHG�as the beginning of the holiday shopping season, so take the opportunity to build expectation and desire in your customers. If you decide to participate in these events, keep your communication consistent, focus on providing YDOXH�WR�FXVWRPHUV��DQG�UHLQIRUFH�WKH�EHQHÀWV�

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���'HFHPEHUAfter Thanksgiving weekend comes Cyber Monday. The term originated in 2005 to persuade customers to shop online. If you DUHQ·W�VHQGLQJ�SURPRWLRQDO�HPDLOV�RQ�WKLV�GD\��your competitors probably are. Prepare an offer focused on this day of the year, so competitors GRQ·W�JHW�DKHDG�RI�\RX�

Once Cyber Monday is over, the countdown to Christmas begins — the most important part of the holiday season and the time for your offer to really shine. In your Christmas SURPRWLRQ��FRQVLGHU�LQFOXGLQJ�D�RQH�GD\�offer, a series of HPDLOV�ZLWK�GLIIHUHQW�GLVFRXQWV, VZHHSVWDNHV, or PHVVDJHV�IRFXVLQJ�RQ�VKLSSLQJ�GHDGOLQHV�DQG�WLPH�UXQQLQJ�RXW. Think through how each idea goes with your strategy and choose DSSURSULDWHO\�WR�PHHW�\RXU�REMHFWLYHV�

���-DQXDU\-XVW�EHFDXVH�&KULVWPDV�LV�RYHU��WKDW�GRHVQ·W�necessarily mean the holiday shopping spirit is RYHU��*LIW�JLYLQJ�WLPH�PD\�EH�RYHU��EXW�LW·V�QRW�uncommon to see people looking for presents IRU�WKHPVHOYHV��GHVSLWH�EHLQJ�ÀOOHG�ZLWK�Christmas goodies. So sell your inventory and clear those shelves while FRQVXPHUV�DUH�VWLOO�LQ�D�VSHQGLQJ�PRRG.

Inspiration for

Your Christmas



���$VN�DERXW�SUHIHUHQFHV'RQ·W�ZH�DV�FXVWRPHUV�ZDQW�WR�JHW�RIIHUV�related to our interests? Make sure your content, offers, bundles and special deals are WDLORUHG�SHUIHFWO\�IRU�\RXU�VXEVFULEHUV·�QHHGV�

Just send a newsletter or autoresponder sequence that will return information about what your subscribers are looking for as a gift this year.


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���7KH����'D\V�RI�&KULVWPDVAdapt the old English Christmas carol “The Twelve Days of Christmas” for a holiday campaign that delivers a series of gifts of increasing value or a series of offers that build FXPXODWLYHO\�³�MXVW�OLNH�WKH�VRQJ�

Thanks to GetResponse Autoresponders 2.0 you can easily set up such a campaign by creating each message LQ�DGYDQFH�DQG�VFKHGXOLQJ�LW�IRU�DXWRPDWLF�RQ�GD\�delivery.




���%ODFNRXW�F\EHU�KXQWLet your subscribers help you decide which products would be most popular for Black Friday and Cyber Monday special deals.

6HW�XS�D�WKUHH�GD\�DXWRUHVSRQGHU�F\FOH�ZLWK�FDWHJRULHV�RU�product offers that your subscribers can vote for. Analyze click rates and prepare perfectly tailored special deals that ZLOO�EH�VROG�RXW�LQ�VHFRQGV�

���+ROLGD\�FKDULW\�HIIRUWVThere are places all around the world where holiday gifts are scarce. Show your human face and offer to share part of the income with charitable organizations to make an XQIRUJHWWDEOH�LPSUHVVLRQ in poor parts of the world.Inform subscribers about this in a separate newsletter or in a banner inside your holiday promotion emails.

���3RVW�&KULVWPDV�'HDOVOffer your subscribers related products, upgrades, additional GHDOV��RU�DGG�RQV�IRU�WKH�SURGXFWV�they bought during holiday campaigns.

*LIW�FDUGV�DUH�SRSXODU�QRZDGD\V, so make sure recipients know how to use them. ,Q�\RXU�SRVW�KROLGD\�HPDLO��XVH�D�CTA, banner or image to deliver the details to your subscribers. You never know — a subscriber may have received a gift card that can be redeemed for your products or services.

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This way you can sell out your remaining holiday bundles and make customers happy with low prices and information about how to claim what they are eligible for.

6XPPDU\Whether you offer groceries, electronics, or interactive services, make the most out of your KROLGD\�FDPSDLJQV�WKLV�\HDU��+HUH·V�RXU�PDLQ�recommendation for all of you marketers out WKHUH��DVN�DQG�JLYH�

Play with your offers and holiday bundles, and let the customer decide what they would like to get as a “2013 Special”.$ORQJ�ZLWK�WKH�DERYH�LQVSLUDWLRQ��KHUH·V�RXU�ZLVK�IRU�\RX��PD\�WKLV�\HDU·V�KROLGD\�FDPSDLJQ�be fun and rewarding.


Look Book


Christmas is the time of the year when FXVWRPHUV�H[SHULHQFH�DQ�HPDLO�ÁRRG�

%HORZ�DUH����H[DPSOHV�RI�VWDQG�RXW�newsletters that raise the bar for holiday email offers.

Picture 1 – Sky’s HD Christmas newsletter

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Picture 2 – Starbuck’s Christmas gifts newsletter

Picture 3 –Christmas apparel deals

Picture 4 – Mattel’s Cyber Monday Deals

Picture 5 – Target’s Black Friday newsletter

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Picture 6 – Lillian Vernon’s Christmas Newsletter

Picture 7 – Barnes & Noble’s Christmas deals

Picture 8 – JCP Christmas wishes

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Picture 9 – Backcountry’s Christmas deals

Picture 10 – NBC family Christmas wishes

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In this Christmas Guide we aimed at introducing VRPH�LQVSLUDWLRQ�IRU�WKLV�\HDU·V�&KULVWPDV�VKRS�ping campaigns.

*R�ZLWK�FODVVLF�VQRZÁDNHV��GHOLYHU�RIIHUV�LQ�KLJK�GHÀQLWLRQ�OLNH�6N\��FRXQW�GRZQ�WKH�GHDOV�like Starbucks, turn off the lights like Target in their Black Friday newsletter, speak to the ZKROH�QDWLRQ�OLNH�-&3��VKRZ�D�SDUW\�6DQWD�OLNH�Back Country, or send holiday wishes from your entire team like NBC.

You name it.Be creative this year. Make sure your newslet�ters stand out. Deliver deals and wishes that are perfectly tailored to subscriber expecta�tions. We wish you great return on investment, increased sales and Merry Christmas!

Mack Gorski

Education ExpertGetResponse Email Marketingwww.getresponse.com



Education ExpertGetResponse Email Marketingwww.getresponse.com




Director of EducationGetResponse Email Marketingwww.getresponse.com

