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Christmas Events at - Howard Smith Wharves...Christmas events with a difference. Warm and rich in...

Date post: 20-Oct-2020
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Christmas Events at
  • Christmas Events at

  • Chris tmas events w i th a d ifference.Warm and rich in character, Howard Smith Wharves is the perfect location to celebrate during the

    festive season - offering an event experience that your guests will remember for years to come.

    With dazzling views of the Story Bridge and city skyline, on-site parking, five-star accommodation

    and an impressive portfolio of event spaces to choose from, Howard Smith Wharves is

    Brisbane’s ultimate riverfront destination for every kind of Christmas Event.

    The precinct features an array of indoor event spaces and unrivalled options for alfresco

    events and intimate private venues nestled amongst the cliffs, perfect for Christmas

    cocktail parties, seasonal grazing tables and summer BBQ’s by the riverfront.

    We have a passion for creating memorable, out-of-the box experiences, so that every

    event is special. Treat your guests to panoramic riverfront views, mouth-watering, seasonal

    menus and experiences that will keep them talking for months to come.

    Speak to our team today to start planning your Christmas Event at Howard Smith Wharves.

  • C H R I S T M A S B B Q P A C K A G E

    On the lookout fo r th i s year ’s Chr i s tmas par ty venue?

    Ce lebra te by the water ’s edge w i th a Queens land s ty le ,

    BBQ lunch a t Howard Smi th Wharves . Wi th a co l lec t ion o f

    un ique venues and green spaces across the prec inc t , we

    have the per fec t m id -week Chr i s tmas Par ty Package jus t

    fo r you !

    We know the bes t th ing about the fes t i ve season i s the

    sunsh ine , cock ta i l s by the water and long le i sure ly lunch-

    es – so why not combine them? Sta r t w i th an Apero l Spr i t z

    on a r r i va l then wow your s ta f f w i th a Chr i s tmas BBQ fea-

    tu r ing mouth -water ing cu ts o f meat , seasona l sa lads , sen-

    sa t iona l s ides and indu lgent desser ts .

    En joy a casua l a f te rnoon out o f the o f f i ce w i th your

    co -workers - i t ’s the per fec t way to end the year w i thout

    regre t t ing i t the nex t day !

    $100 PER GUEST

    One Apero l spr i tz on arr iva l per guest

    BBQ menu

    Two hour J i l l y Wines beverage package

    Lawn games

    Indoor venue & access to green space




    Mozzare l la, f ig, bas i l (V)

    Spiced caul i f lower & lent i l sa lad with labneh

    Butter let tuce, grapefru it , mustard

    v inaigrette (V, VG)

    BBQ L ime & gar l ic mar inated sa lmon (GF)

    Chi l l i maple ch icken

    SIDES Gri l led broccol in i , lemon & oregano (GF, LF)

    Charred sweetcorn with l ime & parmesan

    DESSERTS Pompidou, caramel sauce, vani l la cream,

    seasonal berr ies

    Carami lsed p ineapple, moist coconut

    & g inger cake, caramel sauce

    *The above pr ice i s based on lunch sess ion he ld

    Monday to Wednesday in November / December 2019.

    Sunday incurs a 10% surcharge - $1 10 per guest

    Beverage Package can be extended for addit ional fee



    D A T E : Friday 6th December

    L O C A T I O N : Riverside Marquee on East Lawn

    T I M E : 18:00- 21:00

    Enjoy an evening of eating, drinking and merrymaking under the

    Riverside Marquee.

    Gather your crew, big or small and grab your tickets to our three-hour, all-inclusive summer

    Christmas party on the riverfront. We’ve popped the cork, now it’s time to

    put down your work and pick up a glass!

    Music and Entertainment

    Riverfront views on the East Lawn

    Three-hour Jilly Wines Beverage Package

    Chefs selection of woodfired pizzas

    Served with:

    Rocket & parmesan salad

    Caprese salad

    Goodtimes gelato cart

    Jingle & Mingle

    $100 PER GUEST


  • FA M I LY TA B L E Grazing menu of whole roasted Sommerlad chicken, crispy duck

    at potatoes & braised fennel, fire roasted red peppers with

    macadamias, panzanella salad.

    Served with the choice of one summer dessert. $59 per guest, Thursday - Saturday

    $50 per guest, Sunday - Wednesday

    S H A R E TA B L E Choose from slow cooked lamb shoulder, whole roasted prime

    rib or whole roasted line caught reef fish.

    Served with the choice of one summer dessert. $75 per guest, Thursday - Saturday $65 per guest, Sunday - Wednesday

    F E A ST I N G TA B L E Choose three small plates, two large plates, two sides

    & two desserts from the extensive feasting menu. $89 per guest, Thursday - Saturday $79 per guest, Sunday - Wednesday

    10% Sunday surcharge

    C H R I S T M A S G R A Z I N G

    All dishes served progressively over the course of 2hrs | Grazing menu designed to share.

    T W O C O U R S E S P L AT E D E N T R E E / M A I N

    Fresh baked bread rolls | Two course plated entrée & main $78 per guest, Thursday - Saturday

    $67 per guest, Sunday - Wednesday

    T W O C O U R S E S P L AT E D M A I N / D E S S E RT

    Fresh baked bread rolls | Two course plated main & dessert $75 per guest, Thursday - Saturday

    $65 per guest, Sunday - Wednesday

    T H R E E C O U R S E S P L AT E D

    Fresh baked bread rolls | Three course plated entrée, main & dessert $95 per guest, Thursday - Saturday

    $80 per guest, Sunday - Wednesday

    E N H A N C E M E N T S

    Three arrival canapés - $18 per guest

    Chefs selection arrival canapés - $15 per guest

    (Arrival canapés - 45 minute duration)

    Individual cheese plate (three cheeses) - $18 per guest

    Chefs amuse-bouche - $7 per guest

    Alternative service - $5 per guest per course

    Add soup course - $9 per guest

    One side dish - $5 per guest | Two side dishes - $8 per guest

    C H R I S T M A S B A N Q U E T

    All plated lunch & dinners include HSW in house roasted coffee & origin tea selection

  • O N E - H O U R PA C K A G E

    $55 per guest

    Two cold + two hot canapés

    One-hour Jilly Wines beverage package

    T W O - H O U R PA C K A G E

    $74 per guest

    Three cold + three hot canapés

    Two-hour Jilly Wines beverage package

    T H R E E - H O U R PA C K A G E

    $91 per guest

    Three cold canape + three hot canape + two substantial canapés

    Three-hour Jilly Wines beverage package

    F O U R- H O U R PA C K A G E

    $126 per guest

    Four cold canapés + four hot canapés + three substantial

    canapés + one dessert canapé

    Four-hour Jilly Wines beverage package

    F I V E - H O U R PA C K A G E

    $143 per guest

    Four cold items + four hot items + four substantial canapés

    + two dessert canapés + late night bite

    Five-hour Jilly Wines beverage package

    C H R I S T M A S C O C K T A I L P A R T I E S

    C O C K TA I L PA C K A G E E N H A N C E M E N T S

    To be purchased in addition to a cocktail package

    Add canapé - $5 per guest

    Add a substantial canapé - $7 per guest

    Add a dessert canapé - $5 per guest

    Add a station - from $15 per guest

    Add a chef station - from $18 per guest

    Upgrade to the “ U N I C O Z E LO & H A RV E S T ” beverage package - $3 per guest

    Upgrade to the “ B I L LY B U T TO N ” beverage package - $12 per guest

    Upgrade to the “ L AT TA V I N O ” beverage package - $20 per guest

  • C O N T A C T

    E M A I L

    [email protected]

    P H O N E

    (07) 3188 9090

    O N L I N E


    LO C AT I O N

    5 Boundary St, Brisbane Q 4000

    I N S TA G R A M | FA C E B O O K

